Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 21, 1921, p. 2

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tub okobortown bkraxd septrmhhr a let idbi w h willson ttndertsiker and llconsed embalnter malast o notnawbilcor horse- drawn hearse rtiooe ntght or day h or 31 rnda of mr died llaki nt in ceorrsown sep 16th men n nta mo and mm w h hani n ageri n memoriam i low j memory of piy son l1c reuvei ken ner ik d ed n rranc sf 19 t91 day of aadnesml it come oer us hidden lean at i mca da flow fbr memory keep our dear one near ui all ho he died four years afa mother irtiib api ikpnt fkeung of the ratepayers at public meet ing on monday evening ts anj criterion the watevorka by law will carry by a largo majority on monday next with a right nn derstandiqg of the situation add tqe proposed raojfiu aftor serious constdetation who could or would oppose a measure which meant the protection of his own household from fire and pestilent the umtmilding of the community in wbioh he resides and the en haneed value of hib property we fail to bob how any one can overlook the advantages to be derived from a plentiful supply of good pure wator it means every thing to our town both for the present and future we believe the good people of georgetown i there are none better are too progressive to throw stones in the wheels of progress by voting against something we need and must have the matter ib now your bands the council hasl done its part it means a atop forward or backwarot think sen ousry if you dd and govern your self accord in g to the dictation of your better judgment you will bupport the council and vote for the by law golf one of the most important and interesting overits on the george town willoughby ianks for fch easont921 was played off on sat urday september 17th between the local players and the managers of the merchants bank from the surrounding distnot- the weather was ideal for low scoring and matched play the town ultimately proved the win ners by two matches at the nineteenth hole supper was served at cedar crest and many perfect games were played over again at par bogey with a birdy three mr h r himms graciously welcomed the visitors with tho hope they bad all enjoy ed themselves- mr arkell ol hamilton responded and expressed himself on oehalf of the banking fraternity in glowingerms the beauties of the course the sporting proclivities and the honderful layout of the links had tested the golfers to the foil ex tent his delightful pleasure was shared by his associates and players of georgetown he thanked mr minima for his hearty welcome and invitation and extended mr willoughby his ap preciation azt3 kindness for the courtesy of the ionics that after- mr willoughby replied that it gave him a great pleasure to bol able to entertain in this manner abbnmldtno hold the possibility that many inter- public meeting ratepayers lmttse acum cmoku re watertmrks extras there was a largo attendance of proper t owners at urn lublic mooting hrl 1 in ttio town hall monday opening to discuss the waterworks by law which will ho votod on next moo lay sept 20th councillor mo in tyre chairman of tho waterworks commit too copied tho chair and after a fow preliminary remarks which well ohoson and quito to the point called on maor dallyn a representative from the depart meat of public health major dallyn explained length the great necessity of an abundant supply of pure wator order to keep tho health of the oommubityat its boat- shoprea ent system was excellent and had served ts purpose but tho town had outgrown it and it had come to tho time when an additional supply of puro water must be so on red he approved of tho qual ity of the proposed now 6u ply and urged the ratepayers to sup port the by law mr chipman of chipi powers engineers was tho next speaker he had boon in munioation with georgetown councils since 1914 regarding increased supply of water and bad been thoroughly over tho ground in this neighborhood tho only feasible eeheme in his mind was the one proposed m the present bylaw the risk tha i owners were carrying in case of fire was too great to be compared with the expenditure required for an additional and adequate amount of water the new source of sun- ply would yield a quantity equal to that of the present supply about 850000 gals per day the chairman next called on beeve dale who dwelt at length with the financial end of the question he showed how the revenue from the present bystem had increased and explained to the i ratepayers that the water woold be sold to consumers at a sufficient price to meet debenture and in terest payments on the proposed new system meters were being installed on the large users and an increased revenue was derived thereby the health of the town and fire protection demanded that action be takm y aft thm- and serious consideration tho council had decided to place the j matter in the hands of the rate payers by presenting the present by law on monday next- in answer to a question beeve dale explained that no contracts had been let but tenders for the work4rould be called forno tho passing of the by law engineer powers answered aev era questions to tho satisfaction of enquiring ratepayers vote for tho by law dr anderson f unanimous choice uf uatrakaascrvate cm vtatjm at kfllltoa ot or two hundred dolchati from the four townshipr of hftuon at tended tl 0 national liberal con stirvatno comention hold at ml ton on mondrt afternoon wlen r ic andornon of milton the sittint member was unanuno inly chosen as their candidate to con test the count in tho fodernl ol oct ion james moo do well of uoro by president of tho association us chairman tho nomination was made by oconee hillmcr reeve of oakville and walter elliott of naasara- weo- short speeches were made by mayor davis of oakville and foimntu w morley of toronto on nging to flpoak dr anderson roceivbd a tremendous ovation after thanking the large audience the nomination candidate began his address bj dealing with the leaders in dominion politics took np tho fiscal poliojt- of each and com pared protection advocat ed by mr meighen with mr king meaningless tariff pplici the speaker claimed that tariff for revenue only if earned out to t logical conclusion meant a re versal or our wbole fiscal polut a tariff for revenue only without any principle of protection meant a duty on those articles whi j we do nob and cannot produce and which are now admitted duty free mr crerar s policy he said was frank a free trade policy in concluding dr anderson said he believed that the people would endorse on election day tho pro tective policy which had boon in force for over forty years mr hookon m p for west tor onto delivered a forcible and con vinoing speech he showed thnt the homo markot l reserved to tho people by our protective polioy was the best market for tho farm in every instance where in dnstnes located in towns the farm er received more for his produce and tho value of farm lands in creased he cited a number of instances whoro farmers- aipearod before the tariff commission and gave sworn testimony to corrobor ate the above statements there wore many farmers from throughout thoooonty present at the convention among those from georgetown present were d l herbert j m skelton j a willoughby goo arnold robt fouhs h b minims a nomngton joseph beaumont j b maokensio e mcwbirter lt col brown j a tracy robt mocuug w v grant 8 fl mc g boon johoi h watson ii corko g c tl iiinon j a rrown wnj clefuo r j hynns goo honey jacksons by walter t evans thikkik jtra laumnusba- rn dlataraao batwaw ttal t- irulbuuxtuc ask tho wan who was swiped out ir you need iiro insurance and follow his advice tour business your phomo nod your fumitoro need insurance talk with us buy now and save money alluminum cooking utensils and ensvxnolware i sacrifice for qniok cleaxiug 1 3 to i 2 off m i new fall goods heavy h kaogo puro allun miun in presi pots doiiblo roilors stew pans mixing bowls dishos teapots and many other useful pieces riqg kettlos utility bread pans v iddingj alluminum pepers and niany toe articles for salts tooui ihpf holdei tmd ibo 2900 a fogood patterns m 97 piece fnglish dinner sets some seal snaps in men s and boys foot wear how 6 to 6 7g valaos for 3 9 you will now need morojjiankcts comforters an 1 fled hnf good flnnnelettc blank ts for 2 6 a si londtd comforter for 3 9 a now atoekjouj e heavier anil better grada flannelette jcnd cottons offered at a very lowprice fqriiaaljti goods j h lane real estate special this weekt roomed house with all convent encos 8 acres land will be sold reasonable on easy terms pos session immediately also other proportion for solo j h lane phono 178 georgetown city and town games would be played in- time to come three cheers for the vis itors and town and a tiger for mr willoughby brought pleasantafternoon to a dose the teams were as follows georgetown mit nellie 1 mr h dmlne f mr fk v honngan mr p r coffin mf j a willoughby mr d l herbert mr l el fleck mr brace brown mr h e coffin bankers mr c f bate mr gordon hall mr rwlowry mr t t hams mr j j stewart mr h r minims mr h irwin mr g g lawrence mr hv arkell tartars wwtejl bv rnblic school board for diggm qiinkf i n- phtcac 750 ft 10 aawer f and 1000 ft hod uto alao 2 cob r t to b r 27lh by g john thoxrxm secratary obituary david morrow at the age of 81 yearn david morrow one of georgetown p most highly respected citixens passed away at his home here on tuesday sept loth deceased was born in caldra longford ireland in april 1841 and came to america on the s s aetna in 1861 landing in new york where he lived for three years he then came to canada and after living in stewarttown a few years mov ed to georgetown whe he has beenaresidentfor over fifty years he was a veteran and pensioner of the american civil war serving with the 108rd n y volunteers he was married to miss elisabeth anne taylor who pre deceased him some years ago of a family of ave two died in early child hood and their son arthur need bam died in 1018 two daugh tors florence and laura remain in religion he was a methodist polities a conservative a strong supporter of temperance and was always to be found on the aide of right deceased was a geoletoan of quiet but friendly disposition and a good neighbor esteemed and respected by all who knew bim the funeralon thursday was largely attended the service being conducted by his pastor rei wrayl davidson there wore many beautiful flwl tributes tbe pallbearers were his neigh bora wm bingham g bayers g campbell w cook j a thompson and j d kennedy of hamilton among those who at- tended the funeral were mrs arthur morrow and miss marjorio morrow brampton mrs el 0 jordan orrville mrs m j simpson toronto mr and mrs j d kennedy miss annie kennedy hr hugh kennedy hamilton mr and mrs thee statham mrs and miss edwards acton our values in men s boots are bard to boat drop in and see them bl j fox george town auction sale of fara stock liaaleakats etc the underaigncd has received nit rue j h eoxtz o ell by publ c aurlum a lo 16 ch iir uacouxy wh con on ta day oytefcr 4t 191 1 2 o oleck the follow ng- honsits bay mare 7 yr and filly roll brown mare 7 years driver and flly col ire 3 rra nanette h993 k burke no 36229 better calf at foot by wayne fafoot no 20133 befer calf at foot 1 calf aggie dekol burkr 91333 reg iloblem bull 18 mi cattlb 3 holatctn cows 5 yearn tc t me of hue hobteui cow s yts ralf atdc holmtein cow 8 vra calf at axle holstan cow 4 yra calf at aide 2 hoi atctneowa syra called about teo woelcai iw a years calf at aide red 1 iw 4 yrmcalll aide jeraeiryoa 6 yra calf at aide 2 jisey cows 6 yra due i me of sale hoist ran cow 7 yrs due time of sale llolatein cow 8 am due t n of sale 2 black heifers 3 yra due i me ol 0 ayrshrecow kyrs duet mc of ale iu heifer 3 yrs due t me of aale wh r fer 4 yra due tune of aale llolilein m 6 yrs calf at aide dortiam cow 6 tts due i me of sale ayrsb re cow k m doe march is jersey and hodein cow yra doe m feb llotslein cow s yrs du march 20 ruck cow 5 yrs due n mar holsleni cow g rm due n march 2 nwtr durbaojs yrs due n feb durham bull unit ows due months old 2 ducks and drake a number of fon ixnmsmtsm h- bhater 7 jtl nmwer 6 ft cut ml aecddoll l3boem h disc m h horse rake m h corn sculhcr- m h mde rake deen f hay loader- deenng corn btnder k licit son plow ot ver nd ng plow chane pi w coksbult d sc drill 13 hoe 2 truck wag ooai bufnfy good as new set of harrows set bobsleighs 6 hp in coal oil engine i 12 hn faiibank jjas engine block nctt irram chopper mrtotlccrcatn sepsr alor farming mil o ikmj machine i tier earner and track 200 feet long haknisft 2 set cam han mlk harness i single harness a lumber horse collars neckyokes and doubletrees bay fork and car and rope other lea too n lo mention hat sun gum 30 ion t moolhyhay about 800 bus of pai 100 bus liotnotholti e stan exceptional value in won en b ho ie drefuvn from ihc to 281 worth much mora moncj a new stock of fine laces lower prices fmbroideripr and ribbons at much nets ant drapery materials a good showing of new curtain excel tional good values jacksons georgetown 4a4t special assortment of aluminumware at low prices blade in canada every piece crnapanteed preservng kettle 12 qu for298 5 qt tea ketllc welded spout for s396 the mens store o ir rango of fall suitinr is arriving daila alreadj tbe choicest ones arnjit 1 and tt oy con nan tlin verj salt in fnrlish and sontcli tweodn sorroti and worntoilr an i tlfty patterns are decidedly smart grejs i rcdomin ttn with tbo now brown and bluoa in lam and riol tones niooting with popular favor it is none too early lo ordor jour fall butt do not wait until tho rush order early and got thu best service att 1 tl u boat selection samples are now toady for out of town rue to mors and will bo sent tm toquost fnratisoslxik xkepmrti shfrtn collarft and rcekwpar haoarncd never have we inutbuoh a beautiful ran go in all fhe latoss bast hew axstniiui htaau the naisy latoj m i- joondriao many stylish features in hats this baasr it wilt bo a pleasure to show them to yon wbenav ttst4avtowmur oloutinc now fait suitn latoflt atylesftndwoll tailored at city pnoes we are making a spomal effort this season to have tho vcrj best in men e wear equal to any city furnishing establishment at quality before price it is a good time now to so loot your new fall outfit stock ib all complete and selection better than later in the r v lo your patronage w th tnoawall hssidtsa st ol toronto irralnb aatl drr ooaatna- georgetown phone 126 is a conveiifion of the 8upfobtebs of the k ballon peoples political association will be held in tbe town hsll milton monday september 26 at 1 p m to nominate a candioate to contest the election now pend ing a public meeting wilt bo beld at 2 p m to which all are invited premier drurj the candidate and others will speak at this mooting v god save the king h wrikcleswortll pros a l mclyabb sec i not weekly specials but daily specials at druks call in and see our lino of strictly fresh choco lates made bj such reliable and well known firms as neilson s willard s cowans and- bownej s we are giving the best value for money paid out for chocolates in georgetown onr ice cream is tbe very best we use neilson s only everyone can say that neil bod s is the best r h thompson fc co 2 bed be fed on tbe nlai badi hotnatholti and sprin round table pandora range with reservoir heater- k tcben cupboard 1 extenstoo table 2 churns hall rack chat ham mcohalor tums calves hay grain and sums ol vor under cash 12 month cred t on tmiqaon f or cash w aullsom clni per c the car of economy comfort and service read tho following new prices z touring oatr 6booo rtuxavbont 00000 coupe jsedrnn toooo prieea f o b fotdlaeludea stsvxter baj not ta hdzsd by hacoxe acton nowtsbouf tobaccos did you over know that wfthavo the most varied and largest stock of ci garottes cigars pipes and tobaccos in the town come and see and wewill guarantee that you will bo convinced that this is not a false advertisomont we keep all kinds of fruit canned goods and fancy biscuits i hope that you will give mo your patron sge yours for service h druks main street georgetown new chevrolet prices hie chevrolet motor ftc ltd starts its new year with another reduction in prices prices reduced and improvements made 785 00 model 490 touring and roadster model 490 special touring model 490 sedan 131500 model 490 uoupe 1395o0 model f b bab gran 1 to inng and roadster reg l445o0 model f b bab grand sedan and coupe 339500 model f b baby grand sp 1 touting roadster 157000 model g 8 4 ton truck chassis 113500 with cab 1s15o0 model g 8 4 ton truck with exi rass body and top 131500 with exprerbory and cab 1305 00 modol t ton truck chassift 16t000 complete with bleotrto stsvrter the above prices are fob oshawa government tax deliver and incense extra we am also handling the new master 4 mclaughlin bmok equipped willi oord tiros nickel bumper transmission lever look extra rim m475 oo fob oahowftr cooks garage geokgetowv ohtabio end gold block 12 lb tin tobacco regular boc for 60c tangara note paper reg 75c friday and saturday 38c weekend special choeolatm reg ooc friday and saturday 39c free with every soc tube of rexau shaving cream w hroi give a durham duplex or mark cross safety razor free these are not toy razors but guaranteed articles which will shave perfectly freewith every jar of jonteel combination cream and box of powder price 31 so we wiu give a 6sc boa jonfeelrouge free son arcuro cigars reg 3 for 25c friday and saturday sc straight hmhmmhiimhii ro isxtijul stbi hourigans

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