Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 17, 1921, p. 1

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the georgetown heralct plpty pyptll yeah or pui1l1cation seorgotoini wadneaday evening august 17th 1831 the georgetown herald rverv wednesday evening at the rithald power printing office nrgslown ont contract advertising rates fumlihad an application j m moore pulalwr as pprtetr wblbitcudtb wbklyjir paper aaaoolatio ot k tlata table going pfifiv passenger 7 9aan passenger d i0nni mail 10 18 nm mail 11 40ftro passenger 8 46 i m mail 6 80pm passenger 820pm passenger sunday 711 pm going west passenger i 7 67 aiu hall 10 18 am passenger 2 01 iu passenger 460 pm passenger fl 02 jx in mat 7 09 pm hail 8 20pm passenger sunday 1016nm going north hail 8 00 am hail 5 10pm going south hail 11 88ttm hail 800pm 1 so per annum in advance 200 to u 8 stop look listen suits xadies or rents cleaned lry gleaned pressed 01 repaired also i avo in stock a new rrnn 1 of overfills nl re lured prices winch i will faj in one of the inaulng overalls in canada temta svfcarlmua railwav daily time table am pm pm going east h 10 2 24 6 40 going west 8 65 8 10 7 80 8undax time table gomg bast aii pro pro pm p m 10 21 1220 8 4s 610 917 going west toje awent for the 20th ont an 1 ttm also clotlurii in georgetown s uto mode lo joui raeaauro stjlc fit and finish guaranteed p i mcixermott next dmt to greetnus factory cemcetown new goods for women and children striped flannelotte 19 and 21c while flannelette goodrjualitv 25c prints nt 27c babies rorapors 1 10 wool jackets 1 55 and 1 00 babies bilk bonnets 1 00 a few silk waists cheap order taken for children s woar all stamped foods reduced tj wlmamncwltflem school opens at brampton business institute for the third successito year angus 80th earnest ambitious students are welcome at tlitb high grade insti tution alt b b i diploma graduates are eminently successful mtasmmnswess institute c aomfield prte gaelph business college oeoikietown branch fall term augo hake airaogemofcts now for a thorough practioju business train ins i goelpmusiliess college do you want insurance if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any or the following first class companies viz british american british crownv em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartf wern conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w roe phone 65 geobgketown of losit jo r x torj bond con ponsin tlio it ink of hamilton and thus wve the amount represented until nut h time as the mono j con he used to bast ad vantage bank of hamilton e g mackay manager georgetown creamer cream wanted bring us- our cream all accounts for ice must be paid at the creamery at on thoseconceraed note georgetown creamery co m saxe manager helping the farmer the merchants bank is ofvery practical assistance in helping the farmer to obtain tested seed grain to settle harvest and threshing- expenses to pay off hired help to order the winters supply of coal to purchase pure bred cattle m oreafizon grain storage tickets avail oarself of this complete banking service th mcrchantojank head office montreal of canada establish 1864 ceorgerowh branch actowbraiyjfc b d tf bma raal al livingstones bakery main street no 1 a bread all kinds currant brown mult homemade white uptodate harness shop- are yon going to take that auto trip that you planned last winter yon will need amoeauto ran and aolnb bag or suitcase to take alongwithyon now is jour chance to got that aw set of harness at coat j nee only a few left also nil tmdstif harness necessities 1 lemtrfnfftwuyjihejm i w a bailey 01 to date harness shop ab street cem6et0wh atayaaaaaaaa itw tal n 1 1 m vs e astroat farm afency- sale of used sewing machines we have a large stock of sewing machines that will be sold cheap prices range from aso to 3500 call in and look them over frank s king phone 245 georgetown at rfeduced prices ingersoll watches now 250 were 3j5 a b illson main street tteoct mcgibbon hotel saturday special chelsey buns plain buna and bread rolls every day also pies a livingstone 4 son phone ss georgetown a few points tombstones taxemeters and clntbingadvertieinentb are nairftotolt the biggest ties sot simply an a matter of common uonost but as a matter of rood buamese policy as woll we never draw the long bow or overstate a value we want j our nil time confidence not joar one time purchase we don t ro to anj length to eel business but we do keep it when vo fet it suits 30 35 40 45 the above suite are all present lay- v nines values thfto will tie ypu to tins store o ir 8 nod k lints op 3 shirts our 1 neckwear and our 1 26 ilode are not one wl it helnml our otherbig values for the money remember seeing is the proof positive f a j blackburn 1 54 the house of quality ir i gould oo back if i roil go linek to tl o trnil n beginning back to the ntnrt mg ince over again i wonler would i hip n chnmo of winning would t come irfjt in tl e race with men would i tl e mutakea i have made repeat tbem blundering on hi the old ol i way pops who havb triumphed would i defeat them who is there now can bay if i could go back to thncnnttflt s starting bacjc wl ere the flag yonjafah would lj in fronft af the field go darting ditfanco mr nvats all woold i come first m the groat endeavor winning tbe throng s acclaim or would r flmslb far hnok and neer have afight but myself to blame would f remember the traps that caught too wnnly walk of the pi tf ilia wide would i remember what 1 fe has taught me lot my etper once guide or wonld i blunder in foolish fash ion paying the price at last winning from some a cold com oassion there as the throng went past what am i saying i my queatmgs idle still and al tiatbeway with men cnmled passionb wonld i then bridle or would i givo them she rein aain how can i know no chance have i to nolvo questions i wnly cry wbnfc is the profit if this try to what is hidden from pate to pry this i say so the world may know it none of the fault dear wife js thine back in their teeth that charge i throw it if i have failed the fault is mine loving and ho pful your kmd eyes show it brave and fnith fnl and sweet nnultruo this my tribute that all may know it no better pal can i ask than you pete per colony of 186 poaoilfl f s near issuer of marriage ihrcubcs auranoo agent etc direc st georges church holy commit on ixl and 3rd tu jus h a n muna li a m bvenaonf t p tg sunitay school 9 45 am while honey crop belter than 1920 reoru roeoivedby the orop re port committee of the ontario bee keepers association from 442 lomhera toscthtfr wjtu special reports from 40 of the most prom inent apiarjbts ib- different caqn- ttcs in the province allow that quality of uio honey crop in on tnnothin year is rqadh belter than in 1920 with a good average yield all parts the total amounfof white hon reported for the 47 distnots considered is 1 681 278 pounds from 21 1c0 coloiffes or an aver age yield of 7e pounds per colony a small percentage of the honey reported i nold in comb honey sections as a colony managed for comb honey will produce about half as much as one managed for committee has multiplied tbe number of pounds of comb honey by two before adding it in with the extracted as regards number of pounds of white honoy reported the county of hftlton stands first with 187076 pounds from 1 8 colonies or an average of 115 pounds per colony muskoka with only two colonies shown the highest average yield namely 160 pounds per colony algoma with 28 colonies and 8 3qqpqunds of white honey or an notes and comments tint discovery or tho perenni nl sow thistle in bent county is attracting tho in to rest of the farmers near chat ham and nn or ganiwid attempt n being- mode- to prevent its eprl in tho count 4 b pjwc school inspac tor tor wist kent and a natural iat of bonaiderablo reputation states that tho sow thistle wav aocn in kent flvo years ago buv hnfl oqt made muoh headway u sprendtng durragiibttinio tbe post oppicb department ft remiodmg publishers by ciroular letter that acoordih to tbe amendment to tbe post office aolv passed during the session of par liaments 1020 the rae of post y periodicals printed and published in canada daily three times a week aomt weekly weekliv fortnightly or jymw d sent rrom the office extracted honey the crop report wpuolication to igalar subscrib- t ere and tp news dealers will on and after tbe 1st ot january 1028 be one and a half cents per pound there will be no charge as regards the free i area accorded weekly fortnightly and monthly pnfalica ib second in o o yield per colony tho report shows that county with the great est number of colonics namely 1 304 and a yiejd per colony of 79 pounds or four pounds above the averago yield for the total ol colonioa in the province rn ont ion ed in the report witness fee increase legal bhilton walubridge dale barriauro solioltera etc toronto and goorvatown olllca kannd7 block la roy daja in ofajtrse ol qaors morxt hvobinsoit dowddio rarrialcrb sol c ors fclc toroalo m i on ami oeortown hounkn drug store charge of georjfe- officc h e dowd ng georgetown flour feed mills we carry a full line of feed j bran shorts sorateh feed for hens h latch ford s egg haah it makes bens lay chops rolled onu pantr and bread flour iorndgeoata and ormhra flour tu led llaj and straws blatchfords calf meal k foods ctn i hiclieat prioos psud ffov oats cthoipiairkd rolllac dime irorwest prioes h o mir barrister sol itor etc office m ilsl george o hour 9am to 5 p m open wcdoeadav ami lurdnj even oga mlipicai dr tm marceulog ptiya eian and surgaon medical uidcer qx health offlca houiv a lo 4 and llolpg phono u oidc and realdoqce ifain irm uth oppoalte lwbyterlan charcft dr avw ross i ta va ciau and burgeon u i street georgetown i hone 22 ex hoaso surgeon grace iloip al toronto r soecial attcnl on to ducaaaa of womeo and cb mren and infjnt hegd ng dental frank r watson d o s m o s dent at qoereatowri otit iloura i a tn to t p m xci i humday atternoon pfntlnlrj n all tu branche ow ball talaohona oftioa u heath u da d o a dantat oolee in lna illoea one dooi nort t onelma carrlaaw kactorr hour cmaopracnc tp maxuotna inrmr or 1 otwaopatkv a m ksrissol d o gradiu office ovm- nouiicatia drue bloro qonputtatlon and ho nal analynl fre orrci h t tola i awl u dar t o s p m ami t w n r w p m phonh office mid re denre i s0 among the several important amendments to tho ontario stftt- ites as passed by the legislature last spring ia one of outstanding interest to tbe average citixen it deals witjfc the revision of the iees allowed witnesses attending the criminal and civil oottrts and increases lhe stipend from 76c to tl so for each attendance in ad d tion the mtloage allowed wit nesses has been increased from 18 to 15 cents a mile another item that should commend ibaelf to out bide oitizens who have found the oldallowances inadequatoto mot tbe increased costs of travel tho 76 cents fee for witnesses has been sharply criticized during the past three or four years par ticularly by men who have had to leavo remunerative work and at tend court sometimes for half a day or longer another revision that is evidence of the good jndgment that inspires tho prebont provincial govern mentt baa to do with tho impost tion of suspended sentence on per sons convicted of minor offences and the placing of audi offenders under the chief of police or some private individual during the pro bation penod with conditions im posed that tho offenders report at regular intervale and give an ao count of their actions if any of fender fails to report regular as required ho may be called to court any time by the magistrate and a prison or monetary sentence im posed tho revised statutes sot forth the probation period may be reduced or lengthened by the magistrate at any time if desired a provision also provides for the settling of damage claims laid under a criminal obarge by tbe probation method a magistrate may impose suspended sentence oneondttron th th u re port regularly to certain person nud remunerate the complainant for his entire loss as fixed by tbe court tho whole tendency of tbe re visions is to dispose of minor criminal charges m a less drastic manner and to keep mijd offenders out of tbe jbiib and thus relieve the municipalities of considerable expense the amendments also nloco more responsibility on the man under the bbadow of the law and in reforming him and stamping out much en mo ol petti nature addhb88ing tue dr goods seotianof the bctail merchant association at its annual conven twn t m humble a well known advertising writer of toronto placed emphasis on the valoe to merchants of weekly newspaper advertising every reader of a newspaper is a possible customer he said newspaper advertising costs less per actual thousand of people reached than any other form of publicity not counting the prestige of your name appearing in a reputable newspaper there never was a time in merchandising when newspaper advertising was more necessary or potent in ita power to get business newspap ers are tbe safest surest and tho cheapest means jjf reaching tho greatest numberot people at a ubktino or the automo bile club of canada in montreal the price of gasoline was discussed at length it was pointed ont that in montreal and toronto gas ohne costs 90 per cent more than it does in detroit and other amer ican mtiea from enquiries made by the club it was disclosed that in detroitgasoline uelle tor 20 oeofes a gallon for some brands and at 21 cents for others in montreal the retajt price for one grade is 87 cents and 44 cents for another calculations were ibn made to show that the local price should be about 26 per oenl less than it is even after making al lowanoee for loss on exchange freight government taxes and the difference between the american and canadian gallon auct ben j petch lrwim aucllnnmt for halton ai erl q r wilt la ma pml office 31 di rtml aat afactorlly and at ra winahlr raloa or0rp laft ai tl ononroinwn hrram ohl oil rml rompt atlnllnn j a tract clerk towi j p of ff irsirik cic trd ptinncnri the ti 1 b rrr a ft i l inm ran co reprewoled ik it of mr i mac rwarl on in w t evans frr i fe accident manor i real gatalr uonn to c cunnn ee bond r croryrtown onl msji tawaaacaarlabtatt la netj brouhaat canada for hjh w c besse y phbi j95 cborgetown pnktrlrk wh e ror ralalokue rrjre loenur mou f all trmhaer auk nth we hare fltlkl trolly il siio rre flnnt fojntlooa re- m h and 2700 per- j elllatt prteaifal- mu gives wile giycoriae uxlvf 8h hnd stomaeh trouble for ear after grvirrgiipraimpli h irkthorn bark glycerine ete as mixed in adter i ka ber husband n a mj wife feels fine no and hatt gamed weight it is won derful stomach n edieme adler kn arts orrqotii upper and low er liounl romrrrtrig foulmaller wh eh jfoibonod stomach and wb eh yo i beer thnnght was in your system fcfllent for gas on the stomach or chronic conbti nation guards against ap- pehecitu the impurities it br migvo it witt arirpnite ybu l flonngan oac 104 meal tl brft aldrr jrowo fannen re a rota lo begin h ih a grand variety iv oohtuuarilnratjren a crop by aeett of ddurhfnj qua r the aeed i have mi grown or new landjuxl ha been harwa ed m rrand ahape tfci arbeat a kreat atoolar andrwlta to the acr ta vonvi etil lobtmbh nrjjwt sxoobtn lo t0os25x i nder 5 boa jioo w p baanuv at the present time a series of advertisements are appearing in our columns tending to educate the people to conserve our tores t wealth through ore prevention tho destruction wrought by for est fires was brought home very closely to the weekly newspaper publishers who recently toured through northern ontario and in tbe province of british columbia miicb of valuable timber land has been laid waste by fire in both of these provinces the value of- which cannot be estimated the timber resources of canada cannot be too oarefolly conserved and a perusal of the advertisements re ferred to ib most strongly urged especially in our own district what forest remainsashonld be consorv ed and new wood lots should bo planted out weooftthe followiwotratfe from observer in tbe ouelub herald one of the tbrtrgtrthat the wori ingman with good reason very strongly objects to is that of hand ing large retiring allowances to of fieials to the publio service who have been well paid for their ser vices as tbe workingman well knows when he has to retire there is no handsome re farin allowance for him to fall back on he is luokj if he- made to save something on why or in stance should the ontario gpvernmont hand out to j d flavelle late chairman of tho board of incense commlarionersa retiring allowance of approximate ly 800 r he not only was in receipt of a go salary ail the ime he w i office b raa rich man who doear t need the money nor any retiring alto wan re whatever if we are to havo pen sions ut them go all the way around and only api lj to those who need u em not to those who alreadv itave enough to live com foi tabl pon talk bout adding to him that tth we do it alright in the pub lic bervice even although it ongbt not to be pensions shonld only be for those who really require themand si ould not be to simply swell choir estates when the die landing pensions to men like j d- flavelle or to any men who do not need them is entirely wrong summer days holiday time so often spoiled by hay fever or summer asthma rzmah stops both and for bheumatism tompletoo a rheumatic capsules are amfe and sure sold by d j matthew

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