Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 10, 1920, p. 2

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j if m birt hs mh rlnjf ea and ithn an ztwrgvo for itl thr followiiv ruiemi hirthn 2sci mrritxe 50c ueallm soei memor a curtis 50c 8c per lino extra for poeaift born hvnd8 in oeiruftoun n turdv hnh 2nd 1920 to mr and mm r j hj iui- n non iruhttm cututrd rgiusiwat moft sank on fibnmrt 1920 to mrtuid mr ividrew rtj- ayiwln 4vdthter 4on v lawson at hlhoine1n45rorketowti on arch 5th henry i veil roiwonat friday march 5th henry in his 80th year lu femiary beloyed tx v- ielfbrl sank oh wild 1920 aiinre muowll wite of ufdrv- koion inirrawralmelforqeoteleryon jfeb- miinsy 24tti- i rrr- the georqc he arch i ialflio wednesjay b v g 1824 miles o roads township council hoi t c bin auouoh pntnui otoimnamat hod f c biggs minister of provincial hiiibwaya announced yesterday afternoon at tbe lolhnn- nnal good roads convention that tbe government had deoided on a esqtieaitih muroli hi it 1020 the council tnit iuiuiint l ud- jouinmimit the reeve in the chnir millibiia till prrsent llu in inn tea of inst imijtinu were rcitil mill fun- filmed medowell thompson tltitt a liy law be introduced at the next meet- program of trunk roads throughout m- of llv coxuiuil tn iti t pallu a t t 1 i ji ksirin ontario which it intended to begin during the present year the tot al mileage of the project is l8l4 and 710 miles apportioned among the proiiosed roads as follows mile wltidaor to si thomas talbot road 126 st thomas to lpitttyn vlo chatswortb arthur to kincardine shiiiik to boad no ii i jj stratford to brampton j tfarnllkon tor kcnner st i art font 10 ldndin stratford tooodohcif 1ronto tomamiltpu ttulidamuvet- cooksvilteio owcaouim v iq24 toronto tj wmdoid jl ilrndfartl to sevru rlvor toronto to rouge fllver 64 s 61 7 v 47 5 ik jhesetuy wheri weajth is worshipped as no other ood is it will by well for all to rember the vvoida of tioldsniitb ill fairs toe land to hastening ills a prey here wealth accumulates and men decay the history of the world has demonstrated the accuracy of tbe propheoy contained in tbe above two lines wealth does not make a man deiiendable neither does it make tbe nation in fact too of ten it has the opposite effect tbe individual whonoeb life through a dollar bill gets a very distorted view of tbe world and society in general and it in invariably tbe case that real ability decays as wealth increases the worth of a man cannot be measured in the terms of bonds and stooks and the nation which bases its estimate of men on such a standard must soon er or later fall build a home for yourself now there is no justification for be lieving that building costs are ko- in to be any less next year or tbe year after than now but there is a suspicion that they are going to be laiker we are looking for a slump in property value that never comes many a citizen who years ago refrained from puruhas ing property just because of the feeling that thingb would get cheaper is now kicking himself be cause he failed to have faith in the future georgetown and pink up some of tlie splendid pieces of property that have from time to time boen placed on tbe market wboie iiossession now at the en banned value they will bring would mean considerable it may be a bold thing to say but in out opinion there is hardly a bit of property in ibis town or in the country suriou ulng it that will not be worth more five years from now than it is today apart fiom this there is satisfaction in propri etorship and a joy in possession not to mention the foulmy that the house you live in is yuur very own and that no man can come in and with scant warning turn you and your family into the street be sides that it is not justice to tbe children to bring tluvn up in a rented home too often cramped and without tbe grass plot that can be bad with your own heme for tbnm to play in the children may nut realize it now but they are being robbed in all such oases of blessed memories as they grow older the money ypu may leave them in tiie future will never take tbe place of tbe memories that surrounded tbem in tbe old borne whitby to tlddaay pert hope t6petfiiro kfnxmomlb mw w oluuva to port fortune t tjttjiwa to pembroko eximlrig irovliicial syatem total li d 5 26 8 102 69 5 422 1834 obituary hknby p iiawbon georgetown has suffered a dis trict loss by tbe pasiiing of henry p lawson whose death took place at bis home here on friday morn in last following a hemorrhage of tbe brain deceased was born in fyfeshire scotland and came to canada in the early fifties settling in esquesing and of late years re siding in georgetown besides bis widow who was formerly miss mabel grant daughter of major grant he leaves to mourn bis loss a family of three daughters and one son deceased was a life- long presbyterian a liberal in politics a staunob advocate of temiterance and a reader of tbe globe for over so years he gave much tn charity and oould never bear to see any nne in need inderl many kind and nharitable acts were performed by- deceased which weie only known to himself not even always by the one benefited tbe late mr lawbon will be sadly missed by many outside his own family in this community deceased was a most suncessf u i lumber man in which business be was engaged alibis life many of the better class of houses in town were erected by him and his inter est in town affairs and the oom mnnity generally proved most beneficial to georgetown mr lawson was an homirnble gentleman who loved his family bis home and the tommunit in which he resided his familiar llgure on our streets and his friend ly greeting will be sadl missed b many a good man has gone to his reward the funeral took place on mon day afternoon when tbe remains were interred in oreenwood cemn teiy tbe service being conduileil by rev r f cameron assiwled b rev dr mocoll the pall hear era were walter lawson david lawson harry lawson d burner- ville andrew steele and john cation masters fur he year 1020 parties wishing n change in piitlimithtcis pleate notify the council carried i elliott thompson that the council learns will regret the death of mr ii i lawsuit at one time anwmlmm of this cmpiril and milium intaid hod r lat the lokriwitfii ortou jit refund ofutkejrin wtjfil i taxes unable to couepb carriikl hampshire tye dowel i that the vireitsurer- pay the toliiwiiig aq- c6rtntshstiiiir8 bihus f fit kill ing aon fiiirid w j4ailattii6bosuhk s fur- iniiii tebiiref jphit 4ltitft ifl he being irt jtipjirent niifjliiiiibimvijs cirisu4ulthyhntho8niftire2t76 hdniih oil 87 tds wire feice- l w coil 10 parilpd tilliott tthoiphsoplio the treasurer pay d rohiitson cor drawing ravlp ntul scrnpiuh side maj btwen hits h anil 4 eon 4 811i albert aiiilerson balance of account for builrrrnu cement bridge on 8rd line lot 8 curried hampshire elliott that the council adjourn to meet on april 12th at 1 oclock carried for saxe by tender f will offtr my property hi slewarltown station coriiftling of about 18 rtiris of choice sandy loam ideal garden mail for sale by tender there ia a lot of fruit triefl cherries pears apples and plums mid a young- oiclmrd of the ehoireat plum and apples soon coming in bearing a well ot good water and pump frame houe barn 4x36 stahle 18x24 shed 16x24 hen hinme also maple grove on the place tenders received up to the 15th of march the highest nor any tender not uecess arily accepted address t h thomp son rk no 1 iluileybury no shovelling required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically soretiiidil and loaded coal wood solort hump for doinihtif iiml thtchlituii purposes sniithiiii n1 ill canncl coal in fiuit i earry everything to be foiitnl in mi up to date cotil and wood ymd join mcdonald georgetown illonk 12 g o i t r e siij for frve booklet or rk yourdruv- ffitti about clustlvo for thr uccenniul ireaimrnt of goitre in your home thin rmduine la tnucn internally moftens tht loiiit krndumllv diaolven it nod cnata it entirely out of the ymein you owf it to yourwlf iid your frimd to tei rid of ttali uitsikhth dihfmftr onsolvo la sold 1b oaorgatomu by x v hotjeioan tha mink fliamloai tx ltmltaxi 4s soott straat toronto oat special i ptric for iturs 0 lilt trhppira of cvprkclovni vvjitiiytm fo ktvw tbhttura briivjc bidf iriiw in moutriiu matk i am u buver ftvr moniiuiljtmrutodonv ch your tura hfforv yon joo ic far cntx muivro you a good prl drop aird to oie trksi row graetoiwi farms and town properties for sale we already have a large list of choice ferrns and town properties which we ate offering and prospective buyers would serve their own interest a by looking into ou befoe purchasing elaeyheie v u you have a farrn business pf town property fok sale we offer you the beat ser vice vist it with u v it li willoughby block phone 237 bit georgetowi t t for choice quality salmon haddies fillets bloaters ciscoes try clifford ldvham phone 196 main street suits i suits for you suits for spring 1 h c bailey electrician electric wiring orders left in the be presentation a pleasing event took- place on tuesday evening mnreh 2nd when a larve number of the members and adherents of the baptist church went to the borne of dr and mrs w fcl cline who are leaving foi grimbby after spending nearly four and a balf years with tbe george town church after a social hoar an address signed by most of those present was read by mr w hortop ex pressing hearty appreciation of tbe work of dr and mrs cline in and for tbe oil u rob during tbeir stay in georgetown and for tbe progress made during these years mr robert bessey tbe oldest meniber of the church after speak ing in cordial terms of tbe retiring pastor and bis wife presented tbem on behalf of those present with a bank draft for 100 as a tangible expression of good will tbe company then partook of refreshments furnished by tbe ladies of tbe obai ob a pleasing feature of tbe even ing was a presentation by dr cline on behalf of tbe oburob of a leather clubbag to mr w hortop to show appreciation of bis work as leaderof fbe obof r jewish rabbis die ol hunger vlotitas of itsrrstlon and dlsuase isaparullns um of six million jews suealnaawluiams th a tragic tale of the death toll by starvation and disease among he jews of constantinople is told in a cable just received by the joint distribution committee of funds for jewish sufferers from tbe yvar from rabbi aaron toltelbaum of constantinople the oable tells nothing of the ohildren wbo have died from lack of food and from disease it gives no figures on the adults who are innocent victiniateo of tbe ravages of tbe war which has swept turkey and tbe balkans since 1011 but tbe seven words of the cable depict a tragedy which is even more poignant for it touobes on the most sacred spots of jewry died by cause of suffering 40 teaohers sajs the cablegram forty teachers the most venerable most respected men in jewish life tbe rabbis wbo teach tbe jount wbo advise tbe old who are the leaders of all religious and social life among tbe jewish communities across the sea with forty teachers of tbe jew ish population of constantinople victims of the starvation and di sease that is imperilling the lives of 6000000 jews in eastern eurppe the imaginations fails to grasp the inroads that death must- have made upon tbe rest of tbe population livery and sales stables now open at station hotel first olnsi hotsen and rigs for hire at reasonnhle prices horses always for sale j 0 rulledge prop phone 2s1 georgetown avnd fix tures harness shop will promptly attended to phone 232 georbetown properties for sale several choice propertes in town for sale at a rasonable price also farms in esqnrtlng j h lane real estate agent georgetown we take pleasure in announcing the early arrival of the most complete stock of spring suits that has ever be fore been shown in georgetown we are showing all that is to be desired in the niatter of quality and variation of styles what is more all the seasons latest touches are represented complete range in our seed corn and ale oai fob nsry seeds of all j che flood times olub will bold another of their popular dances at glenwjlliams on frida evening march 19th everybody welcome and a good time assured all wbo roitusbi bofsiom attend ton georgetown h laboo golden ensilage com and cm tl 1st uk ornamental stork norway trade at the cooperative store 1 and see the result for men and young men splendid variety of tweeds arid fanoy worsteds also some good varieties of navy blue serges above suits are either in full box semifitting waistline and belted effeots prices range from 1850 to 95500 for ladies and misses the styles of those suits are too varied for authentic descrip tions but there is a surprise in store for all those wbo will come in to look them over each and every suit has an individual touub all its own aiid the styles nan only be compared with those much higher priced our priceb range from q2250 to 865 oo iii la im arjpprmri the mens store special announc g advice to oar friends wa arc thinking of getting a blue or black serge suit we have a large stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price if you are nfdrhg the putcrise aserge suit wow is the- tjrne t jrface jyojjojov 4s qu wijl pay frifo more for tliese goods by the ec of the jnonth fn matter where you buy them buy fim and ave jfohey v tsireait t0ppbrthitf w- 8echre ijarsalna as ifheaie gdod must b cleared to make worn for new spring lines bargain in ai dppart merits oliiring the mpntrf pike hiorolass tailor mans furnishings and rsa4ytowaar olothfna georgetown phone 126 i i iiimii iiiipaal ibiiiiimiiiudbi ini laamtx vyif vl tt saturday treat this saturday wo offer you 100 lb of our homemade ever ton toffe squares a clean sweet loffeu flavored with tho best bultr obtainable this is a pure wholesome toflee a treat for the kiddles and a food for the grown ups saturday treat priee 12 o 26c assorted hand rolls 47c this line needs no introduction our high grade hand roll chocolates in clude vanilla gloria chocolate cocoanul strawberry maple walnut coffee and sultana hand rolled chocolates are selling- all over ontario at 70c and 75c per lb weekend special 4to per lb t h moorehead milton brampton georgetown jacksons brill co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown co operation promotes indcmndencn prevents pauperism and helps you rise above the rivnimalizing influence of charitable gifts its constant aim is to give hopefulness to working moil lessen tbe ureat inequalities that oxlsb and to diffuse more evenly and more humanly the luxuries and wealth of the world gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery fair prices our motto quality h mest weight good service interest on share capital and dividends on pur chases paid quarterly lller oala they are great yeildins of nil jilnds for sale including man everybody welcome u j of i spruce and 1 1 w herring georgetown glenwiluams coopera tive society ltd h pritchett jvlanagar phone 329 georgetown sso s ibjs cooking figs for bisto gravy maker 8 pkgs for 26o 2 bottles rained piokles for 2bo 2 tins pumpkin for 89o bakers cocoa per lb 87c fresh prunes per lb indian relish per bottle t lbo h o ammonia 8 pkg for sffn maple leaf salmon 1 lb tin 48o 3iotf jj phone 160 lane block georgetow complete furniture prices are expected to advance april 1st buy now and save money library tables with magazine and i 00 120o 8200 1150 1850 oo 9400 975 1950 2200 beautiful large i out oak and book shelves extra large oak finish library tables fine large combination book case and senretary selected t ctit largo roomy oak bookeru i out oak chairs and rookers leather seat leather finish bank and seat i cut oak bookers allovor tnpebtry rookers bedroom chairs a splendid design brass finished beds large 2 in standard brass finished beds 25o 8 star ammonia for 8 infant delight toilet soap for 82e old fashioned soap ko for loe loo tumblers 6o 10 in glass fruit dish 7fio for sbe new line fanoy dooorated china cups and saucers 4 doz 19b loo stove polishes loo white enamel wash basins ooofor 89o i dot tea spoons 89o i doz dessert spoons b9o 4 dox table spoons 64o set 1 doz each enives and forks 9286 for 189 mens overalls extra large and beat quality oloth 8876 for 895 mens overalls 8828 for 275 mens heavy flannel shirts 876 for 895 mens military flannel shirts 290 for 240 mens heavy denim shirts 226 for 195 mens heavy furlined capsl50 mens pants 295 mens 60a suspenders for 48o mens heavy wool jaokets695 mods leather wool lined mitts gl60 for 195 jacksons n main street georgetown 3 chooolate almonds per ll 126 nougatines per b n6o jordan almonds per lb ooo vanilla orcams per lb cbo berdoaui per lb ooo humbus per lb 6po horehound lb olo elect i 120- spooial pack 125 pocket package loo prin cess package 8bo weekend special dont miw this on friday and saturday we will allow yow flinty cb5nt8 on your old hot water bottle no matter buteifly ptouiaei 76d what kino it ii or whether it leaks or not on the ptjirchaie of ia new ljjaftstadtmadamauaii hourigans the store r i r i r i i ilisij

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