Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 1, 1920, p. 3

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j thk qkoroktown rtruam skitkmhkit 1 ht 1920 bsl- matthews drug store the home of tlie viotrola edith cavell chocolates and j asaya neukall lu reconstructive tonic s nervous exhaustion the result of overwork worry grief shock and excesses of various kinds thewosder of the day z j r matthew nnycisrimi stationary hhlflliflrc iaob it personals i seed wheat mlilcn chart in 50 ll hihiiiiv lorlowii tzve dr 1 mrcnllnnkli ol nnv m i li ilvisitil ill mr h c micnl lim-ili- ilin nit i in- vviik mr it c mccniloiiiili invvn dr 1 miciillmiuli nivv liliiril inolurril to i lull ituii on stinilitv i unit luiil i in iln willi iililtiw i tlnro i miii it i tjijtcr tmoiilo mix a i liitiliisnn anil son crnr mii liul win t uiiisl- ut t lie inline til mr lnil fool liirin i lif wcih air unit mis i i imijrvn nl -viii- ii slrnlriiirl liil tin ill ton inii lln- slii iiht- lost llllolll auiihi otrkl ii ii id a i seed wheat ia ii i hiii in u llissrv u l ni i llrornritnvn cows for sale milil nl i mr -it- li a knl 117111 im iriuvii nt pi i nnif inn wvinir picnic dr i m i- mil mrs ijciiiiim kiii mr- atffltinnn tiiuliiniil fttin stunt stc marie anil ills uujstk ol mr mill mrs i i ilanliim ho v v jh kiiniuiujii local news items cliaiitanquii coiinminity picnic moihihj hannnlln oiiuikoh ijciiioiis at jlooiolicads rokulnr moptink of council friday september lolli wantki an activp liov or young man c h day font a coi hhiir yonr baskets and kot your tomatoes at a rifilit nriro from llpartwoll our public and iiikii schools will oren for the full lorm on tu- hlay september 7th chaiitaiiiiiih openod this after noon in tlio park today is your limt oliiinoo to securo a benson tic ket choice cooking apples at 26c ix i basket jilso cabbage ouuliflow- er corn and potatoes for sale at heart wells spocial for thursday only ornniilatod siwai- per lb 21c host yellow sugar per 100 lbs 1050 j j oibbcim the hex theatre is undergo ing extonsive repairs that will add materially to the pleasure and con venience of patrons all children are requested to moot at tho public school at 1280 noon sharp on monday next to take part in the big community picnic parade mrs m ii lyons of norval iiiih a sunflower 11 ft high with lowers 8 ft in circumference and another 11 ft high with 10 lowers who can boat it fali oiknikfi paris and new york pattern hats and millin ery novelities friday and satin day and following days inspec tion cordially invited misses clarridrc herald bldg the solos in the presbyterian and baptist churches last sunday by mr krnost martin of new york wero much enjoyed and ap preciated mr martin is one of americas leading vootvlints two rinks of lady bowlers from brampton were defeated on the green hero by georgetown lad ies last wednesday aftor the game tho visitors wore entertain ed to a dainty luncheon provided hy the ladies of the local club the chocolates canadians love moorolieads bund concert otn biinil plnyed a programme nil the lawn ol mr i i i ujilxlt miple avi lait lrklay evening which was iijiivil hy the inixe nnmher present esiecillv ihe yoiirth people v lin ilimceil on llie lawn at the close of ihe pro gramme refrishtncnts were scrd imil lifter uh hail partaken of tin ooil things mr i a hurley mi jliohnir of ihe band ihnnked mr liiml- glenwilliams i a pleasant surprjso party was held at the limno of mrs s beau mont last tuesday evening 2hli inst in honor of mrs wont a largo number wero piosont tho band furnished music for tho oc- pimion mr and mrs wildid trill have arrived bock after a trip to the old country a farewell party was hold at tho qlen woollen mills last friday afternoon aug 27th work ceased about 8j0 pm the mill hands presenting mr ruy graham with a handsome club bag refresh ments ico oream etc wore enjoy ed by all mr graham leaves hero to take oliargo of a woollen mill at dresden usa mrs george alien who was op erated on nt the general houpital ouolph is doing nicely and is ex- peoted homo shortly glon orange lodge moots this thursday evening sopt 2nd all membnrs are rcijussted to attend the sunday school pic nio to erin lant saturday was enjoyed by all some grownup persons took a dip in tho hvko fully drnsseil others say thev wt5nt forget their rides to icrin and buelr some of tho vets took in tho isxbibition at toronto last ratur- f day others from here took in the lacrosse match at weston mr j thompson in busy re- building his suinmcr liitchnii mr jos mcmaster hits hoiiiiiicii- oed building a new houuo here mr claronco ciiurtville and son of iulcneyyillu is visiting relatives horo mrs hartley and mrs s koheits jioughli tlio two vacant lots at rtjrlops salo recently at 100 each l ki vii sllii vni there a eertniir irthhlllini wilh very iii anil all liopes of rimoviiy liml been blvcn up tlie urnlull prlosl wim a dally vlsllor ut lila iiimihiiic lint imiil- ibm roimons minln ii noeisbniy tin- llllll to leave lowu for a iew iluyfl tli- 011 rfilurnlnv i ill i lie fnllowliiir moinlnir lb visit lilii nick imildliloiinih anil meotlnu llie sleli iiiiuih hoii onuui htrcot ho jniiutroil of lilm as to his fatliors oolidltloti oh fritlier dloil lust nlftlit milil tho yourig- iollow is that o ojiiini1atpil llie pilout nnil after oxtonillnir the usual syiiipa- thy ho nukod mnvvoiuik fehtjwi anil wjhot wero your ilcnr rulliorn but wbriliir oh father novor liart uny lust worils responded tlio nop 1or nlo- tior wu with lilm to tlio od mid mrs ileihiit for tlioir ikks hlfth school note the llikh school will open on tuesday next there are two thanges in the slnll this eui- miss mliiihctli iviisoii ma of tho lliunillon coll inst replaces air iiulic as teacher of science miss ivnson is a hpecinliht in sci ence miss kathleen davidson h a of alliston tukck miss mullins place as teacher of moderns and art miss davidson is a specialist in art the llrst form will likely lie n large one this year growling border v hy a new regulation which linn onc into effect ihe return of can adians over the border will be con- sidprtihlv facilitaleil as will iiiko the work of the border inspectors identification curds with pictures and full parti uhirs will he carried ut the option of the travellers un der the new law inspectors are being providit with the necessary doctitneiils whoso at toronto and uclph with those on the border nt karniii windsor niagara kails ivohcolt hriilgebuik ami else where are the only ollicers author ized to issue the cards flox theatre pictures will be shown in the town thill this week while ile theatre is undergoing repairs wednesday- the bonds of ijovo ooldwyn with pauline fred crick episode 7 of the black se- crot snub pollard comedy friday a ladys name sel ect with constance tiilmadge iig v comedy fox news saturday sipiare deal sand erson artcrnft with w k hart behind the screen with charlie chaplin coming tho sporting duch ess starring alice joyce cooperative quarterly meetlno the hid quartet ly meeting of the cleoigetown and lien williams co operative society tjld was held in the town hall iporgetown on thiiisdny lust the 2lith inst u good ropresentntion nl sharehold ers being present jresideiit a annandiile occupied the chair and was supported by the directors and managing secretary ii prit- chott in presenting the hid re port an 1 balance sheet the chair man felt sure they would all agree that same was very gratifying at tho samo time making an urgent appeal for moro share capital to enable tho society to extend in other lines of merchandise tho balanco sheet was unanimously approved tho sales woro nearly 1100000 and aftor allowing in terest on share capital and placing 100 to llesorvo tund the balanco disposable allowed w dividend and a balanco cnirind forward tp next quarter messrs a ilaol- wood j mason and n gill were elected to the board of directors messrs c davis and a soniple wero elected auditors and messrs j weaver j mccartney w rossiol r scott w merrill c olnadatiand k lorifsstiwore nom inated for board of directors for next ijiiartorly meeting a reso lution wns passed that the prchi dent mr a annanilal nnil life manager ii pritchelt interview ireniier drury on the occasion of his visit to georgetown on mon day sept th i want every person whether a customer or not who intend to piirchasi boots in ihe near future to look nt the toronto prices wliofi i hey go down to the kxliiliitinu yon will then be conviin ihiit i ciiiisiim jnii from sj i per pair i iimm- ihe li- ick of hoots mi the wat lias over clinic iiilo juijinolnrt h itightlroiii the fiulorj h leiinl is iniidc for my own i null i am the man who is killing the liich cost of living in in the shoo line the cheapest shoe slorii in ontario 2 shoe fn- pallors who do mrstclass repairing as n reasonable prion- itoney girl wanted oil i wiuiliil for oflko work not type writing apply control foundry liniilttil if lost clu it roni on august mm between bcllxloliiihoiit- oiluo mitt imkii sttiocl kinder pliiisc phone 101 r 4 ibufl hkln y iip lost conllcinans raincoat ut hiill gnmo in pork on sfitiiroay aflornooo l kinifty let urn to c i colo at llornlil of ilco mid rorolvo rownrd rote baiib olio vlllngfl lot on oeorgo st iilro to- apply in jiviil morrow v tw5i jntloil foioiluii qeoifjctown ip mrs i kiinuiuvin ajyr family in jlninilton v i si eil tlli all and 51 rs a kan nawiu parboil lusl aveoli i li lliiieiicertoiianic of slid iiilino pent htsl vveib with hel iituil mis a kiuruawiu mr ieiirgc hiiiwii ot toronto was ill town on tnesdiis alt i it late edilur of the pnwasslin news isited rclatiies in town on motua ami uitiile the i leilifd a pleasanl call dr and mrs it 1 brooke of toronto spent suiuliix with friends in town v mr wilfred cole or toronto spent sunday wilh mr anil mrs c d cole mr and mrs a it mills of fort william were visitors in town din ing the past week mr angus dohhie of the petrol in advertiser topic is spending u few days in town miss nellie roe left on satur day morning for ilniney river where she has accepted a position on- tho staff of the public school mr bedford of fronde kask i spent sunday ill the home of mrs roe mr and mrs john martin and miss martin of toronto were gue sis of mr and mrs j n oneill over siindnv mrs allan roney who under went an operation for appendicitis at guclpli hospital last week is improving nicelj mrs j cotton who lias been visiting wilh mr and mrs john mibean left on friday for her home in california mr ii pritchelt wis in mini trenl inst hat urday where he at- ioiupanied mrs pritchelt who left on a visit to kngland mr ray graham of ilenwini- urns left on tuesday for dresden ohio where he will take charge of a large knitting industry mr grahams many friends wish him the best of success dr and mrs j m cassidy and children margaret and john who luive hcpii spending a holiday with mr cussiilys parents mr and mrs 1 cassidv left today for their home in jersey city nj miss madge cassidy is spending a few weeks nt the home of her brother dr j m cassidy jersev city nj miss margaret willoughby is spending her vacation with friends in toronto mr c w connop of hrnntford wns home over sunda mr anil mrs dnlund have re turned from their trip to roches ter where thev have been attend ing the convention for the proton lion of higher christian life mid the extension of missions mrs iiiinhv of godprjch has been the guest of her cousin mrs bolimd dr anil mrs f it watson re turned on monday after spending two mouths at their summer home in muskoka mr and mrs rankin and baby ruth of toronto were guests of mr and mrs r c adams on sun day liijiiui -lr- hiirl tn iliipii sire siil ii llill il i l k x ll1iii for sajle ivtv kiitti luteal nlw litli iiiul iimil living inii- vy ii ir- sir el liilvn lip lor sale el bousillolil flllllttlitv ill sti siilpiiiril iliir ihii apply mrs w k itriwn iist lip notice to contractors a sih turn- sptll iittiik ol lfuucsittf riimil will hf tn vlmsjt at j pm t i tsviwictyii i twi i hi tfiiiirui- i a iiiloivirimijie ruk m fi nt wisvliijfuli ftl ntiahukiii tlrticthd hnitiiittiitiis al cmm- il luitihfi sliwarl tivn j a tr liu auction sale ol- household furniture ill niuleisijjul lias r minimi liims i mm bars i kii in- pumu aiitun -int-i- kihiiy ami oitlr- si kii friday september 10th 19 jo tit pm shir i hi kikmiujf li hmii ri- tiitlor vuit piino parlor iv 111 slijs t oik jlllmk txiinsion lahli mtlttuaril fi ruj hniikitik lt mcjiooin liirnititiv 2 viif- tts niiitt hssck sptink kil- rmik ikaily uvw new k hull rnrk a iuhhhiy oi mmtl ash k in- 1 hn uifiisils ami oiiut tkhms ash in imricn auiiiointt for sale one used loril 1iiih model newlj lnunted and in perfect working order new i ires nil roiinl ouctisetl ivrd itll miiilel paint and iipltnutering in line shsipo iiir works like novv tvvo new tires one litlh chevrolet eriginu neiirly all new paint and upholstering good runs like a packard one 191h bj special salid leather upholstering spare lire and tube car in dandy working order all of the above pars can he pur- chased on oasj terms mammoth house georgetown thursday sept 2nd thomas mitchell iin ill her ivsiilfiii rug iiiilii iibiiiis in jluiiiilklli i l-k- lixluun rs bikl ilieii ihiiir ing miirlin wind lntiil one riiblicr tired lop buggy neadi new one set gohlfne single harness one driving mare l yrs old sound and quiet ladv can drive hor all of t he above for hhic cheap act ipiic k nicholsons garage ml b nicholson mill street georgetown see hand bill for prices mcbean co come learly wn barnhills pkkij and iiaijtgnk in stork we sell mcpherson honey in 5 and lolb pails at 30c per lb barnhills norval properties for sale no i double kraiiu houne fsaqo no i iid britk iriittnri all ton- vfitieiuok 96000 no 3 kranie lioiifte ionveiiii 4000 no 4 lplodate hriik risitltnr all fonvctiienres 97500 no s double frame house all t-onven- itmf s45o0 no 6 double lirivk lunihe s5000 tots from 850 to 400 in tfooit loca tion also farms in esqneslng j h lane real estate agenl georgetown norval meat market choice fresh and salt meats salmon trout fresh from ihe lakes every tuesday fresh vegetables pill georgetown creamery ice ice can be had on and after mon day august 1 6th in any quan tity phone 174 and leave your order open every wednesday and saturday night for the accommodation of our patrons georgetown creamery co m saxe manager confectionery and ice cream parlor in connection auction sale i oi farirt slock and implements the umlersitfned linn been iiottituteil hy herbert t finney to soil by publii auction at lot ii 4th line wvst chinfftmfoimy on monday september 13th 1020 at 1 30 ovkuk the following ikhsik irey lleldink ilnhoron yr brown eliutijf i yr ar by dan mtnab rheutnul ktuklin colt p h malioti siuiiit cowh durham eiv ypb ialf nl ftot llouteiii tow yik ouir nt fool durham iowi yih ialt at fool durham row 7 yih ialf at lool i lolniein cow i yrn eall at loot jitsey cow yen ealf at foot durham eow 7 yrs calf at loot lnrham iow 7 yrn milking well hriialle cow t yr milking well koan cow fi yr milk- iii well dtirhatii cow yru milking wollj houtein cow 7 yrs milking well llouteiii lietferk taile jiiney s j rs tnilkin well llolleiu cow i yi h tnilkin i 1 1 durham cow ih tltieiiurf sale i julian cow i yrn tine time of talc dur ham cow h rn ilttt lime of sale 1 i id- htoin cowm fi yik lii- lime ct talc 2 lawn jeiey cowri li vr ilie tiii ile i vcarlimk -kei- dmltitii well hid tit kt durhain hull ik mo duihimi hull miio ilth 75 i lililius i 4 nun wxlhii- sow not hrctl cinmutlh ihj oiios ch ihlc imimkfllkn tk ockshtlll lltkf i rill arly new iiuki wood iullialor noaii nuw lumber waron nnd hox nearlv new i ruck vajfim iron wheel 15 ft heavy stock rack tkrtv cocuoniii ioni mulllei nc nloop hlelilis pleasure sleihw oot1 oh now shafts and tongue cdinplottm ma son campbell ncales new 2000 iihj id it hmrrnw ilouhlelioo chatham faitniiiff mill horte wtikoii good running hiify j croani jnckeui hay rack cieitn lank hogy poles pair rlutftk 4 liormt double- ireosj 2 ttol heavy doiiblnlroesi ho iron doublelreoh icckyokosi sliovyls and oili er articles ion ntnnuroiih o niontion iiarnkhs sot heavy imrmuhi llitit harnoshj set of single carrlah hiiow barn obh collar mid liabscoihploio sol hip hrflochlnn all will ba sold witlioul rinur rh tho proprlotorh lejiso has run ntih 1 ultmh- all sums of 1000 and under cash over unit amount 12 months credit on npprpved joint notes g per cent ofi for cash j snsara wj mekinitkr uookkocpeiv aulionoor slooens t w smith norval butcher the man who has been satisfying the people who have been buying hauaes in georgetown is e a benham i have sold many houses in the past few months and i have yef a number of beautiful homes ranging in price from 1 500 to 6500 terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser on any of these properties for particulars apply to box 185 or phone 164 e a benham real estate georgetown rw e take pleasure in announcing the arrival at our store of a choice selection of to ft to to to to to tnos to bat a a we are making that good old time bakers bread at 1 2c per loaf this bread will be sold at the bakery fresh daily and always ready when you call for it but there will be no delivery of this bread you save delivery charges by calling for your bread now that the cost of living continues to rise it will profit you more than ever before to study economy stunts for yourself this is one that will put a few cents in your pocket day ly and save delivery of other breads will be continued as usual b v gibbens x g tennis and summer outing shoes to in white and colors of the wellknown g lifebuoy brand b we have several very good new lines including some to stunning little styles for children there is a style to to please the fancy of both young ancj old there is a style to for you to to lilebuoy rubber goods are guaranteed by the makers brill co s phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to dodge bros motor cars 500000 of these cars are giving entire satisfaction in all parts of the world they have made a reputation fo themselves by their low cost of upkeep high tire rnileage low consumption of gasoline and many other desirable features which they possess phone 202 where quality count georgetown next door to radial station j n oneill 41 georgetown diatritmtor for acton milton vii i ivv fliffim whvwfelkflviviviii i v v4ii si bmmilk a wwmm jfeijfeiivilv syjiiifeoavi dmmit

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