Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 1, 1920, p. 4

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page 2 toe georgetown hebald bkptembeu iht 1980 t 5 miltor v ii munlth wurdfii of ilulhitl went lo hriinltm lill lu fvr with i in- wiinwin ll ami fwln iilmut l proponed union jiill for the thre- countkn am exivtiil hv ciiummi uh- rhiih as fur an hal- ion ionrcil i living heii nnd kurferln hi iliilile wtietlicr lliiy would unite on a twocounty jail milton who- ruttory ropitil hiih wtck urtt lt iiiililiiviik liail a two- wrckx vacation there wa a ieciptlon for hon i muckiiitle klnr at the renlilence of llr and mm ii a mroll ufvr i krtday evenlnbh uieotlns fancy prices are irotl for coal now fl8ll ler tonl the latent w n stcott litis solif to cmittlitrj of alfalfa- off fifteen nrrim for sim0 and ban still to mji a llilril iilltliik- secretary a i mcnall of the farmem vouiwrittlw ltil- tlie autriir nw nit nervem- in price then wiib boiiiu illfflculty in ttllmrtlir vmkioih to carry out tlietf ooutrjiil wirt tliey hail to ilo hi the campuny uppjuh nilnr nowirt c file grotem ptltk thou iqt or kiwuifsln ln tow thurmlay he hail one of ill feet hur lately anil in on irutilien champion nern vouiwriitlv llil- utriir ilnvchcil home thne iiko to ihiih a 17c iiiwiih orvlercil inst flliher lerore tlm lutjt increliac acton our tai rate thin year la 3s mills made up an follows public and hiirh chools 15 inllln county rute 66 jnllln ilelhiilimii and interetft 6110 mills street llbhtlnk jr1 mills in terest on borrowed money 230 mlllu ore protection 184 mills for munici pal purposes 4 so mills the esti mated receipts for the yenr from all sources are 2f5h4s during ills recent holiday motorlnb trip to new york itev father good- row drove over 1800 miles in his mo tor car mrs nt k iindsny spent hie loat two or thre weekh of her fathers ill ness at his lieilslde at the home of her bister mrs f o 1 cuff man of georgetown mrs lue ialr1 of norvnl visited at the home of her brother mr r h wansbormmh ijlke avenue mr iluncan ltobeitson loft this week tor windermere muskoku to pend a few week mr donald itoli- rtaon was there for holidays in july fret press new advertisements house for sale solid brick 6 rooms with all modern convnienees electric light and balli just off queen slreel leorgetown f binnie ballinatad p colt fob sale 4 year old bay clyde eldin p bred irice reasonable robert m al len plume 99 r 2 georgetown th81tp for sal beets carrots onions tomatoes pota toes green corn one of the best varieties ears of corn tested ill order to ive wft tilled cobs lroni 10 to 40 plymouth rock cockerels oac strain good broilers apply ti l watson box 1h phone 20 maple ave georgetown it dressmaking firstclass dressmaking apply mrs williams kosetla si near old coaling mills ieorkelown 25k6tp a bargain for quick cash sale one j i case steel separator 24 in cyl inder 42 in body almost new just the tliiuk for the bitf farmer with tractor or thresheriiuiii for custom work apply to herbert rogers ballihiifad i o 4tp tractor for sale one 816 international tractor in first class working order will pull three 10 in bottom plows apply nicholsons karaite nicholsons garage special prices on tires for the next 10 days we have a large slock and must make room for fall stock coming in m b nicholson life insurance protect your wife children jourbolf anil your business with a policy in tho oroot west lifo as su ranee co tho lowest rates with the best results for particulars see w w roe residence as georgetown ont grand trunk railway system the double traok route between montreal toronto detroit and chicago unexcelled dining car service sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day traing pull information from any grand trnnlt ticket agent or c e horn ing district passenger agent to ronto jtcameron agent georgetown no shovelling required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select iiump iou domestic and tbieslifng pui poses ejmlthing and cannol coal in fact i can j oeiything to be found ln an up to date goal rind wood yma john mcdonald georgetown phone 12 canadian national ex hibition toronto the oranj trunk railway will operate siecial train in connection with the above from georgetown to toronto and return leaving oeorgetovrn at doti am and stop ping at immediate stations arriv ing parkdale 1006 am toronto 1015 am standard time septem ber 2nd 8rd 4th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th returning leave larkdale sta tion 1000 pm stnodard time on same dates for further particu lars apply to grand tunk agents dont fall term fbom august 30th at the guclph business college ijerald bldo guelph ontario it is to your advantage to start a week or two abend of the crowd you want results our individual instruction pro duces them no contract to sign come alorjk and well get started a l bovok prln fall term commences september 1st brampton business institue gives very tharough training in bookeeping shorthand and type writing and all other business studies bbi students and graduates speak well of bbi courses brampton business institute o bousfield prln h c bailey electrician electric wiring and fix ture orders left in tbe harness shop will be promptly attended to phone 232 georgetown deering farm machinery international traoton gasoline engines sharp less mechanical milking machines wire fenoinfi and oalvaud roo- lag cnttra and bugsiaa gray dorl motor cars call and inspect this car before buying pnone 101 r 88 thos e hewson norval ont have your shoes culoitlo strayed by inferior work manship pay the price and have the job done right wi use the lieht no 1 custom stock both oak anil hemlock tun over 2n yenrs iimiiufnr- turing experience shop cor king queen su near gtr station open 780 am t fi10 pm close at 7 pm wed anif siit we dont cobbijis jaballantine veteran slioe repairer hatfk of faiil fa 1 us lkoktlktown sil- i 3 alicrfoyle ot l ami a itniinptuii oct 1 and 2 iurliukton nmikjrivlnk i my ialvtloii spl j3 uml 24 1 1 rin ttituikhklvliik loy litkhm sil 3 utid s4 irtcllon thitukhktvliik piy 1 millon oct 5 uml i oauvllw hpt 13 to 2 artiitl stlt 1 nil choice fresh and salt meats of all kinds l try clifford linham phone 196 main street 11 canadian national exhibition toronto au28sepll t- r the greatest annual event onelarth where the nation ihowa iu beuruhed proiluct of the mine fukeriec forett fktory stuuio and laboratory lot eabjbikkcicojapariion lnitructioaam enaourtgeaaent pageantry on a massive scale incomparable music floe arts applixi end oeoaie am latarnatidaal pkotojrephfc salea demonstrations daily by northwest mounted polite two du of ewasi rldaa hsl fallte tat omfaeall water eperte etactrk ww aaerica kem u statk vaaltqi tmceor ana farm ha im vwtan h johh c kent csnarai msast community picnic mon sept 6th georgetown rogrammeof sports no 1 kiddies race under 7 yrs i boys race 7 to 10 yra i 8 clirln rtice 7 t6 10 rn 4 hoys race loto 16 yi- 5 oirls race 10 to 1 ym 0 hoys sack race 7 threelogged race lltsb bff juiiiijltj nirrr mcap office htemiutom e8tabushed 187a j nisinkhs harninctein seem to indicate that the pctioil of easy money and high prices is iinririnu and end a dollar saved now in llie form or a savings jtnnk liposi will he worth much more in the next couple of years nfler the reaction- has set in bank of hamilton- g c mackay managed r j hynds insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 203 georgetown we heard a man say let thu telephone company use iht profits they made in proaperout year if they need money to build more plant thats exactly what we have done shareholders of the bell telephone company of canada have been paid only a moderate return on the par value of their stock no morel we have made no distributions of bonus stock no melons have ever been cut no distribution ever been made of surplus earnings every share of stock has brought us its par value or better for forty years we have consistently used all surplus earnings all idle reserves to buy more telephone plant every dollar has gone back into the business to extend it and serve new subscribers what hat this policy meant to the public the board of railway commissioners at our last rate investiga tion found that if we had not pursued this honorable course of turning all surplus earnings back into the business we would have had to provide in the year 1918 one an additional 908000 out of revenue to pay interest on the plant so secured this of course would have meant higher rates to subscriberst the fact is we need millions of new money just because our funds have always been at work keeping down our bond and stock issues and ensuring low rates to our subscribers a the bell telephone company op canada tv fl v 10r lqc cc 15e 10c co iro loo 5c 25p irr 10c 25c 10c 1v 25r 15e 10c sj00 joc hoc h hlindfold race 60 yards laches contest ants are seated on the ground blindfofdcd with backs to tho course when signal to start id givon tliey stand up turn around and cbtntnence race 200 175 100 0 mon 100 yard dash 800 800 i00 10 returned men 100 yds 800 200 100 11 soda biscuit relay race 100 yardft gentle men team of 4 contestants placed at intervals of 26 yards first contestant 1ms i biscuits nnd must eat one before running to the next member ot the team throe biscuits arc handed to the second member who must eat one before running to the noxt member and so on until the inst mo rn bo f completes race 200 100 12 pathjmans race 100 50c 25c 18 relay race 4 milo 8 men 000 00 ii 14 peanut race 25 yards poanut is carried on hi ado of knife if peanut falls to the ground ft must be picked up with the knife not by hand 15 soap race keep soap you get 16 number race 100 coc 25e 17 cinderella race co yde ladies and cents riub lady takes off her right shoe klines are then handod to kcnts at the other end of coinso when signal to start is given gonts run lo the other end of course plitee the shoe they hold on the fool of the right ful owner couples then complete race to gether 18 married mons race over 50 years 75 yds 19 running hopstepaiidiuinp 5 l 2 20 standing jump 5 i 2 21 high jump 5 m 2 22 putting tho shot fi 8 2 28 greasy pig contest winner keeps pig pllotoohalhm contrht best amateur collection of three snapshots taken during jjic tlyy 1st prize 5 2nd 8 tikioiwak two parmer teania vs two town toanih mahk baix two farmer teams vs two town teauih winners to play olt in 5 innings game in park at 10 am prizes dona- tod by merchants bank unities in all events will be confined to residents of cwinesing nassagaweya krin and chinkiiacotisy townships wanted 100 ladies and gentlemen to have their suits cleaned pressed repaired or dyed by us wo also dry clean all kinds of silks nnd woollens at reasonable prices p l mcdermott next door lo hooeys shoe store georgetown do you want insu if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the followingrfirstclass companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w roe phone 206 georgetown esquesing fair at georgetown sept 29 30tfw prize list ladies work data g ladlea work unatal i anmtear 1 pair hand knit mitts tine wop 75 i pair hand knit socks hnc wool 75 it pair hand knit suckseoarsoyool 76 4 rug braided prlvooked 75 0 verandah jacket or swoatcr coatwool 76 0 machine made housedress not factory 75 7 childs cloth dross made from old garment 75 m mending torngnrtnerit 7fi 9 plain hand sewingfinrshed garment 75 10 tljroe specimens homo dyeing different colors and materials y 75 11 fancy bed spread any ltb new 75 12 comforter qotton homemade 75 18 quht cotton pieced 75 14quilt quilting considered 76 10 quilt any other kinl 75 50 25 go 26 50 26 50 26 60 25 50 25 co 26 60m 26 co 25 co 26 50 26 co 20 co 25 co 25 50 25 hume currie j a tracy pradent seorvtarytra hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring new fall suits and coats call and see our lines of the latest in ladies suits and coats the prices are right a hirschorn brooke block r h thompson co georgetown georgetown music store r we arc having a big salo of slightly used phon- liriiin ilnit must ho oleared out to make room fwr rnii litll stock of brunswick phonographs ilire nro some good bargains or you come in and look thorn over 1 viotrola tog prino 4000 salo prioo 2000 2 grafonolas res price 5760 sale price 8500 1 idoal reg price c500 sale price 8500 1 virgil rpg price 8200 sale price 0000 1 ideal isioctrio regpricn 22600 salo price 20000 1 lid i son salo prioo 1500 1 ijdison salo pi ice 20 00 1 hdison salo pi ice 25 00 1 cdison sale pi ice 85 00 1 udison salo price 45 00 vou can purchase any of tbe above on small monthly payments all tho latest shopt music in stock call in nnd hear it played ovei frank king main street georgetown black mantel clocks i ooo alarm clocks big ben baby ben and the cele brated waterbury alarm clock big reduction good assortment r a b willson main street next mcgibbon hotel georgetown elevator a full stock qp u flour and feed baled hay and straw always on hand highest market price paid for grain robert noble limited norval ontario ju k a ivjtl

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