Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 24, 1921, p. 3

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mkl t tub okobortown libraut aliuuht s4tl 101 xt matthew s drug store the hoine of the vletrolav agents page ac shaw high tirade ghooolatos youve nil heard tho noi peggy oneil hear it re u tiered 2ukih vncnl nn victor itoconlh 21u2h1 nnfh djmatthew dru08 and stationery tocal news hems raufiarad saturday gwva dance b6th ma ah rooms nrc plontiftil tjjand rodotirjg next tuesday toronto exhibition opens sat urday have you donated a special price tor our fall fair our public and high sohools open a week from tuesday bioveles and wagons arc again becoming too numerous on our walks rev nig oraham of toronvj to will preach in knox church on sanday next willoughbys beautiful golf links are attracting many of our citizen bj these fine days please dont ubo that cut out it is against the law and besides everybody lino ws you have a car council met last night and passed a bylaw for- 4000 to cover the waterworks extensions this year mr m w bong preached in ball inaf ad methodist church iatt snnday mr evans is away on his vacation the suburban electric ry will issae tickets at a fore and a fifxira return to toronto exhibition special cars will be run to and from toronto all publio sohool children are reqnestedtobepresent on opening day tuesday sept gth if de tained for any reason please notify principal green at st georges church sunday next there will be a oration of tho holy communion at 8a m and also baptism at 6 p m the rector will preach at 11 and 7 marahft11hnrlarm limited- one i leather manufacturers have their plant in operation now ana will start shipping leather shortly they have already received some good orders for their product mr el g meir has been ab sent daring the week investigating a fire which bocurrod in chingna- ooasy recently mr meir has also been retained by the fire mar shalls depttto represent thorn at a oourt of enquiry at parkbill on sent 1st and 2nd the following are the winners in the halton field oropcompett tion of barley 1 d f ford 2 jaa wadderbarn 8 geo agnow 4 wm b bume 5 a d mc- dnffe 6 j f ford sons 7 j h wilson 4s sods j a modor- lmidofcollingwoodwas judge mr a i bouck prinoipa of ibegnelph business college writes as that owing to his failure to se- onre a suitable- location ho ia an- able at present to open up s branch college in georgetown however qnelah business college with a reputation second to none in the provinoe is eaajr within reaob of georgetown students a meeting of tlio committee memberspf theljand anil al other citixensintercsted- will bo hold in tho bandroomjitthepublio school noxt tuesday evening aug 80th randanten arc particularly urged to bopresent thomas hartbhorn of glen- williams was arrebted on thurs day lost charged with committing perjury at tho recent logan lire investigation he is now confined at milton and will bo given a hear ing on thursday personals death came suddenly to gordon crawsbaw at quelph oao last saturday morningwhile unloading a car o stone the shunting tf another oar had started the car on which the unfortunate young man was working and he was in some way thrown- beneath the wheels no one actually seen tho accident bat bis lifeless and badly mutilat ed remain b were discovered by a wbrkmarrlying across the traok with his head almost underneath the ear examination revealed the fact that wheels of the oar tmuat hare passed over gordons cheat tav the belt of- his overalls was aroafd the- wheel at one end of the car whie his body was al- most under the wneel at the other end both arms were almost com pletely severed and his chest was badly out deceased lived in georgetown for a number of years when a lad and was well known here jjook in boneys window noth ing over 100 to clear beans corn cucumbers onions tomatoes and cooking apples forsale h heartwoll phone mp r b n brown adjoining acton will bold aa unreserved auction ale opsatarday aug 37tli at 2 p m 8sjiogbls sows in farrows is cows and is choice yonng oattle stock all well bred and in sink of condition is months jreditrb j- karr auctioneer phone 86 acton having removed to my prem- law in the jjario block where i will have better fachities tor serv- ing my many customers i tnvitm all to ball at my- new oafc fisbt and chips will be served an hereto fore and only thcjwst wjll bc of- lored tnypatrvna everything op- fcmhtev purity and cleanliness gnamntned fresh dnh alwjtyn for ale mrs w preston lane bwok the township council have- made a good road between stowart- town and tho- corporation limits on maple ave now a littlo good i gmvel put in the holes inside tho corporation would make our streets bettor and bo in keeping with the work or the township a bmatina sikt there are now 2000 cannas in bloom in front of the georgetown floral coreenhojibes and lhoj sight is indeedjeautirul to be hold never before has such a display or bloom been seen in these parts if yon have not yet seen them do so before tho bloom has faded hydro mtlaa t stwarttcm an engineererom the hydro el ectric commission will address al meeting in the town hall stewart town on monday august 29tb at 8 pm to expjaip the method ofob- taining hydro for -tho- township every rural citifcoo should attend this meeting wednesdai tho sponders all star caste chapter 7 of son of tarran pathe comedy fri si ho enid beonottijomody torchys p triumph fox nowst t saturday matineo and night dawn homo all star cabte comedy the fall guy with larry semon gwva dkmo tkarmuy the danco to be held in the i diairflorkbt association which mot at peter bo ro last week uewos elected a member of the executive for the on suing three years th3 ayjnpftthy of the community is extended to mr and oiru nc man mcgregor in their sad t mi 1 j bereavement caused by the death entih jin uwtrjittto months old daugfa- august 8th will bo one of tho social events of the season tbi famous krug orchestra of kitche ner wilj furnish the music a now feature will be the cafatcria where j lunch maybe scoured at any time during tho evening at a reasonable price a cordial invitatinb is ex- tended to all to be present daagkur f puattr dd mrs jane mowayne- whose motherrcatharine trillor was the first white woman married in the conntyof haltonftiied at the age of 96 on saturday in buffalo at the home of her daughter mrs mo wayne was of united empire loyalist stock her grandparents took up several hundred acres of landbetween bronte and burling ton in 1798t the toronto- hamil ton high way passes through the original holding hor husband predeceased hor 40 years ago duriogbe past week and ap to wednesday august 24th at the golf links a tournamentamong the local golfers has been in pro gress the winners and losers have taken keen interest- in the game and close competition has made it very interesting all around this is proving an exceedingly en joyable match to all who are parti- oipntior the semifinals will possibly be played dnring the cn suing week many close matches and interesting games will have been played before tho tournament is closed vatenuu at bxuupm tho veterans reunion council composed of delegates from ovory veterans association l in toronto request every man- and woman who has evjar worn the rings uniform or who has served with britains allies in the huo war whether tbey belong to any veterans asso ciation or not to take part in the parade on warriors day satur day august 27th all veterans rrespoctivd of rank former service members of an organisation or ootf ii mabiliee at trinity college grounds not later than 1280 pm the parade will march off not later than i lit pm- late arrivals most j not brook into companies already formed provision has been made to form new companies as ncoessl tty arises bandsmen nursing sis tera andj the navel veterans will parade in on i form all other ranks will wear ordinary street at tire with service buttons and authorised war medals or if not in of al the latter will put op the ribbonb to which they are entitled it is requested that othetdoooratioua bo worn stop sneering and bauffling hay fefoi summer colds asthma positively stopped by ra2mah and rheumatic gapsnlesaaniiiat aasnre for rbeumatismtnenritia etc sold locally by d j mat thew mr and mm jnlir ilaiikliur ot korgutiit anil mrs 8 wiirjen a imppy re tin inn in iming spent at tho home or mr itoherl sfw sr thin week all the luombars tho famfty being honto tiioho from out of town arc mr anrimi john krwin nf snrnin mr and mrs charles krwin of rochcbtoi mr and mrs itenj krwin and daughter marjory of bochcster and mr ami mrajjnrno win ami haho of toronto mrs w waller and baby may and mrs 1 miwtorh and children are upending a week with mrs sargent mrisnrg trying park of cliica go is visiting georgetown friends mr wil jjortop rcitarnod homo lost weok aflor a ten dvys trip to goversvule lnd johns to wnny the gloveentro of amoriba edi swl mrj mm rfahaj btont express were in town friday on tjioir way to muskokav tfiey madp the herald a pleasant call mratjd p trillook are visiting their daughter mrs b it robinson at winrfrpcg mr and mrs j w kennedy were in london forjjver the week end the misses sullivan mr ed hamilton mr john hogjo and mr edward j seott of hamilton motored to georgetown and spent snnday with their uncle and aunt mr and mrs j scott mrs and mi ss steel of fergus aro visiting at mrs d lawsons rev mr noxon of st cathar- 1 ines visited in town and vicinity duringupweek mr and mrs w a bailey visjt- ed friofads in toronto over tho week end miss jean watson is holidaying in muskoka mr and mrs wm skirrow of toronto returned homo last week after a pleasant vibitwifchfrtenda in town and vicinity miss lillian ingram is spending a holiday with friends in bceton mis annie lane spent the week- end with friends at everton mrs h b henderson is visiting relatives in windsor mr add mrs h m wot he raid of toronto were visitors in town during the week misse n bell of new york city spent last week with her mother mrs thbs boll dr and mrsmoauibter arrived home monday evening after spend ing their vacation mjbb jean mackenzie has passed her primary piano exam at the conservatory of music sho is a pupil of mr a- bcaetell mr sjkirk attended the cana- doo los kln piano toning mi ii miiih pu iiii mi tiwii- lo will ihiii iifmrkdcikii for fow uyn miiyoiw wwhitilc ui hnvr pianos lunil or npalid lioiild leave hnrnrdrr m kii muiic klorc 15 yrm utporiha 1u crn will hcinuman fc cti ii tothe ladies dfnsmkiik d licr wwiar ilonc inmiiiiri mottalnj- au is fromni ollmlion iokii work mm a c kmy mmiii si cicorfhimii jlj auto for sale mmlel 7s ovcrtaihl for lp mexh- anuiilly al sso0 sjh gnnikp ii wanted two ituiy hritm trb j wmai apply itrmtd ofmcr 17ji2t mammoth house honey eir cfaoiie rxlrnrlnt while ckivc tncy in 5 and 10 lb now pil nml par khilr comb i in rrfe pears for sale ujwirk prnrx l6r nln apply t j 11 nnyfoori 0 ac im wkcat hihel vjhder jrown farwra rt nnxioiu lo btkin ilh ihia gtnnd vrirty do not hntnl iicst ycirk crvp by mvd of jotllrtful yiwiily the nm havi w wlnttdnnjlhaiihccii harvtm lonuliclndroyer 00 bitn s to 10 1h zs0 under s1m 300 w f rradi nr new barber sbop nw or r station ovor john butlantynea shtm shop georgetown 8 a m t 8 p id st iib t roberts pkopbietor ikwiiltahtjf vjti iri gcotketowit for sale i print i piaoo alqtoat now will he wild whlt apply herald oirm l r eogs wanted for cash hirlieai priio puid for rcsh rfirn al fiwulora hrooery cwner john and iidoria sl ccorffoiawn tl house to rent n jolni slnvl all convmicwm ilrn 1 nrerai rood nrdrv h ritlwht mayfiekl out hvhm 336 12 driver for sale all kinds ol iranibglapck aaa ulldl k tooe for ull in aoj quanlky irobipt scnkc i brown glcn- wool we will cxctutiikeyiirnpuin and color- etu for wool nml rive good price alap aocks apply eotrtrtown woollen hilta georgelown georg new gpocfe- new goods thursday hdliday our store will be closed every thursday during june july and august i for sals fintclua electric vacuun deumr auo positiom waxtkd returned soldier wants a lob on farm leadjr apply at the llearfcf offic- to let a barn niilable or gnga poucuinn apply erma l bt emodte for saxe torlable enine imilablo for tilo filling or nale cheap box no be 2l ter on monday tho funeral took placo on tuesday rev mr moore conducted tho service mr charles spnubo of braoc- bridge and mr jaraob spenee of j thorold are homo visiting their mother who is qaite seriously ill miss phyllis wilson or london is visiting at mr a p campbells master jack dock and arthur tyndall are holidaying at qranu valloy limebonse the garden party ohdor the auspices of the limohoaso presby terian cbnroh was an unqualified bqceoss the exhibiti o n ball game between aoton and idme- bonso was fast and close resulting in a ttesobre of 88 the fax fun co entertained the large audience in their ubaal imitable way high park lighted with doieo light makes a splendid garden party sit for the village mr douglas tlowdy left on fri day for algonquin park to attend a training camp for boy v work ers at camp tniris canoe lake for ten days there will bo isa men in camp ktf lost brown collte rupiwhitb feet while kinder return to adjunjcar m youll know yqa were rfght to take out insurance after the fire yoall realize how srnnible you were if you didnt take ont insuranoe jroull be in an entirely different frame of mind yon believe ia it yon know yon do dont not it off ba r n h hls ikki and kaltons dabdain store honey per lb 1 8c i barnhills ilbkbie norval- lets get acquainted we want to introduce you to shaving oomfort via the valet auto strop razor tho risnsflcnioo of these three simple illustrations rests in the valuable story of vital interest they hold for every man who shaves they show the self- contained stropping device which gives yon such a keen edge foreveryahavq enables yon to get 600 shaves out of overy dollar package of blades we are going to give yon ah opfprtanity to try tkotsdet auto strop safety kaxor for thirty day free trial get acquainted with ifao wonderful satisfaction it affords if it dont come np to expeetalioiis return it therejb no obligation ptttrttrar1fff ltlnln nmtiaial if ttai l v hourigan dhuoqi8t qeorqetown ti saturday treat homejdade caodtts are pre fored because they re fresh and pure for this saturday wo offer you 160 iba or our fresh homo made coooannti kisses delirions cream ooroanut in it befinlar 40c lr lb saturday treat ppa hotnkmade caneti licorice alsorts 45c h lb or fdklisi licorice alaorl- oombinauon of liooriro uid crrm rog goo saturday special 1 4 weekend chocolates 35c assorted chooot1cfl centres saturday bog goo per lb sso milkchocolate bars 7 for 25c another lot of uootonb chocolate jlars saturday ice cream rvijrjl neilsnnn ice cream in bulk or brink fo nrxy ordw neil sons party brtoks beg fio each 7 for 9so fox your next jljimoorehead brampton georffetoain milton adorn go georgetown j goods ladies suits j b coats and dresses s i all the latest new york styles fc h come and look them over h to to 4 cor mui andmun ste 4 a phone 167 to d brill co to to to to georgetown p la totototototoninsirtototototototototototototototo tee pussy i lore you bnt you cant have this slice its gibbens bread the goodyncoody loaf that little folks- love like eake bicb sweet nonriahing alltare jnstas good for grownups tod gibbens bakery phone 202 meats of au kinds try a e wright phon 196 main s tb eet have yon examined the hew dodge it ia pqoipped with 82x4 cnh tires all around ijonrer ier springs assuring eaay riding theroare many other iraprovementn making the dodge a rrnat favorite with the motorimtpoblio toarluc oar 161 roadster car t58s s tbeseprioea inolude sales tax and freighl j n onetll fe son dibtrlbmtolr of dic srothttrs sad stoadtobajfor motor qmntok oeoboetowh -i- aotok v btxttoit te j

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