Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 21, 1920, p. 3

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7 j vkliijl ma tn qmammtenn hbssxd ana am iw notes ani comments wbbx tbs wholb matter ll tailed down it will probably be band that tanning u do great big eineh m suggested by the fellow who doesnt term and the termer who triei holiness life for a while will and that bastaeu life baa iu pa and downs and is aobjeot to many flantastion whioh also beet the farm it is one of the traits of human nature to think it the other fellow who baa the inch u ft tjhbk8t would vanish if the people oonld get it ont of their head that around every sorner is profiteer heeling to sandbag thein let aa getrid of the idea hatprle aw the work of any span or set of men here and uteris of ootjrso there may be profiteers- bnt the great majority of people who ace charging more for what they sell r dolng aj eittply baoatuetheyjiiave to quit jrjobpg py orao withoot the world is not really going to smash as the pesaimiau woold -hate- ns heliete8imo6e fiefornier suits suits for you suits for spring tttbbb who abb bomb people are always too tired to do any thing eawept loaf some mole they dont really feel any worse than anyone else and they oaght to feel a lot better considering the unbroken est they enjoy these people do not even exereiee their imagin tions for they never consider thinking about anything else bnt their own weariness when this palls on them at last tbey take a little nap to overcome exhaustion with some people this disease lasts the year around but in the spring they try to disguise it by calling it apring fever dont let them fool you its nothing but plain laainess the beginning of the garden ing season marks the beginning of the neighborly disputes over chick ens this is one qpestion to whioh there are not two sides tbe man whose obiokens dig up his neigh bors garden is absolutely in the wrong accidents will happen of pourse and it yonr neighbor as a role keeps hie chiokens up and one inadvertently slips out and soratch s op your favorite bid of sweet peas or radishes said neighbor deserves forgiveness bnt any man who willfully allows his obiokens to run belter skelter through hia neigh bors yards deserves to be gently bat firmly requested to keep em in a local option in daylight sav r ing is liko local option in a groat many other things it has a tend ency to breed confusion worse con- founded amongst those whom it pretends to benefit what the municipality should do in get to- i gether and agree to observe day light saving hours without causinu oonfusionoy advanoinii the clocks land tboreby throwing them out of railrood and government time if this were done there would be lifctls confusion this summer t local option prevails entirely with every municipality ob l serving a time all it own there is tbound to be considerable exasper tton and turmoil as men lose their rains and business connections leoanseof the attendant uncertain ty in the call now goes forth irgetown tor a clean up a rlod during wbiob the house- ldor is nxpeoted to take special ns to olean up the cellar of its ter refuse tidy np the book nd in every way moke things olean as possible let it le effective this olean up l r it is es- no aooumu- p t tiie con gather fca vaaatoor provide breod- iua ibe fly whioh carries fttewms making the latter effective for aesthetic very effort should be made e georgetown the town liful and it is hoped that he people are doing their corporation officials will it that the towns holdings not neglected to set a bad ox- ili to others llgqabdb will have to get i job as oounty represento- for the warning is issued by fanning doherty that they i show more activity in tbe fmmnce of tboir duties or quit iminister of agrioulture de ij that some of the distriot itpntatives are sleeping on i jobs their ineflioienoy would u tolerated by the department luystem introduced by tbo pay government was a good it could bo coordinated iroved and this was bis ob- inisters intention is fa supervisor to look irk all over tbe prov k up what the ropro rare doing ml- to laying onergyahd vig new post and he is imanding a display of the part of district ra il vee who form a valuable link between tbe farther aarieoltural deportment iojals who boe been doing u nothing to fear 10 kave been marking irtaliplihelllnv e le in announc i the iearly arrival o tke complete stock of spring suits that has ever be- f lote benshowr in grgetowri we are showing all that jtfiti m i the matter of quality sjp v varlatioa of styles what ia more all the seasons latest touches are represeiitetl ii our complete range t i for men and young men splendid variety of tweeds and fanoy worsteds also some good varieties of navy blue serges above suits are either in full box semi fitting waist- line and belted effects prices range from 1850 to 95600 for ladies an the styles of those suits are too varied fr authentic descrip tions but there is a surprise in store for all those who will come in to look them over each and every suit has an individual touoh all its own and the styles can only be comimred with those much hiuher priced our prices range from 92250 to 985 oo 2mb halloo rifles tbe first meeting of the ofnoers of tbe 90th halton rifles ainoe 1914 before the ootureak of the war was held at the court house milton saturday afternoon april lotb fifteen offloera turned out among- them tbe o o lienkcol a noble the following war vet- 1 erana jjieutcol ballantine d8- o majors g o brown and cbis- holm captains oonover peppiat and mabon and lieut carroll also captain b k anderson and lieut hnnter a memo from head quarters was read to the effect that the time limit of five years with an extension of one year having expired lientcol noble would relinquish bis command b tbe near future-and- bis soooesaqr bo gazetted tbo oomnjanff will go to lieutcol bajantine next june ion his return from the united states on the expiration of bin en- gagement there itwasannonnoed that tbe regiment would be re- orgtaiaed to be oonapoaed- of the 87tt 76th and 164th battalions of tbe cbp the question of going to camp this year was left to the debisioiilof lieutfcol rbllanfeine it is anderotood thaa he does not nonbidecit advisable to go antil next year after completion of re- pygaiiisation the appointment of tbe- usual committees was deterred on the same ground tbe matter of the erection of a obnnty memorial to fallen soldiers i disouesed tbe officers went on record as in favor of a monument to be erected in victoria park here opposite tbe oonrt bouse this will go far to settle tbe question mon ument vs hospital champion grocery specials brill co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown do you want insurance if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firsticlass companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do- minion of canada g- a fire insurance n v retaiierforwhom mmmmmmmmm mm w j ftpo packed a registered mark must still bo ahown indicating tbe oi ii rial pookorn tbe oiroular stivtoh that this regulation will he ritlidly enforoed this season w w roe phone aoe georgetown counter check books at the herald soldlan knuwt tbe star says tbe dundas monu ment to that towns soldiers who tell in the great war will have base of some 20 feet with pedestal and caps of iiranite surmounted by a bronze figure of a soldier the llguro to be about eight feet in height to give proper effect on tbe sides of tbe pedestal will be panels with inscription namee of men who fell in tbo european and boer wars if the typical british trench motor can be secured one will be placed at each corner of the base similar to the handsome soldier memorial in quebec city it is also intended to have seats placed about the monument and to have somo war trophies placed on either side of tbe base tbe idea is to get something that was a distinctive feature of tbe great war such as antiaircraft guns winch would be of interest to many tho height of the monument over all will be some 20 foot the con tract goes to hamilton macarthy sculptor ottawa estimated cost 0600 maat hv the nftme tio department of agiionlttrru hurt issued a oiroular drawink at tention to tbo regulations undoi tbo inspection and sale aot gov erning tbe marketing of fruit in open packages open fruit pack axes may not be sold now unless tbey bear tbo name of the packers or a number or a mark wbiob has been registered and approved by tbn department of agriculture where packages are labelled with besides tho 0600 salary dr doelman is to get whon be be comes acentgonoral for ontario in great brilnin nest july thero is 4000 a year foi living allowance prunes ib package prunes per lb 86o80oand marmalade 4lb tins pure strawberry jam 4lb tin pure baapberry jam 4lb tin apple and raspberry jam per 4 lb tin apple and strawberry jam per 4 lb tin baapberry jam 16 oi jar rag soo for cooking figs per lb corn 8tarob reg 18tc for forest gity baking powder best lemons per noi bonnie bright cleanser 8 pkge magib ammonia 8 pkgs for shredded wheat ortb 18o fqr kellogge waxtjte com flakes 8 for quaker corn flakes reg llp for r 1 89 86o 1 00 1 so 1 40 soo 90o o loo 10c 810 80o 880 86c 15c 96o loo see our rd clover sweet cloyer alsike- and timothy seedf also garden seeds of all kind amg phone 75 gleowiiuams we understand the ball team- will soon be in training so get ready boys stay with the home team help onr own little village along it was reported in last weeks herald mrs charles bverson was in quelpb hospital should of been toronto general hospital later report doinn well tbe otb line is still in bad shape time something was done to it ball and sapper in town hall april 80th come along and bring your friends with you mies may momaster is holding another recital april 89th all are welcome hlh fl baura the guelph board of education has gone on record as in favor of allowing entrance pupils from pub lio schools to pass into high schools op principals reports provided hey attain 70 per cent on tbt total marks and 40 per cent on each sub ject at the term examtoatfoha the entrance examinations to continue for the benefit of pupils who are not passed on the principals re ports tbey to write a heretofore again our ran hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring new dresses just arrived call and see them a hirschorn brooke block georgetown an i sag the only sola ion of high cosl oi living is to- join the cooperative society srpwapdjjjbv peaant evening on whjwwr it phpor ittoiip4p yagrmi opm for n thero oan be no profiteering wbvn you iliieot aui control your own store and parti ofpn to in tho prollts ac cording to your purchasob join today give it all tho trade you oan tho greater tbe trade tbo gruatsr ll saving indnco your frlonds and neighbors to do likowuc and you will materially foel the bencfll y a square deal on every transaction guaranteed georgetown glenwiluams co opera tive society lid hpritchett manager phone aae georgetown students tryingexaminatioqa for normal and faculty entrance and matriculation are tobe given two chances during the year according to a statement issned by fion k h orant minister of edtication candidates who cannot try or who fail at the june examinations may write in september a candidate whoso failure is dne solely to one paier may complete his standing by writing on that paper alone at subsequent examinations and pass if he obtains 60 per cent this year the normal entrance and pass matriculation examinations held in juno will be uniform tbe oandi date who either in tbe jnne or september examinations obtain pass matriculation partial or com plete including tho eight oblig atory subjects of the middle school will be given a middle school certifi cate there will be no bonps papers in art and agrioulture at the middle and upper school ex animations in september and no bonus on latin in the middle school examination nor will there be any papers set in the lower uotaool subjeots otherwise tho september examinations will cor respond to those in june an orillia man sued bis neigh bor for damago done to his garden by tho neighbors obiokens the jndge allowed 16 damages local directory st georqe8 church rev wm burt l th rotor sunday lervlce tun follow wattn 11 m in evennoiitf 7 p in eiuiiduy tiuhuol 946 a at tn tmwt moiit holy communion ut and 3rd juiidtutj maun month al 11 a m legal 8 hilton wallbrioqb oalb barriilsrs solicitors etc toronto and qoorctown olllca konudy block la roy oslo in obarst ot ooorso- ovn oflloo medical dr joseph moandrbw phytlolan and surgeon medlosl olllor of health dutrlot suitfuon o t r ohioo hours to 4 and liolp m phono 68 oinco and roaldno main blrel south oppovlt probytrlan churoh dr o t w robs hxiioune surgeon of grac flokpital toronta tl begin practice thursday april 22nd in the omce formerly occupied by dr nixon something surprising for spring time s riceman dental frank b watson o 0 8 m o 9 dntlft goorgtown ont llouih 9 m to ft p m except tliuinday ulternoou dtiiiliutry lit all it binnulieu over ball tlohon offie i r l heath l o8 o o s dentist olllco in iane block one dour nortb ot onttillh currluse factory hour 9 i m to 6 i m method proves its superioritf miss who ban been in at tendance 8 months wrote 8b words per minute on tbe tynewxiav erthib week nmnitrumtptm aals til wt alutairoi mow to tamt 8ebdon the entlrs ttr hrin jbudo guelph qhtauriti aibbuor frja hhtotol a great many of georgetowns particular housewives have chosen gibbens bread on account of its fine quality which accounts for our daily increase in sales phone soa oi call the driver b v gibbens next door to radial station tfttaliftipilnlftl choic fresh and salt meat op allki t russian man i have jlivedj in georgetown for five years and i would like tall tbe people of georgetown to pleaselsell me their apring boods when they are honseoleanino i sun wlllina to pay from 4o to so pound for rngb and a nigh prloe for everything i buy rubbers bottles old tea kettles boilers and carpets secondhand olothes eoondhand mens boots seeondband bags and saoks old stoves and all kinds of old iron i tbe highest price somethins from other pedlars buy old books and magasines tow chiropractic no madlolne snrsair ov oataooatliy a if nejlson d 0 gmduatc of tlic palmer school ol chiro practic chiropructich fountain mend davenport iowa lsa onico over llourlsunu urus storo consultation and spinal anolyal free orruit llnirii tiicktlayi and saiur- ilnya 2 to 5 p in and 730 to 830 pm ihone odirn and kclilfinc isow auctioneers benj fetch ulcunaud auotlorioer for halton and peal uleiiwllllum iont ooloe sales conduoted autlhfautorlly and al rea- vouablo ratew orders left at tlio qeorsetown herald olllca will reoelve prompt attention try clifford unham phone 196 main street 9 spring term from april 6lli inert imtf tbti summer term from june 2lh m each of shaws bimlnewi sihooal toronto no vitro ion enter any lime free cnlalouu- p mclntoah chlelrrlmipml vonjfo- and gerrard sis milton prentiss hntnuxhfi i molom fov bldo maiiiikkmv bronbrn elecirk repair jobonto life insurance 1 qproteot yonr wife chiltlron yoiirsolf nail your businohh with m policy in tho great wost lite as- hiiranoo co the iowrnlj ratos with the boat results for particular nee ww obc una ir j a traov clerk vownalilp olerk rd r the lea oe repr at- aatw lno 10l f 8fl bofor m

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