Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 28, 1920, p. 1

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if fitrv wfss v ffftythlbd yeab op publication georgetown wednesday evening april 28th 1920 siso per annum or 125 if paid in advance i the georgetown herald i puhllhari every wednesday evening at tht heraldpower printing opficb qeoraeafcvn ont contract advertising rates furnished en application teh sents thc una- or tirst jnaetthw ud live centa iter una for each aubee- v dorjf insertion will- ira changed lor all irauaisiti ad vertlsemenu twelve una jto an lush advertisement without apeoloo dl- reettolte will bo inserted ant forbid 4iil eharged accordingly advertisements trill be changed once meli moithtlthoux xtra obarg changes- for contract adveruaeoierit vitiat bo in tfcia omee by monday aven- tn- subscription rates que year slfcoi orflat iftoaldln advance six- months 5 centa in d- ranc theaddremi label shows lha dale youruusorrtlm xplrea u leqobb pubitahet j j strtlaaatakla i going bast passenger 722 am passenger 7 1016 a m mail 1186 am passenger 845 pro mail 628 pm passenger 880 pm passenger sunday 711 pm ooiko west passenger 767 sm mail 1016m passenger 810 pm passenger 460 pm passenger 601 pm mail 767 pm passenger sunday 1016 am going n0bth mail 800 am mail 510 pm qoino south mall 1188 am mail 800pm grocery specials piuuth 6bpkokk irurtes per lb 26f 80o iiiul miiriirajiufo libiins k port stmwberryjtai 4hj tei- pure fiaspberry jafrt 41w tin apple oiki raspberry jam pnr 4 lb tin applo and strawberry jimi perl lutin bhepberry jam 10 os jar iog 00c fur ooodn figs per ih tv coiti starub re 124o for fqresi city bakjx powder bebt lifempris per cjoz 4 bonnie brjkbt cleanser 8 nvgs v mip ammpilia- 8 pkgafbr 8hrodddwbbat tor keltogga waxtita corn flakes 8 for quaker corn iplajies reglsc for seeds ee our red clover sweet clover alaike and timothy seed also garden seeds of all kinds boot bargains toronto abaxbaa atauwav daily timetablb am pm pm going bast 810 284 640 going west 866 810- 789 sunday timbtable going bast am pm pm pm pm 1081 1820 84 610 817 am pm tm going west 1040 610 98f a m grandy ea7aamt7 tb phone ts satfsfaetlm gucutved prompt delivery w a bailey uptodate harness shop mow is the time to have your harness overhauled be ready for your spring work dont pat off till tomorrow what yon sbonld do today a full stookof all harness needs wesjso have a large stock of the old reliable international stook food v trnnksand grips for any old trips refairlag probptly auenle4 to w a bailey hall street ge0rget0w r i wo cordially invite the ladies of georgetown and vioinity to call antunspeotoar stook of cossard corsets sard hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring t new dresses just rived a- v call and see them a hutschorn brooke block georgetown iws himi4mii ii waffv iijialilll illii 1 fjtlii the onstomers of the bank of hamilton may depood on abso lute seoreoy in conneation with all transactions the customers oon- ndenoe is never vttriatpil under any oondition evon the existence of the account itself boiug treated as 11 business confidence bank of hamilton g c mackay manager tl why not keep your feet dressed in the 1920 styles r the lamm your tolothep uv iiavriiiie most upjfoathonaiimte fttylek n lvdiffvmtfo ftd chiw pine hoefl rbiipt and- oxfords v ppr mens nnd fioia fiirrn ind aork uoots yse irpayal otborm in quality find price cbl ami ste or heavy work root hrfoie voir maite yout- purchase also- whore rfnltii4jmqtuok8r4l3o0 ii uiu pays to bvifif your repairiiikf hrc and have ii done rihl our repft shop is quipped with tl6 most uptodtte mchinry enabling tii to do it rghi and at t low coflt bririr- onu paiyou brittjf them all jttt nevr tamp j m t r main street geobgeto wn prompt returns from shipments when yon ship grain butter cheese or fruit put through the merchants bank a draft on the buyer this is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactory settlement it sstss time and possible loss th merchants dank head office montreal of canada established 1864 georgetown branch h r m1mms mrjiager acton branch l b shorey manager seed wheat marquis 275 wild goose 265 at the el geo highest market price paid for grain robert noble limited norval ontario a at aire job its a ninns job to ho choerful fn the fned of grief and chip any weaklinu can bo tearful and a victim of despair but it taken noian to swallow all the bitter in the cup and to livo for what may follow without ovor living up its a mans job to he kindly ltaj omnajpb to be true none cimrsbubhre oyoaarid blindly try to jf nrneiy this life thcongli and nqt see the wrongs aboiu him pr the hazards ih hitt way there are tinies when fate wtll flout bim and bia feet will go astray not iavfooli and- iravem eratutes are ibe tvqrthy virtues found not on blank sisd lifeless features do tho cheerful smileb abpurid fiehn io hisvbost is llvirrfr and for trutji apdjionor stands and is cheerful in his giving has anions job on hinharids to be kind an 1 thouvhlfuf ever to be strong in times of oold to put all your best oliueavor tri an effort to succeed and to fail and keep on tryiu and not lose yor cheerful ways i a job thoros no denying for n real man nowadays by edgar a guost seventyfive and board 0 by m p hrrryman corporatibn of georgetown coal the beat soranton ooal in all sices portland cement flotjb feees pbovisions georgetown john ballantine phone 80 m eoeeeexet suits suits for you suits for spring i- hrr a wattes mr e wliiiem oeoroetoww r f s near jssqor of marrlago jiioenbea in- sranoe 4goni ptp ssf4sf s pjbese 01 attheheralb x- in811ance and beal estate r paint it today use it tomorrow btmsmbsr how shabby the aid ear looked yesterday alongside of your neighbors new one t mads you f esl like an outcast dont let that wony yon get tv- can of lowss auto mobile varnish dolors and rosks your old bus lswk uks saswoas palnttt todsy and drive it out of the garago ts riorro these automobile vamub colors are mads to all- the popular colors easy to u flow on like cream corns in and ask for free booklet r h- thompson co we ajce pleasure in announcing the early arrival of the most cornjplete stbek of spring suits that has ever be fore been shown in xzteorgetbwn we are showing all that ijjttf be desired in i fjie matter of quality 3wd variation of stylesf what is nidrej all the seasons latest touches are represented in our f0f plete range s a for men and young men splondiil variety of t weeds and panoy vorsteds also sonir good variotins of navy blue serges above suits aro either in full box roniidttinu waistlino and belted offoots 1 8bo to 8jbboo 1 j prfyps range from for ladies and misses w mim tlfo stylos of these salts are too varied for authentic done rip- but thnrp is a htirprise in store for nil those who will ooine in tq look thorn ovev kiioh and ovory suit has an individual tonpli r all its own and the stylos onn oujy bo comparod with thnso munli higher priood our prices range from 82260 tp 88800 1js brill go rl take noticatoati 1 the council o ibu corporution of georgetown has constructed as a local umprovetnenv relnforced concrete p mentt with concrete curb on mill st east mill sw west and main st 2 the cost of the tork on mill st east is 166536 of which 111024 is the ccporationt ihare and i5s5w is the ow- neri sharet mill st west cost is 286756 of which 191171 is the corporations hare aud s955 85 is the owners share i main st the cost in 103000 of which 739000 is the corporations share and sj0o0 00 the owners share the- soecinl rate per foot frontajre on mill st east in 2 41j6 on mill- st west 21823 and on main st 22262 the special assessment ato be paid in twenty equal annual muni ments x the estimated life of he work is twenty years 4 a court of revision will he held on the 10th dy of may 1920 at tc oclock am in the council chamber fcr the pur pose of hearing- complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy of trontagre measurements and any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is bv la cog nizablo by the court j f l heatit cj the public health oiteujeas are reassted to comply with tts pnblio hoaltk aot notice is hereby given that all resi dents of georgetown are required f9rlh- wlth to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water closets outbuildings and other premises and remove therefrom till dirt manure and other su but anew which may endanger the public livnltb ad tie have the ksmo completed by the t 1 day of may next on which dy the sanitary inspector will commence general inspec- lion and further take notice that i he sec tion of the public health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs between the fifteenth of may ana the first of november ox re pi in pens at least 70 feet from any dwelling house and so feetyrom any street or lane with floors kept clear from tiny standing water arid regularly i will be strict ly enforced all citizen are earnestly requested to keep their premises contttantty clean and dininfected ibrov dale reeve of the municipality georgetown april 21st 192 township oftsquesing sanitarynotice notice in hereby given that rail resl- items of the township of enqueuing an required forthwith to clean their cellars drains ytrdx plj styes watorclnactshm other outhttlltliitgn and premises and re move nil dirt luth manure or other sub fciunrp utiirh may ondftnner pnhlu heal th find to itiive sumo voihpletud by the 1 5th of mhy next on which dsy the stini tary inspector will commence a general insnerlloti all rcsldnnth ni erimnslly rotuierlcd tc keep their pro mi mis constantly cleanaiui in thoroughly samthry condition notk no pljf ty im to lu etected within 60 feet ef any dvvttllin hoiino roiid street or lane oi in smith knnitfirv inspector 42llt notice m1 and main sts georgetown ri v v ri owiiik hilpnrnlly n iiilmiiiderhtanil- iii of aupiily of wiitr for laivn aervicea thu couiill wialo6 to nmutr 11 clear in ilia public tlw ra will bo aa ffillowai i a minlnuni chariro of ssooor lol md l10 for each ftdditloiinl lol or part of n loi itv psobh 01 councu wi arthur bcastell t la0isaofliuali louiiod bnslanct oliolnnaatar tra1terlan ohurob oaoraatoini xfdsober of piano or- sjaii cjppjniflt yiolin and slnstas tuiiloii ion in any branch 8 per f lurm of 20 leeeoni l my real kiicii main si ooorffrlnwii or blpnpn home piawoa tvkbd v- po laie by ujdciur nwapapr syaetoatex llow l unllnlil policed clicousl he wii wfutluwa yf tlitt ii- brlur myrfaddilirr particle homed alulf ilie alautlilk mtii patba llim lli abruptly imn hartiiwal up inbtvf edge t askkuut profeaaor of biol ogy apt hunipea otj- a book lha i lay upon the table hforphttn but tie wa- not conceiiirathig st- iho1 anv upoh the ty wltha jlijimp of ba sat that sal the bok imiplii lie ralaed lita heed anil looked abuut lie bt qufet rooit th altaw priiiei6rtol 0 qin liiiie ond rnlitiexi ilia eye ttml itstclted tneuhe alioved hfei huiidn lno hl3 pocka intiml luck in ill 1linlt tnitliirveil rhr lihlve of los- tisril vniiiiiis nppumite itlw it-auve- liliu hii limjitfil etiarartlou tf tia bar lowvaulted room with itx brown vvalla und llil uniwn tatde uliil ltd royra mill roun nf imolih ill kxvuiani vrorir pulled out a iriniiiild hlr of apr rrmii ida pooket mid miikmiiimmi ii out ijiuu the book uftir winili he cniii limed u retturd it lili iiikiipiiloii of irouloal aniuna- iiuiii it mi ii check mode mil to him for rhr nmotiiil of twolve dolura and llfiy tiit4 a mtiin ii hud rteelveft iii imyiiicui nf a mleiiilfty urlirle which ii iiimi inkhii lilni tn in null to rrhe ii wji a ii gmiil hiilil hi but acrord- um ii iiiorp than imr rdlmr nut auf- llcliiily iinptilar in tune mi hint imeit ityliig to make a de- rulini tiiih ih1 1oniettiplntloii ef tile mnip or papti- in iiim hand had nerved u luppl die hrslem l4e iloeed th liiinli will ii iihiiu iiiiriknd tila loua leg- row rriim tie inule aud iimbled ilih n hi alle in hip door luiaitle lie otwid for tin infant lillnkiniji hi rhe htrotik llglil ulien h cloaed hu e they hill reilxiered prhitet book pages with nmerhlna of the fel- ing nt a stranger he tunim and niuffmt iiioqic the leitfsirewn pnih lo lha lake now thai there va- no longer auy ilouht aboiti hla dijaruire he inti mate inodatape aeemeiij all at mire un familiar aud dlffruut he fell lredy tlelaehed from li anil ktirry j tllv moment he lip of her ramie veered round u liend in i hr utmie line he recognized it unl wlilailed the nshtatanl prnfeaiiir or icnjthvli whla- tied tar iniiwer titul waved an undig nified paddle in greeting u her hiiihii craft gllpped into miiii waul to roine ahe called invlt- inglt sure all ajarh climb in the canoe nosed landward and ilimhed lute the maud with a lunge whlok allot he bust inio deever water ant liltuaetf nilraculoualy into tbe imut the new paaaaucer embarked mid took charge of the paddle where to he asked oh anywhere alie replied and lulled ui hltu ha t- elected the moat dlalant apot ou the luke laid hie paddle ucrcwa the tianiik nint remetl tils elbows ou it taken longer thla way b wx- plslneil she laughed and leaned aldswaya to watch a swirl of red and rsutw letivea linn went srutldluc along the jsrface of tbe water like a boot of toy anll- douta tlie red of liar unaihsoter linvveter held more fascfiuulou for him ai length ihe leave whirled out uf ikiii uinl the nettled back in her iiut lo fuaai her eyes upon lake nntl irecn ninl iky im ho knrry fur all tbe folks who ihc in chic mite mnld why sin- looked hi lniulrlngly st tb iliifktiou he hud auspped it out ao uhruptly it puzzled ber a little he hud liegnu puddling too furloualy why ahe repeated why be- csuan they nilaii all this she wared ii brown aruijqward the rusting woods thai adisdoweil ibeui wouldnt you hate to inlaw it she queried the blade in hi hand cut long swatlr before he answered i i eipect to miss it after next rinidiiy he salt you you mean t her queatlon hung iiuflolshed yon im going away to the dty he ald dryly with a pucker ef bla tumuli aa if even the luate ef the words wan bitter to hliu oh sie bit her lips and tried la go on speaking uarurally but her hralu appeared to be turning n aenier- avult and no worda earn yea he wsnl on dully im ko- ing away decker bsa a fellow here now who can tske my place theyve given me these last two day nil col lege opens to smlse wall ive made up my mlud im going to the city to live in a hall bedroom snd work la an offlcs and sell rubber ill imirhe elllng rubber but ive gut lo ntlek lo it till i ran ins ke a decent euoiigh living to ask decent girl lo marry me id rather stay here ninl go on willi my work than anything else on enrlh but ill he hsnged if ill sk my wife to wear aecoudhnnd clnthea nil her life or wear era inymilf thas iliuulie iilong fiirevef on sevenlyllvl h minili and liiihrd la galling jny gout tnduy i lil fume it wns ihe ism kiiou lie drew hla oltejlillilg check friini hu pimksl nud flipped ii into her lap hlie rend it nud met hla eyeh ivlien lie lisil flnhthed i 1 dont know tliot blame you much she aid thanr skimmed iilntik for a time t each waltlns for the tlier to apeak when mhe hud iiiitde ilp her mind that lie never expected in iiiien hla uiouth iiu1ii mii- gave iil and and how due the girl reel about itt alie in quired that would make some dif ference of courae hourt paaaed for her before he replied i i havent nuked her yet he maid henltsllngly with u little nhlver of relief lbs mu nk liuck in ber tjiial and citught lurk tie nmlle in her eyen an that lie dalgbt iilmaev he went an lilaaterlqg mao- rnnhlon i z it isnt unreasonable u it to want euuigli toljve on decently im not imiirjnato pluulhera wagea yob knew or anything like that but bang lt even a teaclmr gof to live hhe npeuklog fheu and ber viilcc pefe softer iihd fuller a she wepjvuli- lknottilierpued its unfair aud it prblnibiy xu be wra loug tlule tcf come but you eaut have everyiiiiug you kiiiu- bob youbsve ihe iyirk yihi llkv bent in all the world nif juiany uleu ithinay tbar i knuw all thai ucsaljj haklng idmlirkd iii reply vivv lujked thai wuy tdiuyaelf iui lut till ihe haule mteaiuheefed iiparliiienrh in town real forjsua mnulh so you have heuu hoiwe hiaitlugt- he had nor even ihe artnce to iiiumii sure he exclaimed why shouldnt i hlven h poor devil uf it pedugogue can look cant he she leaned forward her eyen tlauc- iug hut for the uioinctii mhe fell a little tike ida inoiher nevcriheleam key ahe explained mlowly aud emphatically when youre a wtrbool- leaclier yu dont rent u mleamheated apartment in liiwn you get it cottage in the country and buy u unod nertind- luiiiil atove for that matter alllhe furniture is mecoud ujiiid hut you neednt look like thai i im nice you buy a few pieces al ti time and put on three coats of paint and then you enamel it and if yauwuni to you paint little flow he could not wait for her to dnlh and for aa engagement ring he jeered you boy some pretty little tin ililng at the ave snd ten she shook her head defiantly till the red tsssol bobbed no you dont t yon bust up that lovely old amethyst ring of your mothere that you once showed to to tie he was radii stubborn and uncon vinced and thsn lie demanded when ihe house la rented and fur nished and and everything who pays ihe bills her patience reucbed its limit ont you- figure out anything for yourselfr ahe deuminisd angrily some land goea with the cottage of cnurne- enough t raise garden truck for the the family and besides that you do whatever you can raise chickens or rsbbitn or been or thor oughbred dugs or muahroouia or sni- thlng tin t mella how run i tall ex actly ierminally ive made several hundred dollum writing detekstlf mtnrlem maybe your your wife could do mnnethfng like that after tbs dlnhea the aaalaliiht prnfeasor of biology began to believe he had died mint gont to hesven he felt an if lie were tread ing on balloons thin bore bim higher and higher yet strangely did not brnak the prospect of remaining st hln work made him giddy enough bat nilded to that the ides of wife sad home was still beyond ills rapidly eg- pandlng imagination do you do you suptjoaet could bedoae he demanded and triad to mwbiiow the red mouth bossatb ttnv red tamoshanter was quivering ball the round little chlu wns ann of course it could she said flodl murmured the aaststanit pro- femsor of biology fervently li si- nt believe it could- tool and you dtiui believe id be u lowdown cad for asking the hem little girl in tbs world to marry roe snd llvejlke thstr ills hands moved forward eagerly it waiting ths touch of tbe two steady ntien that slipped into his own while the puddle unnoticed slid into ths water and floated away 1in sure you wouldnt she sn- awereif if if you mean an move after death in family f rhe inherited rover spirit of tbs wild people of dsvao und their belief that the death of s member of ths family is indicative of tbe will of at- lub for them to change their bones ihe bureau of forestry aayat when someone dies in the bona built on the isnd or homestead given to the head of a family the entire family will more to some other plsce and in most cases the bouse la either horned or torn down and the arid odr which it was built is abandoned for some years a wild bird of the plfeen family locally known as atltnukoa in the common god or fortune teller of iliewilikpeople of duvso unless this bird answers favorably to their suppli cations to go back to the old place i heir old abode or abodes are either forever abandoned or left initoiichad for many years children st play ton hare but to go sbroad for half an lionr jn plessnnt weuther or to throw span your doors anil windows on a saturday afternoon i ft you live anywhere in the neighborhood of a school houae or a vacant lot with here mid i here a patch nf green or a dry place ou it aud steal behind the cur- tulns iir draw the lillnds aud let ihe fresh winds blow through and through ihe chamhera of your heart for a few inlnutcm winnowing the tuet nnd aiint- leringilhe cnbwehn thnflittve gathered there while you were asleep snd lo you will and it ringing with ths voices of children nt play nnd all qllvu with ihe glimmering phantasmagoria of leap frog prison base or kndck-up-sns- aetdb john nest waiiaabaabuseasenjspissebeaa help wanted 0rd room if elp ooodwgbpiid also book 8bperat osejtrn cood money by piece work apply at omoe to aien woollen mills limited r r e y baraaolotloh wtanauor jtifl 1 m it i m r i i i vjjwl

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