Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1920, p. 3

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thk obobcstowh hbbam decembeb b matthews drag store 1 the home of the victrola and edith gavell chocolates personals a8 a xmas specials i call and see our special ijinori of xmas papeloriob french ivory ebody duvior thci nio kits and bottles victrolas gift books fountain pens etc our stock i complete in respect and our prices moderate call early j matthew drugs and stationery mr george guthrie chief of de tectives of toronto spent n few days with georgetown and glen williams friends dm inu the pnst week rev a b higginiion lins re signed ilia incumbency at st cath arines on account of illness he was rector ut georgetown some years ago hat for bale mixfil hay for hair apply nikell jr rallinafud jmiimi for sale gurney oxford healer wilh self feeder cook stove for wood only apply herald o for sale drcsk ttuii worn twice fit medium built man 5ft 7 prur rijltt no deal- era box 123 herald lost htflwrcn nerval and terra cotla on sunday dec 12th auto tire obain kind- dr pleaffe leave at herald or with owner rev j aiken norval it fob 8ajlc souvenir rantfe in rock condition for coal or wood phone tvr2 it khittilfo tarn another accumulation of umall lotn and odd skeins to clear nt 50c u lb c or woollen mills tf house to rent farm house on john kirvf apply t arnold and sons coal for sale cal news hems shop early firemans ball dec a 1st mostly advts- we said it first choose your christmas gifts at brills p time you bad your shop pi i xmas mixture at shop es xmas stockings e a moore- chants have a splen- l attractive christmas ne of leather goods t a b willsons open evenings till xmas persons not laying their dog tax by deo 80th will have their dogs destroyed a concert and pie social will held at qoatre bras school on gdsy evening dec so ve sunday school en- and christmas tree thursday evening it i hejd at lline pmo an snj07u danes the dance in the ball on friday evening given by vordun rebekah lodge no 184 was one of the roost enjoyable affairs of the sea son there was a large attend- ance and excelled music was furnished by neuoott orchestra of toronto dainty refreshments were served during the evening cawlatsaaa entortalamant knox presbyterian sabbath school will hold their annual christmas entertainment and tea on tuesday evening dec 21st tea will be served from 6 pm a very interesting programme of drills dialogues etc will com mence at 780 after which santa clans will unload his knapsack for the children admission 25c and 15c children of sabbath school free s2t wlnaers at guelph among the winners at guelph pat stock show were w w brown- ridge and w j alexander with his berkshire hogs mr brownridge won as follows- 0 mons boar 2nd 15 mons sow 2nd 8rd 9 mons sow 1st 2nd 0 mons sow 1st 8rd 6th 7th barrow 1st 8rd 4th b pigs of litter 1st 8rd butober hogs 1st 6th dressed carcasses 8rd 4th also champion sow there were six exhibitors and mr brown- idge won half the money given shires mhimtsv j for ale flock of is choice s cri ktda year ling bens and pullets also some cockerels thctee are ull of the best hredtolay strain procurable same blood as some of the winners in dominion egg laying contest also some fine toulouse geese male or fe male and rouen drakes pricce reason- able phone 85rl2 georgetown neil cillies sons k r no 5 milton any perton devirin hard 1 29 w tieorgetown ojtl phone mmedinte delivery wood rod sale b the acre or cut on rhe ground on lot 16 11 h con by the cord or by the luadjlelivered by letter fl o cock burn son guelph phone 8513 eorretown 3 t lost a hfavy fur robe on the hth of dec bctwetn 7 and 8 oclook between my re kidenc th line alilrpoflt office town suitable- reward hat fob sale clu iie iiinolhy hay for sale c m beswick rr no 2 ac 137 r leorfetown mammoth hou 1920 xmas notice hills peel and haltons bargain store won on his 2 thirds poultry 1 third a court of revision will be held at tlie council chamber georgetown on mon day night december 27th 1920 at 8 ptn to bear complaints if any against the pro posed special assessments for concrete sidewalks built in 1920 special asaettsments niay be seen in the clerks office f l heath clerk notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of l john bingham late of the township of esquesing in the county r f hallon parmer deceased notice is hereby given pursuant lo section 56 of the trustees act rso 1914 chap 121 that all creditors and others having clainih or demands against the estate of the said john- bingham who died on or about the twentythird day of november 1920 at the township of esquesing in the county ol halton are required on or before the fifteenth day of january to send by post prepaid christmas sugges t i o n s toys we have a selected line consisting of aeroplanes automobiles tops games books etc see our range of mufflers ties gloves oel mil- prices on bon bona cbocolates candies and nuts oranges- nothing but the sweetest varieties sold onr price on comparison will surprise you groceries out te lamp sd lamps lias dispos- i on main st lirsoh i by b a benl ine assortment of vpater- mons ideal fountain pens in reg ulars self itillersand safety types from 260 to 600 at a b will sons beautiful artificial wreaths for use in the cemetery stand any weather on sale at georgetown floral gos greenhouses george town 2t mooreheails are offering a high class assortment of candies for santa claus at 29c per lb needless to say 8anta will visit moonheads often a concert and christmas tree will be held in waterloo ss no 6 esquesing on friday evening deo 17th at 8 oclook refresh ments will be served 2t the annual wardens dinner will be held at milton tomorrow evening dec 16th we thank warden w h morden for an in vitation to h present biirlington monument to fallen soldiers will be a bronze statue of a canadian soldier in heavy marching order on a pedes tal of stanstoad granite at a banquet of the ontario fosse club old boyb held at the museop hotel toronto last thursday evening mr gg moni- col spoke on behalf of the aetnas of georgetown and uphold the good name of the former champ ions of ontario we are pleased to announce that we have been able to seoure the agency for the celebrated page shaw chocolates these ohoco- lat are made of the ohoieest ppfbduots of t supplies tve oonfldently offer them to our bhstomers as the candy of arioe d j matthew fl columbift grafonola has recently been plaoed in the 10th p line sohool near terra cotta the cisoof the grafonola in schools is beooming quite universal and thecolambia seems to be the moat suitable instrument for this purpose it the annual christmas dosing ezerbiseb in oonneotion with the eqblic school will be held on wed nesday deo 22nd commenoing at 215 pm an invitation is hereby given to all parents and others who may be interested a silver oolleotlon will be taken at the door the proceeds to be forwarded to the star santa claus fond oome and pome on time s 15 pm i gift ferns begonias prim- herleoojativb and jlng bouggfhfhijib in variety 6 from 25o to flfjdefjw 3hftrlesst iifai extend jfpjii tt0jvtovtibuiblipii jtjbta asimjhiilh witbi exoel- ik pi a 11th avgj mrs geo nelson r when their elder a myrtle irene became the bride of mr john r campbell only son of mr and mrs donald campbell georgetown the cere- rnony was oonduoted by rev e h tiookhart and the wedding maroh w prayed by mis mar- tjieiror toronto there were mdants breakfast mr and mrs left for new york the veiling in amethyst charmeuse with- silver bat to raatoh and a coat of australian opossum on their return they will reside on the grooms farm erin township rw tftmtrs wednesday a sporting chance starring ethel clayton episode 8 of- the third eye snub pollard comedy extra montana shorty campbell cow boy roper triok and comedy stuntm friday the jack knife man a first national piotnre starring king vidor a human interest story of the picturesque mississippi stiver shanty boat people chris tie oomedy fox news saturday matinee and night the silver horde by bex beach a story of the might of the north against the cunning of wall street comedy the second of the series of bring up father comedies fathers close shave deliver to the undersigned solicitor here in for harold bingham elisa jane bine- ham and joha h biogbamihe executors of the last will and testament of the said john binghana farmer deceased their christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars in writing of their claims a atatement of their accounts and the nature of the security if any held by them and take notice that after huch last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto imving regard only to the claims of which thny whall then have notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or nny part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been rocettwd ly them al the time of such distribution 1kroy dale solicitor for thesajd executors dated at georgetownrflits 15th day of december 1920 fe- there is nothing finer than common bread unless it be n of a finer kind bride tra- 1 gibbens bread delivery to all parts of town every day phone 202 bv gibbens main street madg hot bovril chocolate ce i dont know why i always bny the wrong oigars for tom said little mrs patterson but i always do tom says it- is be cause 1 ohoose them by the oolor of the box and the prettiness of the bands and apparently these are not the things one should judge oigars by but how a wo man who has never smoked even a oisarette is to know a good oigar except by the oolor of the box and the prettiness of the band is more than i oan understand and now i am all worried because its christmas and i want to get one of those beautiful humidors full of cirars for tom and a pipe for my father and i dont know how to go nbont it yon poor duokling sympathis ed her older friend why dont yon go to hourigans georgetown your husband buys his oigars there and they are sure to know what kind he likes the trouble with women is that they like to bny their husband3 oigars in the same store where they bay their lingerie and the two jdont go quite well together i always go to hourigans and my husband alwayswoiideis at my taste and dispretlop in buying oigars when all i do is to oak the salesmap to give me my husbandh favorite moke thats a wonderful idea cried mrs patterson im going there right now but what shall i do about a pipe for myfntyier if they dont know your father and the kind of a pipe he likes just leave his name aiid address and theyll and out for you they did tlirt for nio when wanted tpsend boi pf oigars to that man who oo to us ribput getting me a dlsooqrjt on my piano so im inrmdo it ybuv vm xli ijighade dates figs guts holiday gifts crjbqbcretoxmg 1920 ladies ladies ladies ladies ladies orey ladisv a large assortment of fraxioy dry oood bllltabr for xmm including the following handkerchiefs linon handkerchiefs 0c to bo lawn handkerchiefs 1 crepe le chcae handkerchiefs 8c ancv box handkerchiefs 26c to 800 hosiery presents xssmues r c eorgette indies voile waists waists hene habitus ane arid wt bl k br0wd and white somnjr y navy silk hose wiuwhloi i j gloves j tned mocha gw iossiitr cm aui vl7 mme navy stt m0 to i pi add wbito vndejidiea and childrens a full assortment- at mitts dnderniens wool sets 200 to f 660 ladies adtltfoiiris 176 2oo fsswesters 000 to 900 100 mensi fnrnisninat a nice range of mens silk ties at 78c 128 and 160 mens grey and brown suede gloves 8 8flo mens silk lined suede gloves 80o mens lined mocha gloves 226 and 2so mens silk mufflers 80o mens wool mufflers 226 260 and 800 mens silk handkerchiefs 60c 76o 120 mens sweaters 600 to 9 4 lbs icing sugar for 2 lbs choice halloween 2 lbs figs extra choice shortening per lb 2 pkgs dromedary dates for excelsior baking powder per tin 2 dozen good juicy lemons for extracts per 2 oz bottle any navor wbean co georgetm barnhills georg music store no home need be without a phonograph this christmas join our christmas phonograph club and you will h a phonograph g hnm ined the christmas phonograph club selio tnwi mornlna when you have joined th0hnst ljrt since tse 0 rice from 4000 to 27 are certain and then tm v w equal monthly payments since there are phonu of finding a satisfactory model on which the monthly terms will be so moderate as to cause you uo venience phonographs will be delivered during the week preceeding christmas r n these wonderful phonograph phone 246 and make arrangements to iueoa if you cannot oall to have a free demonstration in to suit evi you can find acoeptab from the tastes f0l1 ri8tmas gifts ino- hear your own home main street king georgetown nks jevelbt departmen necklaces diamond rings signet cs pearl and diamond tie pins ci watch department bracelet watohes from 1600 to 60 dents and beys watches from 276 1 silverware and cot glass the largest and to choose from all our goods are guaranteed to bo of boat open evenings pearl broach 7600 wim bw jk47t5 k ccm heat treatment eivea glosshard running edge combined with a tough core which mckrn blades practically unbreakable heavily nickelplated over crppcr to prevent mat made in canada bbortmont alifcy a b willsol main street next mcgibbon hi will there be a victrola in your home this christmas tthe greatettiingers musicians and entertainers in the world enter your home with the coming of your victrola you can search the whole world over and not find anything else that will bring so much pleasure to every nrember of the family coma in today and choose your victrola m ptenty of time for christmas vlctrolia trf hl lo k6 si used by worlds champions the famous falcons who won the olympic amateur hockey worlds championship at antwerp last spring with one exception used automobile skates the entire american olympic team winners of second place were also equipped with automobile skates made of s automobile steels now iy the time to select your automobile skates or xmas while our stock is complete our prices range from 200 upwards come in and inspect them we also have a fine line of hockey sticks pucks straps and ankle supports when you want a battery for your daylo we have it r h thompson co studebaker arid dodge brothers motor ibined in one agency offers to every these two famous makes of automobilea combined in one car to suit thoir requirements whatherit is a standard four oyolinder light six speoial pr anything in the closed typo of cars purchaser a six or bile manufacturers in the world fiu -at- dj iws car to h hig six or seven passenger two of the largest automo stand behind these cars one used dodge and three good used fords ready price reasonable terms to suit purchaser for sale yn drug stbre fcrgt9wn iisiav j n oniaiiii- grarage and rcarriage works gkbobobtown distribntor tor acton milton m vw ik

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