Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 18, 1920, p. 4

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paok i tlik georobtpwn hkbald aunilht 1htii 1920 tjih nkw canadian eeiit puvs arp beginning i make llieir ii pearaiice tlioy im- miirli hiiiiiiioi- than the mi cut pieces now in use beiilk only 1 1 1 1 1 1 larger urtil thicker lliiin the iniuid slaus pent mi stinicwliat larger still than the canadian ten rent piece the now coins nie iioliceiiblj light- er than the oldfashioned cent due not onl to hie reduction in arzo but also lit a iractional vurin- tion in the cupper content in lli alloy of which they are composed the design adokled is very uttriu tive at anyvate hrilisli arid canadian coin look hetlcr t than those of the initod nlnto pbrhapsit is baraiiw w ijl txi einblems betterbur theylaln jlk nsnter and nihiv artiistic- baai pulsing abundance of wholesome amusement while the canadian national exhibition is designed to piovhuc an object lesson in blie making and keeping of canadian and british citizenship and- as a-striij- ulnu to the mlvanfcniont pi tlie arts sciences and the mighty foiii ces of industrywide lighter side if not neglected itjrnojor of whole gome amusement on a iiuiiiiuioth scale the big pair hjis iilunjii buimi and this year it will ftmrish an im preeodented abundance of enter taiiynout to meet the varied last pf itk vast patronage the nick l the men the continent uur who make a life work and study of cat ering to the public appetite foi fun and frolic have been engaged for the purpose of mulling safe the supremacy of the inhibition in thin respect the programme here as in all other departments is 1 jv more ambitious in elaboration of plans and in investment of capital than has leentlio case in any pro ceeding over 75000 is being pent on two new amusement de vices alone i arthur bl castell t s f colioito f mulo lnutloti kiifflhufl a cliolrmahtr tratytrinu chiirnh aorfrelowii tobohorof piano or kiim cornet violin nnd siuciur i iv i norval hardware store de iniy fipii- qi pianos tunkd i laiavw awri choice roi laval cream separator y iim i 1 1 1 ii tle liihl v ill i- ki i i- iv lrnil clllll sep itii i 1 i- liihw i lie iv i ll v 1 1 i in lillt murl anil ltl nliei limn mil ulliil illatih imlr nul mini 1 iv b im- i hi ll 1 iiiitil cvarliiiv ilifapijt ifiiclunc- hi ii- v im v- 11 all iini- hid ilj-llimi- 1 i it i ati inn fliine mi llnnd hill he pleaid lltir mljmi itiml n v and meats of all kinds try clifford linham phone 196 m a r n street frank hustler norvai norval meat market choice fresh and salt meals salmon troul iresh irom hie lakes every tuesday frebh vegetables community picnic mon 6th georgetown- confectionery and ice cream parlor iu connection t w smith norval butcher tenders wanted tenukks will be received by the clcjk up to augtimt 20th at s p in for on till ing of u ditch on kdiih st lor waterworks ditch to be 2tl wide 5ll deep aiij koo h long more ir less lender er tlibu fx1 if l heath clrk tenders wanted for llie laying oi vimmt sulfwallts lor ti0 it lh- villajr of crorjolomi iil- wallth in tn 1 hkllis thick iml oitf solul mixj cktiimtli ut in jiven pci tool tru- ders rcieivfd ti o h p in atiusi ih f l heath clerk grand trunk railway system the double track route between montreal toronto detroit and chicago unexcelled dining car service sleeping cars on nighl trains and larlor cars on principal day trniiik full inforinatinn from any iriind trunk ticket agent or c k ilinn- ink dihtrict inssonger agent to ronto jtcameron agent georgetown phone to dont have your shoes rut or do stroyed by inferior work mansliip ihv the price and hae tla job done right we use the best no 1 custom stock both oak and- hemlock tan over 25 ypnr manufac turing experience shop cor king queen kls near ltr station open 780 am to i 10 pm close nt 7 pm weil and sat we dont cohwjk programme of sports no i kiddies race nrpler 7 jjm rlfle 10c of i ltoyi itiuh 7 to loyrs 15c 10c oc i iijlsltiiii 7 to 10 yrs ls10e fir- i his ibiee 10 to lojrs 25e lrc 10c 6 tills llhee 10 to 1 5 yrs 25c 15c 10c i ho k sacji ilaeo- 25c lfic 10c 7 thiecleggeil hace 100 50c itoc h ltlindfold lliue 50 yards readies contest- ants are hated on the ground blindfolded with hacks to the course when signal to start is given they stand up turn around and commence race 200 170 s100 i mens 100 yard dash 800 1100 100 10 lleturned men 100 yds 300 200 100 11 soda hiscuit relay race 100 yards oentle- men team of 4 contestants placed at intervals of 25 yards first contestant has 4 biscuits and must oat one before running to the next member ol the team three hihciiils arc handed to the second member who must eat one before running to the noxt member and so on until the last me mber completes race 200 100 12 fat mans roee 100 50c 2fic 11 lloliiy race 4 mile 8 men 000 s800 1 ii peanut race 25 yards peanut is carried on blade of knife if peanut falls to the ground it must he picked up with the knife not by bund 15 soup race keep soap you got 10 number race 100 50c 25c 17 cinderella race 50 yds ladies and lents knch lady takes off her right shoe shoes nr tben handed to gents at the other end of course when signal to start is given gents run to the other end of course place th shoe they hold on the foot of tbo rifflit- i it i owner couples then complete race to gether ih married mens race over 50 years 75 yds ml running linpslep andjiiinp 5 1 2 20 standing jump 5 t 2 21 lldh jump 5 3 2 22 putting tin lt 5 8 2 2 tliensy pig contest- winner koops pig pliotoukailllc contkht bost amateur collection of three snapshots taken luring the day 1st prize 5 2nd 8 tin ut vlt two parmer teams vs two town teams mask hii two farmer teams vs two town teams winners to play olt in 5 innings game in park at 10 am entries in all events will be conllnod to residents of ksipicsintt nassagawoya erin and chingviaoousy townships jaballantine veteran shoe repairer canadian national exhibition torontp aug28sepll the greatest annual event on earth wbtrt the nation hows iu beat finuhed product of the mine fiaheriei forest ftctsry studio and laboratory for exhibition comparator instruction and encouragement pageahtry on a massive scale incomparable music ffaaa arte applied and graphic art international photographic salon demonstration daily by northwest mounted police two day of aeirfauonal automobile racing miloftmmuto motor boati and water aportav electric ahow america beat lin stock poultry tractor nd farm mach tamry display government exhibits and demoiatratlon and a core of other special attraction 42nd coruecutive year- 1 20 1 000 viiitori b 1919 j0hnu kent general manager the kind you have always bought and which has been in use for over thirty years has borne tin signature of and has been made under his per- simul mipervlslim since its infancy accut a n0 one to deceive you in this all counterfeit imitations and justmigood are but experiments hint trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children experience against experiment what is castor a castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guli rantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverishness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens panacea the mothers friend do you want insurance in any o genuine castoria r bears the signature of always if you do i am prepared to give you insurance the following firstclass companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w roe phone 206 oeobgreiown p in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought uh ootianv the georgetown lumber co are now prepared to furnish supply of full all kinds of buildiivg material including shingles scantlings rough and drohhod lumber lath custom sawing estimates fmnishod on complete buildings office and yards water street georgetown phono 250 the man who has been satisfying the people who haver jeen jjuying hauses in georgetown is e a benham i have sold many houses in the past few months and i have yet a number of beautiful homes ranging in price from 1500 to 6500 terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser on any of these properties for particulars apply to box 185 or phone 164 e a benham real estate georgetown fall term ihom august 30th at the guelph business college herald bldo guelph ontario it is to our iiilminliic to slart a vrol or two nhoail of the crowd yoi wanrrtksrirs our indi idiitil instruction pro- dllcch thorn v no contract tosimv ciunc ttanii and well kotaturlcd a x bougk prln help you make a garden tfbvvutifulstjntndingsadhtothevalueof yjyjj tttf a sowerwirden to beautify a vielalle eardento raor tibk cmi we hive everytbink to make garden work rprop- r reduce i everytbtnff to make garden work 1 tt spades ralrev lawn hose biwn mowers etc beautify your bouse with cedar polish 25c to 300 six oc0eurrtluh mop the time and kaadla ocwhr mop handlem inch raar tabs wtubei- iluh mop the time and laboruvrr is tvso without icnealonj is25e axtra fall term coniinoncok september 1st hmtnpton iliibimsk instituo gives very tharoiigh trniniiik in bookeopint shorthand and tii- writing and ail other businchg atndiea bbi students and jraduatcs speak well of bbj courhor brampton business institute o bou8field prin so fall term opens aug h elli0tt yonga and charlea st toronto th halarios oftored our tiradualok dtir- injy t it- last iwo yoars have btn reatir i haii ever bffotc ll is m irouhli for our cradiiaten to tfel posiiitmis beta use 1111v akk proikriv tra1nkh writi for llla- loim v j klliitlt iriiuipal oedar vpolisli r h thompson co georgetown black mantel clocks 1000 alarm clocks big ben baby ben and the cele brated waterbury alarm clock big reduction good assortment a b willson main street next mcgibbon hotel v h c bailey electrician electric wiring and fix tures orders left in the harness shop will be promptly attended to phone 232 georgetown deerinc farm machinery international tractors gasoline engines sharpless mechanical milking machines wire fenoinir and galvanised ron- ine gutter and buggies gray dort motor cars call and inspect thin car heroic btiyini pilonk 101 r 88 thos e hewson norval ont farms for sale improved j fuse 16 milos from city black loam snap 25 por aero welt im proved sec 12 miluh from city 150 arret cultivated ffood buildings s0 por aero two well improved fa rdc 15 miloh from city 6500 per acre fivo sec in block infproved all fenced hnap 2500 per aero two 5 acre nnd oim 10 acre block buildings and all culti vated close to city t cook 10018 102nd avenue edmonton albert h georgetown music store wt arc having a hi ruin nf ilinlil ly used lon- kiaplis that niiibt hoclrniii mil lonuilc loom for our fall stork of bruiiuw i i li uuiti lipids llnro arc uomo ttood bargains for you como in and look them ovor 1 violroln rob prioo 1000 aalo prioo 2000 2 clrafonolar rog prioo 5750 aalo prioo 8000 1 ideal ro price flfi00 sale prioo h600 1 viniil ro prioo 8200 halo prioo 0000 1 iiloal ulootiio ro prioo 22500 sale price 20000 1 isdiaon halo prioo 1s00 1 isdiann aalo pricon 2000 1 jsdison hivio prico 2000- 1 kdison alo prioo 8000 1 edison alo prioo 4000 you oan purchaso any of tbo abovo on small monthly payments all llio latost shoot tnuslo in htock call in and bear it lilayod uvoy ikallk klilu georgetown ho shovelling required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically sorooned and lioadod coal wood soloot lump for domestic and throshink purposoa smithing and can ne i coal in fact i oarry ovoiy tiling to bo found in an uptodato coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown pjhonb 12 hirschorn3 ladies wear and tailoring watch this space for special an nouncement next issue 1 a hirschorn brooke block georgetown mclaughlin chevrolet service vvp aro now oijiiippcd to talio iarc of any aprvieo work that may bo rpquirod on any mceiaukblin or chevrolet iu- our territory our mechanics aro tlio bost that oun ho procured wo aro agont for olio prohtofjito llattory nnd oan furnish a sizo for niry oarj wo oan hire you a buttery at 2fio a daywhilo your own in being cbargodorrcpairod by inquiring atolllcp you an find out tlio prioo of any part tiros tubes oreaaoh and all accessories for salo- m i cooks garage fred cook prop georgetown georgetown elevator afiijiistock op flour and feed baled hay and straw always on hand highest market price paid for grain jl robert noble limited norval ontario life insurance protect your wifo children yourself and your diisiuoes wltb o ilolioy in tbo groat west idfo as- stiranco uo thb lowost rates with tbo best results for partioulai8 see w w roe phon b- b5 oeoroetqwn out wanted 100 ladies and gentlemen to have thoir suits oloanod iiressod repaired or dyed by us wo also dry clean all kinds of silks nml woollens at teuton bl prioes ix mcdermott next door to honeys shoe store georgetown t- i gg mdjggig r i r lpi

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