m tlik orohoktown fturam alcjlirtt 4tii 1920 page h slzziijepoiiiuijuuijq i matthews drug store i 71 thehome of the viotrols and nn edith cavell chocolates ull a a fresh lot of strictly pure im paris green i arsenate of lead 1 a poisoned bordeaux mixture j 8 and other insecticides just received 1 djmatthew j imuds and statiotjftby g personals iht s local news items civic moluiiiy to tiny chautauqua sept int cohimimhy picnic kovt oth our firemen will compete in the tournament nt wei land toduy the merchants rank cleorge- town will ncrent wheat board re- oeiptti mr win gamble hnn some of the linoht potatoon this your we havo ever seen a portion of our full fair prize lit quite interelin to the ladieh may be seen on pane 1 wednowlay hoinfi a holiday htore will be open all day thurs day aiwuflt 5th mobean it co take in gwva bin day at aeton august 14th homo and whippet races guelph jazz band dancing afternoon and evening bring your canadian wheat board participation certificates to the bank of hamilton george town and receive returns for same brink your canadian wheat board participation certilicatoh to to the bank of uamilton george town and receive returns for same mr skinner of stratford land scape gardener of the grand trunk railway was in town last week and consulted members of the horticultural society and cham ber of commerce with a viow to beautifying the station grounds hero the georgetown womens in stitute picnic which was to have been held at norval august 4th has been postponed till august 11 leaving georgetown by itadial at 124 new time should the wea ther provo unfavorable the mem bers and their friends will meet at the homo of mrs robt riwin john street when you are in tboeity look at the boots in the windows on yonge st marked 15 and 10 a pair then look at tho three hun dred pairs i have just landed in my storo at from 0 to 7r0 these boots have boon allover quebec british columbia and western on tario and arc the host travellers nam pies that can be produced from picked leathor and made by picked men in the factory i bargained for these samples four months ago and was waiting on thorn so now see them nothing like them over boen in georgetown sizes mostly mens 8 to 7 j all styles some leath or lined and can be soon only at roneys the man who is making a name for georgetown for boots at outpricos the noatoht shoe re pairers in town p terra cotta mrs john stokos ia ijuite ill with pneumonia the terra cotta pressed brink co are overhauling their plant and oxpeot to bo running again soon mr hugh parr of toronto visit ed his parents here during the week mr and mrs chas mokeown of acton spent sunday here miss crftino of flint mich is visiting nor brother mr j tj craine miss norma hunter is visiting her aunt mrs d ritchio at dur ham miss boatrioo burgess of toron to is spending her holidays at her home bore miss myrtlo mocauly of toronto was a weekend visitor here miss frooman of toronto ih vis iting at mr j a mckanes acton m mrs v t mono mm mclollnn ltnl mr 1 m winrn nf toronto visited al mr 1 wiimns ilurlnir ihe week mr anil mifl mrkvchnw- ami rhll- ilren or hoilnkti r n v imve iwil vlbltliib at mr riinritp hopirs iliirlnir hie week mr i ituhhcii wlio iiiih hcn oni- of our limiilink nierchiinlm for i in- past half rtozen ypitrh hah punhuhid a fruit fnrni i vlmillinrt in lllf nliutma rrult cllmrlol nnil will t ih illibillobh liirc a lilk bali conimimkcb at hl btorn la hie vvarnn lllocl to morrow itev wrny i onvldbpn it a of goorffotown prcacheil rorriful hr- inonb in tho milhoillbt church lanl runilay mihb llorllo hpelbhl is bionillnr a row ilujb tills week wllh llii- frliiiil mm unrlmrt hilirlcir kltilicnor mr anil mm win 1 iiohle or hamilton vlnltrd mr nnil mrb win lull and oilier rrlcnds here mils wk miss llfillo hiiplhiihon wriit tb kur- nlii iiibi wiulnomliiy and will spend a month or bo at hie holm of lier unoln mr ii onnicrnn free preaa keys lost ring- of 6 keys lost on saturday tail finder kindly return to w o inr jeo rgotpwn una rcaolva ruward up wav trophy fc georgetown has received her war trophy in the slrapc of a lor- man trench mortar jt is now on the public library lawn but wilt no doubt be properly mounted on a suitable base nskoon as prlssible stol auto tlr on monday tnorning nbout h a m thieves travelling in an auto broke the front show window at speights garage and stole over soo worth of tires the noise of breaking glass woke mr a tost who notified mr speight and the two of them followed in n car but were unable to overtake the thieves who went through bramp ton heading for toronto matriculation exavnm following is the honor standing obtained in each subject of the the honor matriculation examina tion y llalton candidates i in dicating firstclass honors ii sec ondclass honors nnd iii third- elasg honors respectively g w allan hist iii latin iii french iii j mobean french iii j i morgan part 1 m k russell part i eng ii math i phys 1 french iii j w ryan kng iii math ii french 11 i w waddell kng iii hist ii rex thwtn rex theatre will be open tues day night august bid tuesday louisiana starring vivian martin potum of swat capitol comedy wednos civic holiday hay foot straw foot h tarring charles ray episode b of the block sec- rot with pearl white snob pol lard comedy friday code of the yukon select with mitchell lewis big v comedy fox news saturday the city of com rades starring tom moore the pawnshop with charlie chaplin vteran reoniou attend miltons socond annual war veterans reunion saturday sunday and monday august 14th 15th and kith on account of actons veterans demonstration on saturday nothing will he done in milton during the day except reception of visitors but thoro will bo a reception concert with mov ing pictures in the evening at tho princess theatre with address of welcome by tho mayor on sun day rov captain woodcock will speak at a sacred concert in the afternoon by combined 164th bat talion and milton bands monday baseball tournament and 25 athlot- io events at fair grounds music bv hendersons pipe band london and guolph jazz band gardon party in evening followod by dance on main st pavement a bunch or robes one of tho most unique and en joyable events participated in by a family ocourrod last week when nino of the ten living children of tho late lawrence and hannah robo of georgetown ont can mot and spent the week at mr john rosos 21115 jackson bid chicago the family consist of james rose florist bronte ont can mrs sarah a harold pullman wash wm p rose farmer ayr nd annie rose ba teacher ouelph ont mrs polly mobean regina sask can charles l robc dd8 spokane wash mrb laura rose stephon lecturer and journalist huntingdon que bec john rose optomoretrist 192h w madison st chicago prod w rose dd 8 coopers- town n dak frank rose md spokane wash could not bo pres ent owing to the serious illness of his wife on sunday am ninetoen rases ii hod two pews of the adams stroel evangelical chinch and wore requested to stand and sing a hymn livery day was a joy day full of jokes and laughter feasting and frolic the climax oame on thursday evening when the good lolksof adams st church tendoiod a re ception to this hunch of canadian and american rouen after a short programmo of music given by the roses mrs laura robo stephen gave an address on the nlluonce of knvironment attri buting the moral and physiool suc cess of tho family to its excellent parentage aocompaniod by nn ex ample of high ideals the members 6i the family pre sented their brother john and wife with a memento in the form of an elegant loving cup suitably en graved the church people expressed tholr good feeling and esteem by presenting a large bounet of beau tiful american beauty rosos the gathering will ever bo a happy moinory tb eaoh insmbor of thiii good oldfaabioned largaftm ily rev dr mecoll is visiting friends in rochester and philadel phia mr robertson laid law of st andrews college toronto spent a few days in town last week mr kerns dobbie of toronto was in town for the weekend mrs john mcdermid and son jack are visiting at klmwood mrs ii j forster sr of vancou ver bc arrived from the west last week and is now visiting sun mr b forster mr ltpd mrs charles doughty and family of tornntoworcifiuvu of mr rtmj mrs w rjfrk on sunday and monday miss irene lollop of lvtcibnro and mr and mrs- george lollop of philadelphia visited- at dr gollops during the week mr and mrs gardner of uau arovisiting at mr hi shermans mr ami miww s clark orai- bany ny are guests at the homo bf miss rmrjia cook mr and mrs jos ruddy nn- nounea the engagement of tlieir only daughter violet may to fran- cis early holmes son of mr- nnd mrs jos holmes acton out the marriage co take place in august mr and mrs charles walker of paris were in town on saturday mr and mrs james henry and children of ouelph kpenl sunday at mr l d carries mr and mrs charles barber and children of goderich visited friends here over sunday mr and mrs w g hilts of woodstock spent the weekend in town mr j a mcclure and mr har old mcclure have gone on i mot oring trip to muskoka mr and mrs c e davis and granddaughter are spending the weekend and civic holiday with old english neighbors at orange- ville mr and mrs alex gregory and mrs cave were in toronto mon day attending tho unveiling of the momorial to dr w d young mr robt mcdowell of toronto spent monday in town mr and mrs k m russell of london spent a few days last week with mr and mrs w c anthony mr and mrs l sparling and mr george sparling of streetsrillc wore visitors with mr and mrs robt krwin jr recently mrs r ii anderson of krie pen usa is visiting her daugh ter mrs l 10 fleck col moore miss moore mrs mcmaster and miss agnes morton called on mrs li t atnold on monday mrs fred glass of stratford is visiting friends in town mrs w a bailey arrived home last week after a visit of six weeks with friends at calgary and other western cities miss mary c willson is holiday ing in muskoka miss muriel watson is spending her vacation in muskoka mr and mrs lloyd shortill and children of toronto are visiting mr andmrs 8 b mcgibbon miss cunningham of the mer chants bank staff has returned after spending a week with friends at ingorsol and hamilton mrs win miles mrs walter nethan and son of toronto spent the weekond with mrs cotten mr t ii rumford who suffered a stroke on saturday morning last and was removed to ouelph hos pital is reported slightly improved as we jo to press impssrs will and ban atkinson oftoronto are visiting friends in town and vicinity barnh ills pkkij and haltons bargain storr we sell dominion tires get our prices it always pays mammoth house georgetown l barnhills nbrvl wednesday being civic holiday store will be open all day thursday august 5th o- i money in hogs very he riiere is linow farmer maile ill i market eery one of them now is lhc tiiiu stiicli if you need sislnncc consult our ger profit nig hogs ready to take off his hands bank of hamilton- manager g c mackay lo iiicremu linn in local wanted 30000 harvesters 1soo lo winnipeg piuihmu cnt pmr mil beyond ktww half cant par mil lo winnipeg plus 2oo0 excursion dates from ontario august oth aud 10th toronto and enm ttiarou august 11th nad 18th toronto soutji north thorof leave toronto 03o pm fur lukrts unit lulun nallouitl or fruml trunk pmirr dcpartuirnt c n canadian atibiibotiiiii good things to eat i raspberry strawberry and crabapple tarta turnovers and apple plea tea biscuits jelly rolls ginger cookies coooannt cookies saturday only angel cakes macaroons and milk rolls choice fresh and salt meats op all kinds b v gibbens where quality phone 202 counts georgetown try clifford unham phone 196 main street counter at the check books herald r w new advertisements fob sale jhappy thought range for sale t holes firstclans conditioni also parlor healer apply to mrs fenton glenwilliamn 2821 mail contract community picnic sept 6 saturday treat vonr own proictt ion buy our homemjult ramlics th iirv pin ami wlmlehoine thin saturday we oflw you 100 inn of our kruit and nui imuik a dalicic iih cream strawberry ami vanilla flavor with iheiries dau ami wnlmitk in it keg 50r per lb saturday treat price per lb 39o weekend chocolates 49c take pleasure in announcing 1ft the arrival at our store of j a choice selection of lft 1ft tennis and summer outing shoes s in white and colors of the wellknown lifebuoy brand we have several very good new lines including some stunning little styles for children there is a style to please the fancy of both young and old there is a style for you peanut clusters bordeaux berry lemon pineapple et e kuff tioc and 70r per lb weekend special jell c a line litres mini carnwls orange ktraw- aftort men of hihilatm rhoiolal skalhd tenders addrensed to the postmaster general will be received at ottawa until noon on friday the 10th september 1920 for the conveyance his majesty mails on a proponed contract for four yearn six limeii per week on the route georgetown kr no 3 from the lat january 1921 next printed notices containing further in formation aa to condition a of propened contract may be aeen nnd blank forms of tender may be obtained at the pont of- lice of georgetown and at the office of the pout office inspector toronto ioht office inspector ofllce toronto july 24th 1920 a sltltkhlanii v port office iiwpeetor auction sale ok properly and household furn iture the undersigned hint been instructed by w ilortop kxcvutor of the etato of the late mri iciixubeth hortop to hell by public auction at lot 20 ninth line glen- williama on thursday august 10th 10o at 7 pm sharp the following fuhnitirk cookstovei 2 kitchen ta bles 5 kitchen chairs drop leaf cherry dining tiblej sideboard fr ouch i large coal heater crown brllllntt folding bed t 6 dining room cbairsi parlor tablej 3 wood en bedsteadai 2 waolistandsi dresheri 2 dressing t ablest resting lounge 1 rockorsi 6 cane sealed chaiist stepladder 2 drown ing mirrors carpeth and ingsi rustic lawn ehairsi j lamps t floor oil cloth stove pipes shadem curtains garden tools and many other articles tkrmh cahii propbrtv the valuable redid em e stable and 2 lota each 66x133 more or iuhn fruit trees nnd other small fruit also 2 lots no 2 and 3 will be sold seoarately first class building lots and in good local- ity for term and particulars apply to w hortop executor glcnwilllamh thin properly is a good chance for one who is retiring from active life handy to loo rgetown and station ben fetch auctioneer 49c per lb chocolate bars 7 for 25c hero is a red hot special solid kwel chocolate hart vanilla llavor amt as larjre an any dc bar saturday 7 bars for 25p t h moore he ad brampton georgetown milton acton georgetown music store why not buy at home our prices are no higher than in the city or elsewhere wi have tho lunt lino of iiianoh miuln yim fun piiidiaho one of hioho on a hinn1l monthly pii inont here in iv kood holmttion of piiiiio bo inako your oioico from heintzman bell stanley mason sc risen weber canada ceeillan craig wo will jlarily pny your faro to o and boo iiiio of tlioho pianok if wo havent it in ntock wo siho oarry a kood line of mimical intruinontb incliklink phonographs violinn cluitdih mandolinh ukuloloa jagoqh jhzzoom frank king main street georgetown coal the best soranton coal in all sizes portland cement fxour pbibd pbovisions john ballantine georgetown fhon so fe phone 167 m in ik m m m n mill and main sts georgetown 1ft j lifebuoy rubber goods are guaranteed by the makers brill co ft i haying and harvesting machinery dain hay loaders dain side delivery rakes louden hayfork and sling outfits hayfork rope mccormick binders mowers and hay rakes lumber wagons and one nsevl 3 inoh tire truck also light onehorse milk wagon wheelbarrows hog troughs bolster springs steel threshing tanks and trucks one twoseat surrey solid loathes trimmings extension top and side onr- tains good as new at a bargain ono used chevrolet touring oar in first class condition 1 white sewingiaohiues j n oneelis main b1beei il i m m gefjitgetown ah- mmf yitttfanivmfijua xmwsw- 1 fkviifefebjfe imjmiti fefeyaiavjjijj kjjtoirfibfoiiitcj featoci b j svitrji2jf arthlefefei miamastiiiiii