Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1920, p. 1

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f awsktisr piptytuibd year os publication georgretown wednesday eveninsr june 9th 1820 150 per annum or i25 if psid in advancr the georgetown herald i pimuho every wednesday evening at the herald power printing office li georgetown ont contract advertibuig rate8 furnished k application yen omls per hue cor flrsf liimcrtlon anil ivc cents er nuf fur tfllcil rulm- tliuiit llisertlort wi bo chttnged for all tnuihlbrit adviiilliiemerile twelve iinoi tin inch t alvertineiniil wttuoul speqttk tli flctlona wtll bo inserted- until forbid j and charged aacoiulntly adverttsent0nta vin beeuauged 0115 adli month without etrhenarse cbeuises forcottlractmyertlaiemente puit be in the ofllce by monday even subscription rates oii year iic0 or 2i if pard in advance kla inouuv g cents in ad vance the address label shown the rtetc your ttubscrlption expiree r is mqorr publisher li v otbtisee table ooino east passenger 782 am passenger 1016am mail 1186 am passenger 846 p- mail 628 pm passenger- 886 pm passenger sunday 711 pm going west passenger 767 am mail 1016 om passengerj 210 pm passenger iso pm passenger 601 pm mail 767 pm passenger sunday 1016 am going nobth mail 800 m mail i 810 pm going south mail 1188 am mail 800 pm venue make old fujisitiire new keeps new furniture from getting old dent discard that old piece of furniture just because its finjal scratched nd marred give it a new leaio on life wftn coat of vernicol the jittyrifhoyet varnas stain stams and tarnishes te wood at each stroke of the brush- scratches disappear almost magic ally aries vita rich hard flossy luster wests aad wears its good for floors too keeps osa of vemlcol handy ifs a neat antidote for carcleu s and thoughtless children cornea mall the popular finishes ask for eater card and booklet r h thompson co paints boot bargains why not keep your feet dressed in the 1920styiees the aaiiiq 13 your clothes i aw itvtlhc nnmuptavthoininuto nlvlei in lulht olid childrens fine shft lmivaial ojcfordii t vor sletvi hfni hoy fin 111 ami oi uhiwiti wir huron all others in quality and price lm mat see our heavy work html helortvoa iniikfivoiir hirtlmse fltf- ij mmo pay to bnnkyourryfmnillf ljifraiul hnvt it done right our rpui- liopin fijuipprsi wlti iic mom gpiotlhlmhil u it riifht ahu at n low ont hririg titiispiir oci1hriij tlielu ih- it iinhvr notilt u mtituv vtp- main street rumford the under- geobgetown terute sakwaaa balhae daily timbtablb new timb am pm pm going bast 810 224 640 going west 866 810 780 8undai timkxablb going east am pm pm pm pm 1081 1220 846 810 917 am pm pm going west 1040 610 986 rj w a bailey uptodate harness shop now is the time to have your harness overhauled be ready for your epring work dont pat off till tomorrow what you should do today a full stock of all harness needs we also have a largo stock of the old reliable international stock food trunks and grips for any old trips lesathif prtsmptty anuses to w a bailey hda street e0met0wi we cordially invite the ladies of georgetown and vicinity tb ball and inspect oar stock of 5 georgetown elevator a pul op flour and feed baled hay and straw always on hand highest market price paid for grain 1 robert noble limited norval ontario draw oh youj gustomers through the merehanta bank with branches in all parts of canada awl corres pondents abroad this bank is in a position to- present drafts promptly have them accepted and collect payment with the least possible trouble and cost to you the manager will be glad to take up this matter with you th merchants bank head office montreal of canada established 184 georgetown branch h r mimms manager acton branch l b shorey manager livingstones bakery woman isho stajnts somewhere she waits to make yon win your houi in lior firm white imndw rornewhere yout- ood lm made or you ui woman who un- doirtnndh ar the tide went ont alio found him fjahhed to a spnr 0 jcviii the wreck of his nroiiud him the wreck of hlk drariis in trite air found hirn and loved him and gathered the 8001 of him closo to her 4 boarjt v tlieaoiil that ktvilfld an unoharxci od uea v the soul thai had ought iri win and hefrce the soijl of which she was part and there in the dusk alio cried to the man win youihattloyou fan you reminiscenees of georgetown i1v c w yujn1 a native hon ctmttimtihtfvom ihmi ihniii mtf aljrtvuie jch4ol ta ijiv piuv irlh tor the unlveisltivh wkji conducted in ieorketuwa by jlevo g l muckonxrictor of the church of eiifflun mi ifuckftife rrmve hlil hchooi to utiimlltrttia wah aftfr- avardii inbpetfah of hifflk fcichooii fiw prttailo hj dea in strmroitl kov charlett6iul who hull iwteiipil tltsir mathvmuttciu muaitvi- at tvie- cuimtla college tofotito hved on th euaj jtwen llrigvtbwu nntl stw- tuttbwn ft nd 01 trq uonttucttxl u jjrivati tforraumvrpnepurlnk linlveiity pupon- the wiutwr of- ihe uocet hid httlv air luitd- lrtwii htm uhl maintreet do you want insu if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firstclass companies vir british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w roe phone aoe geobgetown madges candy shop special sundaes peach of a sundae pecan nut sundae royal special main street 20c 20c 20c phone 214 saturday special home made tea biscuits also cream rolls a livingstone son georgetown pattersons meat market everything in fresh and i salt meats nm a wilson mrs e wtatlem georgetown ox list r la v fii fjkniieaslnfinirtribio bditealional watch our window for specials on saturday w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 b let us help you make a garden eautifulsurroundinks add to the value of your prop- m inlen to beautify a vetcetotile garden ti have everylhlng torhnke garden work i erty a flower garden to beautify a vetcetoble garden to reduce your table cost we have everythlni trhnlte gnrdeh work fertiliser teeda padea rakes lawn hoae lawn mowers etc bruiser pecoe ppaabe ihkv hub iiubc wwh mumn ere beautify your houte with oodar pollth 25c to t100 aiiea ocadar polish mop the time and laborsaver is ii so without handle 0cedar mophtndle 54 inches long la 25c extra at lowest prices fveilt bones ground daily buy the bride a brunswick rcnnuhc of its tone huuerirjrity it ability to play correctly every make of rooord and the unrivalled beauty of its oabinotwork the brunswick is an ideal wedding gill wimr a brunswick to their home the bridal couple imvo at their instsnd command all ho worlds musio played exactly na jt sbould bo played qms a brunswick prcduol nviiefy one of the j jsjbj few truly panodnmadp phonographs hpfy which are bulh wllyhy v qne factory or- riapiaon come ifl anljtinr tlis wqnflcml nhortqgraph i- let y the j fy i street georgetown dtoken by fate unrelenting scarred by the lahhirifrti of chance rittpr hi heart uniowntlnk hardened by oitou instance 3- shadowed by fail lire ever cursing lie would havo died rut the touoh of her hand her strong warm band and her love for his soul took full command just at tbe turn of the tide standing beside him filled him with trust win she whispered you must you must efolping and loving and guiding fjlrging when that wore best holding her fears in hiding deep in her quiet breast this is the woman who kept him true to his standards lost when tossed in the storm of stress and strife he thought himself through with the game of life and ready to pay thecost watching and guarding whisp ering still win you can and you will you will this is the story of the agos this is the womans way guide on comrade golden spur the mon who win are helmd by ber somewhere she waits stione in belief your soul in her firm white hands you will thask your ood when she comes to you the woman who understands local directory st qkorqeg church tav wm burt u th reetor sunday service aa tollowa matins 11 a m evensong 1 p m sunday school s46 a m in baae- msnt holy communion let and 3r1 bundawa of each montb at 11 a m legal shilton wallsriooe 4 dale barristers solioitoreu toronto and oaorgatown offloe kennedy block j roy dale in ahorse ot oeorse- own omee medical or joseph maandrew physiolan andsurgeen tledloal offlosr of health uletrlot surseon q t r ofltee hours to 4 and 7 to 8 p nt phone b8 office and residence main street south opposite praebyterlen church rov c r w nou exhouse surgeon grac llotpilnl toronto special attention to diseases of women and children and infant feeding dental frank r watson ddim 0 8 dentist tteergatewn 0ns hours a m to 6 p ro except thursday afternoon uentletry in all ita branohes over bell telephone office f 1 heath l da 0 0 s oentlst olrlce in lan block one door north o oneills carrlaaa factory hours a in to p m chiropractic ho medicine- suratorr oi oeteopathr a m meilson do rnduato of llio calmer school of chiro practic chiroprhcilcs kounlaiii llmd davenport lawn v 5a olllce over hourlsuns drug store consultation and spinal analysis free oppick housh tuesdays unavsarot days 2 to 5 pm and 7 10 to 830 pm phone ofllce aiii residence tww eenji petch llcened auctioneer or tlalton and peel aieuwllliama post offloe sales conducted satisfactorily and at rea sonable rates orders led at the doorsblown herald olllce will receive iiiuin attent milton prentiss inoinrkrs ani mfinrsby brosrs motors rleclvlc kopalrs fov iiipa toronto 4 a tra0v olerk township of naqusslng clerk 3rd division court the leading fire and ufa insurance oe represented issuer of marrlaare uosnsee olfloe mill street west aeortratowir oinoe hours wednesday and sat- dairaftarnoons f s near issuer of- ftjrtrrloge ijiociisos in surance aenli etc ueldsaoaolseeast fkeaefol i privilege o hits intractun lie nl church if iht vlcinltn a oumbrlg vriingjer h wuni mcholiu who taitahf ttoyh iv icrtut marty things hat wir mil in thje text brrttw ami in- hlnttil on their mevnorirliifr gumn if the clniiflloh wiilch even yt iu u d- light id locftll the houih of wchool were from nine to two and on sotufdayb frnm nine to ejeven on saturday m hfe hhvci t write u dozen tjuehtiona on the tluuk- boaid in urlthmetlr oruliu or al- kebrn and tin- boy whi wan elevnr ciiuuifh t ilo tlitrn correctly and hpeedlly could hklp um hood jim lie complrtea hin written anttwern uti1 be rewarded with a york shilling mts- conth which wtta a irood deal more money in uioho timea than now mr dade had a rare faculty of cloihliik with flehh the dry lionet of history and making- human entitle of the nam en we read of hi thu elau- bich when we were readlnir caetiarfi commetitarleh hud u construct in mlnenture a brldffi uciimm the khoin from the hjhtmontlons of the llluu- trlour roman freneral and if we did not rebuild th wooden houhe from vlrails aeueld and fa h ion a derrick with vhlh ilyhhem buivrl out the klnfflo ey f the cycioph wo ufted to talh nbiut doin ho end draw pic tures of therfo famoiih lnuidentri mr dade had a habit of writing little bltw of poetry for thu edifica tion of iiih pupllk which were often more effective than imnthhment wouij have been hero are a couple of hpccl- menn that i remember kor ti lary hoy he eata and playt and kltejin what then he eaui and ilayu and nleepk again mind your cases reinember imy m uh proper place always ti put your nominative cane and when two woiiik ure nearly alike upot ih rlkht one be sine to nfertko hut the kvhool to which memory lurnu momt frequently waa the obi mnltfti im it wih fnmlllnrly knowp a kind of kindergarten where mom of the young people ot both uexeh receiv ed their lirat triittruction the hchool wiin wit un ted on main- street nearly oppohlte the old congregational church uarherv church aa it wan called and wan kept by a maiden lady mhih immnhter her rolatlveh were wellknown wiioiohhih merchantk in toronto and would willingly have kept her but hhe had a mturdy in dependence which would accept no fnvorti a a i remember there were ion k leaks at which aa many an pos- ttible found neatk the others hitting where thy could the dlncipline watt better than could be expected and while the old lady passed for a tartar ahe had a really kind heart and with in hor limltft wiih n good tencher then there wdn the public school an old frame building with tbe ciuhh room in a biihcment half underground and above it a town hnll and median lets institute library thlk building wan on ouelph street apd hati no doubt vanlshgd long ulnae the teach er i remember bcht wiih a mr hreck- i midge a scotchman a rigid iiim- clptluiirlan and it mualcal enthuhinht nlwayh giving a good deaj of time to chorur hinging about thla time a junior deportment watt opened uptitalrh of which th teacher wan a mlaj kanny wright n very pretty girl with whom ail tlu hoyti fancied themhetveh in love she uhert to go by the name of eighty- eight figure elghtu being embroid ered around the bottom of her nklrt the churches i ennnat oy that i remembor very muoh about the uhutvhth except tl anglicon which my parenta attended churohrgotng woh much more of n duty for children than it ia now the old st chorges won a frame htruo- ture on the mite of tue preaent church with ntralgh box pown very uncom fortnlile in he centre wiih a miliar enolouure where the choir wa in- h tailed with a htnnll melodeon or cabinet organ the choir router 1 fnncyi if it wna uneurthedi would he founds to have been moatly a family affair of toungh and phlllliweh the flmt incumbent 1 remember wan hev mr xlhrarit wbi lived in norval and whohe pariah included ueorketbwn norval nnd stewarttown ah i recall him he wnn a kindly genial gentle man whowe every word wiih a benedit tlon on a trip to kn gland he wiih aerveil by a eareleaw hhlphtiward with h polaon of home kind in the placo of mineral water and died frmti the effect h on hoard nhip hev j j p mackenzie came after mr marhh and following him hev dr omeiirn wh had been for many yeaih a mlkmionnry to the inillaiim on manttoulin ihland and the north nhore of like superior ho retained many of the mnnneiinnm of the indiana umnnjf whom be pahheil ho ininy yemh of jiih htntr anr active life dr omeiirn iuih three boom all of whom became ulergymen a clmftlcah oddity a ffenuine iddlty wiih a auhhequont lneumlient of st oigm hev henry cowperwafle weliti and it wan not luiumiul to nee him nmob up the nlnb fo the vehtiy lo take the aoivloe hi n brown hollfind hiiit with a red vont a moaoclet and a bulldou which wan hih noiihtant eoinpanlon yet he wan n good preueher a onnholentloiih vlntt or and liked in hpite of iiih many eo- oentiioltlek he wavi a public hplrited citiatii of the village nnd one of hu nctlvltick which ih an endurlnr monument to hi memory wan the raihliiff of m conaiderable amount of money by mcanh of penny roadlnga which wiih expondoil in plnntlng treea on thti atreeta which are no doubt now of large ale and have furnudied m n do to hoveral genera tiopm con trary to the utua- rule mr webb guye n party once at the rectory and presented every one with nj orange thin fruit being a great luxury early tlmn mr hlmh u uahool teacher at glen willlamh vhh flred with mlanlonary goal dr omenrn and utudled for the ministry wttbthut fcontlomiin he ubed to tamo tu duty ppohaloniilly and nfter hu ordination w nont to mprfnd the goftpa amon itheyabor- iglneh lnliitly hi toll the evening chlmeh there drlfth thtiiugh the rokhea of uneh bruin the face and form of lev j k irny who if in tniinory aervew me hint lien a mtltoul tfiieher but whh slutlmuu fin the ehureh with ufv ir omtiini in llerrgftiiwii he wttrt it tall mian with henvj brown bear i but ir i i etiteiiiht-i- til 10 itt il tn 4wh nl litnlth li- hinl u vt-i- cul tivad mintl ud wji u vulvted cii ii hutorii4 m reaihi tlniititt iti 1 ftuijimtiit9 l always f eel uijiei- i tft oiuintltu to him rii iitiv- duotng me to th malely and htieioih ho whig hixiiinttorm a wxeindhle in telinniim kwotji arvlen uid tbe irhichh nod in lunkfelluvh kvujue line and the tvucthhji nl mleh skan tirah rrvm which he very freiiueulk- tpneil svfew limidrinl yilvd aoit llle entre of ths- flliyfe on the vvjo stewititlovn jld uuv lomtib cjihv worth irieual lmtor uf itbe oiii- grekh bhrch tunj- fiurniii thv- village wow thickly eoverel wjtb leeondgmvili pine wftleb hatl al itildy mlliitnetl n votlhlrlerabi mize the llorjiuit tttiille tlnrreh in mahihtiiet ihnr thcutreet which iuiih dtiwti t thu old wnoheir rnlll with the ilvhliyter un on the corn- it wax a htiuiire wooden htructimj witlnut hii ndtiiiincnv anil ittc 1 ivmenitftt it unpointed t4i con- gregutitmi wiih never n- large one dtir- m v oil- iii hntk kta 1 n m kstk the inwii hull over the kchol houh- wiih the tueih nf many entfitannienth by proffmrtbunilh and oecioiionally imitteurh and vfvy welcome vial tor were the merger family hell hingerh whu gave a kind of variety perform ance the ntur of the company waa little annie iterger who charmed the lieartk of all the boy and left them itihronmilate kite afterward married mr helchaiiibw nf the llelohamber hoiiht ha in in and wuh for year tbe popular ehateluinr of that well- known hohtelry ti1k holman oikka company not ho miiny can imw remember the holman opera company which la t ho en tiy da y h go ve u aomewhat almllar iierforrnanoti to the hergern without the bella and tifierwurda de- velopetl into a wiy merit or hum or ganization which played all the standard npenih throukhout canada ami for a number of yearw wan per nio neiitly ehtatillnheil in the royal lyceum at that time tin leading then l iv in th- queen city when they were very little folkx tin holmaiih made their tlrat vinlt to ienrgetown anif burrowed the only piano in the village hflonuing to our family on hih the three little uolman girls ha die julia and jemima played a i rio which wax highly appreciated vii tin- liohnarik 1 think are now lend the father jeorge holman nit bien a noted opera dinger in bin o anger lah and hud a powerful mritone voire mih holman had woi1- terful mtnd al talent the repertoire of the torn puny wiih an unuhual urge onf nnd bcatifex mont f the tandatd operah includiil many that lave ioiik hinee been foirotton bven n the hoyal iyeeuni mrt holtnan at he piano coiihtituted the entire or- hchtru and whh rondurlor na well vlthout a note of mimic before her when the hoimanh developed into t full- fledged opera company there vere only two daughtein salle and ulia the other had died an a child ria lb- nad a tint hoprano voieu and wuh i finlnbed actrehh julia wiih a con tralto and an admirable miubrette with a connlderable hplce of the devil in her a jolly lltllo dumpy piece of feminity who nlwayh had a crowd of admlrern one of the favorite operas wiih the iriind duohehh offenbuchh miihterplece nnd thohe who had seen all the iueen of opera flouffe aimeet tohtee and the rent of the french crowd who were ho popular uaed to hay that none could hold a caudle to our sallle orgn llnlman nlwnyi took the heavy parta a finer lra dlavolo never trod any htoge unl auie a boy in iiih teenn wan a hwji tenor lie died ipiite recently in lon don the laht of the immediate family incle al wan treasurer of the com pany w h crane binco become a fnmttuh iiutor whh having iiih trail lug in the htouk and buskin und wan a versatile follow if ever there wan one equally at home in opera tragedy and light comedy and doing a good vaudeville turn when required char lie drew light tenor afterwards achieved tonsideinhe prominence william davldgc scion of a theatri cal family whh an allround comedian chniterton wnh the j rut tenor and ifteiwardh oh signer ivruglni made his mark in italian opera and had the notoriety in later years of being one of the numerous husbands of uhlan htuouml an ahouuinalckmktkhy alona in tin middle slxtleh jeorge town wan in an exited unite over the discovery fitthe vicinity of an indian graveyard which whh mum iiverrun by curtohlty seoreth most of whom bad no heiulmeut a haul iiflhg the old atiorlrtlnal cemetery of ita articles of war and hotihohold uffe and carry ing them ott as souvenirs rven the hones were pot sacred mill stkull thigh and arm bones were kicking about the village in every direction some of the skulh hud a complete row of double teeth ialpy cmakikys paiity beyond the white hrldge nil was farm land rnst of that on or near die main highway lived 1appy john kennedy as he whh called a nickname which iiih hoii tbarley woi ufier him perbaph thert hle some who can yet recall iuppy chrles party which was the event of years i ihink a new house bad been built and che party i was a housewarming barley was a genial goodnatured hoy whom every body liked he did not bother much about invitation but went around with a lic farm sleigh and gathered up evcrylmdy in town and brought them to the new house there was inuhic a plenty and games of all kiudp crtpecinllof the forfeit und kissing variety iiul no dancing as that wan taboo owing to illglous scruple curds were oipially under the ban hut some oi u yoimgsteth betook our- hpivph to a kcc luded room and got our rt rst lehhnn 1 1 1 d r w poke j from a young hoiithern boy who wim attend ing mr oadeh school and was uj to everything the supper wns no skimpy affair but an oldfahhlnned country men of turkeys in dozen ham loais of bread and cakes and itlett till you couldnt rent it was plump dayligb when pappy churley delivered the last of his human freight at theit homes hut one at leiiht will nuver forgot the joyouu oncanloit dakcino opinion wag hhnrply divided hi this prlmtlve community on the aubject ot dancing to mnny it was un innocent nmutionlent and anntheina to others ill mohie hoimea a fowpoopto could hardly gather without the piano going merrily and choirs and tajilosiwere continued oji pujrn 6 s mlii i tl t yl vl 31 41 41 it at 1 v jl if j i sim u rl m w-

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