Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1920, p. 2

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willson adurtater and pidimed embaimer vlii at gaorteterarn icitrmipblle or horsedrown hearse ono night or day 54w or 5j iiiiiftrtiriirrinitti ri t i jnijviiiin r dim y r fir iitittitr gtenwilliams there was a large crowd at the dance on friday evening the tapper put up by mckialey bros was al and all enjoyed them selves immensely mr t j hifl and party went to oaledon mountain last gaturday trout fishing and got a large catch mr jatntis crawford tjcetit tc lp a wotdnw hospital last waoesday m hertvlomaavr has cared the rnaircontibt for carry- trig mail from georgetown to gren- wfiliams tbvpjatto xecfltfm by the pupils tfour popular and successful mqs- trfo io teacher jsusimay mqitaster in tt- iafcaai4tovening ntosf f qjucb apprecteted i jtendabde from- our v ret6wqhlcbfil- 2hx stawa in hefcer par pjl piobeb tjeatmuoh patience at high speed i ana exemplified the ctoffi teachiogbt to z randall along a show- jne tight way to develop stsfet faculties the program kb given by the following glen jj georgetown pupils martha wrohment flarie graham anna tper doreen smcqusig marie tfleck fannie weaver lillian watson margaret willoughby lilly mollin gladys tost marie cameron harry iiawson ada lane jean allen jean mogibbon isabel cameron brarpa beaumont edy- the francis susie presswood among these jye notioed a number of deoidedly talented young artists jche above were ably assisted in sftjf by miss irtna thompson jfssrano whose singing is always jrfeatly appreciated and mr frank rcdonald of georgetown who ap- rared here for the first time and swbose baritone voice was much enjoyed by all we again wish miss mcmaater success and that wo will be favored by another such treat in the near future mothers day servioe glen methodist crjurcb snnday even ing may 9th at 7 pm service by 88 children sunday school at 2 pm oa usual church news methodist special mothers day servioes morning subject our debt to motherhood evening subjeot the poem of the virtuous wom an special music sunday morning may 20th spec ial fathers day servioe the epworth league oondnots good live meetings every monday evening at 8 pm oolock for young people all are welcome baptist sunday is mothers day in sun- day school and churoh foi mothers sake oonte and worship god monday byptj at 8 pm thursday prayer and praise at s pm tou are al ways welcome i t i f i i i m i successful carnival and i fair bi crowds la atuadno attaa uau wall fatroaoaad the fonoy carnival and fair held during the pas five days in the town ball under the auspices of holy cross rc ohuroh was a grand success the opening en tertainment on friday evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all present when a splendid program was rendered by jules brazil as sisted by miss breen vocalist and misstaitfeaoalistand dancer moved by jymffluiryflooudwl by b6rf5g the following evenings town council council met on monday- evening with beeve dale in the chair and councillors rush anthony mc millan and molntyre present minutes of previous meetings read and confirmed mr wm ward addressed coun- oilre the burial of a dead dog in brooklyn which nobody claimed to own he was jnstruoted to bury same at the expense of the corp oration mr b j hyads addressed coun cil re placing moire insurance on municipal baqdingb special this week molntyre that resolution passed april 6tb re tariff of water rates for- lawn sprinkling be rescinded and that the rate be placed at lb per year ion an ovdinary sized lot andlfip for each additional lot or art of a lot and when no bou se rate is prid 600 and sf60 carried ployed by mcmillan seconded by jjointyre that we order from the peptone meter qo one cres type pieter 8inoht at jw886 and one dl6 2 inch meterat 81 corried moved by anthony seconded by bueb that the request of the rate payers on albert st for a sidewalk from gnelph to moijabb bt be granted they- having petitioned council for saine carried coraninnicatiorjb were read from provincial paper mills re are hy drtuit on caroline st canada ce ment co re price of cement chip- man 4 powers engineers re water supply tax beform league of canada messrs boy edwards and wm long re water supply at the pines department of street clean ing toronto re watering carts rev griffin thompson re claim for damages to oar- dominion rubber system limited re fire hose miss k d ryan seoy- hydro re eleo- trio fire alarm moved by momulan seconded by molntyre that the clerk be in structed to forward plans of tern pory water supply to board of health as requested carried moved by molntyre seconded by bush that in cose of an extension of waterworks the entire council be consulted as to the size of pipe to be laid carried the accounts passed will appear in our next issue the booths and games were well patronized and everyone in attend ance appeared happv but the big night was slooday when the hajl was packed ahyiviug hn- oess done and the gold prices awarded the drawing for the prizes re suited as follows j bell georgetown ticket no c60 fin in gold qeoc malhonan4ao eno4j stain gold j whagginrueorgtpwn ticket 100 acres all level arjb under cultivation situated 8 miles from georgetown rich clay loam soil well watered by running stream and well water piped into stables fine large bank barn on stone base ment rood stabling cement floors driving house silo ben house good dwelling houee 80 ft by 36 ft frame at price asked 10000 tbia is a good buy spring possession terms arranged 100 acres sandy loam in wellington county in high state of culti vation 98 acres clean i acres maple bush it acres fall wheat well f enced plenty of water good barn cement stables large silo good iraplemehtbduse large new- and qp tpdate poultry honreafor 160o fowls besides numeirihii colony housed 2storey brick buse cistern furnocv telephone one of the prettiest and best farms in the com munity price 12000 a special prtee can be bad w this farm if stock fowl and impjenlentsare taken with farm t why pay rent whenyou can boy a good frame house in this go a he at town for lute better than 8000 what batter in vestment mr- working man can you mhke than in btaying yuf 6ita home at a price that will go up instead of down 9 r l ticket no j9a 88 ip god t mcneney aotonv j2ib in gold beeve dale preiented the wiu- ners with the gold pieces bev father gdbdrbw thddked all heartily far their attendance and liberal patronage at the con- olnsion of the presentation rsthe dance which followed was enjoyed hy many present improvements coming norval miss maggie pettigrew mrs greensword and miss prairie mc- quire attended the wa conven tion at hamilton last week mr john gollop of peterboro is spending a few weeks with friends here mr gollop who is reoover- ing from a recent severe illness is making splendid progress yrjb 8axb empire milking macblna uacd about nine monthti i aingle unit and 1 double unit syi hp gllton gas cnginoi delavnl cream separator capacity 8501b this machinery it all in first clans rendition reason for sailing owner moved to town norman mcgregor phone til george town s id the interest of church going the only day i have for sleep pleasures and odd jobs is sunday but the day for worship is snnday whioh is the more important remember the sabbath day to keen it holy six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work but the seventh is the sabbath of the lord thy god if all accounts are true tliore is going to be something doing about the suburban station this spring the newly organized horticultur al society is out for beautifying the ugly spots around town and has its eye on the suburban sta tion grounds as a beginning sup erintendent radford of the road visited town last week and agreed provincial to back up the efforts of the sooi ety and the chamber of commerce in putting a better face on this part of the town it is proposed to fill in the ditoh in front of the station and make a nice green lawn in its stead citi zens having eoal ashes or earth to dispose of are requested to contrib ute their share by sending it all this way to help with the fill the br has agreed to bring in a few cars of earth later to complete the job it is said the minstrels want to have thoir dusky angers in the pie and are proposing to odd the finishing touch by placing a drink ing fountain in the centre of the lawn to be the unsightly bank at the back of tho station is to be smoothed down and planted with evergreens and lilacs and it is expected the neighbors all along the line will soon begin to tally up and help to give visitors coming to town the impression that this is a place worth wtyle living in the work is immediately in charge of mr geo wriggleswortb acting for the hortioulturausooie- ty and the chamber of colmmeroe and mr r 0 cowles agent for the suburban citizens who wish to contribute earth or ashes should consult with them v we have sovveralfpt sale arouisd this pries willoughby qlbck phone 237 v v sh georgetown xos gold wrist watch wednesday morning april 281b between my borne king st and the gt r station would finder ploa e leave same at this office and receive re ward mlaa h moore georgetown hafotinro iaoi bredtousy while rocks and anconaa white rork eggs 2 per 15 anconaa 150 per 14 satlt faction guaranteed victor mcdonald maple ave 552tp man to drive team and make himself generally useful free house firewood and use of certain furniture apply to boa j hearid office ttp ftsriililrif art itoucc to cred itors u offeers la tas kaaavf haavrj- p xawsoa georgetown creamry cream wanted highest prices paid for cream in any quantity olp fowl wanted open every saturday night or the accommodation of our patrons mail contract sbalsd tendbrs nddressed to ihr postmaster general will bo received at ottawa until noon on friday the 1 lth of june 1920 for the conveyance his majes tys malls on a proposed coiljraet- for four years six times per week on the route nerval rurul route no 1 from the postmaster generals pleasure printed notices- containing further in formation as to condition of proposed contract may be seen arid blank forjnvof tender may be obthined at the post of fices of norval and at the office of the ppst office inspector toronto post ot- flee inspectors office toronto april 30 19207 a suthkrland post office inspector proclamation whereas the council have been asked by the chamber of commercetohhve a cleanup pay in tha village of george town on thursday may 6lb 1920 and whereas the council deem it expedient and in keeping with the pro besslve and prosperous condition the unicipallty has now reached to have rex monday and tuesday theatre georgetown may 10th anqllthl bert johnstons georgetown creamery co m saxe manager the creditors of henry pvfjiwson hits tlieviuage of georgetown iptbecoudy ty of halt turpbsrmaoi deceased who djed0d nr abot the stb day of march 190and a11 bthers having claims againit or entitled x0 ahareln the estate arehere- hynotilled to send by post prepaid or otb- erwise deliver to ibe undersiapied adtnin- islrators on or before the lth day june 1990 their- christian and sumaoies oas drsssss snd descriptionsu and full partis- rdars of their claims accounts or interests and the nature of ibe securities if any hejdbytbem immediately after tbe said isib day ef june 1920 the assets of the assataofthe said henry p twsdn de- ceaaad will be distributed aowbif the par ties entitled tberelo bavinjs xesard only to claims or interests bfwhlch the mmin- istralors vbatll then hvenotlce and all others will be excluded from toe said- dlt- tributlon tobomto gkmskal taustscosroaaticni 83 bay street toronto w h wallbsidgv bardster 19 melinds street toronto f adminlatrators johk shilton 19 melinda street toronto their solicitors dated at toronto this 27tn day of ap ril 1920 5541 ntntrnnrrtssi bliillllllgl lu innnp the men s store special announcement 1 advice to our friends who are thinking of gelling a bine or black serge soil we have a large stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price if you are cohstderink the jsurchase of a serge suit- now is the tirne co place youir order m you will jiy onethrvd jore for thjue goods by the endof the month no matter wbere you buy them buy now and save money hv wtoler ekoals and sidls a great qppqrturrity to secure bargain as these goods roust bis cleared to makeropro for new spring lines- bargains in all departments during the month trtttt ar co t rine kiohclass tailobs meats farnlsaings and b -to- wssk ctothiats georgetown phone 1 26 fanxoi phc ib annnnnii bi 3 j ad it sons magictunshow our own orchestras magic mirth mosle and mystery box mysterynsplrlhcab inel haodcoff vagiaai ventrlloqalsin ipienly of good clean comedy v thaooeofprogam r nightly new bakery at glenwilliams i aasaaasbaaassssssbbai if you want to get a good loaf of bread try us nothing but the best fresh every day call at the bakery opposite hotel and give us a trial youll never regret it wedding calces made io order mckinley bros j glenwiixiams ontario uch a day and whckeas runner vo llboliove that if georgetown la to contin and whereas further your coun- to hold its place aa one of the most ad vaneed and prorreaslve towns of its slsr in ontario it lahecessary that our muni clpality should bo made clean mora beau lql and a better place to live in that peo pie or industrial concerns thinking of 1c- ipljk iauntor living hero ifi wllhpubllc splrjtodnos lfourtown will be impressed itodnoss o the cleliens of therefore 1 declare thursday af v terriopn of msy 6ui 1920 a half holldav and ass that everyone ftovern theiriselvet v stcordlngrly vji jt reeve p to put another spokrei6 georgettwri whool of pro awafc v i adults 35c children 25c come early and try to get in the charm of your home is in your wall decorations let us help yon to make thohome worthy of those who live in it the dharming artistic and mod ern effects we offering will appeal to all who want pretty homes we have provided a splendid range of low and medium priced papers lo meet the popnlar demand stripped patterns are very popular and will be freely need the allover effebfc is very pretty and the rose patterns are delightful prominent are the pink roses and flowers these are made tha more pleasant and effective through the employment of either white or grey grounds in the lower priced papers this idea strongly dominates the range we offer a wide selection of appropriate patterns in effective colors for all rooms in your home fop riob artistic effects you will beplnased at the verv moderate prices the draperies of your home are intended to lend color and obarm to the interior of your home they are important enough to warrant the most careful choosing we are showing a largerange of new and delightful effects in window draperies and for interior draping o exceptional values in floor coverings the man wjftb been oatisfying theople whonavej been buyinghauses in georgetown is a i have sold many houses in the past finy months and have ypt a number pf beautiful homes ranting in price from 1500 to 500 terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser on any of these properties for particulars apply to box 185 or phone 164 ea benham real esfafe georc if not you are losing out think it over we pay interest on yonr share capital and dividends on your purchases we stock the finest quality goods procurable and sell at lowest possible prices together with honest weight and good servioe get in touoh with us and let us explain- to you the benejlts t be derived eorgetown slilenwiuiams coopera tive socieh itd hpritche1t manager phfone 239 georgetown wilton bugs 8x4 english seamless brags 8x6j tapestry english brussels bugs 0x8 english brussels bugs 84 english tapestry bags 0x9 8450 6600 7450 t0q 0 english tapestry bugs 8x8 88q bungalo bugs 8x8 2000 bungalo bugs 9is8 1650 jap rugs 0x6 7t velvet bngsaqxoa i 675 tapestry bugs 27xvv 650 linoleum rugs cangoleum rugs floor oil cloth and linoleuins

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