Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 14, 1920, p. 3

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vh- iv r v j r a tm obobtowii hmuu aran i4th imp pass 8 be a booster one of the moit striking lessons taught col simpson on bis recent tonr of western canada wias the limitlesss spirit of boosting animat- ipg every man woman and child in the west the same has been ex perienoed by every oitisen who has vixited that portion ol canada and come in contact with this marked difference as compared with the spirit of the average dweller in on tario here we have almost everything -that- the westerner lacks but because it has beepmd part of jonr lives we see nothing to boast aboat the- westerner on the other hand baa less ittmadtabbbi int he certainly -does- infinitely mora boosting for the place in i whiqh he livbb ton never hear one of bem do any knocking the water may be bad and the public service kuurable bot never a word of omplaftit imrtyad itv boost v atod bxost airtbe time tt9 tbt sortbf spirit thttfe making western cunada go ahead for nothing 43an hold a naonioipal- ity wnereevery inhabitant is out prigging for t for allhe 18 worth we need to think indre about this- v sort of thing- 4n georgetown than we have in the- past boosting isni necessarily boastirlg though it means the same thing and it certainly does go a long way when visitors oome into a town and hoar nothing else bnt praise and remem ber only the unmenrc advantages that this town has w have everything here that ought to make for success wo havent had it in snob measure as wo might have had it is because lite people bave lacked faith in themselves and a pride in their town let ns try and overcome this defect and not only boost george- town bat boost everything and everyone that is in- it there would soon be no holding george town back if this were the ease- we take pleasure in announcing i theearly arrival pf the most complete stock of spring suite thjait has ever be lojre tysen shown in geotgetownt we i are showing all that is to be desired in- the matter oi quality and variation of tylefcf what is rnore all the seasons latest touches are represented in complete range our town water the following communication from t linsley crobsloy chemical engineer toronto regarding tbe quality of onr present supply of water and tbe proposed new supply will no doubt be of interest to our eitisens generally march 16th 1020 provincial paper mills co ltd georgetown ont dear 8irs attached you will find certificate showing composition of two samples of water taken srd inst for industrial purposes such as boiler feed use and mill supply there is practically no difference in these waters tbe larger amount of calcium carbonate in the town supply is made up by a larger amount of magnesium carbonate in tbe now supply in all other respects the waters are almost identical they are very free from organic matter and there is no in dication of sewage contamination the inolusion of the new supply would not make any noticeable difference in connection with any of the uses of tho present town water i am tours very truly signed t liinsoy crossley certificate of analysis of water received from provincial paper mills co ltd oooixntowri ont harked town supply und now sup- fly parts per million town sup nw hup total solids 80800 802 00 sodium chloride 1170 bodium sulphate 3208 silica a insoluble 1180 iron oxide as alumina 860 caloi urn oarbonatel 0400 magnesium 0808 suits suits for you isuits for spring our for mfen and young men splendid variety of tweeds and panoy worsteds also some good varieties of navy blue serges above suits arc either in fall box semifitting waistline and belted effects prices range from 18bo to 5600 for ladies an9 misses the styles of these suits are too varied for authentic descrip tions but there is a surprise in store for all those who will oome in to look them over bach and every suit has an individual touoh all its own and the styles oan only be compared with those muoh bighfr prioed onr pricon range from 82s50 to 96500 brill co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown tgqq4444qqqmq4gw4wqgq9qqqgqg4q do yon want insu if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firstclass companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance 1462 2118 u20 800 17000 7887 signed t lineey crossley i lv lei lr terra colt a mrs charles ledwidge is im proving nicely in ouelph hospital and expects to be able to return tome soon master gordon stringer visited acton friends during the holidays master leslie 8cragg of bramp- son spent a few days with friends here during tbe week a number from here attended the party at mrs john sannder- aons last friday evening they report an enjoyable time mr ii oraine our popular mer chant reports trade good a number of men and teams are hauling gravel onto tbe govern ment roads miss wilms hunter and mrs 0 h stringer visited acton friends last week mr b townsend has purchased a new chevrolet oar from mr fred cook georgetowns popular auto distributor mr wm hnuter took a load of albikeclover to brampton recent it wbioh netted him 1 1100 w w roe phone 206 geobgretown counter check books at the herald canada sample and jobbing co will open in the c1bbens block georgetown on now is the time for fruit growers to examine their trees and see that thoy are free from caterpillars nests destroy the ests now and you will save a steal of trouble withyonr trees taring the summer sciatica thurs april 22 with a bankrupt stock of boots shoes and rubbers sale will continue for 8 days only canada sample and jobbing co watch for announcement next asue mmmmm wmmw notice tho compaltimu of thio agency homo tokmjnto eon oljoration tho incroatod higcoot of baildingl material arid ifiborj and with toqdoio tho public that thoy will b glad toiio additional inoaranem on any property tlrsrfm if you will pension benefit fen bell telephone co siokness disability benefits 11106568 death benefits 19091- 97 accident disability benefits 91601668 pensions 610928 these are some of the payments made for the year 1919 from the employees benefit fund of the bell telephone company tbe benefit fund committees report just published is an inter esting document it shows gross payments to employees from the benefit fond in 1019 or 16860208 baring tbe year sayp the re port there- was a total of- sickness cases in which- benefits were paid this is c28 cases less than in 1918 the total days of disability was 68488 days during 1919 ony 278- days less than in 1918 whioh indicate that- the sickness oases 1919 were no- longer duration and that fcj the large nriinbpr of influenza cases whiqhhelped to swell tho total in 1918 the absence was of a very short duration 1918 with 2188 siokness bases 10296287 was paid id benefits la 1919 with only 1 665 sickness oases 111 066 68 was paid id benefits the in crease is dps to the higher average wage of employees in accordance with the recom mendatioo of the oommittee the company has established a medical department in connection with employees pension and benrrft plan and dr o a winters has been appointed to take charge of it as medical adviser with head quarters at montreal dr winters will review all medical certificates and medical examination forms it is the intention of the com pany to inaugurate some form of physical or medical examination of tbe employees already in tbe ser vice and to ensure new employees being given work for which they are physically fitted should snoh examination disolose minor ail ments or a tendency thereto the new employee would be made aware of the conditions and advised to consult his or her physician in order that early treatment might prevent the ailmerft bcooming ser ious valuable and disinterested advice has already been given to employees through this channel the fund which now stands at 500000 is maintained by the company without contributions pf any kind from tbe employees tavmday m caavmtiom tbe first annualmeeting of tho canadian national safety league and the sixth annual meeting of the ontario safety league will be held on tuesday 18th april 1020 in the kina edward hotel toron to commencing at 10 am the rooming will bo devoted to the registration of delegates and tbe annual meetings of the two leag ues tbe reports of nommittees tbe eleotion of officers for the en suing year and such other busi ness as may oome before the meet ings commencing at 215 pm on tuesday 18th april and con tinuing through wednesday and thursday tho committee bos ar ranged for a series of important papers on safety papers which will bo of vital interest to every man in industry in the eonntry govsctuntnt hbulag bogarding tho qovernment hou sing sohemo the following inform ation may bo of assistance to those desirous of building a home here is how a 8000 house would be paid for if a bouse costs 8000 tbe purchaser pays 60 with his application as a matter of good faith when tho houso jb ready for occupation ho pays 260 in cash or in lot valuo or both to gether making 800 in all or 10 per cent of tbe whole cost of the house if applicant is the owner of a lot no deposit is required then the remainder is paid-in- monthly instalments of 18 each during a period of 20 years when this has been done tbe property belongs to the applicant or the applicant may reduce bis indebted ness at the end of yoar by any number of 100 payments after sueb payments have been made his dues will be reduced according ly or he may pay tbe balance at any time and receive his deed erturfbpuvwa the estate of henry p ijawson lumberman of georgetown has been filed for administration in the surrogate court of milton tho estate is valued at 28191007 and is made up of 700 in household goods 1700 in farm implements 21668 in book debts and promts sory notes 10670066 in mort gages 0426087 in bank and other stocks 862264 in cash in bank 45700 in real estato and 8660 in a saw milt machinery and lum ber x tbe letters of administration have been applied for by tho tor onto general trusts corporation and w h wallbridge the late mr law son having diod without making a will the estate is to be divided according to law in the pro portion of onethird to the widow and twofbirds equally among four children grocery specials quaker corn flakes reg 12io for 10c kelloggs waxtite corn flakes reg 15o for isjc shredded wheat worth 18o for 16c granulated sugar per cwt 1785 brown sugar per owt 1685 corn per tin 20c peas per tin 80c tomatoes pier tin 7 l 20o apple and raspberry jam per 4 lb tin 90c apple and strawberry jam per 4 lb tirir ooc bie washing powder 8 pkgs for 26c magioammonia 8 pkgs jfor 26c bennie bright oleser 8 pkgar 26c pearl white naphtha soap 8 cakes for 29c i- i seeds see our red glover sweet clover alsike and timothy seed also garden seeds of all kinds a m grandy wanted applications for the position of town constable and town yore- man for tbe corporation of geor getown will be received by the clerk up to 8 pm monday april 19th 1020 duties on application applicants to btate age salary ex pected and give testimonials p h heath clerk georgetown orft notice aw georgetown will bave an un limited quantity of water for tbe summer qjtisens may have tjawh isprinkling services persons re quiring such roust make applica tion to miss ryoa collector- of water raies wbo will issue per mits- persons using water on their lawns without obtaining permis sion will be liable to a fine ot 20 the following will be tho rates fpi- urp prloklifig wrvice only 1000 again our phone 76 satlsladrm cwrutcd frunpt fettvery hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring new dresses just arrived call and see them qumr ft and under where bbku i 000 square ft nd voder where bbuee rafe ia iteid above iooc and under woo quart ft- 4 above 2q00 and trader 4000 square- ft ss above 408c and under 6000 eqnare ft s for every additional 1000 iquare ft or part thereof 50c r t by obdbs of council a livery and sales how wfd staum mel firstolaes horses and rigs for biro at reasonable prices horses always for stale j 0 rntledge prop ill fetrfetewa deer1ng farm machinery iiateriiatiomau traotoirw chmolixte eolginea sharpies mecksnioal kilunb umoldne- wire fmmotjmm asd oautavlsd roo- bb oattovs mad bttccie 1 cray dtri hctar cars call and inspect this cor rwfno buying phonb 101 r 88 thos il hevvson norvckl ont method proves its superiority miss yr who has boon iij ess- tdndariie 1 months wrote 8t words per minute on the typewrft- ertbibweek uealla tat omfetatet help thuwawk srhatfch lior to aavt sesision tbe entire tevr guclph business cdllcfle heraldblad gu9lph ontari4- v i bodok pvl m early f one for a hirschorn georeretdwn brooke bloolc the only solution ol high cos 61 living is to join the cooperative society there can bo no profiteering when yon direct ami control your own storo aud participate in tbe profits ac cording to your purohasos join today give it all the trade yon can the groater the trade the greater th having induce your frionds and ncigbbmm to lo likwjh and you will materially fool the benullt a square deal on every transaction guaranteed big price for furs to the trappers of georgetown i t j want you to know that furs bring h big price in montreal market i am a buyer for montreal market no dont sell your furs beforeyou see me for i can nnture you u good price for them drop a card to me of our leaders saturday angel cakes midget rolls almond or coeoannt macaroons you can rely uport them absolutely s riceman credit bow georgetown gibbens bread phone 202 next door to radial station la fan local directory st georges church rv wm burt l th reetor sunday service a fouowt-r- luuns- 11 a in evensong 7 p m sunday school 046 a m in baae- naent holy communion lt aud 3rd bundaya of each month at 11 a an georgetown glenw1lliams coopera tive society ltd h pr1tchett manager phone 2 20 georgetown legal shilton wallbriooe 4 dale barrltarai solioitora etc toronto and georgetown ofllc konnady block lm hoy dale in charge ol ueorga- iiwo ohloa medical or joseph moandrew phyaloian and surgeon medical uffloer of hoalth olatrlot durffeon o t r offlvc hours 2 to 4 and 7 to v p m phone 68 oldia and kealdeno ualn street 3outh oppvaite preabyterlan churoh choice nl and salt meats t op m noryal the annual vestry mooting of st pauls oburob was bold at tbe home of dr webster on tuesday evening april 6th tboro was a good attendance and the financial report showed a balanoeon band of nearly 800 with all obligations met the nntiring energy and ef- boient leadership of the beotor bcfv j rogers baa done mnoh to make tbe year a sneooastol one and in appreciation of bis aervioes bis stlprtiawas inbressed tbe officers for the year are as follows peoples warden mrfcjt f ooenwo beohrs wafdon mr belttf8rewbideimed jaftadl- george dhn something surprising fob spring time s riceman russian man i hove luvodj in georgetown for ftre years and i would like all the people of georgetown to pleseoell me their sprinar ajoodo when jihey are hdnoeoleaninsj i sun rlluatg to pay from 4o to 5o a pound for rakoandahlbhpriee for everythinc i buy mbbera bottle old tea kettles boiler and carpets secondhand olothea aecondhsuad ateno boot eoobdband bacsand laofea old ototee and all fcjnda of old iron the hlfheat prlee somethisik from other pedlar bw old newipspert hpoha an4 anaga dental frank r w atson d d s m d dentiat qorgtown ont houra 9 a in to 6 p m except rhurauay afternoon dentlutry in ull tta branohaa over ball talaphone offio r u heath ld8 dentlet dd utile in lne blook one door nortli u r oneill a carrlase pactory houra 9 a m to t d m chiropractic kfadisiaa snrarery oateopavtbf- a k neixsom d o 9 graduate of tue palmer school of chiro practic chiropractlca fountain head davenport iowa us a office over llonrlsuna orut fitore conauitatloii and spinal analyala free orrtck hours tueadaya and satur daye 1 to 5 pm nod 730 to 8 jo pm phonb office and keaidence 1sow all kinds try clifford linham phone 196 main street spring term from april 6th ijierjjes into the summer term truni june 28th in each of shnwti rubinehb schooil toronto no vacations enter any time free catalogue p mcintohh chief- principal vppgo different auctioneers ben j petoh ilcenaed auetlonaer for hallon and pool qlenwllllana omce male oonduated satlafaotertly and at onablo rate ordora left at tha oeorsatown lleiuld office will reoalve nrnmit attention 5 enoinb motor milton prentsst e v kfaprtiav baojkms yrleftepalriiv si kps9 or pdyiw iwbts cmwnuu ffimetle ten all fmrtlsm0 dproteot ygfir rlt0 ohildrev yonrsou onrmp bdainesa with polioy ju0ie ooat woet iiife as- fgftco she lowefiti rates 6 tie beet reeolts for partioalarsjsee w w fcoe omr rmmbea5 oppnaxtowii jeluol teweait

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