Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 11, 1920, p. 4

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rn f i upside down br ray pi83k corrrunt int aiou sorry young man said the bprtly mr harare seymour rltlnsjto indicate that the tenminute interview waa at ao end bnt your quest is rutlle t can not allow my daughter to marry a man with no more alluring furore tnan taa one that confront you but weldon miller did not move to ward the door of the hanker afflcc disappointment showed ou w dear- vi i car countenance but through i t lean- xr d afet of aamjei a sqiueiwoit 4 mined 811- lie creasei his fell li r carefiiliyand akefl v then tueree no boiw mrerjeybwar r on fcnow i loye huth sincerely and ha not beailiaebf your financial standing either- if jnst lair 1 want pot jwgtr rponerr v i 34r78ymwd 4a hw w acjrow the room tm rtylly todme- ta v pmr tod are-albout-that- cobcadai hgriti nlixtf smvhowtrar tba la ot the question it ia not eobiqji ottf you yrnot wealthy outtbatypii w ijently ttie not the l he acuweh to accumuuta- mowry my dnnehtef must become tba wifa of a successf u iaaaand he araat hav jh goods to fsyjw that he i awkmhm but you lire a mall- canter ajnd while it la tin liivjiest occupation and a very nccensnrv one in the ronnlnc of the world ii is ao prosaic so devoid at- tlirllln no lacking in opportunity for achievement t hot wall bo j caniigt see much hone for yon yo ad tell me hint ruth iotas yea i be lieve she does or tblnki she does bnt ahe will forget ynu m aorry i let tfi nrntfer o o far i didnt realise that jier ncilvliiea in entertainuu service men would lend to any sutlt iatlana affair in concrete terma mr sajuwut said weldon just what wonjl you roqulre of me to make ma llc1a a onldliiw im detennlned to meet your reqiilreiuents juit tall me how to go about it and ill leave you this was a fair proposltton the banker conceded sit down be said abruptly and dropped into his own swivel chair im wasting time but i want to be square heres the crux of the tiling youre not on your feet flgnratlvoly speaking tonre upside down sine young mn ont of ten are upside down theyre like turtles flopped on their backs unable to make progress some- times a fellow will get on hlfet over night and then he can speed to the heights of success youre honest or you wouldnt be carrying mull for a living youre too honest to succeed my advice njpy sound hard bnt its the only recipe for success go after the coin and get it uo matter bow so long as you dont rug afoul of tne taw use your brains put it over the other fellow grab his coin and youll win everybodys admiration especially your victims to use a harsh but appli cable term youll and inch a course profitable and also thrilling not hum drum like carrying mall ton ask for n plain bust itfeta well here it to it possible and for you it probabiisutfif you can come to me inside of two weeks with a tenthousanddollar bank account you can have both and thseeui be no questions naked it will prove your resourcefulness good dayi weldon miller went to bis boasdlnt house and spent the rest of thelday shut in his room smoking and thlnk- ing early in the evening be appeared to come to a decision for be firing- on his coat and batand took a street car to the second national bank jbhk card drought quick sctlpnl f5prjn tfew moments ha was shaking hand with the president of the institution who appeared to nave seen no more than thirty years by george i im gltd to see you weld said the president shaking bis visitors hand warmly what can i do for yonf ever since i inherited th la soft job ive been trying to sttut you in business but youve always re fused you can do something ail right ferd said weldon accepting a long brown cigar and a light ton can belp turn me rlghtslde up you know old man seymour of th first tnte dont you well listen if there was one subject which mr horace bevmoor was tonchy it- was bis conrage during his rather adventurous career btfatt ssttung down to become rich and rotuhavb vfld bunted in the jungluof both wall street and africa he hod engaged in hot struggles against brokers with money as tb object upd against wild bsaats with llf e qs the staki hebadilevw been afrald and he was proud of it he wbs in bis prime even lit he did tip tho scales at 214 i eat danger waa hi f consequently when the quistton pf courage in aeronautics came up at the jslub one night be took a promlnenl pnrt in the debate he had read lip on the subject mora brleis and tnwniraed tborolo of an aqthdrlty v it takes nerve fb fly he admitted mbtit not so much na i have bean forced to display at times on terra flrmu be thcp related aomi instnnceo to uprove bia statement it may ba true observed george hoillstek the young presment of tb hecon national bank taat gelanui in au alrablp doej not reonlre an stn miibiidt or couaafe but when it comet ii iwylmjlbafoop nd going through iwsowdnt try it yourseu wouldnt ueyl how much do you went to bet on thatj til wager ten thousand replied the challenger thai ix yon will go ur in au slrpane and let the aviator put you through a progsajn of stunts you mil be crying quit inside of an boar after loavlpg the graimov ite s go sald mr seymour put op th cash a committee was selected to r rang for the bet all that was neces sary was to secure the services of an aviator at the locaj flying held and wear mm to secrecy for it would nut do for the beymour family to learn ot the matter the arpngeoenta wer duly made and two days later on drar aftstnojtsf mrt seymour ulrej 61 iavlshlon clbtbesi ai strappad to the passenger eafofa bplan if bar was wervons belt to bfscredhtbat he om not sbow jt tb plans roigrscs fbily and lir- seyinodr stomach ssensid- tb enjnb intq hi throat with the satnoutojlon if had read it ws bsstnoltp loskdown sdho kept his gate- aveftdlib the- result that on dh not suffer severe osuses- in fact wnjoyfnuiasnsttqi at hft l through- spaci and eoald not cralt from wenmllypooaypoohlng m 0 dabgejcs- of ivlauon and- emdckllncg j over t be tat thousand tiiaf would ba his- however nehad vsckboed not with the roan in control of the craft- sod- denly the n tipped and started bos first- i 5 s wr earth the banker lot and clung desperately to- tn sat- it seemed that be was going to be dashed to pieces butabraptlj jha nhui right ed itself and sho unward m the sijm anglsi then it ttrngkl far on onjsme and seemed abot to tfp w complwily over bnt recove it eqnfillnium and- lipped to tha other guide before mr seyiuonr contd realise wbav bad oc curred the nnicgjltye took anofber nose illrc this time dropping ao far that it almost scrsped the top of a tree then up far op it soared- agsfn and heaven i it turned completely over sideways and began roiling over and over this tasted for it seemed an hour although il was actually only fif teen seconds hardly had the craft got to a horizontal poaltlon when it took another dive bnt instead of bead ing for th earth the nose turned dear udder tlufajmh was shut jot and dw pav3ai mogegb fauins rap1ll tn 1sseng erld bsvef sworn hhal the machine had dropped fifty tnlesut it was oply a thousand feet wbentt straggled once more to an upright position and began looplng- thelopp eaiough groaned mr seymour through the speaklns tube get me to i he ground in safety and you can have unytblng i own the next day mr seymour did not get to the once until mldafternoon he found weldon miller awaiting bun the banker glared at him and inquired brusquely ss to his errand ive jgo the ten thousand tuild the youngman holding ont a bank book sjssbfts jw w tnerinor t have your consent to mar ry ruth mr seymour stood at hi desk and glared afiwejdon waoftjom get that stuff r he m5that wumatrear 0 jroq mean ten owssandt doydd mean contaeit eldon helped himself to a seat i won the ten thousand in s bet ha said mst- holllstlar ef the sscond notional loaned me an equal amonnt and put it dp for me and while we were dolngtunu in the sky yon told tne i couhjhsve sriytulog yon owned if i put you safely back on the ground vnif hrm al alrfmafl mjri meat market wh tlie lanker ttped inftthls chair flabbergasted yon win arsald wft f o it is eknerson who aomewbtre saya thatitner average rub of mefret and oul forget itself into immortsllty many hundred yean before a much wiser man had said tor whosoever w save bla gv shall lose it and wtfosoevef wtlj foe bis life for my sakw a rather cryptic utterance so con tradictory in sound that the majority of men pass it by unheeding but now and then there cornea man jhyvisdirjtrmtbibarnesse hlillfsiwa fsgewivry setntsi thought and purpose ofteif he know himself to be a little bar the world beholding the marvel of bis influence remembers him and calls hinsirreal4bmce marlon in nea boob fertvnat land purohsj a tower bunt by michael angelo id 1867 at the edge of the medlter- nannrfciuvnowi mil uilwd in 1880 tlie boman government sold to theimarcbese gugllelrao of clvlta veev chla a bltof land uironnded by two anna of tne tiber river there were ao gtipnlaloli ss fo increases by de posit but the fiscal authorities in 1896wfound that the surfacs of the la- land hidbeenlncroased almost half again tba dimension the marches 1 vivnortfin mrs kawler they hnvenl been keepinghouse very long hfeve they mrs hiram often oroclou no vhy she can recall the names of all thvhwp theyve had rih mast of heef thick rib roast rf liool sliouldor ionxl ot beef slqwink heef bib boil rump roast corn beef pork shoulder of pork s loin ioau fiesl hairis v pcirftdhoips loin f slibulffer ctipw i v sideippi-k- veajphbpa- shoulder ehojjs shouldeir roast stewing eam i 1 iim le dt lainb slbolerlarnb 1 jjointmnb vvv t j psi sioked aide liacohslftu or hajf sidle alioed bacon t sraokcd iprr whole oj ealf i cut tae roll smoked hairj wbole or hal f- rr snioked shced hfttp lb 20 lb pail of lard 81b pail of lard 1 lb brick of lard 8 lb pail of shortening 1 lb hriok of shortening 6 lb pail of shortening dftvies pork and beans tomatoeb 8 cans for corn 8 cane for pean 8 cans for tiger brand salmon large tin tigjr brand aulmon small tin sunflower salmon large tin sunflower salmon small tin ftah t bc salmon whole or half pertb bc salmon sliced per lb finrian haddio fillets cisooes i lake herring per doz cheese 3so per lb v freali bonei oround sally 29c 28c 20o 25c 24o 2c 18 de 20c 28u 88c 82o 6fi- k0o ijkte- iflap- 82o 80o 84b- 8q 2c qo iiif wo 46b 8a 82o alo 85o 88c 666 100 86o 95o 82o 166 9 11 j8c 6fio uvery andsales stables rrow qpen at tauafl bble ratoiiibbhvrsia ami rigs- fctf- j til t- at reasonable prices horses al way for sale pbone 3j1 georaeiawn choice ftuit apd yegetables in 8ea8or at most reasonable prices get our prices 60o 5go 88c j9c j8o loo isc 18c 15o 20o 21c 46o watch our window for specials on saturday w j patterson main street georgetown phone no nqrval flou mills r begin the new year by using our wellknown brands of flour on sale by all grocers car of corn just arrive we have always on hand bran shorts mixed feed oil calte molets- ses meal calf meal and salt w j campbell ltd- norval ontario jmbuck butcher always ksevs a chioios stash or th bast nrocbxmbla la fraab suid salt mnti whlob he ulli at th lowest possihlc prices canuda pood board license no 9 2108 get tlie best i iikkm inspect our stock of babjrs and childrens wear of nil kinds also fiuicy wocula we coiiliiilly invili tlif liuliin nf oenirrlown and uiinilj to cull mid naplvl mir hlnck mrs a watson mrs e wlnfield oeoboitown a restivo main street georgetown arthur b castell t s f oouage ofmnalo sonaon ffnalaksid oholrsamatsr praabirtarlaii oburob oaajrcetown teaoher of piano or gs cornet violin nd singing tulllon fe- on any branch 8 per turm m 20 lekon at my rukt- ilenoe main st oeorifrtown or at pupils home pianos tunkd it sisivciu uu ufjianw fish for choice quality salmon haddies fillets bloaters ciscoes nepdnserroqfb mimnskiparoio rooino twfaonsrr twin chincus look for the roff with the paroid lai tb 8kivb4s nstooet ff rtect your harvest so much of your property harvested crops stock and mtenmery can be destroyed by the weather or fire you really must have the protection provided by the famous roofing a kmgh felt thoroughly saturated witheeuunie asphalt f js jnade with grey surface also with rbq v cfrgbn crushed slatej ferftitv nenr colors neponset roofs isave jrpu mpney soli by horjwort i lurnktr dtmtmt neponsettwiitshliiles for all rosidsocs bird son head office hamilton ont wajujhouses montreal toronto winnipeg calgary edmonton st john th largest mauiufacturera of roofings wall board and roofing felts in canada w c anthony georgetown hirschorns ladies and tailoring we are offering some exceptional values during this month call and see for yourself a hirschorn brooke block georareio try clifford linh am phone 196 main street the bestsbraaton goal in all sizes mteifi or n ims im4 ixoub feed provisions john ballantine futone so main street the home of the best quality bread all kinds of fancy baking at al irnes lands forale in alberta edmoafoa wslrld where tho orops aio ood ovtiry year bitliea quarter section half threoqiiarleis o- full section im proved well settled for information write t cook room 20 hortlake blk edmonton alia a car of choice corn just arrived robert noble limited norval ontario saturpavs special cream rolls and puffs filled with real jgrearn or f mm tf i no shovelling roojnlred standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded do you want insurance if you do i am prepared tq give you insurance in any of the following firstclass companies vi british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guirdian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w jroe phone s06 georgetown w a bailey h aaness now for the good old winter time call at the harness shopand see the fne assortment of bells blankets and robes and a good supply of everything tc be found in uptodate har ness shop hepsjrlbgprsbtptljr attended to w a bailey main street georgetmir arsasaj jum yon bear r th s ssx fltavrs au neoarat at tlsetevboit v frank king sealer georgetown a vv this is you afe interested in the high coat ot llyinff suppose you had to replace your house or the contents of it and buy everything oventgain you would need double aa much mon ey to do it aa in september 1914 everything has none up the purchaa- injp power of the dollar is about 47c com pared with september 1914 building coita of all kinds have nearly doubled clothing ia ffoing up every day boots and shoes furniture curtains car pets food fuel everything costv more fire may destroy your entire prorty any minute your 100000 policy today wont buy half what it would three year ago so you need more insurance one thing in the world has not increased in coat that is insurance the thing you need most in short what you most need is the cheapest thintr you can buy protection vou need the best kind of protection too you can have it the best costs no more than the worst phone me how much more cover you require and we will put it on today or we will pall value your property and give you the necessary protec tion r j hynds qaawral uiuum agant psaae 2tt cargetowa deering farm machinery international tract os gasoline engine snarpleas mechanical milking maonlnea carload of wire fencing at boiisomiblo irioea cutters and sleigha the most modern made b the best makers a full linn of galvanized roofing etc hone 101 r 88 thos e hew son norval ont bsnyibsjbf oatrs daily for qualified rocruits a course in one of 8hfiy3 snhooln vyill qualify yon in short order write for cat alogue and proof of demand for our graduates addlees p molntosh chief-prinpi- pal yonge and qerrard 8ts toronto select- lump for porresjic kind threshink puriiosss srrjithinb and oivnnol goal- in foot i oiirry ovocytliing to be found in an uptodate coal and wood taid john mcdonald georgetown creamery a georgetown ont january 12th 1020 we the georgetown creamery agree to supply you with blpnlia of ioe or tho sum of twentyfive cents per block ono luinrtred pound weight iu each blook delivered to your storp in oeorgetown or private at your house for thir tylive oents per block this prioe at twentyfive cents is good for not less tbnn one hundred blooks dur ing the season anything less than onebundred blocks will come under the rate at tlnrtydvo cents per blook this agreement is accepted byjboth parties ejigripd signed anyone wibhirjg a contract for joo kindly ppv 0 mr saxe at obeo n life insurance protect your wife children yourself and your business with a polioy in tho great west life as surance co the lowest rates with the best results for particulars see psbp sop oeobocvowbt 9vf georgetown creamery co msacke manager urn canada business college couasialna is torontos popular commer cial sohool positions guar- teed individual instruction enter any day mail courses bfeotton president r 1 oaisipltpt itprentff invllaa the palronsssj pf all whp- ilclfe aupcricr trslnlinoel our 0avlpgiia ftit pnr rocorf ineoi depld enter npw nfj- iptfftiprippipa w

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