Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 29, 1920, p. 1

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3 the georgetown herald fifty fouktil ykail of publication georgretown wednesday evening september 2 9th 1920 160 per annuuin advance 200 to us the georgetown herald 0iiiieisiie r i- puhih every wednesday evening at the herald power printing office gorpkwn ont contract advertising rate8 furnishtd on application j m moore publisher and proprietor v- gtrtini table ioino kaht pabspngei 7 22 11111 passenger i01liim mail 11 bj an piishonger mi pm mail 2h pm pahsengci 828 pm iwsenger sunday 711 pm ooijfo west iassengor 7 67 am mail 10 10 aro passenger 210 pm passenger 460 pm pashengeu 001 pm mail 767 pm passenger bunda 1010 am going noiciil mail hooam mail 510 pm going south mail 1188 am mail 800 pm toronto snborbon railwav daily timetahlb niw time am pm pm going bast h10 224 040 oomg west 866 810 7 89 sunday timetahle gointi east am pm pm pm pm 1021 1220 846 6 10 817 am pm pm going woflt 1040 010 9 8fi t v w a bailey uptodate harness shop we aro hoadquarteis foi all kinds of harness and harness no cessories also nolo agonts for the celebrated lenoogas winch ih the greatest savor of gasoline on the market absolutely guaiantcod to give you more powoi on ichh has j10o tin is equal io 10 gallons of gasoline como in and let us toll ou what it does repairing promptly attended lo w a bailey main street georgetown see grandy for crocks of all sizes with or without lids also vinegar white wine and cider whole and ground spices jars jar rubbers metal rings and glass tops tell us your pickling needs and will supply you we a m grandy 4 phone satisfaction guaranteed 75 prompt delivery 8 no investment worries for fourteen years 4 1934 maturity victory loan bonds at 93 and inteiest assure the purchaser of an in tent return of 6j4 lor fourteen years regardless of uny changes thut may occur fn the mune market in years to come during this period interest is prompt and sure und is payable at any brunch of any j chartered bank in canuda all that is nee- essu ry is to clip the coupons and present them for payment each six months those with substantial incomes who are mu- teriully affected b the income tax will find un attrncthe investment in the 1433 maturity tux free at wjj und interest which yields a net return of 587 mail your order or write for ticu pur- luis we deliver bonds to your local bunk free of ttxpeuae to you wood gundy company canadian pacific railway building toronto voters list notice we cordially invito the ladies of georgetown and vicinit to all and inspoot our stock of gossard corsets a jmbuck butcher always kcp a choioe stook of th best procurable in fresh and salt bleats whioh he sells at the lowest possible priees cinnln kooil hoard iuciiik- no 210k get the best ssard thegeorgetowim lumber co are now prepared to furnish a full supply of all kinds of building material includings lath shingles scantlings rough and dressed lumber a custom sawing estimates furnished on complete buildings office and yards water street phone 250 georgetown i i i i established 187a b hjsink8s baiamoteih sooni to indicate that the ppiind of easy money and high priopr is noaring and end a dollai sand now in the form of a savings hank deposit will ho worth much mote in the next couple of yoais after the teoction has set in bank of hamilton- g c mackay manager noiici i iurvb k the torn of ihf township ul inquumin an- h3tb required to examine the list of o- ier8 for the said township for the ir 192oand if any errois or omissions art fomid therm jiie roquircd io tak mii h tephas tile law direi ts lo haw mik h ei rors or omissions i urret i ed 1 110 umi- plaint ik mad within thirty dis from the 21t d of soptemher i jo the said list willbe hied as the i orrevl vote list of the township id uhquesuig for the yar 1920 this im uah posted up tit t i tcl ofhce on the j i ml da ol september 120 j a 1 hacv township cletk duted ihih 21hi ua nl september 1920 the island ol the night notice to creditors if the matter of the estate of john w barker late of the village of george town in the county of hal- ton mail carrier deceased nome it heioby icn thai m pursuant c section s6 bf the irusteen aol rso wlmp 121 that all creditors and others laving tlnifiiw or demands atamnt the es tate ot the hi ul john u marker mail carrier dot eased who died on or about i h twenty second day of dm cm her a l 1917 at the said vitiate of ceoretoun ii ro required on or before the ihth day of october 1920 to send by post prepaid or deliver lo the undermined solicitor for maria harker the administrator of the- emtate and eflectn of the said deceased their chrmtian names and surnames ad drennes and descnpl ions lie full partuu- lars in writing of their claim a ntalemenl ot their account and the nnture of the se curity if any held by them and take notice that after nut h last mentioned date the raid administrator i ipt proceed to ditttrihute the awsetn of the raid cniatu among the partiew entitled hereto having regard only the claims of which he shall then hae notice and that the said adminlhiraior will not be 1 table for t he raid unset s or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim twin e shall not have been re- leived l tliem at the time of such distri bution lkkov iaik solicitor for maria barker the ad ministrator of the und deceased dated at ceorgetown thm itoh day of september 1920 farmers business irschorns ladies wear and tailoring for the past 64 years this bank has given particular attention to the business of farmers we have helped many over the rough shoes and have aided many more to the ighest plane of success we are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate banking practice come in at any time and talk over your stirs with ns you are always welcome th mcrchants dank head office montreal of canada ettabllhod 1864 georgetown branch h rv mimms manager acton branch lb shorey manager new fall suits and coats mrs a watson mrs e wlnfield georgetown f s near issuer of marriare licenses in surance agent etc luidenoe quean st phone 801 georgetown ont dont m have yom shoos cut or do stroyod by inforioi work manship pay tho price and liavq the job dqpo right wo use the best no 1 custom stook both oak and hemlock tan over 25 years manufoe- taring experience shop cor kinif queoa stn near qtu station open 780 am to 010 pm oloso at 7 pm wod and sat we dont gobble jaballantine veteran shoe repairer t f elliotx a yons and ohwlea bte toronto enjoys an excellent reputation for high frrade work il in nowqnder tho dcmiuid or our grnduatutia fivtr times our supply enter any time cninlogno free w j elliott principal call and see our suits and coats lines of the latest in ladies the prices are right a hirschorn brooke block georgetown tew glenwilliams evy bakery the loaf all the people like is made at the glen bakery it in doliesous wholosomo and nourishinff and only costs you 25o for a largo loaf fresh daily our buns and cakes are the best tr th mckinley bros gxenwilliams ontabio to a be wise good sound investment join the cooperative movement and gret the most out of tour dollars we carry the best quality goods and our prioos are as low as any quality oonaiderod we give back to our memb ers tho profits in dividends and intorest in many cases etiual to 100 per annum make up your mind to join today and help along a movement that will help you bakery department we expect to open our new bakery next week and our memb ers and patrons can with confidence look for top notoh quality bread cakos pastry eto only inosyjiiality ingredients will be used and booked by tho oxporienoo of a practical baker ol j i exooptional abilities in the trade f georgetown glenwilliams co-opera- f twe society ltd phone 229 georgetown h pr1tchett manager and secretary f a madges candy shop special simdaes peach of a sundae pecan nut sundae royal special main street 20c 20c 20c phone 214 r in tiiic miihiioatk couht of thk count ol- ii alton in the matter of the katule- t ilicm- altl ihahau i mir or the township of kmqufmliiir in th i uunty of llnl- tn lnriiir imnmrd not1ck im hurcby jflvon purauant to tin ufvlhtd sttituttim of ontario hiintti ihl htutloi m thai all puruotm hiivjnu litiins ituiiifl th utute ot tht mafd khhiud liuhani who dll on 01 nhtml thu tuttntyflrnl da ul anvil hi 1iu at ttit hiiid tfiwiihhlu of kwiikn- iitur inn rmiiiitud to nunc by ptmror to deliver to lilt uiidei hiictiucj solicitor roi thu kxfiututh of th chtalo of thu huui hit bind jnihani un ot before lhuelov- inth daj of october itul tliolr nutiihm tifldl i vhhi m full particular of tlttdi liilmn and dim naluru of thu muourlty if nny hold by thtin all duly vmlfiod htatulory dttlarutlon aflur the hiild date the loxwutora will proci ud lo dlht rltmto iho ilmmviii ot thu docuanud aiiiotik thu pat tl tt untltlid thitrto bii viiik ritiiird only to tint claims of wliiib thtt hint 1 1 then huvu notii a tut thfy nhiill not bo llablu fur the ahuelm oi any part of thm to any pi imom of whom claim notbt hhall not huvu lutn miinwi jy thutn at thn tlino of mitch illmtrlbution oild at milton thl nlxtoontb dn of s pinilmi 1j0 w i iick milton ont solicitor for tho isxet titom local directory 8t qeorqe8 church rsv wm burt l th raotor sunday service as follows matins 11 a m evenson 7 p m sunday school 9 46 a m in base ment holy communion 1st and 3rd sundays of each month at 11 a m legal 8hilt0n wallbaidqe av dale barriitara soliolton eto toronto and georgetown olllce kennedy block le hoy dale in charge ot qeorge- own otnoe samuel mm tern peck whethei the moments iiik or h nenth cloud or shine at toil 01 ilaj whethei 0111 schemes no nht or wij as weai h along the moilina day theie comes ul last an hour thats blest at last god speeds the parting llht and human hoaits a whilo may rest upon tho island of the night the vunfjs of peace are as the dusk hoi breaslrw like the eemnk sky her breath is as abo kent of musk a moat where slrepin bldsboms he and wikmvh the home of peace but wheie sweet daiknoss hnothes the ach ing sieht and human brains are reft of care ipen the island of tile night i loe the dajlight tide jet oft i wear wearj of its face winsome songs thore aro and soft hut silence was tho tenderost grace and if i must hao sound give me the murmur of tho breezo in light wafting tho voico of momory across the island of tho night hoautj thero is that needs no ray savo that mild i list roof the stars and lovelness tho glare of day with bolder alliance but mars so there aie hopes with shyest gleams that evon the oye of dawn would blight and such the fairyfooted dreams that haunt the island of the night lot there be light ood said and then upholding all that was revoaled within the anguished breasts of men liow much thero needed to be hoaled lie sent the halm of dusk below and kindly hid the wounding light that human boarts sweet rest might know upon the island of tho night the great question fire prevention day saturday october 9 medical dr joseph moandrew phyaiolan and surgeon medical oalcer of health ulatrlot ut geon o t r otnce hour 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 58 olflce and keaidence main street i3outh opposite preabyterlan churoh dr o r w ross hxhuusu suieon grace hospital loronto special altuiil ion to dmeanek of women and children and infant feeding dental frank r watson dos im d s dentist georgetown ont houij 0 a m to 6 p m except thursday afternoon dentistry jn all its branohes over bell telephone office f l heath l d8 o d b oentlet owce in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory hours n m to 6 p m chiropractic no medlolne suraery 01 osteopathy a m neilson do gradual of thu palmer school of chiro practic chiropractics fountain itaad davenport iowa usa office over hourlffans droit store consultation and ftpliml anulysls free offkk iiourh i iifwdajh and satur days 2 to 5 n in ami 7 u io h ju j in ptlonh onicu and isidimtiu lsou aucxioneeks benj petch incensed auctioneer for halton and peel olenwllllamh pout olllce sales oonductod aatlnfactoi uy and at rea sonable rates ordets left at the qeoraetown herald offtou wilt receive prompt attention t 4 x v hourioan drnskiet the wtitci heard a good man make tho following statement to the most tremendous truth i ever heard ho said there is an hour coming in the life of every one when we have to wade out into tho cold river of death if we have not got chriht and a cleat knowl edge of salvation there can be nothing before us but the blackest of dai kness and denpair and that forover he said if we bo worth a million in gold we would give it all for ono of the days that we are now throwing away that we might spend every minute of it praying to ood for a salvation that there would be no doubt about it taking us through to heaven thob borand tho governor general has by proclamation sot aside saturday october 9 as a da on which to specially emphasize the great loss which canadians individually and collectively are sustaining through destruction by ire of both natiirl and created resouices at a time of bigh building costs and acute scarcity of material ve ure burning buildings at a criminal rate our ft a loss of lost year viz 28500000 or approximately 4 90 per capita was the highest per capita in the world not only is this a complete loss of national wealth but its replace ment creates increased competi tion for available building supplies thus enhancing prices for new building how can we hope to overcomo the housing shortage wholl- in ontario alone last year ch0i dwellings woro damaged or destioycd causing a loss of 1788- hh8v thero were also 744 farm barns destroyed at a loss of 1ih900 of which oc7780 was unisured lightning damaged or destroyed 1102 buildings in ontario involv ing a loss of 000885 of which 212770 was not covered by in surance none of these farm buildings were equipped with light ning rods whereas but two build ings protected by lightning rods were damaged and these to the amount of 22 only matches were again responsible for the largest number of known fires 1148 in ontario originating therefrom practically every fire due to matches is the result of carlensnes3 public education and a recogni tion of personal responsibility are essential to a reduction of the fire waste it is particularly essential to interest the younger generation through the canadian teachers in the efforts being made towards a reduction of the lire loss fne prevention day will give a splendid opportunity for bringing this subject to the attention of pupils and should produce good results when autumn comes norval rev mr patterson who has ro- coived tho call to tlie prosbvtorian charges of norval and union is in 1 1 eland making preparations for removing to canada ho oxpoots to return tho lattor part of this month mr lome campbell wab at picton last week attending the unveiling of tho soldiers monu- mont in that town on which the niinio of his brother stanley campbell appears tho latter hav ing made the supreme sacrifice glenwilliams an inoident in oonneotion with tho death of jos williams grand son of the founder of olonwilliams shows that representatives of five generations now rest in tho one plot in the cemetery on tho hill in this village this shows that tho williams were early settlers nnd also that canada is beooming an oldor country in tho plot are tho remains of mr williams grandfather and grandmother his father and mother his daughter his granddaughter and himself terra cotta a large number of tho neighbors and frionds gathorod at tho home of mr and mis w o marshall on wednesday evening sept 15th to bid thelu farowell and presented them with a wellfilled puihe and also a voi appropinito lulilress a good progiam was also given ihe list number was a piano in- stiumontal by mrs john mc millan rocksido vocal mimic by the cheltenham quartette also a solo by miss norma thompson just a wearjing for you which was highly appreciated there was also a t nutation by miss eva choyne followed by congratulat hi j speeches bj mr b townsoud h tayloi 1 a mokano mr house will feasor choltonham mr mcmillan rooknido b potoh rov mr aiken who spoke highly of the work done in tho methodist ohurch horo and that thoir place would he hard to 111 mr a ma- kane vory ably prosidod as chair man after a sumptuous tea was sorved tho romaindor of the evoding was onjoyably spent in dancing we nil daoply rogrol tho roinoval of mr and mrs w q marshall and family from our midst and wish them ovory suc cess in thoir now homo in ooorgo- lowu autumn brings with it a lot of tasks that belong peculiarly to the fall of the year some of these are the work that comes simply because its autumn the time of harvest of garnering some of these tasks come be cause winter is following along on the heels of autumn and prepara tion must be mode before the ioy blasts come for the shutin days and the long nights of the winter season autumn is the time to get every thing snug to replace all broken window panes to put book ipto place the cellar windows to get the winters fuel supply housed in a good dry place if that has not already been taken care of earlier in the season when the evenings begin to lengthen and indications oome again of the long evenings that aro ahead it ib a good time to think of the lighting system and to deeido whether the present lighting system is good enough for tho coming winter if this is the old coal oil lamp system il will pay to investigate the subjeot of electricity for lighting the farm or suburban home electricity can bo had for lighting nowadays in any locality by means of one of tho small individual electric plants and the farmer who will put ono of these to work on his premises will bo sure of modern lights for the long winter evenings ahead but ho should not wait until winter to plan for it eleotric lights mean eleotric wiring the same as for a house in the city an eleotric plant will require a concrete base for a support and this should be mode while the work can be done inl comfort it is a mean job mixing eonorete in the winter time and while it is a small one to makejj base for the lighting plant it is smaller than over if it is modo during nice autumn weather and many thousand farmers and their families are declaring that it makes autumn more enjoyable to bo able to look forward to winter ovenings with plenty of bright electric light in tho home instead of the ooal oil lamps if you wmit to make your home bright this winter have atalk with evans itush distributors of deloo georgetown acton tho prioo being paid for turnips at the opening of tho season this year is lower than last year the ruling price is 20o the orop and quality aro both excellent mrs o a qano left for her homo at winter uaven florida last week aftor spending a couple of months with her mother and sister and other frionds in tho old homo hero tho aoton farmers club ship ped a oar of wheat to the uoldie milling co ouolph for whioh the farmois received 242 per buihel yesterday miss myrtle clarrldgo loft last week to attend normal sohool at toronto the music at the fair by tho splendid grafonola of mr frank king georgetown commanded general attention free press

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