Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 16, 1920, p. 5

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vhcj iaqk ii tifk qkohoetown hbhalu junk 16th 1920 v obituary thktkii artil a ioiik unci ilixtrfhxink ill- nebh there piihiid uwiiy on june the ttnd mr ijiwih teeter lie- fcuhfd wtih liiirn llfty throe yearn ago on the fiuni on which he died hoi 7 on 1 erin ami was the voiinit hon ill i in lute william teouii of a very uocinble nature he wax widejv known and respect ed unl whilu takinu an active part in public attnim alwavh declined municipnt iioihhh in liix younger dnyu lie wax well known nx an ath lete deceaxod wnx twice inavried his ant wife who hied hi j huh ho iutlilikaujlt iitukitcrl of hik late edwiifrfmii of lvin in p jliflmiufil liirfiirl diuightar of thontyto muloiiliii fliiinxuy if hoi- fonntmrf lie leavcxto mourn his loss hix widow and one daughter jean kumi and iko sonn morrix and rnninuyjiht n xixter mrx jlinesifieliiir of hinuuim and ti brother mr price ttervf kmohi- erton the funeral xervifmi wwcii wan ittiaelytittendoilwax coinlhot ed by iiirf pustor revn wiutdell bd iriteruientnt kiiin cojuouvy v advpeate remlmlseeiees el btwttavm the iioh who used to like to loaf among- 4h viitm in spite of the rank smell of the hides and the pungent odor if the hemlock hark there tmed in be mi iron foundry- ikiwilbly two mi llic cilffo of the iouil in the name ihlllililimid mid u woodworkltik hihm i wndiiik feuture tif which wax the tiuiluiik of- putiiit mid the tiorilim or inline loirw in wlilch ti hole seven i inclih in diameter wax made with i iumr iiiikri- driven by iimeliliiery continued nexl week the iinnual meeting of the 1 1 ill ton ijiberal axhociation will he held in llincexh theatre mil ion on friday june ihth at 2 iim election of ofllcerx and nny other btrainemsy that piny opine hewo tlje ineetirik ay j clenieiitx re 0 d molreoi rec ad fatkj aootdent a distrehhini avfidanl which ro- suited fatallyocoiirrod iiehho home of mr siumiol iiitish aitbn last wedk the little fosler hon jim- mie who was in hix third year was playing about the floor while mrs brush wax preparing tho fam ily dinner a little neighbor lad die about the name ago came in to play with jiminie mrs brush had a hot stew standing on an el ectric beater which wax on tho range the little visitor pulled tho electric cord and this upset the dial of hot fneal and soup ov er jininues shoulder and breast he wan terribly burned and while every possible relief was givon to the little fellows imony he passed away ofo qardut party a garden party under the aus- thorjkwill bo a lot of people in gortestntown july int have yoti toliyour ftiondh alioiif the owv a demoiistrivtioik cikahrnd cnedit auction sale 1 of farm sidlnpleljiieiils el ths undersigned liaii received instiiictions from mb euery brownripoe to sell by publio auction nt jot 4 con7 bhtjuesing on thadsyjnn 4th 1980 at 1 olclook sharp the following lloiisfifl- bay mare p 6 yrs black marc gp x yrs block uiare agr 8 yr brown mare gp 8 yrs peroheron colt at side grey mare gp 10 yrs peroheron colt at side black mare carriage 10 yrs bay mure agr 2 yrs bay mare per oheron 2 yrs carriage horse 10 yrs hay mare gp 2 yra cattjk durham cow 8 yrs oalf at side durham o6w 7 yrs calf at side durham cow 0 yrs coif at aido durham cow 5 yrs calf at aide durham 8 yrs due july 1 durham cow 1 yrs calf at side durham cow 4 yrs calf at side durham cow 8 yrs calf at side durham cow ti yrs due june dont worry about your victory bonds victory bonds today are stronger than they have ever been the important announce ment of the minister of finance that canada has linishcd borrowing means that there will be no increase in the supply of these bond the huge sums of money that must be invest- ed from time to time in the highest possible grade of security will therefore seek invest ment in existing issues this should mean a greatly increased demand and have a strengthening effect on prices i if you have money less well employed we recommend that you invest it in victory loan bonds at present prices write us and we shall be glad to furnish you with full particulars wood ntfy company cuudisaficiiic hajlway building t grand trunk railway systeiri the double track route between montreal toronto detroit mi chicago unexcelled dining car service sleeping carx on night trains- and parlor curx on principal day truing full irnnrmiitinn from any 1 rand trurtk ticket aent or 0 k i lorn- intti district pusxcnker aent to- rriftn jtcjnirod agent oeorgelewn ns owe 70 fine shoe repairing wlin on wunl our hioh rcpuiicil lr a ballantine the brooklyn shoe repairer sl itml innl iiiicc icjtiiir i wc have ten ilillcrcnl inn- ic ynu so imiicii licllcr siitis- mhliiin in the shoe 120 durham heifer 8 yra due ju ly durham heifer 8 yrs due no vember durham 8 yrs due aug- of mr j ii bird lot 7 coir 0 es- jueaing on thursday evening june 17th in honor of premier drury mpp for ualbon county the premier and others will address the audience a hitjhclasx pro gram will be given liy the follow ing mr bob vvilxou commedian miss marjorie taite costume sin ger mins irene huffman elocu tionist pupil of miss mildrod walker torontomin8 nellie mc- ohie seotish violinist a star miss jessie mac0iegor pianist hiawiian orchosuin tlrero will be a refreshment booth on tho grounds a cordial woloome to all proooeds in aid of tho lordon home milton adults 2fie chil dren 15c god savei the king mrs h wilson scctioas r w reid pres j f ford chairman the grounds will bo lightod by dslae- light veino ust new advertisements for saie dining room t nble nitle board chain 1 mcpcmi georgetown t and ranoc for sale kitchen range in lirktctahh condition apply to ci c mukay uunu of hrfmilton if for bale j lay nod beanf foor or fivo ton tiood nixea hny nevural bushel k of iicrcon im proved trett heaiik tlut bent larc white field bean ii hull i son ceorge- lowu 26tf for sale frame houne of 6 rooiun oti morris st with aver 2 loin of ground and a quantity of fruit price for imtnediutt ttale 1300 appjy javvhuwjjrhhy isot for sale a vry dfsirenble lot for hhia on george st off main st north of baptise church for full particulars apply lo kc adumu guelph st for sale 7 room frame house on the corner of factory and charlan st thi lioue has all convejpjeficeh and id beautifully decora td excellent locution for particular applvtoe a nenham ral kntate ag jint georgown box 185 phone 164 stayed strayed from lot 27 4th line wewl chin tfiiacoiury about 20th may one light col ored gray hteer 2 year old witfa horns any person giving inlgrmaiion leading to recovery of this beaut wljl be rewarded with s500 john lyons terra col a phpne26r2 chelttmham notice re accounts waving didposed of my hardware nmt tlfmlos 2000 ibfl wlfch 8tor is tliniihi be paid inco if this nnlice iioiaernn you will you kindly attend lo ijsrriu nt oiro or make witmfarlory irnieintnl im all accounts not settled by june isth wi positively bo put in other hands for col lection w c antiionv gcorgciown 21 300 down bays a good house and 8 itots in georgstottm sqhlirifriirrio iioiibo in ood condition 4 bedruoins cjpilics closet in each room 3 rooms downstairs also pantry and wash room hafd and soft water iu the wasli- raoin 2 roomed cellar kleeirlc lights and furnace in house possension june i lriio j000 300 down and the balance jnoiithly apply j a wllloughby for baix neaullful artistic biingalow on edith street with large spacious verandas and closed in ualrouy suitable for sleeping hltr farrow fow durham oow 9- yrs due july black ppw calved 2 mos rftirham steer tt yra 2 pur- ham heifers 2 yrs 2 durham hei fers 2 yrs durham heifer lfe mos ip durham heifers and steers 1 yr durham bull lhmon durham bull 11 mos pioh pure brod tamworth sow due june is pure bred yorkshire sow due june 80 pure bred york shira sow due july fi 2 yorkshire sows due in july yorkshire sow due oct hrd 10 fat bogs j 2 good shoots 14 pigs 2 mos old hahnebh double brass mount ed set with breeohing almost new 2 hot farm harness set plow harn ess net double driving harness 2 set single harness white show halter show bridle tan baiter 4 pair odd bridles 8 pair book band 1 do horse oollars horae blank- ots poultry 1 gander a geese with gokzlings 1 drake ti pekin ducks with small ducks 60 rook hens 75 rook chicken 8 rook roo sters implements doering binder 7 ft out good as new deering binder g ft oat in good shape deering bay loader almost new deoring side rook almost new deoring tedder goad new deering homo rack in good shape inter national manure spreader used very little international disc drill good as new frost wood 8 drum roller pea harvester mann spring tooth cultivator thistle rotter corn soiifller for 2 rows make planted junior root soiiitlor veri ty plow no 8 verity plow no u0 set bariows 5 pieces root mi i per new heavy wagon 8 inch tire good as new box and seat complete wagon threequarter in tire wagon 2 inob tire steel trnok almost new truok wagon good rubber tired buggy top buggy in good shape open buggy bnok board new jogging earl new bike racing cart pair sloop sleighs weir make pair bench sleighs international 816 tractor new hamilton b- furrow tractor plow now international double disc for traotor new international ensil age cutter good as new with 80 foot plow pjpe and hood grain grinder 0 inoh plate new circu lar saw now orossout 8wjj bay racks posthole augur get weigh k rack boeder 2 corn planters sugar kottlo 14 bar- mi of molasses 8 barrel of salt timber for building 1020 2 lad- dors 1 inoh lumber 2 inch plank wagon tongues ash and oak lum ber 4x4 stock rook 14 ft long 4 ft high 2 stock rooks for box rack for light wagon 8 pig orates 2 crowbars strawberry baskets and boxes a rolls hog fence roll i wire fence frost buggy tongue cutter fcpngue string bells dotmval cream separator 8 cream cans 8 gallon and jackets posts iron posts corn marker drag harrow split log drag 40 bus small wheat oil nake i at glenwilliams if you want to get a good loaf of bread try us nothing but the best fresh every day call at the bakery opposite hotel and give us a trial youll never regret it t wedding cakes made to order mckinley bros mmm method proves its suimriority miss r who has been in at tendance hi months wrote 82 words per minute on the typewrit er this week 12 calls for oompatent help this wek arrange mow to start session tbe sntire tear guelph business college herald bld0 guelph ontario 4ibquci p this is oik- of the inn nhops of its kiml in ontiir rhinen wlinh ciuililcs ijh v fiuon lliiin tin ilii metliiiif there is nothing impossible game witling vrjhiil tidw pwiil solis indies liiuvls in any shni utftiinii iitiil fiinn riifiiiicif t cup uhcs liihilis etilillis ciiiiutorh itwolis luiir sidis whiilc slhs untluror nilihtirhitls in fmt nn tliinj ynu vmit in tlw rfjiairliiie diifit ciililili- wi filujiy try in iiiuko yohr mlintirjike ffwwil1iont imhling tiiiy eitrii cbsl fur our title voiloniiihliii we lninil oinimtiriuas i his is- jjiip onlyiiiid iiiist unilete repair idnnt of its kind in fjeofue- iniri ind oni vrk is in liirlus b jiin to lioiii daily fortunes of war high military rank attained by humble civilians itself klrop opcii 780 j a ballantine cor k1u 8c queen st- rttj sati glenwiliaf9 ontario yodk n4 0brl st toronto in noted ihroughoul caniuja for h iff it grade work great demand for our grad uates open all year enler now write for catalogue v j ellioit principal know tfiit genuine castoria always life insuranc i- protect your wife children yourself and your business with n polioy in tho ureat west life as surance co the lowest rates with the best results for partloulars see w w roe pfflo 900 you should install an auto indicator 4 in 1 tail keep in mind the car behind light the trull lc laws deiflnnd that the driver of an automobile must ing him win op the law and avoid liability ows dowi avoid v uj- miiui ul till warn tho driver immediately following him when he sl or turns to the right or left keep the law and avoit teet your oar bettetsbe safe than sorry 1 president wilsn 15 h cary chatrnian of the hoard dnitod steel corpoiationand a multitude of others hnvo been tims of rear end collisions beeauso no warning had boon given stops pro- driver following oessity x the auto indicator an auto indicator in not board of tho tho vie- given to the accessory- it is a ne easy to operate it serves as a tail light- is pbon rasldanoa as georgetown out norval oinamontnl dopondamo dtnablo and uaoi tho nntionwido snaxliore words o iind htoi 10 jh noutiftl wlion tho car ih moving hi shown when tho mr in parked 00 numinn what the trnttlc man inoanu whon lie tfivon you oo wlion tho hrako is applied the iinlioalor nayb htot the arrow in tho world direction sign a oonvonient nntl oasily opomted ievor malton it portsiblo for tho driver to toll the man following when and which wuy ho intends to turn 4 tho auto indicator works by day and niltt 6 tho auto indicator is tlto automohilri worlds best safety first auto signal fl jrivo vour oar with a feolin 6f scon ling an auto indicator 7 hand signalling is inconvenient uncortain and ofton when needed impossible an auto safety signal dovioo will soon ho deman ded by the authoritioa safety director traflio polioemon and bili fits who now recommend it quit taking chances your friends your family and yourself sir douglas haig tells of many in stances that came to his no tice during the great war men that failed i an intervlv with sir poiiulus ilultf i irin- in tin mane hsli inn ruuu com iii sylim iikklll iu1iuift of ibc rhtiiinv iiihi foriuntis otyuv ilmijttloii mtkl lh lvt nmrwhuk inik utii ctulniy ijy mrrititttu the- lllliilifcl lilhjirthhmltt4 wll f itll xati jimmim tivivilil he im t uh- imu-oh- tivy iiiitjiiiihlim uf rlmrtitttr iitklir iiihi kruiw jfcttt miiiiy inviuiiits ruuiil h qiluuii f nifji t iviflii- li or i huitlll tirritpulntiu luiw risitlo 1lui lutiaiit ctiiuuirtmlx m hfjkmflinuhura lawyer u tnxhab lrlyir nini uji timiattit luajurhve ttiiihijuiiticil hrjirutiest uiif tuiir uh toiniriiimilvd 4 iji- vljjhtii tiitd ttnuiliit iiiltl succittffulfy tin kisition uf kvulor htutt oltltver to rjwitr ill yliofit 4 umltitook of anlirhlir tonir ii vlirk to the mtrnpouttiu win ir hohid iin tnunnr clerk nu urhlit uxklsiant nod u police lu- lhmtor jummiuc etlilnt jfenerul htuly tlltlftts a nitnh wirtfvani a railway nljfinl- iniiii ii ml miner u market tfiirtlenur nu aitkihthiit secretary of h haberdnxh- ery company jiurteriimter her- jeunt imj many private soldiers huve rlxcn to command battalloim clerks have commanded butter lea a schoolmaster a collier the hod of a bliicksmlth an iron inolder nn iriitiruriiir in talloriatf un asslhtimt ixhh imtuliifer a jrrooera aslntant tll un pollemen clerks and privates have comroaniled companies and acted mm urijiitants thts inntances are not utranxe they show possession of military lit at 1 net which only required the chance to he dlh played analyzing further of course it ciium be ahundanuy shown that some men atthoufh given bifh rank fell down lamentably when opportunity for work offered whllf tec hale i education la essen tial soldiers are born not made tt would be lnterestlac to collate from our own records some of the ninny loirances of american soldiers mlio ro from tbe ranks to commls- hioiih nftfr a brief apprentlcexhlp tu lit- profession of arms hoht protector tire trity and oomfort by inwtal- automo pioteeljyotir oar not onlj look where yoi stoer alwo warn tho man in tin bofpe fresh anil sail meats salmon trout fresti from ifte lakes every tuesday fresh vegetables tntedlntfl and ice cream pvlorlncovectlod twsmrnj vntobr iforyal frank king majntieet r georgetown black mantel clocks 1000 n o ti cel porch tho urchitecluro of tiio house is psrlleulsrly uttravlive and tho llousn is in a clans liv llselt from a rosidenlnl sluiid point tho lot itself is vary inrga snd one of the tiist in caorgrat9wi and has beau- jlful shiide and ornamental trees the loibu isdesirnid by n well known torsil- oafchuot contains 8 well piidout rooihs and- open fire place finished attic also furnace imtli mid eluclric llgbm for ful- i icrjisrllciilursprlin pososlon cie ap- ply j a wlllouifliby goorgelown the companiet of thia agency have taken into eon aider ation the increased high coat of building material and- labor and with to advise the public that they will be glad to write additional insurance on any property where the values warrant thia agency will be glad to serve you if you will evam rush agents qfprgetown no shovalllns roqnired standard anthracite scranton coal lo all sizes atomatically screened and loaded alarm clocks big ben baby ben and the cele brated waterbury alarm clock big reduction good assortment ground qiass net harmful kvperimeuts recently carried oof hy the ncmy medical corps have en tirely dlsproren the popolar belief unit ground class is harmful to the iltjumflve tract 0 hsr was ground and sifted to se cure vnryinr degrees of fineness and roiikklerable quantities of the mate rial were incorporated la fresh meat tin- fttiiu being fed t hungry dog thl wan repented in some instanceh on a number of days after which the fne were killed and the digestive met examined both with the naked ye and by the aid of the mlcroscopt mid no injury whatever was percept 1 itlf before being killed the do- iipparently buffered do inconvenience mid nppenred normal in every way tli p- 6ndlngs should ellmlnute for nil time tho idea of glass being the enusc of death in snlmals mallclounly pplsonefj v ft teldpian polornijo acrlcullqraj pollege fort jpdllb folq 91919 select lump tor ijomoutio and throsliink tuiijiobph smithing and candol con i in foot i entry everylhinr to bo found in an uptodnt qpftmrpfl w904 tfr- john mcdonald georgeiown phone 12 a b willson main street next ivicgibbon hotel its pace was its fortune two years ago my husband mid t wen cnnilng into chicago from nn in ditiiin town in a roadster ttisr cer tainly showed the hard use we imd clvcn it about midnight ne stsrted down a little trade on a lonely stretrh nt rood nnd found tt the bottom thut he roiut wns blocked by two isrge nitirliliiqs with ticensea from a wiwr- itii sfnie i vs stplipei of course and erpwted ftno niiiciilne t pull aside- inseoij fivn men walked bock fo par car api irnhcil un rrw then one called alj rlirlit npi the roai waa ceari tbiy iliought our old model ms- cliini wns probably not worth stealing tun tliiy neglected to search our pock- cm which contained several hundreij dollars chicago tribune 0v l rl ogc saperlnlendenl iadmafroa for peel apd applliiitloo for siiperinloiidcnt and ma tron for the joint house of refuae for peel anij haltan countlen will be ro barley oatn mixed ohon together with forks nhafnb stable brooms nhovols rakos and otboa artiolos to numei- otis to mention jfrjbnitubb u holffeotlor ooal stovpa almost now range ntoye shoot iron jvodter box stove vood bedroom stove coal or wood inifle glass oupbonrd ohorryi g lopngoa u kitcbon obairb tiblo wardrobe i waslistabds washing hioohino flour chest bods nlattressor springs ohild orib fio yards rag carpot good 2 vinegar barrels all will bo sold as tho farm has heap sold tj5nmsai sums of 10 and under cash fat bogs poultry grain posh over that nnionnt 4 months credit on approved joint notes pisogunt offifpr cash 1 s wfrllfijr jvj w phone 237 tij hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring wrested fortune from werld sir marcus 8smoe4 who has pur chased from the earl of berkeley for the sum of 35000000 a parcel of the fashionable residential section of loo- don known as berkeley square start ed in business life keeping a little shop tn one of the poorest quarters of the british metropolis where he made and sold for a shilling or two ornamental boxes mnde of shells from the sea shore inter he invested his savings in oil made money and started a cem- pany culled the shellj thus identify- in his blc new venture with his oflg- innl struggllnk business new dresses just arrived noryaflour mill psssi saassssma sssssssss i- kings choice lor bread nalional tor pastry norval blend tor brea and paslpy a shaix qya py jjjami wbq cqtvh aarain wo urge he fiirntorsto p for tllelr rearlptered arliolpftilon certlfleates a large qnaiillly of j x bran ahoruohoppedoas corn uesl p 0o omok teed 0 cake and oluteameaj always onhajd msmmmmimm m saie ix no i poubu viiinc iioiisr tltimh no 2 tood bilclt vusldeni tot all lloiikll coiivctliillilh lp3 v mopo no 4 ljptodate brlok resldtinci nil cpnyeplancav itooo np 5 potable rnnlo house nil conven- lences tittoo nn a dpilmu brink lipimn ftofm i om from gftf lo 40o 111 rood locn- fl- also farms in ftaaesjno beaieslale agent georadowo impri ll i i call and see them brooke g georgetownl ke best soranton opal iif all sizes portland eement aaamaisstazx vkottu vptto provisions those investigational rnngressman conductlllk an invest- cm t ion of the cost of llvlne come in here and alt down i i want to oak yon some queatlons now dont try to bvnde icnum you cant got sway la it true that ynu have been profiteer ihir in food products pmllteer vcs tts true whatrer you irnln in nbnul lt iniiikiiiii well well now dn kii ixiheil 1 just wiinlii in liiuiw f it wiik inn ami unix ininibt ktjiilnij investlgg tlon is reeurdud kmisus city gigs farms tor sale iiil a sue id miles from cliy iiilhiiiipj5pi iir u oil im- provvil so 12 iliilus fm cliy iso acre cultivated roil l in 6s00 sr iirn two null improved sec is miles hy city f ler xl provoil nil fenced snap 2yx per ncro two 5 acre and puo 10 ncro block bulkllnics nnd nil cnlll yaied lose to city y cook 0018 102nd nveauu edssanlee alberrii arthur bcastell t 8 r oouesje of knslo london bngiand olrmniitar wssbrcstrlan ohuroh aorgtoro teaoher pfplaio or- ku oornot violin rindsinkln rvjlion fob in npy branch 8 per torn 0120 eas fry rvsli i wft main su oporjffown br at pupilshome piakob tdiofub mm safilslffi

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