Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1920, p. 5

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paob 6 w the qeobostownhbitxiid june 9tn 1990 umiufad livuo the miser thinks hes living when hes hoarding up his gold the soldier calls it living when hes doing something bold the sailor thinks it living to be tossed upon the boo and upon this very subject no two men of us agree bnt i bold to the opinion as i walk my way along that livings made of laughter and good fellowship and song i wouldnt call it living to be al ways seeking gold to bank all the present gladness for the days when ill be- old j wouldnt call it living to spend vu my abrength tot fame and forego the inany pleasures which today are mine to claim 1 wouldnt for the splendor of the world set- out to roam v and t6rake my laughing children add the peace i know athome ibh the friag that i calv iivjng v isnt gold or faqae at all its fellowship and spnabine- and viti roaes ijy the wall t evenings ftlad withinuslo and hearthfire thats ablaze add the joys whiob 00010 to mor tal in a thousand different ways it ia laughter and contentment and the strpkgle for a goal it is everything thats needful in the shaping of a soul edgar a guest renlalmcaces cmrfletum hamlly shoved oatde for cotillion eighthand reals money musk qua drille and lancer on an innovatlbn with a virginia reel or bir roger rte coverley as the lnvnriable windup there were of course waltxes galops polkas sctwttlachrh mazourkas etc but square dances were the favorites if there was a dance at milton j3treet- vllle acton or erin village there were plenty who thougtit nothing of driv ing the 10 or 15 miles to dance all night till broad daylight and bo home with the girls in the morning with plenty of blankets and real buffalo robes the drive over the mow on u bright winters night was con sidered no hardship in view of the fun at the end tipowimieatievtweek whether or no therell be a panic soon or late and things wul creak and bust how salted down the dnst finan cial prophets all agree that present things cant last fates brewing soup for yon and me and soon well stand agaet it may be that theaeers are wrong for prophets sometimes farl and life may be a grand sweet song and men may still have kale but as for me i take no chance and when i have a bone 1 io not down the main street prance to sea it spent and blown i take u to the bankers vanlt a modern vanlt and fine and watch him put it down in salt with other bucks of mine and if what panic men forsee should come to fill its date it will not put a orimp in me or my glad smile ab ate bach pay day with a certain sum down to the bank i tread and if the panic doesnt come tin just that much ahead walt ma son terra cotta mr and mrs william marshajl spent sunday with ballinatdd- friends fv mr joseph coulter visited frjj ends atharortton and wjhand lftfitj w6ok the canada brieit plant is burn ing wood owing to tbe scarcity of eoal i- miss evo obey ne our teacher is on duty again at the sth line school after a brief illness there will be a lot of people in georgetown july 1st have you told your friends about the gwva demonstration thats what we said july 1st will be the biggest day in the history of georgetown j mr j m denyes- haltons popular publio school inspector is contributing in the christian guardian a series of artioles on some modern educational prob lems the first of these articles appeared in last weeks gnardian dnuf garden str a garden party will be given in honor of premier drury mpf for halton at the home of mr james h bird 6th line esqueeing on jane 17th the premier will give an address the grounds win be lighted with deloo light proceeds in aid of gordon home at milton an excellent program john f ford chairman see bills for particulars prises for essay by school fapus the ontario motor ijeaguo are offering again this year twelve cash prizes totalling 100 to the school children of the province for the best essay on how children may help to avoid motor acci dents the contest closes on june 16 1920 all communica tions are to be addressed to the general manager ontario safety league 169 church st toronto the first prize is 15 in cash sec ond and third 10 and fonrth fifth and sixth prizes fi dont worry about your victory bonds victory itonds today are stronger than they have ever been the important announce ment of the minister 0 finance that canada bus finished borrowing means that there will be no increase in the supply of these bonds the huge sums of money that must be invest ed from time to time in the highest possible grade of security will therefore seek invest ment in existing issues this houldjjtnean a greatly increased demand and tafjve strengthening effect on prices- u you have money less well employea we recommend- that yod invest u victory loan bonds at presept prices wrheua and we shallj glad in furnish you v iih full particulars wood gundy company canadian scituv hallway building toronto grand trunk railway system tlte ponb tro ftpnte tiorlfleal tomato bbti01t u cncaco llfexedka btatm car service sleeping ears on uigbt trains and parlor cars on principal day traing full information fioinnny grand trunk ticket agent or c e horn ing district passenger agent to ronto rhokito w mm i new at glenwiixiams 1 if you want to get a good loaf oi try us nothing but the best fresh every day call at the bakery opposite hotel and give us a trial youjl never regret it wedding cake made to order ixitfti method proves its superiority mise ho has eeo in at tendance 8 monthsv wrote si words per minnteon the typewrit er this week is a alls for eoatswtrat kelp this sw abbahoe wow to tajet seaaiqii tl entire guetehbusinesscollege hebaijd bodo gvelph ontario albovck frta fine shoe repairing when you want your shoes repaired try j a ballantine the brooklyn shoe repaire this is one of the largest and iiiohl complete repitir- shops of its kind in ontario we have ten iiilterent ma chines which enables us to give you no much inttei satis- facton than the old method of i0iiiiiik- there is nothing impossible in the shqe v qame with ni we lo turned solj88evvcd iilei ladies lieels ig aay shap manner and- form reqiiiied to japs liatohes hooks oyelettes counters insole half soles wliple hoipb leather or riibber heelst in fact nnytlhn you want in the repiir lino wedoht cobble wc always try to make your shoes like new without adding any extra cost for bur fine workmanship we haveuo opposition as this is the only and moat complete repair plant or its kind in qeorge- townarid oqr vfork is in aclass byitself shojj open 780 aift tbfl10 pm daily oori sfsxkit sl uneep sts near 6tr 8tnfion new adverusements pigs fob aub 0 hrkhhire s nioitltin old wllnn- ckk phonu i0j r 4 11 lotgrobialb two good building lots in colleggeview 60 ft froiil each broken will be sold rea sonable s b twoal ueorgelown if sewing machine foh sa1x singer sewiuk machine in good eondi- ijon apply at it mid office sawoe roltsale kitchen rangi in itrmltitms condition apply 10 1 c makuv hunk of tlamilloil if lot for sale corner lot ofx alaiie lo radil lra- pply in i0jl7 pnavrin per m toronto 2p for sj lot on ciilipk sr 50xlb a shun as hephcunie st apply ktfht ttrotio for aalye hay aiiilrvhtm four or liv tor oiixrd liayrbcvcral hunttrlri tthierc pnovtttree41caak thcbtnilnt fiplii bean towrl h hull a- son sjenrlfv 4m you should install an aufo indicator 4 in 1 i glenwilliams ontario children cry for fletcher she kind you hasre alwaysr bought and which has been in use ftr wa tthfrty yejrs has borne the shjiutttre of v angvhae been made underbttpfjr bonal snpervlslba since its lnflr allow no one to deceive yon in all counterfeits imitations and jnstasgootfi are experiments that trifle with and endanger jtbehea of infants and qiodren erperienceagtast bxpwlnient rfiit is castowla castoria is a harmless substltate for castor 011 paregoric drbpe n4 soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither optaj wprpblae nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarapte f pr more than thirty year it has beni in constant use for fa reptconsapntiou fututoncy win4- colic an4 jflmbmi ba1s feverlshnem ahd tiierefiom anil by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving heaw the asbiutint panacea genuine castoria ibears the signature of always the kind you hav alway poupbt rtim nmntmiim j of ice i the companime of this agency hape taken into con sideration the increased high cost or building material and labor and wish to advise the public that they ivll be glad to write additional insurance on any property where the value warrant this agency wpihe gladto serve you jfyau will advise by phone or letter we will call on you at once vans rush agents aon 337 cffojprohaf teas aad okaslaa ma toromto is noted thjoufaout canada for high jrratfe work great demand for our rrad- tiates open all year enter now write for catsjorue w j billot t principal ufe nsuranc protect your wife children yonrself and your business with a polioy in the great west life as surance go the lowest j rates with the best resqlts for particulars see w w roe 4 out wo ateslasttesss oeoboztowm norval hseep in kind the car behind 1 the tiaolc laws demand that the driver of anautomobile must warn tbe driver immediately following hjm when he slows down stops or tnrns to the right or left ivoep the law and avoid liability pro tect your car better be safe than sorry 4 president wilson e u cary chairman of the board of the united steel corporation and multitude of others have been the vic tims of rear end collisions because no warning had been given to the driver following an auto indicator in not an accessory it ia a ne cessity q the auto indicator is ornamental dependable dorable and easy to operate it serves as a tail light is antoraatioally controlled use the nationwide semaphore words q0 and stop go is nentral when tbe car is moving o0 shows when the oar is parked qq means what the traffic man means when he gives you go when the brake- is applied tbe indicator says stop the arrow is the worlds direction sign a convenient and easily operated lever makes it possible for the driver to tell tbe map following when and which way he intends to turn the aqto indicator works by day and night 5 the aqto indicator is the automobiles best protector the worlds best safety first auto signal 8 drive vour oar with a feeling of security and comfort by instal ling an auto indicator 7 hand signalling is inconvenient uncertain and often when needed impossible an auto safety signal device will soon be deman ded by the authorities safety directors traffic policemen and automo- biliits who now recommend it quit taking chances proteotjyonr car your friends your family and yourself not only look where you steer also warn the man in the rear choice fresh and salt meats saum item freak frto the lakel every ticsdav fresh vegetables cmfeettoaery art he cream farter la oaaetttoa t w sihrth batolter jforval to skotula reqajmd scranton tn all steer automafioajjy soreeped and select jiump for pomesfcio and threshing purposes smithing and cannol coal in fact i carry everything to be found in an uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georsetom phfjnblsb t in nv klngs choice lor bread naiionallor t a stfallja i watokum between norvl mid anhfrhvelin 10 on monday ksiihmatrti onen face i ritokel watchwithnatne kuinet frntlit er return lor w cunriuifhain norval and receive regard j i 2tp i 7 room trume house oil the corner of factory and charles si this house ha alt conveniences and is earitif uhy decora- ted excellent location for particular aplvlok a bcnhuin real estate ag ent georgetown box 185 phone 164 notice re accounts havirik disposed of my hardware and plumbing business it is absolutely ncceatw ary thai all accounth due me be paid al once if thm notice concerna yod will you kindly attend to am at ooco or make uttisfaciory arrangement as all accounts not settled by june 15th will positively be put in other hands for col lect ion w c anthonv georgetown 2t 300 dowabnys a good rowae and ft lota 1m gvorgatown square frame houae in good condition bedrooms clothes closet in each room 3 rooma downstairs also pantry and wash room hard and soft water in the wash room 2 roomed cellar electric lights and furnace in houae possession june i price 3000 300 down and the balance monthly apply j a willoughby main street georgetown black mantel clocks 1000 alarm clocks pi betvbaby ben and the cele brated waterbury alarm clock bis reduction good asaortiment a b wil son maun street next mcgibbon hotel court of revision take notice that the court of revision will be held at the town hall george town on the 14th day of june at 8 oclock pm to hear complaints against the aft aessment roll of 1920 f l heath clerk dated june 2nd 192a 2t farms for mjle improved ji sec 16 miles from city black loam snap 25 per acre well im proved see 12 miles from city 150 acres cultivated good building 6500 per acre two well improved sec 15 rhilen from city 6500 per acre five sec in block improved ail fenced snap 2500 per acre two 5 acre and one 10 acre block buildings and all culti vated close to city t cook 10018 i02sd avetue bdsteataa albert for bale beautiful artistic bungalow on edith street with large spacious verandas and closed in balcony suitable for sleeping porch the architecture of tne house is particularly attractive and the house is in a class by itself from a residents stand point the lot itself in very large and one of the best in georgetown and has beau tiful shade and ornamental trees the house is designed by a well known toron to architect contains 8 well laid out rooms and open fire place finished attic also furnace bath and electric lights for ful ler particulars price possession etc ap ply j a willoughby georgetown m houie coiivetiloncca j double frame houte fsfioo ogiw4j6ckcllljallco nil eon mopo no 4 upt0hite brick residence all cpnvenleneei 10m no 5 v double frame bouse all conven lencet moo 1 ublo brick homiewooo 7jo irf loc np6 tdoublol lolifroihw loi t ii and tailoring nev dresses just arrived call and see them admiilsirators- neuce to crej ilors tad others ib the estate of henry p iairwa deeeassd the creditors of henry p lawson late sf the village of georgetown in the coun ty of halton lumberman deceased who died on or about the sth day of march 1920 and all others having claims against or entitled to share in the estate are here by notified to send by post prepaid or oth erwise deliver to the undersigned admin istrators on or before the 15th day of june 1920 their christian and- surnames ad dresses and descriptions and full partic- nlars of their claims accounts or interests and the nature of the securities if any held by thenn i mmediately after the said 15th day of june 1920 the assets of the assets of the said henry p e5twaon de ceased will be distributed among- the par ties entitled thereto having regard onjy to claims or interests of which the admin istrators shall then have notice and all others will be excluded from the said dia- tribution toronto gfneral trusts corporation 83 bay street toronto w ii wailbridgr qarriiter 19 melinda street toronto administrators john shilton 19 melinda street toronto their solicitors dated at toronto this 27th day of ap ril 1920 5mt nmimm rubm v i arthur bcastell t iiitoaiirtdft london knjtiana cmnmmg rrssbitmlsm 0huhasrymrt- x- win wei y vrtiickhfi m i -4- i notice to creditors in the matter of the estate ofroert watson late of the tlllsvst of nor val ib the ooonty of hslton rs- tlvad h erobant deosaaed notice is hereby given pursuant to statute that all creditors and others hav ing claims a if a inn t the estate of the said robert wntson deceased who died oh or ubout the twentyninth dny of may atp 1917 are required to send by post prepaid octodellvur to robert watson of norvsl l0 ontario the executor of the said es tate on or before the 17th day of june a o l20 names uddresles and ides cription and n ttaeinenl of he particulars of their clnlitit and the tiiilure of the sec- curity if any held by them v and further take notice that after the said last iiitniloned dale he assets of the 8iid df jihiui will be distributed among the uuiutn entitled thereto bavingr regard only to i in cluiins of which notice shall then have been received dated brampton this 1 7th day of may adimo w s morpiiv brampton solicitor for robert wat ion the above named executor fevvi-

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