Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 24, 1921, p. 2

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paor i w h willson ttndortcaker uid lloonaecl embdmer mai su ohitpuini aulomob lr or ii nnouraw hearse i hone- til or da mw orit thb qrobortowm hkjuu autiuht 2uh 1911 base ball georgetown banohall team worn again vietorioitr in ttioir loatf to game at acton lust saturday after noon tlio w ore at th c ti t of the9thinninffi hukmi la to 6 in favor f flcmlout vn iltudtlnrn nnl miuill ballerj a good fuuu ih okpectod in tin park b ro on but rdaj afternoon when liuiictioiiao ploj tliotr ro tjirrt match the game will bo called at oilock sharp don t fail to im i resent and cheer the boy to another ictpry glenwjiiiams our public school- is being to painted and rcnoatod tfais wdl odd materially to tho ajiptftran of fcho buildmf iunj health of ue children wo understand thnt the bridge at tho owor cod of tbe glen ib to bo repaired immediately quito a number from hero took id the lacrosse match and races nt brampton last saturday some of our young folk fsay a car tide trom here to milton just lovely mrs john moody spent a few days with relatives at orongevtlle during thttpast week hev mr jonstone of tweed spending a fen days with his bib ter mrs thoo norton m tho qjfld keep the date open there will be a danoe in tho town ball glen williams on sept 9th partioal ars lator equesing council huwurttown auk 16th 1021 thu council mot pu ran ant to odjoiirnimnt lliu ibove in the chntr momborh all present tbe niiii i lofl of taut lyeotiuk ro id and donllrnied ilanipsluro brown thut tho treunurur nay man anna cam boll of 7 60 for coloring woll on ilotol proportj at ballmafad and irawing niilvort from aoton and putting in bh no on town line between p rin an i i sqiieinng also to jamch w lnn ii ii 8 milton 185 85 halai o duo on contract on no r ml load robert molor rr f milton g6 60 for levelling graol on no 6 nidoroad thomas gordon 100 00 for grav oiling on 4th line opposite lot 8fl also 4 60 toksflreadiog gravel on 4th lino total 194 85 carried hooter brown that the treas urer pay tho b douglas p m no 88 for 2j days overtime med and wms at 0 per day 16 carried brown appolbe that the frea- dncn canpbell bays faaus grand trunk railway syste acton mr and mrs joho mutholland and babe of port arthur aro pending a week or bo at the ionio of mr george mulholland rev w m eannawin b a b d of hamilton who was visit ing his brother alexander at georgetown spout an hour or bo calling upon friends in his boy hood s homo on saturday mr fred cooper b oat cror yielded about 86 bushel a to tbe acre which be considers a very yield for the season tfessrs j vp heanedjft son are putting in a basement in the small store adjoining the ono recently purchased from kenny bros tins building will be con nectod with the main store by an archway and will affo a conven lent annex other improvements are also in contemplation free prat dairy building al the 0jlc is under way work has commenced upon the erection of the new dairy building at tho ontario agricultural college the oontraot having been awarded to a brantford firm or sohults bro thers the exaotoontract price ib not known but it is believed to be not far from 60 000 tho building is to be maltese cross shaped approxiniatstel40 ft and basement the foundation will be of concrete and stone and the superstructure of tapestry brick storerooms and coring rooms will be located in tbe basement a modkbn building tbe ground floor will contain the creamery and manufacturing plant of all descriptions while the top floor will bo devoted to leo a laboratories a library and a reading room tbe building will be equipped with the most modern machinery and dp todate equipment not only for manufac turing bat foriteaching the manu faeturo of butter ice orcam eon deosed and powdered milk gonad fan cheddar soft and fanoy obeesos and in fact all dairy pro ducts separating testing and bacteriological equipment will also be a feature and for the first time a mechanical 5514 storage plant will be available for use by vtho dairy department professor dean and his assist ants hope to have tbe building open for nse by tho opening of the fallierm of 1988 and expect to be able with the splendid facilities then afforded to bo able to do oven more valuable work for the dairyuhhnrtryof ontario card of thanks lbgwnlotarjsbem r3ubwlrly held taat wee hereby hank be talent ah other who contributed in aiiyray ho pay william cbishoim 180 yjs gravel at 16c 20 85 wm hampshire 47 yds at 160 706 robert joyce shovojlhhg gravel 9 john wooding 14 s hagyard 10 send oheaoo for 83 for shov elhng to thomas snow rr no 6 milton gamed browntiampshire that tho treasurer pay leroy dale 800 for disbursements and aervioea render ed a swackbamer man and team ono day 8 one day operating grader in div 18 8 two days op orating in division 61 8 fred mo artkuj- two days with team on grader 12 leas 8 statute labor also 27 hours spreading gravel 8 10 on youngs contract g b swackhamer p m man and team 8 days 12 ave yds gravel from murray a pitotc j atrapey 6 money advanced to jno cook corned brown hampshire that leave be granted to introduce a ly1aw to apportion the money accruing from the bailway bonos fund and that said by law be now read the first tune gamed hampshire hunter that the by law to apportion the interest accruing from the railway bonus fund be read the second and third times and passed gamed hunter appelbe that leave be granted to introduce a by law to assess the township of esquesing for tbe year 1921 and that said by law be now read the first tjme carried appelbe brown that the by law to aflsesb tbe township for the year 1981 be now read the second and third times and passed ana that the amount of 86 897 10 be levied for county purposes and good roads also 81 mills for town ship purposes and four and eight tenth mills for genoral school rate and i mill for wire fence bonus carried appelbe hampshire that leave be granted to introduce a by law to assess the several school sec tions and union sohool sections of the township and that said by law be now read tbe flrst time ear ned brown hunter that the by law to assess the several school sections be now read tbe second and third times and passed car ried hunter appelbe that the trea surer pay h barnes pm no 87 for work by order of the reeve grading and teaming 0 80o per hour 66 60- j a giffen man and team 60o per hour 840- 188 yds gravel supplied 60c total 71 40 james grant p m limehouse la bor pottmg in culvert men and teams on 88 bideroad 19 refund raijroad tax 10 grant for road repairs 40 total 69 00- andrew mcglure for labor and material re pairing race bridge norval 10 80 what is boliovoi toho tlin larg out i rivuto sale of shorthorn rtt tin in canada has takon plana wliortby duncan crttni bell ox warden of ii a ton county wli liven at moffat vrtmi of milton im ootnos tho owner of the herd of 81 lor thorns gathered by the ute sir frank batlie the herd is com posed of soma of tho best brooding blood and m dividual merit win oh could be so cared whan sir frank watt etitab- lintiing a herd the figures li paid always ran high and included tho bum of 16 000 tor the bull rothes king 4th beil by the dathies of scotland to house these cattle sir frank buit a sta ble at oakville and it waexpeot od that ljbonal farm would be heard from among tho beat shows in amoriea many or the cattle had been prize winners at the big shows o the br isles- the- 70 hoft3 comprising tho herd were loaded on cars at the gakviilb station consigned mottotm nassngaweya township whore tbey willbe placed on the 1 farms of mr campbell who bos nt special train servloe account cnmtiam national exhibition special train will leave goo r go to wo 848 a m mr gui dd august iilst soit lat 2nd urd 5th 0th 7th 8th and iltl avriving pnrkdalo 0 40 a m tor oitn union station h 50 a 1 1 re turning leave 1 arkdale 10 p u for further particulars as td tick eta etc afipl to giatid trunk agonth mail contract iuup tbndrks addmtxtd to romaumvr general ftlbs received al otwmynri1ooaj on frtayibf nilh ciy of september 1921 fprthcemveynncioi ilia majfatr ma a on a profoaed cm iract for bur yeara lime per week ovw ctonjefow n rural route from the first of ja ary nex obsooiated with biro thomas amos a young member of the family of that name well known aebreedero donald grant who was one of the herdsmen at iiisonally goes to moffat in charge of of the herd and will remain there jacksons ios seisst we can save yon honey on a large stock of reliable goods which we are offering at s exceptionally low prices quality value service new fall goods at the mens stoke our niiho f fill suiting ih arriving imlj airraid the ahnicwftt onoh an at iianil thoj tomi nm tho vnri lati nt in knglinh and scotch twcwih hr rgc an wru is and tl o patterns aro divide ll hiii irt gr yw i re luininato will tin- now brown and hluem in i im an 1 ncl tonew u not nt nth poimlar tavor it ih none too early to order your fait hilt do n i wail until uin rilhl orl r o wl and jet iii ih ki tu r t nil tl lm3bt nnl ction satnpfok aro now re ulj for rint ifbn c iih bomors and will bo sent on roijiiebl km to cootl linna of proponei con- nay be ncen and blank forma qf tender may be olained al the i on office of georgetown and attbo5cco ihe ro office intpector pot office in nectors office london july 29ih 1921 d j mlkan post office inspector auction sale op household furniture etc tha undctagned haa rcce led nalrucf mbs theo jfobtobi r seu by pub c auct on al school ii ii gleow lltfuna on tkaavtuy aagiittatvuu commencing at 7 o clock pm ibe follow s 2 fall leaf ubtea large oval table par r centre table chaira aloveai beds wathataixl d ahes wh n mach ne wraigcr balubeiuiiig waabboaid wash boiler cburni aewioff mach ne cu tain pplea aet of 3 aad iron wooden handle act of four w tb rcn handle lampa m ik cans creamer cans w ndow bcreenai paila atepladder- aideboard k leben cup board k cfcen cheat w lb open ahdvea on lop beoebcaand flower mind picture roll of bu id ng paperj book s gal o i can iron pots and granite kettle bird casual and olbcr art idea too numerous in mention gabdsn tools- scythed rakeat hoes barrel prayet wheelbarrow barrels fork chicken wire newicaac or berry baskets quart atie roll of barbed we hand plow new truck for ipraycrt halter etc i lawn mower and other art cles terms cask bbn pietcfl auctioneer mall contract sftalxd trnobm addresaed to the poalmaatcr general w 11 bo received at ottawa unt i noon on friday tbe lfith day of september 1921 for tbe conveyance of h majesty a m la on a prop ed con- iracl for four years mri mes per week- over norval no i rural hal route frpm ihe lat of january next printed notice contain ng further nfor m on a to cond t ons of proposed con tract may be seen and blank forms jof tender may bebblained at the poat office of norval and at ihe office of the post office inspector poat office inspec tor a office london august 5th 1921 expense by esguebingand going equally carried brown hunter that the trea surer na geo hyods treasurer acton fall fair the grant of 86 for 1921 also thomas anderson 10 being value of two lambs kill ed by dogs owners unknown and valued by sheep valorer mobean dr cota goods snpphed mrs hood an indigent 0 j h smith sam tary inspector for inspecting fomi gating and placarding aprjl 14 to jane 84 19x1 s7 80- wm bhorbll br no 1 georgetown 6 days with team on 6th line 648 man 4 daje 8 12 total g0- joaeph brooks 26 yds- gravel 25c 080 damage to grain open tog pit 860 total 10- wm ooz 1 day shovelling gravel 2 60- ar thnr evans value 1 sheep killed by unknown dogs 18 carried brown hampshire that thi6 council adjourn to meet again on monday september 12th at 1 80 pm oarried auction sale of farm stoek allhpleeats the undaraqned has- received nstrx rot xjbsxie to sell by public auction at lot is sth con- eaqueaing on friday cwptomkaa- catal 1811 o clock the following horsks sh re mare reg 8 yra sb r mall ion rcg 3 yra bayborae gn 6yra cattui 6 bolateln hctfers due sept i tlolstemcow milking roan cow nov li 2 dnrham cows nt ik ng angus bull 9 s ii set 20 head reg hampsh re and lambs iwruoxahts deennjc binder 7 fl cult mccormlck mower deermg raket m h tedder john deer manure spreadert deer lag vultitatori 2 act harrow s market wafeoni boggy rubber t ret buffky ateel ttrei cutter new tanning milt two at team harnej aet double drtv ng hamcsai twobetaainsehameaaiwhrletrces neck yokttat 5 t2 h p engine and chopper rot- tor acufneri bag hojder disc quantity of z wo racltai quantity of lumber 1 tsaus 12 month a credit on approved jotnt notes 5 per cent off for cash no reserve aa the proprietor la glv ng r j knir l b shorey auctmnehr clerk tho repair end of the business at cook s oarage will be closed till further notioe owing to repair of that end of tbe building later we will open with a full line of equipment and mechanics the parts and battery ond will be open afternoons and wednesday and saturday evenings till further notice fred cook f s near issuer of marriage licenses 1 buranoe agent bto qbrqttowjr out notice to creditors in thx mm of the estate of george cooke late of ibe vllage of georgetown the county of hajlon ret red farmer notice is hereby given that to section of the trustee act ro chap 121 that all fred tors and other havhig claims in llininiln agamat tbe ea- tate of ibe aatd george cooke retired farmer deceased who died on or about tbe twentieth day of july ad 1921 the said village of georgetown are quired on or before tbe t9tb day of sept ember 1921 tdaeodjy post deliver to tbe underafirned i calberme cooke rtd joaeph the eaeciitora of tbe but witl and tesu ment of the said deceased their christian tbe fudj particulars n wntlnfr of their claim a statement of tbeir i cotasta and ihe oatureof tbe aecurlty any held by tbetn ami take notice that after sucb but mentioned dale the said executora will proceed to distribute tbeiasetaof tbe said iatatai among ibe parties ent ited thereto bavma regard only to thecuun of wbfcn nerabau then have nouce nrl thi tbe amid execntitra wfl nat be liable lor the said aas or any part thereof to any a splendid bed special ivtra heavy nl brass 4led satin r4hbon finish august 5ne 49 oo wo give you good mattress and spring frl h sae monej on carpets rugs and floor covering onnur spo august sale prices buy furniture now and save money special augnot sale prices on all house furnishing subataantlsal dawine on womens nuid children weiai large serviceable aprons f good material for t women s apron dresses 1 35 women a house dresser from 1 79 to 276 tor 1 70 women s fine cambric white wear special good trimming on all garments women a nightdmns 8 so s women b niht drerb22c 1 womon s drawers 26 u 1 women s drawers 1 60 1 women h win to top skirts of good material at a special low pnoe which gives you a choice of several linen from 70c to 249 79 8 womon s vests 1 qd choice patterns in fine dress gingham a nor jd 40 children o hats 260 1 bo children s hats 1 86 bo men b and boj s straw hats 60c for jben bworll shirts 1 89 to 1 89 regular 1 76 to 1 26 1 39 boys work shirts notice jacksons georgetown georgetown fisl and chip cafe in new premises lane block mealb served every day from 11 to 1 evenings 6 to 10 freuhjpiflh sold bj tho pound frosh hahbutt doo salmon 22c white fish 20c a lb open all dy for saue of fresh fish feed a orinoco webavelfaeiimtaouflele una of ptpes la iba dlr ptleell aadtmoanfedh can l v aisrli cctrfesna e lrrov dals mcaliw ifaa mud bxecatart of ig uud if ttmluiff lumtnml stand anthracite scranton coal in au j automatically boraened and loaded coal woid select lump rot domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in fact i carry everything to be found in an uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phonb 12 i- nil liefot fnrntsnixtb dqpftrtment the n i sjiirtn collars and nectwrnr ltue arnxed nntir havn we had such a beautiful range in al tho latest tyj nt popular prices new antiutui hts all the nownst stj0en mid jlost makes are to bo round in our new arrivals there are many stylish featuroavuyhatr thistaoaaon an i it will be a pleasure to show them to yqu juon yjchlcall- rehdy towetr clotltlnftt fair soils latest styles and well tailored at city prices wo are making a special effort thin season to havo tllo very best in men s wear equal to onj city furnishing ostahltsbment at finality beore price it i a good umo now fo select i our ne fall outfit stock is all complete and selection hotter than lator in the season wo nv le yourpalmnagew ih assurance that we can give jcu sal sfnrt mi muxar go rtw hurlvolauia tajiorlna ana men fomlahlnsr aarenta fr- stoekwubndarraona co toronto dratna and dr- fnnanlnr ceorgettown phone 126 nflsseigsii mrs w prestos lane block oeorgetown bigneialas celebrated bread the loaf de lux hundreds of families are now placing orders for this delightful loaf they like it fonts good ness they know it is whole some and ihey appreciate its food values ask your grocer phone 32 r norval onl specials in farms this week iso acre well situated ohoioe farm for dairytnp large briok boose 12 rooms largo bank barn pig pen hen bouse driving house etc fine bush of twelve acres farm m well fenced and in good state of oultueljjawj pnoo 18000 loo acres largo pressed brick noose 10 rooms large new bank barn 104 ft z 64 ft good stabling well fenced some bush young bearing orchard nice loamy soil pnoe 10600 the wihonghby farm agency georgetown the willoughby farm agency wishes to announce that the demand for small farms is still good if you have 50 75 or 100 acres for sale and wish to dispose of it quickly call on our representative mr h b mcdowell or send a letter to him direct aijd he-rifi- and hst your farm loughby farm agency atatwar w hrtna st t wk nmematatsn rep hb mcdowell georgetown ontario not weekly specials but daily specials at druks call in and see our linaof strictly fresh choco i a tea made by such rehabtfrand well known firms as neiltton a willards cowans and lowoej b we are giving tho beat aluo for money paid out for chocolates in georgetown our ioe cream is tho very best we use neil son b only everyone can say that neilson n is the best now about tobaccos did you ever know that we have the moat varied and largest stock of cigarettes cigars pipes and tobaccos in the town- come and see and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that this is not a false advertisement we keep allinds of fruit canned goods and fancy biscuits 1 hope that you will give mo your patronage yours for service jl druks main street georgetown w t evans agenot qeorqktown what is a registered optomelrisl a registered op- torn etnst first of all is a special iston sight and refraction who has passed tbe government ex am i nation conferring the title registered optometrist ho ib one who has devoted time and study and is especial ly drained for tbescientifio and efficient examination of eyes ilia trafningand experience enable him to bo unusual skilful in adapting lensob and pnsmb for the ease improvement and conner vat ion of eye sight eyestrain or defective vision is not a disease it is a phj aical defect that glasses only will correct but the register ed optometrist is also particularly q ball lied to detect a diseased eyo in which case he always refers the patient co a pfijsician for treatment be assured that tho registered optometrist will never ad vise glasses unless the will be of material benefit to your ejes sthht and health o t walker beoisthrkd optometrist optician mam st brami ton phono 699 for appointment- weekend specials a tangara stationery in boxes aome tinted aome white with bordered reg 75c friday and saturday 39c beat quaury writing ink in slack blue black large square bottle reg isc for oc don arturo dgara clear havana cigar reg loc friday and saturday sc capatan tobacco reg 4sc for 29c i tutv motor goggles with xlyonlterims and tinted glass regli5 for 89c witch hazel cream rose and violet reg 3sc for 21c leather purses 2 sides with deep pocket regssc for 49c floating baovsoap reg isc for 9c cocoanut oil shampoo reg soc friday and faturday 35c extra bpaciml iaa wltaevanrbkaf jfataal faee powder and joateel faoe craaa at mko ara will cla abox of joauel jomas wortb saoabaalately frae the qowojul store jiomtigurs

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