Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 26, 1921, p. 1

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the georgetown herald a- fifty fifth vkatt of publication greorgetown wednesday eve october 36th 1921 i in advance 2 00 to us f- the georgetown herald every wednesday evenint at the heralo powi r printing office gaorgatown onl i unthact advertising rates a m hoore publisher and- pfoprletor hfesaber cuillu weakly- nw paper association otrtlbtbl uolnq km1t passenger 722 ai iuaacueoi tujiiuy mail goaiuiv mail lcww pnsaengor 346 p mail 010 p in passenger 820 p passenger sunday 711 pi uoinu wkht passangrr 7f7 a i miul 1010 rum panhongor 201 p passenger 460 pm passenger 002 pm mail 700 pm mail 820 pm passenger sunday 1010 am goino nobth mail 8 00ttm mail g 10 pm ooing bo0tu mini 1188 am mail tfoo rvtn toronto sobnrkaa rallwa oarlf trwetable am pm pm going bast 810 224 640 goinfl west 856 810 789 80hpay timetablr going bast am pm pm pm pm 1021 1220 846 610 917 am pan pm going west 1040 610 98c specialsale of slimmer underwear childrens wash drosbos boys suits infants and childrens morrriz- ed sox striped and plain aprons or good strong print made in the institute for the blind wo also have a fnll fine oz now pall gloves at low prices call and inapoot our stock mr l walmb mrs e wlnf leld georgetown stenographers wanted stenographers who can write 120 words a minute in short- hand and 00 words a minute in touch typewriting are in constant demand we lrain yon at brampton busi ness in8titutk to reach these speeds and whon you have attained samp wo guar antee a position uampt0n business institute o boubrieu prim ton should stavl at guclphbuslnesscoiiege hr0dblde onelpn because out instruction in com meroial law will savo you 3 mapya lawyers foe becaase our training in writing business letters willenable yon to write letters thailget results because our bookkeeping train- in vill enablo yon to know your business so that waste is eliminate and pro at res alto because our stenographers course prepare you to occupy positions of responsibility and trust which pay on iablc salaries dot be a mighthavebeen start on monday uptodate harness shop are yon going to take that auto trip that you planned last winter you will need a nice auto rug and a oliib bag or paitcaso to takr- alongwith yon ptow is your chance to grt that now set of harness at cost iirice only a few left alms nil kinds nfl harness necessities icftfirlil frmu attended to wa a bailey uptodate harnrbs shop mlhr h6et0w e a stamt fim agency vulcanizing til- and tube repairs work gnarantoed ctinreon rofutonablo f hi butterfield eleetrteal work i am now pirpwd to do nil kinds oftiertrfntl -rtinnirinp- filoclri door liclln bifilrj iuhuiit alarms jiistitllcif t w allen paper miiih or post office box 488 jeilgolorl goal best d l w scranton coat in all sizes alsosinithmg and steam coal mrs j walkins normal station phono 02r24 new barbershop nrwbtr station over lonii bahnntynes- 8toe shop georgetown hotfrt8 mf 8 p a wvdaaadair and saturday lip t roberts proprietor norvajl meat market rest home killed lamb beef legs per lb 26c porter uonse steak per lb 22c joins per lb 22c sirloin steak per ih 26o barks per lb 20c round steak per lb 20o stewing porhi 12io ribs per lb ici80 pork ligs per lb 2fe- ijoins per lb 22c butt por lb 20c shoulder per lb 16e friday and saturday round steak l8c per pound lard kettle rendered bacon smoked ham wliolcortlalf per lb- 8co smoked rolled shoulder per 6 b i w lb 20c 8 1b pails 6 breakfast bacon per lb 80o 20lbpailsnet 86 terms cash twsmith see our windows our prices sure hard to beat visit our tables for good boots at hlowest prices l severn tables flued with both stylish and durable boots for hen women and children drop in and look them over we do shoe rep niai lelwrjm fox 6ral oeoroetown ilnrlbntt shoes for cfaiiaren slater shoes for men your money is safe from fire or theft wherritis deposited in the merchants bank yet you do not pay a cent for fnis protection on the other hand the merchants bank pays you interest twice a year for the privilege of taking care of your money and guarding you against loss peposit your pay in a savings account in in this bank and pay your bills by cheque it prevents loss y th merchants bank hed ofaca montraal of canada eaubllshsd 1864 georgetown branch acton branch saleqr dapotft bow to ran h r mimks umbtm l b shorey muu until you know i id ow ilh ilii ru lili it ii kn il sll nning and juki kltl ill slllglllk01 ur ho piir to iiiitignir that llnngh it nuiy h hut guenhwoi k tc member this perhaps the hung llml nn tear isnt ho at leant holiene vh all right till joii know ptlie friend who pakid hjwitjioul oven a ghmee it real i j niay be that by some strange misrhanrc though you most undoubted lj recofiohod hev she alight not uao noticed wh6 yon wrfe i ax any rnup wait just a little gj i h jand do noivottncmrt itfr until you know j the letter jouto looked for for many a illic it might pobtitbly soracliow haye goqo astray or some careless person forgot to suob ft slip wilt often much trnnh le entail out grieve not for the wtiter as dead you owe that much lojouitwif until joii ths tthadows nmy all disappear and forgotten will bo your worrj and fear dont go ahead to meat trouble half way but keep up our courage and to yourself sa from a molehill ill not let a mountain grow im bound to think its all right till i know livingstones bakery main street no 1 a bread all kinds currant brown milk homemade white saturday special chelsey buns plain buns and broad bolls ovory day also pies school report ebqnprflfgsrsrno8r sr iv alfred bngden pearl brownndge joe drake harold beid jr iv alice leslie tonsloy barnes sr ill ada hume lula 0 rah am jr ill corrona wngglcsworth jr ii zola graham gordon brigden victor thompson sr pr boss wriggles worth eaton wilson jr pr lloaraoo barnes florence wilson winmfrcd wrig gles worth a gerw graham vera barnes clarence thompson tcachor frances uorno a livingstone son phone 55 georgetown be3sis52l b specials corn 2 tins for bolted oata s lbs for j 2bo ogitrier rolled oats per pkg 26o dominion soup vegetable or tomato each 10c tapioca 8 lbs for 26c bensons corn starch 2 pkgs 25c silver glass starchy 2kge 2fin seeded rajbjda 6so extra special black or mhccd tea 8 lbs jor 100 unable to tuplaro the above tea today to sell less than 40c lb try our rojal stewart- blond coffee at 6gc per lb 1 a m grandy phone 7s satuadlw caamtnd praapl dcovcrt l i i j norval flout mill wnen buyinjtflonr insist on kliisb choice for bread nmtional for pastry always on handibran shorts cracked cdrt lien feed chops i feed of all kinds oil cake meal dairy and coame salt cair jtlcal graham fjoor and jjollod oats hlhmt pvkmsakuuafonti 1m ablk mm wd oiotmt ommim saprltod mmr qutj- a dm t olwtob fma arrltml f w jcampbell umited norval ontario i had to look for a job the jobs were hunting for tjiro now be cause conditions havo changed the croaker ones hard times but this optimist on the reverse bide of a ore insarance calendar has exploded the bard times theory hard times are not coming but easy times are going and tho anonymous author of the epigram proceeds to elaborate his mow realization of this funda mental rbange that is taking place in business says be and the ap plication of the required energy to obtain it and to seonre the volume of income to keep your records up to past figures will placejonjn a position to decided advantage in the deep struggle for financial and oominereial supremacy that will ago in the immediate years to come in other words tho wise man will forget the easy times and make up bis mind that he has now got to work for what business he gets and in tho return to nor mal the man who puts energy and- intelligence into his effort be ho employer or employee will win out in the end- to qnoto again from the reverse side message of the fire insurance calendar 4o longer will the populace clamor for your wares regardless of quality or coat no longer can you sit among comfort able surroundings and find your self swamped with business that has come uninvited without effort work and hard work real valne and borvico just a little better than given by anyone else now count as never before business will be good very good to those ho proffer these inducements to the public directory st georges church holy communion 1st fthd 3rd sundays m a m 2uj 4lh and slh sunday t a m uiuni- 11 a m bransons t p in sunday school 4s a shi lton wallb ridge a dale soli ci ton etc toronto a nd ocorfmown ome kanneily ktock la roy dais in flhnrs of laorsb own oidoa hoblet htjtohinsoh a oowdino uarrntrrnc solicit on elo toronto milton and georgetown office ovrr houriana drug store h e dowding in charge ot gcorgc- h o me1r barrater solicitor etc office mill sl georgetown hours 9am to sp m open wedneadav and saturday evening dr t k margeuus phyaiolan andsursaan medical offlctr of health ome hours i to anil f to p m phon sb orllc and itosmaiica umln street south opposite preabyterlan cbtirok db o f tv boss phjnician and surgeon mill street georgetown photic 22 exhoute surgeon grace hotpital toronti r r watson tj d s oeorcvtowa otho honra 9 to ft except taajuday aftaratooaa f l heath ld1 o ds dantpt ninuln lan block one door ntrtl t onellla carrlase fsrtnry kdur- a m neilson d c in charj of chan j lindfietil dc ph c graduate ol the talmer school ofchiro- prctic chlropraclica fount am llead davenport i own us a ultloo ovrr hourlimna drnshtore ronsulatpn and spinal analyali free officii llounitiuid and satnr da 2lojim hihi 7 30 lo 8 to p jo phoh oftice isowand remdeuce fio rhon mkbkaxh o sotmat iihtf 77 j nl ohhugi j a tract clnh toniixhip of k-urtinj- clcw3rd nvihm i urn the irading aml i le insnr c rerefnii1 lr l mirm 1 nl sicwnrllrwti tnt benj petch jcrixwd auctioneer tor haltnn ik llftiwilllnma pont offlc halaa idurtvl tftririnrl1r and at ltllt t orrir le st th maetiiwn hfrail nrltor will rcc wnpt eutitlon aeujottv taaf and ckarlaa bta terasta siticll firttcu in all yptimrint hoaand of our former 1iidvtilft nd uditm lfe vtnlr lor xlnlkirn i rranj lime w j luliati prlmeipal hard times not coming but easy times are going tiutlt roveals itsolf in tho most unexpected places from out of the fog cloiuln of eeonotinc til cor km that ai bewildering so man litu to ilu imneh this gem of epigrammatic tiuth found on tho memo hide of a fire ins ralcudaijlard tiuosarn not coining but touay times are going tho statement carries its own connoting message it isnt tho coming of hard times that is troub ling people so much to day as the passing of ony imes the days- when batiidcss came easy and mottqy ftowed itato ihef coffers wili little offort tho war cremated an jmmcnse surplus of business duiing its duration the wastage of warjro longed this condition for a yoar or two ibnsiness evorywoere was good no man seed grala distribttr the annual free distribntion of samples of seed grain will be con- j duo ted as usual at tho central ex perimental farm ottawa by the dominion ce realist the following kinds of seed grain will be sent oat this season sprrog wheat in about 6 lb samples white oats about 4 lb barley about 6 lb field peas about fi lb field beans about 2 lb flax about 2 lb only one sample oan be sent to each applicant applications must be oo printed forms which may be obtained by writing to tho dominion ocreatist experimental farm ottawa ar the stock of seed is limited farmers are advised to apply early to avoid disappointment those wbo applied too late last seasen are particularly requested to send in their names at once bo that ap plication forms may be forwarded to thorn no application forms will bo furnished after fob 1st 1923 c e saunders dominion cereal 1st presaiar to visit halt the hal ton liberal- conserva tive meetingto bo held hero on sat 29th lnst promises to bo one of the most notablofpolitioal gather- ingsin hal tons history it will be held in the skating rink as no other auditorium in town will be nearly largo enough the mooting will open at 2 pm and will be ad dressed by right hon arthur meighen hon edmund bristol and dr b k anderson the can didate for hal ton it is expected that mrs meighen will be present and ladies arc invited to meet her the milton band will furnish mu sic flafcara oar stolu on saturday evening last an overland oar- be longing to mr w f w fisher the liberal candi date for halton county was stolen in hamilton from where it was parked on onetff the streets it was recoverd on the mountain on sunday morning- he car bedamej stalled and when a resident of fered assistance which was refused he became suspicious and notificttlhe hamilton poltoc by tho time tbe polic had arrived the thieves bad abandoned the cai the polic iae nhase but the bandits mat jwiiii to get away burlingtotii relte tu hick in strwatavilla the vilag of streetsmlle in faced with a 62 rail rate the ncxtj two years tibia is an outcome of the defeat of tho by law authons log an issue of debentures to pa for a new cement roadway whith was bnilt first and then submitted to the people the result is that the money will have to be raieod in two years instead of in 20 tbe money to re pa j tbebank will be raised one year and tho money to pay the contractor tbe next in 1922 the tax rate wilt be raised eight mills over the 1921 rate and seven mills extra impoed in 1823 local council ol women a largonumber of ladies mailed themselves of tho opportunity tr hear dr qullon at the opn meet ing or tho local council of women on tuesday oct lhth the mooting opened with prnj r ami a piapo duet by mesdamen rosa and annandola which was much enjoyed the miout- of- september meeting were read by mrs e c thompson intbe-ab- r sonoe of the recording secretary and ware approved mrs oordou brown ireadscvoralshort selee lions from the waitings of mrs sbcard of toronto gems of can adian poetry and well rendecea tho rest of the time waaoiven to dr augusta stowe qulhfu tho provincial viw iresident of the national council of wonfrn and onvencr of the standidg com mittee on citizenship dr qui- len referred flrstto the origin of the reform movement among women dating it back to 1840 when fonr or five women who weie sent from united states as representatives to the anti- slav ery commission in great britain were refused seats in that body because they were women this resulted in the womans suffrage movement which passed through various stages until 1892 when the national council of women was organized dr gujjeo oo timed aome ol the activities of the council since that time as women for factory inspectors raising of tho age of consent equal guardianship of children etc but for years thou efforts were hampered by lack of womenb franchise legislators would pay little attention- to ef forts 01 those who had no votes an instance was given of a-peli- tion signed by 100000 which was given no consideration for that reason in 1917 came tho war time elections act followed in 1918 by the full franchise to woman placing her on samdbasib as man binoe that time more has been accomplished- than in years before after the granting of the fran chise to women tho formation of a womans party was considered the thought being that anch a party might forward tho cause of reform but the conclusion arrived at was that this would not bo practicable at present and the council favours alliance of the in dividual with that party that will do tbe most fov reform each member working for clean politics and reforms in that -party- to which she gives allegiance dr qullen favoured women as candi dates for school boards municipal councils legislatures womon of sane minds matters now engaging the at ton tion of the council and in these womens rotes will help are property rights granting woman the homekeepers financial return for her work women for the senate in order that laws affect ing women and children may be carried through after being passed by commons the senate lays many of thorn on tho table care of the feeble minded minimum wagos which ib coming uniform basis for divorce equal remunera tion for equal service regardless of sex mothers allowances they bave succeeded in having granted dr gotten referred also to bat- aralisation of women in canada a woman takes the nationality of her husband bat in 1919 a law was passed whioh made it poasiblo for a woman married to a man of another nationality to go before judge ana council and demand that she retain her british nation ality unfortunately this was re pealed and as tbe law now stands a british subject married to ono of another nationality may not vote but a foreign woman mar ried to an englishman may or wife of naturalized foreigner tho matter of immigration should engage the attention and interest of our women we should assist those here to become good oitisens but should also insist on more careful inspection of immi grants and require examination at ports of exit and entry to prevent such a large number of physical and roeoiaj defectives entering oor country referring to the need for care of feeble minded dr gallon men tioned the case of a coupe of underaverage mentality whose 60 descendants were found to bo either feeble minded or criminals fully half tbe criminals in the country aro mentally or physically defective the oodionce was urged to hear as sung political speakers as pas sible and vote as good judgment dictejtea for the best men and tbo highest ideals an opportunity was given for questions after the address and a vote of thanks was tendered dr uttllen on motion of mrs creel- man and mm roe after singine the national anthem tbe meeting adjourned jarlaoleua ektosda h p moure police magistrate whose jurisdiction was several months ago extended to the whole connt of qnlton concurrently with that of police magistrate shields of oabville has been ad vised by xhoattomey general that his jurisdiction has been farther extended to cover lhe townships otenn and eramtnw the de partment evidently i at ends to keep- mr moore bosy

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