Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 22, 1920, p. 1

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the georgetown herald miwgr fifty folrtii year of publication seorgetownwednesday evening september 22nd 1920 1c0 per annum jn advance 200 to us v the georgetown herald every weone8dav evening at th iierald power printing office georgetown ont contract advertising rates furniehed on application j m moore publisher and proprietor hr qtr time table hoisaevst 1uutenger 722iru pnrrnei 1010 it in mail 11s5 um pimaengor h1g piu moil 02s l passenger fc80 pan pmiaenker sunday 711 pm o01nu weht vassonger 767uni mail 1011 ani puxtieugtm 210 pm paanenger 4fi0 pm passenger ft01 pm mail 757 pm 1aihpukor sunday 10 ib nm goiso north mail booam mail 610 pm going sooth mail 1188 am mail 800 pm see grandy for crocks of all sizes with or without lids also vinegar white wine and cider whole an ground spices toronto snbarbaxi railwav daily timetahle new time am pm loins east 810 224 ooink west 860 810 sunday timetahle going east am pm pm pm 1021 1220 845 610 am pm doing west 1040 g10 pm 640 789 pm 917 pm 98fi jars jar rubbers metal glass tops rings and tell us your pickling needs and will supply you we a m grandy phone 75 satlsfadlon guaranteed w a bailey uptodate harness shop wo are headquarters or all kinds of haniobh and harness ac cessories also solo agents for the celebrated ijoneoras which is the greatest saver of gasoline on- the market absolutely guaranteed to give you more power on loss ga 100 tin is equal io 40 gallons of gaflolinc come in and lot us tell you what it does repairing promptly attended to w a bailey main street georgetown prompt delivery aarti7ibnaillv31nff established 167 a b hsinkss barameters hccin to indicate that the period of easy money and high prices is neariqg and end adollai- saved now in the form of a savings hunk deposit will be worth mhh more in the net oouple of years after the reaction has set in bank of hamilton g omackay manager jmbuck butcher always keep a choice stoob of the best procurable in fresh and salt heats which he sells at the lowest possible prices canada food hoard lufiiar no 210s grot the best we cordially invite tho ladies of georgetown and- vicinity to call nnd inapeot our stock of gossard corsets ossard coriit mrs a watson mrs e wlnlleld georget f s near issuer of marriage lioonsos in surance agent etc reetdenoe queen st phono 201 georgetown ont don i thcgeorgetown lumber co are now prepared to furnish a full supply of all kinds of building material includings lath shingles sctvntlingb rough and dressed lamber custom sawing estimates furnished on complete buildings office and yards water street phone 250 georgetown i i notice the companies of this agency have taken into con sideration the increased high cost of building material and labor and wish to advise the public that they will be glad to write additional insurance on any property where the values warrant this agency will be glad to serve you if you will advise by phone or letter ute will call on you at once evans rush agents phone 237 georgetown auction malk op yai1 ahi1c i amu in the v1iia4k ok oltvl lit this coii tv ok hallon tcslale of john x mclhrrsun theif wilt bw offered for suit by public miction on suluiuay tho ittl 4y nl september litju ut 2 pm by itfnjutnin iutth nuctluueor on hetulr tt l lie exuuirlxs ur the will i th late john n mrlherson deceasl tin- follow i ute lands nnd premlnea io h wold in three paxel that i lo tuy 1arcrl ho 1 a 11 and 8ln4iyllt that pnrcof land in ili village t noival in the county of halton iiiipdkeil of part of lot 12 etmeeaalo n if in ii tmwtmhlp f eilnlng containing hhlf acre tuoie oi loss described it jollowa- commknc1nu ui u distinrt of eight links tuemtured wstpfl along tho hoiitheriy hum gin of quolpll st in said mlagf from north westerly- ungle or village lot 2u a laid pmtx on plan tiiuwn by o h iennurus uifticc uih ii dtrfron enxt parallel to maid l s ru 3 lihle theme toixh devrrom went 74 jvof s lnotiextlk-net- ttoiui 11 dtfie wem iq foit t ins thence noilli fumterly jtl ft trt t point on the nuthfrly umricln of juoiph ml thttncti tudterlv r r inhe to lh plicv off begrlnntiiif thrv in fiortil on tlim prvptrty n rrtn- i thid nro on and ihtfc-guar- teim xtoryx liah coim alnlliu r rooitln with htoiif founfliition wootulitd 14x20 und m table 12x2j two bi- iiuumh on thu larx will reserved otulliu hhi of th laiid ttivie in a rood wll u nd ifood finitu orchmd pacel no a iar of lot 11 fnnrsiiiin it town- ahlp if baqutislnir a foresaid bolriir lot 1 on eunt hide or adumwon struts in nuid vlllairt- of norvol thin nun a frdntasr of 23 feat and u df of c2 feot on whiti is erected tory frrune temidnnce 20x30 feet tatnlntr 8 rooms hack ititchen woodahed thla renldence haa foundation and i hi esquesing tp council the ioutirll met puthtitint to l joliruineitt the ree hi the chair members all present tie tnintitin of last uifetlns wero rend iul con firmed hampshire mcdowell that tin- treasurer pay liobi to for 31 vurilh krael ut 1 tic hhpidled by n i iredf- 4if win ox 700 for hiuivciuuk ijravel in n dmdkem lvihiiii nell ullheti aul ili thoiuphou cuob iteing lulaiice of nulury jam ihehhui for 1920 hill murray for- 10 yiinlh of tfravel kupplletl to a a vvordetl tm tufrii municipal world for aupjue 9u hydro klectric isyslfcn t for ilkbt from april 1 to june 30 1920 carried thomphon elliott that the hum ir im for tjiu t on lth hue as followij ttunuel mcclure s r r 1 hancock 7t a hintluir 46 var fled kihoit tltonjjmun thnt the treaa- ucer rmy the followlnfi accounth w omaruhull rcpuliintf jrrader 25 e towiimfnil iiyiuiniite fliippucii to burppatj pierce 1 ii haera 2s yda gravel t20 k w white 87 yds gravel at 200 por loud nut on 8th line 58 rk aldwell pm dlvi- on 4 4 2 men shovelling gravel 10 nr notes and comments tuna of fruit are leported kolnff to mtkte in the niakara district because oi inubllily to tret it to the consumers ixloie it ik too ripe perhaps if th imtt ftowtk would make tlie matter known and not be so a 1 fish that they fear to give the public bursal ns in kpoilink fruit the coivhiitiiers would flock to the kiukuiu in their atttos and hpae tfte waste- thereare too ma m pioducers who would rather let the at tiff spoil than let the con- burner imvw the benefit of reduced rices 3tii t0l vo ffood cellar u pretl no 3 4 parta of village lots 3 and 4 in www vlllasre of norvftl bounded as foil that la to aay commencing half chain from where n pnnt has 1 planted at the southerly anglt of 3 in bald village thence north 43 erees 37 minutes went 1 4 chains t the south westerly rorner of anld m miown uratliu of 1 thence north 39 degree 20 mln eaat three chains r2 links to the or credit thence south 70 decrees i h 0v flour mil x18 lor der lerk loiir ice manitoba patent 1 v4 rhalna 14 lfnkiionk tho wilt r pa8try hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring new fall suits and coats call and see op lines of the latest in ladies suits and coats the prices are right a hirschorn brooke block georgetown have your shoes cutordo- stroyoil by inferior work manship pay tho prico- and lmvo tho job dono riht wo use tho lost no 1 custom stock both oak and bomlock tan over 25 years mannfao- turink experience shop cor king quoon sts near otr station open 780 am to 010 pm close at 7 pm wed and sat we dont coijble jaballantine veteran shoe repairer yonga and obavrlo 8ta toronto enloymmxcollent reputation for blffl it rado work it la no wondor the demand ttortmgtaduatf flvo tlmeii our launnly enter any tow catalogue froo v j elliott ptlncliat glenwilliams ew bakery the loal all the people like is inndo at the glen bakery it is dolicsoits wholosomo and noiirinliins and 1 i w only costs you 25o for a larro loaf frosh daily our buns and cakes are the best try theml olenwiixiams ontario ti protection and profit when money is in a savings account in the merchants bank it is absolutely safe from loss as far as you are concerned all the time it is here it is earning interest bo that the bank actually pays you to let it take care of your money dont carry onneeded sums on your person or hide them at home protect them against loss theft and fire by opening a savings account th jacrchants dank head office montreal of canada eitablishod 1864 georgetown branch h r mimms manager acton branch l b shorey manager to a good sound investment be wise 4 5- join the cooperative movement and get the most out of tour dollars we carry the best quality goods and our prices nro as low nx any quality considered we kivo hack to our inrnib- rs tlie prollts in dividends and interest in many cases equal tn 100 por annum make up your mind lei join inday and lielp alonx a movement that viliolp you bakery department we etpoot to open our new bakery noxt vookand our memb ers and patrons oanwith confidence look for top notch quality j bread cakos pastry etc only finest quality ingredients will bo used and backed by the experience of a practical baker of exceptional abilities in the trade i georgetown glenwiluams co-opera- t1ve society ltd phone 220 georgetown madges candy shop special sundaes peach of a sundae pecan mut sundae royal special main street 20c 20c 25c phone 214 the beet soranton goal inju sizes portland cement flotjb feed provisions jolm ballantine georgetown phone 30 barley and buckwheat aiv w dsehh nlon and ertire ihenco south 39 dojrreev 20 uitth wont 4 chritin 70 links mor lena to tho place of befirlnnlntr cont l hiaikpt for talnlnff by ndmeaaurement 37 jt thouhanothn of an ncro on thin parcel is erected a rood roh i j w bene ill lfll of food lout in 1 first 20x30 aluo with annexed box utall x 12 there in alio a furnace house 10 the furnace in thin houne will he hotd with the land the hitle of all the said parcel x m jmiws r a ho conducted on the parcel flrnt al m lj- a r dencrihed and thepnrreia will bovv1 cvs in the ttuveral iota above describe termm of sale ten por cent of the purchnae money hall be paid at the time of nale for each parcel and the balance of the pur- rhaae money thirty dayn thereafter when the contract ahall ho completed and poflrenalon trlven for further particular and condl- lloua of aale apply tn mim cathrfno fcphnron or mian florence it mo- phcrhon at the vi 11 aire of norval on hy friday nlepht or pnturday prior to tho aalf or tho undorxlirned aollcltora for the dald executrix dated tho lglh day of september 1920 oraham a graham brampton ontario vendora solicitor bell limite tho quosing adjolntng the curried htunpnhlre mpdowoii that ioiiitrll adjourn lo met tt 18 l in arrted the itt 2 li0ic who complain bcuufe they caiinot tfit home of tho tittle luxuries titty tiktd to enjoy in the prewar dtih might o well to remember- that luir furefuthors hved without augur til the thirteenth toitury without tmhil till the fourteenth withoqt but- tr on their breud uu the fifteenth without tobacco und potatoea till the alxteetith without ta till the seven teonth without umbrellan and lain pit till the eighteenth und without t ruins itit phoihm flu unil tnutehea till the nineteenth an lurreujte in freight utid puhsenger rutoa went into effect on monday sept 13th freight rutea advanced 40 per iv nt und tjutentrf rh iuiy 20 per cent more a reduction of per cent on nw ruteh at the utart of next year 1b ordered by the federal hoard of hallway commihhloners ten to twen ty cenu on a ton of coul ehlptnenta is uino allowed after december 3 1st pnmaentcur rates are to be only ten per cent it iff her while after july let they art to return to figures at present charged simultaneously with the income tax collection uctlvt steps are being taken to nee that proper returns are made from the aales taxes thin week 30 ex pert auditors are being appointed und dihtrihuted over the country to check up the returns made and if necessary to go into the books of firms or indiv iduals an increase of 120 millions in excise revenues is indicated on the strength of the showing up to hept 1st but with the measures which are bfliik taken it is believed that this will considerably bettered auction balk of chattels instate of joint s nlcpheraon deceaied thoie will be offered for sale by public auction at the village ot nor val in tho county of halton on satur day tho a5th day of september 90 ut pm by ueuj patch auctioneer on bnhalf of he executrixes of the j no n mcpherson istato the following goodh and chattels lleea and bee suppllea 70 completo hives 15 small empty htvtt 7 small hlvfs partly finished 7 empty boxes quantity of material for racks 1 extractor taitks 1 capping tank 3 cupping knives 1 smoker 12 packing cuses quantity of foundation wax 2 bee houses 1 sot scales also following othui goods und chul- lulx two moat blocks 1 table 1 writing dotk 3 stoves 1 crosscut saw quanti ty uf meat hooks 1 set light harness putts of 3 sets harness j wagons 1 cutler sleigh buggy 2 robes 2 spreads blanket 2 sets platform scales 3 crates i saws 2 knives 1 sluel 1 clea ver quantity of hooks 2 logging chit ins quantity carpenters tools 1 furnace 1 grindstone 1 windlass 1 cow 1 heifer 1 scufflor 1 sot hairows 1 toller quantity of lumber quantity of fire wood quantity of posts quanti ty ol linns 1 lawn mower 1 edger 1 crowbar 2 wheelbarrows 1 scythe sttalght ladders 3 extension laddots z step ladder oil tank etc etc otc the above chattels will be off mod for shio on the proportion of the said john m mcpherson which are advertis ed tot sale at the some unto as- the nbovu nato of chattels tbhus of sale cash ben petch auctioneer oultul hoptember 15 1920 local directory 8t georges church rv wm burt l th rector sunduy service as follows matins 11 a m bvsnsong 7 p tn sunduy school 946 a m in base ment holy communion 1st and 3rd sundays of each month at 11 a m legal 8hilt0n wallbrioge sv dale barristers ftolieltors etc toronto and georgetown ofnce kennedy block le ltoy dale in charge ot george- own oljloe medical dr joseph moandrew phyalolsn nd surgeon medical offloer of health district surgeon o t r ofllce hours 2 to 4 ami 7 to 8 p m phons 58 omce and residence main btreet south opposite presbyterian church dr g f w ross kxhouae surgeon liraec ttohpital toronto special atteiiipn to uiaeaacs of women nnd children and lnunt kccdin dentax frank r watson 0 d 8 m d s dentist georgetown ont hours o a m to 6 p m except thursday afterrioon uontlstry in all its branches over bell telephone offios d d 8 f l heath l 08 dentmt oltlce lit ijuiq block one door nortl- of 0neiua turiiuge factory hour 1 u m to 6 p m ch1kopract1c no meololno surgery oi osteopathy a m neilson bc oraduato of the palmer simionl of chiro- tactic chiropractics fountain head avonporl iowa isa ofnce over llotirlguiis rrug store oottbultatioii and hjitial analysis free ovilm iiihuh tuim1ih uttil snlur days 2 lo 5 pm and 730 to h30 pm phonh onico ntid uosidenco ifiow auctioneers benj petch ucanaad auotlonaar or halton and peel atoiiwltllams poat oinca 8al aonduated autlafaotorlly and at rea sonable mtea ordera left at til qaorgatown herald office will reoeve prompt- attention counter check books at the her ajld correspondence to in todttor liiicgciown horn id orgetown dear sir allow me space in vtir wtlmibl puptr for the lollowlng whilst still nsident in scotluntl i wus th rerlptcnt of a cutting takon from the ceorgetown herald show ing the progress the village had made in the way of creating factories and workshops it uiho mentioned the splendid witter supply nnd unexcelled educational facilities it was with interest i read the con tents bocnuho at that time i was con templating emigration to george town i arrived here in the early davs of april of tho present year and was convinced thnt all that was said con- coming tho town was correct hut on taking a walk round 1 was dixappolntod lo find thnt it lucked one great ihhcntlul nnd that is u cottage hospital i wan equally surprised to find that on taking a walk i came across a house with a card hanging on the veratnln proclaiming that a person resident there had diphtheria whleh seemed to mo was a warning to othors not to go too near tills to me seems very quaint md shoutd ho abolished as noon as pos sible and tho only way to do this is to erect as 1 have nlrendy referred to a eottag hospital whore such eases as hnvo mentioned could be treated and at the same time it would not put the rest of tho household to either stay indoors or out of doors for nhnujt- l weeks according to doctors or ders of course there are people al ways ready to sny thnt mien a scheme is impossible but i beg to differ from such a per- kon by stating that it is just as pos sible to start the movement with a big effort in the way of a public sub scription as was the enso when we were dcsiroub of recognizing our brave fellows by presenting them with watches on the 1st day of july we 011 know what was the result of that effort therefore it is up to our town ouncll to make that start and in such a manner as to ensure of its success my suggestion is that a big move ment in the way of a public subscrip tion he started followed by extra tax ation on the householders a hxed do nation from every worker either in factory workshop or store to b de- luctod from their wages each pay day also a special collection in each church ssry twice a year called hos pital sunday 1 have also made careful enquiries into the financial situation in george town nnd i am fully convinced that if rome if not all of our hutilnoss men in town were approached on the sub ject they would give it the support it deserves my fhe erection of a cottage hospi tal with a resident physician and sur geon nnd a matrarf andtwo nurses it would enable those who on doctors orders have to bo removed to hospi tal to go o our own cottage hos pital instead of bcrffg removed to diiflph hospital 2 2 miles distant thus entailing grave danger to the suf ferer it would also he a fitting memori al to tho brave follows who sacrific ed their life in ihe too recent great war trusting to hear mote on hi sub ject and thanking jnu in anticipa tion i am yours rnllhfully authim c ronwflon georgetown september 13 1920 moans superior truinintf you want results wo got thofn stud ents maj start any flay guelphbusiness college herald blbo guelph ontario aibovok prln 1 nailer lrury ref usees to call hp lal session of the legislature to deal with the prevailing abuses in the ud m in ist ration of the ontario tern- peiuiuu act we dont know but what he is right if the existing law is propcrl enforced it ought to remove tiiost of the abuses complained of it is largely because evasions of the law have been winked at that the scandal has reached its present proportions piompt and swift application of the law soon puts the blind plggers out of business nnd they are the root of the hole trouble the hydro kndlal association which met u hamilton last week passed a lesolutlon insinuating that the imiiry government was identified with the interests seeking to oust sir adam heck front the chairmanship of the h dro commission the resolution was to the effect that whereas certain interests were striving to effect the withdrawal of sir adam beck the association went on record as affirm ing that any move by the dovernnient towards ousting sir adam lteuk would 1m- a oalrtfnlty and an outrage on the people of the province irrespective of party the resolution was ntoved h w ii burgoyne hi catherines and sc ondod 1 lr iaks of preston a great deal has been written am said about reckless automobile driving yet it seems the reckless driver never learns how criminal ho is until he has killed someone however if they can not he made to realize their folly laws should ik- made and enforced which will protect innocent people if it were only the reckless driver who suffered as a result of his own recklessness all would be well and good but usually in an accident the dtivcr escapes unhurt if you wont lo take your own life mr heck less uriver that matter lies between you ami jour maker but when you go tearing nlong the roads endangering the lives of others people certainly have the right to demand that you be placed where you cannot continue your mad practice the government ought to build an insane speedway and send people to such a place the same oh they are sent to an insane asylum this speed mania is just as much a forirfof insanity as dozens of others you will find in the asylum and in many cases it is a great deal more dangerous those who bought victory uonds are in some cases vexed about the re duction of tho official transfer price there is no occasion for complaint every bond bought is in each case r good for its face value as stated it is only in the ease of those who wlbh to sell their bonds before they mature jiat a discount has to bo met the beat of proporty real estate or any other security is subject to fluctuation under forced sale as for those who do not want to sell their bonds they may even bo pleased at the reduction nnd tho opportunity it affords of buy ing more government bonds offer ing 6 to 6 m per cent are a valuable- investment and if there is any better security known to financiers they are- not telling about it in a few years these bonds will appreciate upvalue and the high rate of interest they offer to present investors must tempt every one with a bank account since tin close of the last loan it is stated f 1 35- 000000 worth of bonds have changed hands if some people found it nec essary to sell there were as many anxious to buy there will bo a lot of ldose money tn canada after this years harvest he will be a wise man who takes no chances with speculat ive stocks but quietly invests in as many victory donds as his surplus will permit they will never worry him ik iiiic tfviuuhai13 count of tiuccountv of halton in the matter of the ismate of iuch- all guiaham 1ike of the township uf lontitirmlnff in llir county of hj- ton farmer ufrrased notice is hereby given pursuant to ho uuvlsed hi a lutes of ontario cluipiei 1h1 koitimi rfl that all poisons huvlntc claims against tho estate of tho said lllcliard clrtuham who died on or a limit inn twonijv first day of augusta lfji at the said township of esques ing are required to send by post or to deliver to tho undersigned solicitor for tho iqxocutors of the estate of the saltl tuthnid irnhnm on or- before tneslev- oath day of ootobor 1020 their names addiohses full particulars of their clnlnih nnd the nature of the security if any hold by them all duly verified hy statutory declaration after the said date the uxcoutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the da ceased ulnonic the parties entitled thereto having regard only to tho claims of which ihey shall thon have notice ana tttoy shall not he liable for the assets or any part of them to any fierion or whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution a dated at milton this sixteenth day of september 1030 i dick mflton ont soli ol tor for the executors v tsk ii r

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