Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 26, 1921, p. 2

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tub gkokontown hkhami ofruiuiit udbti 11u1 tiki j d presbyterian anniversary lnrs caasrecatlobc hear splaadld lurnou hv rev rabartjkfartlsi d d of stratford anmvursar nor ic s hi con m etmn iui knox 1rtnui u nun hurill wuio held lost siniils wlion largo congregations both morning and mminfi listened to able and nrnest addresses by rt v robert mm tin d 1 of stratford the hjnakor read tho hid ban lor of paul h l itlo to tht philip 4 an tin inurnuig lonnon and t ins tet from lliedlh linn f pitnl h lnihtlo to tho conn thians tin 2j tli to the u7uj inclu limehoose v tlio home of mrs jaa modon eu 1 wliienmt wilm the seem of a vflcy inuiiilrting fividnr diij nfu moon iiiri l lolii when her uniihht dniifhli anna fraucctj was united iu tilurnnuo to mi alfred i marshall of io tioit j ouugest hod of mr anil mm 11 s mnmliau eiimehousc ret 1l f cameron of georgetown officiated thocoieniony was u formed in tlio iireflwice of the i modi ate relatives of botli uarti tlio bndo taking her ilacc under au ii rpi of evergreens to strains mjf lohengrins wcddinf march plajed bj master j as robs nephew of tho bndo tlio bride was given akm h her brother mr w g mcdowell nod looked lovely id a dress of white crepe do dune trimmed with bilk friogi and carrying a aba war bouquet 1 ophelia rose the only attend not was little jean curry met of the bride who acted as flowi r hirl she looked very sweet in i dross of pink organdie over whiu wearing a pearl peudaot the pill of the groom and carrying a bask b of sweet peas during tho sigi ins or ibe regl ate rm asters jam and russell ross nephews of tho bride played a duet the royal trumpeters and other variations after the usual congratulation h about 80 guests partook of the woddipg dinner at the close ofj which rev r j cameron who has been pastor to both bride and bridegroom practically all their lives vor ably proposed the toast to the bride to which the groom made a very suitable reply latei in the evening tho happy coupli left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for a short trip to toronto tbo bride b travelling costume was of navy blue gabar dine and navy blue plush bat trimmed with taupe plush 8b n wore a brown fox fur the gift of the bridegroom tho bndo was tbo recipient of many useful and beautiful presents mr and mrs marshall will take up their resi den eo in detroit having left for that city on monday of this week teachers guild we lake the following from the london advertiser of last week a most interesting visitor in the city to day was miss jennie stead district organizer for the federation of wouieft teachers associations of ontario al though this organisation has been in existence for the past threo years any attempt to enroll mem bora lias been through correspond once fjast easter s ontario meet ing however decided on a district organizer for the province this winter selecting miss stead who has been most suocosafu id her work that tho organization which she is representing is working the best interests or tee country is miss stead s arm belief tlic members feel that strength lies onlyxjn organ iea tion and that by organization they can lift tbe teaching profession fl naocialiv and edii nationally miss stead iins mot with eager co opera tion from many of tbe school jd h pec tors of tho province who say that if tbo teachers federation continues in its pre dent strength it will bo improve tho status of tho teachers of the province that mo del schools whoro second rate teachers get their instruction may bo done away with there are over 11000 women public school teacher a in the pro vmco she save and but 1400 men already 6 000 of these women teachers are organised and with an official organizer id the field they soon hope to swell thqir num ber considerably v bo pairing women a boots oak soles with rubber heels 100 robber boots of all kinds repaired tbe only place for good hoots at factory prices get jour flab at the right place at tbe right price fish to suit every taste halibut salmon white fish sea ilerring finn on haddic fillets kippers shrimps and oysters only tbo best fish sold georgetown fish and chip cafe tlio tlionio of the morning nor mon was the game of life in ml rush for worldly pleasures and excitement rome hod forgot inn god and con nth wnn fellow in her footsteps 1uul 4u bis mintry jiad wituessid theso bor rora and they luid niado a decpj impression en bun as portrayed inl tbe words of the tost iiuism contest between the higher and lower self paul a last vordn i havo fought the good light i nave finished my course henceforth thore is bt crown laid up for me iq glory r paul right in his interpretation human life infs is acontest and j are in the arena watched bj igels in heaven striving for the greatest of all rewards eternal life paul wished that so the same enthusiasm evinced in arena contests might bo put into the spiritual life as well god meant us to have games contests etc and be bappy but our spin tual development should come first we should try as bard to be good and build up character as the interests at stake are much greater and they count through eternity paul said work your ewj solvation wi fe and trembling in tbe game of life worth contending for is an corruptible orown of glory that fadetb not away if wormesjife itself what has been worth while there are thousands of christians to day rewarded for spiritual pro gress and god is already placing wreaths on their brow patience kindliness faith hope and love laurels already won and still greater things when attained to the fullness of jesus christ shall we strive for earthly things and forget tbe orown that ib worth while what shall it profit a man if he gain tho whole world and lose his awn soul life is a game of eltill and not obaope we must earn the prize chance will not gain victory we are sailing a troubled sea and must be alert the best prizes go to those who deserve them some people seem to get everything while others got httle money doesn t count in this most impor tont contest of life we may all be millionaires in character and god b service we get out of life just what we put in it no snort cuts to character and tho crown one hundred years hence we will all be just where we deserve to be be not deceived god is not mock cd banish that gambling spirit life itsolf is a game in which all may win there need bo no failui in this contest there aro camfr tions yoa mast ector tbe contest no matter who yon are you the race choose christ as your savjour and receive tbe crown he that atnveth must be temper ate in all things balvation is not easy we must persevere and keep in training if wo arc pro lie tent in anything we should be enthusiastic in the game of life for if w e fail tbe humiliation sorrow and sbame will be awful choose christ as your captain fight the good fight and receive the orown laid op for yon in glory at the evening service the preacher read tho lesson from the 2nd chapter of hebrews and chose au bis text- the 1st verse of thesth chapter or jeremiah viz run ye to and fro through tbe streets of jerusalem and see now and know and seek in the broad places there of if ye can find a man if there be any that execototb judgment that seeketh the truth and 1 will pardon it tbe speaker made a strong plea for the uplifting of young- men and women and fitting them for life in this world an well as in tho world to come be em phasised the great need of chris tian men and women in the world to day tho selections by tbe choir dur ing the day were exceptionally fine whtlethe vocal solos by mrs buntaln and miss laird werel much appreciated and enjoyedf the organ voluntaries by mrs h b henderson organist were also much appreciated tbo pulpit and choir rail were beantifnlly decora tad with ferni and flowers teachers convention in convention oftachrnnf iliilumvi ntwoilli lttkixrtnr ule hold in llio piiltlk hiliimilliirt in fhuriuliit mill i ridiiy hint wiw out of lin ixhl in ilmbibtoij all hi hsiiiiih ik tfitn pmtiipu and uny k rtwin imiiiul lo tiiko mil in tho prog nu ii mo was on hnml whili hit uiwiiorh nn thnr pari tumid nut almost out jiundiod pi i nut htlomk ri v gum ron in inn opiniiii remarks ctiipb imsimi tin impoit of the tun in i h umk mid judmiif bj ihcinuitst shown hin marks uiil luki n to ik art bv oho present ii i amimx it a 1 iwd million nnontil hi honl wat uu nhaknr ttupplnd by i lie fdittut mi dupnilmenl roth of hihuddrms th w ro listenod to wilh ui n in on tit and f at iqiiiri eiullon in hrsti inlk he smh rtnthp it- i uf general inlolliniiuo and jntcllfkencc ttsts sliowuig how popular tlteso terttn wtre beoimiig lespcuinll on lhr amoricaru hide of mo and even iitourowu unueisi rrftitiob in the afternoon whilo discussing seat work in rural schools ho made a very sharp dis tliutiofj between seat work nnd bus ork bhowintt that heat work yaa an actual noccssity in lo busy work was more or less glenwilliams rs ii rntokn of tnrunu and mihh ji hhk 1 hninphuu of ac urn im nl lh wei k nd with mr and mr4 and mr daniel ltmd i man iter it jtiilln rford of tihim pi irv i ihtlll i tl i li lit tun gibben9 cut rale cash and carry grocery lmilixin ii town hall in re on monday xniui hi iippluntioiih wi r i ivi d lo join the oiimim ord thin uasan nn siitnnlay tvi hroki out on tli n top of i mi tori lull n diimihji wal dom nnrx pnit f a htiimji fence iwmni mi to itnhl itlid unit humid the ioiuis in and mound urn 0cn nn beiiif iilolkd again pud not bufun it wan ihhrdeil mt andiow whoelei sr hu lifts ik en con limit u ind foi home irtod ih tier whreli i hasben eon llnod to bis bed fur a fuu davs quite a number from inn took the winur arih n llarty at 14 or u b l fridivj ovotjingumd roi t a most enjoj able tn mrat robert momcneiny aid non have arrived home from oshnwa our bocke team fjro about all oailj foi the ice bit e3 0 z 0 g3s egi s s0 1ss3 b new fall goods the mens store tliq closing number of thurt da afternoon sossion was a den onstration by miss mokee on tli use of tho grafonola to lhe teacli ei there was no doubt lofti the minds of those pmsent that this much i no would fill a long folt want in tbcschool room thursday evening s session was held in the auditorium of the methodist church when mr j p gundy held his huge audience at most bpel bound while he present cd facts and figures in regard to world finance miv gundxsgrasp of his subject enabled him to make figures intensoly interesting prof alex mclaron the ovemng meeting with half an hour of community singing when all entered into tho spirit or the oc casion and had a most enjoj able sing song after the address an adjourn ment was made to the school assem bly rcom where folk dances and games were indulnd in by all led by miss mckee with tho grafonola on friday morning mies flam erf el t of toronto dealt with tbe question of scientific temper ance in a very interesting and in struative address while mr r r fleming followed presenting the necosbity ofbaving agncnlture the schools especially in rural communities tbe school children lent variety to tbe proceedings by singing sev era selections under the leader hip of mr a b castell the following resolutions were unanimously passed resolved that in tbe opinion of this insti tute special legislative grants on account of salaries should made equal for urban and rui schools and that a copy of this resolution be sent to hon mr grant and to premier drury resolved chat tho department be asked to make tho high school blond pubhq school terms coincide resolved that the depart ment be asked to prepare manu al fnr seat woi k especially for tho use of teachers- in rural school card of tkankm dramilauii sonr l tin lb hi pusiri rinm 4 lb lhe iivosjm c lb put mm amonin i ks liplon conm ni 10 kg 4 foi rnllid oau r lb fn buniimi reu iul jh i i i k 2 foi viirm ititml itikuik i owdir 1 ih tin old dntili a tins fi pun imid in 0 10 n 2 ii j uls wr lb dnrhixn lb and vim slitidi l j net ii s ii iniit ilutlor per ib iti hl caiiruhart che si n r ll piarlim x pn kfiirh j j gibbens phone 160 lan bioc georgetown our ram of full suiting ih itrtiving daily choirest nni h an at baud llii ompi imp tho i iiklish iim siotih iwiiiih s r and woih pitti iiik are li i ididly small inys picdninn alieudj ii i i j hiu si in t bruwn and i stop the pain honlioho neurulgla rbdqti back actre bointlo and ovarian fains otsircwodk milks ant1 pain ill is an i tbo altt la gone guann tee 1 safu an 1 suia price 30o for aala by lv hoorioair oeoeoetown to rent i i n h cemctll blink hou ii earclown water aplytotco 11 leslip phone rob rem t apply al herald office to jlet briclc he use on uurlea st apply lo mrs h v kennedy hou8b to rent on mum st south f rooms good gar ei iounsion at once 1600 apj y ox 522 gortlown jacksons new seasonable goods i medium weight underwear i heavy wirht underwear i ueay fine xlf wool underv i no 95 penman s pure wool 1 89 19g it ui i r fn i lone until hi rti lient wlfetm i mil lo ordor oilortarlj i ftitniplt an nil im h it on n miur pull sutt nd mt i hi biht now timwij for ot i pit st do not wait erun mid tlx t nf to rr ipt furnishing department tin ni iv pall shirlk cojinis slid nk1iiii haw urnwd nnr lnfoie have we had six h n lanlifnl i tne in all the laloul sty ks at popular pruofi new autumn hats all tho ncwotit stlen and bo fit makofa are to bu found in our in v anivalw riuie art manystyltnh fcntnmsnrt hatirth1b srahnn mid t wlft be ft pleasure to show thorn to you wborvjou rail iceaiiy- to- wear cnatlti2icj4eu full juits latest stylaitnnd well tailored atjnity price wt aie making a npooial effort this soasou to havo tlio very ih xt in mens wear equal to any city jiirnislnn iktabinbment at iyallty before ineo it is a ood timo row to telect jour new pall outfit steele is all complete and m lei tion ftti r than later in thoscason wt niv lc yo irpaimnnjf jm ih hm iraiite i hat we can rive oit aalmfm lion millar co georgetown a furnlbbliur acdto tor drvliuc ami oft clflbnlna- phone 126 x men s iteavy fall overalls men s dresb shirts roys flannelette shirts boye pure wool jerueja bos kniclicrb boys hchvy wool stockings boys oloves and mitts women s misses and cbildre es at now rvwpritn men s wool cashini re esiltt sox men s wool oloves l men h work mitts and oloves men a dress mitts and oloves mon s flannelette gowns men a pall and winter caps men s heavy wori shirts s turnbulls fine underwear childien s worsted wool and cash fob quai my trftum p for nale ani thou llewilt 8th line eisiucsiii anoui ii mile out of g cornel own ewes for 8axe permn requiring kood breeding ewes heather brown apples for saxe a quantity of apples for aula al henry i 1 co per i 34lj phone 18- lost side curtain for chevrolet roadster wednesday n gill person finding same kindly notify or leave at g t r fre gilt for bajue garage almost new apply lo c lin ham main st georgetown 1l wood a sale of standi n limber iota will 12 in the 6 c lateri leslie bradley everybody knows that in canada thare more templetons rheuuttatic cpsttles sold than all other bheumatlc daotadlea combined lor rhcw matiam henritia hcnraltfla sciatica lumbago ate many dtfetora prescribe them moat dntgaista sell them write for free trial to temple ton toronto far bale at d j jtatthbws dtnasates f s near insurance agent etc residue qnaen st phone 8 oesroetowh out grand trunk railway system tbe doub trmc route hontbeal toronto detroit aa chicago uicxccllei malms car strvict sleeping cars on nigbt trains and parlor cots on pnneipnj- day tiainn full information fromanyornnd trunk ticket aent or ce llora icr distntt pobsenffor agent to j tcamterm afcfltcrfelm raoaz to poultry for sale now the time to secure your breed n mock before the flocks are all culled ov we have for sale male nd female white uyandottca buff and black orp ingtons and fctc aneonasalso bredtouy rock cockerels choice toulone geese and rouen ducks either sex these are atl a 1 birds in rood healthy condition will be sold reanonnble phone 8 geo- krlown or wr te neil t ii es sons k r no 5 mdlon lip warxnro- any person found shooting or otherwise trespas ng on east half lol 16 6 cession cst half lot 16 fith rourr east half lol 17 tb lonrcanon west half lot 17 6lhconcesstoa west half lot 16 7 roncess i i it i tf hii inimmiid according i to law icianen r mllsn ml j a thompson w d johnitj d according isn murray browns garage general repairing of all makes of cars all work guaranteed ford parts and auto accessories gasoline and oils f free air ahwaya service at all ways day or mght pbone 200 mam st north c w brown in the pubuc eye ly 0 t mian o t walker r o womens andmtsaes fine wool cashmero hoi black women s misses and cbildrt n s wool mi its 01oea and gauntlets women s kayser silk gloves children s wool can a and fall head r wear fonts wool jackets veils and underwear i a new line of beautiful worked circular table co vera and dresser runners attractive selection of mew window diapertoa madraaa marquisettes crettonea curtain nets silkehnos senms arb sateens bliadow clotb new ribbons lace a embroideries a splendid bh owing of new dainty handkorolnefs a t 0 0 wwmmw jacksons georgetown 0ioiobtt00 saturday treat wlion we think of rial low i wo think of toffoe and marshnialltiw and think of candies we think ttf moorebeads knowing that there will oe a big dom and for our uome made toftoo nnd marshmallow this week end we arc going to rum monej for jou notice our innciils iso lbs cocoanut peanut crispand bottorbcotch fresh this week saktnrday saturday sunday chocolates 49c a box this speoiat ib in a class by itself those who prefer better chocolates in a neat attractive box buy our saturday sunday chocolates worth 70c per box 49o nut toffees 25c lb bog 80o lb 25o weekend chocolates 32c did you try out week end chocolates last week esrh week finds na with a larger ariety of better c hoeo i ates assorted hocolates weekend special i plain marshmallow 29c on monday we offer joo 100 lbs of our fresh vnnilla marshmallow toasting if yon intend hating a marshmallow roast on hallow try oar marshmallow re go far 40c a lb monday i t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton not weekly specials but daily specials at druks callin and see our line of strictly fresh cbooo la ten made by such reliable and well known firms an nmlson s willard a cowans and lowne s we are giving the boat valno for money paid out for chocolates in georgetown our ice cream is the very best wo uao neilson s only everyone can say that neiuons is tho best now about tobaccos did you ever know that wo havo tlio most varied and largest stork of cigarettob cigars pipes and tobaccos in tho town r come and see ivnd we be convinced that till will guaranteo that ou will is not a false atl v or ti seme tit we keep all kinds of fruit canned ooods a fancy biscuits tliope that yon will give me jour pa t ron a yours for service h druks main street georgetown specials this week seven t five acre farm with seven roomed bnt k dwelling and bank barn for sale or ext ban go for house in georgt town price 4600 see us if j or fine ones listed mil to bnj a home m georgetown we have some w t evans georgetown children enjoy eating our bread because it is so good iftastos almost like cake and it is wholsome food tor tho growing child we bake ovorj thing from lhe bread to the finest of fine cakes cleanli nosn reigns an die me bore mckinley bros glenwilliams ont tbe willoughby farm agency georgetown just what you have been looking for price s800 nowja the time to list up your farms we are getting in quines every day for good farms list them with the man that gets good results call or write to willoughby farm agency hell office w victoria sl tmal pkhc hals 1579 rep hb mcdowell georgetown ontario 8 week end invalid port wine reg 7f5ctlvlclay and saturdayr49c mens purser regular 65cfor 4bc freetwith ovary tube recall shaving cream al soc we will give a durham duplex razor absolutely free wiuvevery tube klenzo tooth paste at soc we will give a 26c tooth brush free guaranteed tooth brushes reg boc and 35c friday andjsaturday 24c c i tab t 3tre hourigans

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