Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 21, 1920, p. 1

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r i v4 ii fc the ki fiftythibd ybab op publication greopgetown wednesday evening april 81at 1920 si jo per annua or si 45 if paid in advance the georgetown herald w pmil- every wedne8dav evening at um mcralo power printing office qaorstown ont conthacr f dvbrti8ino j j fafimad ian application vaaivwltajmr una for urat lluwrtloii andkncanta par one for each autwv- qmnt loeertlon will be dimred ror air tfsulbltnt adrortjaaimattta tlv liies jusfcln ijuwruaman without kveoiii- mttna bolniarjid until forbid ffiaaplad aeeoralftsljr jr dvartaointt wul wclniitet iince kt di mtinwiwfaiout extra- chauce r cttnlrauforooontiaoclvbrll4imri 5 urtut be in u ofijceby moiirw even- rvti sf u8tfrlpti0n rat6b ts iaivm m or st if pa kv s8lenee stt moutha u n l ad- rvj addrsee label abuw n oae explra v j m hodhk pnhllanar nepqnbet rqofs boot bargains mkponsrcparoid roopino ntvonbkt twin htnglu zgf or ftf rqft with the paroxfla flsiiataia labl- fr ooino bast pager fnabnger esjuui 7u2 am 1016 a ni 1186 aui befi pm 628 pni it 886 pm sunday 711 pm oormq wbht 757 am 1016 ani 210 pqi 460 pm 601 pm 757 pm 1016 am iiysnndav o nobtb ooino booth 800 am 510 pm 1188 am 800 pm i lakutea iuuw tit timktablb ud pm pm 810 824 840 wat 865 810 789 ktthsatablb loifur baat nrfl um pm 845 810 917 avm pni pm- rest 1040 610 98r stu h htriman and lumbir dealers neponset twin sungles for all residences butti son- head office hamilton oat warehouses montreal toronto winnipeg calgary edmonton st john the largest manufacturer of roofings wall board and roofing felta in canada w why not keep your feet dxessed ia the the 9athe am your clothes uvliavtj iht roost uldlheanuto stylet in ladiet mens- atod spiddren pino shoes poinpk and oxfords for mcnn and jjovsv ftrrrf mftd work boots we urpu all others iii qiiality aiidvpricc ctl antl- mie ourlfosvy v boots before you oiake your pmrcbmss else- wjhcrvr benlwmumqueja9ji0 w italpotiays to brhte your pairing ijere and have i dtfrie rbci our- repajr shop jvwpp bccmoit uprtlate i ensbtins usto do it riifhl and at a locnift briittf poo pair ydu brjii jfip never too late to ipeind main street oeobgetown teack the children to save habits are acquired early in life children who are taught the value of money and the habit of saving grow up into good business men and capable women the easiest way to teach children to save is to start a savings account for each child 100 each is sufficient after a child has saved another dollar to make an additional deposit he or she will have a better appre ciation of jnat what a doila stands for and how much work andiwlfdenialitrepreaente the soiio tta m othkk buim o sweet onto my heart is the aond my mother ainge aa eventide is- brooding on its dark and noiseless wings every note iajoharged with memory every memory bright with rays of the golden hours of promise in 1 thelapof childhood daja the qrohard bloomaanewrattd each 4boasom aoenti tbttway and i feel aiiithereatb pt eve among the nembwt hay while thrqogh the hallaol memory io happy nptea there rlpgs song my mother ainge its a song- of love and triumph its a song of toil and care it ia flllad with chorda of pathos and its set- innotea of prayer it it bright with dreama and visions of the asys that re to be and as strong in falth devotion as th heartbeat pt the aea ti is lined in mystic measure to sweet voices from above and is starredwlth brightest bless- ing through a mothers sacred love v o eweet and strong and tender are the memories that it brings as i list in joy and arptnre to the song my mother sings thomas ohagan th merchants dank head office montreal of canada established 1804 georgetown branch h r m1mms mnager acton branch l b shorey manager r h thompson co georgetown date it sveyonr gbjicreeidy foii tinputpfl ishdriiadq t all uarness bftveaylarge atook of the be- itiberntttiotial stock tianka and oripa for any old trips iqmlrtag prfeplly alteaded to w a bailey mali street 6e0r6etoh jfjorval the man who has been satisfying the people who have been buying ha uses in georgetown is e a benham i have sold many houses in the past few months and i have yet a number of beautiful homes ranging in price from i 500 to 6500 ttims can be arranged to suit the purchaser on any of these properties for particulars apply to box 185 ot phone 164 l a benbam reaf estate georgetown m r5 fli ikk l i ft so lb pail lard per lb 81 e 01b pail lard for 100 pickled shoulder per lb 27i side bacon whole or half 48o back bacon 6o boiled shoulder 84o idoinbeef 80o jbs 27o jpknnd steak 80o blade rib and ohnnk roast jpeir lb 28c to 2fjo prit roast 18oto28c veto end pork at moderate prices twsmith bvtoaex norval 1 and inspect our stock of and childrens mrm wesar mfwl kinds also fanoy goods v7scprdioly invite the ladies of qtprsetown rtnd vicinity to ciill and inspect our stock tta walwn mrs lwlsfleld 5 a near ihuer of marriage licenses in- rink euranceaenti bto fafaaaa fkoa soi m kjfkjiaieji 1vice i on sto jon 15 pm chlgary ed 0nt0n v 0uver victoria tanoaro tass0ontiemtl train rodtwrltt thr0u0h- cel tourist sleeping oars sun mori wad frl canadian national al tha way tuaa thura sat via ot t a no ccchrano thenoa 0 s rya tlokats and full information from naarat oanadlan national kallwaya afan r o co wles georgetown er snaral passeagar dprtmant tronto iduatrlal oapartmont toroalo d wn- lcg wll fuitlsh full partleulara rasardlng land in watarn canada avalitia for lrmlg or othar purpotaa red clover and timothy at the elevator choice quality and close prices highest market price paid for grain robert noble limited norval ontario bobby and the h c l by jan dsborn there ia something more than hnmor in the reported eonversation between the owner and the brick layer tjs workmen havent a ohaoce the jpontractore nake all th limh kfolm thci brtioklayer- in oon lied the iih then why dont yon 9 traiotingf no use bricklayer wages are tot euviatism thia la ua tba aaas wbonuhouinauanivttoita frrlnttlna pain andstlffan lm of joints tts bold 1 you fight h willi templetent rheumetio cspaulss saroploa may be bad ai matthews drug storo feed john ballantine phone 30 georgetown dmcsmalqsti or at ptiplla htnna w pattersons meat market everything in fresh and salt meats at iowest pricjes freab bones oronnd dally watch our window for sjpecials on saturday skabseasbsabbbbaoaffias s pattbijlli majp streot oaorgetown 48th annual statement 2fith february 1s20 bank of hamilton board op directors i silt john tiijtjtirie ltcmo cvo prmldant othus a binoib vlcprealdnl ci c nxiron nobt iiobson w i rithlaho icc j turnbtlb w woos j p beil 0neral mananr k e3 itulavlsftt wtern suptrlntamlant profit and loss account j at cradlt of profit end loia account 28th february 1819 profits for twelve months ended 28th fabniarv 1920 after deducting charfss of manafstunt d- tarait toortied on dspoalu rebut on current discounts and making provision for bad sd doubtful debt pramlum oa now itoolc a t iwm4i approprlatad aa followi mvldanda noa iso 121 123 121 at 12 per annum to panalon fund war tax on bank not circulation tnuiafarrad to bank pramlioa account transfarmd to raaarva fund from currant rrotlu from promlum on now stock aalsaaa tt prasta oarrlad forward balanea mth fabruarr mil pramlum on now stock tranaxsmd from pronu liabilitibs nassavs fund 0bnkral etatbmbnt ta tha publloi tha bat ilia not baarlnt intareat js3e26771 ud- ffataaettha bank in circulation impoalta not boarlnt intareat 3poalta bartnsr intereat inolud ti4ntt intaraat aocrued to data of atatamant 4497s171 gr r dua to other bank in canada salaneaa dua to banka and banking corre- spondaeta in tba unltad klnirdom baiaiieaa dua to banks and banking- carre sondauts elaewhere than in canada and a unltad ktatdom sassplsnins under ittra k credit asgssjs 146s07 es11s479 8o1040hs 1l7ssia 07 ta tha etiaraholderei capital btpok paid in kaianrs fund balanoa of profit carried forward plyldand no ml payable kt march lmo tormar dlvldanda unpaid 400000000 420000000 sh24071 110 111501 226151 i josbf a bxtmnbtfli praaldant sb 1iu m alacrnr naireiaaer vradlema oo as tar aayod uka nuotii boliby tor his roahl wife laclus with hint jpaxollar brand of satlafiptlbn written on blsfaca tbat camea to a mail who tjtsbe has been emrameiy ttbftral jim sot ions aa it is a tuuarup dtboer pionot goldik to conaldar any reaion- iable efst hare ltrcula be said drawing fortba crisp tnlolar bill flfoao jus bill caa hare it jometblnc bpead tb wbole of it lfyati want tarrapld oavtar grean turtle lobstar rwbatatr tbax hv at tse plrtjr dins- stasa aud tber ar to btj tight of ua laculas words batokensd nearlnaav bntlt was a weariness that bobby tba xaberant young bobnt failed to 1e- tect tea be oraed you aad tue and my brother john and his wife and your brother john and his wlfaand tbe bl nanrtons just a jolly party ill b heme by six ao aa to do anything i can for yon at tbe last mlouta i sapposa youll get bally to wear a cap and apron v and away went bobby ailed with plaaanrnbla aahdpthoii of hlh drat dlaor parly it had liffn settled bstwean tbe bobby htrsngea when thty were mar ried that they would run ua bllla dur ing tbe flral years of their married lira bobby was eobtlncad thai every housewife should go rasrktln person ally taking advanuga of tbe batter price that were offered to those who paid rash sod lucille had agreed per fectly and bobby suntim did not mean to be psraliuonlnu but tbe trouble was that bobby had rather overfed on a certain brand of magnaus article thai nrgea young men to say it was bis theory that if a young man earned sixty dollars a week bs ehould save ai least fifteen he felt that he was gentrous when he allowed lucille thirtyare nn which tn run tbe houae when lucille complained meekly aad goodaaturedly that butcher bills amailngly blgh bobby smilingly quoted some articles he hnd read about using the chsaper cuts litis unfortu nately bobby had a taste ror chops an i and could not tmlnre stew oh there are otber things you run gat he assured her i cant remetn- ber jost what tliey call iheui km youll and it all tn the bilts so when bobby strungn left tlmi naomlng lucille sat looking at the ten- dollar bill lbs ran a anger over its rerelant face aftectlonatsly there so many things that it would do they needed potatoes an0 onlytbe tucine bid ffjund aplsoe gold anrt currant coin dominion government notes deposit in central oold fuserrss deiwalt with the minister of flnano for tbe purpoaea of the clroulatlon fund notes of other bonks chequee on other banfca ttalancea du by other hi t balancea do by banka and banklna corr- npondenta elaewhere than in canada and provincial oovarnl not axceedlna mr canadian munlolpaj baourll dominion curitla si porebrn and oolonlal other tlmn canadian railway ant othar bond dahanturae and sjooka not exoeedlnr market value call and short loans aot e thirty daya in canada on end stoek 74imtf mjumm oilier current loans and dl in cnnadn laaa rebate of rial filata la other than han vordue uebta eetlmaf nnk premises at hot hmounte written off i overdue uebta7eainatad leas provld bank premiaaa st hot mora than float less other aets not included ui jhs fbreawlng ilnhllltla of cuatomers credit aa par contra under lstb miatem j p auditohs ngport ltictlto started eat early and she spent hoars in her search for had why even ordinary barnyard fowl were fifty cents a pound fre quently es sasnerketed she consulted the little menu that she bad made out for the dlnnsr that night and frequent ly she ran her little alitor pencil through certain dainties ahe had planned te nave it was not alone a physical fatigue tbat weighed her down whan ahe re turned from the marketing trip youll wear a cap and apron wont you sally ahe naked when she rarae home i suppose so maam replied bally if you get one for me ton couldnt expect me to have them for myself lucille bad to take tba cork out of the bottom of tbe china elephant bank in which she had been saving nlcklea wltli which te boy a washing machine then ahe wsat out in search of the white cap and apron tbat able could bay wiethe small amount tjbet tha elephant presented her with tbe dinner seemed to be raccessful enough bnt something most have passed between the bobby btrange afterward that took awllttl of the felicity out of lucille lfor when her brother john arrived unexpsnadly the nest morning at about nine after bobby bad started off for lii ofbcehe found bla sister in tears x hsjdksd trouble in tracing these team tofpstr source for lucille knew that john was an unswerving friend and cbinaplon of bar bobby if lie had been she never weald bsre explained to hint after you had ell gone aim ex plained be sals te me that i neednt have been se thrifty he tsld tne hist he wouldnt la the least huve minded if i bad spent all the money lie cave me for ihatllnnr in fort be said he bad rather hoped we would have some thing- a little better titan chicken and- lucllles tears necmnil insturt ntresli at hi detail or the llitle dinner party she winded like n tlilltl before she went mi untl strlnglieiuih ib- anl toinntn hhiiki nub niitl ice cream and antl elwrolnto onke and with the niontlon or tin rnku shn bad spa so much pnliih in making the burst into s torrent nf tears of selfpity and elihevl on lior lirolliers slioiilder an she lind done in nngngn days when he bad comforted liornvcr hie dinlse of s aiisrv or llif lironkliik nf n doll and 1 spout ivimy ciiii be gaye me lucille vviit n whn tdie had re- irtlnil her coinpoaitre there wasat a nt lft hiki i hnd to take the cork ut of the fliulmiii i told him ao and then h said thai it nei all because i didnt know how to buy he said that ilia i wax my rem fault not knowing liow io buy ami ho osld that there reresoiti6 women with could manage n a lot lean mooejj uitinidld andbavs iiorejjellcaclebiua be was yry kino firily be really thinks i dont knpw but lionestiy john t went to thai cheapest lilnwln town nnd carried all the mudlex home myself so 1 wouldnt lis re io go to plaees that ssbm them well i aueaa bobby just dont uh ltfuna reflecced tb loygi john bbby youhtndt mhch older thea wu arid there are s lot of things yoi y6unarsfers have to learii perhaps i i n tesoh lilm ih please dont plesee dont es trmited luclll dbot wen meonoh uihic l because if yon do then v bobby wlliknovc that i haveheen tsrlb iiik hlipm hlmto ydu and that would v lie dreadful john promised secrecy but he ivenl nway secretly promising himself that lie would educate bobby wpeffy passed and thehllatht dlsap itlntmeiit that bobby hnd sustained regurdlng the dinner party was well- uleh foritottii lltfh was nld con- cernini the tiuextlon of food routs ex cept thnt bobby mice ur twleo referred i lncllleh general ignorance concern- inir the rudtmentff nf buying re had ileelded to he mnkimnlmous and not re- lirovt her but he would nrcaalonally tenne her about it then stormcloudk began tn xather hobhy was sway from home two nights one week and tbree the next he was preoccupied and seemed tn be dis traught rather reluctantly when lu cille naked him where he went be told her that he was at the club then lu rllle recalled the little lift they had had concerning the b c l and ahe was troubled indeed women had lost their husbands affections before ahe told heasetf because they had been bad housekeepers she had decided to take her troubles to john john whe always stood up ao loyally for bobby then one night when bobby did come home the conversation went like this lucille how much ate you paying for butter sixtyfive cent said lucille i thought ao and you cant get de cent coffee for less than forty cents 1 can you why no thats what rm telling them but those old fogies 1 guess they bavent been in a market or provision store for yean they dont know how can tber know why food prices bave doubled in two years bobby was waxing elo quent doubled i tell you and to morrow night at tbe meeting of the club im going to sail into- that house committee nnd give them whists coin ing to them it cant be dpne gen tie- men it eaoubedonei bobby hsit risen from lu place atthe tsaiae iwaa addressing the imselruutfbbia tftbiting bwsmltled zu- come over felt as lrddea nvvsyii drdppedrfrom her- ahbwdeaisbot isavi mr itr iiitjktjatt vpli bimoraans with he provlelon or subsactlons 10 and to of aeotlon tt ef the bask as we rajjsrt t illo hsvs axarntnsd the abovo bnlsnoe sheet wllh the hook andvouchers at i flsd returns from the bmnpliee ami we have nbtnlnad all lb tnforrnatlon srid s si bed returns from the bmnpliee ami we have nbtnlnad all the tnftrrhail -nsmbob- oh tbo balnnrabhei is nroprrly l j to tiin hc d branohes durlne tha twelve montlia covered hy o ttamant und that thay sgreod with the onlrles in ths bbnts of he banii wi ur opinion tha bnlanoo8hol ispropcrlydrawnup so a io eshlbll a of- r information anrt ths explsnatlone af the flank i 10m omoaaad itlona we ha tb sowr j ana at ttksrstpir porrvot view ef rivan us ana raorhuoiriess abulfy fellows in the club ajiyjirny he ap- pointed roe t committee of one to act who has usualiy bad full eharea bom nf the members had been complaining that for a dollar be ougbt to be able to give ua a better dinner bat i went into the matter systematically aa i nlwajh do uud believe me it cant be done if those old fossils think it can theyd better try why one of tbe members of the honae committee bad the audacity to tell me that i dldnt know how to buy von dear bobby sympathised low tllle wasnt hint hateful t and i lien us a look of happiness settled over her pretty fair features when dlil brother john ask you to take churgc slie asked it was the day after our little din ner party and say lucille since ive been looking into this matter ill bave in confess 1 dont see bow you sot that dinner up on that measly tea dollars iib lieen u revelation to me ill say a wonderful ooer like a lift sir said a country mnii civilly as he overtook a footworn traveler on the dusty road as they jogged along they chatted about all orta of things presently the old chap jmlled out a watch of tbe turnip vari ety con eo tell tbe tolme sir be naked certainly it is exactly three oclock replied the other as he tuutched the driver set his watch st twelve then be stopped htm i said three ocwk not twelve be added oh that be all right sir i raid tbe carter ns be slipped bis timepiece into bis packet berll soon inn ice that oop her be i wunnerful goer ibd- inhurgh scotsman dlvoroee in the united states the latest report of the culled state national census bumnu once more discloses not mly sn increase in tllerntlp of divorce to murriage but in the ratio of illvorc to growth of population 112 divorces to every 100- 000 people in 1010 as against 8 lu 19m and t2 in hmo there were 112- 038 divorces granted in 1916 concern ing 108702 or which there are exact statlatlcs of those 39900 more than a third were for desertion with cruelty second the two combined accounting for n on hy twothirds 001 per cent of all tb divorces granted in that year adultery flgurlagfar behind and grubjpsnst lagging in tha rear j help wanted v card room help ottjod jrapea paid also soekjp work t oboe to mmfi yf epl lainitod t ifei issffw-

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