Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 13, 1920, p. 2

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page 2 the qeoboktown herald october 18th 1980 married cuiraiu- marchmknt on wednes day oclobfi th 1920 by l hi- rev a loifun liftjfiffie toronto olive ilaug li ter of mr mill mr jos murchmmit cilenwilllanih out to hubert k camp bell ran of mr ruhl anil the late mm cuaipbell toronto king hvdk al sutton on o by the rev f n rowek mably a ki hyde eldest dauemsr of mr and mrs a hydecf georifelowti to n011nn11 w king of sutlon died sttwsxl- in glenwillitims on thursday october 7th 1920 dinah sewrll belov ed daughter of mr and mm james sewell in memoriam fel rtknshaw in loving memory of our dear sister gertrude burtenshaw also fler friend alice francis both died oct ober folh 1918 two years have gone since that saui day god called them with him to stay loved and missetd by one and all their memory is one wo love to recall loving sisters a meetinovpf a small group of business men was held tuesday morning for the purpose of consid ering ways and means of develop ing an active interest in the boy life of our town it was the un animous opinion of those present that the time had oome to do some thing definite in the way of devel oping a program- of activities for boys which would include the spiritual educational and physical development of the boy it is the purpose of theae big brothers of the boys to begin a program of sports to oover the en tire year outdoor games will be started at once such as football lacrosse country bikes etc dur ing the winter months indoor base ball will be played in the drill hall also basket ball volley ball and other games an educational program will also be set up and a course of entertainments to meet the needs of boys will if possible be given the committee in charge of this work desire the hearty coopera tion of the people of georgetown in their effort to direct the boy energy of the town along right lines the boy is the greatest as set the nation has and worth the onsideration of the community church news methodiht thanksgiving service sunday morning at 1 1 a in service with drawn in the evening anniversary services sunday october 81st rev dr workman of toronto will preach on monday evening nov 1st a grand concert will ho given in the ohnroh by the howard park or chestra of toronto a treat is promised all who attend baptist rev jas h moore ba pastor our house of worship will be decorated next lords day in dis play of why we bold thanksgiving day plan to be there bring your visitors with you a speoial invitation is given to all without any churob home 10 am the sunday school jesus begins his ministry 1 1 and 7 thanksgi ving sermons by the pastor mrs c mcoorrie of toronto will sing at both servicoa also the male quar tette monday 8 pm our hypu tho pall of man by mr will bortop prayer meeting 745 wednesday night we will bo looking for you do come navy league of canada a meeting was held in tho coun cil lumber monday night at h oclock at which tho mayor pre sided lieut 11 0 jackson briefly out lined the need for funds to carry on the work of the navy league as follows 1 education of the poople in land to tho importance of build ing up a merchant fleet manned by canadians 12 to train boys for the sea al ready the league has 2000 boys training and 00 qualified and on merchants ships the tipkeep of sailors homes and institutes to make jacks life when ashore more comfortable 4 costly biit not least the re lief of dependents of the merchant marine who went under during the great war these men died but we i i ye and should see to it that the dependents do not want georgetown has- always nobly responded when help was needed and in the plea for the sailor the following committee was formed to secure workers to gather in funds locally on the anniversary of trafalgar- day thursday oc 21st when all towns will he simil arly helping chairman mb r b pouli8 secretary mh k j hyndp treasurer mr h r mlmms norval friends aud neighbors gathered at the home of mr henry petti- grew on monday evening to say goodbye and make presentations in token of the esteem in which this estimable family is held in the community dr webster was the chairman of the evening and performed his duties in a pleasing and masterly manner after appropriate and well chosen opening remarks he announced the program which was followed by the presentations and reading of addresses the program of the evening was as follows maple leaf forever piano solo miss smith vocal solo miss grecnsword reading l f greenwood vocal solo miss d campbell vocal solo miss olive laird vocal solo mr krichof reading l f greenwood vocal solo geo e gollop remarks by friends solo oeo e gollop auld lang syne god save the king the addresses as read will ap pear in our next issue by the removal of mr and mrs pettigrew and family norval and vicinity will suffer a distinct loss they were beloved and respected by everybody and while sorry to lose them all join in wishing them health and happiness in their new home in toronto a childrens service will be held in st pauls church on sunday afternoon oct 17th at 8 p m mr li f greenwood will address tho children all parents and friends invited rag carpets and rag mats woven to order old ingrain car pets woven into mala j laing east mary st milton 4t horticulture the bulbs for fall planting ob tained by the horticultural socie ty directly from holland are on sale at hoiirigans drug store the bulbs will be sold to any one desiring bome at cost not only i quantity of dishes and glassware auction sale rurnttukx the undersigned has received instructions from mrs wm moosvrtnsy to sell by puhlio auction on main street on friday oottbeb und at 7 oolock p in klectrio toaster rleotric bat tery hall rack kitchen tablo fall en leaf table radiant home heat er kitchen range bedroom suite noarly new 2 bedsteads h sets springs screon glass cupboard 6 kittihen ohairs 2 rooking chairs 2 washstands berry set glass pitch- er 2 sde dishes dozen soup plates toilet nets white teapot 2 granite teapots 2 large curtain poles 5 pair siam curtains pair lace curtains o small curtain poles 0 window saades 2 small stands 2 china dishes wheel barrow extension table quantity stove pipes 2 bedroom lamps bureau quantity of bed clothing auction sale farm stock aid impleaeals tin miirtiitnil hat been mntruclrti by christopher mmrsfut to sell by public auction at hi a premise lot 19 9ih line at g corbel own on friday october 88ad at oar oclock sharp the following hor8n- black coll rifting 2 yearn 2 work horsea black driver cattle a number of young cattle cow due dec 7 cow due dec 12 viol- stein heifer calf 2 yrtt holsteii heifer calf cow milking good calved 2 iiioiiiiih hots 20 12 4 month old ami k mouth old jtlno it 6 week old rufi yorkwhrre now due nov i6li implkmiittk mafesey harrix binder almost new 2 mowing machines horse rake need drill never been used cultiva- toci disc 3 scuffle 2 plows 21 kleury borne wagotv lumber wagon big red box gmvel box met double harness also set double liawienv light a quantity ot si raw m numbr useful articles paiwy churn hay rack logging chains et bob sleighs root pulper 2 roll barbed wire pig crate 2 buggy potea cutler terms 10 and under canh over that amount 11 month n credit on approved joint not en 5 per cent per annum off tor cash ren petch auctioneer auction sale farm slock and implements the undersigned has been iuftrumcd by john orsvahsw to sell by public auction at lot 12 con 2 esquesing op thursday october slst at 1 oclock the following horhks hay horse 9 years itrown horse aged cattle red cow calf at foot red cow calf at foot roan cow calf at foot roan cow due time of sale roan cow due tiinr of kale red cow due december red cow due february grade cow due time of sale brindle cow due nov 4th jersey cow due dec 10th jersey cow due dec 12th jersey cow calved 3 months bred aug 20 jersey cow due feb 20 milk ing well jersey cow supposed to be in calf milking well j houtein cow due fan 30th milking well young cattle 3 hointein heifers 2 years old 2 durham steers 2 years old short norm heifer 18 months 3 grade steers 1 year oid 2 heifer calves 7mos 3 steer calves 7 root veal calf mos fkii 8 fat yorkshire pigs fowl 14 geese implements deering mower s ft cut good as new maseey- harris mower 5 ft cut in good workintr order j deer ing tedder in good order deering horse rake j horse rake deering 12 disc seed drill nearly new hoe seed drill frost wood spring tooth cultivator frost wood scuffler 2furrow cockshutl plow straightener lumber wagon and box set of bobsleighs chatham fanning mill blast forge new oneherse wagon near ly new good top buggy cutter root pulper daisy churn no 1 harnbss set heavy double harness nearly new set breeching for double harness 3 neckyolces quantity of other articles too numerous to mention terms 1000 and under cash over that amount 11 months credit on furnish ing approved oint notes- 5 per cenl off for cash geese and fat hogs cash no reserve as the proprietor has leased his farm w wilson bkn fetch clerk auct ioneer pettits clover honey is good wliolehome food for the cliildrci and grownups too it is put up in 51b and 101b pails and sold at 30c peril strictly cash and carry 15c allowed for 101b pails in good order the petti apiaries gsoreatowit phone 143 kings orchestra acton open for engagementi for dances 4 pieces fob terms writs l g king or phone t actok fall term now open enter any day individual instruction in day and evening sessions we train you afjd recommend you to the best positions demand for bbi graduates four times the supply start your course now brampton business institute o bousfieid prim members of the sooiety but others may enjoy tho privilege in this shipment are contained many varieties of the most beau tiful tulipb naroissus etc dont fail to got your share im mediately card of thank we hereby convey our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for iheir many kindnesses and sympathy extended to us in our recent sad- bereavement mil anders j skwkm and uau1siitkr properties for sale house with all conveniences sit uated on three good lots will be sold at a reasonable price two excellent lots close to tho high bohool for 550 7roomodjiouso to rent also farms in esquesing j h lane real estate agent georgetown floor oiloloth 18 yards rag carpet lawn mower quantity of kitchen utensils and other things loo num erous to mention raymond sow- injtmachine tehm8 cash ben fetch auctioneer h c bailey electrician eleotrio wiring and fix tures orders left in the harness shop will promptly attended to be pbone 232 georgetown we acknowledge no master in this line and that is not a bombastic ef fusion but a cold hard fact easily proven we admit our skill no the burden of proof rests vitlyou try some of our pies and cakes today then oomo in and congratulate us youll bo vvolcomo whether you purchase or not mckinley bros georgetown ont farm town properties for sale particularly gotkl farm in peel county 5a miles from railway o buildintfs hank barn good jtrick house all level 75 acres tin tier cultivation balance bush itral pasture 113000 in corporation or georgetown 10 acres good garden html a choice piece of garden soil 300 au acre new nine roomed solid lirick house for anlo with two lots for s7500 or with 4j acres of intttl for ssooo 50 aore gffm gool biiihlings close to village ami railway station s6000 kine large pnhttirefarm for sale evatfs rush wioughby block phone 237 georgetown j o hear us when we cry to thee for those in peril on the sea have you ever been st sea in a stormy and seen the clouds lowering the wind rising and the waves running mountains high decks treacherous and the orew anxious unless you have you cannot imagine its awful majesty or the courage it calls up and the spirit it commands in men many canadians have never seen the sea yet the sea is canadas worldtrade highway the sea and the merchant sailors make us prosperous but the merchant seamans life is hard and perilous he wages continuous battle against the forces of nature the real sailor is not the deck steward or attendant on comfortable ocean liners his ship is no floating palace his voyage no pleasure trip the real sailors ship is the tramp steamer or windjammer beating against gales decks awash sleep a stranger for days and nights on end frozen in winter dodging icebergs in spring groping through fogs off treacherous banks beating round the horn fighting through typhoons or becalmed in the yellow sea tough going all the way death always hovers over the wheel is it any wonder then that the navy league wants to make life comfortable for our sailors when ashore after all canada is their home and the home while they are here of the sailors of other lands the navy league endows maintains or assists in maintaining every sailors home institute and welfare society in canada and every dollar subscribed for the maintenance of thefe homes and institutes will be money well invested and redound to our national prosperity the sea is oar heritage and our strength in proportion as we develop this seaconscious spirit so shall we advance in world civilization and trade we can only develop our seaconscious spirit by making life more endurable to canadian sailors and it is for this purpose that a portion of the navy leagues fund is set aside to carry on its work next year the navy league must have 760000 this money must be raised next week it is not a large amount and borne in proportion from coast to coast it must surely be subscribed the navy league of canada sailors week campaign october 1823 dominion objective 760000 the work of the navy league is o enlighten peopu upon thu importance of the i so that canadian products may be hippied through canadian porta in canadian ahipa of- ncarad and manned by trained canadians to encourage and to undertake the trninint of canadian lada to man canadas navy nnd mer cantile marino to formulate a runbammtaltjr eeund policy for tlm training of oar preeent eafarinjr population to meet an emergency eo that canadian overs- commerce will be adequately protected to support facilities for making the sailors life nshore endurable 1o provide for dependents of those who died to protect canada nationally- imperially and com mercially these objects can only be achieved through an organiration representative of public reeponaflirjr and outalde party politics 0 the mens store i j special announcement advice to our friends who arc thinking of getting a blue or black serge suit we have a large stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price if you are considering the purchase of a serge suit now is the time to place your order as you will pay onethird more for these goods by the end of the month np matter where you buy them buy no and save money special clearing sale 1 in moris niil youths itciidy- towvur cloi hintf so jjer bid iiil rtoiluitioirultkiiiu in ktihk to make loom for new fall uttuu buy now iiul mivp monoy all must bp hold in ton iiiijk huikiuris m nil sjninu ntul summer goods millar so co fine highclass tahobs mou furulshlnica and radytowar clothing georgetown phone 126 jacksons f exceptional good money saving values in houscfurnishings special offer of heavy gnage prre aluminum ware pichoiviiit kotmch 1iiiil sizo value ffl i your choice itility kettles vuluo st7s i gt c stss so double boiler liutje siz value 150 1 j4s5 tvstsfc coffeo pots with poieiilatoik value jhaj f special 20 discount on a liuo of roautirul baby corriasea an strollers comfortable livingroom chairs and hookers at a very low price ftnnod icut oak chairs with tapostrycushions 1075 rockers to match 172o larue roomy oak chairs and rockers leather pad seat and back special value 2200 fumed finish lined rockers 1160 mahonnny finish rockers velour cushion nents u8fi kmpira oak china cabinot 2hfl0 icut oak multet art klass doors sid00 intension tables itx72 round top shaped pedestal le 8i7g mahogany llnisli setoo tapestry upholstered 21170 chairs to matcli 1400 8pieco livinkroom suite silk upholstered l00 jacksons georgetown gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery hodpath iiiliiiilatfri siikur fl lb ooe rolled oats 7 pound for 16c saluda ton ro 70c per lb for ufic japan rice ood quality 2 1b for 25c creamery hut tor per lb 18c pastry flour national brand in 21 lb 110 linkers breakfast cocoa in bulk per lb 26c hriljsh columbia salmon in j lb tins l for 20o canned peas 2 tins for bfio ktar ainonia 4 pks for 26o purity salt iok 15c bun 2 for 2llc peanut butter in bulk per lb 29c swifts shortening in ii 5 or 10 lb pails per lb 20c try oil hulk pluck ten per lb 17c j j gibbens phone 160 lane block georgetown buy a buy an auto strop razor and share in comfort get one on 30 day free trial hourigans 5exc stole i sgkjmmgabm

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