Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 21, 1921, p. 3

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s tuk qbobobtowh herald 8 kit 21 ht 1981 a matthews drug store the home jff the vietrola agents page at shaw high grade chocolates everyone enjoys hearing the flora ittxng r oidfied ofi vcto record n djltl6sand lmatthe i btrt 0bi c- a local news hems v vote for tho by law knot church annnorsar obtobar asnd tho chooolatos canadians lovo moomheads vote tor tho waterworks by law next monday enn fair willbo hold thia year on oct ltjlh and lflth there are now 346 purnfe the roll at oar public school watch qibbens window for apeoiau m groceries of saturday we thank tho band for their splendid program on main st last evening have yon year exhibit read for bsqaesing fall fair at george town oct 6 and 6 all members of 0 w va are urgently requested to attend a meeting at the club rooms thurs day evening sept sb for sale cauliflowers cab- bagos beets carrots citrons pumpkins pears and snow apples h heartwell phone 106 our band gave an open air concert in the park on sunday at ternoon their selections were much enjoyed by man citizen b the members of orion lodge loof no 109 beaded b the band left for toronto this morning to attend the sovereign grand lodge boy wanted wo want a good smart boy with fair education desirous of learning a good trade and not afraid of work apply at herald office cosy felt slippers for mota women and children just received jnat he oboe to slip on in tho fall evenings popular priced h j fox georgetown repairing whilo you wait travel ontario and you cannot get a pair of ladys boots half boled and rubber heels put on for 100 oul at boney e oe obituary has bobbbt mcdowru after two weeks illness mary mclean beloved wife of robert mcdowell passed away at st michael a hospital toronto on sunday morainft but sopt- 11th deceased was born at erin in 1868 and waa married to mr mc dowell 87 years ago in may bo sides her husband she loaves a family of three sons and two daughters all of toronto to mourn the loss of a denoted wife and lov ing mother- also two brothers and lister she was m great iotst of home and her life was bpcnt in the loving care of her children by whom she will be sadlv missed the funeral took place on tuos day afternoon to greenwood cemetery the service being con ducted by the bev mr boffin of toronto awuatiwl by tbejetev mr davidson the pall bearers were james mcdowell of hornby hugh b mcdowell james mccartney robert mccartney robert bu ehannan and h staploton there were numerous floral tributes which bespoke the esteem which the deceased wag beld cknrdi news knox chobch sunday sept sfith will w ms da at knox church whoo mrs d straohan of toronto will address the congregation at tho morning service mrs strachnn was one of tho leaders in tlie foe ward movement and has hor sub ject well in hand a cordial in vitation is extendod to all methodist cbubch bally services of church and bnndayj3ohool at 11 am 8unda aahgrovo anniversary services sunday oot 2nd rov mayer of acton will preach at 11 sun and 7 80 pan all members ofthe hi shi my class of the methodist church arc cordially invited to be proses at the ballyday servjoencxlson aay3erwttbrthtj3am u baptiht chtjhch sept 88 prayervnoeting stew arttown than 8 pm prayer and bible study sunday bally day service 6 45 pm song somce 7 pan- clothed and in his ngl t mind hoodjurat t pm b y pd barfington fair wawndat abftkwbrm ta the hew fair grounds bnrlins too on wednesday sept 28tk 6o0 in prises for speeding eveqts finest half mile track in canada unexcelled fruit and lave stock exhibits fire brigade band in attendance midway biggest ever meals served on grounds write sstmtary for particulars jnat received 80 prs men tan grain work boots solid leather all through and flood fit ters onr lender at 4fi0 11 j fox georgetown p r 11 rat instalment of taxes is dho to daj and to morrow tho doctors office will bo open both cmngft from 7 to h please havo correct ehanm if possible- spaaiaj optical asor ilirb trade gold filled ppootaclea and eye r lassos with flat spherical lenses for only 8 co we have alt the late stylos at lowest prices e you monej on all your ojo reqmrcriientft eyes examined free by mr nughson with twenty flvo yoars practical experioooe and formerly o tical exiort for kent s jewel cry store toronto two dayp onb fndnj and saturday sept 28rd and 24th closo satur day at 4 p m coma earl d j matthew druggist 2t buhhbii eukn ud du a there was a good attendanoo at tho bebokah onohre and dance in tho town hall last friday evening and as usual everybody on joyed themselves mr hylartd pianist toropto i raided excel lent music for tho dance following are the prize winners of the euchre ladies lone miss annio hickoy points miss hasel cloavo consolation misso logan gents lone mr harold hamilton points mr perc cleavo consolation mr fra n k murray uunlonnmuu 6pt s7ta a convention of the liberals of halton wilt be hold in tho town hall milton on tuesday sept 27th at 2 p m for tho purpose of selecting a candidate to contest the county m the approaching general elections for tbo domin public meeting will bo bold immodlatel afterwards which will be addressed by tho candidate also by col a t thompson ex m 1 and mrs a n beaton proa toronto worn on s liberal association the i ublic are cordially invited to at- toad this mooting rutkhtn wednesday speed meade western starring louis benmson chapter 11 of son of tarsnfl pat he comedy thursday a tale of two worlds a goo vera our morns storj comedy bill a perdicameot starring bill parsons music by the mason a orchestra of aaton pnoes 16 and 87c friday passers by a patbe pioture comedy jnat in time featuring snooky fox news saturday matinee and night go and get it a first national picture directed by marshall nell an comedy tbe fall go starr ing lorry semon htf xw caatnaat while tho general depression in industry continues to prevail it is gratifying to know that george town manufacturers are able to secure perhaps more than an or d i nary share of trade messrs barley kay limited who havo shipped considerable equipment to mills in new zealand havo just closed a contract for a large num ber of their new automatio knit ting machines the s to be distributed over a period otlhe next two years this business to gothor with home trade will en able hartey kay shops to resume fair time immediately awtojat fun kaeapa whilo coming to town last fri da evening to attend tho mason ic lodge an auto load from pal cstine lodge toronto met with what muhtftiavo proved a fatal accident while coming around the- sharp torn on the paper null hill the oar a large stodebaker in some manner loft tho road and turned xomplotel over down the embankment b so mo mira culous manner the occupants es capod serious injury although all wore badly shaken up tbe oar was considerably damaged the tor one wheel fenders and wind shield being badly smashed ii s brought to oneills garage saturday and is now undergo djjt repairs filial is in addition to the special pnxes listed on page 4 the following has been rooeivoa best rou short horn female under s years s 00 by lt col brown terra cotta personals mr itono lumgulana of tho toronto police force sjxnlmon day in town mihs mar livingston of tor onto is visiting at her i oine hero mrs c barnes of proton is vis ifing at mr ant mrs f a liar uy s mr f a ilarloy has just re turned from an extensive trip through the western states liav isitcd chicago lincoln neb kansas cit t una ok in aid st louis mo w a lane is visiting hm niece mrs clare christio at oshawa mrs w a bono has returned home after a pleasant visit with friendi on the georgian bay mr and mrs john ftvmaay of iraouso n acconjpanjed by their aattflhtcr arid son motored through town on thursday on theirway to aoton and made the herald a pleasant call mr and mrs george lake and tamil of timmina were visitors in town last week mr lake is and publisher of tho pore up pine advance mr s j mcmastor of toronto was a visitor in town on tliursda mr and mrs jacob kenned miss annio konnou and mr hugh kennedy of hamilton were in town on thursday attending the funeral of tho lato davd mor row lt col james ballon tine d 8 0 and mrs batlantine of hamilton n y spent last week with george town relatives mr clifford creolman onif miss alice creel roan returned to mc gill collofie montrenl last week miss hasol marshall ib visiting friends in erin mrs c lcitch of enn is visit ing ber sister mrs w g marsh of owen 0 t mc mrs harold holmt sound visited at mr kay s last week miss nellie blair of toronto visited at mrs janet modougall b last week mr jno blair of toronto was a visitor in town last week messrs samuel word en and t w cole motored to fergus and bpcnt sunday with frionds there mr and mrs w c anthony and mr and mrs oliver mr kay spent last week motoring through western ontario and took in lon don fair mr and mrs w h harding have the sympathy of their many friends in their sad bereavement caused by tho death of their jn fant son last friday charlie shultie and his brother irwin have returned home after spending two weeks vacation at chicago and san francisco mrs j a tracy was at london on sunday attending the funeral of a niece mr and mrs h m wet herald of toronto spent sunday in town mr clifford linhnm arrived homo from england on wednesday mrs l e flock is visiting at eno pen mr and mrs e a warrenand children of toronto are visiting at miss boseey on the 7th line mrs geo wallace of guelph ua visitor in town last week mrs will arnold and mrs roy arnold of aoton were visitors in town last friday mr and mrs norman gollop of detroit are visiting at dr gollop b mr sparel of cincinnati bpent the week end at mrs bob b mr and mrs j 0 rush and family have removed from town and taken up their residence at whitby where mr bush is super intendent of rj fleming s800aoro farm mr and mrs rush good citixens and whilb we are sorry to lose them from town all join in wishing them tho best of health and prosperity in thoir now home brampton fair f and saturday september 23rd 24th 1921 something to amuse everybody stiltgoing ahead don t for get that i am selling more boots thanajl the shoe dealers in town and there ib a good reason for it and the repairing no one can compete with us women s boots soled andrubber heels 1 00 i use only tho best oak sole leather bee it and see the hand made boots for hoys and men boney s sample house georgetown tok tau rnck boute ll coovenii nragc and ben houc good ganlcn wiln irum trees apply lira h clamdge yonijesuceocgetown itove for bale j happy thought atovc nearly fww aptend d condition apply w wh tmr auctioneer phone 107 to kent war on albert street to convenience good garden box c limeboum sfppiy lots nm sale two bwld ok lota on college view the property ot jama kickey will be wild h public auction mmedialrl alter the mc naljj tale oerseptember 28th wh i met auctioneer barn httt pi hl and ii alton s uajlgaib htorh honey per lb 18c come to special attractions in horse ring for the grownups lsvdy drivers isuly riders speoistl by serst dawson for beat lswlys turnout 1st 15 00 2nd 1000 uerryooronjcotfor the children attractive prize x4st five silver cups being offered in competition in the horse ring highland band of owen sound in attendance competition in the horse ring 1st purse 176 00 2 80 trot or pace lmilo boat 3 in 5 fn trance tee s por cent of purse and members tickot 1st 85 00 2nd 56 00 srd 86 00 find p tree 176 00 2 ik trot or pare 1 mile boat 8 in 6 entrance fee s por oent or purse and member h ticket 1st s86a0 find 55 00 srd 86 00 half mile farmers race driver to bo engaged in farm por horses that have never started in a race or matinee previous to may 1st 1921 opon to counties of peel and halton contest once around tho track each trial in harness best 8 in 6 purse 56 00 1st 2200 2nd 1700 8rd 10 00 4th 6 00 fntrnnre fee member s ticket driving tandem 1st 1200 2nd h00 the society reserves tho right to chauro or declare off any race not flllior satisfactorily on account of bad weather horses eligible from aurust 10th 1021 to enter 3 to start trotters allowed 6 seconds over pacers races will start at 1 bharp dr riitclunbon starter bramptons citizens band will furnish music admission adults 26c children 16o aotos 60c grand stand 16c last night of fair big tattoo on grounds stay with tuf crowd and fnjoy ti1f evening m merryrgorjetonnd bicycle act highwire act comedian wonderful fire works brampton band admission 26 conte children un lor 10 froe john h watson secretary w bmecclloch president saturday treat lot 14 i farlane 678 crawford st toronto terra cotta ball team defeated ballinafad last saturday by a score of 18 to 16 master c eaves was renjerod unconscious last week by fall in r from the running board of an anto while it was in motion mr john mooaullv has arrived home from the west mr f dennison bad a narrow escape when a cart load of wood upset on him at tbe halton bnek works but week he was severe- ij- bretped but fortunately not seriously injured house to kent on ham st north 6 room alt lenrea poiaeaaioa october 15th applj j w kcnimdjr georgetown house to kekt in aplendid local jr furnace eledrk- l kb hant and nofl water msiee full lot fra t trees apply p obox 137 george town 2t show bvoot fob saxe robber tired bike ahow buggy n al rood inn cheap for quick aale apply iccaulct eal at no fartn georgetown toe bjxe rou toujuh6 6aft fyr late deakmintaue rlma apare timkeo front axlea abock abaocbera teerrag abock abaorber mayer carboer etter tool bax jiffy curtain yale lock stewart apeedoraeter cloclt etc extra equipment brown a garage phone 300 brown a garago 21 9jtp debentures lor sale 4080 geergatown waiarworiui azten s3000 each apply to j w ksmmbdv mammoth house qeorgetorn following are a fev of the many bargainsofor thursday prints i tht lored i nnth ier dark cblored inmts ik r yd 10 ierealt er d flannelette wlute flann idle x r j i strijied fl uinejette jh r jd lgc smrtina ileavj flannelette stnrtinj 60c for oxford sbjrtinr 00c ror steel clad gnlafras 50c for book fast drill fop tor w kxuttinie tarns austrftlino sweutev wool h5e for shetland flote s6p for shotlan 1 flossy s0e for best ore scotch fin ren b cr ib ladies silk olovcs l go for indies silk olovcs r for t onldrens dresses assortment qf children s orcttst k ojtk to 14 yrs ji 00 00 and 3 oo your choire for 1 s9 slktrts ladie i tint beneli and midi your choiee for 1 29 ladies milljii your choice for see window cnrtalnhets 80 marquinetto not goe fer so curtain scrim 42 madras muslin 1 75 for shir ladiott gaberdine skirts 460 for ladies oabordine skirts f t 0 for ladies onbertline skirts 00 for towelling linen toncllintf at 8hc 32c and ogo skirts h 1 20 276 coats and dresses s mcbean co georgetown to la fc goods ladies suits g fe to fc all the latest new york styles n n h to t come and look them over to to to to to to to d brill co scor mill and main sts georgetown to phone 167 a to to to tototototototototototototototototototototototototo i ch oice browns bakery fresh and we are now nellinc our bread and cakes at madok8 ice cream parijor and wim rttarantee the same satisfaetori servion see our win low saturday farmer n brinrint in fresh krrb will rereie the flibtiefit cash prices here salt meats of all kinds browrns sanitary bakery open to nblio inspection phone 202 government inspected tr tf a l wright s 196 r maln street ojmn jour month anl sh 4jqut ejes an 1 thus rejtarc f a j leiifint surpnse for jioce of this weeks saunlaj treat tlnred between your iart- ed lips is so delicious that ou can casil imamnc it to he rentnne annel food neapolitan fudge 29c a lb ioo lbs of our three flavored cream fudro babe likes it mother liues it rrand dad likes ito in fact ever one enjoys this rreamj cndre of n im saturday treat prioe 26o weekend chocolates 35c have yon tried this special lately yonsnould not pass this swcial it is a dandy assorted chocolates regular fioc per lb weekend special 30 boxed chocolates anotbefsliipnient of bozed chocolate ever box ftuarantced pnoes fioo to 400 dodgebrothers motorcars r h moorehead brampton heorgmtowtt mtiton acton havr jett examined tl e new todlc ft is equipped wiui 32xt cord tires all around lonrer tear bj rinjis assuring easy ndinc there are many other unproten ents makinfi tkr dodfte a creat favorite with tl e motonnff pttblie tourink car 1615 roadster car tloss these pnoes include sales tar and freight j noneux 6c son distrilmtorsrof dodce brothers and stndebaker motor oars fbr seobgetown acton mixton

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