Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 19, 1921, p. 2

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s te qkouaptown herald orroiimt 10th l21 township council tiit iidjuur choir couueil met 1 1 rutin ut to blii roeu ihjjij i rout ottjho mijjibtrii nil prest 0 dted ll mwmmi illtuld iwt i 111 i mni vm nl ml i i il i s ith ii- 1 credit lodge af am pnmsutlfl t v w- bm majftc graat credit lxxli4 at am held tin ir regular innillil meeting on fuiiiii loht l ii lli tik irnnd sotraun itiklit jjvoraliufiil bro w m ijtitin iiccbinpiitiier bj worshipful ilrrt stewart ininiot i ate inihl mouts r of bar lop iodgt wlio hino just celebrated uicn 1 sseir ammlraart find bra 111 col hooper n former manner of the hank or hamilton io ocofgo town and a veteran of the groat war and also bio eiiib prfljudent of tho glen dalo golrcubrliaiii ilton paida friendly isit to credit lodge the wotshtprnl master- h corke anil tlio ofheors and pant masters coo for red the second de greo on two candidates r w bro logan then present cd v w bro ii grant on behalf of credit lodij6 with a past mas tor jewel suitably engrated in recognition of his fifty years con noction with the craft nod forty one oars as a past muster of credit lodge r w brq logan spoke very hifthly indeed of v w bro grant and referred to jhi service rendered by him to grarhjh lodge during r w bro fiolaj oar of office when the duties of district deputy grand mastei wore victuall discharged bj v w bro grant a very feeling re spouse was made by v w bro grant who thanked the brethren most cordially for their gift the lodge was theu closed and a dainty luncheon was served bj junior warden 8 kirk and a pleasant and memorable time was then spent tho proceedings opened with tho toast of the king with musical honours after which the brethren were well entertained b bro greenwood with several most humorous selections and by w bro colo and bro saunders with a song from each bro j a wil lough bi then proposed a toast to tlio msi tors whioli was responded to bj r w bro logan in a speech long to bo remembered in credit lodge for wit and humor and the many ital points of masonic in torest dwelt upon by the r w brother w bro stewart of bar ton lodge also responded ip a vory ablo address also bro ellin who alluded to tho pleasant after noon spent bj the distinguished visitors on the wil lough b golf links and gao an invitation to all georgetown golfing broth visit the golf oo rue or which he is president lt col hooper also responded in a vcrj fine address full of masonic inspiration ji tor warden s kirk then gave tho junior warden a toast and term in ated another historic occasion of credit lodge glenwilliams the glow citie ns extend their sympathy to mr bmith of stew arttonn in his sad loss of bis dear wife mrs smith nee mjrtlo soott of glenwilliams mrs wm llood of the mountam had her home and contents bui down last fndayfrom an unknown cause mrs wilfred mckinley has turned homo after spending her vacation at detroit mrs samuel allan has returned from her vacation at london after boing quarantined for somo considerable time mrs jos me master and family are now alt out aain mr john moody is bnilding a new garage here for renajrs etc and will boon be open for business mrs jos beaumont 8 many fnonds will be pleased to hear thai she ib progressing favourable after her recent operation two ofour ciuspft wore report cd half shot last friday novwith whiskey it was teal shot you cannot take too much care when you arc handling llro arms in the bush quite a number from george town stewart town and burling ton attended orange service nt methodist church sunday oven ing tho best women s cushion sole kid boots mode factor lo foot price j so j rone j lt dancing at the armouries brampton every saturda night art maj fhe piece orchestra in attendance admission gentlemi iitos of h tiling wort i mil ctmllruicd llnmphliire llrovvn that the uloik is hcrtbj instmutcd to miii4 the toronto suburban rail kvav that the township of lwjiich mu docs not ocknon lodge ihe nc on nt rend i led re cameron stmt irusxtng iik llit trussing on winch tutid i rossiiig wan i iidhiiik t l imd ii ml h uu munu iwilit liitlton co in fore naid i lossing m oimtrucli d can m i lumpsum broun that leave no granted lo introduce a hj law to emimiwer kecvo aud trcaaur lo borrow the sum of fiq0o tu the merchants rank in ueorgcthu for current expenses and that said jl law be now read luollrsl time carried hunter appelbe that the by law lo empower the reeve and treasurer to borrow the sum of 5000 bo road tho second and third times and passed carried hampshire brown that tlto treasurer pay alex burgess grad ing 31 days with two teams at c tt one man operating grader bj days at 3 10 60 one man shovel ling atgft per total 56 go that the clerk is hereby mstruoted to notifj wm johns top to refrain from cutting am more trees on 6th line right of way opposite lot 1c esquobtng carried brown hampshire thai the treasurer pay w w brownridge the sum of 10 and w a hardy 8 00 being balaree of accounts carried hampshire ilnnter that the treasurer paj a e grossman the sum of 18 duo road di a from commuted statbte labor recount c b swaekbamer 52 50 for work done on 3rd line op pobite 28 and 29 80 and 81 john l smith the sum of 24 for work as sanitary inspector a e cross man tho sum of 108 for gravel ling part 22 side rood between 1st and 2nd lines s h webster the sum of 28 6s for gravel supplied no 8 road division and 22 side road between 1st and 2nd lines james grant the sum of 21 for work done on 22 side road car hun ter h ampshire that the treasurer pay mcclure cqpmr norval for material and labor lot 11 con 11 gravel supplied at 26c and 87ic per pard 56 26 filling and level ingat 80o per hour g9 90 men and teams at 60c jw hour 171 total 28716 esquosing dbare148 58 lens one half coat grading 6 26 pay a mcclure 188 83 hampshire appelbe that the treasurer paye v h whitobi anniversary services nxtjoii with th milhodiht huiih mm h id on sun lai lust ret c l poole i d if wattrtlowii add rinsed laigo aiulxiiks lioth ii h situiut i 24 21 n iff or burnt oiti iimks nl nn und of that spih that 11 i ing toq 8 for placing 66 jdb world miscr ravel on hth lino being full of ac count j a tracy 6 being fund of mooej advmnced to cook family glenwilliams carried hunter hampshire that the treasurer pay john mcnally pm division no 48 for 67 loads of gravel on lot 2g con 10 at 2ci 14 26 for men filling same g2 hours 16 go total 29 86 georgn town printing account 12016 bell telephone ace i 2 14 cor potation of georgetown one 8 00 canada ingot iron co g culverts plus govt tax 296 21 john stod dard repairing bridges and wash out on lot 24 4th tine 12 hours 2 men and twm 10 60 carried appelbe brown that the treasurer paj thou mulhn tor 800 loads gravel at 26c on otb line 76 mark clark for tile 10 80 appelbe nuntor that lease bo granted to introduce a bjmw to appoint collectors of the ratos for the j ear 1921 and that said b law bo now read the first time carried hampshire brown that the by law to appoint collectors of the rates be now rend the second and third time a and passed and that tho blanks be filled up as follows ward mo 1 peter mrgibbon no 2 henry may no 3 geo b tbomp son no- 4 malcolm turner no 3 s u lindsay no 6 ed green sward jr and that they receive the snm of 86 each for their nor vices also that the time for com pie ting the collectors rolls be ex tended two weeks carried hunter hampshire that the treasurer pay bon harrop 12 hrs operacfu8 grader at i day 0 and oiie dais work with man and team 4 60 total 10 60 d alex p l s for copj of bridge plan 6 carried hunter appelbe that this council adjourn to meet gam nov 14th at 1 o clock- carried hby aoat priovsho stars the mcpherson shoes tor drj feet the 3reb shoes the hvdro city shoes poterboro hand made a tlio oolites shoes the dnvus the w b harm ton shoe these boots are all sold from 1 to 2 less than the other stores the j can be bought in an store in either toronto or hamilton 76c ladies and jjalrcry 26c it bring ua your repairs j ronoy iiihjx rhiiiml siurtalmd lltlg tollltl toiiu lo his ill us lln j go lnu k lo ve wnnld worship nt 1 1 nll in the bmll of inil vie iiiiihi bt willmk lo iixy tli piiij ijsltj htiritual blnising has its price and tlitro air lio lukigmns vik evtr wo turn in the nittiiral woil 1 we dud that thttt pimcitilc ih tun nature puts a prite on all hei realilits in plant life iu untmal ije in the realm of industry in the lielll of scitnce or in hie do realities are onlj obtained vvbon the piico m yik1 tit laggard novbr llnds his vvav into icivdership we eujoj one of the best svutems of govcriiiiont in the world to daj simplj be cniisc ourfalliers realucil its value and paid the price we are to haio a religion worth ivhilo wo must paj the price in all dopaitnionls of life we have the second class and the shoddy jesus had no use for hi poc risy und camouilagt wi stood for all that was sincere and real he comme the act of the widow w ho put two mites into the contribution box of muiy who broke htr box or ointment on his feet because of ttioirnnyiitv the price christ paid for th world did nbt begin at calvary but at betliltliem all tltrougfk hih life he was engaged in paying tlu price that was completed on cju vary if we disire to follow chlist we must follow christ programme we must live his life canadians were not slack in pay ing the price for domocraoj liber ty freedom in the decade that hue lost passed and if wo would enjoy what thev fought and died for w must paj the price in good honest christian citize in the 1 to which wo belong this price must begin in the realm of rolig ion wo need more religion in our education more religion in our legislation if wo do not en joy our religion it is because wc have not paid for it a poor adul terotcil brand of religion is the cause of a great deal of the nn rest of tho present time religion demands the real surrcri ourselves to christ it moans that wa must follow the path christ wont prayer and mod i la tion must be a largo factor in each life sin still remains in ho crime and impur ity are still common ns in the dav when christ walked the fields o judaea and galilee he opposed and fought eer form of vice he hated the sin und loved the sinner what is your attitude in this regard do you care wc must feel the need of the world s redemption before wc con work for it to attack sin requires courage tho great blessuge that wo onjoy in tho present were obtained onlj b some ono in tlio past being brave enough and solf sacrificing enough to pay tlio price if we want the glory of christ one or the first nd absolutely cs sent i a conditions is that wc bear the cross of christ the excellent selections pro vided b tho choir were thorough li enjoved bv all present and vvcic a real treat to nil mnsu lovers obituary mbb rpril e smith deep sympathy is felt for mr and mrs wil i mm a scott and their family in the loss bartered b them in the death of their eldest daughter mi rtlc irene mrs cecil smith of stewaittown mrs smith was ill just one week suffer ing from pnemoma and complica lions following the attack she was only twenty seen years of age and was married five years ago in brampton going first lo brant ford ihen to stewarttown to live she is survived bv her bus band and a throe year old daugh ter also lnr father and mother and two sisters cannon- and coia mrs smith was well known in connection with the different de part moots of work in the anglican church at glenwilliams whore she jived before coming to bcamjiton new all ox fouls strap shoes rowit or black calf just recciv ed for women suitable for fall wear popular priced tl j fox georgo town tish- a hideo did variety of the best uli at the fisli irket lane blink llnlibut salmon sea hen ing mackerel finnan i laddie kippers ojmters d winkles wt are selling more fish otr weol customer brings nnother tr iif jou i come again george town fish and chip cafe it help wanted i ih rs a i ulr r dressmaking house to rent coos wanted for cash tor sale fir fi il iiit wrki ii n i hit ov mo ymrs uiiro h ami lira jluaj xqmhw trml di i ranftny nol ell il huiif lion kiinrhnlcrd sheep lost brvctilcru ht urn inmbs will mjt heating tin ii in rat rcw inl kmt iced oif rtl iokii cum la in 1 1 iml inmltr it mo year old rain for nu tnlu old horses me taium lrl 1 lllak a mailer llnltnfnd lot 1 mi 1 vu urt i notice el a between gnclph work is s33 00c of h h 21476 3 lo btpnid i ihi c pril i tl i hpn al rale per fool froi kiiil 121m llic npoal uhhcurnn i i 1m ptil 20anual iiui li is iii tin intonated lifinim ol tin work 20 rv l n n rum on w ii be held on ic mlh day ol october 1921 ul 10 lixk n n ii itil ctiumil ctiiuilh p irpoc of hear 11 i nplaii lie ropom y of fi tlrilk lliil inj dler iomplautl l i tl ih ns interfiled inaj dcdlrc lo make i li ll h by law oftniabl by the in qnabcrsili 1921 f l ii bath clerk notice lour fei l wide on the north wesl iid kinj nlreel from the southerly ronit mr andrew anlhi v n lot lo i he eailrrly corner of mr cha i s lot m n k ifflpmveimi ai d nlrndi in spei mlj t kri n pari of llic tost upon lie in nbuiliiik dircelly i n the wiirh tl tlu em muted toxt of ihe uork j701 00 mj ihe cut maud npec al r per fool frntna ih i 26 the npe iii a pen i ion against ihe worlr w clobcr slli 1q2i lki i clerk in the public eye by 0 t walker a mail who looha rorward to a brtabt rutur aumdo so wlui uudlmmad rim ion itbl r ira not darformuis tbelr runouoiu pmparlr b hould allow our rwarlatand optontatrlst to nmlin tbom wlirthor uiy booensa weakanatl from from uhjit from abuse tha ramndlaa laiuwtbat will ie drhrtbadwlllbraliilat tou look out on uie world wjtb tbe all main- aye of baaura you go to a nactstorad onto laoaaa muad on tba prmlaaa o t walker r o bramptoil wii bv wltebt evans tkhke tan tnn ao yob skotod hv tkonsbt of tan taara from taan thlrnk of tan taara fraaa maw fromnov0 plan ahead or youll never get ahead make up your mind to get out of the rut look at the property around you that some one owoh thej were wise in their day and you can be wise in yours bee ub about the in vestment at your service h c bailey electrician elootrio wiring and fix tures orders loft in the harness shop will be promptly attended to pbone 232 gforbftown browns garage machinery we narry a full line of maaaeyhacita machinery i gold shaplpy muff gas engine brtuitford windmills full i4ne of buggies s b groat oulre phono 222w itcbidcnco 222j georgetown interior decorating sooorate torn homes for the tn7inter months wiiii r mi ami 1 an p r 1 htmlh a hill iiii hiiou iu rainplett ausmtfii it l i iiijmtiml irauaiiik inlit etc bludd mutim e lox 10 rlepwihiainh 11 1 tileuhontrjluu new fall goods deering arm bfechmery international tract gasoline engines empire kfilking maohines hf lotto oraaja saparatarm wacoaa cattara suul bkk pllonb 101 r 8 a thos e hewsoft norval ont jacksons all lines ol cotton goods have advanced and further advances will follow so we advise buy now and save money wb bought freely nt tho low market prices and now show a hplcndi ranfie in all linen stock will thin out tjmckl an the lowprice tire lews than reusing price with cobt of ai i linn ho we attain ioet ilo not delay but buy now wo bavo you money on bclduik blanketb at 2 gv white bed spreads 2 jc comforters 3 j5 sbeeln shltetiuk pillows pillow uotton pillow caaeb 14 in al coc eiderdown flarmetcttes sjiort flannel chetoenb women h and children 8 undeivxeai flannelcttl oomus knit gooon gloe mitts rjosiory hoiihidrehbob aprons children h wear men a good overalls 1 m9 good qua htj work shirts 1 8j dress hhirth 1 olfc pants 1 ispi tial umlei wear 1 00 lleaj ilthbcd underwear 180 cans si 20 socks 8 pair 1 00 pure wool jackets mitts gloves bojs oeriills ohc shirts 08c pullovers knickers 1 2g a nemiiine or white iluck and whito bath towpih nt sic a fiood selection of towcih and towtlljnr at 29c a big special in a com plat bed outfit all brass bod with satin nb bon finish 2 in posts larjjo corner mounts all metal framo bed spring and good quality f it mattress for fto 70 jacksons lieorjjetown saturday treat candy candy candy tr jou listen tiara enoiirh al this time of the jear jou can almost hear your body crying out for sugar and the most pleasant wa to take susans bj eating i andj our candy is made fresh dailj from the best cane sugar we can buy note our uponals for saturday lady caramels 29c lb 76 lbs of our rjomo made lay carmels a sort creamy caramel with nuts in them chocolate and vanilla lanrs reg 10c per ib saturday treat a weekend chocolates 32c aq assortment of oard and soft centre chocolates this low price rriakes them sell more quickly weetend special saturday- sunday chocolates 49c a box we are more than pleased with our new box and judging from the big demand our patron are pleased with it a neat attractive box con taming an assortment of belter chocolates woi th 7fc a ttox saturday 49c hot drinks ab tbe weather becomes colder thedoiaand for our hot chocolate in creases drop in and hiwon hot drink t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton gall stones marlaits specinc a never faflins remedy for appendicitis indiireition stomach dibdrden appendidtb and kldner stones are httea caused by gall stdnee and mislead people trnta those bad attacks of gall stone colic appear not one m ten gall stone snfferen icnowi what the tronble marlatts specific will mim without pain or operation for sale at all drag stores or d j matthew drugkist stationer oaorgatoira oatarlo j w turlatt a co tl i qnrrnrd st k tman on e tl the meets store our mnfio ol fill miilini ih amtinf dailj almuu tli rliuo4 onr an- at hanl t1h- cttniprihi threi lnu t i hniilmh anil srolhi twfk si rr and worsuds and th mlu nih nvfittyhtrslly nmik ie predominnu no brnn and klin- in plain un i noli lorn jhipnlar fanr it if norn toai trl to onlor jour fall suit until tin mih onlrr irtyttnj k t the in t s luttt selmtion bninple- rv rwm rv4u fur out omerh and will be senl nn mpitsu fnrnianimft department iris tnluth atnl pterlacar ljve nnne1 had such a bntuufut rmiio in nil tl kopular imceu hewamtlmbhati alf the newest stlevaml best makes are lo be round in our new arm als many slylisli tentun in hats unsvatm luid it wilt lie a ple show uwrpto yotrwlienydii call v rewlxtoweear clotnine n pui huts latest stjles and well bulotvd at eily pncewo jrniiiakiii a special eltuttlbts scawon to haw the very inst in mon s wear ciil to any nl furnisliinf ojcthhhlinontnt nalrty before ptfre it t good uutc now to select youi now pu outht stork is all complete and m ledum hi ttci than later in the wcnnlcjiarikinn georgetown co ruralluiic axnta tor dmm and dry clmuiiiik phone 126 llllbislgl not weekly specials but daily specials druks call in and sec our line or slnetl fresh choco late made bj surd reliable and well known hims as neilsons wil lard s cowans and ijow nej a we are giving tbe best value for monej paid out for chocoutes m george town our ice cream is tbe very beat we 03c noilson h only cverone can say that neil son s 1a the best now about tobarcos did you ot know that o have the roost vancd and largest sto k of cigarettes cigars pipes and tobaccos id the come and see and we will guarantee that jou will be convinced that this is not a raise advertisement wekeep all kinds or fruit canned goods and fancy biscuits 1 ikope that you will give me jour iatrooage yours for service e h druks main street georgetown specials this week a beantirul little tann of 37 acres in village or georgetown now bin inga nine joung orchard beauuful soil this is just what ou have been waiting for pnce and terms erj rcabonablc choice 100 acre arm fine buildingtt well situated all cleared and level fan nf clm3 lmm w1 f hfcl111 recom 160 acres twp chingnaroas fine large brick house of twelve rooms large baacpicnt barn driving sheds piggerj silo ole welt fonco1 good amiu iota of ter farm is level and all cir ht 12 acres of one of chinguacoas s eboice farms georgetown w t evans ontario children enjoy eating our bread because it is so good it tastes almost jiko cake juid it is wholsomc food for the growing child we bake everj thing from tho brood to the finest of me cakes cleftnli ness reigns supreme here mckbmley bros glenwillianm ont tfce wijsonihliy farp agency georgetown just what you have been looking for pnc 5800 now is the timeto hat up your fanns quincs eveiy day for good farms list that gets good results call or write to we are getting in them with the man willonghby farm agency aitake vmata a twri rkhilis repttb mcdowell georgetown ontario week end invalid port wine reg 75c friday and saturday 49c mens purses regular 66c for 49c freo u ever tube rexall shaving cream at soc we will give a durham duplex razor absolutely free with every tube klenzo tooth paste at soc we will give a 25c tooth brush free guaranteed tooth brushes reg soc and 35c friday and saturday 24c 73 3xolal sfi h0uriga1vs 4

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