Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 27, 1920, p. 2

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i- 13 lib the georgetown h khali octohbr 7th 1020 ii born vasliuoifk on october ihui mr itnd mrs c j vitnooofn mf m cullil a mm liihn coriwlm married mcmknkmv roaision al lshnwa on thuraufty oil hill by kcvc k je ivncier margaret lninfit secoiul uaukhut if mr r ton lo kolwi s mimeiieim only ol mr nod mra k m lentfin yvilinmu died illklslkkkl in millon on tuesday oil iwh 1020 jam- wilkie ilauuli- ler of lh lale jainuk hiiiiu- mil wire of kulmril l llemslrect thusanl in ktewaillown on uednes day oil jolli ii0 henry kiihiiu beloved tain ol mr ami mri- s c tmnanl neu h months kttbn i- there are now on bnnjp at militia headnuarteih ottawa a number of 191416 stath tlie ma jority of which havo been return ed through tlia inailh unclaimed owing to wrong addr0nnen being recorded or the soldier having changed his addroh nince being discharged personnel who have not yet re ceived thin decoration will please forward their present address to the secretary militia council marked for attention director of records militia headyuaters ottawa ont can quoting regr mental number and name in full hockey patterson nd bethel cup series 1 to be won two yeats in suc cession by one club before it be comes owned by that olub 2 open to any club in goorge- town or olenwilliams 8 names of members of each club to be in the hands of secre tary by dec 1st 1020 4 meeting to becallod monday nov 8th 1920 of georgetown and olenwilliams clubs to organize and elect officers players eligible to play on teams competing for cup are as follows 1 rehidents of georgetown 2 georgetown high school students 8 men working in george town whose residence is out of town 4 any mombors of different lodges of georgetown whether they reside in georgetown or not fi residents of olenwilliams all players must be residents of georgetown and olenwilliams or members of above clubs or lligb school students or working in georgetown by oct 1st 1920 6 o h a rules to govern all games 6 all games must bo played according to tho schedule in order that there be no delays church news metnodibt anniversary services in george town methodist churob oh tin- day october 81st rovgenrge ooulson workman ma ph d of toronto will preach at 11 arri and 7 pm special music by aug mented choir assisted by mr w shields of toronto at 815 pm on monday novem her 1st a brand concert will be given by the howard park 88 orchestra toronto conductor f w ryder pianist prank han son assisted by mrs prod bower- man contralto mr j 8 dyer baritone mr george marks ten or mr and mrs garrett duett miss eva cbisholm reader miss subat fillins violinist admiss ion adults 86a children 25o knox church anniversary large gougreetiktloiib euqoyed splou- did serniona by rev dr wallace anuiwimiry spin ices wore held in kuo dim li on sunday last when largo congregations had the pleasure of listening to splendid tenuous del i cred by llev iv wallace of toronto a loriuer pan tor at the morning service iiflcr reading the ft til chapter of liphes iatis from the iwiid vcise dr wallace made a strong appeal lor more religfon in the home he said id pivrt theie is something wrong with the machinery al tlie iwirlu to day anil conditions are not pleasing or ojicmiraging the only thing that can sie us from shipwreck is religion- thedeteri oration in tho home to tla is ic grettable and the churches are trying to remedy conditions in their forward movement in culling tho world to god pniwr is the gi oat factor and the lienil of re ligion lrayeu is an asking for things and the up lifting of the soul to god telling him cvvv- thing coma hack to i inn get away from tho rush of life think of the spirit wmld and ho sure the touch of god is on our hearts god is calling his church hack to him ii the home arid home life todajmjjfiat it used to he or should be jesus was subject iinlo his parents and childien of today should obey their parents in every detail tho christian home is still with us and must he main tained it is a groat influence jn the community in some coun tries today marriage is only a temporary contract and home ex ists for state and not for building up of morality how shall we keep thochristian home a per sonal responsibility to god ichih on each one of us wo must all face it ourselves and it is a duty that concerns the vital things of our land and home it is a crime when parents leave the training of their children to others and they go out into the world not having had the influence of a christian home bringing homo and church into closer oommonion is tho hope of the future let the love of christ shine out in our lives that we may win others and gain that which is lost think of the christian home companionship of children and parents where the spirit of christ predominates of early home life of godly parents and the family worship may our children as they go out from our homes have the same influence as those of old and our homos bo a place where christ will be pleased to dwell the church pulpil was beauti fully decorated with ferns and flowers the choir rendered special mus ic for the occasion and their an thems were much enjoyed mrs g c mackay assisted the choir on the occasion on monday evening a splendid concert was given in tho basement of tho churoh by tho choir assist- el by mrs bun tain and mr and mrs block after a most enjoy able program tho ladies served re freshments rev mr cameron was chairman of tho ovoning protest from muntlicr laet friday dr anderson mp ent the following protest tiffitlnrt the hoard of commerce suirnr order to ottawa hon aitliur mplfflien otta wa people rosea i uellon of hourd of commerce order un outraflre ft k anderson nearly tliroiucli travelling tho big trucks which have isien de livering gravel from the eighth line pit to tlio reventh line from hornby for alx lots up nre nearly througii with ihelr work they hnve been at it for seven weeks some purls of i he road have been hadly rutted by the eontlnaotis traffic of those honv trucks but tor the most part the road bed has slood well if the trucks would spend one or two days in chjmptnff gruvel on the places in th road they have worn out i lie renult would be gratifying ilaltoil opmsel union the public htirvlee romtnlssloii held slttlngw yesterday lit bramp ton w ft gregory in the chair halton peel and liurfoiln re presentatives were there on lavltutlou with figures of expendituro in itllli on jails registry crown attorneys und sheriffs offices and to discuss a con solidation proposal halton was re presented by judge isiiiot the orwn attorney regrtstmr sheriff juller and clerk of the county court with the warden and mr hillmer on tielialf of the county council all of them op posed consolidation and united in iro- testlntf atfainst a union jul duflerln favored a union jull and one crown utorney for tho three counties hut tot no support from peel glenwilliams the oranko lodge held a sue- cesful dance hero last friday even ing there was a good crowd and excellent music the danco was marred by the disgraceful conduct ol some men who caused a disturbance outside tho hull by lining profane language and lighting this caused u grent deal of annoyance to dancers and to those living in tho neighbor hood we understand those con cerned will bo called to account for their disgraceful conduct it is time this kind of thing was stop ped and we believe it is going to b3 the metiibors of tho orange lodge are very sorry for tho on- curonce ntt they are not to blame as none of tho rioters were povml- ted inside tho hall mr john wheeler is back in his store again and ready to servo the public with choice merchandise at right prices mr and mis colhurn and family of gait have moed to our village wo wolcoitie thorn tho rattling of the louse plank when a vehicle crossos the bridge at the lower end of the village is causing it lot of annoyance to those in the vicinity will those res ponsible ploase fasten the plank in soino way hunters say there aie lots of rabbits this year band ol ballon rifles at a meeting of the ofliceis of the halton rifles held at miltnn on saturday there organization of the band was discussed and the link was committed to major brown and lieut kennedy of georgetown and lieut peacock of milton tin hand is to consist of twenty four pieces and inasmuch as no town in the eount is considered inu enough to maintain a band of this size the forming of a band on a composite basis was favored i he bund to he diidetl between two towns say mi linn and george town a bund master could he engaged to conduct rehearsals in the two towns on the same pieces of music and so arrange the instrument tinn thill each half of tile baud would be a unit a complete hand capable of pla ing programs anil at the sumo time tho two units could he combined to form one big hand capable of playing concert music us well as any of the regi mental hands in toronto wjiilo for military purposes each unit would be limited to twclxp men for practice and or dinary engagements it would en roll as many as the lmndrmihtei sees lit the government grants the sum of s1h000 per milium to defray expenses us well as uniforms and with the co operation of the citi ens of the towns in which the band units are located it should he feasible to maintain a band of which the two town the regi ment a well as tho whole county might be proud of com insurance and real estate investments j c rush w t evans for sale 175 kxrflsior twin mniorvyle hosfhe magneto iresto pump tool rli just overhauled apply e corner hox 108 arton the ontario voters list act not ire h hereby given that a court will be heul purkuaut to he ontario voter list ai by mitt honor the judge of the county court of the county of halton in the counetl chamber stcwartlown on the luib day of november 1920 at 10 oyloik to bciir and determine complaints o error- and oiiuhkioiis in the voter list of the municipality of ktiqiiemnp l haled this 26th day of october 120 j a tracy clerk mutikipality of kftquehiug crrdit auction sale iakm stock ani imimjumlovts tlie utulerslrnei has received lu- htrurtlnntj from 1 hiiohic to hell by nubile unction at lot 22 r on cestui on 4 worn phtiiritncoithy on frflay vovrmhkit 5ui lotfo at one oclock bbarp the following hoithish home 12 years mure is years mure h yeura 2 coiih 2 yiuth colt 1 year covvh luirlmm row ilue mnrcli 2 oiliban cow due february d durham cow due march 10 durham cow cine march fl blue cow due february 21 leraey cow due fnhruary 17 jeraev eow due march 2ft jcrtwy cow due february 27 durham cow due peb- rnm 24 holhteln cov duo march 1t i hi rb tint rmv due april 2 durhnm hull i mj venri steer 2 venra two fat iowh itcis t yorkshire rind iurlth 4 montlin old 7 vorkhblrca and htrka 10 wetkh old red cow coif at foot red iw rulf nl foot roan cow calf at toot- red cow duo time of mile roun row due time of hale hohtwn cow du um of aalc holhteln cow due time of male holnteln cow due hue of hiii- itolhtoln cow calf t foot imiikmkntb hldinir plow hiii- gle htirht wafcon fannltik milt hind er hcv4 nil other thlngu a few tonn of buy iniawy cutter buy rack ruke tkumh llay ami huiiih of 10 and under cuhii over that amount 10 iuoh eredlt on approved joint noten i ik nt pfrvrlc auctioneer do vou want apples t you may have sunn for picking on ahares with owner apply jam tin mul- doou phone 4 r m tleorgelown i p plow for saie hrand new oliver walking plow ill be uotd at haentice priee t b sayreit oeorgeiown i o 412 2tp for bale 2 s c white leghorn cock rein monthfi raron strain i i miknery tleorgelown 2ip oar for sale hnsvoe touring car ran only three months jooil as new apply lo mis m h nil iioihoii mtni si stnh for sale a oimtiiy til ihoicr tmnips br leeil applv lo krnk iensoii pboiu- 14s ieor- tetowii it baos for sale a number id juie bags kuilitble lor po- uiihn or afplfs li v ddiens uakeiy letrgelovtn it olove found on smitlay iitoruing btsl gen i lemaus i in ill ivtukj glove applv hi llralil a large herald 1or sale od hcatfi i in j ip apply at auction sale of farm slock and implements tlio umlfihiknol iihh ikcii in- htriktqd i w c bessey lo soil by public auclion 1u lol u and mtli lini 2 tniiux north of hulliimfiul in townhliip or knn on tusulay november 9tb ibico at 1 oclock blimp thfl follnwing holtskb roan mare aged ches tnut colt 1 yr uiied by warwick model hay oolt 1 yr sired by warwick model roud illy lis it cattij rod durham cow bred aug 1 red and white cow due nov 27 roan cow due march 25 red durhaiii cow bred july 26 holstein cow duo nov 20 jersey cow due airil 0 laihey cow oalv- ed ii riioh and bred akain red dur ham cow hiippohed to be in calf roan cow bred oct 17 red cow durham due in march red cow durham due in december upott ed durham cow due in december 2 liolatein hoifers bred in july 3 two yr old steers three yr old heifer two 2 yr old heifers 11 yr old durham calves a yr old dur ham bull can be registered 4 hoi fer calves plob york ow bred oct 10 york sow bred oct i0 york sow bred oct 22 york bow with litter at foot 10 york bogs weinhink 1c0 lbs 28 york chunks 1 pure hied oxford down shear ling ram imimjkmrnth m1i binder 6 ft cut in good repair deering mower in good repair doering rake 10 foot frost wood culti vator oshawa seed drill 11 hoe mh disk 4 horso peter hamil ton turnip drill one two horse disc two drnin steel roller corn cultivator peter hamilton scultlor mll root pnlpor cyclone grass seedor chatham fanning mill with bagger 2 row root cultivator 2 sets diamond harrow h 4 sections no 21 iloury plow cocksliutt 2 furrow plow cocksliutt jointer plow lumber wagon and bo old wagon and box henry democrat 10 ft hay rack stock rack 10 ft lumber for stock raok 2 sol bob sleighs cutler steel tire buggy grindstone emery wheel wheel barrow post hole diugor and bar ix rod roll of wire fjncc cross cut naw 4 doubletrees logging chains forks hues set chain end harness set drivieg harness 5 acres turnips quantity of mangiils quantity plymouth hock foul and chickens u quantity of furni ture likitchen chiiirs kitchen ta ble 2 box stoves number stnc pipes small band cliuiii wiisliing machine no roservo n farm has been sold tkrmhiluota furniture fowl nnd nil sums of 10 cash over that amount 11 months credit on approved joint notes 0x per ann um off for cash w a wilson hun pictcii clerk auctioneer farm town properties for sale particularly good farm in peel county 2 miles from railway go buildingh bank barn good brick house all level 75 uric- iu- der cultivation balance hush and pasture 81300o in halton county near oalnille on dundas street 100 aire rami all under cultivation lood- farm buildings good soil tier nick ami farm quoted icry reasonable s13oo0 in corporation of georgetown 10 acres good garden laud a choice piece of garden soil s300 an acre new nine roomed soliil brick house for sale v lib two lots for 7500 or with 4 i iicres or land for s900o 00 acre farnl good buifdiugs close to village and railway station 6000 fine large pastille farm for sale evans rush willoughhy block phone 237 georgetpwn jacksons exceptional opportunity to purchase good furniture at a big money saving extra large buffets quarter cut polished oak top 21tx64 height h2 hovel mirror h01 top shelf and oxtra china shelves oxtra cupboard space largo ijinen anr a drawer lined cutlery drawer hand carvings a good jkllal ill 90 value our price r vvwtvv buffets quarter cut oak polished large mirror linen drawer lined cutlery drawer 71500 value sam iii our price v dining room tables oak it 14 cxteuds cq7 co to i ft lare pelestal leg v dining room chairs quarter cut oak set of pqc aa i 1 arm fi regulars 9wuv china cabinet- quarter cut oak finish large 000 ca roomey cabinets e0wv we save you money in all house furnishings helton olillilicils aid the annual tnrellnir of ihc iountv ihlldrenh riillihlu eventntf llallon alii huiu mi novcimiht 4th in knox church school room milton wlll kl tin pcoplf of oiin countv an op- lioitiniltv or hcnilhtf jiulffc ii h mott of the liivntitlc court of the city ol toronto iiuik mott iuih rcohtticin- ucri the niftlhodh of dcallnff with ju- vimiiio icllthiuf iwy lii tiironto anil il nunif it iihfiidy known all over thf ronilnont kvory iiltlztn hhouhl hiiir jitdk mott iiinuhh 1h child prohlfm it in it unique opportunity of which vt triiht the iffthon county people will not full to avail tlnmmkcu gib bens cut rate cash and carry grocery a big week end bargain thursday friday and saturday 15 pc sheeting a special lfi discount of hesi quality shirting denims cottonadcs oalliites an extraordinary bargain in womens ex tra qtrality fine silk hose regular 215 value our price sizes fl 01 10 colors- hindi white nnd drown 198 a splendid assortment in all linos of womens missea boys and childrens hose prices very moderate ii lb standard ci rami la ted hugar for 1 pure coeon in lurlli per pound pastry flour in 24 hi bag tl swifts shortening in h or 10 ih pails per ih best rice 2 lb for sli redded wheat each ritchener brand peas 2 tins for jjnjnria tea reg 70epr pkg for host cheese per lb coinmcal 4 lb for hulk starch 2 lb for all soaps 10 bars for 7 2r 48 27 as ho 21 ob h6 an 2fi 11 t jjgibbens phone iso lane block georgetown fine shoes for well dressed men at a substantial saving only 81250 and no luxury tax to pay high class footwear like style quality comfort there are for men hint service and none hotter pew tjines at 14 00 and 1700 values on which our price is 1250 and u4bo to give you un opportunity to procure tho ilest at the most moderate price for a few days wc will pay the luxury tax a clriinil snowing in all lines of mens hoys woinons misses and childrens fool wear which combines smartness in appearance ilintics- turned cnmiiirl wearing quality serice anil at very moderate prices jacksons georgetown m m zm z m m r i is b t mens store 1 special announcement advice to our friends who are thinking of getting a blue or black serge suir wc have a large stock of the above goods bougjit hefore the big advance in price if you are considering tlie purchase of a sffrge suit now is the time to place your order as you will pay onethird more for these goods by the end of fhe mdotk n- matter where you buy them buy no and save money special clearing sale f in men- and youth- rends to- wear clothing i0 per cent iteihiclifin oil uin in tnek to make room for new fall loou ilnv now iiiki uve money all miist be sold in ten dins iliirunin iii nil spring and snniniei floods miilar fc co fine highclass tailors moii ftirnuuinki ud readytowear clothing i george phone 126 dont fail to see the seasons sensation the vaudland players prhskntino tiihiiv brilliant snappy tnnefnl entertainment vaudeville review of 1820 featuring adanac jazz quartet in thkilt tickling tinkling enthralling melange of syncopation rambles in jazziand also- seven other features town hall georgetown thursday october 28th one night only popular prices 1 l v hourigan dmtglt goitre srnd for frt booklet oraxk your drujf- fihi hdoiii usoluo for lht ruccebbful irfutthtmii of jfoitrc in your own home this nifiliiint is tukon interoatlyt ho ft ens ilif ffcnin liractimlly dtmolven it and casta ii imitiith oul of the ttyftpiu o owe it to jonrslf and your friendn to et rid of tliim utimhlly dinoase od8o1vo uold in georgetown by l v hourigan tho honk chnmloal co limited 43 soott straat toronto i iiiiiiiwwiii1i bucks happy thought range has a h uelsaving firebox flkii will lie kciircc nnd liitjli in price this wintor it should lio eeonoinieiilly owed tlio fire bov on tho ilnnpy thought hm nkc iiiih proved lo three hundred tlionnand iinerx thraiigh- oul ciinndii its consistent ability to inoducp mora boat from less fuel they know from resultr that the llnppy thought bab n liielhiivint firebox let ux toll you why dojnonsl ration daily no ohlitftion to buy r m thompson co georgetown phone 46 t 1 renew through us 7hen the subseription to your pbper or magazine ex pires renew through us we will give the same price as the publishers to all periodicals except the saturday evening post and ladies home journal rtouricans hourigans 7o ftexbdul stole j mti ii iafiiri t iwm 6 iffailwtfsl mvrtksizrjizmmvttiaria v ji i tv

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