paqk 4 the qboboktown hebald august uth 1020 l iv i ib- i- ii terra cotta master iluir ilurridiod quite suddenly at liis hiihie in toronto lust week dweiwod wiih in his 17tli your and wiw liinhly respect ed the 1 cniiiiim wore interred in uuinn cemetery on thursday af ternoon itev mr aiken of ner val conducted the sotvice there were many beautiful moral tributes mish bllen aiihpii of hamilton is visiting friends here miss norma hunter has return ed homo after u visit with her annb at durham quarterly servimi in methodist cjuneli dext sunday mrsj monioniuij lutlo-dnufeh- ter left licreolliis veek for tlie west mk ind mrs j r- campbell have niovmltobt catharines w u harthor the- 10th una bits purehrtned 1111 uptoflat thres- ning aulflt votorsns rennloii attehd jtiltpnk second aunim war veterans reunion saturday sunday hnd monday adgust 1hli 16thand 10th on aeeoujitof actons veterans demonstration on saturday nothing will be done in milton during the dnj except reception of visitors but there will be arecoiition concert with mov ing pictures in the evening at the princess thoatre with address or welcome by the mayor on sun day row captain woodcock will speak at a saored concert in the afternoon by combined lclth bat talion and milton bands monday baseball tournament and 2fi athlet ic events at fair grounds music by hendersons pipe band london and guolph jazz band oardon parly in evening followed by dance on main st pavement when yon arc in the city look at the boots in the windows on yonge st marked 1g and 10 a pair then look at tlie throe hun dred pairs i have just landed in my tore at from 0 to 760 those boots have been all over quebec british columbia and western on tario and are the best travellers samples that can be produced from picked leather and made by picked men in the factory i bargained for these samples four months aio and was waiting on thorn so now ee tbera nothing like them over seen in georgetown sizes mostly mens 6 to 7 all styles some leath er lined and can be seen only at honeys the man who is making a name for georgetown for boots at cut prices tho noatost shoo re pairers in town where to board comfortable roonm ami board may be hud at mrs loiuin main st north litfo rgeiown 287tlp horse for sale good road horse ihemmil rising 4 yun will be kold reasormblc john a smith phono 84 r 11 licorfrntown counter check books at the herald grand trunk railway system harvest help excur3ions tloo to winnipeg plus 4 cent por mile boyontl augut 0th 11th 16th and 18th- staiions toronto to kirotln junction in-lim- iv also all station on depot llaihor midland penatsiig and menford branches august 9th and 18th from all stal ls in the ivovincos of onlaru nnd qiie- j pembroke golden lake upttir- grove toronto and east august llthand 18th from all sta tions in ontario toronto find west for farther particulars apply to any grand trunk ticket agent or c k hor ning district iassenjfor agent toronto ontario jtcameron agent georgetown arthur bcastell t s f coll of hulo london england obotrmavtor presbyterian cburou georgetown teacher of piano or- ga cornet violin i nnd singing i tuition rvf in any brain 10 sh pr j j term of 20 lentous 1 my ri dcni maiii st fortitivn j j or at pupil home i pianos tuned i j choice and salt meats of all kinds try clifford unham phone 196 main street norval hardware store new agency for de laval cream separator we have taken tho agency fnr tho famous do laval cream sep arators bocause we believe the de laval will do better work and last longer than auy other separator iiaile and- thift it ifcbyfar the cheapest nnd tnost uutiefaotory iuachinoto tine we have machines on band at all times and will be pleaaed to demonstrate their superiority to unjone frank hustler norval norval meat market choice fresh and sail meats salmon trout fresh from the lakes every tuesday fresh vegetables confectionery and ice cream parlor id connection t w smith butcher norval georgetown creamery ice ice ice can be had on and after mon day august 1 6th in any quan tity i phone 174 and leave your order open every wednesday and saturday night for the accommodation of our patrons georgetown creamery co m saxe manager children cry for fletchers nk in this hukkogate court of this count of ualion in the ebtatk of john noble mophuutjon luto pr thu township of limiuoaltiar in uio county o hul- ton apiarist deceased not1uk is heukuy given that all persona having- claims against the statu of the ubovo joint noblo mc- fherson deceased who tiled at the said township of usquestng on or about the twentyfifth day of juno 130 ore roquired to send or deliver full particulars thereof to tlio untler- algned solicitors for cathkkink moihliltson and lulltknck ha- ch11l mupheuson the oxecutrloos of tha last will and tostaniunt of the said deceased on or berore salurduy the twentyfirst day of august 1820 and notice is kuktheh uiv- bn uiat attgr the said last mentioned date old said exooutriues will proceed to distribute the assets of the said es tate amongst the partlos entllluil thereto liavlns regard only to th claims of which they shall then have received notice and thoy will not bo liable for tho said assets or any purl thereof toany persons of whoso clulm notlco has not been received at tho time of distribution uatki mth 15th day of july 1080 graham oltaham bramp ton ont solicitors for said execu- tri dont httvo youi ehopa out or do- htroyod b inferior work manship pay to prif and bavo tlio job dono rirlifc jvo ubo tbb bot nol custom stock botb oak rind lioniioou tan over 28 yonrs ninbnfap- tuiirir oxperiohoo sliop cor kitjk quoeqsts nour gtg station open 780 arrf to 016 pm olpao at 7 rmi wed nnd sot wrobontdqobbbls abaumtine etr shoe repitirer v isffmti castor i a the kind you have always bought and which has been in use for over thirty years has borne the signature of anilhasbeen made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy- allow no one to deceive you in this all counterfeits imitations and justasgood are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children experience again experiment what is cast owla castoria is a harmless sudshfltte for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contain neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind- colic and diarrhoea allaying feverishness arislps therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens panacea the mothers friend genuine castoria always ibears the signature of esquesing fair at georgetown sept 29 3qth prize list clan an ixmiwric roienck 1 i oof nortk miuft frwl yfut trifling- 2 tuiytbr roll uairdo putin hulf do fanrv stva hlnculia hulf dmt whit hnk lox rft- ham or brown 4 cooklv half do- iurh ulttver atxsur nun ctiitmrtl s- ma cu room and drop oiikts liulf doz ucn of tlint vurtotlen v y fc tarta ifilt doc each native fruit nnd lmo1i iiiaplc oi kfmllar fiilnji- xppie p v v cherry pfe in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought thm oliwtau oomamy nkwvowk oitv thegeorgetown lumber co are now prepared to furnish a full supply of all kinds of building material includings lath shingles soantllnga roufrh and drpased ininbev pustqmsitwiiig xsstlcantea fnrniahed on ooirtplotebnildlnkt office and yards water street geor6et0wn 7 g a o 11 w 13 m wr mi 17 18 ie 17 18 1 20 21 28 24 2f 20 27 32 38 34 38 37 33 3d 41 41 43 43 44 46 40 1 2 3 4 6 10 11 12 18 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 28 24 25 20 27 28- 20 30 11 82 custard pie mlnre plu hponga ouk twort cuko dark inyer cuke bhixhlu of luvkdinr r mi thlj vniieties sour plcktliis three varieties sweet loktes tbree vuflei rtjil ma1f sauces jelltes 1 rgrlahk eurh of apple rilrrlint ald raspberry three varieties other native fruit jellies ons- bias of onrh f v three varieties native fruit ov vegetable marm- alade three vurletlos native fruit jams two jan preserved fruit 1 llght and 1 dark two jars cunned fruit whole two jam canned fruits small twp iuart jars canned vegetables biy ii- it so 25 oh 25 st 25 f 2 sl 26 5tl 25 sir 26 50 w 6u 26 61 25 r 26 r 26 u 2 lift fiu 26 50 6 60 51 61 60 60 26 26 25 26 amnlrnr 75 0 50 so 76 611 76 50 75 60 onus 29 ladies orl oninmftiilnl four pieces crochet work other than fil et allk or cotton to white emb centrtfpiece dining room colored emb centrepiece rpeclmen embroidery madiera pair pillow sllpftinitlnled and hemstitch ed 76 60 pair day slips and sheetorochet trimmed 75 60 pair pillow slips emb i 76 6o pair pillow slips any other kind 76 6i bedroom towel crochet trimmed 75 50 bedroom towel embroidered and ini tialed 76 50 pair sliest towels white embroidery 76 50 pntr guest towels colored embroidery 76 50 hath towel trimmed 76 50 dresser runner and plu cushion omhrol- dcred 76 50 dresser runner nnd pin cushion crochet trimmed 75 60 ijidys nlffhtengale 76 60 mandarin sleeping suit 76 50 ladys night robe 76 60 iadys camisole 76 50 ijidys fancy tea bag 75 60 iadys bedroom slippers wool 76 50 ladys bedroom slippers any other kind 76 60 ladys whitewcar crochet trimmed 76 60 ladys whltewear embroidered 76 60 library tablerunnrr embroidered 76 60 hofn pillow silk embroidereil 76 60 flora pillow washable 76 60 bofu pillow any other style 75 60 five oclock tea cloth white 75 50 luncheon set 7 pieces 75 60 buffet runner 75 50 tea cony wool 76 60 tea cosiy white 76 60 bervlettes hair doz embroidered 76 60 dollies set of six white 76 60 rlngle piece of tutting not maniple 75 50 single piece of filet crochet not sample 76 60 act tuble mats asbcstom lined 76 60 mingle piece white nm broidery not otherwise listed 76 60 fllngle piece colored silk etnliroldery not otherwise listed 76 60 flillgle piece fancy knitting cotton or sllk 75 50 ringle piece crochet insertion sultahls for towel or pillow hllp 76 50 hlngle piece crochet insertion suitnhle for tea cloth or curtains 76 60 fllngle piece fancy work now nnd ori ginal design not previously exhibited 76 611 best collection fancy work fi 1111 3 00 jkuw 80 itadikfl work optw flpeelmen italian relief work and punch in dolors 0 75 to specimen wodgewood embroidery 76 specimen blcdnmler embroidery 76 specimen orlentul emlroldery 75 specimen other silk embroidery not named on list 76 specimen tatting 1 piece silk 1 piece cotton 76 spealmeu lace other than filet or irish 76 flpoolinen honiton lncu 76 specimen point luce 75 bperltnen duchess 76 specimen mountmelllclc embroidery 76 specimen sunburst and french knit em broidery 75 specimen noman out work embroidery 75 specimen balkan embroidery 76 pair bedroom towels crochet trimmed 76 pair bedroom towols crochet and ini tialed 76 pair guest towels while embroidery 76 pair guest towels colored embroidery 76 pair bath towels trimmed 76 best card table cover 76 best childs dress 76 set two sofa pillows one silk embroidery and other washable 76 sofa pillow any other style 76 teawagon set 10 pieces 1 00 luncheon set 100 fllx pieces needle work white and color ed not wool 1 on childs wool sat 1 00 curtaine hand made 1 no best labor saving device in womens work f tv 100 76 pair bedroom slippers 76 60 service tray mounted 76 so best collection fancy work 1st china cuke set tsno by marchand milton 2nd 1200 26 25 25 25 25 26 25 26 26 25 26 26 25 26 26 26 26 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 2 6 26 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 25 25 25 50 to 60 60 50 611 60 50 51 50 60 60 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 61 60 60 60 co 75 76 76 76 76 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 25 26 26 25 25 50 60 60 50 60 60 26 26 k hume currie president j a tracy saorvtsirjrtreaa do you want insuranc if you do f am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firstclass companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w roe phone ape georgetown k0 llitlrliwtlllillw the man who haa been aatisfying the people who have been buying hauaea in georgetown ia e a benham i have od many houses in the past few months and i have yet a number of beautiful homes ranging in price from 41500 to 6500 ter can be arranged to 8u we purchaser on any of thee properties for particular apply to box 185 or phne real estate georgetown fall term from august 36th at the gnelph business college herald bldo guelph ontario ii is to your ndvantniip to ntiirt n week or two nliciuil of the crowd you want results our individual instruction pro- ducos tjiieni no contract tosikti ccitoo alone and we1 1 net started a x botjck i r fall term commence september 1st brampton business itistituo gives very tharough training in bookeeping shorlbnnd and type writing and all other bimineas studies bbi studoritu and graduates spoak well of bbi courses brampton business institute o boubfiixd prfas fall term opeufcjtng 80 yang and ohsrle bts toronto the salaries offered our graduate dur ing- the last two yearn have been ereater than ever before it is 110 trouble for our graduates to get poflilums becautte tiikv ark proprrlv tralnrl write for cata logue wj elliott ivincipal h c bailey electrician eleetrlo wirlnarand fix tures order left in the harness shop will be promptly attended to phone 232 georgetown deering farm machinery international tractors- gasoline engine sharpleti mechanical ulutina uaohinea wire fsnoina snd oalvisisisod roo- ins outtors and buggies gray dorl motor cars call and inspect this car before buying phone 101 r fl thos e hcwson norval ont farms fob saxe improved 4 sec 16 miles front city black loam snap 25 per acre welt im proved nee 12 milef from fitly- 50 acreii cultivated good butldingu 6500 per acre two well improved sec 15 milen from city 6500 par acre five tec in block improved all fencud nap 2500 per acre two 5 acre and one 10 acre block build lugs and nil culti vated close to city t took 10018 102nd avenue edmonton alberta help you make a gajrden add to the value of your prop rcjen to reduce pautiful urroundlhi mtf a swergarden to i mat tama cost w bvevery1hing to make garden work easy fatfttser aseda spades rakes lawn hose lawn mowers etc basotuy roar bouse with ocedsr polish 25c td 9300 sli acsdarjrvush mop ho time and laborsaver la slsq wltl tuthjr vegetable f make 0cswvop he time handle j4 inches longli 25c extra oedar v polish r h thompson co georgetown i black mantel clocks 1 ooo alarm clocks big ben baby ben and th cele brated waterbury alarm clock big reduction good assortment a b willson main street next mcgibbon hotel hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring tr fiii ikfo l tv- r v iiv n a we have reduced our prices on all our goods for july and august we ad vise our customers who are considering a fall suit to order early and get good satisfaction we have a good variety in materials we also make up your material all our goods guaranteed or your money refunded a a hirschorn brooke block georgetown c mclaughlin chevrolet service no sltovelliag required standarp anthracite scranton coal in all siases automatically screened and loaded coal wood soloot ijump or domostio and throfibing purporcb smithing and cannol coal in fnofc i oarry evory thing to bo found in an uptodatp coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown puonb5 12 wo are now equipped to tako caro of any somco work that may bo required on any mclaughlin or chovrolot in our territory our morhanics are the boat that can bo procured wo are agent for the prort0lito bnttoryand can funiinh a size for any car we can hire you a ballory at 20c a day while your own is being charged or ronairod by inquiring atoflloo you can llnd out tho price of any part tiros tubes grousos and all acceusorios for alo cooks garage fred cook prop georgetown community picnic sept 6 life instance protect your wlfo children yoursolf and your business with n policy in tho groat wost lifo as- suranoo co tho lowest rntor yith tho boat results for particulars boo wwroe ro aeorobtown kiiiiiiisjssii omx m t wanted 30 000 harvesters 1500 to winnipeg w hu miu mmftm hsif n cnt pr m to wlnnlp plus fum ssnlsl sosommaditlan for woman nw cotnfortiil through servlm excursion dates from ontario aooustf 0th bjnci iotn toronto and east thorsof anorbt lltlimid lseu toronto soutb west ana north thsvsof leave toronto o10 pm por lukil anil inforniiitluii iply nourot cawjin nstlonol or ptml trunk annl or wrli bonersl pstnnin dsmrtmenl cn utoronio 40 iwm 4w sj- mmmmm wmmmm