the 1 fiftytuibd year of publication georgetown wednesday evening februajryi8th 192q 1 11 sim per aunt er tmshf pamli a4vano fje georgetojvn herald l puuhma llii weq4t80av evening at the 7ifrald power printing office georutown out bl contract advertising rates furnishedon applieetiu ten cinttf wr hire fur ural liiherlliiii 4 live veiita per tliie furudli eubat- imwt luhertluilwill lie cliulged jtr au iranahjit oxtvoitlneiyoui twelve iur tosir-lnch- i y advertisement without epeoluo dl- recnjoiie will bo inverted until torbld old ctmrid accordingly adveruseftients- will be chansorl once uu month wlllidut omra charge haftok fvr coiitinlctauvoniaorjneiit nit iie iiiilir oiihwfiy moihiluy 4vn v 3jrbscklrtlon rtes it r tci i fi if jlv s- 1lililtlnjlluoents iii ad- ilte kmiii u iaiel shears ilia date muiv ulacrjmtlou eagres 0 i alltorpubluhev r x i- otvtiisltamv going eaht 7 passenger ti 72 ttiui passenger 1010 am mail 1185 am passenger s u5 pm usui 028 pni passenger 826 pm 711 pm wrigley5 the greatest name in goody land passenger sunday going west 757 a in 10 10 am 810 pui 450 pm t9 passenger mail f passeuger passenger passenger 0o1 pm mail 757 pm passenger sunday 1016 am ooino north mail 800 am mail cio pni ooino booth- mail 1188 nm mail hoo pm toronto suburban raliwa daily xuletablk am pm pm uoing east 10 224 640 going west 865 810 789 sundavttimbtahiib uoiug iiust pm pan pm 1220 846 610 n- jl btmit tor these tikes wrigleys juicy fruit chewinggum liaiiaiiaiibiiaiiamsiiaiibiibiiaii t n d0ublemint shewing am 1021 am going west 1040 pm 610 p in 917 pm 98f counter cheek books at the herald tight kept right avour lasts st georges church rv wm burt tu tik rao tor sunday arvic as follows ahluuua 11 a m uviuhiiic 7 p m tiuuuuy fcfviiooi tf46 a m in bauw uiiit iiuly cumin union 11 and 3rti huhtitum of mcu month at 11 a m legal shilton walxbridoe a dale barriaurii solieitors ete toronto atd ueoraolown olllc kennedy block lm loy uule in oharyc ol georare- w uuleo miujical or joseph moanorew phyaioian and surgeon medical ullluer o health ululi i suitfeoii u t u otnoe houre 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 58 uimce and realdence main utreel 4outh opioelte hieabyterlan church dental frank r watson d d 8 m o s dentist georgetown ont lluura v a in to i p m exoep i iiurxduy atternoon uentletiy ill ull lt bnuichea over bell telephone offiot f l heath l o8 o 0 s- dentiat oince lii lane block one door norti or oneilla carriaa factory hour- ii m to 6 p m- chiropractic xo madlolne auraerr oi oeuoptnr 4 k jfeilsom do gpidqate of lh hlmer school ol tntro- prhctic cbiropmctice fountain head paveiipqrt iowa usa ujllce oyer hourlguua drug store opuaultatlon and spinal anaiyeiu frr qpfcb hopr8 tuenlaj ail satur- i oipni and 130 to 8 jo pm phdnr office and keiidence isow auctioneebs benj petch lloeneed auctioneer or halton and peel qlenwllllama poet oinee baler oonduoted eatlafactorlly and at rea- aonable ratee orders left at the georgetown herald oiuee will receive prompt attention mltqrtfrentiss riolnbkrs a eolor fpy 8lpq machinftdv uk0k8rs pieiiric itupaira tohonto j atra0y r clerk towimlilp otlieilbeelng hft clerk 3rd dlvlelon court the loading fire and lite iniuranoo ee represented issuer of marriage lloenem offlee hill street weit oeoriftowri ones hours wedrieedsy and sat j lavafternnong dsv shoe repairing we have the most uptodate machinery and can assure you firstclass work at a fair price skates sharpened if your skates needsharpening this is the place to bring them wo have an expert skate sharpener whatcah0unieti r when trxvlhig and moro artjeularly yrljen large siimi akjeiitiirpd isbest earned in the form of a le ltir of credit issued by the merchants bank this old establlnhol form of international banuna la nmforred ly rii y ijirieinetl traveller because of ltu nbsnuto socmity lettcrh of credit ava conhed only by banks em banlting rirporitlini nrnl aftor tio identity of tha holdr is ettabllahed to tho njtisfoction of the bank s9 ofliclals lhts innures ftafaty iiul aiards agminat ions and tho ft th mcrchants bank head office montreal of canaqa establhthod 1864 georgetown branch h r mimms mjtager acton branch l b sh mana babkbbsbsssnaabaaabbsaamsrabbbb thy kingdom come thy will be done matt 6 10 father to thee we turn for thoe our spirits yearn o belp us now to learn and do thy will blest saviour in her need thy churchs welfare speed lina ikjve her grace to heed v tjj wojd sd will i 0 bid bet- forward ifo thy t ruth and lore to show that all the earth tttayjenow s tay bleased will prom sost4p western shore rich u ts alnd r4ees pourt that men rnaylovctjhee paore tnrougb gooa aod ill j bid strifo nnddisoor cea brjpg ip tty reign 3f peaoo mako righlebusoess increase thy writ tulfl great spirit bear oar prayej enfold tts in thy csftre- and shed forth 1 everywhere peaoeand goodwill bishop reeve farmers bank on tuesday of last week a meet ing of representatives of the de positors in all branches of the detanot farmers bank was held at the walker house toronto it was unanimously decided to for vard a petition to the premier and members 6f the house of commons asking that- the neoes- sary legislatiori repassed by par manjentlav the winipgaessiorj to teimbarm the deposjtork for tbei losses a composed of the following will iakejobarge of the petitjoql bevteorge bibnonri bipley bev 0 j bisjjitvbarrjla john q ashmore onsfor4 a minthorne oftkwpod tim wb p9llard tiiol the sr involved is il2060qq h v7eldnnj of ftiny sojiwir fpr piokshbblt canada it is gratifying to note is getting a better ctaaa of immi grants now that more discretion being used in the class admitted during- 1919 aorde 117088 persona were admitted 6789a mors than in 1918 it is notable that allbut 8818 of the 117688 who eainoast year are t rnm the britishtslei and the onlt 68 the care exercised ininrlngirnmlmrat as titeli suitability is ahowsi in ibe face that aerlsi tfetna proposing 150 mttie jtomrmoa wrs refpkeasflmrtiarfi mh rriri t h rumford eoegr3town main street the man who has been satisfying the people who have been buying hauses in georgetown is e a benham i have sold many houses in the past few months and i have yet a number of beautiful homes ranging in price from 1500 to 6500 toms can be arranged to suit the purchaser on any of these properties for particulars apply to box 185 or phone 164 e a benham real estate georgetown 4 lb tins marmalade 44 oz jars marninlado rr 18 oz jars inaiinalodo 4 lb tin strawberry jam 4 jbi wn raspberry jnm 4 lb tin apple and strawberry jam 4 lb tin apple and raspberry jam 2 lbs hub evaporated penchoo por lb prunes per lj 6 lii- pltk jininet table rniinn lb pita 100 90 80 1h5 185 00 90 45 88 25 fy an 140 40 we have a few barrels which- we are offering coarso salt iur bbl fine salt per bbl salt special of fine and coarse 9825 800 phone 7s lrtwnjl peirf radiat re has your auto radiator been frozen or is it leaking it is importcint it should have attention we repair radiators of ml kinds and guarantee them to give satisfaction all radi- itors tested with air pressure call and have your batteries tested we stoie batteries either wet or dry for the winter and are capable of doing all repairs necessary to put your battery in first class condition for following season jfcli charges reasonable and work guaranteed georgetown garage c e baker proprietor phone 171 irwphwp toronto 015 pm daily mit ajodlm ibuimwtr msadsre uesslag walaf tssrim aai psrter 9 t tae teoitea qa3o3f fhstsjutset f eieioi mmkthin teisele in one of the toronto schools a teacher asked the class of what use is a windmill on a farm the reply of a boy was to keep the hired man cool v money orders when you de sire to remit money secure a on b express money order at the badial station b o oowlee agent georgetown tf properties for sale to rent a fine large briok house with all modern conveni ences hot- water hfating houses and loti alao three acred of land with good buildings bargain for this week house and lot cm charles st on easy terms also two frond farms in this vicinity lowest commrjsion phone 173 j- htane leal estate afenl herald bug guelph ontario placed your friend in that po sition of responsibility ask the busjness men in your town about our graduates and undergraduates come along on monday a l bouck prindpal canadian national railuians tbe depositors belief cbmmitfcee explained tbrasttfae relief meaure ibtroaaoed by the fjnanee mini ter in i 1914 was passed hy the com- piqjjs and defeated by the senatci bir boheri borden nad promisee to reintroduce the bill attbe fol lowing sessjon but he broke ou in the moautirne aijid tle de positors felt it wbud jiot be mirl otic to push tjhe majtter at thajf time this is not a qoeation of a bounty or a gift but it is a just debt due by the people of canada said mr weldqn who charged negligence on the part of the te sury board in isaqing acertiacate to the bankj b h halberi f promised his support in the matter if there had bein no hoose of befnge he belie ved the ufeppsi- tors wouldhaye had satisfeoion loqg ago ft is the ctevernrrierit s business and not the benaljea tq see the people get tjheir money you come fp ottawa and- i wiflrtry to sea that yon are not used as the farmers were on the last oc casion it baa been intimati accobdrmto slrorgl palsh bad tirneaheaa for linnistiilif- generaj death fatniney rionger v and pow pestilence anpekrsto- the only things tha war has brboght p most vve onlyhope and trasfc that paish wflli nm the false rwphet oma h good jen have bmn whose pre lotions wereforirid tobjnnse in past instances jrw hipm- trfdod steady employrneat atbigb wages and if it has also brought about iughproojof living the fasler isdatsjioabsviahm ed for aocompadimeat of the other messinge it will bewell to kp an eye on the storm olonds that are hqyerjng abpnt bob there is no oau to be too pessjinivtio ijji k si i j j k ifa m2i said mr minthorne of oawi oj0 organuser that thereis power behind the throne whor ever that power may have beep it is today the ujio for 1 have learned that 76 per pent of the de positors are now members of the ufq a resolution was endors ed asking that future expenses in the fight of the depositors be paid by the liquidator instead of by the depositors personally halton is heavily interested in the move for reimbursement perhaps mqre so than any other county a large amount was deposited in the mil ton and norval branches of the bank write aejsej main street nt mcaibbon hptol baay to learn tlasy to tend easy to write the course that qualifies you hotter in stnndard time ofneinl notos and a fieo trial lesson forwarded without obliga tion uion request write ns today brampton business inst c e boiisfieu prld brampton ontario big price for fura before you eo hiefar 1 can hmuro you a good plco for them drop a card to mo k- s oeaitbaw t csemmtsttoim the praqtice of listening in on rural lines does more perhaps than anv other to lessen the use fulness of the teephone to the farmer and his household upholding the action of the sandwich west telephone com pany in removing telephone equip- ment from the home of albemy meloche beoanse it was claimed members of the family bad listen- ed in on party lines justice of the peace joseph white at sand- wioh thursday january sshd dismissed the suit brought by meloche against the company testimony of 27 witnesses was heard before a decision was reach ed some of the witnesses told the court the meloohe family had interrupted oalls on party lines during whioh strong language was used the court held that meloohe bad violated the companys rules in allowing his family to intrude on busy lines ttaay ran dtsappaarad where are all those weather pro phets who assured us that this would bea mild and open winter in the fall one fellow said the pigs liver doped it all out that the cold days would be few and far apart another equally good pervaiicator said that the animalsfnr was thin still another made similar predic tions because the squirrels did not store up food etc all these lioi have crawled nuclei- the bod ex change not good it isnt good business to expeqt something for nothingi yet most newspaper offices we presuni have a olass arouno them that are often or always looking tor free advertising a person bns no more right to export free advertising than a newspaper man has to expect a merchant to give him a pound of tea or a bar of soap for nothing the publisher of a newspaper- has to make his living from 8 son roes of income subscriptions advertis ing and job work when he gives away one or the other of these he is giving away part of bis living the individual oi the society who seeks publicity through a news paper is doing so with the expecta tion of gaining something by it and has a right to pay for the servioeb wauinston pleases dead elizabeth ann strange the old- ost resident in bockwood distrtot died february 8 aged- 90 years sin months she was the widow of ool henry straago mrs strange was bora in condon england and came to canada when ten years of age and settled in quelpi when 17 she married gp strange nd lived 8 miles from guelph where is now the village pf book wood she has seen the vnimeana sur- rodnding covin try v0otup to its showas woniari and t for the munlolpality was tle ofbojlat turning on pf hy dro power tare a jew years rigo of or 14 children 0 sumve for hasborid who died in j pw jwassbn snols of the present llenbeqlriw rfovsrnpeotpotvsio vv 4l trnt 8ncctw8 op the united farmers ox ontario at tnpoibjias pctober whieh was oot of pro- portion tar the number of tijeh- members has stifflfllafjedthe dr- ganliatidn of farmers clubs dur ing tlmvjast thrae months fnuyone bunded ibw branches or thin ttf fco 6m0 mmhersxt fetbe pweroi trjbjq inemksiftwnlop nwjivrt omtfeii pipm i m s membership woolcl enthusiostics in the fanbers are convinced that were another efeotibn inontawo manekiesslry hn early dale the dpoi wonld elect at least a dosen more mem bers than it has in the present legislature axmsajaat staliaf armenian relief ifat collected by t boland and sent to a ju cameron treasurer canadiaribajda of commerce toronto t boland mid wife s 00 r i creelman 3 00 w kennedy s 00 mr mcbaan t 00 u v hourigran i 00 wm barber i 00 w k i 00 morley pattit 2 00 merchants 3 00 c greensides 100 d boedlce 100 las mcdbiigal 2 00 h p uiraon 5 00 v kins i 00 leroydale 100 a friend 100 vllotssyres 100 h bv deitmnce 100 mravblofrrtam 2 00 b qojjjipr 1 00 j awwougbby 2 00 small sums is 47 75 sarisaisiliasta a young woman 82 years of age daughter of a returned soldier named ayton who is now in hos pital has interviewed police mag istrate dice she told mr dies that on january 1st a nasaaga weya woman persnaded her to marry amps gardiner a man whom she had never seen until that day a license was got in milton the ceremony performed by an esquesing minister and the girl has never lived with her hus band gardiner is a widower ag ed about 87 an j has four small children all of them wards of the childrens aid society the girl said gardiner had been trying to force her to live with him and threatened her with tronbloif she refused the pm tolrllior gard iner eon id make no soriouslegal trouble but she could get nore- loaflri except by dirnrea milton champion what tha pmaofcsr gala it r while tho editor of a certain newspaper was away fropn rjom awhile ht left the paper inoharge pf a ninjpter qf he psnei dpi yfpjwpbjirfflce the following letter camo front s suhaorlber i know very well that paid my subscription to ypur v thejaiajt time i ain yoor if i got any mora lettors from yajf aa rreoei week i vih come lu and maul- dhtof you the minister answered the note ike this i have been trying tp get that out of the editor fortjbe last tq yipiu8 and if yon will oome down and haul it outqt hm thfn iriy dear sir i lavp twenty nienv borsof my church i will let yon opprato on exchange v have you asthma dmic m i 1 31 m wl i tjm