Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 1, 1920, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fiftyfoortii yeaft op publication georgetown wednesday evening september 1st 19 2 o 150 por annum in advance 200 to us liv b the georgetown herald i pilhlihu4 every wednesoav eveninq at era1d powewbintino office gaorgatovyn a ont contract advebtlalnq rates ftfrniatiad on application m moore publisher mail proprietor athtlm tu going east passenger 722 am laaaeogfli- 1010 am mail u85 passenger 845 pm mflil 02b pm passenger 820 pm passenger sunday 711 pm going west passenger 707 nm mail 1010 am passenger 210 pm passenger 4g0 pm passenger 001 pm mail 767 pm passenger sunday 1016 am going north mail 800 am mail 610 pm ooino booth mail 1188 am mail 800 pm i see grandy for crocks of all sizes with or without lids a1so vinegar white wine and cider whole and ground spices jars jar rubbers metal rings and glass tops toronto bububan railwa daily timetable new time am pm pm going bast 810 224 640 going west 866 810 789 rondat timetabu going bast am pm pm pm pm 1021 1220 846 010 917 am pm pm going west 1040 610 985 tell us your pickling needs and will supply you we i a m grandy im phone ts phone satlstadloa gnaranleed prompt delivery w a bailey uptodate harness shop we are beadquarters for all kinds of harness and harness ac cessories also sole agents for tbe celebrated leneogas which is the greatest saver of gasoline on the market absolutely guaranteed to give yon more power on less gas 100 tin is equal io jo gnllonh of gasoline come in and let ue toll you what it does lepalrimj promptly attended io w a bailey mali street georg we cordially invite the indies of georgetown and vioinity to call nnd inspeot our stock of gossard corsets jmbuck butcheb alwayt kmps a choioe stock of the bst proourabla in fresh and bait maata which h aalla at the lowest possible prices caimu foral board liinu no 9 2 1 oh get the best ossard corf mrs a watson mrs e wlnfleld oeoroetowk f s near issuer of marriage licenses in surance agent etc smidnuw mn it phon801 oesb out insurance and real estate investments j o mh w t evans new at glenwilliams always carry in btook a full line of choice fresh groceries anjp provisions oome with the satisfied onstomers to my store and soaure the best grooerlos for the least possible money are prepared to furnish a full supply of all kinds of building material includings shinelee scantlings rough and dressed lumber lath custom sawing estimates furnished on complete buildings i i office and yards water street phone 250 georgetown erwin goldham specials for th week 20lb paila poio lard 010 6 1b 168 81b 100 lib prints 84 all kinds of shortening por lb 82 pionio hams 42 smoked bolls 46 8at pork per lb 86 fresh fish every friday morning leave your order for ground bone watch our window for specials on saturday erwin groldham main street georgetown phone no 1 mail contract skaiki twniuks addressed io tip- osnnatcr itinera wil be rccvvj f ottawa inijil noon on tviday the ist october l tor llu- roiivryjiiee his majstyvmaih on v proposd contract for four year tux inn- pet wcok on tic rout norval rural uouie o 2 via htiltonvijle iron the 1om master geo- erals pleasure prinlwl notices cnikiaining further in formation a to conditions of proposed contract niiiy he keen and blank tortus w tender may obtained t tin pofft of stam iiy yoik v if v tht ir cejcol norval and- huttouvihe atidvt tip office ot urriyj oilier inspector toron io poll otliit inspeotoiv office rolito august i8fli i9ji a st riifofianiv ill- otliio iiipamiv department of militia and jlofeuoe think your town ii vlll ho 1 huvi- jut loud tl lulp her if row v1hii ihitfn iuiythltiff to lt ttij- ffllowh 4oimt fin you vullmi feel bully when l ir ln you know if io irli il xvunt toittakc- hit ct a nunrf li tht- oihoi- nliowh it wiiih ui lilamc lmiul tin- inotny in your town- tiuimix lip ytui- piiihiliwii hiv lit nuill ioiritiii it trow n f huts t itv fnuio if wmrtt lhtl to ffiyhip lyjooks ihuiiff- a ktylt- thrnw jairiuitm hmtwiil ol iim-kti- kin u whfle lrl im otlwr rrllow lwm shuu hlrjli hif you would u jrliohl ml hihijmnhr with i imcimi and n hfnile jnotes andcomments in order that tin- farnnim who rimintltiiii- llu majority or t hi- mem- imth ot tlr ontario ukihitiiurf iuu im- throiikli ihir attjidiihxi ul ihu hinion cujrly ifi he hjmiii ho hm in im ml ntlmul to tlmir furminjf int trrtwtkut tigiiii tl hfjih ixyn dicldv by tlu- lrvlr oitunuiil thji he mh1oii will bf caufil to iipcn in jan uary nxt itihtcud ii livhruuiy uh in tilt- pithl xoikt no t i c e the companies of this agency have taken into con sideration the increased high cost of building material and labor and wish to adviae the public that they will be glad to write additional insurance on any property where the values warrant this agency will be glad to serve you if you will advise by phone or letter we will call on you at once evans rush agents phone 237 georgetown ca ulian exmtmlts of tin kxpiditiotiary loivt noiiik i- ivivby tfiven io all oiitrrmd that xnumhers ot the canadian kxpc- diiionary kono who art fittiilml to and who rthpiirv postdis4harfu duutal treat ment numt mibrnil thfir applications to the district dental olhcer at the headquar ters of the district in wlmli iliey ivsulr- on or before irtt sepleiulutr 1020 ap- plitatiotm for dental treatment received itfler 1st september ii0 will ium he considered s klcknk fiskt major deneral deputy minister militia and deleme ottawa aunsi 1920 note newspapers will not be paid lor the advert isisimnit illbey insert it without authority from ibe departinut uq moii22 w glenwilliams i farmers business new bakery the loaf all the th mcrchants bank is made at the glen bakery it is doliosoiis wholosoicifm nourishinu nnd only costs yon flso for a large loaf fresli daily otir buns and cakes are the best try them 1 1 t mekinley bros 44if ontario v v- i is s community picnic and official declaration of the incorporation of the town of georgetown on september 6 labor day tho premier drury will givo mi addrob in cliiiulnuqtin tent in llio afternoon grand parade at 1 oclock hliaip prizes for host decorated automobile float or ralitlniniiian turnout baxjij oabie in park at 10 am 2 farmer trams vs 2 icortfolonvii loams winners to play olt 5 innings txtqopwar 2 town teams vh 2 fanuoih toain al so ureahy pig content and ladies haselmll bring tour iiunch toa and coitpo can ho purchased at the park georgetown and glenwilliams bands will provide music during the afternoon adtuti 2c autos 2bo children under 14 free if decorated and in tho parado free for complete list of sports prokrainmcs may ho se cured from g ii gillios socretary oooigetown llemld merchants hank uost rooms or llourirans oiuk store decorated car floatn etc moot in tho park not later than 12u0 h r himrni prolt g h gilues secv local directory st georqe8 church rav wm burt l th rsctor sunday mervice as follow matins 11 a in evensong 7 p m sunday scliuol v46 a in in baae- aient holy conuuunlon 1st- and trri duitdura of rjh montli at il a m legal 8hilton walflbrloqe dale barriaurs solloitora etc toronto and uaorsntown omiv kmnwly block ie itiiy ltle hi nliarxc ot oorv- own ullloe wliii a slrtuiifit frnnj afnr t oniis u ionic ttll mm wlio und what voi u lf- mki it strong nvd riuttr nrvr blurr ivii the truth for thutw in nikh inln tht- loht-i-k- thutn tht mt n r vi- belonic recalled 37 events m12d1cal or joseph mcandrew f physioian and 8uraon metjical oltlcer of llealtli llhtnct 5urfun o t r ollicb iiouim 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 58 o mice and kealdence main htreet itutli otottltts presbyterian church dr c f iv ross icx- house snikctn l race hospital i oronto special attention to iiteaek ot women ami chitdrcn and infant feeding dental rank r watson d d 8 m d 9 dntiat qaorgtown ont hours u a m to c p m except ihurhduy afternoon 1putlhtr3 in all ith branuhe ovar bll talaphon offio f l heath u o8 d d 8 dntist oltlcf in ignite lilock one door nortl r oneluh tnrriuca factory hour n tn to u u m for the past 64 yean this bank haa given particular attention to the biuineaa ox farmers we have helped many over the rough as and have aided many more to the lest plane of success e are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate banking practice cjome in at any time and talk over your ajuirs rjth us vou are always welcome head office montreal of canada georgetown branch acton branch establlihod 1 804 h r mimms manager l b shorey manager coal ik the blest soranton goal in all sizes poruand cement fjloub feed povisionfil john ballantine georgetown phone so chiropractic no hdlolue surarery or osteopatliy a m neilson d c rtluatt of tho palmer sihool tf chiro- nraclii chiropractics knntam iifad onvtmtpoit iowa usa oftl over lluuiiicnnu drug store cott hu tat lou ant i hpmil ana lysis krtw otrttk hoirs tuesdays ami satur- ilayk i io s pm und 7 10 to h10 pm imonk otvuv ami rttfiidcnit isow auctioneers benj petch llecmired auctioneer for llulton and ieel uleuwllllams post offlce sales tonducted uutlnractorlly and at rea- ionahle rates- orders left at the georgetown herald office will receive iromjit attention j a tracy clerk townahlp or luqueutnk clerk 3rd division court the leading fire and ijfe insurance oh represented ihuuer of marriage llcenaea ornee mill street west georgetown office i lours wedneeday and hat- day afternooiw whilo in hulton hint wwk hon w i mutktnzi klntr tttroinpnnhd by a it mfmnnlit mi vinltr tht- nnl lunro of w i ongory in which ium itrrtindfnthcr will bun iyon muckonxh wiih hbbhn for aotno time tlnrlnff the rchflllon of 1837 iuter mujor john kultliiik utfod s4 und john itlffkur 81 two at trufulpnrs oldtit sons hhowfd mr klnjr t lu bioi at which mr matkfuzlv tried to rrosh the hlx- teen mlb- rmk but fttiled on account ot a lyfshct which luid rurrll uwa the britlkf i mcdrtffor trnful- kuvh historian told the htory of mr mnrkcnzich cull at tlu iiouhc of win otnlurt at harlwrtou how he bft tor xlutfura will mr toinfort whd drove u icrey team notctl for it speed who whipped his hormh up when challennr- imi h- a ent ry and drew hvral khots proleetltml down the snivel road to inindus street reached the creek fulled to croaa and took refuk in tin- house of so u ire tiller wiiokc hieu iwnutirul daughters hid ue fufrlttve and when four soldiers came to look for hlmentertttlnod thent mo well with roffe and rake that thy did not make a seurrh mefore leavlnsr for milton mr king visited the trlller nsuleiue which ik fltlll ton din ft and in good repnlr if mr klnp hnl had any time to spare nfter iomlnfi here he roultl hue ben taken to other pla ces in which bis grand fut her was hid den when evndlpk ciipturc the stew art inrm in the scotch imock win re soldiers prodded hay under which he was toncealet in u burn untf the itth- eph howes inrm near moyne the late john stewart uncle or rohlnuih tcr stewart was active in the rebel lion was captured irlcd convicted ami sentenced to transportation tor llfv to vtin i icmuns i nnd but he it ml severat others escaped near kiiik- ston ami crommed to the lnltd stntes mr stewart returned to nnatla nfler a imitf stiiy in the republic he died at iulsley some yeard uico milton hmnplon mtnibers of the jtrurv coveruuieiu orn mission which is invtfktiirutink hdiv ntdlajm huvtr btnn tun kin tr i iliripeetiou within the laht ttw tlujs of s6iue or jll- lluerf projeeied a ioitlmih of thi- h tilkwivd ulie to xliikiru litiv bren fcoiie ifi-i- tuni uin sections f tin toronto- kiislerii routc thecouiiulssion miiiiberh tire uytnj uuttisto mnke their lnspotlon it h e before lliellfxt rill- tlnjc hkii thev will liiivt- lad n hunctj t suimv a coiihidtrulile portin ot the lilies pniptsf uiltlim the 1 ifllt radial scheme hydlylkleelrie engin eers are iheompun ink the pu it with lew to perpetuht ilijc the heroic work of dr wilfrid t cren fells nilsslon alour- tbe const of iab rudnr friends of mr renfell in iiiiih la thecnltetl slates xewfoulltllund kukhind and elhcwhere iiie imndtni themsclvcm ingetliei into n society eordinir to word reachlnk tli- captlal the heabtiarteim of the orfchnixit tlon will be in new york the objects of tht- association are subl to be to en hiire the continuance of ir fienfems mission anil to take steps while dr renfell is still able to direct the work to trim tan tec that thrwork will go on after he has been compell ed to rive up its direction much harm has been done in the past by foolish persons tliroiifrhoul uutidu stirring up a feelfnic of anl mostty between town und country we have no room for such a feeline we should endeavor to work out our destiny as n g leut nation ns a united people if heiv art- wroitkh to rlffht let us rihl them but no ool can ctnnt- to us b the cultivation or ill- will what we net tl is coopciution a spirit of tcood will and fellowship a realization of our responsl bh ties as iillzenh of a icreul nation within a ureal kinplre only by the cultivation of such a spirit can canadians really best serve their country and do their duty by their fellows th provtnciul inspector bus sent out notice to the constables and uiny- tatrutes throughout the province com plaining about the lax enforcement of ihe law in respect to driving of motor curs and has stated that un less the law is immediately better en forced he will appoint apeehtl officers to enforce the same n account or moiotihis riiiinliihr in to or colliding whb horse dun wn ve hicles in th itintiy an ukhntitm has begun tt rented y inaltths ami it is e peeled thai before hmg hon ii k ulggs will be asked lo inlrotlnct bkislatlon ennpiilng all vehicles in imudlng hoiypiirnwn rigs to curry lights at night milton people h yk ing aggressive action along thin line norval hardware store ni3waohncy poit de laval cream separator we have laucn tlio iikcnry for tlio frtiiuiiik lc ijiivnl ciciiin sop- aratiurn brcnup litliavt tin oi laval will do hcuer woili and iiihi ioiiki hum any ohior hiiiaiator miule rinil unit il ih liy far olio rlioahkt anil innut xnbiflfiiotory macliino tn iiri wo havn iniichilioh on hand at all union anil will bo i1piihii to iloinonhtrali tlioir miiporlnti 1 v li any ino frank hustler nor vax 80 fall term opens ang yonge and charles ia toronto tho fltilnrioh offered our graduates dur ik ifu- lust two yearn have huim greater than over bo f ore it in no i rouble for our graduates to ret poslllous iiiuhubo tiikv auk piumtuiy tralnkif vrlttl fflf clllft- ipgue w j elolt principal f runner killed by thrcslior msvld 1 moore of klllee township was tatiilly injured last week while in sisting in throhhingon william itemis farm in lullerton township while a tl lusting a belt on ti tbrchhlng ma- ehlnc his iinn war dragged into the machinery and terribly mangled he died from shock before medical aid could be secured ittnl all el this kind at once ilrls the first show of purls full cushions has scared off american buyers on account or i he shortness of the womens skirts the new style skirts put out by parisian designers are the shortest since fir leaf tin vs one model which the parisian tlrcks- in a iters admit is fairly dnrlng com prises ii skirt composed of front and back panels reaching to the knees the panels are sewed together only part of the way so that a puff of wind blows thent a pa it uelph merchant lcft s182jmi0 an estate of 1 s17k720 was left by the late george ityron ityan merchant of guelph who died on june ind l2tf appmcation for pro- bale of the will of the deoeused has hen made to thi murrogute court of wellington ounty by the oxecutors named in the will thcy are the wi dow sclinu hyan harold and xortnun claude ityan mrhants of ouelphund by william h mitldlfboro kc of owen hound the property eonsisls of 1 3 lasdfll peihonally itnd rii17trl realty itthiyc in 4vht4ry a barrel of booze was roceutly un earthed in it cemetery near 1 tresden from what looked like n fresh dug grave it nnd been hidden there h bootleggers a hearse without mourn ers aroused the suspicion rtf whiskey detectives in the vicinity or windsor j ucsjib the driver of the hearse was a prlefffstlth a prayer book in his hand the oih in priestly garb turned nut to be n bootlegger ynil several gallons of high proof whiskey were round in side the hearse the driver mid iulte priest were arrested iceeiiiteitec of small o ienivd tvnrlng a not her outbreak of ihe stuallmk epidemic- of last winter the inetllcnl authorities 1 windsor have issued an order compelling nil school children to undergo vaccination be core being admitted for the fall term three new cases reported within the past few days have been largely re sponsible for the arllon of the llorder cpy ihmrd of health all hirec cases were contracted in toronto where ii is claimed the epidemic of lust win let- had lis origin an official wiirn- ing to all who intend tihchdhag ihe toronto inhibition to ln w uceln a ted has a ino been issue 1 1 man of ih 1 1 as party there was n birthday party at no 2 wright avenue toronto lust week to eelebrnle ihe until imnlvermi ry of the birtli of andrew leslie mr leslie wau born on august id ion on his rtil iters turin kstniesinur township mttllon county north of lenvllllams he spent a largo portion of his lire neur mount forest und rotlred to to- ronto fifteen yeiiiti ago he still en- joys the best of health and takes tl keen intercut in aflnlrfl of life two lrolhorn john of kiln otidthomnh of hamilton- are still i wing ilia ehirrtton nyn hvp addison in monta na albert uifllle wlndfnnore avoi jnlin rolo 2 wright ave mrs htotl borldun ave- ttml wins tla- uitli lobuo at honiq pies of the mottu- vehicles act revised up to date were received h maiullltm highway cousin blen re cently one or the principal revi ions made in the act is that contain- d in section ai which now provides that every person who violates sec tion h of the act ie o intoxicut- e person shall drive a motor vehicle shall tor the first ofrence he prlanned for n period ntit eoocdlng 3o days nor less than seven days the htntence for a himoih offettef is not to exceed thre- months nor to be less than one month while fur hiilwe tititnl offence the sentence shall not vciir or be less than three mionths no provision in made for a line and it would seem thai ihe mag- thtrate trying the case has no option it has bt en finally decided not t attempt ihe ainalgnllon of unffcrln cti and llalton county jnlls as it is ieliexcd it would be an unwise move io hue only one jail at itmiuptnn for three counties fne reason is that it would cost aimy thousand ilollars to enlarge the ttrnnipton jul prisoners io be tried in dufferin and hull on would have lo h- conveyed huounnd forth and as far as the milton jail is concerned it coat a less lo maintain its prisoners than any other jail in the province milton jail held nine pr- moners during the past week the most it has had al any om- time this year three wore reloused i his uriemnon three toronto men are waiting trans portiiilou lo ittitwiish for individual cases of sumllng they are all young men between 10 and 20 years of age a gentleman who has a number of virls employed in his office huh con fided one of his present difficulties to us his young- lathes are stylish young indies who wear silk stockings and decidedly abbreviated skirts one r them who is ultra stylish appear ed for duty a jihort lime ago with skirls shorter than ever apprehend ing a general shorlenlng on he part of the rest of the staff the employer felt it necessary iuleil to admonish the bader of fashion and rcuucmt thai her skirts he somewhat lengthened ills ndmonlllnn was not ignored lo the extent that the dress appeared to have dropped from tie top ho that mhe obeyed order but still showed mile as much of her shapely person only front the other end howled ignln the employer savs ami throws up his hands hon k c itlggs minister of uh- lie works i ns intimated hat ns a part of ihe gootl road prog mm 11 was t he intent hut to increase the motor license lees for ncxtyeur with n fee for automobiles there is no quar rel but why the putolsts should be the special target ror provincial lux es to provide money to build roads and other raffle on hit highways go writ free is difficult to understand all should be treated alike and now t hut we have i he ministers declara tion that the hcpnrliurnt is run on a htrhlly fair business htpds the ques tion arises why is one conveyance taued and not another well might mr itiggs give the matter careful at tention were he to adopt a bystem thilb would equalize the taxation ho would not he establishing n precedent at all bul simply adopting n principle md oversens where everything using the roods contributes to the public funds if roads nnjsl he maintained mid they must he provision ah on id he innrli- that nil should contribute und not one section nil tho people made the gont i lalw t plims mfe nottoa t ratpy ralepnyorfl who bavtrnrohafiocl proriorty uinon tlio nnnnsamnnt wns niailo piqaro notify tbo hydro off icio bo thai lax parimh may be sent to inopor iiorsona illiiii si m il

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