am m with a heart that was eye seeing clear she looked on a world full of woe and beggad witb a womans pas- siobate might dear father o pray let me go i will use all tle strength ol earnest sonl to teach them the way to thee bat the father buvdrew her more close unto him andaanweredberpasaionateplea 1 have many a voice that ia load and strong i- to apeak to the wofrm pi but ive no onle tosinjflt song j y t6 thiswee little bkbe bat thee and the sonjg was so- sweet and the song was so soft o that flier babe on her bqsotn smiled v ad the world that was weary at ntee and pf strifsrj sawqodtathe mother atad child eleanor scott sharp- notes aad comments hon w b baxbx attorney- general has stated that the do minion of canada mast bear the expense of the ontario referendum antfae liquor importation question he said the vote would be taken within three months from the time the federal authorities received the request from the province fr jfc the importation of alfalfa in oerne hay whether for feeding packing or other purposes origin ating in the states of idaho utah and also in certain counties of wy oming and colorado is prohibited tehis step has been taken to pre vent the introduction into canada of thealfalfa weevil the prohi bition does not extend to iahip- ments of this hay tranaportad through the districts mentioned on a through bill of lading out xt ib tbvh that history re- peats itself it fa inevitable that we aball have hard times again a period ot unrest and fluctuating prices has followed every war in bistory this socalled prosperity whioh has followed the war world is built on a mighty vaonnm and will topple sooner or later we may escape it bead a little his tory ahdsee it tbia is not true you will mid that high cost of liv ing and extravagance have followed overyear that this period through which we are passing is not worse ban many that have preceded the legislature is likely to endeavor to find a way to compel municipalities to care for cemeter ies of whioh ao many are allowed to grow wild it came up monday in the house when j b oooke north hastings introduced a bill to provide for the oaring for old cemeteries when municipalities purchased gconud adjoining for bnriaj purposes he suggested that another clause be added in committee to make it compulsory that oemeteries be properly oared for hon w b baney attorney- general agreed and the committee will try and hud a remedy rv- mp uu rv- m new advertisements figung krplaibited hshltik on lots 16 suid 17 uth6tlicn ii strictly prohibited r mills co mur ray bow fobsuaxe yorkshire row and 7 pigit apply john thompson paper mills georgetown tf tor saxe two keicl berkshire sows i with 7 pigs 5 weeks old 1 with 5 pige 4 weeks oldj durham bull 1 yrs old 6 durham grade full calve f hancock r r no 1 cheltenham phone 61 rfll georgetown 2t woman wtjufted to scrub and clian windows apply moce tor c cowlee toronto- subutt anryu loyi to i6 lw hhfer len lot tfrorgetown 89r2 year oil tlctri i s dry cow apply it 16 con 6 esqi 4 two year 1o1d kobt jm al- 8queainiri phone- 2842lp manure tor ale a quantity of well rotted manure or sale apply- j herald office icg tool wanted wanted to buy mexbjuig descrtptlotij for ii machine ahop miiat be feaaboablejtd in ooif condition jtp oepi ply to b oeqrgetowp ag4atp aoaf offices dt factory toronto canada limited branch in all loading cittta in tha dominion township ol esquesing i notice notick ia hereby given that all rell- danta of the township of eaquestag- are required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water closets and other outbuildings and premises and re move all dirtfilh manure or other sub stances which may endanger public heal th and to have same completed by the isth of may next on which day the sani tary inspector wi co a general inspection bsss8b z t all residents are earnestly requerted to i residents are earnestlyrequerted their pn horoughly duy keep their premises cpnstautlyclean and in thoroughly i note np thebb abb a nttmbeb of people in this world who are content to silt around waiting for what is go ing to happen- their lives gener ally denote that very little oomesto the one who doeanst get up and bastte in this and other respeots the world is a hard task master but it is also a just one tho same principal applies to a municipality if we were content to sit around and wait we are going to make very little progress daring the year 1980 and as there is suoh a great deal to do more espeoiujjy along the lines of owip progress and aocuring ad ditional house aocomodatiops it is high got busy and got down to working earnestly y7inithbijjjixtfew months loewapaperb in canadawill have to choose -betweeir- advancing their prioea fobotb anhspriptiohs and advertising or going but of busi- ness bsforo the war newsprint sold at 1000 a ton a few weeks agpfit sold for fspoo then it reached f 8800 in the open markets according to information received m this office last week tho price now varies from f 18000 to 11000 a ton and the opinion wae offered chat the prioewould soon exceed 80000 a ton it doesnt require any gift o prophecy or any degree papers will have to adopt a higher acaleof p they are to live cbimb we abe taught by law must be punished according to its degree of lftwlessnesa but whaf ot heguilty pne who escapes the jnalbe of law or who by polit ioalor sooial prestage seems toes ape soathless the punishment which should oe his many seen- angly amih fact really severe son tenioes re jtnpmedon the np- fortunatss who break thq law and many lives are spent behind prison ax when porfibanoe oihers just as guiltvi morally are at large and bo jail appearances unpunished wsmiiv a nara foo certain isasffi i prlaooed one bik- alinrv grofttriee mtln sriltary condition i pig fty is to be elected within 60 feet at any duyellingliotise road street or lane johi smith sanltarv inspector 4231 tice the companies of this agency have taken into con eideration the increased high cost of building material andlabor and wish to advise the public t hah they will be glad to write additional insurance on any property where the values warrant this agency will be glad to serve you if you will advise by phone or letter we will call on you at once evans rush agents phonm 237 georgetown vil- i h being hl piuiibhmont is self- gialpuradr map wrmlifml ooni fcoalitho vnoortvjowfcufflw ifqmoaipjnpiljlnj 1 inilpaj nai b make home walb thpt are dark and dreary are made lowe brothers t and cheery with hi thyoolen ttrii tlw fjdnbw tints in softness and beauty- antt- do not fede jsiey soften the light wid make rooms ideal fog leading und sewing memotjened walls oan be wsshed with aoap and wpfcr when soiled enoh washing nuke flk bright and fresh tblssanltory quality appeab to housekeeperi birtpsrs you do ypnr dooorsituig oomsln and let un show ii itlmrsuxiasjioiuatillis vtte eicioxorstroat ffotn seed bougntlaat- yeilr 4t 5 pea bushel- i have bcxit 50 bdahel to aell this oat ia awvnderiulylelderand will notlndge 3175 perbusbet try a small held wfaoadley if eook roahatohiko pure bred plymctuth rock hatcbing oac bred to lay strain price i per aeltlnif of 13 eggs g i wat son phone 209 maple ave georgetown 313 oabbaoe removed i am prepared to remove all kinds of garbage or other refuse from premisea in town cesa pools emptied and repaired eli board georgetown 2t8lf feed oats for tale anyone requiring feed oata should communicate witbic c lindsay secret ary eequeaing branch ufo at once aa the club will have a car at stewarttown station shortly fob saie durham bull rising 1 yaar for sale 4 george j fisher phone 99r24 5 notice re ashes persons having clean ashes to dispose of should see the chairman of the streets and walks committee mr w c an- thony vrho may give them permission to place them 00 the streets under inspec tion bv order op council farms yo salk improved sec 16 rail s from city black loam snap 25 per acre well im proved 4 sec 12 miles from city 150 acres cultivated grood buildings 6500 per acre two tirell improved fi sec 15 miles from city 6500 per acre five sec in block improved all fenced snap 2500 per acre two 5 acre and one 10 acre block buildings and all cult vated close to city t cook 10018 102nd avenue edmonton alberta farms for sale in proven districts in wettern prov inces thousands of subautntlal settlers are coming o take up land this year last two large blocks of c p r land just put on market at moderate prices and ex ceptional terms now is the time to sel ect your land before choice js limited and erices advance for full particulars write b gartshore 58frmt st west toron to ontario the public health oltfaans stfemfaestssd to comply with tli pawio healta aot notict is hereby given that all resi dents of georgetown are required forth with to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water ctsyets outbuildings and other premises and remove therefrom nit dirt manure and other substance which may endanger the public health and te have the same completed by the tenthday of may next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence general inapec lion and further tke notice thamhe sec lion of the public health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs between lie fifteenth of may and the first of november oxcepi in pens at least 70 feet fromany dwelling hotire and 50 feet from any street or lane with floors kept clear from any ntanding water and regularly cleaned will be strict ly enforced all citixenfl are earnestly requested to keep their promises constantly clean and disinfected lbrov dale reeve of the municipality georgetown april 21 at 1920 corporation of etown ltifke notcco tliuti the council of the corporation of georgetown has constructed as a local improvement reinforced concrete pave ments with concrete curb on mill st ei mill st weit and matin st 2 the cost of the work on mill st east is 166536 of which si 1 1024 is the cc porat ions share and 555 12 is the ow ners sharei mills west cost is 286756 o which 191171 is the corporations tlhare and 955 85 la the owners sharei maln st the cost is lq39o00 of which 759000 is the corpormtlons share and 300000 the owners share the special rate per foot frontairiaon mill st east is 24136 on mill st west 7hb23 and on main st 22262 the special assessment s to be paid in twenty equal annual instal ments 3 the estimated life ofjho work is twenty years 4 a court of revision will be held on the 10th day of may 1920 at 10 bclpck am in the council chamber for the pur pose of hoarliir complaints against the iroposed assessments or the acpurnpy pf rentage mshsurements and any other complaint which persona interested may desire lo make and which is by uw cog nisablp by tho court k i h bath clerk rmm i it after a hearty meau yooll avoid that stunv feelltu if yoafiew a stick of other benefits to teeth breath apfetlte nerves thafs a sjboddeal to oat for scental sealed tifihtkept rlfiht sewing motor thanges any sewing machine into a self operating electric ask for free trial this simple little wondei worker changes any sewing machine old or new into an eleotrio selfoperating laborsjtver tou dob bavel to foot peclal ton oan do nil yoar sewing without getting the least bit tired all you do is guide tha sawing hold your foot atill dont pedal jast press a bit harder to sew faster perfect speed oontrol yon oan sew a sitoh at a rime or 800 a minute yon never tonoh the wheel the machine talwas starts the right way no jerks it never breaks the thread jnet a silent steady motion that stops the moment yon remove yoar foot trout the selfstarter it makes sewing a pleasure yon oan make all yonr own clothes and get more of them and better material for less money yon can save the cost of the singer sowing motor in less than one months use one sorew will attach it xto motprwill matoliit this style motor is permanently attached to your singer sewing machine and folds in when machine is cloeod you can purchase one ol these on srdall honu payineals main street georgetown cajsk 4p388ur a canarlian humorist beesooooioaofae koroe t laniqan onw mt the moat brilliant wrttera that canada baa ivan to the world was born ststsr- gbarles near three rivers in tots province of quebec on december xf 1845 he died in philadelphia whue tbe staff of the record on sel montreal a g oi et ruary 6 1886 io- sttended thsfchigh school whprw became the favrire pttpll ant mf lontr rrieod of oeorce surtsjjwfcivv furnorus classical teacher sod poajtjv about sixteen lanaitook up tej- intphy soon acqulrlnk uneomnioa speed and accuracy atidforiniijji friendly- rivalry with tuomae jimfej edison he perfected a binuirrltiwir- a leaible as print dnrlni tbe trf lata raid oh qqaia lit 186f haem lnnont dipalhsa o- sitwxaefy- joucnabs in 1867 he eauuuiidiat- montreal- with robert owtmnattavv other trtendsj the frse ince a asw- lial wssfely paper largely dirwjua its assaultstipiiiifthe cli wotttttipr i tint- little paper grew the which lanlgan wia this nrstedltoi contriburtog a serial storyvnterre printed in 1870 lanican removed ro the cnitwl states in 1871 be fwd la cblcaco on the fateful nlglit pf i- its groat are without a momenta de- lay he sped to south chjeafdtqok hold ot the wire at a local asefian4 ielsgnphd tha nqw vork world as atory such as appeared in no other newspaper of new york much of his raciest work was published in its pages including hb famous fanlse these fables with pictures by b of church were issued as a booklet- lis 1878 a few days aftorwards the world office was burned down with almost the whole edition of that boov let this accounts for lis decent copy easily commands ten dollars in person lanlgan was shoi ln his utter years inclined tojitout- nass with a light fluffy beard he was always the ufe and soul ot etery scjetal gathering ol his filonds ibis day both north and soutqottfef canadian frontier hts taklnsvolt r but forty years la deeply induriedi he had barely begun to devsldphlal- rare gifts of wit and fun satire and pathos two ot hla brothers sunfltje wuuam b unlgian or wripnpe r r xhlgan of montreal bars is one of his fables out ot the world kbnhbartbd shbelephamt a kindhearted eheelephant while walking through the jungls toe sploy brasses blow soft oer cey lons isle heedlessly set foot upon a partridge which she crushed to death within a few inches of the nest containing its callow brood poor little things said tbe genorouslnam moth i hare been a mother myblf and ay affection shall atone f or- the eonaesjuenees of my neglect 804 sayfng sifas sat down uponthsorpbaa od birds moral the above teaches us what home is without a mother also that it is not every person who should be entrusted with the care of orphan asylum but lenlgan8 most amous achievement and one which seems to be permanently enshrined ataong fae worlds finest gems of parodyj was his threnody for the ahkoond of swat one day he found that the only news item on hut desk waa that the akhopnd ot swat bad said fare well to earth seising bta pen lant- g4n dashed oft a few verses which soon were reprinted the world over a thrbnodt what whit what whats- the news from swat sad news bad news comes by the cable lod through the indian oceans through the persian gulf tps sa and the med iterranean hes dead thef ahheond is dead i ver the ahkoond i mour who wouldnt t ba strove an jr buths dead ds 80c swats srnsrhaewl aukooudvblstj swats whom he hath often leil- onward to a gory bed or to victory as the esse might be 1v sorrow gwatst tears ahed shed tears y wstsr your great ahkoondjia dead that swsts the matter muurn elty 0 swat tour great ahkobnd is not but laid mid worms to rot his mortal pari alone hu soul was eaught because he wss a good ah- koonsd v up to the bosom of hshottnd though earthly walls bis frame aur- round forever hallowed be the ground and skeptics mock the lowly mound and say hes now of no ahkoondl his soul la in the skies the asure skies that bend shows bis loved metropolis of swat re sees with larger other eyea athwart all earthly mysteri he knows whats swat let swat bury tbe great ahkoond with a noise ot mourning ai lamentation let swat bury the great ahkoond with the noise of the mourning- ofsj y the swatlsli nation fallen is at length tts tpwer df strepgui its sun is dimmer erf dead lies the gteaf jfahkotri the great ahkoond of swit m as notj j-