Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 11, 1920, p. 2

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x paok a the georgetown hkhaih aihist iith lflao w h willson undertaker and xiieensed embalmer main st georgetown aulomohihor i lorwc- prawn i learnt i hunt nill or day 54 w or mj born oil smkthikst oh the hill at umhouw july jlsl to mr ami mrs a j simt hurst it ilatufhler died middle school exams the following lint contains the names of ulllton candidates who have been kiiccessfiil in whole or in part tit tho middle school examination tor entrance into the normul schools the entry hon shows that the candidate paused with honor and the entry sup indicates that tlio candidate requires to wrile u sup- plemental exninination in one suh- ject to imalify for a miildlo school cert i unite this lie limy do lit any subsequent examination when he will be required to obtain 10 per cent on that subject the name- of the kubjeet willbe khown klmlorl al gulpta llospilalon august 7lh thomas m kumrortl of ieorkown wiiiiams on tueiulay aiijut io l20 hi 390 sunnyuide ave iimmlo jowph williama aked 76 yearn strvici a j on j ofllcial stuccilieilt w j p allen lion o p andor ihunully au5rd lime or iicrmt mli alexander t anderson in ileiiwillikinm imntry frm lh methodist church at 3 pm in mcrrioriam kiiyti in vr loving memory of-wj- ktng killed inuuoii 1918 swtjei i his menory deart ur hearts i our love and his tnettovy never more will pari though i he years they many or ftzyt theyll be years of remembrance v dear will of you wife awl son memory of our dear son antl brother rie jviasohiii loving son antl brother rie garfield mason 2nd cjuk killed in action august 10 1918 days f sadness still come oer us tears in silence often flow for memory keep you ever near us though you lie in flanders field friends may think that we forget you when at times they see us smile but they little know the sorrow that the smile hides all the while father mother sister and brother norton in loving memory of our dear mother who died one year hffo today august 12th this day brings back to memory a loved one laid to rest and those who think of her today are those who loved her best daughter and son jane and fred osblrn in ever loving memory of my dear husband pt v g oaburn 75th battalion bef formerly of 2j4th battalion in his 28th year killed aug ust 8th 1917 on outpost duty at lens buried at villers station military cem etery france the heavenly winds blow safely over that sweet and hallowed spot though the sea divides his grave from us hell never bo forgot soldiers of christ well done real from thy loved employ t the battle fought the victory won enter thy masters joy wife mother and brother t e bingham sup c j hurl lmblack m k boyd jj m oiqinbell sup a b cwelman skip h croft m doc cart- wright w r cudmore f m banyes will 18 arith h k dewar o a fa n w gibbons l s gibrion m g oilen v e uorap i l uowrton m f irwin c mck kitokiiitf cb lnnt ji r dlllie m magee i d mat- tltstt ii g morgan j i maishail m m martin m kmaxiodilioir m e nicliell hdn a p rivtus hon k m- flpeers fl a sander son j m stuart nup 0 a ste phens j x tillman v thotniih l- w tuflfprd a e wilson m winfleld m t chite d wilson b wardprice m m wyndham p wyndhaiu established 167 money in hogs jvihy fariiici- knowm the prollt to he made in laihink iiokk there ix a market ready in tnlie every one of lliein it hi liantu kmv ik the time to inereiine your ktncli if ou need llnanciiil ici hiktanee eoiihull our local inana- bank of hamilton g- c m ackay manager fo in anhweit to enquiries regard ing the additional water supply now heink pumped into the mains from tbe william cleave aprink west of main st we beg to ntate that the same has been approved and permission given to use it as a temporary supply by tho provin cial board of health it is kum0bed there are some oattesi of oontakeous discaaob ki town not heink roportod to the medical health oftloer where a contagoous disease exists in a household and tbe same is not re ported to tho medioal hoalth of ficer those responsible for suoh neglect aro liable to nevei0 punish ment by way of flnq or imprison ment it is important that tbe health of tho community should be proteoted and we would suggest the board of health look into tho matter that it would be impossible for tho dominion government to authorizo the holding of the refer endum in ontario before april ib 1921 tho dae recently fixed by proclamation excepting at a cost of half a million dollars to the people was made clear by premior meig- hen on saturday in replying to tho delegation representing tbe ontar io referendum committee which waited upon hiru and asked that the voting take place on october 25th the date tentatively agreed upon before tbe issuance of the formal proclamation we have not said the prime minister the power to ohange the date even if we were willing and i am not pre pared to say that even if we had tbe power we should spend half a million dollars to spare the short measure of time involved 76th battalion cef notice the funds of the 70th battalion cbf will be open for distribu tion among exmembers of tbe battalion or their dependants on and after september 1st 1920 the plan for distribution is as follows any member of the bat talion in need of assistance will report his oase to tbe nearest of ficer of tbe battalion who with two other officers of the battalion will inquire into tbe case and if worthy will submit a recommend ation for assistance to the trus tees of tho fund after which ac tion will be taken this plan has been approved by the trustees as well as by divis ional headquarters tho trus- tees of the fund are mr robert morton hamilton major l qrant georgetown ltcol j ballantine georgetown y this letter will be published throughout tho reoruiting area of the battalion in order that all ox- members may have an eqnal op portunity ol aoasr jab batlantink ltcol baseball league standing won ijobt milton 6 1 georgetown 5 1 brampton 4 2 limehouse 2 5 glen 0 8 last saturdays scoreb georgetown 11 limeiounc milton 17 brampton 11 either brampton or milton will play in georgetown next saturday the home team has to win to re main in the race for tho champ ionship in a great and exciting game of ball at limehouse last saturday georgetown won from the indiaiih limehouse hit cole pretty freoly tillthe 4th innings when blackburn relieved him the indianb scored in each of the first 4 innings for a total 1 runs georgetown did not score till the hid when they got 4 runs and re peated with 4 more in the 4th making the score 98 in favor of limehouse no more runs were counted till the 9th when george town made a grandstand lii i i k 1 and scorod 8 both teams played good baseball particularly in the outfield cavo was severely in jured during the game and nmy be out of the lineup noxt saturday blackburn hod a perfect day at bat making six hits during the game only batters faced him in each of the 6th 0th 7th and 8th innings and 4 in the th kennody played his first game and mado good every ball player past present and future is rnijuesteil to be at the park at 000 pm thursday ev ening for practice n nqpahtmknt or rtntomh anip islanp hkyknlk- notice to manufacturers wholesalers and retailers otick is hereby givon to all concerned that returns accompanied by remittance of luxury and ex cise taxes must he iniule as follows to the local collec tor of inland revenue from whom any information desired may ho obtained return of luxnry tax must be made on tho ii mt and fifteenth day of each month returns of jewellers tax manufacturers tax and sales tax must be mnde not later than the last day or the month followiiik the month covered tho return returns for taxes in arrears must he made fort hwith otherwise the penalty provided by law will he enforced hy order ol tlie nkiaktmknt ok itstoms ami inlanm kkvfnik george e dunbar coiikctoh r inian1i hkvknik toronto farm town properties for sale lini inrt irulirl mih farm in vi oiimin 2 in i hi i m i mm imnl lini konl liiicl lmu am if cullmtl inn i ian- tin- 1 nijil iislim si3000 in cnrpnnii lot nl oiil nun 11 ii of liiiidiii oil 300 m ncri ilik i it nin i nilwii icii i kmitlcn litni ill i lull mi iniiil iiiiii hiu fatin all nnur mil inlnu loid i sick and farm i tinted t iijisdimiblf mr iim illinois stjcl 110 i tin luiijdiiu- uouil inl nkf nint nhnlird hdti iuhik lunise fur 875o0 nruul nfiol- hintl lor s0h -idv- wit ii i wji hit- flourn ijuni sliilinii 6l0o fiml imiiiiiiii ci- to villii mmi litliwjti knic litiit wfl lire fin in itii evans 1 villouglihy blwkj phone 23 k- r gcorgetowrf mr w0rkingman i georgetown elevator a full stock of flour and feed baled hay and straw always on hand highest market price paid for grain robert noble limited norval ontario m i vxfcjmcxsv swhlw join the cooperative move nt and help yourself 100 per centlnvestment illustration no 1 r kay you invest in one share in our sociely nnil spend uilh us say sfi00 per week at the end of twelve months our origin al skh will accrue to ii0 as follows what would you do with it if you owned this company whet would you aim to do with it you would want to give good scrvire to your patrons to pay good wages and provide agreeable working conditions for your employees possibly make pro vision also for their old orc and to pay a fair return to inventors who had put their money into the business such n return as would attract other investors so that you woui be certain to obtain necessary new money for extenrlinp the system this is just what we are aiming at no more no less these things oannnl he done nn oixr present revenues that is why we are asking lor a readjustment of our rates for sejyice the bell tflkphone company of canada interest nn chare capital at dividend on ilircliiwcs at 1 original shu re ill oil 1000 sjlli0 illustration no 2 the lollowi say you spend s1o0o per week interest on shine capital nl j liidend on ilinlmses at til itiinul share ii l id rein ii- 10 2100 1000 s hi 10 you not only receive the ahove benefits but we s supply you with the goods the finest money enn buy at current prices together with honest weight and good service dont hesitate join today call in and see us we will explain t georgetown glemvilliamscopera- tlvt society ltd john street phone georgetown 220 h pr1tchett manager and secretary saturday treat v well wt a iv olvorinj you this hij hpriiiil iihjhis im trimis with ilhrm in miimm you all know how niivour 1mty citrmclt 100 11m of thrni nest siiiurth lor iv pr lit hiirtiiiins fur iik llnm saiiiiitjiy soli ilviimj rnj sqc pur lb saturday treat price per lb r 39o weekend chocolates 49c mill iiiul mill rrniivkiiinl pen- 4c per lb a flue iikttortnitmi of hihiltks iihumiui nut iiuhuth ro 0f hihi 70- poi- ih weekend special ice cream tho liijfh ipinlily ttf nti icons uv ream ami ilic fiamury wy m wlmli w srvi ii liriiik lurf crowils- u our pnrtorn rvtuy iliy visli hh ofhii wi art a vour hitviif t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton complete electric service lor the farm delco ljinht is a complete electric power plan t for i lie farm no mutter where joii live delin jiilil furuishes complete electric service elwti-ii- linlil h fur nil parts uf tlio luute mill in i ii electric piwiirnr opeiftlini lflhl nnicliineiy nnil im- piiiiipiiik water write for catalog evans rush georgetown theres a satisfied user near you 9 s store the special aivnoyfcement advice lo our friends who nre thinking of gefliii7i bine or black serge suit we ivve bought iv-fon- eploideiihy i time to plir- rnore for tlicsr ciods hvtlji mnller where youjiiiy tleiri i uk siork of the above goods th bi advance ih lnce yon nre fie pinrlrfiti ri servsuir uiw isrtlu ycuf ordec is you will piy onf-third- curl of the month rio baynow and save jwoiiey cial clearing sale in metis uv i v hi i iteiliielion ol m0 jth in 1 i ruuiit in i ih i rne rspni a h m-vavn- qotlinik per nu tiiiiiili i-ooiii-ini- nw pi ill hiii alliiiutlie mitri in fen llli- sjlllllliei courts mlilar co fine hlohjclass tailors meui furnuhtiiis mil kwil jlowir clitulu georgetown phone 126 jacksons cmcns hindi iitiim mill hliii- ainl u hilf quality cloth irno nml nmiin uiudc to uiir ami uwi ill lo ii at- sli plno uri less inut rrplarini miiiic uovh yrt l to l nt si7 f jit t lo mm i to 12 onrs si 00 1 1 in m miiil irv co mens dress shirts choice pel terni iiu i- iem iool innlciinl nml wrll service kixia 11 j le 17 innleivpiiceil at froin sio0 in 2i0 iniiile for wcmh woi-k- shirts cil iiiiiteriill anil ptittei-ni- ctru slriin anil serirenhle eceptiomil value it ifl iltl kiyck llrkolt- hoys heavy luiik i whirls jiojh slroiik scrvi ihle teriulh sizes 12i to 1 i sl for roiiuh wear izes lvj shirts nl nsiniei pullerns to i i 160 nnil tfniiil inn- mens line wool vvoi mens line worsted ueil son rla ox 110- mens heavy worli kloves nnil mi li r 7- mens ihllhiikmtn hirts nml ilrnwers lihe lies ipmlity 0e vjlllion lor 011c mens tics imiuluorcliiefs nnil suspeinlers childrens special value kuvernlls extrn si null nml ser iceahlo nice pntteih of kooiliniileiiiil well made ne t to 7 yeiim it h 70 womens house dresses materinl uooil littiiik kninients of different ninteriiils and colois nl 62ii to sl2i i womens apron dresses well inful seiviconhle innfimial anil ho id piiiieins al si 00 and lsjo ifihhons luces nnil emliroidor- ies fur summer wenr jstw sri iecnhle and season- uhle siinnncr footwear for men women and eliililren our present prices on all lines ol furni- rare and hoiisefumish- hq skives you big motl ey investigate jacksms georgetown we offer some good savings in mens boys and childrens wear j n hpri sizes r ffi-5- ffik1 bfi v- kjjjvriv m i tw honest mister its easy to keep your face nice and smooth soaps creams face lotions talcs and everything right rreive auto strop razors sold on 30 days free trial lather brushes 38c to 8250 blade razors 92 to 84 shaving mugs oc razor strops 3sc to s3 hourigans fie gajill store hfei s 7 m t t i i i i i i f sl m iiiliii vivi

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