Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 6, 1920, p. 2

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pask a thb w h wmson undertaker and licensed embdmer malm st gorsuwsi automobile or lluraflrwii llariw ihone nighl or day m or 5j nc i iniirirrr hlmir oitolwr in memoriam btam- in loving memory of wni who entered into rel 9tl i9ih il was hard to lone ou brother drjti but god who knowellt be held wide hi loving arm nnd njid come unto ine and rem fathhr rrotiiisk mi sisreo commencing oct 1st there cauie into force n eij important aot of the ontario legislature by which eery motliei with children under i years dependent upon her who has lost her husband bj death or whose husband bi been pemonently disabled or confined to hospital or asyluiu and who baa been a resident of ontario for at least four yeais previous to her application as abiitish hubject and continues to reside in ontario and is a at and proper mother to take care of her children will ie- ceive an allowance sufficient for her maintenance from the govern ment church news mkthodiht services on- sunday next at 11 a m come to this service if you have no other church here be are to remain for a bible class seventylive live happy people were present in our two organized adnlt classes last sunday every one of whom would be delighted to see you next sunday rev earl brearley of hornby will preach at the evening service we are preparing for a special thanksgiving service on snnday oot 17tb the anniversary services of this church will be held on sunday oct slst rev dr george coul son workman of toronto will preach a grand concert will be given on the monday evening following nov 1st by the howard park orchestra consisting of twenty- five members with assisting tists keep this date open a treat for you ashgrove mbthodibt the asbgrove anniversary ser vices will be held on sunday oct 17tb services at 280 and 780 pm rev a e marshall b a of milton will preach special concert on tuesday evening oct 10th baptist rev jas ii moore ba pastor it did our hearts good to see so many strangers with us liuit sun dav evening have you a churoh home if not we welcome you to come and worship god with us 10 am a class for all in the bi ble school 11 am as our fa thers used to do 7 pm the hypocrite 8 pm monday by pd the true god 8 pm thursday prayer and bible study harvesthome and thanksgiv ing service october 17th st george b and st albans the services on sunday next will be in charge of rev o p cooke rector of milton pattarsoa- brown a pretty wedding took place on tuesday september 28th at the home of mrs margaret brown and the late f j brown when their elder daughter mae a was united in marriage to ernest e patterson son of t k and mrs patterson of milton west to the strains of mendelsohns wed ding march played by minn abbie mooulloch the bridos cousin the bride entered the parlor on the arm of her brother who con ducted her to an arch of ever greens prettily decorated with asters and from which hung a large whito bell while tho solemn vows were taken rev j malcolm oonduoted the ceremony the bride was gowned in a sand georgette with taffetta trimmings and carried a beaufcjful bouquet of brides roses knotted with streams of sand ribbon miss florence was her sisters maid of honor and her small cousin miss helen daintily carried the ring in a bask et of flowers both dressed in white yoilo with pink trimming after the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served by the brides girl friends the presents were most numerous and included somp handsomo ohsques the grooms gift to tho bride was a handsome bracelet to the pianist a bar pin to the maid of honor a ring oad a necklace of pearls to the ring bearer the happy couple left by motor amid showers of confetti for hamilton niagara falls and other points where they will spend a short honeymoon the brides going away suit was brown erge with dvetyn hat and mara boa cape on their return they will reside at lot 10 hid linn milton west car of thanks we hereby convey our fllncere thanks to friends and neighbor for their many kindnesses and sympathy extended to ua in our recent sad bereavement cjuised by the death of our beloved wife and mother nathan lonci and pamm v ie a s fair a success oood hmm spleautu exklmt of shoef cattlaauutpamltry oasal display or fmejr work btuitiettiiik fair held in cloorko tun n last wednesda nnd tluirs ila wits oh usual a success the attendance was fair in spite of the unfavorable weather the ex hibits of catt1i sheep nnd poul try were exceptional good the bik ball hold it line exhibition of miscellaneous classes the ladies woik being uirltctilarly good ioel county won out in tho mumi judging eomietition messrs frank petch and alex mrlciuoey of chiuguaeousy standing tlrat and second with l mclean and n reid of llalton third and fourth there were two good race dur ing the afternoon mr t j hill of the olen was official starter apd the results were as follows in the free- for all jimmie mo- kerron won first in three straight heats jock powers second furision third and dr hall fourth in the 210 class jack canuck won first in three straight heats botirblain second and miss elliott third notkb mr w a baileys exhibit of harness leather goods trunks and valises was admired by many theie were a lot of people got sweet on w g fares splendid exhibit of honey mr frank king had a splendid exhibit of brunswick phonographs and singer sowing machines the delco light plant exhibited by evans ds rush attracted many who were agreeably surprised at the comforts and conveniences made possible for the rural home at so small a cost the nnkol exhibit and demon stration by j l thompson attract ed many nnkol provided warmth on the occasion and also for the future provided yon become n stock bolder in the company nukol is a coming staple fuel and the demand for it already exceeds the production of the large plant now in operation many in this locality speak highly of the merits of this new fuel the nnkol guessing contest for a ton of the fuel was won by j m moore with prof hutt and ross cameron close seconds mr nicholsons exhibit of bris coe oldsmobile and franklin autos attracted many wbo admired the outstanding features of these well known makes of automobiles a pair of the well known dodge brothers motor oars on exhibit at tracted nnmeroua prospective buy ors mr j n oneill the local representative has placed a large number of them in this locality olfollowing are some of the fair prize winners horses plasa 1 heavy draught beat brood mare bert e lanadell heat colt 120 bert e lanadell beat 1 year old geld ing- or filly 1 bert e lanadell 2 jamea barnes best 2 year old gelding or filly jamea barnes beat s year old gelding or filly 1 nell ollllea sons 2 bert b lanadell beat pair horses 1 hodsin barnea 2 bort e lanadell clans 2 agricultural beat brood mare bert te lanadell beat 1 year old gelding- or filly bert e lanadell beat 2 year old geldlnsr or filly bert e lanadell beat s year old gelding or filly 1 nell gillies sona 2 a mc- meelcin beat pair horses in hnrneaa 1 a s wilson i c b fuller claas 8- generafpurpoae beat colt 1920 fs w roaiel beat 1 year old gelding or filly 1 a mcmeekln 2 w o brownridge 8 8 mclean beat t year old gelding or filly 1 w c an thony 2 w o brownrldge beat year old gelding or filly 1 w i an thony 2 geo a wllaon 8 john mc meekln boat pair horsea in harness 1 w n scott 8on 2 p h alma 3 chlaholm bros claaa 4 carrlaate beat anddlo home 1 8 mclean 2 j b devereaux bernard miller- beat colt 1820 robt kerr best 1 year old gelding or filly 1 f wrlgglesworth 2 jamea tilt 8 s mrloan beet 2 year old gelding or filly 1 w h anthony 2 s mclean beat 8 year old gelding or filly in harneaa d botolean heat brood mare robt kerr beat single in har ness 1 mark given 2 james lilt 8 m carter beat pair horses jamea tilt class roadsters best 1 year old gelding or filly 1 john campbell 2 jno w nlckell a son 2 8 mclean best 2 year old gelding or filly 1 john campbell 2 w h allan beat i year old geldlnsr or filly in harness 1 f wrlgglnsworth2 b mclean best pair horsea in harnesa jno w nlokell av son hpedal prizes beat team eligible for classes 1 2r 2 l r dale reeve 1600- 1 w u scott a ron 2 a s wilson express horae to wagon by j r elliott pop- reeve m carter gentlemans turn out carriage horse bank of hamil ton 110 00 1 james tilt 2 mark giv en lady driver by r- k anderson mp mrs w beasey fastest road horse by r k anderson m tie 1 w r wheeler t thos hewson ag ricultural horse on line by rank nova scotia norval d modougall draft horse on line by j l standlsh reeve hodgin barnes catteik class c pure bred durham- best r c or in calf 1 robert dredge 2 neil ollllea a sons 8 w c anthony best bull calf robert dredge best 2 year old heifer w i mcdonald best 1 year old heifer w l mcdonald best heifer eair w i mcdonald best bull any age 1 rob ert drodgre 2 wl mcdonald class 7 jerseys pedigree from the ajc herd book best cow calved or in cair 1 d given 2 w a mc- clure best 2 year old heifer w a moclure 2 w h allan 2 w j alex ander beat 1 year old heifer 1 w a mcclure 2 d liven w h allan best heifer calf 1 d liven 2 w h mcculloueth heat bull any aa 1 1 given 2 w a mcclure class s holflteln beat inw eiilved or in ralf h o clark tktsa dairy orade beat row calved or in calf 1 w h mcculloujch 2 w a mcclure 8 a hyde best 2 year old heifer 1 i given 2 w h mccullough beat 1 year old heifer 1 w h mcoullough 2 w j alexander class 10 beef grade beat row calved or tn calf 1 h g clark 2 w l mcdonald s gordon liraham best 2 year old heifer w i- mcdonald best 1 year old heifer 1 gordon utuh- am j w i mcdonald best heifer calf i gordon graham 2 w 1 m ikmaid beat fat beast ateer or heif er 1 nell gillies a sona beat herd shorthorns 1 mule s fe males by merchanta bank george town w l mcdonald dairy hero 1 male s femalea i d given w a mcclure dairy cow by john irving milton 1 w a mcclure 2 h o clark beat pair shorthorn calves born mnce 1st of sept 191 by a 1 farrow oakvtlle 1 robert dredge w l mcdonald for the beat year old dehorned steer of any breed ex hibited by an owner who has not won an eaton prute at any fair since 1917 henry currle a complete list of prize win- ners will appear in next issue auction sale household furniture lit under ifned haa been mmructtti it m a c kejtlf edy to k4i1 by public auction at her pceuiifica main strcam north ttorf clown on friday october 8ta at 7 oclock harp the following parlor suite walnut frames dremtcr and aland walnut hall rack iron bed matt reft 2 neta apiinga book case large trunk ildeboard dining table xteiiion kitchen cupboard kitchen table rotil oil stove kitchen chaira a few ard ra carpet and other articles terms caah ben iktch auctioneer insiikance andieal estate ihvsstvehts j g rush w t evaks auction sale of farm stock aid iapfeaeals the undersigned haa been inaiructrd by jouah towmieud to sell by public auction at lot 26 town line terra cotta on wd4mtly oetwr 13th 19s0 at one oclock the following horses heavy buy horse 5 yrn ivr- cheon colt ria 2 yra cattle holatein cow 5 yrti calf at foot holatejn cow 4 yra calf a tooti durham cow 4 yra calf at cpott houtein cow 5 yra springer 5 durham iowi apringerai 5 holstetn cows fresh 3 ayr shire lows milking well freshen in april 10 hoist etn cows extra good milkers freshen in march and april 9 hoist cin heifers in calf holslein bull ris j yrs implements masseyharris bindefr 6 ft hay loader in good repair cockshutl manure spreader lumber wagon and hay rack cockahutt seed drill 13 hoe new oliver sulky riding plow mrssey harris steel land roller 3 piece grain chepper scuffleri large dairy churn masseyhar ris cream separator small cheese press power horse clipping machine fanning mill and bagger pair bobsleigh near new bsbcock milk tester doubletrees ueck yokes forks shovels etc a quantity of salt and shingles about 100 young hens plymouth rocks and leg horns a quantity of plank posltiiely no reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming tbrms nine months credit on ap proved joint notes s per cent per annum off for caah ben petch auctioneer oxtearihq auction sale in the township of esquesmg farm stock implements the undersigned haa received instruc tions from tkosbuss 1m baldook to sell by ptiplic auction on lot 27 vd line esquesmg adoining acton on friday october loth ui one oclock sharp the following horswi bay horse 5 years heavy draft brown mare 4 yearn heavy draft this team will weigh 1000 j bay horse 10 years heavy draft bay horse aged heavy draft gray horse 4 years agri cultural i buy gelding 3 years carriage earling colt heavy draft yearling ercheron fill qy iboktown herald october tu 1980 yearling rercheron filly cattle durham cow 5 years calf at foot holstetn cow 5 years calf at foot holsteln cow 4 yearh calf at foot dur ham cow 6 years calf at toot j durham cow 7 years calf at foot durham cow 4 years due time of sale j jersey cow milking well jersey cqw 3 years milk ing and supposed to calve in march holsteln heifer 2 years bred in aueust t holsteln heifer 2 years bred in july durham bull one year old 3 spring calves 5 young calves 15 feeders yearlings and 2 year olds these are a well bred lot and in good condition leickstkr siirkp 8 ewes purebred oxford down ram t 4 oxford down ram lambs eligible for registration 1 1 ewe lambs eligible for registration hook- black sow with 3 pigi at foot black sow with 5 pigs at foot block sow due time of sale york sow bred 6 weeks tarn worth hoar two young sows in farrow foui 40 huiift 6 geese nnd 2 ganders imhikmhntrt peering binder 6 ft cm in good tthape j deering mower 5 ft cut en good shape j peter hamilton drill with giiss seeder 12 hoc frost at wood cultivaitr 16 teeth i dis 12 late new deere hay loader verity 2 drum steel roller set of iron harrows 4 sections heavy wauon and box top buggy in good shape old wagon pair sloop sleighs i chatham fanning mill with bagger attach ment t cockshutt 2 furrow riding plow j verity plow no 3 f wilkinson plow no 3 scuttler atone boat hay nick w heel- barrow set of heavy team harness set of plow htirness and other articles top nurn- erous to mention terms- 1000 and under cash over that amount 12 11 on t lis credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes 5 per cent off for cash correspondence leargetonn vt 1 1020 mu editor- durink th imnt month chperially mid for hoiiip time eoniiltiorih in our village iiiili been goiutf from bad to woiso ami hurb action an ha imwii taken ih no blind to thou who dohiio georgetown to be reumwted ami a respectable place to live in there are liquor dives in n num ber of placet the moral condition callx for immediate atteution oamblink ban been uoiny on lor a long time the young eople to whom il is more dangerous know iibout these conditions a great dcul of it h openly talked about in some oases it is past leiiig dangerous to our young eople considerable lias been reported lately with names of fill concerned without lookuig for an of it wbo has not seen too much to those pflrtcerripd let this hi a warning for those who are anxioun and ever respectable citizen should be and eapeciall parents neceh sary steps will he promptly i a ken toward improvement it is one hundred times more important to make nnd keep georgetown a icupec table village than to incorporate il n a town and ever individual hhould lie helping toward that end thanking you mr editor i remain sincerely p r watson auction sale farm stock the under ttitiol has received instrut lions from wat harding to sell by public auction at lot 19 5ih line west chmfruacousy on friday october 16tk at one o clock sharp the follow i tiff horses 3 horses good workers cattlie red cow calf by its rude jersey cow due by ihe tune of the sale rrey cow due time of sale 3 cows calves by their side red cow calf by its side red cow due time of sale grey cow due time of sale red cow due first of november black ft nil white cow due first or november grey cow in two months black and white cow in 3 months red cow due in september black and white cow due in december red cow due in january handle cow due in january black cow due in february trey cow due the first of april black cow due the first of may white cow due the first of may black and white cow due in march black cow due in february black and white cow due in february hoist em bull with pedigree 2 years old all above cows are well bred holsteins and good milkers are young 1 year old heifer pljr sow and 12 pigs three weeks old 8 pigs 2 months old shkbp cotswojd ram with pedigree implements heavy wniron mower set of sloon sleighs 2 sets of harrovs plow hay under hay rake culler set of heavy harness buggy seed drill milk vat am sold without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming terms all sum of 1000 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit on approved joint notes 5 per cent pr annum off for cash ben iktcii auctioned farm town properties for sale im ticulai l food farm in peel county 2i miles from raihvaj rf buildings bunk barn good brick house all level 75 acres un dcr cultivation balance bush nnd pasture 1 13000 n corporal iop of oeorketown 10 ncres uootl garden land a choice piece of knrdonsoil ssoo an acre in hakon count near oakville on dundss street 100- acre farm all under cultivation good farm buildinks kood soil ownor sick and farm j noted very reasonahle tisooo new nine- loomed solid brick lkouse for sale wilh two lots for tsoo or with 4 i es of land for ssooo so acre farm ood buildings close lp illnuc ami nuhvai station 800o fine inrko pasture fai m for sale evans rush willougkby block phone 237 georgetown the mens store special announcement 1 fall term now open enter any day individual instruction in day and evening sessions we train you and recommend you to the best positions demand for bbi graduates four times the supply start your course now brampton business institute o bovifiixd prim young calves arid foul cash no reserve a the proprietor has sold his farm r i kerr auctioneer l it slioroy clerk phono 36 acton h c bailey electrician eleotrio wiring- and fix tures orders left in the harnett shop will be promptly attended to phone 232 6e0r6et0wn life insurance protect your wife children yourself and your business with a policy in he great west life as- suianos co the lowest rates with the best results for particulars see w w roe ome so mw baal4noa as oeorogtowm out the quality of our bread is far above others those wlio have tried our bread made inoui own bakery am simply delighted with the sweet nutty flavor and its home made resemblance we use the finest flour it is possible to buy and use only purest ingredients we also make all kinds tt of rich cakes and pastry in fact an thing from a bun to a i i bridecake simply give un a trial that is all we ask we are sure you will repeat the order phono your orders we have a dailj delivery special tor saturday cream laser cukes pair cakes chocolate cream molls maderia cakes french dinner bread genoa cnkes georgetown glenwiluams coopera tive society ltd phone 228 georgetown e90 i h pr1tchett manager and secretary collections to the business men of georgetown messrs kelly aiken collectors of orangeville and owen sound have opened an olllco at h mclean bldg douglas st ouelpli and will take care for oolleotion accounts notes mortgages etc try them out with some of your hard cases you will oot only be satis fied with the results but will have more money in your pockets j l fielding co tea merchants dr 0 p britton dr w 8 laird and others in ouelpb or any of the doctors and dentists in the town of orangeville and the city of owen sound will supply roferene48 we respectful solicit your patronage advice to our friends who are thinking 1 of getting a blue or black serge soil we have a large stock of the above goods joi bought before the big advance in price if you sre flfr considering the purchase of a serge suit now is the 7 time to place your order as you will pay onethird hll more for these goods by the end of the month no jjjjj matter where you buy them uy buy wo and save money i i special clearing sale f hill in men h mid youths renl to weal clothing 30 per lv cent reduction off juitu id stock to make room for new pall hoods buy now and sae moiie all must he sold in ten das hiirguint in all spiingnnd snninier hoods millar go fine highclass tailors mont fnrolahlnie nd readjrtowsar clothiac georgetown phone 12b i jacksons exceptional good money saving vaucsl in housef urnishings special offer of heavy onage pure alnmlnnm wars your choice pieseiving kottles largo size alne sttooi itiliti kettles value sh75i double hoiler large size alue hs0 coffee pots with percolators value h2s 298 terms no collection no pay tha sterling bank of canada estnblishad 1000 raflsranoal apples wanted all kindn of good winter apples taken at georgetown and stewarlon stations to bo hand piekod and doliverod in hags atlloo per hundred lbs loading days monday tuesday and wodnosday at stowaiton thursday friday and saturday at georgetown geo w herrington phone 81 special 20 discount on a lino or beautiful haby carriages an strollers comfortable livingroom chairs and rockers at a very low price fumed ictit oak ohairs with tapestry cushions 107c rockers to match 172 large roomy oak ehairs nnd rockers leather pad seat and baek special alue 2200 fumed finish reed rockeis jillfio mahogany llnish rockers velour cushion seats lhn empire oak china cabinet 2800 jcut oak ruttet art glass doors 4900 j i kxtension table lfi72 round top sliupod pedestal leg 897j mahogany llnirth setec lapesti v upholstered ij2l7fi chairs to match j1h00 8pioce livingroom suite silk upholstered 1000 jacksons georgetown means superior training you want results we get them stud ents may stmt any du guelph business college herald bxdo guelph ontario a bqupif prln norval hardware store stoves and ranges glass and putty fairbanks gas engines pumps general hardware all kinds of plumbing frank hustler nprval gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery good hlucu tea per hi 4c washing kmlii h ids lor 10c saidines ii tins foi 25c loud liiiiihiiv soup per imr 10c ammonia packages lor iittc longs soups 7 fur u5c tapioca h ihs- for 27c prunes per lb 19c kulk sliucli 2 ihs toi 20o camnde salmon 1 hi tin fur 20c cocoa per lb 27e cncoiiniil fiei ih 45o unking sodn 2 lbs foi loo fr jjgibbens phone 160 lane block georgetown v- thermos bottle if you are not using one these days and are carrying your lunch you are missing a great deal they keep tea boiling hot for 24 hours kit illustrated includes a pint bottle and lunch bo in handy grip shape priceisf500 bottles at 175 to 650 week end specials guaranteed tooth brushes these are a special purchase tufted ends and per forated back best quality reg 60c weekend special 39c linen envelopes good quality reg 145c pkg fri sat 9c hourigans the 3texbjul store v i v i i ivwi

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