Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1920, p. 2

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page 2 the qeoboetowm hebald junk oth 1920 kf w h willson undertaker and licensed embalmer mftit st goorgetown automobile or ilorstedrawn i if tunc phone nijfhi or day 54 w or mj in memoriam paige in loving of mrs win iaitfc departed 1i1u life june jrj 19i9 you are not forgotten mother jar nor ever will you he at long as life and memory we will remember lam the sadly missed by daughter plohttie the georg herald the uhttkd states state de partment lias asked jthedistrikt of columbia eomuiisaiotiora for i statement of fact as to the burn ing of thefirilish flag last weejcio front of tbtj treasury by women sympathizers with irish freedom th ontario moiisk wrestled several days with the superannua tion bill why should civil ser vants receive a pension tboy are in a better position to provide for old age than threefptiitw of the citizens of the province ttioir pay is sure hmd if they can matte more at something else they can skip the job this is fc free country t a definite datf for thcontar io liquor referendum it it stated is not likely to be set for home time yet it in expected however that the referendum will bo held in the fall probably in october following receipt of the resolu tion by the ontario legislature calling for a referendum the dom inion government has an interval of three months within which to issue theproolamation setting the date the members of the dominion house are said to be after a larger sessional indemnity to help use some of the revenue to be derived from the new budget tax yet they cant see that while preach ing thrift for the country tbera is more extravagance around the federal departments than in any private business in the douiinion if some got pay only for the work done they could not buy a hag of potatoes the methodist general confer ence speoial committee in session in toronto last week paused a resolution that they cordially wel comed the proposal of the house of bishops of tho anglican church to consider a more comprehensive plan of chinch union but in the committees opinion thy thought no union now contemplated should be completed before a larger ec clesiastical union was brought ab out the presont proposal is the union of presbytoriiin methodists and congregationalist denomina tions rev 8 d chown superin tendent of the methodist church has bad informal conferences with archbishop mathesnn primate of all canada and during these tho inclusion of tho anglican and bap tist churches was suggested the archbishop asked if the time was not ripe for a conference on the question this proposal led to tbe passing of the resolution by the conference committee banqueted by ladies chamber of oommik oaatmiw committee aad okleeau omiu of women glvls aaeooiatlon the banquet given by the wom ens civic association in the audi torium of tbe ball last thursday evening as a forerunner to the big drive to raise 8500 with which to secure watches for our returned soldiers was one of the most pleasant anil enjoyable ev ents m the hfstory of our town there was a large attendance of ladies and gentlemen the menu which included tho best procurable in meats naiads potatoes bread andbutter cake ice cream tea obltee etc was served in a- most creditable manner by the hand some ladies and oharmingtriaidens of the woniencivie association vhn till bad partaken ton de gree barely within the limits of safety mr j a willoughby chair man of the evening cauml the gathering to order and after appro priate remarks regarding the ob- joct andt aima of the committee appointed to raise the amount above stated announced the fol- lowihtf toast ijst vjjsi- the king- responded to by singing national anthem out country proposed by o b day foot and responded to by rev b p cameron our town proposed by j m mooro responded to by hoove dale chamber of commerce pro- liosed by w f bradley responded to by l e fleok the veterans proposed by major grant responded to by ma jor q o brown and col noble ladies civic association pro posed by h corks responded to by prof hutt our guests proposed by f a carried barley responded to by w a f campbell of portr hope and mr hamilton of toronto the above toast list was inter spersed with vocal and instrumen tal selections by mr hamilton of toronto miss tieavut mrs hon derson miss josephine willson and tbe thompson brothers our local talent acquitted tbsmselves splendidly in their various select ions which were muob appreciated tho numbers by mr hamilton who is one of canadas foremost vocalists delighted everybody his genial manner and willing respon se to repeated encores added much to tbe pleasure of the occasion his rendering of my ain wee hoose carried the memory of more than- one bonny scot present bock to the land of heather and haggis during the evening the chair man announced the winning of the worlds championship for typewriting by miss annie sullivan and the secretary of tbe chamber of commerce was instructed to convey to miss sullivan the con gratulations of tbe citizens of georgetown a hearty vote of thanks to the ladies for their splendid and suc cessful effort followed by the sing ing of the national anthem closed another pleasant event in the so cial life of our town town council council met on monday evening with reeve dale in tho chair and councillors anthony mclntrye mcmillan and rush present the minutes of provious moot ing were read and confirmed chief tost of- tho iire itrjgude asked council to proclaim august 6th as civic holiday in order that tho brigade might run an oxotirs ion to a demonstration at welland the representatives of the brig ade were assured by council hint august fith would lie proclaimed qivic holiday mr c d cole for the f lwva asked permission to close a portion of main st- from 4h0 to r8 fun onwodnosday for the purpose of holding a street- pagenc moved by rush nectuiilcd by mcmillan tat the gwva he granted the privilege of dosing main street on junetkhp front 480 to- midnight street to be closed frafu wesleyan to church street jilso to close mill street from 3 a willoughby s hatiso- tft willbijgli6yoljccrcarrjed mr john crtmpbell representing the bell telephone naked perm is siqn to have the shade trees in main bt trimmed as they were in terferirib with the wires messrs e mowbirter w v grant and w patterson represent ing the ball team asked tho conn oil to assist in putting the grounds in the park in proper shape moved by mclntyro seconded by anthnny that the baseball club be granted the sum of 100 to be used to improve tho park and make baseball diamond carried moved by rush seconded by mo millan that the baseball clnb be charged the fee of 100 for each game when an admission fee charged and that tbey be granted the use of the park for practice- a successful drive otw s33o0 ooueeted for soldier preseatetioai fund once morn thecitizonof leorgo- town have demonstrated the fact that tbey are equal to any reason able demand when the same is made for a worthy cause the canvass on friday last to raise funds with which to make a pres entation to our returned soldiers on july 1st was a huge success some rh00 almost the total amount required being raised in lino day the balance will no doubt be contributed by citizens whom theconimittee were unable to see on friday we oxport to publish afitl list or coiitrjbninfx ill jiel ivccika herald tlu watches have men ordered and are now being suitably engrav ed ami made ready for presenta tion at the big lwa1 demon stration line on july 1st i tflanlcn tim committee in charge most heaiiil thank- trhe citizens of tloorgntuwit for the prbmpt rind liberal marinej in which they re sponded lo the call glenwilliams both the miiton newspapers have been suggesting tho erecting of a county inemoaiul io fallen soldiers in milton that would be very fine provided it is accomplish ed by private subscriptions and not by municipal taxation through tbe county council other muni cipalities in the county are raising funds for momorials to bo erected honoring the memory of the men who made tho supremo sacrifice who belonged to their respootivo localities it would therefore be manifestly unfair to the other towns and communities of the county to be assessed for a monu ment to be erected at milton merely because some influence succeeds in having it called a county memorial acton bos just about reached tho objective for a very respectable amount if therefore any county monument is to be considered acton must the citizens of glenwilliams ox- tend their sympathy to the hortop family in their recent sad bereave ment j mr a murray our expert oar- pen tor has finished his work on mr barracjoughs veranda it is admired by all misses nellie and minnie rob erts spent the week end with rola- tives and friends hero mr and mrs polkinghorn of limehouse and miss w polking horn of toronto spent the week end here mr e e bolkinghorn and three children of ijittie fort minn u sa is spending bis holidays with his brother gr polkinghorn mr 0 e polkinghorn sr who recently disposed of his business at limehouse is opening up an other store at grassy ont mr t j hill 1st vice-presi- dent of the haltonpeel baseball moved by mcmillan seconded by rush that we receive from the treasurer of the baseball club the sum of 600 on account for rental for park for the summer of 1020 for baseball- carried communications woro read as follows j e k cutts re water service f a dalyn provincial sanitary engineer re additional water service bell telephone co re erection of poles in town gait council re resolution imposing tax of 1 nor horse power on motor vehicles for upkeep of roads prov incial paper mills re hydrant mrs h w kennedy re pavement op charles street and covering of ashes used as fillin on street win barber and jamos mulholland re sidewalk on ewing st moved by mclntyro seconded by anthony that the request of the bell telephone co to erect poles on arietta st be granted said poles to be ereoted under super vision of town foreman carried moved by molntyre seconded by mcmillan that resolution passed by gait city council re special tax on motor vehicles to bo used for maintenance of roads and streets be ondorsed by this coun cil carried moved by mcmillan seconded by mclntyro that tho following hy dro accounts he paid g a honry borae j t cameron express boll telephone ofltcu and b for- filers house 18 95 1 lydro comm sjipplieii 295 81 power for march 1410 is power for april 1si8 66 int on brick tine 302 24 patrolling brick lino 4 68- mrdonnld sc willson supplies 47 17 g h sayren 40 hr l 0 8 so 1 72 obiluary mbh jambk hoitjol after kn illness of over sixteen months duration elizabeth tink relict of tho ate james hortop phased away at her homo in olen- williamtt on monday evening may 81st deceased was born at south pethctwin cornwall england in january 1hhh was married in 1h01 and emigrated to canada with her husband in 1878 she had been a resident of glenwilliams for the past his years the surviving members of the family are richard of cornwall eng james port perry mrs robt mnmasler glen- williamji william h georgetown and catharine at home the de ceased was a devoted mother to her family wbo are left to mourn her loss and she bore her long ill ness with true christian fortitude the funeral on thursday last was largely attended tho service was conducted by her pastor rev j h moore assisteu by her nep hew rev k w tint bd the remains were borne to their last resting place bv dr f r watson e v barraolongh s mcmaster joseph beaumont j j gibbons and u r bessey floral tokens of esteem were from the family mr and mrs ar nold and family mr nndmis s j mcmaster brother and family mr and mis minims mrs and harry ljewis mrand mrs win hoott and tho baptist church card of thank we hereby convey to friendtt and neijh htrn our sincere thanks for their many klidnehhcs and sympathy x tended to uk in our recent bereavement caused by the death of our beloved mother the litie mrs hortop tub kamiiv baseball ijfaoif btandino won 1 so hn 25 hr ii iulz impeding merer neoessarily bo relieved of any miin- on june fith on account of another icipal responsibility for the cob t of suob a memorial free press the tree press is right goorge town will also ereot a memorial to commemorato the memory of her fallen sons and this municapajity decidedly objects to being assessed or a county memorial the idea is certainly a bright one so far as milton is concerned and would re lieve tbe citizens of that town of considerable expense loosen up and build your own monument milton and well build ours fcr a worlds champion last week miss annie sullivan a bright young student at guelpb business college and a resident of georgetown brought honor to her self and her homo town4y making a world record as a typist she wrote 145 words a minute for 10 minutes miss sbllivan is a sister of mrs w v grant and has boen the recipient of many congratula tions on her wonderful achiove- ment sfbe herald joins in extend ing congratulations league regrets that he was unabe to be present at the opening game engagement he was starter for the icuohener races our ball team lost to brampton on saturday by tbe score of 10 to 8 pretty good for start boys there was quite a number out to see the game a great feature of tho gaum was no arguments mr and mrs wilfred gill are leaving for a trip to the old coun try on july 5th bon voyage wilfred the orangemen are having a church parade to the methodist church on juno 20th everybody welcome mr r j hynds of georgetown also mr e snowball have recent ly moved from georgetown to the glen mr moolure and mr micbie are now repairing our main roads prise for babjr mr m saxe of the georgetown creamery is giving jtlo in cash prizes for the best baby kinder ono year at the- big gwva demon stration on july 1st pretty good morris now who will be next 20 00 11 00 8 70 46 20 16 is 2 89 17 so 10 08 167 so 6 00 e lowell inspecting- riielem canadian westisghotmo fmpplipm rone ay o 1 1 earn supplies canadian general electric co packard electric co melcm v thompson 15hrs carried moved by mclntyro seconded by anthony that the following ac counts be paid jem ruddy painting signs 6 00 ll vfairhment waterworks 8 00 t 12 town hall 4 16 00 waterworks 24 00 waterworks 2400 a kentner waterworks- bl2 uts 48 town hall s4 r- 24 00 11 marchment waterworks 12 stieetm8 town hall 4 24 00 tv kentner waterworks 16 new waterworks 4 2060 1 1 marchment town hall 4 wat crwks 16 new waterwss 4 24 00 morge spires new waterworks 6 00 j mc master new waterworks 8 00 nrge spires park 12 water- works 4 newwaterworks 8 24 00 flol ward park 12 waterworks new waterworks 88 24 00 ii murrlinjciu waterwks 22 sis 4 26 00 a kjiitiier trattravprks j 26 00 itqll lelepiioiiii co apcowlt j 2 60 w a fdrlh paid exp on service loxes i ii win ward sanitary inspection l 25 streets 16 00 njiliimal iron works 5 lengths 4 ciat iron pipe 62 13 corifelown hydroelectric sya- im lighllown hall 10 49 eorkelown hydro elerlrii- sys tem street liirhls jan 1st lo mar 11m 151 lights at si i 415 26 i ii matkemle account 45 36 cieorkeiown herald account 59 45 a keith balaqcer wages 15 66 i w kennedy postage account 1 2 00 j u kennedy town hall 60c ala km80 rink 1015 waterworks s t00 town hall mx it 25 55 moved by anthony socondod by mclntyro that tbe following be members 0 the fire brigade 1 nines diiunmond james blair joo hall and fchtbrgo parr car ried iii pm council going strong when we lijt for the hay georgetown milton brampton acton glen limehouse 1 1 0 0 0 ijobi 0 0 0 1 1 1 june is the best month in which to buy a farm as you see the crops growing bfcnnnjbl ibaniiiiiirxribi l im lesopmii the mens stare we have several farms from 50 acres up to 250 acres for sale some have choice buildings and are well located if you want ihe best in a i00 acre farm see us also town houses and lots for 8a le ey a isj s r u is w willoughby 3iocli peorgestovvti phone 237 insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 203 georgetown new store at glenwilliams having opened up a choice hew stock of groceries and provisions at my promises familiarly known as i in- wmiiiuk corner i inn prepared to serve nil nt miii v il li the best goods at most rcaaotiahlo prices i your patronage solicited joseph marchment gujenwiix1ams last saturdays scores georgetown 12 acton 0 brampton 10 glen h milton 11 ijimehonse h georgetown won the oioning game in aoton on saturday 120 georgetown 08002026 acton 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 game called end of 8th innings on account of rain the boys play their first homo game next saturday juno 12th against the glon at h pm in the park they are out to win anoth er the glen played brampton a close game last week and the game on saturday should be one of the best of tho beasonenoourae tho boys by your attendance get your season tiokets fiom a bethel h m kennedy or any of tho play ers price 4hqq admission to ober than tiokof holders ajoenfs children 10 cents union sank of toronfiq played georgetown a tie game last thurs day in tbe park score 60 georgetown has a real live ball team this your composed of good clean players they look fine in heir now suits w special announcement advice to our friends who are thinking of getting a blue or black serge suit we have a large stock of the above- goods bought before the big advance in price if you are fionsidering the purchase of a srwgesuit now js the time to place your ovdeir as you will pay bitithird more for these goqds by tie end qf the month no matter whee you biy- them i buy now and save moiiey v special clearing of all winter overcoats and suits a great qpportuitity td secure bargains as these goods must be cjleared to mkeroom for new spring dines bargains in ah departments durirtgtkemontlji millar go- fine highclass tailors men furnish ngt and rotdytowear olothiatf georgetown phone 126 l iffiiiiiiiiiiindffii gg tuhxiildail ffl btrrrjjtjrjrnjb g jacksons you have promised your home some new furniture this spring the wauia the west daily service lva toronto union station 9 1 5 pm calgary dmont0n vancouver vi0toria tahdar0 tns100iitiiientl tlalm kquipmkht thuouch- out inoluoiaa ne llhel toum 8leeiiia oars sun man wed frl osnsdlen niusssi all the i tues thurs sat vi ot t no ooohrene thene 0 h sya tlekets and full information frosa nasrest oanadlan national allwaits agent r o cowzijss georgetown r neral ssaenfer oapsrtmont tereata why not now you need not pay high prices for furniture here ledestrlal dsssrtaaant tarsals and wlealpsf will ftiralsk fall partleelara togaf dleg laaf la woatar a oaasda available ftr isrsalwg ar otliar pursioaas r canadian national railiuaqs bowling two rinks of bowlers joumoyed from jpwn to fergus on tlmhsday juno flrd ant played in the onj 4ay tournament there were 40 rinks entered front all parts of the country heeve dales rink won 8 games and lost 1 john mepor- mids rink played b games lost tl and drow one blnlt as follows dr heath lost to qm- malnney gunlph r i a norringtnn won with 1 wil son fergus 14h joe gibbens won with dr bun toronto 127 reeve dale won with jteevo ew- ing forges 107 10 points up on tho days piny the other rink composed of principal floss i lawson 1 w kennedy j- mcdermid were a few points down georgetown creamery cream wanted wool wanted eggs wanted cash paid for above at market price open every saturday night for the accommodation of out patrons georgetown creamery co m saxe manager- we have a host of pretty and serviceable pieces at less than todays value we furnish the new home complete paper the wnllu carpet the fthths curtains xliuilns poles anil draperies or the windows furniture for every room heddink comfortors blan kets sheets pillow cases ttiwolinu tnhle linen fnainehvaro table cutlery crndorv glassware iintl all rctnsitth for the home fninishing living room suites at about half price h- piece stupes mahogany finish silk upholstered j3hp liinto roomy living iqqjii cluiirij and rockers in silk plimh and ijenihoretto from 1200 up largo couches from 1800 up sots of dinink chairs iipholstevd from 1050 up chinn cabinets frtun 28i0 up splendid values in womens house dresses s from 20oup wmiiiciik apron lrckes from 100 up tliihlftm dresses front l2i up liillidiis liniupcjs from 75c up cmiililrcns jerseys iriini hfic up chih irons overalls fionr 100 op we nltii ytitt tlto seiisnns styles in while otilinn footwoar m jacksons georgetown ri essential in every medicine r m a fever thermometer telk at a glanpe whetlier the temperature of the sick person is at the danger point or not and is indispensable in hbmei where health is safeguarded with care week end v reliable clinical thermometers reg n 175 fjway saturday 99c ik linen rhvelopee reg i5c friday 6c s saturday 0c s fjer briar pipe reg 1 00 friday saturday 65 hourigans a t4e m r ev ci zai m jvii iaiwtoj lflcv if r f -o- vr

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