Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 11, 1920, p. 3

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thk georgetown hkraid auouht 11t1i 1920 page 8 8s52ddllb4ijl w matthews drug store the home of the viotrola and edith cavell chocolates a fresh lot of strictly pure paris green arsenate of lead poisoned bordeaux mixture and other insecticides just received d j matthew rutllos nnl stationary 10 personals local news items jhiuitmiquasopt 1st community pir nir snpt r spo th ilf moiibtnition of white sowing machines at j n onoims show rooms decorate yoiu car for tlio community vic nic sept lili 1st prize a 2nd ir hid 10 and itli g mr will roe is oarrjink his arm in a sling the result of u frac tured shoulder received while prac tising ball last week lion mackenzie king andrew m muster kc mp and others will address a public meeting at milton on friday august 20th mr j n oneill has disposed of one of his houses on victoria st to mr fuondly of toronto the sale was made b k a ren- ham the firemen wore called out early saturday morning whon a hay stack was burned on mr aikens pioporty near the paper mills if you want your suit cldnnod pressed or dyed take it to p ij medormid his prices are reason able and he guarantees satisfac tion it esquesing council now have a now road machine wo would like to pee what could bo done with it on the 7th line from the chock to stewart town mr m saxos ice plant is nearing completion and ho will bo able to sorvo his customers with any quantity of ice on and nftor monday august 10th the rogulai meeting of the esquosing womens instituto will be held at tho homo of mrs john giffon on friday aug 18th at 280 pm all- ladies are welcome a mooting of tho ladies row ling club will be held at tho club house tonight at 8 pm all mom- bom are requested to attend as im portant businoss will come beforo tho meeting a moeting of the board of di rectors of the ksijucsing agricul tural society will be held in the town hall georgetown on satur day evening aug 1 lth at 8 oclock all members are lequostod to be pre son t there was a good program at tho gardon party under the aus pices of tho mothodist church at olenwilliams last fnday evoning although the attondanoo was not as largo as usual all present en joy od tho evening ladies call and see tho fancy work done on white sewing ma- chinos at j n onoills show rooms y mr brown returning homo one night in tho woo small hours from boing detained at the office hoped and jjrayod that his family might ho sleeping soundly as ho ap proaohed his house his heart bank within him a dim light dim but still a light glimmered in the living room shontly as ho oould mr brown unlooked the door and slipped in fioin tho living room there oame a gentle murmur and then the un mistakable sound of a kiss of kis ses numerous and prolonged caution thrown to the winds mr brown dashod in he hoard two gasps uttered simultaneously and saw tho flushed faces of his daughter and a young man mary said mr brown stern ly what does this moan why you know dad i i love jim and tonight he is freshly shaved aud his faoo is so smooth and sweet smelling that i that will do mary go to your room i have sbmothing to say to this young man here young man ho oontintiod whon mary had slipped away take your hat and go but say whoro do you got your shaving things at ilourigans drug stoio ooorgotown phono 70 faltorod tho frightened young man as ho banked oautiously out of tho room very carefully mr brown wrote down tho name and address in his pookot note book and as ho looked tho door after tho rotroating form of young jim ho nyittnred to him self must remember to go thoro first tiling tomorrow and get some of that stuff if thats tho way it works church news is i tbo jvlothofsts and baptists will hold union soryioos next sab bath mothodist church at 11 am baptist church at 7 pm rev j ii moore will oonduot both sor- vloos dome and wornhip harvest apples wanted i am prepared to nuy 100 per tmrrellfdr iff ilarvonl apple including aatrachnn mid i duchei shook off mid delivered to geo- rirotnwn ulntlon in bumi all bsg furnmli- ed tree uep w harrington plionu ufi 2t a painful aeoldeilt while helping a friend at beeton last week to unload hay wth a largo hn fork sir a 1 green principal of our iubho jschool met with a painful accident when the team was drawing the lond up tho doubletree broke and flow bock hitting mr iroen on the jaw also thumb of the left hand fractunng both while his injuries are quite painful m neon is able to he around and his wound are healing nicely annonnoement the white sowing machine co will hmo thoir lepresentative miss gov at j n oneills show rooms from monday aug iltlt till sat aug uth demonstrating the many varieties ol woik that enn be done on any of the white fnmilj sow ing machines the ladies ofgcorge- towvi and vicinity nre especinlh in vited to be present on any of the above mentioned dates and have miss co fully explain and demon strate the working of these ma chines hox theatre wednosdaynugget noll star ring dorothy clish a rollicking burlomjuo of tho wild and wooly west episode 4 of the black soc- ret with ivnrl white snob pol lard comedy friday the spite brido with olive thomas oh rill bohae capitol comedy with bill parsons fox news saty partners of the night an eminent author picture 12 mid day mary regan the belle of soci ety 12 midnight mary regan a woman of tho underworld in lc- roy scotts mystory drama made by res beach and gollvn coin ody solid concrete with lanj somon little girl drowned while bathing with other chil dren in the credit at norval on tuesday afternoon pearl louth the little daughter of mr and mis wm louth got boyond her depth and was drowned hfo being ex tinct when the body was recov ered by mr georgo dollop a short time after the accident doctors were summonod and everything done to revive tho little girl but without avail another littlo gill had a narrow oscapo boing rescu ed by a brother of- deceasod who however had not soon his sister go undor tho water hut on missing her gave the alarm tho sympathy of the commun ity is ovtonded to the bereaved parents and fiimilj in their sad bereavement more burglaries on monday evoning tlio drug store of mr l v uourigan and grocery storo of mckay 6ros woro brokon into an entrance was mado at uourigans by removing the window sash after an unsuc cessful effort to gain admittance through the rear door at mckay bros tho thief enterod through the front cellar window after re moving the iron grating on the street and made his exit by the rear door- tho drawers of tho safe wero priod open and papers scattered over the floor so far as known only a few small articles were taken in each place this is the fourth time mr ilourigans promises and the second time mc kay bros promises have beon broken into this year it is about time somo decided action was tak en to bring the guilt parties to account mr john a itronn of hamilton was in town last week mr and mrs k y hairacloiigh of the hon have lieen spending a holidn on the northern lakes jmihh johnston of toionto is is iting at mr mrbeans mis dr wood of minneapolis is iitm fi lends in town mr kicd huston of toronto ii spending n few das at his homo heie mr and mrs ficil llamlyn and clnuglilci diner ol london weic kiiosta of mr andmrt j a troej nt sewaittown last week mrs j a llai icy and mfss liar- ley of pittsburg mis rinrd iltll clinton mr s- bailey aud daugh tor ida of brussels ai visiting mr- and ills w a haileyand other ftiends in town and vicinity mrs a mintvre and daughter of ttidnoi man hit wsiting mr and mi j 12 thompson dr r f price of ottawa spent fust veelvitli lux patents mi an mrs john piiec sijvevereek mich piiirqcmcuulie of 7j6rat was a isitrr iu town jnut yvoek mr itnd mrs 1 i mcloan of vancouvei bc who ha been isiting mi and mis wm mclean hao irtiinuid to their home in the coast ril miss jenn russell of fergus is thu guest of miss josephine wil son mrs john anderson and daugh ter violet of clurago miss boa- trice sullivan and mr e j scott of hamilton are visitors at the homo of mr and mrs james scott uppei john st mrs anderson and daughter will visit friends in hamilton and buffalo before te- turning to chicago master garfield mcoilvrnj in holidaying in toronto with his uncle w vv mcgilvray mt and min h p mcgilvray and little laughtoo and mr and mrs f h mcgilvray of toronto fyient tho week end with mr and mrs f l mcoilvraj mrs fred gnrbutt and children mary and donald of welland aro uniting at the homo of mr and mrs wm mclean mr and mrs w a wilson mot ored to owen sound last week and spent soncral days with relatives theie mr and mrs john mdboan are enjoying a trip to diiluth mr and mrs a nortington are spending then holiday at isling ton miss aileon morrison toronto was tho guest of mr and mrs jos eph con hot of ten a cotta last week master newman trua of grand valley in visiting at mr wm tyn- dalls miss i r hughes who has boon holidaying at trent riot is now visiting her parents mr and mrs james hughes norval i mr and mrs a b castell are spending a fow weeks with friends in kent county mibs rachel moore who hns re cently guidnated at brampton businoss institute has taken a position with tho maclean publish ing company of toronto barnhills pkhl and haltons bargain stork mammoth house georgetown we sell mcpherson honey in 5 and lolb pails at 30c per lb b arnhiliis norval stor wijt be closed every thursay all day during month of august farmers business for the put 64 yean his bank has given particular attention to the buaiimm of farmers we have helped many over the rough e laces and have aided many more to the ighest plane of success we are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate banking practice come in at any time and talk over your flairs with us you are always welcome th mcrchant5 bank head office montreal of canada established 1864 georgetown branch h r mimms manager acton branch l b shorey manager mcbean co georgetown fooc tjninqs to for sale happy thought range for hhu holi first class condition auo parlor heulci apply lo mm fenion glonwilluiius 2h2i tire lost dominion groove auto tirv on rim ho- twimi cheltenham antl oforgfllown lnt wetit kinder kindly leave at llrtralcl and ruouive inward k siillwhiigh clullcn- imni out itp obituary tiomab ii btlmkohl the death of thomnh ii bum- lord took placo at guolph hospital on saturday morning last mr riimford was strioken with patn- lysis n wook provious from which he nover rallied deceasod con ducted a riiccossftil nlioo imsinehb in ooorgotown and wa one of out most progressive merchants bosidou his widow threo broth ers survive deceased a riimford forest charles and william ol tludford also four xihterx mrs win wight of bosaniput mrs j e robinson parklnll mis w washburn of pott huron and mrs a fitchott ol imnnobog mich tho roniains woro takon to forest on saturday afternoon and the funeral took place sunday af ternoon from tho homo of a rum- ford to lioe dh wood oomoterynihe services lining conducted bymfev wm wivlkor and rov d j jii iah tlio iuporal was held masonic auspices and bro thomas of arkona oondao burial hoi vice of that old grave the bflarers wor andorson j liendry a d livingston l p mi and 0 w btuart tho of forosl lodge af a n fow visiting brethren attended in a body mrs druitiniond- has disposed of her homo on queen st to mr robert buchanan of town tlio salo was mado by b a benbam house for sale dohireftblt brick r on chnrles st tiomp of tlu ltc mrk toxt 7 roonlh mitualil t n iwo viiihu ioik kor furllior pailii tihirs npply lo a tohi cnorjfftinvn if surrey for sale two sunled mirrey complolr willi top polt mid nliaflfi ifuotl an haw will bt mold thpup v thutfipnon phono 42r5 oeoriitown 2tp af tire lost lost botwoen speyuide and mr joseph hon res inion a 32x3 spire auto tire and rim finder please ichvo at flora id office and receive reward itp house to rent finnic hoiibo a rocmn utnhlnt chitken coops rlc ood iparden and fruit ireeh ponnchbion anytime apply to kd ear- roii near college iew formerly ii kisen 2j 9- n a tomorrow morn ing we put on sale our first batch of old time bakers bread at i 2c per loaf this bread will be sold at the bakery fresh daily and always ready when you call for it but there will be no delivery of this bread are you getting 6 put your investment funds into victory bonds if your savings nre not earning nearly 6 while siiirutnided by undoubted seciinty they are not fully employed victory loan komi not only afford the highest gtude of secu rity hut in the case of the 1934 maturity yield utt interest return of almost f furthermore cunndinn victory bonds are the most convenient form of investment coupons payable halfyearly will be cashed at any brunch of any chartered bunk in cunnda and should there arise a necessity for immediate cash victory rlntnls will be found the most reudily saleable of all secuiitics mail your order or write for particulars wood gundy company canudluu iarlfii htiilttuy bulldlug toronto you save delivery for tenders wattled tknihr will lie received by iho clerk up to auifiifit 20lh at b n m for the ilige- hik of a ditrli on kdith st for waterworfcn ditrli to bo 2ft wide 5ft donp and 800 ft loujf mori ortenat tender per nihil fool f l heath clark tenders wanted im tin layinjr of cvnwnt sidewalk r for l 20 in the villain of tuorffejowii hide- wnlkri to be 4 ituiieff thick antl one solid niixi uklimatti to bu jyiven poi fool tun- lorti received up to 8 p m auffimt 20ih f t heath clerk constable and town wanted foreman application for tin pokilion tif town conktahle and ttiwn rofiiimn foi the loiportilion of ieorfetoun will he receiv ed hy the clerk up lo h p in friday aujf- n kt 20ih 1020 duiiofton application apphcatiih to hints utfe salary expected and mivo temiimminlit i l 1 1 rath clcrlt leorjcetown out properties for sale no 1 douhlu frnmo iioiiho itooo nil fiood brick rehldeilca all con- vonionioh 8000 no 3 kramti houau coin eiiloiuer 4000 no 4 jptoilato brick rohidoitconll convmiioncoh vts0o no fi doublu prnnio hoime all convon lupcofi 9ft00 no 6 doublo brick houao 0000 lola from i860 to 400 in good loca tion also farnu jn esqneslog j h lane real estate agedl fieorgelowo charges by calling your bread now that the cost of living continues to rise it will profit you more than ever before to study economy stunts for yourself this is one that will put a few cents in your pocket every day carry and save delivery of other i breads will be continued as usual b v gibbens where quality count phone 202 georgetown next door to radial station ib in t w take pleasure in announcing the arrival at our store of a choice selection of ib to ib hb g tennis and summer outing shoes georgetown music store wo riro havijir a big ualo of slightly used phon- graphs that must ho cleared out to make room for our pall stook of brunswiok phonographs llore are some good bargains for you come in and look them ovor 1 vietrola rog price 4000 sale prloo b000 2 groionolan iog prioe 5760 sale price bfi00 1 ideal reg prioo 8600 sale prioe h00 1 virgil rog prioo 8200 sale prioo 0000 1 ideal elootiio reg prloo 22600 salo prioo 20000 1 edison sale prioe 1600 1 edison sale prioo 2000 1 edison sale prioe 8000 1 edison salo prioe moo 1 edison salo price 4600 yon oanpurcbase any of tho above on small monthly payments all the injlosl shoot mtinlo in stook call in and boar it played over frank king geogjton ib b in white and colors of the wellknown ib g lifebuoy brand m we have several very good new lines including some hq stunning little styles for children there is a style to b please the fancy of both young and old there is a style ib for you ib kb ib m ib lifebuoy rubber goods are guaranteed by the makers brillco phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown ib ib ib ib ib ib ib k hb ib ib ib ib ib ib ib haying and harvesting machinery dain hayloaders dain side delivery rakes louden hayfork and sling outfits hayfork rope mccormick binders mowers and hay rakes lnmbor wagom and ouo used 8 inch tire trnofc also light onehorn milfc wagon wheelbarrows hog trough bolster springs steel threshing tanks and trnofc one twoseat surrey solid leathcu trimmings extension top and side cur tains good as new at a bargain one used chevrolet touring jpar in firat class condition white sewing machines j n oneixis main stheet geobgetownt i v i i 3mmi nwmfmidzilix idmmbl a 3 i w

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