Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1920, p. 1

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u v the georgetown herald fiftyfourth ykar of publication georgetown wednesday evening october 20th 1920 150 per annum in advance 200 to us the georgetown herald every wednesday evening at th v herald power printing offitfe gooroetown ont contract advertising ratfeb fufnihed on application j bf moore pobllher and proprietor otrtime tbl loing east passenger t 722 am passenger 10luaui mail 1185 am lv passenger a 10 pm r mail oiwpn passenger h20 pm passenger sunday 711 pm goinu west passenger 767 am maii 1010 am passenger 810 pm passenger 460 piu passenger 001 pm mail 767 pm passenger sunday 1010 am going north mail 800 am mail 610 pm ooino houth mall 1188 am mail j 800 pm toronto suburb railwa daily timetahlb am pm pm going bast 810 224 640 going west sbb 810 789 flunday timktahle going bast am pm pm pm pm 1021 1220 846 610 917 am pm pm going webt 1040 610 986 w a bailey uptodate harness shop we are headquarters for all kinds of harness and harness ac cessories also sole agents for the celebrated leneogas which is the gioatest savor of gasoline on the market absolutely guaranteed to give you more power on loss gas 100 tin is equal io 40 gallons of gasoline come in and let ns tell you what it does repairing promptly attended to w a bailey main street georgetown we cordially invite tlio ladies of georgetown and vicinity to call nnd inspoctonr stock of gossard corsets llm mrs a watson mrs e wintteld geo f s near issuer of marriage etoenses in surance agent etc rraidona queen st phone k01 georgetown ont see grandy for a full line of choice groceries also crockery and fancy china a m grand v s pure food store phone 75 satisfaction guaranteed prompt delivery jmbuck butohee always keep a choloe stock of the i beet proonrmkle in freeh and belt y meet which he sells at the lowest possible prices canada pood board license no 9 ji08 get the best 11 thegeorgetown lumber co are now prepared to furnish a full supply of all kinds of building material includinga lath shingles scantling- hough and dressed lumber h custom sawing estimates furnished on complete buildings office and yards water street georgetown phone 250 hirschqrns ladies wear and tailoring good shoes are btill at a high price andtwtrr remain so for some time to come but now that the french heel has gone completely out of stylo no doubt shoo dealers will sell off these shoes at a reduc ed prioe so if you want the very latest shaped cuban heel wo will put tnem on sew oomplete cithor with leather or rubber top pioce for 100 per pair as wo have the required experience and mnohinery for doing so hop at corner of kins and snoii st near g t r station jaballantine veteran shoe repairer we dont cobble hour 8 am to 610 p m dally h yonge and chart st toronto enjoys an excellent reputation for high irrade work it la no wonder the demand for our graduates is five tlmea our supply enter any time catalogue free wvj elfott principal new fall suits and coats call and see our lines of the latest in ladies suits and coats the prices are right a hirschorn brooke block georgetown notice the companies of this agency have taken into con- aideration the increased high cost of building material and labor and toiah to advise the public that they will be glad to write additional insurance on any property where the values warrant this agency will be glad to serve you if you will advise by phone or letter we will call on you at once evans rush agent phone 237 georgetown georgetown elevator a full stock of flour and feed baled hay and straw always on hand highest market price paid for grein robert noble limited norval ontario what cash you need when travelling and movo particularly when large sums art required is best carried in the form of a letter of credit issued by the merchants bank this old establixlifri form of intnrnntlonal banking is preferred by many experienced travellers beoaum of its absolute secuiny letters of credit lire cashed only by banks or banking corporations nnd aft r the identity of the holders is established tn tie it officials this insures saiety loss and theft lion of the bonk til uai ds against th mcrchant5 bank head office montreal of canada georgetdwn branch acton branch established 1884 h r mimms mnnager l b shqrey manager madges candy shop -for- hot bovril tomato soup chocolate cocoa and coffee also best in ice cream candies etc main street phone 214 mail contract skaled tkndkhh add reused to tho lohtmauter utiieiul will bt receiv ed ui otluu until noon on rildu the 2 of 0iolfr 1920 for l in- con- vthihe of iiik mnjemty mtiu on n proposed com t id tot four jear thirty rtix times pur week on tho rouit at ton wettt and grand lunik rait ty httlton from the iokimamit t iuiil s ilcutiure printed notices contain lnu furthtu- information an to- tomlltiohit of ny- pohod contract may lm atten uud blunk forma of tttnder uia be obtained ut the cost ofiiofs ut at ton west and ut the fru e of the post oltke inspector n ollice toronto september 16tb 92 a suthicruanli iost offlh inspector norval in ti1k mukuuuait cuuiit of tiik culnt oh u alton in the mnttrr of ibe bsjtal of itlcll- altd git a ham imtr or tb townsitilp uf luulnc in the county or ilnl- fnriurr iettued notice 1m hotoby ken pumuant to ttiu hevld stuluta of ontalio ohapjwr 1 s 1 jtluii l that nil prroii4 havltiif ulttltn auainul the ettlute of hie auld hit hard uiahum who died on ot about the t etil ftiut lu of alltfuht 1 1 jo ut ihu fluid townalilp of kflgu-n- itlk ulu rvqulrod to hnd b punt oi to deliver to the undemifftied tudlclior foi tliu extcutoru of tho ehlittu of th wiild klchard jtuham on or bofom thueluv- tlith day of jctobur 11 jo their namett addrukheh lull piirtltitilum of their 1 ulnm and the nature of the wecurlty if any held by them ail duly verified i ittututory declaration aftur the maid dale ttie executors will pioced to dlatrlbuto the atntetu of the decuumed unions tho paitloit entitled t lien to huvlnic refrurd only ti the claims of which they shall then have notice and they uhall not be liable for the assets or any part of them to any person of whom claim notice shall not have buen received by them at the time of such dlhtiibutloh ditid at milton this sixteenth day of st itember 1920 w i dick milton ont solicitor for the fsxecutom k j btnds insurance jroker insurance in all branches phone 203 georgetown wanted 100 ladies and gentlemen to have fchoir suits cleaned pressed ropnlrod or dyed by us- we also dry clean nil kinds of rilks and woollens at reasonable prions p l mcdermott next door to roneys sloe store georgetown livingstones bakery main btr1et summons for the housewife saturday special peerless lemon tarts plain launch oake fruit iinnoli oake try our fruit loaf quality bread is unsurpassed a livingstone son phone 55 georgetown local directory 8t georges church rov wm burt l th rctor sunday service ollowa matins 11 a m evenaonc 7 p m sunday school 945 a m in base ment holy communion 1st and 3rd sundays or each month at 11 a m legal 8hilton wallbridqe dale barristers solicitors etc toronto and georgetown olmce kxujiody block le hoy dale in charge ot oeorsta- owii otttoe medical or joseph moandrew physioian and surooon medical otncer of health district uircon q t k ollice hours 2 to a and 7 to 8 p m phono 58 ollice and residence main street south opposite pteabyterlan church 1 dr o f w ross ex- house surgeon grace hospital 1 oronto t special attention to uiheases of women and children and infant feeding dental frank r watson d d s m d 3 dentist georgetown ont houi s d a m to 6 p m except thursday afternoon dentistry in nil its branches ovsr bsll telephone office f l heath u d8 dentist o d 8 ollice in lane block one door north ot oneill s carriage factory hours 9am to 0 p m chiropractic no medicine surerery or vjfe osteopathy jol a m ne1xson d c fflnf jraduate oi tht- palmer school of chiro practic chiropractic s fountain i lend diienport iowa ts a olflco over hourlgnns drug store con mi tat l 1 1 and hpinul analysis free okfkk hoi rs tuesdu s ami satur- dnjs 2 to s pm and 730 to 830 pm plionk ofiice and kcmdencc 150u auctioneers benj petch licensed auctioneer for halton and peel glen williams post office sales conducted satisfactorily and at rea- onuhle rates oideis left at the georgetown herald office will receive prompt attention j a tracy clerk township of icsquestng clerk 3rd division court the leading klre and life insurance os represented issuer of marriage licenses ofllce mill street west georgetown oftlce hours wednesday and flat- day afternoons ernest t martin tenor bolojsl and director of music jnmes st baptist church lliiinil- ton toachor of tone production corroot breathink and -lnterprp- tntion pupils prepared for chnrcli con cert oratorio nnd- opera for information apply to mih it 1j flook dili lino or telopliono 80 followinii arc tlic luldrossos as rciul by mpshih ij s ui eon wood and ktl iieensword on the oc- anion of till prohpiilation id mr and mik ij pettiwrew and family inst week mi walter tlioiiipson made the presentation on beluflf of the cliuicli and mr william shaip on behalf of tho noinhboru norval ont october llth1026 to mi henry pkttiokbv iiik nmfk and ivrihtkh wo have katbervd together huh evoninn not only iih jour friends and neiklibors imt also an n repro mentation of st pauls churcli noivnlto expresh to ol all our sincere reitiet at your coiwink de parture from our uiidit we wttulj assuie you that lh plaoe you leave vacant as members ef the congregation will be very hard to nil aqd while expressing our regrets we at the same time closire to ive voice to the keen appreciation with which for many yeaih your faithful and untiring efforts in the interests of the cliuicli and youi splendid churohiuanahip have been regarded we havo found yon at all times willing and eager to give youi services in many capacities all cooperating in ovory way to bring about that true spirit of unity which is tho root and foundation of religious and social life in any congregation and particularly so in a rural congregation wo uow ask you to accept from the congregation of st pauls this clock as a small token of the regard in which they bold you all we trust that it may prove a faith ful time keeper in your new home and that its chime may serve to remind you hourly in the years to come of all those who wish you well wo wish to ftssuro you that yon carry with you upon your depart ure the united good will and best wishes of all and while we feol assured that you will make for yourselves in your new surround ings tiue and firm friends we only ask that you will not forget tho many friends you number among lie congregation of st pauls church c f orlinwood peoples warden on behalf of the congregation of st pauls church norval ont to liumn prtticihrv and ills family mr lettigrow it is not a pleas ant duty to say goodbye partic ularly to those whom wo have known for almost a hfo time but we your neighbors and friends could not let the opportunity pass to express to you and your family the sincoro regret wo feel at your leaving our midst you hae been a neighbor in all that the name implies and all of who havo come under your kindly influence will miss you more than wo can tell we know we could always count on your help and advice and wo hae availed ourselves of tho privilege often as for your good wife i think wo but voice tho sentiment of tho en tile community when wo say we all loo her it will seem stiange hen wo can no longer seo her sinilo of welcome when we call at lilac hill she and her daughters by encouragement ami help have made a place for themselves that we feol others cannot 1111 words poorly express our thoughts but wo want you mrs pottigrew and your daughters to know thnl tlic community hfo has been enrichod because you havo lived among us friendship cannot be measured in money and only as a token of tho esteem in which wo bold you this tea service is riven may you use it often it will be a ro- merabrance of tho many times wo had the friondly cup of tea with you in this home our good friends and neighbors we would wish to keop with us always and it is doubly hard to break asbooiationu of forty ilvo years but we wish you every hap pinoss in your now home and hope that you will return to visit us often on behalf of the neighbors and friends gko c brown wmshabp 0 ii hemb jackhon k o gllken- voor committee mr pettigrew very feelingly re plied thanking all concerned for their very kind lemembrances and extended an invitation for old friends and neighbors to isit them in their new homo public school report following in the report for sep tember 1020 iv class honors- ada liana muriel ostrander pass alex fraser kathleen trciliior 1 solid mcderruid lillian kennedy hurnell lougheed clar ence king sr ill a lion- fata wilson evelyn stockford margaret wil- loughby flossie blair bruce hea th jean mcuibbon sam macken zie jack mcderuud pass claude burnsides alex ritchie margaret kennedy albert livingstone raymond llarley ce cil stapletop blva dobbie stella sluightholme jr ii i b hon beth munru ei loon bullivant pearl saxe gar field mcgilivray and hazel holmes wi i hoi mine uynds pass charlie willson gordon jenkins jack buck kenneth wes ton lome walters lizzie neisli klvin ostrander willie reeve violet chaplin and olaf stapleton sr ill b don margaret j kennedy edith davis harold bullivant dorothy ballantine irene tost pass jack cricbton ethel wil son jim dobbie fred spires isa bel wilson bessie dobbie charles frampton victor tedder kdgar rush jr ill b hon gordon al- oott alice treanor marjone hil lock alice parsons harvey king kathleen barnes pass charlos scrymgeonr john hall annie uirschorn claud ken- tner violet tedder hngo diggina class i bessie smith margar et wright marjorie mckenzie elisabeth spence class ii lion arthur smith maud allen robt hynds pass hilliard allen walter law sod cecil stull class i a hon ray crioh- ton louise bullivant elmer cost- kan pass helen rush and frank rosso equal arthur hazelwood roy cole and myra boles equal lily lluggins minnie sargent iv an wright walter mcgillivray jaok willougliby alice fred gre- on marjorie lmham mary deer- ing edna sutton gordon martin primary pass barbara tost frank green norman greensides harold davidson margaret green josephine mickey irene arm strong flora alcott vera fox et hel hall violet page violet mc- farland fraser minims malt land wilson llowaid legraw jean merrett willie chaplin tillie hirsohorn brook rosso frank dewhurst arthur thompson al ma thompson irene casel ethel barker irene hall first book b sr hon vin- er wright jock duncan irons marchment pass lily saunders edgar gregory rona mcenery jr hon martha graham qs- orge sargent pass ted murdock edith god- fiey no second class report this mouth bwing to illness of teacher school report for september s 8 no 3 es- qiiesing sr iv alfred brigden honors jr iv pearl brown i id go harold rood joseph drake hi alice leslie hon tansley barnes ii correna wriggles- worth sr i gordon brigden victor thompsod jr i- ross wrigglesworth eaton wilson equal primer horrace barnes hon wiunifred wrigglesworth willie mockio fliances hoitne toocher speolal optlo1 offer high grade gold filled spectacles and eye glasses with best quality lint spherical lensos at from 850 and up eyes examined free by the well known and painstaking specialist mr hugbson formerly optical export for kents jewehy store toronto we save you money on everything in the optic al lino two days only friday and saturday ootober 22nd and iittid come early will close at 4 p m sharp d j matthew drugs and stationery george town note exact date 2t counter check books at the herald properties for sale house with all convonioncos sit uated on three good ioib will bo sold at a reasonable prioe two oxeellont lots close to the high school for 5s0 7roomod houso to rent also farms in esqueslng j h lane preal estate agent georgetown correspondence to the editor of tho ijerald dear sir at a mooting of citizens on fiiday night to discuss sooial wol- faro the oaso of the crown against r hoys for damago was disoussod tho two presiding magistrates woie present and took part in tho discussion luring which it was elicited that tho suspended sen tence was not on the court records therefore the boys are not on sus pended sentence as announced in the herald of two weeks ago will you pleaso in the interests of justloo make an announcement to that offoot w diooinr the house and contents of mr and mrs a t switzer of lisgar was totally destroyed by fire last wook somo women dont like their husbands using cloves and if they only know it the husbands dont like using them either keep in mind father qo6d- rows oldtime home coming to bo hold in the aoton town hall ook 20 to 20 everything that is entertaining and full of novelty word picture of muskoka hospital awondrcitland of invigorating pilieaceuted sir dastltng aus- shlne freehly srreen treea tiylel blue water no suuud but the of birds 1 set on an elevation the muskeka free hospital for conatimptltss connlmtlug of an infirmary for bea fistlenta with verandah overleok- ng the lake and niany long low openair pavilions aurroundlng wide green lawns here in hos pital cots aro the patients all wonderfully happy whileclad ntiries and doctors pans to and fro peace and cohtentmont reign con- valescentn bask on sunny lawns or us in abmled hammocks broken down hrnuofh overwork worry undernourlahment they have nothing to do but get well its qodi own spot declared one young nian revorontly pre per care reat pure air and good food bad saved his life tho samaritan club providing for a bedridden father during lhe sons absence oods own pot where helping hand stretches qui to thoae losing their grip of llfel contribution may be sent to sir william a age 8 s pad inn avenue toronto or to goo a held treas urer ssi college- street toronto a ifj lv i iikfe4js vut iff ii j ut i j y yv3

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