Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1920, p. 4

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tk emniw hebait afbil 7 t 19b0 page 4 f notice the companies of this agency have taken into con sideration the increased high cost of building material and labor and with to advise the public that they will be glad to write additional insurance on any property where the values warrant y agency will be glad toserue you if you will advise by phone or letter r we ttiijjl call on you at once evajnsrushia phohe 23t georgetown i 00m00- the wau to the west daily service lve toronto union station 915 pm calgary edmonton vancouver victoria standard tkartoostiiishtal tssim equipment throu0h out inoludino mew allstcu tourist tlccpiho oars sun ison wad frt canadian ratleaal all thaws tuia thura sat via ot t so ooohrsasthsnooo h tickets and full information iran aaaraat canadian national railway agent b o cowxjes georgetown ar oaaaral paaaangar daaartmant tararita winnipeg brandon reoina saskatoon isdastrlsl dapartanat taraat and wlanlpeg will laralah lull partloulara tagardlag land la waaura canada saallabla for urrnxng ar atber purpeaa canadian national railnjaijs goal p 1 the best soranton coal in all sizes portland cement flour feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone so castoria for infants and children mothers know thai genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over thirty years perfumed epistles br r- ray baker iaaaaamaa copyriarbt lais by tha moolua nawe- pr styadleata big bruce porrester nu not a wom an hater ha was not interests thai was all r vhlle i ho rest of ltab surveying crowd thjit wai measuring the low stldgerangf for the cormngof the mil road apeut ltsspare j line in receiving pejfnmed mall and apwerlng it big bruce nought solaoe id nicotine jn the seclusion of his buni or roamed the wilds of wilderness wooae nod com- tuning jrltb nature ilo to it boys was his jidvlea pqme laivu learn better worn i are- all right ps6rdeoratlbns and tconjrame surplus cash fa candy net clothes bui as for moi wen im- going- to boy royaeif farm soma day tvhere can ha vs boraas dogs and enws iiprt omekens theyre- of soihe- ufelu fhertiorlr anil itioj don4 jro bftok on yiir wuip youre down and fit- xaturuhy tli- nttier resewvd ttk iuiibuii s tlic teierniml th- fulr ftf vjillnntry arid by ihr own- ltij furco1 big bi-jii-t- in d- from lil oral attacks all right ill ktep xtlll fu the fu- tin- h growlnil but you cant pre vent n fellow thinking and while youre fouling your time away with pun- and ink you can iim your winds dwell on the fact that i ennldwr youre nil confounded idiots snudny vraa 11 day of ret in the wood art well as the places where civilization reigned and also it was a day when a great deal of letter writ ing waa accomplished in loves lode which big bruce sarcastjcsl- ly christened the shanty where the surveyors war roajtlnr rhatr head quarters on on of thea sundaya bruca set cut on a hike which be oallad a relief expedition tm going to gat relief from the perfumed air of this shack he an nounced as ha took an old walking atlck he had carved from u tree branch a package of aaadwlchua and o aanltary cup heres hoping you all gt married and nettle down to blissful rontentmen no excitement no pleasure no nothing and he strode disdainfully from the shack into the woods it was not a case of envy with big bruca he could have been admired by inauy girls had he chosen for he was u good healthy handsome upecl- men who looked well either in ball room or backwoods however big bruce hail not met the right son of women his mother died when he was a tod dler and whoa be grow np bis fathers flnanruil standing threw him in with a lot of society buds who had no mis sion in life other than to look beauti ful sip iced drinks and play bridge no women held no interest for him tlioy were to him as he had said tuora ornaments or playthings and not to be clven consideration in a sartons busy world big bruce drew hta lnnga full of pure nlr as he swung along the ridge heading for lake orescent where he knew a hatbottomed rowboat was drawn up on shore it was well along in summer and vegetation was in full bliioin with birds chirping in the trees and insects buzzing merrily and some of them stinging just as merrily i truce expelled clouds of pungent tobacco smoke drawn from a vener able pipe and hummed a tune he was enjoying himself immensely getting into the rowboflt ha pro pelled it across the lake which waa about two miles wide and five miles long a stiff breeze rulbed the water into choppy waves but big bruces strong arms drove the scow through them without noticing the resistance arriving ou the other aide he drew the craft up on shore and continued his wanderings suddenly while walking along en joying the solitude of the woods and thinking of his foolish friends back in lovers lodge he felt a sharp piercing pain in his right side at the same instant the report of a rifle echoed through the forest big bruce tumbled in a heap on the ground and almost lost consciousness for momenta that seemed like hours the young man lay there helpless the pain growing more intense all the while tth an effort h reached his left hand to the wound and withdrew it covered with mood ha felt nan- seated and black dots swam before hie eyes realizing it would not do to lie there and allow his strength to ebb he forced himself to crawl along the luith on which he had keen walking it seemed that he had crawled at least tlitim miles stopping frequently to re gain strength when he came into a ilearlhg in which some one was cook ing over a fire with the knowledge that help waa at hnnd big bruce drifted into uncen- sclnusness when his eyes opened some time later he looked up into a pair of black ones which were owned by u girl of nhout twenty who was gnrlrod in wollflttlng buckskin clothes with it hhort skirt leggings and a wklebrliiurnvl hat ulie hail dnrk hntr that fell in heavy folds around her neck and aha ha wliitn teeth and a pug nose and lots of freckles sie was attractive in rime wnvk hut in others aha was 4 cldndly plain georgetown minstrels in the town hall thursday friday jazzbaru goori melodies rmg songs uartet and jokes and the pickaninnies come and see the coons admission 75c and 50c tickets and plan at hourigans drug store arthur bcastell t 8 p oo11jc of mnslo london enklauid obotrniftater preabyterlmn church gaorvotown xeaoherjof piano or- gan cornet violin nd sinking tuition pee in any branch 8 per term of 20 lennonn at my rent- dunce main st georgetown ar it puphn home i pianos tuned i i i lwa3ti7abirl3l3u1v wall paper rr neuralgia if you know the nam- jwlfiwssr templetons rheumatic capsules kxanlatons i8tgst ttvttoronio fa sample may ho imd nt matthews drig store every home oan bo rondo beauti ful by the uso or wall papers nttistic in design and color empire semitrimmed wall papers possess all thobe qualifications por those who do their own paporhnnging you will find the semitrimmed papers just what you are looking for no trimming easy to hang i imve a full line of these goods ask for samples and suggestions etc e bludd painter paperhanger phosi 5 r s j box 109 glenwilliahs counter check books at the herald no ssaotolllttb roquirod standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically soreoned and loaded coal wood seloot lump for doraestin mrtfl threshing purposes smithing and cannot ooal in fact 1 carry everything to bo found in an nptodato ooal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone 12 farms for sale in proven district in woatoro irov- inces thousands of substantial aeltlera are comuig o tnlfg up land tw year last two large blocks pf c p r iand7tist put on market at moderate price and ex ceptional terms fow is the tlma to sol act your land before choice u limited and for april now- on sale choice aelectiona that will put nsw life in your victrola popular sons hits of the houi foottingling up-to- theminute dance numbers concert and operatic cents by the worlds most famous artiaa vocal selections i ukk to do it wjnacj cbuomuuc cwmh jnlr mii ry ssktilij dance records 0mfaasl jaaabatdeaban o mr lady shmtmukar jaat por ma and mary smfladaar bmstlf ul hwud lova alwni cwuthan baa thaprda th nobody arfcfc b flvndara rfal cks rlc the hymns af uja old church cbok p rwa and low- walls ahamla onestap vaa eptqaum wbaa my baby smu at ma my jal o ouggm 1 m plaaaa fox trot hauta oackhml taaaala inoaaaltap hum tsaaainii billy mumy o oh o fox trol arm iofaddwuiulioo red seal records tjbbu vaui if you could car swwl ftaaawaua yoavryaa hava told ma so ctms maimacuack x ihi swaat bya and by loiti scttaanaa rulak laa ojoa nasroa ihrln raauazudli vlll jhdiarulma allmlolaca ts rypay saaaaad vufia iodu canpana aiara toa eulcocatan shu zaaa tcbaclo soena ad banloo xlwmiii fuwgiamaa dt luc snil qaattat in f maiof funutalay qoatim 7111 fiarodlad vlalon faaltiva w banustl wuid wanit 7u aiilmo0 fief r these new records today at any w masters voicedealers d j matthew agent for georgetown and vicinity girls wanted to learn telephone operating eflrrjpwtw salary and conditions attractive for further particulars apply to h4c bailey electrician eleetrio wiring and fix tares orders left in tn harness shop will be promptly attended to phone 232 georgetown 30st8fcouchs far fa tib got yoor wountl tlxd up shsvsi hi hint snuie fil tinii lius bea tiunttns out r vtiimi null got the ronx kind uf k ii 1 art dredl ilia l shot ituium tun hit what m iik blrtud t she miorteo lu tlituh au nation wltli hl luiriil- iukk1 bnld iliat bla shirt huil lfii cut awsf arouud the vvound nnl dundaga pn la place the batiduni- wuk wet b tie ascertained that it whs with ws instead of blood its not serious if i lmrry y tiome ehfe told him in luslneesuke jna if joull try tu walk and lean in nje silygu waqi t w oiaii naks if to thanoe it wan no a gcem lmunias ana somehow insplte ot hie palo nd his malieoed eohdltluu which becam more prououuaceo whvn lie vasayed to malk bruce was aliuoat sorry when they arrived at the thqrv anil stu bmped him into the canoe it was growing dusk bitbli bruca oiili sa that there were vhtfi oan on tb jakas he dsjuhted tua girls litrtiirj to paddlexhroucb th aavat v waca wt te kept bl ovn coansjst a beora pablng tha craft into thd wntev iihci filled hjs -pipe- tor bla plsced rtis stem between bis teeth anb ilithtedlt be was so umaed by this un of- tboushtfulnesij that he carna brar foritettlnif to draw on the pipe suon they were tossing on the lak itir bruca waa somewhat aprjraben ilvi but he knew hi was powerless to tkifp the girl who was seated in- tha xtiru paddling vigorously to keep the i if the boat heniletl into the ridges of ronm it she fa i crod and allowed i rooming wnves to turn the canoe and sweep against its side there was mi telling what would result however she worked like a trojan hhvot uttering a word nsd despite the fner that it was now so dark the shot in either side was blotted out she vml confident of being able to reuch her destination whatever it might be at last they were landed and the iilrl surprised bruce by dragging the canoe clear of the water with hta la it almost tipping htm out there she breathed rather hsav- m r now for the car she left dim and presently a flood r light from the spotlight of an sobs aiirroaaded him again ahe aided htm in walk and presently he was reoa n inn in the tonnenn of the car spe lug over the road soon they came to a branch road milch they followed for a short dis unite stopping nnally in front of a iitnfortable looking cottage tn which licery lights were burning half tin hour later bruce was la hud n fresh bandage over the wound a ili girls brother having come to help imik nfter the patient father will be bock om the girl ml him hes a doctor and hefll nx yoit up right but 1 know youll liave tn stay here three weeks its lucky we didnt go buck to the city yesterday as we had planned three weeks later rig bruce was baik in lovrs lodge practically erovered from hi wound one day one of tbo boys came tear ing into the shack with a packet of niatl in one hand an4 a lone letter iq ih other help i help i he cried tn mock dls- trrtss heres a letter for mr brace forrebter and it pink and got per fume on it bruro took the letter his face bias ing and retired to his bunk the oth- irs gathered round and looked on in openmouthed astonishment while ha ri 1 to himself smiling tho while presently be finished perusing the missive and when lie looked up he ap parently noticed for the first time that lio had an andlence whats the matter with you lioobs he snorted cant a felloagl full in love if he wants to say whercl in thunders some ink paper and pent a frightful peril when the railway was first bnllt in unrmiiny it was considered as a serf- oui menace to health in the archives if ihe nuremberg railway which waa i ho first line constructed in qennany it protest against railways has been found drawn up by the royal college of bavarian doctors it declares travel in carriage drawn by locomo tives ought to be forbidden tn the in terest of public health the rapid movement cannot fall to produce among the passengers ihe mental affec tion known as delirium furloaum even if travelers are wilting tn incur the risk the government should nt least protect the public a xlnclo glance ata a itcomottve pnsslng rapidly is sntnclent tn rnuso cerebrnl dcionccnient con sequently it is nbsolutely necessary to build a fence ten rcer higli on each t slile of the rnllway delirium fu- 1 1 ilosiiin holilw ponnohilon it not a few i iiutoniohlllats nowndnys 8mlle la better than frown it has been proved that anger and violent emotion cnunc for the time beb nig n poisonous contllilmi of the blood which is injurious it must be equally irue that facing tha pjne hour with u a mouth turned up at tlw ioraers anil a mind jlert for the hast thot the dayl nffers is beneficial this is a prett decent old world after all if we hlltl treat it rlcht and surely if we faca mr chllgntlons and our work not with frowns but with gliiclnos it will glvaj us a tnnre kindly grevrlng nnd a help ing hand li return from the tun partners iver i consoling mr cosslily nornli maffulreaftij takln on awful her litikbnnils voj three year but hi iiin got wan off fog tfnnd hahnvlor mr vrrlon till iht tn riat alsy nti li nntr hluims hiuiholf icdlnliuiuli siotsiiinn xray to detect aje xfiiy photiigihplis wtnh iau bll used lo alotect ilnrii in alrplnnl wooil also liuvo liinii uiitiiiiilln a lau iourt ns pivinl nl a minis iir tli nisi in ijiiist inn urn- li jiii ititnri th miliiitdliitiii iinli- nl liitiutjl wl4 lud to ili-i-lcli- wlriii in i testing parilii tit- iiiiit yenra of uii- rhilnmi nl ihn elbol joints ami kiiooilm iri iiroducefl and two xray kh iti- kiim- ovldeni that ihe plutos showiil itininiitlfe tlon uf th lunii iiim iiiiut ilitillng had taken pluo nnd iliit tliny hi ji lined the shaft ol the lionos v it wan stated took plmi buiwei ages of 14 ami 18 and the placed the age of the person concern as more than 18 and leas than years another illilm made for i la that by exposing to tholrjjj good modern violin it will ncrfttlrel cltaracterlstlc tone of n gunnlne straj ivnrltis tho action of the ruys in a i beurs aging the wood by about f yeus vvvv ifeli4m iw hatusimu

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