Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 21, 1920, p. 4

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2 y ifxmt itftvi fm w- tajf mvi ct v m r fcs v k p- lv 4tf paob a tiik ikouoetown hkbaei july 21 ht 1920 aueuph business ooixeoe tw lint of graduates undergradu ates certificates and prize win ners following are the graduates and undergraduates of the quelpb business college with headquar ten in the herald building for year 191920 misses farr walk er 0 lfanning p manning oakes dunn bolton dobbie bush rob ertson johnson flodd ziegler goodwin lyness lindsay uibbens allen muir morrice corefoot scott thompson brewer jackson mcalpine mclaughlin schmuek bolton bobson jorbett rain- abaw bajlaoh richardson sullj- van bennie mcdouajd mcdon- aid startler moore mackintosh henry brandon johnson kelly anderson shannon martin baru- es longdon clayton smith mar gin steaer mcnally lindsay howard jones bell mclaughlin byers keillor allen hall sojy the yeatea parker mills smythet barker goodwin crowshuw mov laughliri mfs salbraith mrs murray lienors hewips glennie bob- erts hanlon walker whetstone liefneski jpajnes dooley -heffer- nan hauiiltflip whitfield impolj- aki lewis roberts boas coleman cox metcalf boggs auld forbes bollen walton mowfprth robin son qioeri r grant martin an drews falconbridge mokew that cher casaidy phillips lefneski zadourian spiers hunt stock ford anderson glennie hownes those who merited the under wood credential certificate miss es dunn lindsay muir lyness hanning harming jackson dob bie thompson flodd goodwin morrice ziegler mackintosh sul livan ramsbaw corbett kelly walker shannon underwood special certificates misses bush sullivan admitted to order of accurate typists miss a sullivan those who merited special cal culation certilicatesimisses han ning ziegler robertson flodd scott thompson mr walker winner of nelson shield miss b walker school championship in type writing miss a sullivan at 140 net words per minute with 100 per accuracy members new cabinet lrmler melgrhens new cublnet liuu been worn in jind the premier und his colleuguea hold their fire iounitl meeting 1uk week the complete cabinet hiu- in u fol low hon arthur mekihen prime minister mid tterretury of htate fir fijxturiuu affairs silt george k iuutkit mluls- ter of trade and omiiierv hon j dohehty mliiistrr of justice hon ahthhit hikton smretury of suite hon j a ca1j1eh president or the itivy council and minister of ltn- m iteration und colonization hill ukniir hbayton minister of finance hon j i keil minister of koll- wiiys uutl canal villi james louoheei minister of tiie interior und superintendent- generul of indian affair hon p e blxtndin posliiuister- tteueral hffn o c ballantvne minis ter of- majrine and fisheries hon oideots r06ktso mln urter of labor mon huqh outhhie minister or mllltla and defence hon s v polmie minister or agriculture jffon f b m6curoy minister of public wortt hon w viqmore minister vf t and inland reveiuie sir enwrro kbilpanu hon kt k awnnbl ministers without lorl folio hero a one of elbert hub bards little mottoh which no doubt some of the local merchants would like to attach to their custoiuerx overdue accounts i am not sure just what the unpardonable sin is but i believe it is n disposition to evade the payment of small bills la tbe interest ol church going roohevkits points ox oilmen loinci i in this actual worldjt cliurrli less community h eomniiinily where men have ubanduiied niitl scoffed at or ignored their religions needs is a coimnunity on tlit rap id down grade z church work and cliiinli lit tettdnnce mean the oultivnlinn f the habit of feeling some ichpinrt bility for others 8 yes i know all the excuses i kuow that ono run worship tin creator in a grove of trees or by a running brook or in h mans own house just as well tikiu cliurcli but- i also know it a iuatter of cold fact the averake liiaiiiloos not thus worship 4 ho will listen to anil take part in reiuliiu some beutitiful im sages from the bibu and if tic is not familiar with the bible lie has suffered a ihirn 5 lie will take uul ih sihgins some hocmi hyiivns fivhe vi41 tiieet inul uod or siwak to good quiet nciiihborh lie will ooiue awliy fetlini ia little more charitably toward all llio world eveti towiird tlios cxeussiv ely foolish younk men who regard chiirchgoing as a soft krfiiiimrire 7 i advocate a mans joinina iit chiirqh wotk for the snke fif t-liuw- inghis faith lly his works- madges candy shop special sundaes ivfich of a sundae itcan nut suiidar royil spcciil main street c 20c 20c 20c phone 214 grand trunk railway system the double track route bctwbev montreal t088nt0 detroit chicago uaexceim bmm car service sleepinx oars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day traink full inforniation from any grand trunk ticket agent or c e horn ing district passenger agent to ronto jtj 70- iwi t5 clearing auction sale of farai stack and implements the undersigned ha vhivetl itihlrnc- tiona from mb jamtm a hoclure to tell by public auction at lot 1 3 con 1 1 trafalgar halton co lisgar station at xn the surrogate court of the county of halton in the e8tate ok john nodlk mcphekson late or the township of aiueslntr in the county of hal- ton aplartst ueceuued notice is hereby uivkn that ajj person having claim tiffalntit the atat of the above john noble mc- pberon deceuaed who died at the said township of estiueslntr on or about the twentyfifth day of june 1920 are required to send or deliver full particular thereof to the undur- ianed solicitors for catheicine mcpherson und florence ka- hel mcrherson the executrlcea jar the last will und testament of the said deceased on or be fore saturday tha twentyfirst day of august l20 and notice is further 01 v- en that after the said lat tnentlonod date the said xeculriors will proceed to distribute the asaets of the said es tate amongst the parties entitled thereto having regnrd only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice und they will not be jlable for the said assets or any purt thereof to any persons of whose claim notice has not been received at the time ot distribution dated this 15th day of july 1920 graham graham bramp ton ont solicitors for said execu- trlcas credit auction sale the undersigned has received fli structlone from r j whalev to sail by public auction at the east half of lot 1 ln the 11th concession town- hip of esqueslng whaleys- corners tue8dav j cia 37th 120 at one oclock the following stock and standing crop consisting of horses 1 bay horse good driver 7 years old 1 bay mare supposed to be in foal good in all harness l bay filly 1 years old percheron by ga- ctall cattle white cow c years old calved 2 months red cow 6 years old calved 1 month red cow due july 18 1 holsteln cow due july 28 1 red heifer 4 years old dry 1 pure bred jersey cow due october 12 a ate era years old 2 fat cows 7 yearlings pigs brood sow due to farrow august bth- 8 atorejlga bheep 8 breeding ewes shrop shire 4 shearlings lambs two mated cutteritop buggy set bobsleighs sharpies separator nearly nsw standing crop 20 ly oaac 10 acres of banner oats terms three months credit on approved- joint notes six per cent par annum off for cash beef cattle halton co 1 oclock on friday july 23rd 1080 tbe following horses pair bay mares 6 and 7 yrs agr t chestnut wagon mare 10 yrs brown wagon mare 4 yrs broken double and single road wagon mure 10 yrs good driver cattle reg shorthorns- red cow dus in aug red cow bred in june red heifer 11 mos red bull 14 mos drade durhams red cow with calf at side red cow with calf at side roan cow with calf at side grade jersey with calf at side red durham due tin of sale roan durham due sept 1 2 red cows bred in june red heifer bred in june 2 red heifers 2 yrt 4 red heifers i yr pius and fowl yorkshire sow bred 2 pigs 2 mos old 12 barred rock fowl and i cockerel pure bred 30 barred rock chickens 30 ri red chickens and i cockerel purebred implkmknts masseyharris binder 7 tt now masseyharris binder 7 ft old frobl he wood mower 6 ft frost wood 10 ft masseyharris 13 disc drill 14 disc harrow spring ooth cultivator set heuvy diamond harrows 12 ft new set light diamond harrows root pulper root scuff- ler riding plow wilkinson 4lpyv no 3 with wheels cockshut plow no ii will wheels chatham power fanning mill neuj set gun ley scales 3000 lbs spray barrel steel oil barrel grindstone adams wag on 34 ire newt adams wagon box newt high wagon 2 in lire truck wagon flat hay rack stock rack stack rack for light wagon set springs 4000 lbs ice rack spring wagon goodas new 2 top bug gies rubber tire buggy ball ball hearing good as new pony buggy set bobhleigho withbunki set light bobaleighsj long bob sleighs with manure box cutter t gasoline engine 2 12 hp int culling box with blower for rmall angina sat heavy barn- ess with breeching set heavy harness nickle mid nek plow harness set double driving harness set single driving harn ess set single driving harness net pony harness horse collars crosh cut saw bettle and wedge buggy pole f w fence stretcher set block and pulleys lawn mower and roller 3 pair ice tongs wheelbarrow flrnrrirk 2 bedroom sets large re frigerator in good condition table chairs fruit cupboard etc oak treshttre stove coal or wood cook stove dom jewel coal or wood wood heater 2 sugar kl- tles for kit shovels barrels chains uatir trough etc tbe whole will be sold without reserve as the farm has been sold trrmk veal calves fowl and all sums of 10 and under to be cash over that amount 4 months credit on approved joint notes 5 per cent off for cash sale to commence at 1 oclock sharp w a wilson ben petcii clerk auctioneer fall term couiracncoh september 1st hiftrajlon buinom instil lie ffivek very tliaroiikli training in booteepi uf hliorthatxl and tn- writing and all other business studies hbi ktudenlh arid kiduntpk 8pak wbii of bbi cnuiwm brampton business institute c bousfield prin properties for sale so t double ftamr hotiuo tgootj no 2 good brick rcidrticf all con veniences s6000 no 3 frame bonne onviiienccs 4000 no 4 uptodate hrfck tnmeiicr all conveniences 7500 no s double frame hntme all conven iences 4500 no 6 double brick hoiinc 96000 i ojs from 2ao lo 9400 wi good loca tion also farms in esqueslng j h lane heal estate agent georgetown norval meat market choice fresh and salt meats salmon trout iresh from the lakes every tuesday fresh vegetables norval hardware store nw agency folt de kaval cream separator we liftv taken tho nifpncy for tbo fnniniis de ijaval croatu hop ttrfttorn bwaiiso n iwlicvo till- dp laval will do bettor work and inst longer than any other roparal or made and that it in ly far the cheapest and mosl kiititfnctory macliine to use we havo mncliineh on hand at all tinienjind will he pleased to deinonutrate tlieir uieiiority to any one fine shoe rei when you want your klioeaflhntiriml try j a shoe the ber brooklyn tihh is one of the largest and most couileu rcmiirj shops of ita kind in ontario wo have ten difterent nia- fhinch which enables uh to ivn you so much itotler satis- faeton than the old method of repairing there ia nothlns iiopo8aiue in the shoe game with uii we do turned soles sewed soles ladiofi heels in nnj- ahap manner and forrti requiitt- too enis patches hooks eyelettes eounters indoles half soles whole soles leather or roibber heelh in act anything you wiinj in th rpimir line we do cobble we always try to iniike your shoes like ijew uitbbiit adding any evla costjor bin- lino workdianship we have lio oiinpsitfoit n this i tlie only und most cpmiilete ioair plant of its kind in oeoriie- town and our work js- in a class by i their shp oien 780 am to tf10 pm daily j a ballantine cor kins fc qiieen st ncrir otr station frank hustler norval j fall term opens ana 3d yo and cthmrle st toronto the salaries offered our graduates dur- njf the last two years have been greater than ever before lti no rouble for our graduates to get poition becaune tiiev ark properly trained write for cata- lofiie w j elliott principal sealed tight- kctr right farms for sale improved sec- 16 mi lea from cjly black loam snap 25 pr acre well im proved sec 12 miles from rity 150 acres cultivated zoc buildings 6500 per acre two well improved sec 15 mi lew rom city 6500 per acre five sec in block improved all fenced snap 2500 per acre two 5 acre and one 10 acre block buildings and all culti vated close to city t cook 10018 102nd avenue edmonton alberta confectionery and ice cream parlor lo connection t butcher smith norval n o ti c e the companies of this agency have taken into con sideration the increased higkcost of building material and labi r and wish to advise the public that they will be glad o write additional insurance on any property where the values warrant also kood from tmlldlnv 24 by 86 the whole prill be sold without re- rva ben pktch auctioneer j 8pebbs clerk do you want insu 7 rater beany a do ppajed to give you insurance m any of tores of bar following rirstclass companies vizt british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance this agency will be glad to serve you if you will advise by phone or letter we will call on you at once evans rush agents phone 237 georgetown ho hptsuioa reaqir4 stand anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically soroonod jjpaded coal v r h thompson co georgetown select lump for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in fact i carry everything to be fonnd in an uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone 12 wit from ist 30th attbe giiclphbusincsscollcgc vguelirtivr ontario it is to your advantage to start a week oir two ahead of the crowd todanibbsqlte phone2o0 w roe geoegetown it thegeorgetown lumber co are now prepared to furnish a supply of full fe totiw7bbsqlt8 v f fcvsvvvoqrita4jvfitt l i pi i lth all kinds of ylaterial rough building rinctudings shingles scantlings and dressed lumber eobgflrown creamery cream wanted wanted cash paid for above at market prices opcn every monday wednesday and saturday night for the accommodation of our patrons georgetown creamery co m saxe manager deering farm maphinery international tractors gasoline engines sharpless meclanioa bulking maehlnes wlr feaeibs and galvanised boo ing onttere and baggies gray deri motor cars call and inspect this car before buyinq phone 101 r 88 thos e hewson norval out 4 mirschorn 9 and tailoring dillsii m sawing tlasinai0d n oomplote buildings stjieet georgetown georgetown elevator ajtuijij stock of flour and feed baled hay and straw always on hand highest mlixrtj eiln i vv robert noble limited c electrician eleotrie wiring and fix lures orders left in the harness shop will be promptly attended to phone 2s2 georgetown it ft we have reduced onr prices on all our goods for july and august tread- vise our customers who are considering a fall suit to order early and gef good satisfaction we have a good variety is materials we also make up your material jll our goods guaranteed jgy your money refunded a brooke block hirschorn cro6rgretori life insurance protect your wife children yourself and tour business with a polloy in the great west life ae- suronoeoo the lowest rates with the best reaults jjfbtipwtiibfllararsee the best soraaton coal in all sizes poroand cemenl filoub feed provisions john ballautine georgetown phone so the man who has been buying befcn satisfying the people who have g nausea in georgetown is t1 abenham wownpat few months nw y jj newutiful hprries ranging in pricefrornfis plmm tosuitiheph vw

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