paok 2 thb gkobobtown hehald alluilht itu it w h willsonj undertaker apd i licensed embalmer main st 09orietowu automobile oi hoi m drawn iuarvr phone mulit or jay 54 w or 1 j town council council met lit h iini with councillors anthony mcmillan mclntyrc and rush present it was moved by 1 mclntyrc and ucaonded by jc itilsh tliat- w c anthouy take tin cjimi carried the minutes of the two previous meetings were road and confirmed comniunicationsi wyic received row victoria youuy ieiploa guild toronto tbiyiluinf the couricjl for tliimc of tbe pnw for their picnic a thoniwou giv- ing estimate of fluids reuiiireil- for public school vvaftor u moore king for an increase in wages for looking after cemetery iniperiar oil co re juccu st iiiivouiiiu pepartmcnt of public highways re pavements it ii thompson it co j w kennedy sun- mer sey iron tube and lead co bond hardware co unj canadian brass co re price of gnlvunixed iron pipe clerk was instructed lo write messrs kam walker anil j r mokenzie asking for a reply re main st south sidewalk aimo to write public works department toronto to ket information re memorials and mr alex iteith sarnia for aftldavids re erecting georgetown into a town it was moved by d mclntyrc and seconded by w mcmillan that the tender of r ii thomp son co for kitlvanizcil wrought iron pipe be accepted to the amou nt of 800 ft of 2 carried it was moved by j c hush and seconded by w mcmillan that walter moore be granted an in crease of 10000 per year for cemetery enretaking according to his request carried esquesing council tl rll mil in imlr iii liixl lillllr llimi l pillmil llll ii vi- iii iii i lklll lllllltllh i ami ioiil unil kllliill thill tile it w ii mi ilillullkll ii- in iir out- i s halllltlk imkl ruvl miipmil an i work ily pm cnrrlid kill 11 iiiiiihiihoii tlia th- imirt pnv tin- following ainiitil aiilirsou fur lilijlinu iliifnt lllic mi louil llu- khiuhinti anl pontl- lol um h r niiswikawi i ill- i mil brum rial1 siiiui tnlin kuiott ttinpipholi wltsiin u- paft illi iii frinlci il ii clin- drummers snack bis open air concert and good program of sport the uiumiiuih snack annual outinw hold ut georgetown on pri day and katiirilny irhi whh ilk i intuit a kranti 8tioctis alllionlt there were uot an many tlrutmimms pron- ant a usual the open iiir contort in tlio park on friday evening wuh largely at tended and a splendid program which was thoroughly enjoyed was rendered as follows 1 song by mish atfiith aihe nopru- no 2 reading b minn klonmr what ton 3 sonir by howurd fttibhell baritone 4 violin solo by master ntr 1 a vidson b joe williams 6 duet by mihx akhcm ailii- ami howard huuhl11 7 reading by kloi-t-iw- wlitrion 5 violin solo h ciihiur lumdsoii 6 duel by howirl khnii ujhi joe wlllluiim 10 mian akiioh adir in oriitiikbd by c vlllm ii is 14 ii mallei cantor violin ubllgulu 11 joe will lama 12 sontf by howard it duet by mish atrnth aiu- iirnl im- wllllanih violin solo by miihtit oin1tr iii vldflon comedy hltlil iir hnrsul b akdh adle joe wlllinnihmni mit llouu and howanl himsfll on saturday inorninn tlwvo was a bowling match and a kanio in door haflohal he l ween toanih com- pobed of drunimoih and citienh both games were iuito oxoitink there wan tfioalfiin at lliofiporta on saturday afternoon and the competition in the vnrioiih ovonth vae quite keen splendid prizes were given to the winners of the different events georgotown band was preftent both days and their selections nd ded much to the enjoyment of the occasion we hope to have the drum mors with us again next year psun thai u n it it finning arrlcd riiuf lortiithan for tmrtilhu i liyw huw xlnktitty o vpthh oti fitujlth for rohl inu ti i- i liulrrhui tjkt oh of out- r mint i hi- fiitrutu j1u w i khotlltl for muwlli itk oi 27 kid- rouil alnq ruuninn out utel on i lit dili tint li i a jiieifuu i day liaulhitf kiavtj iut uaitksftjmi ilfl i llumfrftliliv xhiit- tbe in niuri imk- jutttett oram 1im ilit- riiui of 4y tlil um ty be toliettii oui of ilnwbotivf slat utw tajai iiiii- ijhf ihuunliin ftluoti thai ibv rurk l iiihj ihmufil towtitf m t rtaiviu irn inw ittiawflp riil un tivt 1iialiihiit n in ih- ok- upproiuh tu ildhvav un t4jtiiul no ml rmia kiimiithliik atilfd ibtiiiphliht thotnhtn that uiim cotnuil iiiinitrh th- tttv atul ilrl l sikii lb- aki kruniliik 1 h- ilhi of way iiimimh tlu- 2 2 hlttv- roail iii hi idth ron for a 4rlol of l ciirs iiitifril rhomphoii klllott mblde atxl m for dlwklrik ditch and filling vviinhoitt on mrmusliih hill uiho 1 ibiih uck lor ttiirn 1 da kiki s miihn for work done on 9tl line ioim l and lf4oo adolnlnih hllth illmi cor puttink in ccnttid in calvt it and kratlhik road on town lint lot i r bltiktimoiihx imylrtk a lik mini iirrled klllum mrlowrll- tbnl tilt- huili of ht- initnd lo oeoikt- ilyiulh trimihurtr acton kail lalr arrlrd ibiriiphldre kllioit that the trranun r pay thonms moffal tlie niiiii of in cr frriivfdllnk mh line lotm ft nrxl d idkoi iron io 1 culvert i1xhiaiul one 30xl6 ft to itlrt itcbttllufilh 1 culvert 10 x 12 ft and fine 12 x 2ti ft and one 2 1 io ft huffman hmffi t ulvort 12 x iiifltfind one al x 30 fl to thornimon 12711 total 4 14 h4 inrrleil mtjlowcll hanipdilrc tlint the rciitnirfi- pay tin- following- accountfc lnrrne thomphon for lrawlnf rul- crt to trth line 4o j a olffen 11 for p rave supplied for lots 1 4 mid sth lin uiho putting in two rulvirth arthur wiihom 1480 for opeintliik urjhlvr on hh line alno for opera i in kiader on yt x line lots 1 to r 4 t4t repniih 1 4i snider 125 carried ihinipmlitre klliott that the trenmirer pay hell telephone to s imidk miiiouiii lo ll july also rent to hot u sep wehlcy murray hittfi un follower n for kradinff i77f for kravel and liaulltik fiuine i a ilendeinon for one piece timber rvu ft 2ihl j i mule ih for v orlt tlotie en noble h lttll norval t hhiiutcouh poyinif like num cur rled klllott thorupmon that thin o unci i adjourn to meet auknhi ifith at 2 p in nrrled liviis oi- 1aij iaiuk 11 fficial hhi and tlaleh of n- i li full falih have leen piihllhhtd i tie uhlh l he mople of thin wc in arc mortl likely lo attend are tjkoittjktown hept 2 and 3i aiitiumc oct 1 inul 2 itrtunptoii oct 1 and 1 iturliunli thnnkhtcivliik lnv cnledoii scpl 2 uhd m krln thankhkliliik i i keibiid sepl 23 ami 24 kreeltun tlumknktvtiitf i v ult iht 1 and 2 acton sept 2 i and 22 milton oct and taklllf sept 23 to 2t hockwood oct 7 and s strtfthvtlle sept 21 tpronlo aittf 28 to sept ii yalrrdown oct 5 wnudhildffe thiuikhklvujf a ami iav iianrs some important rlinnren hnve been made by the provincial lovernmnnt in the clonic and fihimtich act which became effective on june int the h unlinc kennon for tnoohc deer or caribou north and went of the lyonch and mill town klverh h from the tilh of ottoler to the 3dth of november holh diiyh lueliinive tiuh in loilker tliaii the law previoiihlv nlloweil for ileer i i ct ridr may be shot beiwien tin- fdh and 2oih of november only and no pcihou khali take kill or have in hlx pohkehrlon more than five birds in any one da v and more than ten for the ncaon no inuskrat shall be nliol or hpennd at any time nor aliall any mukjmit or benvir house or heav er dam im- cut speared iiroken or de stroyed ill any time no trap must be kl close i- than five feet from a uitiknil or henvir house another linpoitarit change nffectiiik chiefly thoke who hunt with dohts is thai no person slut hunt kill take or molest any deer or moose white in the water is baseball ip iikaoiir standikii lis won ijost milton c 1 georgetown 4 1 ik brampton 1 1 a limehoiine i 1 x glon 0 h v last saturday h hooiob jj brampton it jpoikotown 1 milton 20 olon c brampton dnfoatod gporxotown ii at brampton on saturday lnat by a scoro of 1 georkctowii at jjiniclioiihe next f saturday correspondence newmarket out july mist dear sir i winh to expioah tny many thanks and appreointion to tlio people of leorgetown uirniigh your paper for their kindness in including me among the tetiitnecl pcoplo worthy of receiving hucii an frxcellend and useful uft yours hincprely t al kennedy itoitnirts sriaii iaif ton safk oakvllle experienced a visit from a new hpecles of inutor hnndlt on sat urday nltfht the visit demonslraled that the motor tniek plus nerve and inventive kenlus may open up a new and profltritde field of exploltntlon lo blllffllus lute on hultirdny niffht or on hun- day niornhik a truck drew up to the ofriee of the milliner luel iompaay kvienlly a rood sized ffung of btivir- lara with tnclclc muut havu aocotn- panlerl the truck for they rigged a wlmdi slumr out throngh the window of the office a i uoo pound safe and carried it a way the safe was found yesterday in a rjeld tifrfr darkson about five mlloa east of oukvillt- with the door blown off only about 30 rewarded the biirtflnih enterprise hut n number of unrcfrtktered victory bonds had been kept in the safe up to a few days he fore the county tint own police are investigating three gallon for doctor trhiilrniuii j i mavcllc of t lie n- iurto ijcense itourd um uniioluiced tliat un the authority of uji order in tuuocll dated julv duly niallllel iirulcal pracutlonorn in he irbvinie wquld iw ajlowed t kep for purely fuvdlelnul put posih three kudous of liquor on iimb ilter auuht1 lvi a prenetit phvslciaam andhurkfonn ur permitted tottt6okten kautm urovliichd liitfmw the depatuuenj ml iuhlif hhh- vas nimp depoaitvd in tcijifiiihtry 0f f no u preliminary route plan show- fni- the locutign of uundiis sireert through nelson und trafalgar it to but klin- u piuvfnciul hlffhwuy and lias tfiven notice in accordaneo with sc of thu rrovlhclal highway arv unit the ioad sb nil become- and in- vestetk in the crown and under the control of the i parting i on 31sv inst nt noon llelmiilure lhl in lluuoit accoiilliik o the kuternuieiil re- port the following are the debenture debts municipal and school oi hie five towns of the county of hal t on acton 6tfti- otortetown 77117 llurluikton 3ti30v milton 8h7 oakvllle 4 18779 this shown actons debenture debt to be tonulderably lower than the lowent of the towns of the counlv we will l able however to advance the above utfkrekatc t considerable sum when the new waterworks debentures are floated i m reused la of lladial men the fjoard of arbitration which was appointed to settle the dispute be tween the toronto suburban hallway and its employees held session oh tuesday and it was agreed that thu men should have a minimum payfor two hours a day regardless orthe time they worked the dispute con cerns linemen operators und other mechanical workers who started out by asking a dollar an hour but who agreed to drop their demands to 8ft cents this would give them a cent increase there are only 25 men con cerned llverythink points to an uin- icuhle adjustment of their difficulties milton iaiiat after curelek motorists w a chapman hlef of police of milton made the following annoiituie- ment in the hainjlon last week notice is hereby irlven that the pro vincial inspector has complained about ihe lax enforcement of the law in respect of drlvinjt of motor cars and has stated that unless the law is immediately enforced he will appoint un official to enforce the saute this notice is lo inform all parties that in future prompt action will be taken against all violators of the motor ve hicle act a similar notice by ieorgetown chief would be in order migratory birds the ottawa journal outlines the new retrulatlons issued by the lepart- ment of the interior for the protection of mlffmtory birds in canada these aim to prevent the slaughter of the birds by means which give them little chance of escape important restric tions are placed on the kind of fire arms that may be used and on the methodb of hunting no migratory birds may be hunted henceforth with shot uruns larger than ton gauge the guns of automatics swivel or much- inn guns is prohibiten und th hunter must not employ power boats sail boats or aeroplanes shootlntt of ini- grntory birds iwtween sunset and sun rise is prohibited other regulations are also in the right direction the department of the interior in these regulations has not taken into reck oning ihe depredattonn of the hoiihc cat after the young birds have emer ged from the nest the name cat is more destructive than many a gun in the hands of a small hoy may itestrtct sale municipalities in ontario hereafter may by pasmlug bylawn limit he sule of temperance been to the hold ers ot slundurd hole licenses ai present restaurant keepers in almost every elt and town are sellink beer of less than 2 4 per cent there is little control of its sale an order hi council has been passed und publish ed in the ontario waxetle which savb cities towns villages and townshiph may pass bylaws for irrantlna lie exclusive rtkht of reselling in the mu nicipality malt products commonly culled temperance beers to keepers of standard hotels licensed under the ontario temperance act huch b laws may is passed after septemler 1 1920 the new uovtrnmeni ltijurrv will he eollecied h ihcun of levrntie stamps after the first of atikusb the sfunips will be in deuoiilliiii t runs from te o lue for 3 ljt 2ii i u cents and every mul tiple r loc up to 1 and for l j 3 4 und- 10 tile stumps vvlu fw calkelled bv nreiuih 4f punchvs the nunches will he mipplled fry llit liilttnil rteveiiu- 1 tpjiitinnl ut cus tu all ifierclin litis see value of rviotor truck franoh uinm mn ftilli tbt thlr fyctofn of frtlaht transpor utlon u biolata that ihe war bromehr to france an object lesaou in- lie utility of the motortruck hm a nieaoa of freight transuorlrtlon appear in plans now under way to develop a long haul sisfem it is hoped thereby to quicken the movement of goods nod lesseo the hiiiilleuce of vsrlous hiislnesh interest a with the klowness of rail way itiwl waterway traffic tlie prac ticability of the motorrruck aa a ftvigbt rsrrler was u revelutlrtn to lreitchnien of biednegu who had de- p nded in noruial limes on whul would be held an abnormally hiow service i mm llhvre m paris by boat nienoi often a journey of ut least i lire nitnih and ut the ipilckest which n quires rpecial arrani with ihe ir eminent take- olwnit four weeks fnniiiieiiilnj ui rnllrnad transporta tion between pnri uiul the seaports h paris litihlnehs- man is reported til jiving i ht t from havre true must vt- pect delay of one or two months from harden its a delay of two or three mouths and thai v hen goods for pari rf licit murmlles they stay there the huuioroiik eijiggeratlon tllusirntem i tie condition which in turning irenebnieti to rhe hojteful project of lout hauu by motortruck u solid lmi w hi eh will prohahly de velop liecinioe the itnibiu l already provided with excellent roads reminded her of salmon american traveler in europe con fmi she would hive woleomod dlah once deapiaed khanbelh kraser h traveler and writer was lu iking at a diplomatic re ception in paris about tier recent ex perience in vienna it la tittle u it said mish fraser to satisfy ones hunger there even at hotels that cowl tin u day eottnji my uiispitellxlng dish of hushed itirnlpm which frequently mm- p4iaed he prfnclpat dlh of the menu j thotijrht regretfully of flic salmon i once disdained on a cn inn i ian trip miss fraser laughed i was traveling in the hack coun try of cauudti when alinon boiled hrolteit in sulad creamed n utleta figured at eviry tueul and lecum very monotonous there nothing slse for break fast 1 askecl the hatelkeeper one morning as a whole mi ami pot of tnusturd was imt before me nothing clue the intiii exclaimed why theres salttmii enough there foi six aint t here yes i admitted but i do not want suliiion well then my hni replied curt ly tire into the nnidnrd farm town properties for sale piirlintluil kiiuil faini in ictl comity 2j inilps from iiiilvvuy yo liuililinh hunk liurn kooil lirick house all lovh 7 ncics un del iultiitlioii lialiincc hush anil punl ure 13000 in coikiatiilir ttnrtfotown lo ain uocxl iirdcn lunil a rhoico pic of kiudiii soil s3o0 nn ncri iu iiajton connty ncur onkvillc on dmijlns slrcit 100 new farm all unilir iittimilion ooihi farm bnillinm ioil noil ownrti- airk nml fuiih ijuquil very rvusoiilibli 813000 new ninomomid solid lirick lioiitu for sale tfith ihii lol- for s75o0 or with 4 j ikick of hind for 18000 floaiie fnrui wood linildinw itntiou 650q fine larv paatuif flu in im- aiilc ciohv to vlllut- ml rnilwuy evans rush willoughby block phone 237 eprg etdv wn retrieving brrbed wire the problem of reirlevlnu the hurled 60004 iuugis siyr to ihc stamped uociil driiklflhlh as well us various retailers ami the buying- public in kcneral will be pleased to learn hat the slump lav on patent uiedlclneh toilet iirepimillons and u hundred und one other urllchih sold in tin ilnitc stores of the land duritir the inst few years lum been removod the new aineitilmeni to the hjieelal war uev- enue act went into effect on saturday june hhu and from now on no stamp will be affixed or have to be paid for when a purchase or any of these art icles in inudc hut why should ihe ta- i be tn hen off others it ik under stood unit the wholesale deulers have to na the tuxes the country muht pay its wnr debts hut mi rely some way enn he devised that will not in- viiive ho much petty and oostiy detail as ihe stamp method yet tile stamp method is better than sending in dup licate cheeks of every sate depaiitmrnt of ch stoma and inland rrvrnuk notice to manufacturer wholesalers and retailer jotiois is hereby givon lo all ooncernod that returns oooompanied by reuiittanoe of luxury and ex cise taxes must bo made an follows to the local collec tor of inland revenue from wlioin any information deeirod may be obtninod n return of luxury tax niuat bnmode on thr and fifteenth day of eaob month first 1 returns of jeweller tax mannfaoturen tax and sale tax must he iniulo not later than the laatday of the month following the month covered by the rot ii in returns for taxes in arrears mimt be made forthwith olhnrwimo the penalty nrovidod by law will he nnforfed by order of the dkiaktmknt ok clstoms ani1 inianfi kevenlk george e dunbar collkctoil 01 inlank iifvrniik toronto mr workingman join the cooperative move ment and help yourself loopercentlnveslment illustration no 1 say you invest in one share in our society and hpend with uh say ifftoo m- week at the end of twelve months your ordin al 1000 will acerne to 2k its follows interokl on shine capital at i 110 dividenfton iliiclwikes at fi 11100 oiikiiinl hhare 1000 2i0 illustration no 2 say you spend 1000 per week the following would result intercht on share capital at 0 00 dividend on purchases at 1 2000 oiiitiiial shaie 1000 you not only receive the above benefits but we 4 supply you with the goods the finest money can buy at current prices together with honest weight and good service dont hesitatel join today call in and see us we will explain georgetown glen will i a ms coopera tive society ltd john street georgetown phone aae h pr1tchett manager and secretary 11 oi 11711 fjp 4iu irscira the mens store 1 t special ilmhjoun cement advice lo our friends who al thinking of getting a blue or black serge suit we have a large stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price if yohj are considering t he purchase of a serge suit- now- is the time to place your order as you will pay onethird more for these goods by the end of the month no matter where you buy- them buy now and save money sale in mens find youths ready- 1 o- wear ciolliinn ho uer rent reduction off- suits inntocli 19 make room for new fall loixls mil now lild save inone all inilsl be solil in ten clays iliiijafni in all spring and snminer roods millar co fine highclass tailors menw furauhiuifw and hondytowear clothing ceorcetown phone 126 1 1 jacksons rumlordthc home of better shoes special special wo itavft reduced ihe pric on jt dumber of linen ol summer wear now lliat tlie warm weather is here il t to everybody udvanthfc lo fait and hue our stock o the rnoul upodftio footwear in own and ptii their feet in a pair of canvass shoes to keep them cool hi hot weather we also have a complete line of leather shoeh in kid calf and patent made in ihe best factorien in canada nulling at a modejale price anything we cannot supply to you we will get on nhort notice we also do all kinds of shoo repairing in nn uptodate ahop shoos brought here for repairs receive the best of attention and our prices are right we use all oak leather and guarantee our work to he superior to all others in thitt line t h rumford main street georgetown ask a userabout nonrly oveijwlieio yon will find a kiitisllml dcleo- unlit user these users in expressing their satisfaction show that dilco latlhl is the elect ric lillt and power plivnt for any one wanting hood depcmliihlc eleit- rie service write for catalog evan rush jk georgetown theres a satisfied user near you our present prices on all lines of furni ture and houselurnish- ing saves you big mon ey investigate jacksons georgetown you max lk t tsy tctp like a golden figure of diana on the beach but how will you look in a suit and bat or in evening clothes protect your skin while there is time with reliable sunburn remedies hourigans 7 toxac sfou we offer some good savings in mens boys and childrens wear mens black denim and blue and white striio overall hest quality cloth law and roomy made to wear and wive service sizes ml to 1 1 nt 421 those are leh than niplacinu value hoys sizes 21 to 1u nt si 715 little mens 1 to 12 yearn 100 mens dress shirts choice patterns law roomy kooii material and well nindo for service sizes hi to 17 under priced at from 100 to 250 wens work shirts extra stronk and korvieonble all sizes assort ed mateyal and patterns exceptional value tit 115 boys heavy karki sliiits for rontdi wear sizes 12j to 14 f00 boys strong serviceable hhirts of assorted patterns and kood ma terials sizes 12j to 11- 125 mens lino wool worsted sox 125 mens ine worsted sox 00c mons heavy work kloves anil mitts 75c mens balbrikriin shirts and drawers the bes quality doe vnlua for 00c mens tios haftdlierchiefk and susponilerr cllildrons special value kovoralls extra strong and serviceable nieo patter of good material well made awes h to 7 yearn- 0ociv175 womoas mouse dresses hood material coot llttinh garments of different materialb and colors at 225 to h25 woniens apron dresses well made serviceable material and kooil patterns at 100 and 125 ribbons laces and embroider ies for hummer wear new serviceable and season able su minor footwear for men women and children j i