Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1920, p. 2

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v r- w h willson undertaker and licensed embalmer attain st otorfitoww automobile or 1 1 on- drawn hme ilunie night or day 54w or slj l i births mariars and rsiths arr clmrjfou for at the followlig ruieai birthn 2scj marriagea soci uealha soct memor al carsl c 8c pur ijne extra for poems few w born roiklnghounk at gleiiwillikms on feb- runr i2lh 1920 to mr and mm c r i olkiiikhorne a on lome edwin lhdwidoe at terra loita jn february i8lh to mr and mrs charles ledwdg a dnu linniw -v- bifd v ityndft to trra coitaontuway rur 19 1920 ante mwa ru ledice afed 32 yars 6 months and 28 day vtabhks- in toronto gene ral hoapiuii on friday february j0tj 3 lillian dirukhter qfmr and mrs f j vrneit ri ii 7 2ay 1920 mark f lark it to his 80th yenr xi v orayr- at toronto on february r9th jm ellwibetb otay mrmerly 91wjff- likrd bzyn beloved mother of mh i mkre oflti aotonfree irejs macbintdar 2 athtii west cbilifumiiuyi on tueaday feb ruhrylih t macdonad fflw fful year the funeral will lake place fm hi late rsidenceoii saturday february 28th t 2pm service in union cburcb in- torment in union church cemetery in memoriam smnln loving memory of ceorfc lcnimrd spires who died al the baie hospital kebruary 23rd 1918 the hint- hm itonc two year have pa- and we have panted tlyough aunablnr and rain since jeaua called him to hl home and freed him from all pain no more we ee him in our midst no more hla vole we hear for deaih haa been and arote away the one we loved o dear mother father slater and brother sciioale in loving memory of 678677 ilmieer joseph h sthoales i6lh ball and 2nd iioneer only aon of mr and mra j h shoale 61 oolf vlewave twonlo formerly of slewartlown hi lda in action february 26lh 1917 in hln 20lh year uncle and aunt the georgeto hera wiiiihhiii evb feb 26th 1020 225 i0j 367 444 oo 353 359 83 obituary ma by lillian wabnbs the honih t mr and mra f i wuiiiph cleoietnwd whs sadden ed lht week when word waa re ceived hint their dwrly beloved dun hloi alarj lillian had died at tniiinlo hospital on friday fvih nary 201 h dioased wo hum in en lucid 25 faih ao ana iniii to tniiiclii with lier iarenth h liltlt- uvii ih ce i ilia ajo com inulmni on mii villi- tn geoiuetown a year t n lust fit 1 dceied wim n nietuboi nf the methodisi chin cli anil the funeral spivioeon alinlin wan uoniliited b bev mr da iiuuii inteimint tonk iluce in uivenwoud getiiater mr ami mra warties have the hyini ath o the community in thiir tuul bircaviinent make clark sb aftei an illness of a few days fnllowin- a slight stroke mr mark clark sr one of our moat hiuhly ro i ice ted rohuiiiitb lanhed awftv til tin inline of hi aon on monday lait dfiifheil wan borit in ol imva in 1841 was married in 1874 ilml rnmi in ilimvjilianib in 187m uliiie he reidid until a few munlhx iik vhiii ho removed to ui01rotown tlie late mr qlark uhh a hainphs maker by trade but hail lieiii niht watch man at the lu i ii i mi i ik hvre for many yeara he t qirmivr of the orame oiloi a faithful utt iilant of in- aiuiuhii chinch and a man v ho trim held in the biuhest esteem i all wn know inrri buuideu his widow lie leaves one son mr mark clark jr tlic funeral took place this after noon to green woo j cemetery the service belny conduoted by bev wm burt mrs thomas white the news of the death of mrs thtiit u white of mono in lord dnflorin uospitftl oiangeville late on friday afternoon february 16 came as a tfroat shock to a wide oirole of friends and acqtinintan ees tier death was doe to a se yere attack of bronohial pneumon ia shortly after the birtb of a ohild mrs white was the young est daughter of imra james mb- master prince of wales boat mono she was a young woman of many accomplishments beinit particularly gifted as a musician she wa8a finished pianfste and prior to her marriage was a stio- cesaful musio teacher her un timely death is a severe blow to the husband and little family she leaves two sons the older of whom bus been and is still serionsr ly ill with the influenza the younuer is a babe only a couple of weeks old mrs white is also survived by her axed mother three brothers messrs john a momas- terof vancouver j wt momaster or snelurove and 3 b momaster of mono and two sisters mrs a m laird of norval and mrs t j harsbaw of mono roraogeville banner official record ol flal- ion ballots premier druye majority 808 over aldiaa- oaadldau at his oblc3 in milton on mon day b l hemutreet returniou officer made bis offloial declaration or the ballots oast for premier e c drary and his opponent ed j stephenson soldier candidate in tbe halton byelection last mori day following ia a recupitulii- tion orury slephenaon acton 247 llurlitlfrton 196 lleortcetowu 233 milton 211 taville s28 khquesing 725 nmaaaraweya 451 njmr 775 trafalgar v lo total v t 4419 2m1 majority for e c drory 2308 raney by acdamalioii hon w bane y s k0 wisw ifibcial ly deilare elected byj at- claniattonato the constituency tt bast iwellipwvon 6n 1tpdffy by j b moon of mount forest return mr ofnper col pritpbirdwjipae irominatlqp or eoate ti me hadbeaii rorenasted iearlyitoday decided not texjonteet the mdin andhria nomination papers wetenothanded in so far he hts made no state irtent regardingbis anexpeetedund audden witbdravraifiom ihr-un- test all members of the ufo labui cabinet have now secured seats o0peraltvc sodety hu svplis ftr three months the georgetown and glen williama co operative society ltd which oonduots a grocery and pro vision store has just issued its financial statement to its members covering the first three montha trading operations7endinu january 81 a turnover of 89151 68 was dune in groceries provisions etc and after payment of interest on capital and expenses of operation a net surplus is shown for the threemonths of 46648 of this amount 86220 js being applied to the return to members in ca h of five per cent of the amount of their purchases during the period 60 is transferred to reserve fund and 6828 carried forward the society has a membership of 180 with an agure ale share iapital investment of 8046 at the end of the qua ter it hud a balance irr bank of 121442 and on band of 20287 b ihe interest ei church going tek kby notr the key note to huiposm in church work is inomiitlioii all iulhhu and all pulliiiu the sanu- way at the same time the church is like a- waon heavily loaded it is in daner of stallint then those who have hern ridinu should et off and et behind the wheels what would you think of one trying to turn one wheel backward while another was try inn his beat to turn his wheel forward be careful not to clo the ohuroh wheels of progress keep in mind that tbe key note to success is en operation are you flttinu into your place and doing your part to make youy ohuroh a success see that your pew is not empty next sun jay church news- methodist the church hciioiii at 11 a m sermon sulijeot elements of a chinches success everyone ought to have it church home if you have none come with ue join one of our big interoxtinu organized bible classes evening sonvioe 7 pm sermon subjeot overcnminu evil baptibt y apublio lecture will be given by dr oline friday evening on k of k kitchener of khartoum ihe man with the iron brain mr w hortop and- mr frank mcdonald are expected to sing mr c b day foot will occupy the chair collection in aid of tbe womens society following the leotnre there will be tbe unveiling of the memorial tablet recently placed in the ohuroh in honor of the late 8ert mgilbert grainger the- pastor will preach next biiqday morning and evening rheumatism this is just tfce season whenbheumatljm wlthlfi forward movement following ure the results of the forward movement- ciiiiviibs by the different denominations- in georgetown objective aint raieil preibyterimi 4600 8600 methodist 2080 8o0o baptist 760 780 anglican obohoitown dlstbict objective suhxprihed norval 700 1042 i lornby 860 1000 acton 1000 17h6 sipwarttown 800 860 fleiitotowii 1200 ltc4 ilenwiluanik 800 1521 total 4860 7816 georgetiown and stewaivbiovrn rtpinkytyvtbdiitltte auction sales wednbsiiat ub0r 17ith at hit 18 cin4rtafajar forii stock abjd iniilert4tstiviibiibrtyul t jclalhraiitiibp peteh atjjfiiuwev 2t vjdnpiy 22nd attpto otih 1 tiafalnril rail svjuih of miitovri fiumstookttiia lrjple mefits tlie- property of j j willson- ben patol auction ieer 2t augtion sale jersey pure of bred and grade cattle and pigs the underhiiicd hit received nut ru lions from 0 ar3lie mokeown to sell hy public hurtiun hi lot 2 2nd line erin one anil u half miles west of actum on wednesday march loth at 0110 oetocjt aliarp the followitit iurk hnwn jkrsbys fawn cow 4 yrt fretth fuwii cow i yrs frenh fawn cow 5 yrafdtie april 26 pawn heifer i yr heifer talf bull imlf lltadb jkrskv dark cow 3 r fresh rrindle cow ti y rs freh fhwii cow 6 yri freh fhwii cow 4rn freh payti caw 6 yr due march 27 dark tow 3 yrv due april 1 fwn cow 4 yr due april 12 drk cow 3 yr due jul i young itattle pawn heifer due april 1 fawn heifer tiue june 10 fawn heifr due june 24 khwii heifer due june 29 pawn lieifcr mm 2 jrn 4 fawn bettor rix 1 yr dark htifer rim 1 yr 4oiiiik ilvet plgb6 pin 125 jbi eitch tbrmrtintie iiionihk cicdii on approv ed joint iiils hive per cent per auniun off for riixlt yoimjf calves ah the mitrniptf irulim will ie met nt ar ton sihlimi on inornniu of iitlc even tiling will be ho id wilhotit reflcrvt- hh the proprietor in om out tf ik dairv tiuinetir w k lraham ben 1ktch clerk auctioneer auction sale notice to creditors in tbe neattvr of the natal tf joka j allen latuf tae vlllaae f 4jrs- tx in the 0mt llaltoa trev- viler deeciiktea notice is hereby flvojs pureuant to eclion 50 or- tho truatevv act r8o til i chapter 121 tki all cradttora or othr ha vine cuime or demand 4aaint tho eatate of tha said john j allen who died on or about the toc- ortd day of pebruarf ad 1020 at tbe vulike of joraitown are required on or before the second day of april 1920 to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for christina kl allen the admlnlsira- trlx of the estate of the said john j allen dwceajj their christian names and surnames mddreiae and descrlp- tlom the full purikulare in writing of their claims a iiatoment of their accounts and the nature of tho securi ty if any held by them and take notice that after such last mentioned date tho uald administrator will proceed to distribute the asset of the said deceased ni o n s the partlos entitled thereto hav ing regard only to the claims of which sho shall then have notlco7ond that the said administratrix will not be liable tor the said assets or arty part thereof to any person or tfersuruj hose olafip jiouqe sfynh 4iot i jjil ir big february clearing sale or wioa- btfall tacalyadl iter at joidt havil the tni isronyai4brincbi ft dale i jonoltur for tbo ald admtitratri piued- at qoorsetown this 33rd notice to creditors jrorajawa la ifui ortai wfgfttws to taafooajf jtba5y sotleo- 1 liifrtjiytttvotl purauant to leotfea 5s pfthotruatom aor off u ti 1ph chapt othra bar nsa tprt ity othi 5avlhsf7ofaiifi o demivmlj ajntnat the aatato of tbe aftfthouab f claim- or hw alo of tbe m thouab who died oitfir iout fhe cotfi 8i of december 19 ts ttho aid rilltigo nj pnrtroton are r- qutrd onor befora tho 27th dav of morob u20 u- athdbyooet prebala or dlv o thoj undjpralsned sollol toribirtln mat jonn hdmlnfatrfttor of tho oatato or the i tbolr thomaa itla arnutronctb ai of tt docoaaed annolrorf qiiclsllan names and uriiinii druaes and descriptions thej full par ticulars- in wrltlnr bf their olahn a utatoment of tbolr acopunts andth nature of lire- aecurlty if any held by xnd take notice that after auch laat mentioned date tho aald administrator and -op- farm stock implements household furuilnre 1llf liiuliiit il lllk l itimmlrtd i john m rut led oe to hell in nblu- amlioit m lot 25 on 6 mt l hiiiiihciuiay on i mil from teir1 ringing pain sad stioan ins of joints nil hold of you jttgbt if with templetons rheumatlo clpsulm mmp1ton4jfcbtf matt rsussv soojparniaasnv rs ult they are rsoom isjs u u9k1m bt wfotostqk 909 mtonrwhsto on rt- ootpfe of pdoo samples may bo had at matthews drug store cot i saturday afareh 8th 1920 at 1 oclock tit- following iiorkkr lloav mare miioiii 9 r jcil nutre cattu rshire cow fresh calf hi fool i 2 din luini cow calves at font tiri j dtnh mii cow tint in apt it 3 vtul calve iigs and ilknfi 2 piii fat 28 kooi heiih implrmests etc lumber wajfon lifht deinotht 2 wchledi hlnle huffy cutjeriienrly newt lontf klcijfht fanning mill chttlimm vt plaiforui itcnleii mow rr occrini 13 hone m h dtill nearl iitwi ciiltivntitri laiui rolleri sulky ntkei set 3 piece iron harrows wm bi der no 3 and n 4 w ilkiuson plownt- tint tack cider press 2et double ban teen et tnjfle ii iimes iiumhcr of horst col- iarn naddus whtfnvtrees ilivk tkfh m cl ot le rcjim hiphraloc newi fnrux cliiiinn xhoveu itc i uaciant home honor and cipest happy thought cook htovcj ii ol las heal en quantity of mi wed stovr woodi wkhhtnf inhchiite a i o a quantity of hous6nild furtiiiure aino it not previously htod the farm ronvrwiinr went half of lot 25 6thconcek- siqii ttmiihi of hinuui oiim count of ieel consist ta of i 0 acre in ore or lens level land with over 1 00 acres cleared re- maliider in xmall tiinher hoil clay loam beautiful row of maple lieeti ntoiiir the front of tbe fatni ihe buihlitiaa tre in food shiipe laejje frame houne with wood shed ham so it x 50 ft with extra ouu biiildinfr l followm cow table 24x53 uhed 20x30 tnnd impleiifent ntied alao a rood orchard of mi farifl is well wateredlwo eikterns one well with wind mill a pond which never goes drv the yeat round farm is on town line t mile from terra colth mid the railroad station 3 mllofrniri file- uilliains terms of farm made known day of sale vetil ciilven pkit hens and sums of stonntl under cumii over that j mount 7 months credit on approved joint uufces wawluofc hen fetch clerk auctioneer the said deceased amonft the parties en titled thereto having resjrard only to the claims of which be shall then have notice and that the said admin istrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per son or persona of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at bo timo of such distribution shilton walisimidqb a dale solicitors for the said administrator da tod at georgetown this 23rd day nf februnry 1920 notice to creditors in the matter ef the estate of jofcm k drown isle of tbe township of bs- onesfsis in the ooemty of hsltas farmer deceaa4 notice is hereby slven that in pur suance to section so of the trustee act r so chap 191 that all credi tors and others havlnsr claims or de mands as-alnst- the estate of the said john k brown farmer deceased who died on or about the seventeenth day of august ad 1018 at the said- township of tosqueslns are required on or berore the twentyseventh day of march 1920 to send by post pre paid or deliver to the undersigned solicitors for harry ross brown and frederick john brown the executors of the laat will and testament of the said deceased their christian mmei nnd surnames addresses and descrip tions the full particulars in writing of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the se curity if any held hy them and take hotlce that after auch last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said ehtate among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or per sons of whose claim notice shall not have hen received by them at the time of such distribution rhirtov wvllbhidoe3 dalh rolloltors for harry rosa brown and odtrlek john brown the said exe cutors of the said deceased- dated at georgetown this 28rd day of february 1920 notice to creditors la the matter of the estate ef blary nulhcrrord lindsay of the village ef georgetown in the county of halton widow deeeesed notice is hereby given that in pursu ance to section 50 of the trustees act rbo chapter 121 that all creditors and others having claims or demands ntralnat the estate of the aald mary rutherford lindsay widow deceased who died on or about the elarhteenth november ad 1816 at tha village of oeoraretown are required on or before the 7th day of march 1020 to send by post prepaid or deliver to the un dersigned solicitors for christina 1 lindsay flockard n lindsay and the executors of tl nt ar nrnen tl lindsay iait will and testament of the eoeased their christian names surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars in writing of their mtim k statement of their accounts is and and the nature of the security if any by them le notice that after such last vitl held by them 1 tale o mentioned date the said executors w r to dlprlbute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thoroto having regard only nlalms of which they shall then have notloo andthat the said executors will ot ho llible for the said asseta or any nnrt thereof to any person or persons of whoso okim notice nhnlt not have been received by thorn at the time of auch distributor 151 more for theae gopjs h9 the encl of vthe mrnuyn r9vpaatterwiiere v buy now and save money spcialclcaringof all- a reat opportunity ii aeciinfis bargains s ihppi goods njust be crcartid tip make rtora-fofnwiriting- jlirjes bargains in all departttent8durirtg the mornth per cent ladies winter coats at half price brill co phone 137 mill and main sis georgetown p4 dfcdd dfgd f ibihhimiqtjbl aauilujjcmffll irrrmtg mi mm store special announcement advice to oar frjenls who are thinking ol getting a blue or blic serg salt we have a lae stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price f you are considering the purchase of a serge suit now is the tyne to place your order as yoii will pay onethird 16 bss farms for sale 1m acres all workable in esqaeslag 1 1 2 hues from norval 1 acre orchard 10 acres fail wheat 46 aorea fall ploughed clay loam noil 2 well solid bid house of 10 rooms witli furnace also conveniences and bathroom new bank barn 70x86 tie up 16 bond of cattle 7 horses big en yard sheep ien 48x24 stable 82x24 dument silo school f mile elm ipli li miles radial li miles rural mail and telephone possession arranged jirioo tl500o terms ivrrantted 100 acres in trafalgar twp 1 12 miles from hornby 00 acres workable balance bush 1 acre orohard 16 acres fall plomtb- ed 26 acres in meadow 10 neres f rosh seedinu riavelly lonni noil well and oieek frame hiuae of 0 roomaharn 6040 barn no 2 00x80 tieup 6 horses and 12 cattle ho n 80x20 sbbool i mile ohuroh 1 mile hbin rtifld 1 mile railway depot 2 miles possession arranged price 6250 terms arranged bhiltov wallbripob ft da1b jollcliora for chrlatlna n lindsay ulockard n llndaay and jamaa r tlidaav the said executors of the said deieaaed niled at oeorsetowa this isrd day of fibiiarv 1920 a grand opportunity halton conntyjgpneral store poll ofhrend dwoiiihk rualncaa turnover 10000 a year pout office 8350 avnir fxlra food local ion on radial and litr floe honje with modem convenlncea and hertrlc llifhl twollllrd acre of land prlio 3100 term arranged stock can be bought nt invoice price evans phone 831 rush oeoboetown madges candy shop s- all kinds of hot prinks served maiin street phone 214 200 acres in esqneslng tup s miles from georgetown 4 miles from acton 7 miles from milfen mrvteco fmic hiohoiass tailoes sasaa faraubinsa and taalytowsatr olothlnf georgetown phone r2g ix l isiniiiimiidll puiiiiiiiinoiti iiiiiiiiii iianrxe saturday treat a businem man laid he nought it waa wonderful the amount of candy we sold wettolil him it did not appear wonderful to u because we offer to the pub lic pure wholeiome tjomemade candy at very reasonable prices twenty years ajro candy wai a luxury to day it ia a necenlty beinjc one of the kreat- eit energry producer on the market thia saturday we offer you 100 lbs of our homemade victory pudge strawberry and vanilla flavored cream with enouh cocoanut in it to rive it that pleaaiiia flavor worth 50c lb saturday treat price v 880 per lb weekend chocolates 43c do you know that there are very few lines of chocolates that you can buy wholesale at 43c per lb try our weekend anaartment peanut clusters cream centre assorted also a me hard centres reg- 50c lb weekend special 430 pg t h moore he ad milton brampton georgetown jacksonsl buy furniture now and get your share of big values we offer 180 acros workable balance pasture and bosh 66 acres fall plonrb ed olay ipam soil a well creek and two springs stonehouse of 0 roomb soft water in house bard water at door barn 60x80 barn no 2 62x86 on stone foundation shed for cattle in end of barn witbrunnink watei in it stable 60x24 tieup 19 bead of cattle and 6 horses also box stalls straw shed pi pen hen bouse driving bouse karaite and workshop school across the road church 8 miles sural mail and telephone possession arranged price 111750 terms arranged 100 acres in nelson twp 5 miles from barusgton 10 12 miles from htmulon all workable 2i acres orchard 28 acres fall ploughed 28 acres in meadow clay loam soil 8 wells and a creek briok house of 8 rooms wat er inside cellar cistern bath room bank barn 60x40 barn no 2 60x24 tieup 6 horses arid 17 cattle water in stable hog pen 40x24 ben bouse silo school and church mile rural mail and telephone i mile from appleby i mile fi ore stone 1 one pobsebsiofi ftlianged price 117000 terras arranged 10t acres in esqneslng twp ill hues from minos on the stone road 00 acres workable balance bush 4 acres orchard 4 acres fall whent 46 acres fall ploughed 20 aorea in meadow 22 acres fresh seeding clay loam soil 2 wells and a oreeki brick house of 10 rooms water in honse oelhvr oistern furnace in house bank barn 40x80 barn no 280x80 tie up smiorses and 16 rattle open yard driving house 80x18 tog pen hen house silo school li miles church li milos railway depot li miles rural mall and telephone possession arranged price 819000 terms arranged wilaoiighby farm ageney hew office georgetown ont beautiful large mahogany finished bedroom design large dresser with large mirror bed to mutch commode iiuko size chifflneer to match ohai r 060 booker 906 suites colonial 84b00i 3500 v 1t55i 8eo 10s0i a very speoial price on large oakfinished bedroom suites large drosser rith large mirror 028t5 1 bed to match 1boo i commode large arise 1175 ohoico piece of living- 9oom furniture mahogany finish tapes- try sofas 80051 chairs mahogany finish tapestry 1800 largeplush chairs 82001 8- piece mahogany finish velour suites 85001 large couohes in leatherette 1050 1 mens overalls extra large and best quality aolowi 876 for 885 for 875 mens overalls 826 mens heavy flannel for shirts 876 895 mens military flannel ebirtss20o for 840 mens heavy denim shirts 226 for 105 mens heavy furlined oapbbo mens pants 896 mens 60c suspenders for 48o mens heavy wool jackets 695 mens leather wool lined mitts 1160 for 195 waskboard speoial i all glass 86c for 5bo solid back 860 for 49m best tin 46o for 88b i 2pioco china butter dishes 6o0 i pint chirintoream jug 6o0 i new doborated china cups andl saueers idoz 1061 china cups and saucers idoz 188 11 largo porridge dishes i doz 140 1 bnamelware 20 diiooiuit 8 comfort sorp for 2501 s star ammonia for 25oj twin bar castile soap 6o old fashioned soap i60 for if jacksons main street georgetown rr- wl you need a flashlight or it yours ia out of order v new battery just remember tbisis bcadquarters or fla8hligeit8 and sctpplibs dsylos rang nrol6 1 vlbiratois stao itaawlekt ulastrsted abot sflls far itisftnloms putsd sir istfvotn name flnlsk specials for saturday in our tobacco dept nomenun agut leg 115c friday and saturday 10c 49 for box of 50 2f45fprtojrof25 leo bar clgirfrreg 2 25 box friday and saturday 110 per box waworl fplsei good value et 100 friday and saturday t leslsikdslsl7klrhsllp08bttlk mli biimmh v- ilelsi

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