Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 2, 1921, p. 2

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tuk okuroictuwn ukiiaijj nukmhkh 2ml 1021 htrun marriages a i fkanrrj lor 1 the will vk 1 alio so mti aiu so itk jlir line kt born ktn al inn tdlii 1 1 o li in r 1921 to mr al mm j down i n vt dm thnnant in hlrai j lt 2mb 141 in mi nml mr h trntunl a ilniikhtct clnkimtiiftu al si it chljrena ii ov mul toronto o opt 30tli mil i tirr ihoinpsmi ymnigesl son of mr h mrs v cciiim csl a jnoilntami lids n memoriam hawocte in lovm metntry of my i mother mm vollic haitrock who tkd honn on novipber i si 915 tip ulcnl fcnef hurt m life soul tyc can iraic tor nuuiy ail aihmg heart is hid bctiiml sfnihig face and so i abed a nielli lear ami brratbc sigh deep rckrct for yoor my mollier t remtmbrr tf all the world forgel uvmiaunjrk tamigbon in lovim remetnlfrance pic wm windcnuni who d ed france on october lolh 1915 stffl fondly remembered in the home ha childhood sweet are the in l rumen hint cling round along with your comrades n france you bcslceriik but ibe hearts m tbe old home all ii love premier meighen spoke at milton over 15h lugrd the prenltr in u able actress die large skating rink at milton ll n st ating iapatit 1600 was crowded last batuhfia afternoon on the oocimo nor arthur mti the cotinkl town tbo gathering included ttentati v ea f i om 1 ial toi wontworth mill wellington llalton of com father mother sist sand brothers at a conference of the kit chener polioo commission acting cbief grosser and thirteen reprr eeatatives of the banks on taesda m mystery plan wae agreed upon to deal with bandits who might at tempt to rob any of the banks in kitchener plana were formula tod that will make it difficult for a raid to be successfully accomp imbed on any local bank or for the bandits to make an escape aftei their attempt judge e j 13 earn chair of the sided at the conference it 18 expected thai the new motor fire truck for georgetown wil be completed and installed in the ore hall here sometime next week this wilt be a splendid ao qniattion to our fire fighting ap paratus but there are still a few ottaer requirements which should be secured to put the rest of the equipment on a par with the new truck outfit a greater quantity of hose than at present kept on band is ery essential and other minor details should be adjusted to make our fire fighting apparaj ns first- class throughout we have a good volunteer firo brigade and the least we can do is to pro vide them with the necessary ap pita noes for the protection of life and property glen williams mr thomas mcmiuttor spent the week end at toronto mrs 8 allan is taking a weeks medical treatment at gunlph mr 6am jackbon of toronto spent the wl err with friendi liere mr robert scott of acton spent sunday with relatives and friends here special service at the methodist cbnra pest sunday being thanks giving memorial services the sunday fallowing lest we forget the ones who died for their conn try blcttwiulans school report tli r 8oiuint r and ot o1 i inhrt iv loljil270 nudill iiu 211 hrmst foigravt 22f itoj noiloti 210 hj lliinllj 2111 sarah llaluin h0 ltiil ijortuliionl 17h wtllx allen 171 flriwr mimini rm 172 anna cooi whihuiii wlmhr no rimml wlmhr 141 sr iii total sl fcoi ior 2f mam daviiuon 2l sam alku 1h aitnit mi n illj lhf willie hour i ii ilfrl itomih ubint iiwk oialiuin ub eiw f it thr ritwiml hlmld 1it auniltm nc iii icili church news alktllolliftt i doly communion will be ad miayslerod tn the methodist church at the ii orloi ksnrvice thanks giving service at 7 p m rev a j evahh of erin will be the preacher for the evening special music b the choir baptist church tbursdaj h p rn p raver and bible stud sunday 10 80 the bards supper 1100 thanks giving 6 45 song service your favonl jiynna 7 00 a quarrel betw two brothers monday 7 pltn night fcchool 8pm blt p u th will bo done v with my rrfbnej ihliicamjl tliaoksgiving services will be held at boston church on sunday nov gib at 11 am and80pm cood acted b rev mr patterson mt norval the maple leaf quar tet of gay will have charge of tbo singing on tbe following mon day evening a concert will be held in the church when the program will be given by the maple leaf quartet miss helen took violin ist and miss edith dewar aocom panist of mtlton admission 86e childrenjyon rev b meoennott chairman 2tp nating mnnj ladi nuduace giorgotownheirik liirfn ly represnnud by h dremior mpiglierf talked bntllj to a gathnring of achool hildrfii in the park at jjhiton beroro pro ceeilini to hirymfieting m the rink hub jwasdoc oratcil with cvci greens ihtgh ani buntipg mf agjjrna oina woloomo hy hie unicipal oounml headed lj mayor j3ar1o en coonoillbr jnines mcdow ell or 41 9m by was the chairman of the meeting and after a few well chosen introductory remarks called on dr anderson the ltber nl conservative candidate for hal ton who addressed the audienrt at dome length on the questions at issue dr anderson was fol lowod by hon edmund bristol after which the chairman intro duced the premier premier meighen on rising to speak was greeted with loud ap plause in his opening remaikr be paid high tribute to hal ton s former representative the hob david henderson whom he had known and respeobad for many years he delivered an able ad dress in whieh he reviewed tbe issues before the electors cnticiz ed the policies of tbe liberal and progressive leaders and pointed out tbe injurious effect free trade would have on the future progress of tbe dominion farm or laborer and manufacturer alike woul suff and canada would become flooded with the over prod notion from other countries he urged all to stand by tbe policy that had made canada what- it w today and which assured future prosperity many in the gathering bad the pleasure of shaking handt the premier at the conclusion of his address among those on the platform were samuel charters m p of peel ex warden m c smith burlington j a wi hough by georgetown mayor earl and members milton town council and a number of ladies milton band was presont and furnished music before and after tbe address terra colla the 10th line school are prac tising for a concert to bo givon in the near future quite a number from here at tended the jjarty at the homo of mr aurl mrs hugh mcdonald lnglcwood lost week mr and mrs chos mckioun of acton were visitors hern last week mr w j riitlodge rctnntlv purchased ovei twit hundred linn mr tiank dennison who was injured at the halton brickworks rifentl r now able to be around again s-alasrh- tftooo ajjen rent carpenter of george town is suing george a robinson of toronto also a carpenter or 000 dampen befort mr justice ordo alleging malicious pcrsccu tion reul was arrested on tbe complaint of robinson over the theft of a 60 victory bond hut was found not guilt vatlmc atnar emttmda4 in tbo pending election the hours of polling instead of being from nine to five are to be from eight to six this is for the bene fit of tbe farmer who is an early riser- and of the women voters who have an hour longer in wh to get themselves dolled up in the afternoon oaou elmtt at the recent con rent ion of halton teachers hold at gedrgi town tbe officers for the current year were elected as follows hon president- j m pfanfeb president s w michener ie pros 1 a lock hart secretary miss minnie bennett treasurer miss j elliott librarian miss s main executive officers and misses mcphail mahoo macarthur k mckay and ethel turnbull auditors r f sanderson and a g green miss m r currie and mr a g green were appointed delegates from the institute on the northern tnp of teachers in 1022 i an 210 11a lift ikuhiii 1 liunllyj uh 214 mart winch r 202 rtitl 111 juili rohmttt 117 hi mi itailon 1i2 i va rboinpnon 1jh fiiuik oillman 0f iuk n 01 tun 10 htanlrj logan 10 frank lr an 40 ft sr ii total 2kq jiyneslvfl 1h sandy n 01 ton 10 murj islay i01 icfttionariou loajmalk bpauniont im helen mcaionenij 112 robt tiihoti 14c junior doiai tniont junior ii porisibk 200 mrtln kirh 2k2 mftrjfe norton 2 itya broolc bnjak22tl kyle bingjiam 1h irene brocklobank 101 mary blndd lfl2 frasor reid dorothj wugslajtc 177 lorriman 170 eleanftr alton 10u mabel mcnallj 14d mina twooiile 140 ja k lvorrton 11 george monuilj abs dottglax ttoaro abs senior primer possible 1b0 alice hndloj 140 eddie hill 144 willieevcrson 148 gertrude bar low 140 marguerite mcmaster 189 uarvey garvin 1j18 gortnule everson 188 lloyd davisop 1s2 mildred foster 110 dlmer hill 02 alfred boll 7h gertrude log an 78 1 b cjass possible 100 ralph appleyard 05 bessjo wafetafte 08 catharine yoeman 98 may allen r0 percy norton 80 louise brocklebank 60 c class possible j76 elio varey 67 allan appeyard 04 annie islcj qi tommy norion 62 ray bell 61 garnett norton 67 jennie mcnair68 grover norton 61 robert mo master 50 eddie logan arthur hood m e couuik m e waignt tuxis notes the imhh of the hull dog and i i els 1 r tiimh squill pk an lining p fur a haski tliall 1 imi titnin ilii a hi in dull nf kixtun gameh ii hi liid luruih tin ninntli of hi mbur liiiu h mpiarn id enti r uk two liaii h ami iloiihh in 1 l fit will lit luiil el nikht on 1 1n ihllllll i 111 kuh ii 1 pbu i m rj iihhiih and riiiirtiilay in tbo drill hall anil a hiiiiiii udtnih will lit 1 hiuiiil tri llio11 wixh mi to mi u11 giuuu llio lliat minn uasplaiel i in hla cveninj tli tilt following niilth first uo milsior no 1 0 hnlt do no i 1 bml gum i 101 no 2 7 hull do no 2 h clothlnc for tlboo in nd llio fjoca nods coiumitte of the count il of women hare w rangt d to retcivn and ditttnbfite ntconil hand 1 lothing throughout tbo w inlet to those who are in i aitichs orclothmti will be uahl at a nouiiiml price jcji meinht rs t1 tlio committee will be in the basement of the public libra y on satncdaj next nbv 6 from j to c p m to rccve do nations distribution will also be made from this centre throughout the winter ladies when ou aie house clianing clear your dosou of unused 1 lothing bedding etc don t let moths destroy them send them in tor those vho cao make use of them slc aoi notice to creditors in the erflatc of john bcclcn late of hie 1 ownship of fcaquen ntf in the counly o 1 1 nil oil rarmer deceased nitiii i hereby jfiien pursuant to slali le that all persons having hums ak nut the enlale of john hjiles the abt ue named uocaaseii who died on or jboulltie tenth da of juw 1921 at i he sinil fawiish p of lsuueaink are rumed lo send or deliver full parti ulara thereof to thi undersigned sol ctrnra fqr archibald mcnevan tec lei anil sarah jane me liu f hxeculora of the lail vi ill and tekanic ll of the said deceased on or before saturday the twenty xlh day of november 1921 and not ie in further given that after utid laal ment oued date the lxemtora will proceed lo distribute th assets of the said estate amongst the purtiea entit thereto having regard only to i he ctai of which they shall i hen havitiaccived notice and they will not be liabktbr the said assets or any part thereof to an pctson or whose claim notice haa not beer reee ved al the t me of distribution dated tbe first day of november 1921 gcfchnm lrabam bra rapt on ont solicitors for said executors a masonic concert will held under tbe auspices of credit lodge in the t hall george town on nov jt5tjhankbgi vmg night the harmony choir and glee club afam ortoronto il give a very high class enter tainment the tickets are being distributed privately but a few may 1c obtained on application to any member of credit lodge poultry for saije stock before the flocks ire all culled we have for sale male and femali while yandottes buff and black orp ingtons and s ancoiutsalso bred to lay rock cockerel choice toulose geese 1 rouen ducks either sex thrse are a 1 birds in good healthy condition and will be sold tcaionable piionibsrl2 geo- get6wn or write ni r r no 5 mtllon nepdn5et roofs mfonseeparoidroonno mecnszt twin shmcus look for the to with the paroidl siwll s raoth oi y property ts harvested crops stock and p rooniw moisei tect harvest harvested crops stock and machinery can be destroyed by the wtather or fire yon really must have the protection provided by the famous paroid hoofing a tough felt thoroughly saturated with genuine asphalt it ts made with grey surface also with red or green crushed slate perma nent colors neppnset roofs si yon money u ftp aamihwr w immur awlsva hepooset twm shuqrles for all itsihw bird itson hrad office vumbm 0bu waejipotjsks montreal toronto winnipeg calgary bdtnonton sc john tbe lkurgett majinfactnrers of roofing wall bdatdaum roofing felu m caruula m armonu fiotr lsoncert jvlonoau qv ajov 7 program part 1 iltitbnng awake in j ixtvt ttle i1ajimom clioiit tlnrirkc bolo mt ruly i roam mihh 1 d gltajiam schlciffattii ftirt vh on tlitj sea t111- harmon ciruiit but k luadlng makmff him feel at home mlhr s mccaittnr part song the musicnr trust tup haiiuony ctioni lladle i new fall goods i the mens store hii our ranitt of fall snitink in arriving daily nlremly the iiw thou est om h an at hand die lomprmi tbo v r tautm 2 kntflihli and scotch twicils herpes and worsteds and the bpittt nix arc di 1 lib llj htiiiii lttis picdmuinnli with tlm nlw brown oiul blin in plain ictul rt it unies met turn with popular favor j f it ih nont too earlv to ordci jour fall suit do not wait j until tlt ruxb order arlj and m t thi ixstsorvui andthe hj best hi lection 8iuiiplrnai now iciwlj for out of town t us louinrh and will ih hi nt on rtiptcst fnrnihhing department the new fall shifts collars and ncckwtar have arrived ntvir hi fore havt m h wi such a beautiful ranif m all the latest stj h at popular prices solo thank sgu inf co v en mlfls e cauehon solo and chorus lemistrcre verdi mihhj d graham mit w d shi kids and the harmony choir instrumental trio serenade mil an1 mllk j u lurk and mil c wulor jonfh v 1 part jjoqg part ii deep river tub uakmoni cnoui burleigh 9 monologue mr j b tayijor 8 pflrt song the old brigade the harmony choir parkee 4 solo a the river of years mr f j haw ox marziall part song mother o mine thf oakuony choir the stove pipe dole miss s mccartne burleigh 0 reading drummond 7 sextette what from vengeance donizetti mlbrfb graiiau and camfron mkkhllh sliirlus tiiaino hanu ani prltlt tt chorus comrades song of hope adam tup harmony choir god save the king conduntor aooom panist mr fitpd r bpatt mihh lii lian butt happy tomeot sorry to part happy to meet again jacksons w new seasonable goods yr 1 new autumn hnts 1 bnsl makes aro to ho rouiid in t many slylish fiatures 111 hats this mason ai j jilcastirc to show them to von when joii calr 1q readytoweai clotninff intqsl styles and will tailored at ryty pric a b pod a i cftort tins season to have the wear coital to any city furnishing eutablmli before prion it is a good time notr to ml the newest stiles ami new arrivals i hero are ttill 1m n fall than late 1 tut fall suits we arc making best in men s ont at ijuality led jour now all complete and selection bettor a your pal ronage will millar fe co fin klkhglsuia tajlortna- sind kan a rurnlablns aant or stookwll handaraon co toronto drain svoil dry clsauliiar georgetown phone 126 not weekly specials but daily specials at druks call in and see our lino of jtnotly fresh choco laics made by such reliable and well known llrms as neilson s willards cowans and lowney s we arc giving tho best valne for money paid out for chocolates in georgetown our ice cream n only everyone ci the very boat wo use neilson a n say that neilson s is the boat te now about tobaccos did yon ever know that we have the most varied and largest stock of cigarettes cigars pipes and tobaccos in the town come and see nnd wo will guarantee that you will be convinced that this is not a false advertisement we keep all kinds or fruit canned goods and jt fancy biscuits i hope that you will give me your patronage yours for service h druks i main street georgetown sa tu ay treat men a medinm wughl underwear mers heavy weight untteiucar 100 1 8fl men a ueavj fine all wool underwear 1 05 meire no bg pi nman h puie woo all sixes at new low prices men s heavy fall oveialls men s dress shirts boys flannelette shuts boy a inre wool jepseys boys knickers boys heavy wool stockings boys gloves amtmitts men s wool cashmere silk box mon s wool gloves men 8 work mitts and gloves men s dress mitts and gloves men s flannelette gowns men s full and winter caps men s heavy work shirts oitohoi had k satin j aj a november lint- only 4 can we do as much business in the four sain ilaja as we did m the 5 t are going to try bard watch our adds and windows women b mibssb and children sturnbnl is fine undervtear women a boys and girls and children s worsted wool and cash mere hose women s and misses fine wool cashmere hose lloathor brown and black wnmen a mis and children s wool mitts gloves and gauntlets women s knser silk gloves children s wool caps and fait heodrwcar infant a wool jackntstvcila and underwear a new linoptboautiful worked circular tablo com runners and drc attractive selection of new window draperies tffiulrass marquisettes crettones curtain nits sillelinos scrims art satcons shadow cloth new ribbons laces fmbrotdorios a splendid showing of new dainty handkerchiefs i i r h thompson co jacksons georgetown georgetown ontario i special no 1 160 lbs of our own special i prepaied sal tod peanuts small clean peanuts cooked the wai jou like them and with just enough salt to moke them very palatable saturday iboperlb special no 100 iba of our famous homo mado manlp hod this line on sale we sold out comi saturday special tbe last time wo 35o pr 1 tho demand for our chocolates wan never as big as it is to day our manufacturing department is turning out more randj than ever there is a reason trv our week t nd chotolatch this week you 11 bo surprised per lb 82o special no 4 our saturday sundaj boxes arc alreadj a great favorite a neat at tractive box containing a good assortment of hnji class chocolates worth 7fic a box saturday 49o t m moorehead brampton georgetown milton week end apexreconla these ace one of the best records on the market they have sold heretofore for 1 we offer them at the price of 65c each come in and hear them they comprise all the latest hits epsom salts good quality for cattle or horses friday and saturday 6 lbs for 44c regular loc lb sulphur for horses and cattle lbs 48c reg loc lb friday and saturday 8 tooth brushes reg 35c and soc friday and saturday 24c bouquet talcum powder reg soc friday and saturday 39c invalid port wine reg 75c friday and saturday 49c week en ch r soc friday and saturday 34c the 5txajul store hourigans 4m

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