Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 21, 1920, p. 2

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thk qkomoetowk hbmau athtl 21 81 1m0 died gaud at bowroanvillo april tslh jacob gaud brother of the lute mr j smith bossey in aimtnoriam hl1n in foad an lovioic rnemdrv of pt wllbsrt halpm 204tb baaljjn killed lo actiorf in france april i7uy 198 two years lave passed our bracts slijl aora as lime file by we miss hlin more hi loving tmile- bis welcome ace r4o one can fill hi vacant plnro- sadly missed by pamhp motbar sister and brother the fecojtflctown herald town council georgetown a pril 10th 1920 council met in council chamber to consider the applications for constable and town foreman reeve dale in the ohair and councillors anthony mcmillan and molntyre present some twelre applications were read and discussed it was moved by mcmillan and seconded by mclntyrc that the clerk be instructed to write d j cantelon wa forth and hj tyaab in connection with the pos ltton of constable- and town fore man for georgetown carried it was moved by anthotr and seconded oy molntyre that j w knnedy be allowed to put in a gasoline tank in front of his store on main street providing that at least half of the tank be placed trader the sidewalk carried counoil then adjourned wednesday bvg april 21st 1920 ii tbc uterel l church going what is the cure for capitalism and labonam and materialism and jingoism and red bolsfaevisrn and race antipathy and all the unruly ambitions and desires that tease and bedevil mankind the same remedy for all self government nnder ones own hat selfgovernment based on realiz ation that the highest office is to serve and that the door of happinesr is love that is leligion and patrio tism and the road to true civiliz ation and real progress self respect selfcontrol and self abue gation are the bases of character and it is on character human char aoter that the world must depend lets all get busy and make some character it is not a factory product nor never will be it is made day by day in the little world tinder ones hat your oburoh will stimulate and inspire you in this great task attend every service and you will be glad church news methodist ohubch services on sunday at the regular hours if you are able to attend the morning service we will be glad to have you remain for the bible olasses quarterly communion and be oeption service sunday morning may 2nd osluaes panad o death the home of mr and mrs miller eookford was completely sestrovcd by fire saturday morning april 8rd about 8 oclock the two little children aged 8 and s yrs were burned to death the father who is employed by the armour packing co was at work and the mother bad been away just 16 minutes she had gone to the dairy to get ber supply of milk and eggs on her return she found her borne in flames and her little ones inside bnrned the mother and father are prostrate with grief mr mil ler was born in georgetown where his mother mrs miller noe becky meadows died he was fostered by his grandmother mrs meadows until the time of her death when the family moved to bookford and have resided there ever since their eldest ohild died s years ago another baby died last christmas and now their last 2 dear little ones have been burned to death com terra colla mr m lyons has finished saw ing lumber for mr h logan on the 9th line and has moved his mill to the mountain where he in tends sawing another yard of logs for mr ouie butledge and a lot of custom logs as well real estate is on the move again already mr bobt mooauley has furohasej the flats on the spring- irook farm adjoining him from mr john monally sheep doge seem to be quite numerous in oar hamlet at present mr john stokes reports having bad fonr of his best sheep killed by dogs and several worried one night last week it seems so many of the worthless speoies are allowed to roam aronnd and it is almost impossible to keep sheep mrs c mckeown of acton is spending a few days this week with ber parents mr and mrs john townsend mr h parr of hamilton spent the week end with his patents mr and mrs b pari of this place we are informed that the terra gotta briek co will commence work here this week dr l l plant of toronto we understand has full charge of the work and thus we expect to see terra cotta boom in the brick business as it never did before mrs chas iiediidgehas return ed homefrom guelph hospital muoh improved in health mr walter haywaid has secured a inorative situation in guelph snooess to you walter mr w j butledge has purchased an uptodate ford auto truck in toronto and purposes takingall bis produce to the city the halton briok co are run ning fall blast now and are unable to keep poos with their orders the canada briok co have also started to make brick again auction sale of household furniture tbe undersigned has bee innini td hi james e me0h to aell by pubht miction ni his reml iicr king street on tatmu evaming may 6th 1 00 at 7 p m the following v iron beduead nng uitiiln mode dresser 3 fancy ihuns j rcltersi 3 arm chairsi kilihen i hiursi suii kc ing mncltinet parlor table exu nwnn ibu wire lot ntandi looking u cook stove parlor loe oil loi idi boards oricani floor oil cloth and mini itoueehold goods ben petch auctioneer correction miss dorothy thirston stood tenth on the high school report form 1 dr w willoughby who for the past six years has conducted a successful livery and real estate business at guelph is dosing up bis livery stable to devote all his time to the ever increasing real estate trade whiob be worked np in guelph and the surrounding district the public health ottlaaaa are juanaatad to ttaiaply with the pnblle health atrt notice if nonrbv r a thai ah rei dent of georgetown are tecwa forth with o clean their cellar drains au out atyei water closeta utbulldn irtjl other pramils nod remove therefrom nil dirw tnaqura and other aubsvnce v hlth may endanger the public uealih and te have the amecotnpleted bv the tj utu da of may next on yfhcb day the bnltar inspector will omonenco general itupei hon andfurilwr take notice that the ac tion ol the pvbm health act prohibiting the keeping of hog between the fitteentli of may and- the first of november xi opt ra pens arleaet 70 feet from any dwelling bouae and so feet from nny trect of- lane with floor kept clenr from anj otanding wafer and regularly cleaned will be itn i it enforced all citizens are earneml riicated to keop their premises constantly 1 1 a and disinfected ikkoy datr ueee of the munii lpjlit georgetown april 21st 1920 special this week 100 uc ion nil imilaml niuloi cultivation situated 8 miles fiom loot hctou n ritli t ln loam noil well watered b running stream and well nntni piprl into stables finelaige bank barn on stone base in nt koimi stitbhtik oeinmit tinnm driving house silo ben house good dwelling house 80 ft bj 80 rr flame at price asked 10600 this is good bur spung posseosion toi nis nrrapged 100 noieo arrl oam iu wellington county ju rtiah state of 4ultt- ftti0ii 9c acres clrar j amps maple bnah 18 acres fall wheate well enced plrnt of wiuo good bai n epinetit stables large silo good iniplemt ni limine lmgo nw ami up to d ate poultry bouses tor 1800 fowls heaiflw nn morons colony houses 2- stores brick house cistern fiuuuio tili nl ini ono el tlio pretties oql best faims in the cob m unity win 11000 a hic ml pno can be had dh this arm if stock fonlnlul iruhiiprnertfs ate takepwith form wfjy pai ret when you can buy a good frame house in tint go ahead town for a lufcfcleljetterthari 8pq0 what butter in- vcijtmetit mi vvotkiug mail can ou make iljan iu bojingyour cywa borut at a pi icu that will go m lustoad of down wahays sunojov for ssfn aronnd tbjapricp of esqucsing sanitary notice notice la hereby yivcn thut all rcsi deoti of tht township of esquesmff are required forthwith to clean tliur cellars drains yordu pig ttye wtttr closeta and other outbuildings and premises and re move all dirt fillh manure or other sub stances which may endanger public heat tb and to have savme completed by the 15th of may next on which da the sani tary inspector will commence a general inspection ail residents are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clean and in thoroughly sanitary condition note no otfc sty is to be elected within 60 feet of nny dwelling house road it reel or lane john smith sanitary inspector 42131 you will not see a mepherson shoe sold amongst a bank stock they are in a olaes by themselves and are known fiom coast to ooast to bo the best shoes in canada these shoes are sold only bv me in georgetown do you know that our business has doubled every 6 months since we started in georgetown that ii what honest dealing has done for us we are still enlaiging oiu prem ises for we are folly convinoed that our business is going to moiease repairing department this department isoomplcln we i an give you a good neat job at reasonable price the more cheap boots that are sold in georgetown the bettei for our repairer bepairing done while you wait secondhand boots bought or exchanged j roney the peoples family shoe man main st georgetown ballinafad mr and airs w spear of isling ton visited at tfarnellsoa sunday the dance under tbe auspices of the bontemptsclub last thurs day night was a grand snooess in spite of the bod weather mrs george bosjsel and sister wilda visited cataract fi lends on sunday mr and mrs george thompson visited ospringo frendson sunday canada sample and jobbing co wmopen np a bankiupt stook of boots shoes and rubbers in gib- bens block georgetown on thuis day april 22nd the sale will oontlnuo for 8 days only wstoh for further announcement georgetown creamery cream wanted highest prices paid for cream in any quantity old fowl wanted open every saturday night for the accommodation of our patrons georgetown creamery co m saxe manager evans rush notlcc te ashes bp nrrimrnmbl ibimmiminu l pemona having clean alic to dinoe of should aoe the chairman of the st reft and vvalka committee mr c n hon who maj jjie them pormlwion 10 place them on tht street undor iiihi lion ordkr f cot nctl roukd lu black purae otainin mm ill mm of money owner apply at hcriiui oftica corporation of georgetown the mens store rhone 237 willoughby bloc georgetown madges candy shop special sundaes scotch frappe pineapple snow drift floradora french chocolate main street 15c 15c 15c 15c phone 214 new bakery at glenw1lliams try mckmley bros glenwilliams for firstclass bread get a good loaf today get a good loaf every day buns a specialty if you want anything good in cake we have it wedding cakes made to order mckinley bros glenwixiliams ontario 1000000 bankrupt sale of- boots shoes and rubbers in the gibbens block georgetown on thurs april 22 9 am sharp this stock of boots and shoes were bought at s5c on the 100 and will be sold at from 33 to 40 per cent off sale will continue for 8 days only take notice that 1 the council of thstcorpomtion of georgetown has cohstrvctctl uh a loaj improvement reinforiecl tohcrele pnv- mencrlth concretecurb on mill st fast miu st west and mam si 1 the cast o the wik on mill stv east 166j3j of uhlch- sltlo 24 is tbe peporaaionb share and a55 12 in the ow nerssharei mill st west cost is 99867 55 pf which 01 71 ia tho tiorporstion share aou s955b5 u the owners aharet matnst mho cosr ib 10300kj of which 7390x u he cotporations share and toooqotoe owners ahaie the kpetml rats per foot frcmtsfe on mill st el 24i36 on mill t west 21823 add on main s 2 2262 the special assessment s to bo paid in lwrnty equal annual instal ment the fstimattrd life of the work in twenty years 4 a court of reunion uill 1 held on the 10th day of muy 1920 at 10 0 clock a m in the council chamber fr the pur- poso of heaniik coniplaintr against the jiroposed aasessmentti or the atturny of rontagre ineasuremcntv and any other complaint which persons interested nm desire to make and which is by law cog nlzsble by the court f l h path clerk special announcement advice to our friends who are thinking of getting a blue or black serge suit we have a large stock of th above goods bought before the big advance in price ie ou ate considering the purchaser of a sarge smvnow la th time to place your order as you will pay onethird more for these goods by the end of the j month n matter where you buy them v buy now and save money special clearing of all winter overcoats and suits a great opportunity to secure bargains a thesa godds must be cleared to make rcrom for new spring lines bargains in a1j departments during tha month millar fc co fine highclass tailors majis fnraiamngs and raadytowar olatalaa georgetown phone 126 m w h 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 d sal luftttrnmngbl m iiiiiimnmi jacksons a substantial saving made by buying housefurnishings early 4 we have a splendid selection of all lines of housef urnishing but thjs stock it going out daily and we cannot replenish our furniture stock for aome time as all the factories ar overaoid and future deliveries will be at a higher price so we advise buy now when the selection is good and prices reasonable sk buffet golden i cat oak art glass dooia good value at 976 00 foi 4900 extension table t cut oak pedestal log 3750 chairs set of 6 1 at m chair solid oak pads seats 4500 china cabinet solid oak sb 50 pailoi suite u pieces maho silk opbolsteiod flooi s40 0o foi oouohos large size at 26 00 ohaus in deep tapesti covei finish ine at 8880 1900 1880 rookeis i out onk lniro nrm rockers 1160 beautiful electric tables and floor lamps much below price s7 hr clod in table lamp toi 40 s5 hj12 00 electron table lamp for s8s8 2800 electric flooi lainp loi 22 81 1 mens shirts pants and over alls of a substantial savins mens overalls otia largo and bost yual ity clotb 76 fqr mens ovoialls 896 foi mons boavy flannel bhiits 8 76 foi mens military flannel shirts 200 foi mens bear don i in shirts 8 2c fni mens boavy fui linod onns mens pants mens r0e suspnniloih foi mens lion j wool jaekots mens lonthoi wool lined mitts si 60 foi 896 975 895 940 105 150 995 48 695 195 a saving on every day nssds 1 i comloit soap foi 8 star ammonia foi 8 infanfa delight foi lfio qld fashioned bonp foi fine wilton squares64 12b for english tapestiy squaies 8xh beautiful tapertn squains 8x8 fmo bunglo rugh 8x8 good bunglo rugs hvtl extia bunglo hugs ajxll jap flooi dugs mx7s tapestij mats 27x54 vol ot mats 20x62 japanoss mats 75p f terms strictly cash open evenings come early canada sample and jobbing co next door to mooreheads gibbens block georgetown new spring footwear we are ubqwing a hplnndid range of the latest in spring footwear for men women and children that foi stjl 8orlcpnnd valno will ffivo otoij satisfaction 89o 880 9t0q 9000 18t5 1b9 750 i50 675 and up f jacksons georgetown c stands for children little boys and girls w stands lor women who have spring ills jfatltihtpfr mc wliparehmhy and strong qm0pjkjii pfe wo wait to live long ill weekbud fancy stationery in boxes cross weave regu lar 50c friday and saturday 39c jordan almond regular 70c friday and 9 saturday ftc s- nobleman ggp regular i5 specials i mrdo vvmi9 i epom salts regular 20c pel pi friday and sat- epoin salts regular 30c per pkg fffday and saturday lie hourigans the fgbjul sto mx vil lt siliyihb meimj8cthi9i8a ktavfc

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