Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 31, 1921, p. 4

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thb obobqdtown u khali ahf8t blsfc 1921 bignetjls celebrated bread jhejoiil de lux r hurfdreds of families arr now placing orders or thi drjirntful loaf they like it un hi pood ness they know it i whole some and they appreciate its food values asle your grocer phone 327 r3 norval onl esquesing fall falk r at georgetown wednesday thursday october 5 6 prize list horses increased railroad rates not responsible for business stagnation a denial of the fretjiunij mi i negation that increased railuay rates are responsible or the present bu dejrosaion waa wade by wiluara sproul president of thx southern pacific railway company at the convention of the national association of credit ifcn at san francisco iast week mr sprout at tar alluding to the tocalled freight blockade that occurred in 1917 aid- i just as it was ilghtly alleged then that the railroads had broken rdovn so now it fa readily alleged thatthe increase in railroad ratei- i ao important a factor in business it would be a serious charge if it were true that the railroad rates had pro duced the present stagnation in bttsl baas but it is not true on the contrary the railroad rates were not raised in time to en ab the railroads to move the com merce of the country in its active period when the business of the country at large could easily absorb the increase the fact is that the rates wore raised and business da dihed at about the same time but oe had nothing to do with the other as a related matter in proof of the autnerstion let me call your attention in the water retes the rates hy water have been c the decline yet private owners an laying op their ships the united states shipping boards ship are laid up by the score because business is stagnant the causa is found in the sheer inability of business to r 1 keck eta a peace basis t is the aea busmen has halter yet the call of the day is that tall roads reduce their rates because jsosineas is bad this call for re daction c from all s nd am all important commodlties 1 from all sections of the- country yenture the opinion that if all the railroads of this tfouhtrr were by atome edict to reduce their rates increase in the volume of business moved but the railroads would be prostrate in one eominon disatrr that would shake the nation and rail credits into- question do you know him bveu the byng boys will hardly recoafle their formerleader in the abov it b however lord posed for the canadian exhibition a few days before he sailed for canada tor reproduction n a rnodal conxmemoratlng the opening of the lal fair over which he will preside on aug 2t divested of hla military attire the hay fever bojuibb colds asthma aeasty a h fcaz mah counter check books at the tlerald fcuatiai latiooal eibifctioia toronto auc aim sept 10 i i inf filly 1 link r thu inline oi rill i into 3 agrtcii il c liufib 1 1 g icunff 1 i i line r ntty i- rm r nib laa i lei mm i ilirprwu 1 i 1 nt old ff lillnr or filly i e ytar old rfldliik or fill t 3 ur olil kililln or filly i pullllorwm i hurnen clans 4 cai 1 will lie lionu 1 1 i old k i illy ujn- s ltooibli 1 cattle last n iliro nreil uimt 8 llol4ln nilvi ni1n enlf i ur old hi lfi r rnr old hotter taw 0 dairy llti f rnile hhf o riilvn or 1 hcsi lielf hi if ii hi liifr nlf hi hi in r n i for rokinirfitlor will th1 for n klrtrulloti sheep tbfk ii lillllj 5 hhmirllllk 1 2 iiohi flhimrllhk m 3 bout ram inmb 6 desl shearling cv g clw ij sliropwliln 1 qeat r tobe cpc unlbrf vtotr v govenswoenerai over herev- super pageant c regal msfttasee canadvt onsn glow tli and aumoe color synaalaotyrmindreds of rrf afasic fine arte worlds largest colectiom of war phfltograph tbrakra of many kavb fireworks on a larger scale than ever before scores of tcattsrcs only to bo seen at toronto cwmsbvs ceaefcsf sum sbck and farpi dbpbgzmatkinujf ant efaipmenl of ettamattptfot toreasm a eftdptq oe farm mu fit cesayerf e fie me raovacml rm eft ab lbesaf trarel jotpickkmmt btoan iuminc j 1 i riiani children enjoy eating our bnad becnuiw it n it iuslih njmobt liko 1 b so good cake find it in ufiolronie fdbd for the gmiuim child wfjiake ciery thing from the hrend to the hnrt o fino riikcs clpanli noun reignn nm me liorc ldtil 11i11 irlln claan 13 any otlii r ixnrn cnn ii ciihiiiiii lohanipklilrf ixnrn 111 okflhll txtwiu jd alex joe president old times in- western canada i picture reproduced from an actual phonograph taken in 1886 at stony mountain manitoba shows a group of french journalists we first to trams oyer 4he canadian railway poundmakcr the rebeyndiaitnief iastepntfie celtreofflwpicture to gel first hand knowledge of the rlol rebellion and the results which followed its suppression a party of french journalists and their wives arrived at quebec in july isas they were the first tceoch ionrnallbts to visit canada after confederation after spending a few days in the historic city they went to montreal where they were entertained by many prenchy canadian societies leaving montreal they travelled over the canadian pacific railway line to qu appelie saskatchewan where the women of the party re mained whllf the journalists jour neyed to the scinei of the battles during the riel rebellion they visited batoche cut knife hill frenchmans butte and other pluses they travelled by methods of trana fortatlon uaed by tu pioncet set- lorn conaintii e for tfje most part of as carts returning to manitoba the jo urn all sis visited stony mountain pen tentiary where poundmakcr th- noted leudet of a strong hand nt in dian rebels was imprisoned pound makei lead the band of ri h l mho defeated nlonel ottet a fonos at culknife hill poundmsker surrendered one middjeton on may 2fi 1886 14 days after the battle of oatoche the indian leadct waa xentcnrcd to serve three years iji stony mountain penitentiary several other rebels including riel were handed wheu poundraaker ws sentenced to pnnon he said he would rather be hanged than go to that place in manitoba he dird before hla sentence efcpred the french journalists had the only photograph taken of them in canada during their visit to stony mountain penitentiary found maker was brought from his cell and posed in the middle of the group colon p samuel lawrence bedkon waden of the penitentiary stood behind pound maker holding ihc chain which wan attached to poundmakcr a wrim poundmaker was one of the most noted and interesting prisoner ever imprisoned at the penitentiary he wan the only prisoner who was al lowed to wear his hahr long while sir wing a sentence journalism and literature were net high standard when the french journalists visited the west the curly settlers paid almost undivided attention to their activities in the iiolda the journalists gathered what data ley could regarding joumajlsrio achievements in western canada tmc were given to them by- william f luaton editor of che manitoba free press and the dean or newspaperdom in the west the free press was established in 1872 and it had grown to be a political ptbjrer in canada it championed the cause of the liberal parry the nor wester which waa the iioneer newspaper of the went car rled the only news the settlers read in the earlier days it flourished for aeyerai years and died shortly iiftcr the suppression of the riel rebellion the manitobanand the news letter both had short lives icy were followed hv the metis a 1 rench newspaper it also met an early death ahe fate of the metis interested the visiting french journ allsts who secured copies of it to take hack to france 1 the journalists then went to tor- it o then to montreal then to que rn over the canadian pacific rail way lines embarking on a stefmer at quebec for the voyage down thr st lawrence river and across if atlantic ocean to france junk wantei i 11111 nrying- the xlighoat cosh prion for all kifida of jnnk altw union ami poultry r rmldeaee opfiioiut public school an vletaru btret georgetown ont m freeman post office box 170- phono 100 coal wood axd cement on hand rttl the time best scrakton goal john ballantine georgetown an open letter to the ladies of georgetown and vicinity a b ladies lalalc j a- tracy secretary vvwvv lets et acquainted f we wont to introduce you to shavins 00 m fort vin the valet auto strop razor mckinley bros glenwilliaiis ont the wilkmghby farm agency georgetown ti willoughby farm agency wishes to airwmnce that the ranancl foi small arms is still good if you have 50 75 or f 106 acres forwte and wish to dispose of it quickly call on our representative mr h b mcdowell or send a letterto kinf direct and he will call and list your farm willoughby farm agency orfsfflce hh st ttrmte ffcwt mill 457j rep blb mcdowell georgetown ontario the biguiiinaiico of thcttc throo simpl illunlrntioil rcrtn in tlir valuable sutrj of vrtafcanterflut thrj- hold for every mnn v ho ha en tiksj nhon the aejxcontaibed atmppmg dovire which kimb jon siiel n keen edge for every ahave enables j on to get boo rhiweft ont of enr dollar rmckageof blrdeb we tire going to give you an opportunity to try- hie valet auto strop safety reor for tnlrty days free trial get aeginunted with tho wonderful witinfnctton it aftnrds if il don t come up to expectation n return it there in no ohltmtnrrr we extend to yoti a cordial invitation to visit and inspect complete display of canadian and american hats and tarns for ladies misses and children these hats are all of the latest styles handtailored and are in the most beautiful and artistic colors and combinations we also carry waists and stockings we will be glad to show you our lipe and you will be hap py at our prices which are most moderate cordially yours new parisian millinery shoppe aaamrvrit 1 lane block georgetown rwilhdr hoaih r oniro norval hardware and garage a fall line of seasonable haidwajtc ford cars linl k riiiim ford pnrt pi res tiiimh oiihohnu oils anil onom acetylene welding baleval creaas separators rklrhnk men e c frank hustler hoevab money to loan have n liniitod amount of funds available for first mortgage fjoafls on good town and farm property those are truftt fundtt and only the bent class of securttj will be jidored r h g meir barrlscer creoreetotvn cartage all orders for cartage of aoy kind promptly attended moving done bj eontract or by tho hour i carr all rmk of broakago piano m speeialt n snyder p o boafo clerk township of i- siiuexing clerk 3rd pinon court the lending tire fend life iniur tease eat gkavleaste tereate a school wilh a splendid record when superiority etliaming is considered this college ranks among l ho beat on the continent entnulny time jbj w j eluettvpriaelpel coal best d 4tw scranton coal in all sjjs also smithing and steam coal here from both north the totems a pleasant ao en the alaska boobs a summer holiday by water from veaeotrver brings one to alert bay at the north end of vancouver wane v at alert bay are to be seen 1 hi totem poles and indian communttj henaea and the remains of the curl oua treebnrials popular till recently with the slwashes the totems here have long sli r come to be regarded aa one of 1 he wonders of the world as inacrut able in their way aa pyramid and sphtex and so it is uttle wen der ttuiftiot a week goes by in sum tner but gronps of visitors from every cornea seen landing 1 and sonthrsoaod boats to view at close hand these sphinxes of am erka the world has always had woed- caxvera but never anywhere at any time earrings like unto tbeae pa cific coast totems the outstanding points of the totem which strike the visitor ashore fora few hours are over whelming on qpertkuhi who carved themt who conceived the ideal that the coastal indians possessed any steel tools how then was it nosafble so long ago for them to cut ao deep and clean a line as here give decision to the totomfacet au of 1 isc questions and hun dredj of others of like nature effer all these years since first the totem waa discovered by the white men atfll remain without a definite an war it is more than half ul charm of the sphinx that she baa never spoken irdeed half the charm and spell woven of the totem ilea in the stories that every visitor beholding them is free to weave te fancy aided and guided by tra etuon foe though the written word may fbe wholly lacking tradtaon- ball never anywhere woven prettier stnr- lea clinging like graceful draperies trailing off in to these fctorthem bateta than about these wooden flg- 1 of the wonderful totems that 3 at alert alert bay- mrs j walkins norcnl station phone 12m 1 i2hm 4 l v hourigan i druggist 1 oborrtktown i bay here to that tnarrellous rigore the tfaimder bird with its eagle- eye and hinged beak that drops open through which entrance was made the feastban to times of potlach tradition has been very busy with cbe thunderbird something about rtlnetoitew roin m story of the thirbderbtrd that lota most right on the indian charac ter of outer days la a grueeome tale af iseaihuj on the part of the bear totem pole alerts toward their ancient foe the alert bay will acknowledge that tribes of the nimpkiah the wnale runs the bear a the nimpkish folk were invited to a potlach and burying the hatchet they came only to be murdered one at a time aa thev wriesjled thronarh the thtmder birds beak to use feast hall the entrance waa ao narrow and the blow from within ao swift and unexpected that not even a sound escaped to warn the mea waiting outalde thus tradition says waa dbne to death every nimpkish who came to the feast next in importance to the than derbird comes the bear frank eyed and sporty tarrying b srerfnl paws the copper symbol chieftaincy among the indians h this day ton chief whom the bear ym ubltxes was evidently a hunter pre eminently of bearaej and so cleverly something of the natere ofthe anl ma he h on ted the whole makeup of the bear bespeaks geniality and jrcodhjuaomr w one conld think of mia giving the pottech that hlnk of ma giving the pi nnihilsted ie nimpkiah aa a trtmaportravary sparvirtery vialtni to and as yoo look onoatved of the at giant eolphnrbottom you know that whatever may have been the fault of this scloa of the house of si wash cowardice was not one of them of all the steeds of fancy or ambition can one be imagined that supplies nore sport for the money than the whale ever an dpen course tot vour coastal indian efthes nartai waa evidently not afraid to ride eloquent indeed la the simple waale design which sparing aa wholly unnecessary the writtaa word mounts guard over the time- worn mound in the gr to discover the mnafmlng inter esung totems in the alert bayvg deering farm machinery international tract oca gasoline engines empire beilking machines melette oreau sapnralon wann onttere and buisih rrf irjusi r i whcli ac plionr 101 ri li tlios l hewson n out at your service h c bailey electrician electric wiring and fix tures ordersleft in the harness shop will be promptly attended to pbone 2 geobectown it is desirable that ystn djd he hunt and study bruins hahira make the trip otherwise that tn time be himself came to hive altogether lost the unkroe plieneia ous derfgne smmm and making them tatathe mrhw ehaptera of the life that at one mm had its being here in this past ojy t w smith putcher a full lrnuof all itimls of fresh and salt meats jfresh trout direct from taken every tuesday norval onl

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