Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 27, 1920, p. 1

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the georgetown herald kifty fourth ykar op pdrucation georgetown wednesday evening october 2 lih 19 2 o 150 per annum in advance 200 to us the georgetown herald giitiqtiiis ptthtmhmrt every wednesday evening t tha erald power printing office gaorgalovvn ont y r contract advertising rates furnished on application j m moore publisher stud proprietor qtrtim table going euwr iassenpcr 7 22 am iashcntdu- 1010 nin mail 11 85 afh ltiksonkcr 845 pui mini ojjh pm iasiwrfknr m 11111 piwmpmmor sumliiy 711 i 111 ioing wkht ivhhoiikcr 7g7 am mail 1010 am paxhennpr 210 pm piituumkcr 460 pm piiuhimiki 1 0o1 pm mail 767 pm iusmmitjpi sunilin 1010 am ooino north mail bo0 am mail 610 pm ooino hoiitu mail 1188 am mail 8o0 pm toronto 8ubnrbaa rallwav daily timetable am pm pm uomg eoht 810 a 24 040 going west 8s6 810 789 sunday timetable going east am pm pm pm pm 1021 1220 845 010 017 am pm pm uomg wont 1040 610 98 see grandy for a full line of choice groceries also crockery and w a bailey uptodate harness shop wo arc headcjuartpra for all kinds of harness and harness ac cessories also solo agents for the celebrated lioncogas wliicli is the gieatest saver of gasoline on the market absolutely guaianteod to give you more ponoi on less gas 100 tin is equal io 40 gallons of gasoline come in and lot us toll you what it does repalrlug promptly attended to w a bailey main street georgetown a m grandy pure food store phone 75 satisfaction guaranteed prompt delivery established 1672 sale notes ijeavij join sale notes with us for collection or if 3011 wish tojob- tniii advance against them suit aio of 0111 local managers notes supplied free of charge bank of hamilton- ggmackay tt manager fancy china n o t i c e we cordially invito the ladies of georgetown and vicinity to call and inspeot our stock of gossard corsets jmbuck butcher always kps a ohoio stock of the bent procurable in fresh and salt meats which he tells at tha lowest possible prices cnnuda food hoard liconne no 0 21 ok get the best the companies of this agency have taken into con tideration the increased high cost of building material and labor and wish to advise the public that they will be glad to write additional insurance on any property where the values warrant this agency will be glad to serve you if you will advise by phone or letter we will call on you at once evans rush agents phone 237 georgetown growing old a littlo nioro grej in the lessening hair each day as the years go by a little more stooping of the form alittlcniore dim thoeje a little moro faltering of the stop as we tread lifes pathway oer but a little nearer every day to the ones who have gone before a little moro halting of tho gait and a dullness of the oar a growing weariness of the frame with each swift passing year a fading of hopes and ambition too a falteiing in lifes quost but a littlo nearer every day to a sweot and peaceful rest a little more lonclinesu m life as the dear ones pass away a biggci claim on the heavenly land with eerj passing da a little further from toil and care a littlo less way to loam a drawing neare to a peaceful voyage l and a happj welcome homo local directory j thegeorgetown lumber co a i are now prepared to furnish a full supply of all kinds of building material includings i i iath shinglea sosvntlinsa ronbla and dressed lumber mrs a watson mrs ewlnlleld oeoroetdwn f s near issuer of marriage lioenses siuanco agent etc residence qneen st phone 201 r georgetown out in- good shoes are still at a high price and will remain so for some time 1 to comp but now that the frenokneel has gone completely out of style no doubt shoe dealers will hell off these shoes at a reduc ed prioe so if you want the very latest shaped cuban heel wo will put them on new complete either with leather or rubber top pieco for 100 per pair as wo have the required experience and machinory for doing so hop at corner of king amd queen st near o t r station jaballantine yetctraut shoe repairer we dont cobble houn 8 am to 010 p n dally m tonga and ontario bta toronto enjoy an excelled reputation for high trade work it la no wonder tha demand or our graduate la five limes our nupply knur any timo cataloguetvee v j eulott principal custom sawing estimate furnished on complete buildings office and yards water street georgetown phone 250 georgetown elevator a pull stock op flour and feed baled hay and straw always on hand highest market price paid for grain robert noble limited norval ontario hirschorns ladies wear nd tailoring new fall suits and coats call and see our lines of the latest in ladies suits and coats the prices are right mtrschorn brooke block georgetown r j hynds insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 203 georgetown wanted 100 ladies and gentlemen to have their suits cleaned pressed repaired or dyed by us we also dry clean all kinds of silks and wqpllens at reasonable prices p x modermott next door to roneys shoe store georgetown farmers business for the past 64 yean this bank haa given particular attention to the bturlnest of farmers we have helped many over the rough places and have aided many more to the highest plane of success we are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate banking practice come in at any time and talk over your jeairs with ua you are always welcome th mcrghant5 dank head office montreal of canada established 1864 georgetown branch h r mimms mnnaer acton branch l b shorey manager madges candy shop fo it- hot bovril chocolate tomato soup cocoa and coffee also best in ice cream candies etc main street phone 214 livingstones bakery main street summons for the housewife saturday special peerless lemon tarts plain lunoh cake fruit lnnoh cake try our fruit loaf quality bread is unsurpassed a livingstone son phone sb georgetown 8t qeorqe8 church sav wm burt l th reotor sunday wrvlce wlm follows- mallns 1 1 a m kvenaon 7 p m sunday school ft45 a m in baae- ment holy communion ut and 3rd sun of eacrt month at 11 a m leqal shilton wallbr1dqe a dale barristers solloitora etc toronto and aorctawn othce kennedy block le kay iale in charge of qtara- wn othoe medical dr t s maroellus physician and surgsoi uedlrul officer of ufslth office hours- 2 to and 7 to 9 p m phone 56 ottlce and kestdnos ualn street 6nuth oupoulte presbyterian church dr kxlntik c f w robs surgeon grnro hofcpital toronto special at lent ton to lieasfs of women ii id children and infant komlmjf dental frank r watson o d 8 m d s dentist georgetown ont- llom h 9 a m to p m except rtiurhtluy aftei ioon i4ntlhtry in all ltt branohes over ball telephone offloe f l heath l d8 d d dentist olllce in lne block one door north f oneills carrtace factory hours t a m to 6 p m chiropractic ho medicine surgery oi oeteopetby a m neixson d c graduate ot the palmer school of chiro practic chiropractic s fountain 1 lend davenport iowa usa office over hourlsans drug store consultation and spinal analysis free opkick hotrs tuestlajb and satur day 2 to 5 n in and 730 to 850 pm piionk oflue and kenidcnco i50w auctioneers benj petch llronsed auctioneer for italton and peel glenwllluuna post office sales conducted sat in actor lly and at rea- eonahle rates orders left at the georgetown herald office will receive prompt attention ernest t martin tenor soloist nnd direotor of music jamos si baptist church hamil ton teacher of tone production correct breathing and interpre tation pupils prepared forchuicli con cert oratorio and opera for information apply to mrs ij el fleck 9th line or telephone 80 mail contract srnlod tfnilers luldrcsaod to the pohtmiihtet oiioritl will he received ut ottawa until noon on krin the 20th november l2n for the ootm-y- nnce of iuh mnjchtys mnlls on n propound onttucl rot tour years kx times por wiek on tho toutc geoi up town iturnl itontti no 2 via hornby from the lht juhunry 1021 noxt prlntttl notlioh contjitnlnk further infonnatlon its to conditions of pi o- posed contract may he hoefi and blank fotms of tender mni in obtained ut the post of flois of hot wetown nnd hornby and ut the ol rices of the vtwt office inbpector toi onto post office inspectors office toronto oct 13th 1020 a hijthkuiami uqht office inspector mail contract sealed 1enf ih nddiohwml to tlie pobtnnmter aniinl will lie reoetveil at ottnwu until noon on friday the 2tth nm ember 102 for tho eonvey- anee of i its majealh uialla on n pro posed oontrnot for tour years alx times per week on the route oeorsvttown 11 n no 3 from the 1st january printed notices containing further information as to dominions of pro posed contract may ho seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the post offices of qeorgotown and at the offloe of the post office in spector toronto post office inspectors office toronto oot 12th 1020 a bllthbrlanl post office inspector mnskoka in autumn those who have never seen mtia- koka in the autumn with ltn heuutl- ful tinted leaves and folluffo have misfit d a slffht heuutlful to liehold the l autlea of nature were never mote lvldly portrayed thun in th view which unfolded before the eye while ruining the lukett of fu r- faini d itiakoka in the uutumo on wednesday itfteruoon octoli 18th hoc and jde left geo rue town b the at lei noon train for the north countr to spend a few duys fishing and to forget for the thne being- the worries of business life iutnk toronto by the onh they urrued at bala park about one am on thursdaj mornlnff here they were met by one of the nntlved mr icen murliu with his finp rasohne luumh and after n uellarhtful hour on jhe water arrived at docs summer home a little- after two am notwlthsuind- inff ihe fact that jgood meal hud been partuk n ocfefo leaving the jlty i oc inslated thut it was time for mor ents and immediately proceed ed to ffet n fire going and search the well filled larder for suitable edibles to satisfy the cravtntpt of the inner man and he sure was succ essfnl foi ufter a sumptuous repast of bac on nnd effffs with the egxs eliminat ed and other equally tarty victuals followed by cake and tea th two re tired at four am and not a wue of trouble rolled across their peace ful breasts hoth were up brlffht and early on thursday morn ins and after breakfast joe washed the dishes while doc got the trolling lines ready for the on slaught on the salmon the canoe was taken out and placed in the lake and the game was on hoc let out the long length of line while joe manipulated the paddle and it was not long before hoc said u strike well it wns hard o believe at first for it was as the young lady said so sudden but when the line ws hauled hi with considerable effort and loc landed a fine salmon his repututlon for truthfutness was sus tained then it was joes turn to take the trolling line and after con siderable lapse of time he too had a strike and it was a real one too for it cost a good spinner and about 75 feet of line whatever struck it has the line et so if any of our readers should be trolling in these waters and capture a miniature whale with a splnnei and line attached to him he belongs to the party of the first pnrt troll no 2 was then bi ought into play ami two more beau- lies adorned the bottom of the canoe when the tw o fishermen landed at iocs wharf at the end of a perfect day that evening was spent in front of a glowing pine stump in the big flre- pluie thinking of those at home nnd renewing memories of the past in fact wo or three games of lactosae wen plttmd over agnln thoae of the good old days hm professionalism was unknown nnd itoh krwln and yoikle watson were afraid or no man who wielded the gutled stick lights out was sounded atout 11 so p in and after a good nights rest the fishermen wero up bright and early und at it again this morning bass was the objective and although every kind of legal bait was used there was nothing doing and the greater pnrt of the day pass ed without a killing that evening however two more salmon were add ed lo the catch of the previous day halmon a la carte was prepared by dor that evening for dinner irl addi tion to which he served irish boiled potatoes stewed tomatoes and rasp berry turnover with whipped cream pinner oer it was a case of who washed the dishes and who cleaned the fish joe was elected to wash dishes while doc cleaned fish it was a tired but happy pair of devoted hus bands that retired that night saturday found these two followers ot isaac walton on the water again and their efforts were rewarded hv more killings of the finny tribe sunday was a beautiful day and a tour of the lakes in the launch nmong the hundreds of tree covered islands with their beautiful autumn tinted leaves made one think of a kind pro vidence having placed at our very doors such a restful and peaceful ha ven for tired and weary humanity monday morning after getting things ready for the return trip a couple of hours were spent in trolling nnd two beauties wero landed the homeward journey was commenced at one oclock when ken accompan ied by his father mr martin ip called for the pair with his launch and landed them at tlala park in tlpe to catch the two p m train for toronto they arrived home at georgetown at eleven p m after a pleasant motor ride from toronto imth enjoyed the outing to the lim it and say they will repeat the trip next fall health and weather permit ting they had a pleasant visit with the martin and anderson families who helped materially to add to the pleasure of the outing j m m notes and comments exceeding the speko ijm1t within the corporation limits of ortllla cost two drivers of motor cars oil and costs in the police court of that town on wednesday of last week henceforth reckless motorola will be severely deultavlth in the couch it hing town there is no excuse for reck letisncsu dizzybeaded motorists who make speedways out of streets have no consideration for the safely of tliu public and should be rigoroum hup pressed by the authorities of till well conducted urban municipalities tiikrk sekmk to le a somewhat general impression that the peak of the good times on this continent hus been reiirhed and that tho nox1 few monthavwtll see a slump in business prosperity more or leas acute if youve srot a job keep it huch is ujeadvlce of the heads of various employment agencies the advice is offered to wage earners and salarb d mi n conditions have already pro duced a surplus of job hunters ami it is pnii tlcally certain that jobs will not be easier to find for some time to come the illinois state free em ployment bureau announces that foi the first time since the beginning of the war there are more job seekers than there are jobs and that onl thw most efficient can now got jobs if youve got a job keep it there ark few rich clergy men says the farmers sun true most congregations feel it their dutv to keep thalr minister relatively poor sometimes that is alout the only duty they never neglect m tord keep me poor and humble was the prayer of a simpleminded clergyman at the weekly prayer meeting keep mm humble o lord and well keep him poor was the ready interjection of one of the wealthiest of the flock rich clergymen are not to be desired as a matter of fact clergymen have no right to be rich their master was poor and so was his disciples if thou wilt be perfect go sell what thou hast and give to the poor nnd thou shnlt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me was rhrlsfs di rection to the young man who had viiat possession hut that should not be made an excuse by men living in luxury for denying their minister and his family the necessaries of life the means to educate his children ami enough to make reasonable provision for old age the city papers are telling their readers nhout the gieut riches the farmers are gathering in this year but they forget to say that these re turns hac been made possible only by the toil not only of the farmer himself but bv the toll of his wife and his hoys and girls all of whom aie doing fnrm labor the family on a piosperous farm do more hours of hurd work week days and ftundnys in three months than the members of a welltodo eltv family do in a whole veur an ptospettiv unit comes to the farmer nnd his lumltv is nlways well earned homoktic help is almost unknown on the fat in while in the city families which are with out htlp nic vci few if the woik lug bonis on the fmm were as few tis they ate in the cltv starvation and famine would soon be the result kotesl ftoe press voters list notice notice is hereby given that lite elec tors of the village of georgetown are hereby required to examine the list of vo ters for the said village for the year 1920 and if any errors or omissions are found ihcrin are required to take such steps as the law directs to have such er rors or omissions corrected if no com- flfiiiit is made within thirty days from the lth day of october 1920 the natd list will be filed as the correct voters lint of the village of georgetown for the year 1920 this list w as ported up in the clerks olnce on the 11th day of october 1920 f i hath village clerk dated litis 20th day of october 1920 we must not allow anything t interfere with the efficiency of our public library in the midst of so much trashy magazine literature it is doublv important nowadays to have a circulating library which while not altogether devoid of weaknesses in its fiction department posseses a con siderable counter effect to the deter iorating influence of the penny dreadfuls and the problem and spook stories that are fed to the weaker minded of the public the local public library has a big mission and so far it has fill j it well its yearly issue of books shows its popularity and the prudence and efficient manner in which it is tiding conducted is satisfactory evidence f the fact that nothing is being wasted tt is only natural that the higher cost of everything should have found its wav into hooks and libraries as it hss into everything else and as the in creased demands are not extensive we hope they will be met and the effic iency of the library continue unim paired if the library could bo opened on sunday afternoon particularly during winter there is a good reason for believing that its influence would be considerably augmented is not the matter of our mun icipal tux made a bugbear is it not given too grenl a place in the pub lic mind btmly of the subject would indicate that hut affirmative replies can be made to these queries the tax is higher than tt has been so is everything else the food consumed the clothing worn and the salaries paid have all advanced the cost of education and administration of out municipal affairs has also increased the people must py in doing so tluy are hut carrying on their own busi ness for tho taxes paid thev iccolve n large return possibly were it fig ured out greater than from any other investment there is ftre and police protection sidewalks good roads im- piovod social conditions because of the enforcement of the laws of the muni cipality and the province and many other benefits that accrue from the annual investment of thirty fortv or even fifty mills on the dollar but why make this payment the bane of life why keep tt in the forefront ufter all is it not but one incident in the round of the years business one that in comparison with many others will stand far down the line of im portance one op those hear creatures who are trying to make men good by stopping their smoking came at the editor the other day and proceeded to tell him what a bad thing it was for a man to be using tobacco she hated and abhorred the vile weed her self and bhe couldnt see how anyone else would over touch ihe stuff foi a while we humored this fair reform er and by a flank movement put her on the defensive by asking if she not- iced any particular reason for believ ing that tobacco was causing any det erioration to this the denr lady re turned in characteristic feminine fash- ion by declaring that even a pig wouldnt stoop to smoke that- hit us a solar plexnr blow whore we werent looking for it and it was only by a superhuman effort that we recoveiod in time too gasp out that neither did a pig believe in nose powdor rouge lip sticks henna dutch neck geor gette sleeves and low shoes in winter peroxide false hnlr ice cream sun daes round garters beauty diets small shots tight lacing furs in sum mer eating cine iters in bod eold feet nnd forgetting whats trump bv the tlmo we got through gnsptng out all this our antitobacco friend had flown we have seen no more of her since and were going to keep this list of feminine frailties for future use youll miss it if you donfc hear the virginia girls a singing orchestra tinder the auspices of knox church young peoples guild on nov 8rd this is the first of a series of four entertainments secure ydur season ticket from any member of tho guild and en joy this course of high- class en- toctainments i i valmk

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