Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 18, 1920, p. 2

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paok 2 im jkoimirown hkhaid ahuiist ihth 1920 r i w f w h willson undertaker and licensed eitibalmer main st georgetown autoninhhior i itmmo- drawn llt-utsi- phono nilit or day 54 w 01 mj married wotmkw kcnnv at the mf hotlim ctui- nh trot jjctown on lvdtudiiv ann ual ibih iyj0 vioum hhviikl tei ot mr and mrsiijosopli x kiuklv to fraikiti karlv hdtnus mcgljoan iir tiioigtowii on ruffidij augtiht l7lh l arlhur mcruiiai aged 4 year tlie funeral will lkc plm1 on tliuis day at 4 pjn to llrebnwood ctfinelory wk ukuhiij to notk unit there ban been yeporal neglect of the cejpetery o far this scicsott it ii j not too lattf 0 iniike amends ami tow buggeyt lllat a general ofeun up of the plots ix at once under taken when it receives proper attention the ojukteiy truly ye- tiectn the character of the town iu which it ielooated in anuwrk to njiestions by a town ratepayer residing purity of additional water supply i nn pumped into the mains wo bog to reply in the first place the water must have touted mitisfiu cory to the provincial board of health or a permit to use hume would not have been given sec ondly it is the duty of the council and medical health olllcer to have water analyzed at hhort intervals especially during the hot weather and if any dangerous impurities exist to have name eliminated ty oblorination if necessary in order that tbe health of the community may not he impaired we believe we have a council and medical health ohcer who will protect citizens against any danger by giving this matter the attention it daiuands lleoboktown mlkic i0vkkk will learn with in mh interest of efforts that are hcing made to put our band on n more siihstaniiiil footing and to encourage the lat ent talent among our own boys in that finest ot all the fine arts the miiintenance of a hiihstantiitl town band ih not only a mutter of proper civic pride and quite es sential to our htatus as a full brown town which is now a mat ter of clays onl but also from an educational standpoint and on air- count of its refining influence something worthy of municipal and private support in generous measure money is required for music instruments tuition and uniforms also some encourage ment and a few kind words to those who cultivate this accomplishment for common benefit mr sam craig of ouolpli is in charge ami is very popular with tho members for the interest and help he takes in their success on friday night our hand will piny at tho intersec tion of queen and king stroots near otr depot mid on tho fol lowing friday night on the lawn of mr 1 l herbert on maple avenue wo bespeak for them a good attendance obituary lohkpii wmi1amh a pionoer and descendant of an old ontario family in the person of joseph williams passed away on tuesday aug 10th at thte home of his son mr ii h williams l0 sunnysido avenue toronto lie was born in olcnwilliums 70 years ago add resided there until he moved to toronto in religion he was a lifo long methodist in poli ties a liberal resides his wife he is survived hv two sons and two daughters ii h manager of dress fabrics clias k si ucli bro ker chicago mrs ii ilnldroyil toronto mrs w ii wilson loo rgetown also one brother darius williams the remains were interred in olenwilliams cemetery last thins day afternoon the service being conducted by hovs dr llnikcr mid b f cameron among those from a distiuico who attended the funeral were c e williams chicago mr and mrs h b williams mr and mia ii holdroyd miss i holdroyd mi c holdroyd dr and mrs copp dr and airs frank williams mr d williams mr j i williams mr ii wilson mr khilton mr wallbridye mr loo forstcr mr and mis ainley toronto air i blake ieterhoro mr a foihter mr n fihhter onlville mr w a foister ruehcstci mr clias pointer slielburne mr j iiusscll fergus mr and mis j shoppard brampton mr d iriihiun mr i qruhaui inglowood mr a t brown acton esquesing council htevvurttowji aug 10 11120 the council met pursuant to adjournment the reeve in the ehair members present klliott mcdowell and thompson the minutes of last meeting were read and conllrnied kllintttliompson that the trea surer pay the following accounts thus chisliolm for drawing ami putting in culvert on sideroad be tween lots m and i con 1 1100 c huffman hi good roads nion e due division no 11 1 il camp bell hhi yds gravel put on town line at lbo per yd 577 ii tubbcns 27 loads gravel supplied divisioivl 1 s270 r flshortijiaydt kiuypj at 11c peryd b- carried mcdowell thompson that the treasurer ra iioh douglas jilt for operating grader anil 6700 tor grading 1 to 5 hth line i al ex niveii sho account for sur eying part lot ih rou 8 canadii ingnl lionco tluelpli the follow ig ticcotint 2 road graders at s2njtlftcli 5712 1 culvert 12 by 16 ft to jaj tract 1 culvert lttiltfft to jasclvaht s7080 1 cuherui2xlt to bobt stark 1 etilvert 18xl6ft to ftoul istaili 604ho uital 10222 cairiod tliompsbaklliotl that the treu surer pay s mccluro 11895 for work donein olenwilliams to be charged to statute labor also for gravelling and cleaning out ditch es and repairing culvert on lot 2j old line 14i w rutlodge fdr gravelling town lino lot 24 and supplying gravel- for same 2515 being esquesings share carried ulliotttlioinpson that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to apportion the interest accruing from the railway bonus fund amongst tho sections in the n and nw railway group and that said bylaw be read the lirst time curried mcdowell- elliott that the by law to apportion the ronus fund interest be read the second and third times and passed carried thompson elliott that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to assess the township for the year 1020 and that said bylaw he now road the first time carried thompson- elliott that the by law to assess the township of ks- juesing be now read tbe second and third times and passed and the blanks he filled with tho rate of t mills for township purposes 10 7 10 for county purposes and good roads and i 7 10 for general school ratei carriud mcdowell thompson that leave bo granted to introduce n bylaw to boriow the sum of 5000 from the merchants bank georgetown to meet tho currant expenses of the township and that said by law he now road the llrst time carried thompson mcdowell that the bylaw to borrow the sum of ifiooo bo now read the second anil third times and passed carried klliott thompson that the cou ncil adjourn to meet again hept ember 18th at 2 pm carried glenwilliams mrs niithiniiil hi i ii been ipnti rio i tl oini- what iniprov en some jni i n 1 lip i hi i ii for hut vest aiple 1 1 1 i ii l i a ii 1 1 iii 111 t ol nili l iiii i ii the spoils i a i i nh i il iv some lit ill i li ii v i- i n the west ol lei ii ii i ii i week mr t 1- hill i- i i in- in criiiuliih loi a r i me i u mr n i kim n i i isitlllg iii llllll liei ii i mr m men ilu u i spending m i mi pie el ii i i i i home hele mrsjebilv in i hi i kinley of- mu iu iti- ejn messrs vihrel lid i ii m kiriu mr willie i llojidii i nim is visiting lelntm- iific- ml fci milliin ilie iv i i t j ni the road uj nioi ioiiiij llj- itsn jmr i ie ii a f tif i uiii n i liifn nj- tcmpamrj lepuii f ihe tuium bridge mr mrs j i ti iii lni old visited frieiiils imu i i i i i k sir deorge siiiiui i uuii- i- oit fs- visllifig lii- mm mi li smith mr ieolge hcmliinnnl nnl sons hroek and huh pi i ie weekend at nuigaia iiiii- air anils nm fun i ivi i ie weekend at liuiuioii mis muelllllll el ii uipl nil spent a lew du unh i ien1 hir riciitl lii 1 be interest of church going ml tl l niiu 1 1 i j i i- e ei lylp lie clin i i ii i h it lie i- going ii hi i iliisi e icloii ov er 1 in- lei i i lil lieret ills e e and i lie i null iieiil- eei lliiul it i 11 el il it i- in l ill lis i itilllic t i i iii ii 1 in- lei i- iml wnllld i i i i lie w ii ii life card of thanks ii i m e r iu i ml 111 i noli h i ii ilkv ie 1 i 1 i l ni iil mil lii i i i lit ii iieul jl il l is inlliij lunilts properties for sale i lilll i iii- f- li i 1 i 1mi i sdotlo i i in hell i ipllo i i i ii ii- lk itilli ill i- 1 irou w il-li- i i i iill envii- slftllo s le i 1 v s5o0o i wail i io0 m uii1 le also farms in esquesing j h lane real kslalc ageoi icorflelown harvest apples wanted am prtparcd lo pny 1 00 per bunell for hanvnt applen inclitliig aslraehun and liulih shook oflaial dtlivrretl lo t-o- rgflown ntalioii in bagn all bags itirnihh eit ffr- roo w llcrriiigton photu- hi 2l 1 1 i ils i 1 ll jeiii1 of 1 lush pilees is ii n ii hi i 111 a nlir i ed now in i lie form ol i ii mi hunk deposit mil be ft ii ji mil h nun e ill the p eiilile l e i i iii i i iii leilll hill lie- i 111 bank of hamilton acmackay manager farm town properties for sale iurliciilurly good farm in peel ounty 2i miles ctoiu riiilin io buildings hunk barn good brick house all leiel 7 n re mi ijci en itivatioii biilnncc btishiiiiil pasture 813000 in corporatiod of ieoigetown 10 acres good gurtlcn hind a choice piece of giirden soil 8300 an acre lii halton couihvi near oakvffle on diuidns si reel kmhicre farui all under rinltix atioii oocid fiiini huilditigs iioodsoil owlier sihi and fariu ijrioted very reasonable 13000 new nine roomed solid liriik house for sale uiith two inf im s7500 or with 1 acres of land for sb0oo m acre tiiriii good buildings ciiim to villime uuii riuhii station 50o kiiicjargi iiashue liirm for mile ns rush wiiloughby block phone 237 gearetown farmers business for the past 54 yenrs this bank ha given particular attention to tbe business of farmers we have helped many over the rough places and liavo aided many more to the highest plane of sucivn we are prepueil nxlend ynu evory aid within legltimae hunkiiik practice come in at imy trfne nnd tnlh over your affairs with us you alviiys wolceme th mrchanb bank head oflico mono of canada estllishcd i8s4 georgetown uranoh ii mktms mnacer i b shouey manager acton bran i constable and town foreman wanted j applit niioiik cor tln iiosition nt town conitlhlilt iiiul tmvii loi fiiutii tot- ihe corpornlioti of tnoictinvn will in- rirciv d by the cuik uj lohpin liklnv au- ut 20ih l ji on hliinimi appticuiitu lo juu mn hiiliiy rxmi hi and iflw inioniitlm k i iuaih clik j tlt0lltmi why we need more money year our rates for service were increased by ten per cent that was the first general increase in telephone rates in over twentyfive years today the general level of commodity prices is three hundred and fifty per cent over what it was twentyfive years ago our operating expenses in 1919 had increased 99 per cent over 1915 while gross revenue was only 49 per cent greater wages absorbed over 56 per cent of our revenue last year and our wage bill this year will be at least 35 per cent higher than in 1919 it is apparent that if we are to continue to pay good wngvn and so ensure good aerwoe and at the same time pay such return to investors as will attract new capital to enable its to extend oar plant we must earn more money we must accomplish both of these things else service to our present patrons will suffer and new applicants for service can not be aceommodat ed i increased rates are the only source from which such further roveouo can come i the boll telephone company of canada mr workingman join the cooperative move ment and help yourself 100 per en tin vestment illustration no 1 a ou invest ill one share in our societj nnd spend with 1 us say ifl per week at the end of twelve inoni ii i on r origin al 1000 will accrue to 2iio as follows inteloil on share capital nt i id dividend on purchases ill ci 1100 original share 1000 2l10 i 11 imi iii illustration no 2 say you spend 1000 per week the following would result interest on share capital at 0 00 dividend on purchases at fii 2000 original share 1000 st0i0 i ir ii u i you not only receive the above benefits but we supply you with the goods- the finest money can buy at current prices together with honest weight and good service dont hesitate join today call in and see us we will explain georgetown glenwilliams coopera tive society ltd john street georgetown phone 329 11 1 ik h pr1tchett manager and secretary s the mews s i special announcement i advice to our friends who are thinking of getting a blue or black serge suit we liavc a largc stock of the above good h jjoughtlieforu thtfsig advance in price if you arc f cbiisiclfeing th purchase of a serge siirt nowis the z time to place your order as you- will pay phethird ill morp for these goods by fhe end of the month no j matter where you buy them nj biiyjvov and save l special clearing sale in mens mid youths ready to- wear olothing ho per ulo iiiit hodiictictn- off suit in si nek h jniilce inoni for new fall ft floods hii liiuw mid save money f all tniiit ho- sold ill ten llr ilnys mil rgn rns in all spring iliki sutiunerfioods hill miliarco 1 fine highclass tailors k mo t im furuisbiufs and ron-dy-to- wear olothlns tgi georgetown phone 12s jacksons we offer some good savings in mens boys and childrens wear mens black denim and hlue and white nt ripe overall rest qunlily cloth large nnd room made to wear and give service sizes m to 1 1 at l2i these are less than replacing value unjs izes ill to h2 at s17n ijitlle mens 0 to 12 years si 00 f saturday treat if you cannot yet down pcrnonnlly for your saiurtuiy real il in iiil l- iijlil io hotul your hull boy or jfirl for it v have irai ihih saimiiuy tliti lioih younjf niut old re fond ol i00lbi of 1 1 mm- m hu fruit tlavmvd joll sijiiirm kif 5v per lb saturday treat price per lb 39o weekend chocolates 49c one of our tvyular fiimttmncin rmarlfd iiihi our wtvkitid rlioiolulcs wiie lotlr than ivcr vouwillsuy ilu hjihu they aiv yrniut asnoitcd ihivorn liitrd and hofi ffnlin kfj it- ami 7uv per ih weekend special 49c per lb t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton mens dress shirts choice iintleriih large roomy gooil riintcrial nnd well nlildo for service hizes 14 to 17 uiider priced at from 100 to 2i0 wens work shirts extra strong and servieenhle all sizes assort ed material and patterns exceptional value at 1 15 hoys heavy liailii shirth for rough wear sizoh 12i to 14150 hoys strong serviceahu shirts of assorted patterns and good ma terials sizes 12j to 1 1 s12fl mens lino wool worstoil sox a12ri mons mrto vvorhted sox l0c mens heavy wink gloves and mitts 71c mens hnlliriggiin shirts and drawers the lies nimlity 0e values for c mens tics handkerchiefs and suspenders childrens special value knvcralls ovtra strpug and servicealilo- nice pattei8 of good material well iinide iiges h to7yearh doc it 17c wnineirh house dresses good material good lilting garments of diucrcnl inaterinls mid colors at 2 25 to l2i womens apron dressos well inade serviceable material and guild patterns at 100 and 12g ilihlioiis laces and einliroider- ies for summer wear now serviceable and seimon- ahlo siiininor footwear for moil women and hildron why move to town when you inn en jnj nil city conveniences in jour 1iirni in coiinlij lioinc delco ijight will furnish cverj cotiirorl mid con veiueiicc of the most modern nnd up lodalc cily lesideuce wiilt ihiiiii iiiiiiii ami irt iik nlutu viii hiw iiciinniiih you iiiollv liv ins tiling ulroiiglll on yum ntiii evans rush georgetown theres a satisfied user near you our present prices on all lines ol furni ture and housefurnish- ing saves you big mon ey investigate r jacksons georgetown wmrmmfmm when you talk about the weather know what you are talking about get a thermometer it will jkeep you informed weather thermometers 50c to 300 clinical thermometers 150 to 250 dairy thermometers 125 incubator thermometers 125 hourigans tao msmmmmk risssmssmssmmwmmmi smmimmmmms au agaii5ivv store

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