Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 19, 1920, p. 5

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ppgp v aausip w j i jwffii pxoh6 jra county coubcu the ojqunlsyoounoil met on toes day may 11th v communications were teadas fofiows from kenneth alleure treasurers surely bonda mays tnrafcejr asking forsnorease of eal- arydept of agriculture haltop re annual grant fronlujbhnson andm a- campbell claiming damages for aooidents on high ways secretary of gordon home re ordering of supplies rgeo s henry re tpad convehtlonpand iuiolt county solicitor opinion re claims of hugh bwolf and mrs fcpsu tor danwgesalsp ww- taen of grand jury at barton spring- asaiees resolutions county flneslw province chatham cham iwpr ioomtnerce jre highways mgaihpbejl addressef the oodn -eilmotoagvtotsav- b chmitbi resident engiiir bixteen mile creek bridfie hddbv sed thb obbnofltb aalaryi a w conner cm addresssa the council re tansley and sixteen mile creek bridges the auditors report 1919 was presented jwitb letter from k o young cvco auditors mrbarber presented the third report of the standing committee on printing mr syer the third on county bujldinas mr irving the third on roads and bridges mr standish the third on good roads and bridges mr standish the third ohjgood roads mrfeale the third on special comnlunieatiqns aru mr standish roporhpf jspeeial pommittee on hugh black olaim r a 8 eorster addresbedjheooali- oil re watorwajtf rm the ati lantio tatbe head of the great lake o h8tpart addressed the coun cil re gordon home y council went hi to ropmmittee of the whole tovoonaider the various reports prebentednd after con sidering the same- council resum- l ed and adopted the reports connoil adjournal to meet in the evening v prices down better tom moore the canadian labor leader has given good advice to wageearning classes when be points out that thereis no advan tage in having wages raised when prioes go ucoira8potdsngly at jhvaame time whatis needsd is a reduction iitprices and wages it present- levels would be found to be adeguatev all that is needed to secure lower prices is increased production there has been a dread not unnatural perhaps in the light of much past experience amongi- wjjjgeearnesg that 1f pro duction were indreased the result wduldbenot inetely to bringdown costs bub to bring wages down al- so both parties to- the cbnjrnot have learned ehbqgh in the prist fewyars to 5nffeitan that the only gatisfaotory relation that can sexist between them is one of mn- tual oobfldenoe andieflnitahle di- r visioir it the results of activities 5flrried oidacommgn thjsju clbe aseiice and spirit of cokbpera- tlolwbiph cafi jberhad by the -elimihaion- of element heretofore necessary jm bnilding npsneiessfol bust new toeflay torvf ojfgiiib things either by employer or em ployed has gjhe past stabllitj isshmore than ever to be nee why he for thefollowing reasons a olti- een stated he was nriableto send thesnbsoription asked for i have been held ap hald down sandbagged walked on at on 6attened ont and saueesed first- by the canadian government or war tax the excess profit tax victory bonds auto tax and by evaryp- cietytfis organization that the ihentbbind of mac can invent to exthfwhati mayor may not possess proorthe eocjety of jobtt the bapfisfitjhe 0ac dnitbd 1m sm league tbe vyqeiigne- thejled cross the blaovcrojbtho purple cross and jjoable cross theqhiiareris home the oaroa society salvation ar- jfewjih belief armeniin belief town has so govern apnt know peoted examiaeict and mexamined ani all tbau know is that i wn sup poaed tob an fcexfiaubibte sup ply ofjmpneyfoeveryjinownneed desire or hope of the human race and because i will not sell all i have and go out and beg borrow or steal money o give awayji have been cussfidjdisoussed boy- ootted talked totalkadabout lied to lied about held up hung up robbed and nearly rained and the only reason i am clinging to life is tq see whafin b is coming pext yf jij m gi mri -r-oli- ty 3 opening ofstanleypark basebaurvfatcb dudij al slmky jtfkbi tte b ar jii7n 7 one of tile mlljlii owners of victory loan bonds if you are you knpw how easy it is tocollect your inter est and are satisfied that your principal is safe but do you know tfiat rvovincial governmfnt and municipal bonds wjiich jike victory bonds posses irqpclaa safeguards also afford this featnreof promptintfirest paymonl the interest coupons hioh are attached to each t- hdicao betfemovedand cashed due dkvlile the bonds themselves preeadily capngptedjly lu7aiolfpns i jm of xhuse batwjkfiuv bjibbterest tsturfl v bffrom 587vv v f v- v y r t m jgmmib tiiffiriiqip m tiwvx 1 x boll for sale pure btedjtjfgr stpkttiorn bull ruins l year an ijrgoojl animal apply to t e pitch g woikig excelilor motor cycla to good rtai oidac apply to john oliver r r no cbcltobluun a i forkiiiitfrwij tfiottsxalaimstdat o proooit btiojflit lt iiirrlat ssper iel i hair wbouv mt buibl to sell ot trik wooderfulylolder aad will nbthitjf tut this bjt i ch bttne bakery opposite mlte jpyes b tri fv -r- youll ncegireh n to i3 pblllnoaldh6 sntiran flisau cob it f etlf sw5r mltlsi- ctt mubi ray rt f- u j taf cpnipanuor ihujnney hap tahtii idmrationihtinmdtigoii of building np iaxb ponlciuwitkdeuvfrybox4ftstnir tblr wacompletly rebuilt m wrtc at anemaarajjn t cot of 40f rran1itsffl8wb1iavoofiir fsrioipialouik kfli5aaj 8 orloroeoto work attinjo kilns ap- ply to wgpjvdy llimhpum tf inmclkn cmditltia -bitoof-haoill5- romiaub- dbirbun bulirinib ye for ale t j plihgy pnon 99rift teorgetowti tf tqlte from city jkw p sfiv osjuirj6bi wat clots to cly t cispk h jovepufr ehflloq ajhsrfs b on bdltb jiarticuuriy attractive and tu homwsn vclattby lisf from a tolaammtid point irojot luelf ii very largo and one r of the best ta gootgetowiwioii iia beau tiful ebidand ornnunultroits the houm iidasigr-liyawonkiiomtoron- torciaeti3mtaiin 8 iwlald out room and open hrelilace llneaatuc alio furnace bathaodlectiriethu for fid- meth9d proves its snpejriority miss rr vwhcf has bepn jn at- senaanoo 8 inonths iwvote 89 vprds pmm1gntbelpbwjr ertwt5bekv nsiojpswi mi wmk far divorce pllgrlma i would term manitoba d laws as eminently safe and si ij k4sijj 3i sl ha declared on the one hand hi nd4abaxandwimkloadiiatfihiptiblte that thmy uott mnji9e a very xooi ground tsallilairi4jicjrr 3t rtne courtfl will grant divorce into eon- material bm to whmpp ihmpaluma wodtrtmh oiial ininrahc on tiny property fhuanpy will te glad fotmrlboyou if you will nfaiajthy pfionm or letter wm mil call on yoa atonem bt iiiafle v viv v-r-rv- rthe courts will grant divorce applicant must show that ha ir la really entitled to relief from dttlon of hardship on the i hand the law la framed sh as ti wjthln the reach of rich and alike with good grounds coste for a divorce will net exceed 110 or jq according to legal mrta v- piirbximaiely 13 appiiatuoaafot h mlvofrce have been grants- by dfc oreetrnlsl ilnce the law- became ongfc wive for manitoba 4aat septembek- rtte xmpnlfrom mwhiatp of lsu the dteress become nrial liponapph- joation 7 that may seem tob a hlgb tosj forilrs perjod of ore months hot- cdadlttoas whlchjhaye been reepdas- able for jlerse inimber of xittoresai are otng rapidly but df effeitr chief justice mathersald -01- kreat majority bf been msde by- raturrie lvwifmvlv aai eveiything in jil -v- i kl i ttil rj hi 1 jciij i ysf fyrk wn -fliflly- vs wtch our windowforrpoiau on saturday vaivr i nragjjjjjggij trfil i 7 tw tst jpjf changes anyewpg mfchin hm a jv this simple little wonder workef changes any sewing machine old or new into an eleotrlo selfbnetinglajwrsaver you don o have to foot pedal you can do all pnr sewing witbbut getting the least bit tired- au yon do is guide the sewing hold yonr foot stilh dont pedaj jnst press sv pit harder to sew faster perfect speed control you can sew a eiiiunwiiineofmd l you never touoir the wbeel the machine always starte the right jway no jeks itaepf heaks thetre jostja silent steady motion that stow the moment yon vempve your foot tromthe selfstarter tvmakps sewing a pleasnre you can tnake all iyonr owfiouttfaes arid getmbre ot flieni and better material for lessinoney yod can save the obst or the sfngpr sewing motor in less than months use v province la tfn jftxtttuifm ej canada no djeunctly no replied justice mathers when asked if toba would evar become the 1c wv w i f i- n great majority of amplications hsvo been made by- rilurneaojdlers ab normal eondluolialexlatetfdurnig we war and what la true for manitoba banbe ww generalfyrto be true fpr fhe whole world again there are many cle whloh go back trf condftlona of set- erav kearst standing formerly there was no way of obtaining 41 vorce except by ac of parllament- the etxpense of such proceedings made divorce prohibitive exceptfor thewaalthy many potential dltorc cases- have piled up during the years before tbe manitoba law becaseeopsr- atlve and they are nst coming out now coaslderable decrease in the num ber of divorces is expected when f- pllcatlonsfrom these two classes are exhauatad flying in the arctic t banadiani aviators with active aer- r ylje experience are being sought through the aero- club of canada to fljr to moofe factory located at the sputhenf of james bay and later to phojograpb- the belcher islands online east coat of hudson bay the belcher island flight is looked upon asa difficult one owing to the inaccuracies of the mnpa on the lahinda there la a treat quantity ot iron and oil and the deecrlptloril given bjr the discovering parties make f theplioa scratobjhelr htjada in won der as thexiewtne canadian charts tbehuanda are mere pin polnison s tke inspa and for put in the hiidpon bay while those who know state there la a lake 40 miles long on nuttelr60 miles from the main land when the belcher island flight is unoertsken charts and maps will be one island and that they are appvoxl- r60 miles from the ion ken charts and maps disregarded the aviators will seek rs a clear- dry atmosphere and ascend approximately ten thousand feetior over giving a view of nearly one hundred miles they will keep the malh cpaat in viewparalleli look to the open bay fdr the lelands theplfbts on their return will be able to give the correct outlihe ot the bay and will bam phqtoj of the islands with fhelr location accurate cattle brands theorlgin of the cattle brand dates back to the dimdawn of history whan the brand- was necessary to identify cattle in the annual roundups with the coming or wire fences thisnecmr sity largely was obviated but the brand serves still to ptdee guilt upon cattle thieves ingenious methods sometimes are used by cattle thieves to change axlst- ing brands upon stolen stock the cattle brands of some ranches have come to stand for honesty in breeding weight and dealing in the record of brands every let- ter of the alphabet la representedind moat letters are foond in threo or fourposluons an exception is o and when flattened at the sides lt is called a mashed o link j6r a goose egg n nrnot susceptible to many positions and turned to an angle of 4s degrees the tumbling k on its baek horlxontally the iaay k and reversed a fourth position r there is the spur ranch ths turkey track ranch and the iuty x ring protecta wearers the luck ring of mr wm r swttssr of toronto has returned to its owner for the third tlraer the i ring iiof plain kpldsurmounted by a masonic emblem- but according i to its 0ni4r far the third time thfrrlng aaw its service during the american campaign in the philips inaesmr switrer presented the ring 10 a friend- leaving for active aer- vlce with ihe request that he return it if hurvlved indue ume tie trlsnd and rtog jceturried later mi- bsyitsflrpresehted the ring to another friend- who was aalllng to south af rica with the canadlariforces again thuluman protected its wearer bdat the close of the campaliaihe torrtl therrlhtulsojgps y x a jrdtjey gawley of n four yeary pverteasot pyjrjn rim jrf- tpjpn borrfared tha tm j swfuer bftyeraj y f q 0oiacv r fiftynine degrees belo xro wa5 registered in spme parts ofthew lated aectionsof canada thtswp around the oretof -ithsj- yeaccwa ing to wealber bureau- stat sties h better ttor tst3 was tdoneby jack froat in swpdeniv 4 tbe temperature reglaterpd 70 be i inw mm ttrrr oasoluie is wonderful afuff the genie that came out bfauie boule in the arablp nights itpry became whe7jibsudsim9tateua t boifk s jf7w- 1 i j- avrppii mm- vmmtk mi 1

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