Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 25, 1920, p. 3

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the georgetown herau aiiouht 26tii 1020 d i a matthews drug store the home of the viotrola and edith oaveu chocolates asaya neurall a reconstructive tonic for ner exhaus the result of overwork wdrry grief 3hock and excesses of various icinds the wonder of the day personals mra b v iblxs in yinitirik fiiomlk in toronto mr jolin oitwoti of cardiff aln- land fimiily hiien terra cotta mr and mrs k lilllc and dan- liter annie mid mr wtti hunter t hnntliiy willi ac- i i djmatthew j drugs and stationery i -t- local news items chautauqua next wednplry the obocolate canittliaxin lave mooreheads read the prize list of tlio community pionic in this issiio oeorgetown floral co w ill make an exhibit at toronto bxlii- bition icie will be delivered to nay place in town when order is left t the creamery ro sure and decojatc your car for the community picnic on september 0th miss may momnster will r sunie her clasnes in music on september 18th brampton business institute reopens for the fall term rn wednesday september 1st new location anderson store block the merchants bank rest rooms will be open every evening during chautauqua until after thie vening entertainment a matron will be in charge mr geo qoulding of toronto the worlds champion walker wns fti town today arranging events for the big community picnic- soplember 0th mrs martha drummond will sell her household furniture by public auction on monday august 80th at 7 pm sharp at her reai dence queen st see advt in this issue secure your chautauqua sea son tickets now there are only a limited number to be sold lit 276 adults and 185 ohildren inclining war tax we have thera at the herald join in the big street parade community pio nic september i a jirine of 600 will be given for- the most unique oalithurapian turn out and 800 and 850 for seo- ond and third prizes a number of farmers liave not exobanged their wheat board receipts for the official participa tion certificates the merchants bank of canada oeorgetown will be pleased to arrange this exohan- ge and collect on the certificates mr eustace ross in writing to his parents recently says the watch received from the people of oeorgetown was magnificent ten der my sincere thanks to the coin- mi ttoo in ohargo of the presenta tion well well if it isnt mra smith how are you anyway j list fine whore are you go ing so bright andjarly down tbe street to things for my vacation get sonio wet e go- ing down to tbe lake shore and i need a new bathing cap and shoes and a whole lot of other little things and then i want to sur prise jimwith a camera thats tine idea then we oan see how you looked among the wild waves i hope youll have a good time thank you and i hope you will too what are you doing for your vacation were saving ours until christ mas then well go to visit mr browns family it is a long trip and we want to ripond a month or six weeks so we deoided to take no vacation this bummer but to have our good timos over the weok ends were for saturday want to get some toilet things its a onution the way talcum and toilet water get used up this woabn er and i want to get a oouplo of tennis roquets and some new balls for the children you know why here oomes miss dooley if that girl doesnt look all iffl well how do yoitdo miss dbolev how do you do mrs brown and you mrs smith i hope youre better than i am for im i not feeling woll at all i have do oided to take a wooka rest cure right at home my doctor says its a good idon and ihoii when i ot a little routed im koini out to have a goqd time im just run- tiing down to buy an oloctric fnu for my room and tlicruuis bottle for ice water im going to havo ope lagy comfortable linn of it j tell you well heros whoro i do my shopping buown maokfty gillie the marriage was quietly solem nized on wednesday august 18 at 11 victor avenue mimioo of elizabeth stewart gillies of oeo rgetown to johu maokoy of cree more the rev g j mnrkny m a officiating band gonoert the concert by the band on mr ballantines lawn on quern st north last friday evening proved an enjoyable occasion and was ap preciated by the citizens in that section of our town this fridny evening tbe band will play on mr herberts lawn maple ave aoopunta must be bottled all parties owink ne accounts are kindly requested to settle at once and save the expense it will incur should i have to put same in other hands for collection all accounts positively must bo set tled on or before september 1th w j patterson georgetown funeral bt arthur uoonifan the funeral of the late arthur mcgnigan took lilac on thursday afternoon last when the remains were interred in greenwood ceme tery tlis service was conducted by rev wm burt members of the gwva attended in a body and the inst post wns sounded at the grave by bugler llartslinrne indoor batioboll the indoor baseball game nl the park on monday evening between the paper mill and the town was quite interesting both for specta tors and players the score was t8 in favor of the winners anil the tie will be played off at the high school grounds tomorrow thurs day evnning commencing at flsio sharp rex theatre wednesdaythrouh the wrong door goldwyn with madge ken nedy episode 0 of the hi nek se cret snub pollard comedy friday the broken molody with eugene obrien in a pinch comedy with mr and mrs cartor dotiavon fox news saturday the witnoss for tho defense art craft with elsie fer guson tho round up pathe comedy with baby marie osborne watch for tho picturos for tues day tho day after labor day km fine potato mr george kelly brought us a baskot of fine potatoes yesterday there are throe varioties cobbler early eureka and green mountain tho cobbler produced 113 potatoes that weighed h lbs from 2 stalks early rureak 17 that weighed i lhs from 2 stalks and tho green mountain 10 that weighed 0 lbs from 2 stalks mr kelly also had a sample of peas the straw meas ured 15 feet and had 21 pods on it containing 98 peas oole justin on august 18th at elmcroft qriraaby east the residence of rev w ii clino dd 11 pretty wedding was celebrated when miss ednft may justin of everton be came the wife of mr alfred nixon cole of georgetown the bride looked charming in a navy hluo travelling suit with a white georg ette waist and handsome corsage boquet of sweetheart roses the house was decorated with ferns gladioli roses and sweet peas there were present bosidos the bama called on leorgelown friends on monday miss kliabeth fjangan is spend ing a couple of weeks at preston springs mrs k d sheley of detroit is visiting at the inline of her parents mr and mrs j noneill prof and mis give ik who have been visiting mr and mrs h wil son asligrove left on tuesday for their liuine in red deer alia mr and mrs h mccoll spent ast wek visiting relatives in de troit i col and mrs hillantiuo have returned to their home in hani i i ton ny after spending six wccich in town and viciilily mr j moore of toronto made the herald a call on monday morning mrs pritehett will sail from montreal by steamer melitft for a visit to relatives in england orl saturday next mr olarerieo armstrong mis maud armstrong mis jack arm strong and master jack pintored to kilninnagli and xpent sunday with the misses mckechrins miss katie mckeohrin nf kel- managh has been spending a week at the homo of mps armstrong mr win skirrow of todmorden was a visitor in town on monday miss e graham has returned to toronto after spending a holiday with mr and mrs h bingham mr and mrs j m moore and aileen spent the weekend with kitchener friends mr ernest martin tenor of new york city will be the guest of mr and mrs ij- e fleck over the weekend and will sing at tbe morning service in the presbyter- tinn church and at the evening service in the baptist church mr martin proposes opening a class in georgetown early in sept mr and mrs john mckechnie and miss mckechnie of detroit are visiting frionds at liimehniise and vicinity pa ok 8 cars f ma house georgetown ton friends mr clias i cam who has had blood poisoning in his hand is re covering messrs w 1 lyons george townseud and albert lyons have gone to the west our boys ure practising bnll in f the park these ewiiiiins getting ready for georgetown on hopfe uth they appreciated the friendly game with georgetewini week ago and would like them to comet up again mf and mrs- perry have hiovefl to cheltenham mrs k downing of toronto wan a weekend visitor here mr and mrs noel keir of to ronto spent the weekmid with mr and mrs f j searles for sale canadian national ex hibition toronto the grand trdnk railway will operatespecidl train ill connection with the above froni fleorgetdwn to toronto and reliirn leaving oeorgetown jvt 90h am and stop- ping at immediate stations arriv ing parlcdalo 1005 am toronto 1016 am standard time septem- her 2nd hid ith oth 7th 8th otli 10th returning leave parkdale sta tion 1000 niii standard time on same dates for further particu lars apply to grand trunk agents one used ford ljih model newly painted and in jierfcct working order new tires nil round one used ford 1016 model paint mid upholstering in line shape ear works like new two nev tires one limfr chevrolet engine nearly all new paint and upholstering koocl riuih like a packard one 1018 rrthcoo special solid leather upholstering spare tire and tube car in dandy working order all of the above cars rapbe rhased on easy terms store will be pur- closed eircry thursay all day during month of august one rubbertired top buggy nearly new one set goldine single harness one driving mare v jib old sound and quiet lady can drive ber all of the above for safe cheap ijuick act h wiluon undertaker and xiieenaed embalmer main st georgetown auloitiobile or iiorhuirawii hear kont nighf or day mw or s 4 j nicholsons garage m b nicholson mill street georgetown notloe to ratepayer ratepayers who have purchased property since the assessment was mode please notify the hydro off ice so that tax pajiers may be sent to proper persons in tbe interest of church going mutual nkki a man needs every help bo can get from tho church if he is going to win n decisive victory over tho dovils that hoset bis eyo and the church needs every man it can get if it is to win its titanic struggle with the deyils that would destroy the world ufo colt for sau3 4 year old bay clyde kewinjr pure bred iviveiianonable robert m al len plioiwi 99 r 2 georgetown isfijlp wanted man for lawn mowing apply lo wal ter moon greenwood cemetery george town 1 1 for sale standard 2 burner roal oil move a t condition apply wildwoed lotlge be fore 10am saturda up boarders wakted two indy boarder wanted higb school girt preferred apply mrs rob ert mcliillough main st north george town lip barnhills pkkij and ualtons bargain stork going to burllngtonl members of the family of rev w and sunday and i h cline the oflloiating clergyman mrs c o clino and ohildren of kam loops bc and miss doris hooper- of toronto after the ceremony a dainty supper was ser ved and then the nappy pair wore motored to grimsby park where they took the boat for toronto amid showers of rice and good wishes holme ruddy a pretty wedding took place at oeorgetown methodise church on august 18th when violet may only daughter of mr and mrs joseph ruddy yasmarried to mr francis knrly holmes of acton 1utv j triuix performed i lie cere mony in the ulisonco of vi w l davidson the bride wni was given away by her fiilicr looked charming in a gnwn nf white satin trimmed wild geurgelle and silver lnoe hlio wore a orcein lace hat mid cnitiod white carnations her only ornament wits a necklace of pearls tho gift of the groom she was attended hy miss cora johns- tan gowned in pale blue satin and tgoorgottu carrying pink roses she wore tho grooms gift a pearl bar 11 n the uroom was supported by 111 l lucas of aoton miss jes sie lcavitt rendered the wedding miartli very nicely tho grooms lift to the organist was a gold bar jpln and to thin groomsman gold oii fit links after the ceremony ie happy couple left on a short vfp the bride travelling in payy blue satin wjtli hat to matoh the tiride wns tbe renlpiont of pany iiefql prea9ntimphb them it idbcliep showevf rom the mothodjst clioif pf vyhioh she was a njemher tkni so da i said mrs i jfo and i said mrs smith and all three walked into hour rjs driig btoie the mophorson shoe from foctojy to feet our business is increasing i have two ro turned men and oan turn out work cheap er abetter and quiokor than any 1 shop in the county and bfcve prov- ed to the satisfaction of the publio thatl hnlye no opposition for law prioes on new boots i am the jofllynlanid goorgfltown that can fesrlipyrlmote from the largest and ipbsst factory in confida the mao pheiwn vsfi roney the peoplos family shoe marito goia rootr mubbl fiepilgeipwr8t fci iv i house for bale dttktrtiiiblt brick rciildrnce on cliarloh si uiiu of i lie into mrn tout 7 roomx wiluateil in two village ioim kor fitrilior pnrtkiiliiirt apply to a tout iiforftown tf for sale rtteih- carrots onloitrt tomalorth noln tooh green cdkj one of the lwant varutlfn kars of corn texted in order lo give well filled conn from 30 to 40 plymouth rock cockerel it oac at rain good broilers apply g 1 vnt won box is phono 209 maple ave georgetown it dressmaking kirhtcuns dreftrtnakjiig apply mr williamn ronclta st near old coating millw georkelown 258otp we sell mepherson honey in 5 and lolb pails at 30c per lb barnhills norval vhere are your victory bonds q could you still wear the suhscri- bars button of which you were once so justly proud the possession of victory bonds today is as jreitt an evid ence of patriotism as it wuh wimmi the campaigns were in full swing and as the supply of these bonds has been definitely curtailed the possession of them is even stronger evidence of sound business judg ment than it was before we are in the midst of what is known as a buyers market and 1931 maturity victory bonds can be bought at 96 and interest which yields nearly 6 at this price victory bonds are unques tionably the most attractive investment if yon have parted with yonr victory bonds today is an opportune time to re purchase and you should repurchase mail your order or write for particulars f wood gundy company canari n pduc tuilwy toronto building sbftzsr trl i tf m mshmsmi i a baroaih ror quick cash sale one j i caac rteel fteparator 2s in cyl inder 46 in body atmotit now just tin thing for ihe bitf larmer with tractor or threflherman far cuatom work apply to herbert kogern nallinnfiid l o 82541 tractor tor sale one 816 international tractor in tlml- clnhtt working order will pull throet0tn bottom plows apply nlcholacnin garage nicholsons garage special prices on tiren for the next 10 days we itave a large htock and mui make room for fall htock cominjf in ml nllhoihon auction sale household furniture the underhtkiied has receiver iiibtrii- tiond from mrs martha drummond to nail by public auction at hr reolileucni vuein si eorjfitown on monday angut 30th nl 7 pm kharp the lollowinjjj fikniturk happy thoiikht raiikn kiltbim thbinet coal oil movi lefiicm- tori parlor tablet rooking tlmiii luutiue tlininrooin ihii diuiurooiu rlmirtti huvinjf nuuliine luuu tantt kiilieit lablt md hevoral rltiiiikt rtilin laitipi whilr enamel lied will diuiiivkh ntul pfitik tliithner mill ivahlimiaiult wiinlow kiivcuk hiki nlmdikt so ft ifiirdin iiohj dinlnsj lawn mown lmileri keltlihi miaiiulwitic vvluelbnrrowt k iooih utn fiihiioroiih other arllcleo tkkmh cakii bkn pbtcm aiutioneer grand trunk railway system the donble trapk route between montreal toronto detroit and chicago unexcelled dining car- service bleeping oars on night ttalni and parlor cars on prlnpiprtl pay lrarng f ill fnforniatipn froniflny qrantl trunk ticliot gpnt pr p r horn ing pisiiipli tanbbnkpr agent to- rontq jr cameron aoealgeorflelowa room to l tys to ga we are making that good old vy7e take pleasure in announcing vy the arrival at our store of 5 a choice selection of to to to to tennis and summer outing shoes time bakers 1 2c per loaf bread at i n 0 sc a this bread will be sold at the bakexy fresh daily and always ready when you call for it but there will be no delivery of this bread you save delivery charges by calling for your bread now that the cost of living continues to rise it will profit you more than ever before to study economy stunts for yourself this is one that will put a few cents in your pocket every day carry and save delivery of other breads will be continued as usual b v gibbens whre quality countt phone 202 georgetown next do6r to radiaj jstatioh to to to to to in white and colors of the wellknown to lifebuoy brand we have several very good new lines including some stunniftg little styles for children there is a style to please the fancy of both young and old there is a style for you to to to to to to to to to to to to to lifebuoy rubber goods are guaranteed by the makers brill co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown to to to to to to to to to to to to to to dodge bros motor cars 500000 of these cars pfe giving entire satisfaction in all parts of the world they have made a reputation foi themselves by their low cost of upkeep high tire mileage low consumption of gasoline and many other desirable features which they possess j n oneill bh georgetown distributor for aoton vl mixton cpj mmmimm

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