Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 27, 1920, p. 4

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page 4 thk oboboetown hkbald october 27th 1920 the bloomin old rag overhead a small union jack rippled amid the t ree tops there eemo hint about it a say t wh you heard tt- hie lory something wont- bdtmtih rtrtd spirit a doctor nt llw muakoka pre hoi filial for consumptives was tlk- itc tim ad thing la its young people eagr liurtfworklns boys nnd girls tb attacks usually t hone wh u make the best cana dians because theyre ambitious see that f1a r the fellows in that pavilion were determined to have a mug earn contributed the little he could they grot the tlag but poor clinps theyre disappointed its so tiny tea tiny up amour the towering pines but defiantly proclaiming what we have well hold and in the cots beneath lada weak and iii hut battling fr health lade whuf prtmlptih pennies bought the run ovtlifd are echoing dntiiiilesm aplrlt vhat life we tmv well hid lids worth aav- inif aurely conirlhnilnns may be aent to sir whitiiiii cink tj npndina avenue ttirutttu or to ooo a reld treaa- ump 23 tl li street toronto fall term now open enter any day individual instruction in day and evening sessions we train you and recommend you to the best positions demand fpr bbi graduates four times the btipply start yomj course now brampton business institute c boushels prtn we absolutely guarantee that you cannot dirplicato our boots and shoos in any store in ontario tbere is no secret bont it we are specialists specializing in giving best value in ontario i buy the best grade the mopherson shoo is in a class by itself registered i got the hamilton sboes and other makes and sell them all at cut price we bell good boots and will repair them we sell and oil them if you want a good boot guaranteed by maker at a cut price see roney prices right boney the man that is making a name for georgetown pettits clover honey is food wholesome food for the children and grownups too it is pui up in 51b and 101b pails and sold at 30c per lb strictly cash and carry 15c allowed for 101b pails in good order the petti apiaries oaorgatown phon 143 auction sale farm stock the undersigned una received in structions from wm harding to soil by public aootion at lot 19 fith line west chinguacousy on iaturday october 30 at one oclock sharp the following uokhes- 8 horses good work ers cattle red cow calf by its side jersey cow due by the time tftrthts sale grey oov due time of sale 8 cows calves by tbeir aide red eow oalfby their side red cow due time of sale grey cow due time of sale red cow due first of november black and white cow doe first of november grey cow in two months black and white cow in 8 months red cow due in dei cember red cow due in january brihdle oovbreiri january blaok the flraf ofswtel black cow doe the first of may white cpw due the first of may block and white cow due in march black cow due in february black and white oow dne in february holstein bull with pedigree 2 yearn old all above cows aro well bred holsteins and good milkers aro young 1 year old heifer pigs sow and 12 pigs 8 weeks old 8 pigs 2 months old sheep cotswold ram with pedigree implements heavy wagon mower bet of sloop sleighs 2 sets of harrows plow hay londer hay rake cutter set of heavy harness buggy seed drill milk vat all sold without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming teems all sums of 1000 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit on approved joint notes 6 per cent per annum off for cash ben petoh auctioneer counter check books at the herald h c bailey electrician electric wiring- sad fix tures order left in the harness ihbp will be promptly attended to phone 132 geoesetown s armurbcasteli t fooukglclo london cfaotrnuuitejr lr byte han charon geovtrexown teaoher of pltuio or- snooxtaet itiolin andixmcink tuition fee in any branch 8 per j term of 20 lessons at my resi dence mainst georgetown or at pupil home rujrotimlu uiwsmufttnnit cbbdit aucti0n sale far stsck sal itsfleatals tbe undersigned baa been in structed by thomas e hewson to sell by public auotion at lot 4 10th oon bssjuesing on monday itmltr 1st 190 at 1 oolock tte following hobsjes road hocse brown 8 yrs bay mare 8 jrs good work er chestnut mare g yrs good driver brown horse good roadster 7 yrs bay horse good worker 12 yrs bay mare good driver bay mare good worker colt hd 2 yrs bay gelding gp 1 yr durham ohades white cow 6 yrs calf by side red cow c yrs calf by side roan cow 6 yrs calf by side cow milking well roan cow due nov stb roan cow doe nov fi red cow due dec 14th roan heifer due nov 20 spotted cow due dec 6th holstein qbadrs cow e yrs calf by side cow 6 yrs calf by side cow 4 yrs calf by aide row doe nov 9 cow due nov s 2 cows due in deo 12 and 14 boif- er 4 yrs due tinie of sale black holstein springing jeb8ry grader light fawn cow calf by side oow 7 yrs calf by side oow 7 yrs due nov 8 heifer 8 yrs due time of sale heif er due nov 10 heifer due nov 16 heifer due nov 18 heifer due dec 1st 6 durham steers 2 yrs 2 dur ham heifers 2 yrs 1 durham taei fer yearling 2 holstein grade hei fers mos sheep 10 ewes and 1 ram plos 11 pfgsi 2moa sow implements 818 hp inter national tractor mh binder 6ft new cut 40 acres spring tooth cul tivator 18 tooth deering set bar- rows 4 section new set aylmei weigh scales- with stock rack wil kinson aoijmer new fleury plow new tudhopeanderson wagon new 24 in tire truck wagon steel wheels steel tired top boggy new steel tired top baggy newly paint ed open buggy hard rubber tires nearly new one horse lorry new ly paihted set team harness new brass mounted set team harness hew heel chains vast single barn- ess new set single harness new aylroer pnmp new 80 hens tebms 10 and under oasb over that amount 10 months cred it on approved joint notes 8 pnr annum off for cash bbn petch auctioneer georgetown creamery 7 hksa kings orehestra acton jttteedate mro ris- cieldlng clydesdale or pboke 1 acton w more and better shaves did you ever tee a bar bar start to shave a cus tomer without strop ring bis razor first never isnt this fact significant stropping you see la needed to reform the sawlike edge that re sults from shaving to keep the wade free from rust and to give you for each mornings shave a keenedged blade the selfstrop ping feature of the autostrop razor pref serves the keen edge that makes shaving comfort possible i stropping shaving cleaning are all dona without removing tha blade from the razor sffth- w rw it do6wtulrysirltr las ar othr rasor w dont want youtoktsl for sale one used ford 1918 model newly painted and in perfect working order new tires all round one 1918 chevrolet engine nearly all new paint and upholstering good runs like a packard all of the above cars can be pur chased on eaqy terms one driving mare 8 yrs old sound and quiet lady can drive her all of the above for- sale cheap act quick nicholsons credit auction sale fahm t0gk ei the underaifpned ha received inolruc lions frfim ih4xd3 kasoook to mil by public auction at lot 22 frth line west chrnguscuay on thvbsdat october 8 at one oclock ehara the fqllowing i horus black clyt ink stmratlirown cle rlung 9vesrs cattik reaialend heifer durham i b 9 years calf at slttji 9 mblatefedtjurham beler princeaa 0 stbilyrafue detstht dark red reg durhambdll 18 tnonlha grade durham roan cow 8 yrs calf at aide i grade tdourtiara belferjyears calf at aide t blue beirar 2yrs calf at aide grade durham oow 6 yra due nov 6 roan cowt durham grade 7 yeara due dec 26 ayrshire cow yra due dec 27 ayrihlre cow a yra due jan 24 reg ayrshire cow 7 yra due feb 1 i durham grade apotted cow 6 yra due feb 3i blue cow 6 yra due jan 3 t durham grade red cow 6 yra due jan 20 hrlfejiriaing 2 yra durham grade du march 20 plas reg berlcahire pigs rerkahlre aow with litter of 8 4 weeka old rork- abire tow in farrow 5 store piga 3 moa old i berklhire boar ifi yra thciie piga are all eligible for reglttralion pountsv 14 spring geeae 5 spring turkeya 24 spring ducka from 20 to 30 spring chickena theae cowa are all young and good milkers right in their teita and moutna potitively no reaervc all will be sold terms all aumi of 1000 and under caab over that amount 10 months credit- on approved joint notes 6 per cent per annum off fer caah all poultry cash ben petch auctianeen m b nicholson mill street geargetows no ahotaollas raqalraa standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically sorcenod and loaded ipelcot tiuinp forv domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in foot j oaiiy everything to be found in an upttfdhto goal and wood yavd john mcponald ifrpbiiafc the man who has been satfafying the people who have been buying hauses in georgetown is e a benham i have sold many houses in the past few months and i have yet a number of beautiful homes ranging in price from 1 300 to 6500 terrrra can be arranged to suit the purchaser on any plthpsei for particulars apply to box 185 or wdjffitw e a benham real estate georgeloivn clearing auction saje farm stock the undersigned han receivetl inttrur tiona from mui haiia to boll by public auction at lot 2t con- cenlon 10 eaqueatitft at glemvllllanm halton on tmrnarr novmibtbbr sad at one oclock aharp the followiifk llorrsr one bay horae dirtver one sorrel horse bine black mare cattib 10 head young stock dur ham cpw calved two months jersey cow calved 2 months durham cow due oct 15 durham cow due oct 30 jersey cow broil april 9 jersey cow bred april 13 jersey cow bred april 17 durham cow bred april 16 durham cow bred june 30 jersey cow jjuty i jersey cow july 5th ftiulered jersey bull2 years 6 months tlgfl one berkshire how 4 young pik one berkshire sow 7 pigs a quantity of poultry 10 spring nullfjls luikeyn geese rabbits one acre turnips lumlwr oats potatoes and onions ikpikmknts dhcseecl drill masiey mower and binder horse rake 2 cutters bitkgy democrut fanning nhf 2 ants driving harness set team harness wagon harrows rack fclelgha plows anil other things cream separator fluniture sale at 7 oclock itirnitirb 2 ccok stoves coal oil stove 3 burners heater 2 dressers 2 wuh stand ware beds carpets devsn- pon bed nnd bed sols parlor suit dining room set table buffet and 6 chairs kltch en jible chairs kitchen table chairs cupboard dinner set lamps pictures lawn mower sewing machine carpet rwofperv tisrms roou poultry rabbits cash 9 months credit on approved joint notca 6 per cent pec mum hi off for cash ill in i hire cfhr ben petch auctioneer life insurance iprotoot your wife children yotjrsel f and your business with a policy in the qient west life as smnooe go the lowest rntng vyitli the best results for partionlars sde ice lee iccl can be had on and after mon day august 1 6th in any quan tity phone 174 and leave your order open every wednesday and saturday night for the accommodation of our patrons georgetown creamery co m saxe manager sand for ml tontio library j 1 cookbook on calumoh 4ng priliniog candy najwkf and dtttirti sent frb tor a rt4 ball tradtmark cut from a tack or from tin to pantl of a lanlu akk wrtlafar it today i did help make it didnt i now there are two cooks in our family arent there mother and see how light the cake is i told harold i creamed the butter and sugar and he aaid i wasnt big enough he didnt know i used lantic tell him i did help make it mother lantic saves time in the preparation of cakes pudding and sauces in the cooking cf preserves in the making or candy in the sweetening of beverages 1u because its atlantic sugar refineries limitkd montreal i it s nit t lii c iff ri i s io so in 1 1 i do ii is your subscription paid grand trunk railway system the double track route moivtbeal nto detroit ca0 uaexcellec dialogcar service sleeping oars on niglit trains and parlor cars on principal day traink- foil information from any grand trunk ticket agent or c 13 horn ing district passenger agent to ronto jtcametdb aseii georgetown pbonr 70 deering farm machinery international traotta gasoline engine sharpleit meonanlcal milking uaohlnes wir fencing and oatlvanlaed roo- lng onttami auad bajggi 6ray dort aloter cars call and inspect this car before uuyinq tllonr 101 r 88 titos e hcvvson norval ont the best borsvntoii coal in alt sizes porlland cement fiotjb feed pko visions john ballantine georgetown phone so the purchase of may be made here in full aasnranc that no nytttor ytrhathe axuonnt of yonr purchase jarge f slnau ybntvill receive n oorrespoidlnn vnlne in yonr selection we seek to win aiid are ie- telried to merit yonr omdenoeikd piatrbnsise main strlet next mcgibbon hotel m distressjn europe british empire effort to help smaller nations canadian ked cross to oratanlae appeal on belulf of orphan ctoll to be made in amsjauce week an urgent appeal for aid to com bat the widespread disease and dis tress in tn warstricken areas in europe has been made by the league of red cross societies to the nation whlob hare suffered least from the war in response a war relief fund has bean undertaken in great britain with an empirewide appeal for con tributions the fund is under the immediate patronage of his majesty the king and has the support of all parts of the empire his excellency the governorgen eral of canada having received com- munlcationa from london upon this matter consulted the prime minister and kith his approval referred the question to the canadian red cross society and it ns arranged for an appeal to be made is canada during armistice week in november the fund will be known as the british empire war relief fund to majce known che need the canadian red cross society accepted the task of making this ap peal known throughout canada only in tlew of the relentless circum stances and the humane desire to help io alleviate the terrible suffering of a large number of ptoples the reasons are numerous und com pelling large populations are suf fering from distress and disease mil lions of innocent children are among them even in time of peace great numbers of their people lived close to the bread lino the war drained them of all their surplus resources through the years of strife they were denied all but the barest neces sities and their condition now is pitiful indeed history has repeated itself the diseases which took mirb fearful toil of human lire after the thirty years war the seven year war 17b765 and the napoleonic wars are again widespread and now there are millions of people in oallcla poland jukoslavia and ron- mania who in addition to being pov erty stricken are in ihe direst misery and despair on account of dlboase in somo twelve countries most of wlileh were either our allies or friendly to the allied en use modern civilisation is faced with the inevlt- able consequencea of a great war through partial famine and pesti lence a previous epidemic that the epidemic is now one of alarming proportions and terrible lit its effuct may be noted from the fol lowing quotation from the times at present the worst results of tyjhus are confined toouheu yzir ihe schootsttrectoseurbualnebs is ut a standstill and civic life is crippled the whole community is faced with starvation whilst the absence of clothing and drugs makes it impos sible for the authorities lo make any headway against the epidemic here we have a country into which the ldeu of modern sanitation hns never pone1 rated- for the most part there is no water biipply in the nmuller towns and villages suve wells whilst the work of sewers is done by open gullies running through the ntreets there are no doctors no nurses and no beds and the miserable typhue- strlcken patients lie unattended on the bsre- boor throughout the rural districts whole families exist in miserable- oneroomed huts their diet consisting of starvation rations of potatoea and beet both bread and meat being luxuries rarely seen in almost every hut there are several eases of typhus and in many instances whole families are stricken with the dlbeaae and are perforce left to die unattended many countries aro suffering what la said of oallcla is true of other countries of europe such as esthonla lithuania latwla huge territories of the ukraine soviet rus sia jugoslavla and czechoslovakia nor is typhus tho only uttlictlun tubercnlosls smallpox dysentery and relapsing fever aro ulso ravaging large areas lack of medlcsi aid these terrible conditions have been called to the attentlonof the people 6f the british empire in a statement by the right hon arthur j balfour who speaking for the council of the league of nations says lien women and children arc dy ing by thousands and over vaitt and civilised areas there are neither medical appliances nor medical skill sufficient to cope with the horrors by whioh we are faced ooverni tents hare in certain cases done all in their power to bring relief but there re mains a vast held for chat liable enterprise which can be dealt with only by voluntary effort eleven million orphans dr livingstone farrand chairman of the central committee of the american red cross who has just re turned from europe states that there are 11000000 fatherless chil dren in burope who face the next few years without hope of adequate care unless outside assistance is given itl for children suffering no stronger call could be made to humanity than that of kuffering chil dren and on their behalf particularly the canadian red cross will appeal throughout canada during armistice week each provincial division of the red oross will have charge of tho arrangements in its own province and all red cross workers should put themselves into touch immediately with their local branch or with tbe headquarters of the provincial divi sion if no local branch is organized j a tracy olerk township of eaquealng clerk 3rd division court fi the leading fire and life insuranoe os represented issuer of marriage licenses offlc mill street west georgetown office hours wednesday and 8at- iday afternoons for sale house vrifch all conveniences sit uated on tureo good lots will be sold at n reasonable priao two excellent lots oloso to tbe high sobool for 850 7roomed bouse to rent also farms id esanesiag 4fce biteil estate ageol 6eorfletown reprose always the same rich hillflavored tea sold only in the sealed airtight red rose carton m ctttssazshcxai ss i georgetown glenw1u1ams co opera tive society ltd bakery department fit is some accomplishment it to leiikp tlm nxacking lioiisowifo with rakers britxl mid cakos ohpooiftl- ly if licr culinary skill in homo coouink in excellent our rrorul cnkoh pastry pies otc are etiual to the best 1 1 dine ilakinr be- iiiiiwi tliey arc mode with the llnoht ingredients that the market affords b y killed hakoih and confeo- lionoik that know how they should bo made wo make anything and every thing from n bun to a bride cuke and uuarantee tho highest posrihlo quality grocery department our now stookn aro arriving in all seasonable defy comparison in pric quality coihjdered tho titno with tin if you aro not a mimber of wo solicit your patronage we guarantee you value daily delivery of dread atid groceries satisfaction are our mottos try us goods we specials all our society good honest service and r i ll pr1tchett manager and secretary phone 229 georgetown to the business ivlen ofgeorgetown messrs kelly aikon collectors of orangeville and sound have opened an ollloe at h mclean bldg douglas st and will take care for collootion accounts notes mortgages etc them out with somo of your hard cases you will not only be lied with tho results but will havo more money in yoiir pockets- j l fielding co tea merchants dr o p rrittpn dri s lai id and others in quelph or any of tho doctors and dentists iiral tbe town of orangeville and tho city of owen sound will lupv references we respectfully solioit yonr patronage terms no collection no pay refrenot- the sterling bank of canada estsblishad 1880vy3 erwin goldham the choicest fresh and salt meats of every kind fresh fish every friday morning leave your order for or offend bone watch our window for specials on saturday s- erwin goldham main street georgetown phone no 1 do you want insurance if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of- the folldwing firstclass companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual ecoj nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western contk riental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w roe phone 208 grobgretowkr norval hardware v store mmm means snporior traiping yqu want results wo get them stud- eots may start any day guelphbusiness college herallvbldg guelph m ontario ajjaod0b stoves and raiqtei glass and pntty fairbanks gas engines pumps general hardware f all kinds of plnntbing ms frank hustler norval v p- mm mlbllmati6fbmpiip wwi

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