Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 2, 1921, p. 5

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tub obouobtown hskaij nomukiii nl 1921 a hsb ssa aaw 1239 sasbsaii matthews drug store tho etom of tlte vlotrqli agents page a shaweuali gnule opooolat creophos week october ji o november 7th wt nb ill tx kli 1 lu ull jou nbo il hip wotxmful irlucn of nyal creophos a hip tu icnt i c treatment for brum i itih nil iiermuunt couhn c dj i h 1 1 i i ilch liwiuu koniih from llu hutem and liu jdit ii st iikth a kioit tonic and builder on display for tho wik at djmatthew u drugs mid stationery q john i william of toronto hoil tt urttday will fried 1h in town mr keith nixon who ban junt returned from nortlnu ontnrio whom ho likfl boon oooujjiik a resnonmble pomtion with tlio c n r apotil n fow dj in town daridk tho pant work mirh jonoi i mo w lnon who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis at tho wenurn lloi itnl toronto on sntitrdaj inst is ira rmbinn favornblj ti ffio an minn muriel tojtio of omngonllf art minting tho mihsoh younk main st mibb annie ij lhise leaven this week for toronto ftl ero hho til reside mian bessey many friends in town and vicfiit id hanliinokb x local news items thonksklvink tftj monday tjiriiony clioir gleo club c bcurt on monday eeninn pew persins object to a jug of eider if it is ambitious and willing to work tho local jounoil of women will taoet in tho oouueil chamber next tuesday novomber a jit o clock take a look m our men s win daw for good boots- at rock bot tom pncab 11 j fox georpo wanted smart boy or girl to canvastown to sell personal greet ing cards good money ai ply at iieraid ofilce hear mr miller and miss holland an bed croas community health centres next tuesday evening at council chamber owing to monday next being- aksgiving day the regular meeting of our town council wjll be held on tuesday evening a brooklyn woman claims an auto has alienated nor husband s affections she doean t give the care name bub we suspect tu lizzie do you dance the paul jones hear it and last walts pn victor record 28500c get our prices on viotrolas d j matthew terra oofcta dfupw will meet at the home of mr thos leslie on wednesday evening nowmber oth a full attendance is requested as it is tho annual meetiqr the firemen were called out to a small hi are in the boiler room of the georgetown floral co last saturday evening about 8 o clock the fire was extinguish ed before much damage was done robt stone of cold water has purchased the 200 acre domson farm and tho 800 acre adjoining belonging to james moore on which e proposes to carry out general tanning and dairying vthe members of verdun re bekah lodge are sending a bale of olothing to tho armenian b any person wishing to 9 op tribute kind ly leave articles at moo re head s before friday evening of this week ib tfurvik tenders have been received by council for the construction of the newfwa tor worts system but no oimtracu have ben lot it is expected this matter wilt bo dealt ith tn a few days the return match between the teams of acton continuation school and georgetown high school was played here last there day when the visitors were easily defeated by a score of 8 0 uthnlmhuif a meeting in the interests of the liberal party will be held in the oounoil chamber on thursday eve ning at 8 o clock all liberals are urgently requested to be pre sent as matters of importance will be brought before the meeting apjmi ohwn awd day the canadian government has adopted the suggestion of the see retarj qj state for colonial affairs that all business cease for two mutes from eleven o clock on nov 11 armistice day all canadians will gladly comply with this request a luswdilltamm the daooe given under the aua pices of verdun rebekh lodge id the tote hall last friday evening largely attended and proved most enjoyable hy lands orches tra supplied the music and a dain ty id neb was served by the ladies during tbe evening cldo rih kill michael mccormick a young caiedon farmer met instant death when the oar he was driving went over an eightfoot embankment on the second line caiedon township last friday hib body was found bj w j brown with the wind shield lying across his neck which broken p j utaurwu owp the toronto star of oct ssnd contained the following the presidents cup at tbe lkeview golf c ub has been won this year by p j litster the latter now that tbe golfing season is over will prepare for curliog and his an nual trips to oats do points percy is an old georgetown boy and bis many friends here aro pleas ed to learn of his success in the her health iw home mr fred edwards is spending a few days at his borne in palmer alon mr and mrs conoop spent the weekend at the home of mr and mrs george canton and also at tended the halloween banquet at the flame home 14r robert mocuaig jr or the merchants bank staff who under went an operatidn for appendicitis at guelnh hospital last week is making rapid progress toward re covery mr and mrs c linham and daughter have removed to tlamil ton where mr linham hasiur chased a business their many friends here wish them success in their new home mr and mrs c fairly and mrs johnston of toronto were gueste of mr and mrs j n o neillover sunday mr george arnold has returned home fro me guelpb hospital where he had bis tonbilb removed last week fi o bm mr robert b sktrrow form erly of georgetown has purchased a grocery business in todmordon bob is a progressive young man jofcb a atrjangnersaoflllll and should do well in hie new venture mcgallum a direct supply stores jre carers of choice baron ftudhrjpb this will mean a fur thersavjng to the people or hal ton peel and dufferin counties and insure a 1 quality at a mini mum price it old station hotel main st bockwood was destroyed by fire last week tbe bmlding was 00- 1 cupied by mr hixoott who only moved into it some three or war weeks ago with the a of citizens most of the household effects wore saved brampton band is being re organised and freshly equipped seven hundred dollars of an ob jective of ono thousand has been subscribed with which to buy now instruments we would like to see similar proceedings inaugurat ed 10 georgetown a meeting of the national liberal and conservative associa tion will be held in the town hall georgetown on thursday novem ber hrd at 8 o dock p m pro mm ent speakers will be present to ad dresb the meeting all tu sym pa thy with this association are in vi ted to bo present a n oeting in the in teres la of the halton peoplo a political as social ion will be held in norval hall on monday evening nov 7th at 8 pm when mr j f ford candidate for halton mr bert tajlor candidate for peel and others will be present and address tie meeting bver one welcome we bny no job boots travel from coast to coant ar d you cannot buy belter boots at the price an jou also laia front 80 to 40 per cent on repairing women s boots hatt soled and rubber heels 1 00 i have 40 pairs or women s cosh on soled kid boots the flneot made and the price is a nur rise to aliwho have een and bought 4hem bruig us your repair ng and get it home with roney georgetown get your fish aljbe ngtu 1 lace at the right 1 nee fish to suit every taste halibut salmon white fish bea herring p tin on uaddle fillctn kippers slinitinft and oyntora only tho beat tab sold georgetown fish and chip cafe the old reliable moat market handles nothing but the choicest in all kinds of meats and the price is as low as the lowest quality considered whatever you pur ohase from us you can depend upon it being the best procurable as we handle nothing we cannot guarantee firstclass to our nus iomers jfijrehre to serve you witb the best at lowest possible prices erwin dt gold bam aowibt evmt the harmony choir and glee clnb afaamor torouto consisting ot 40 male vdioes and 6 assisting artists will visit george town on monday next nov 7th and give one of their high olaas concerts in tbe town hall in tbe evening this will be a rare treat for tbe people of georgetown and vicinity and it you have not se en red your tickets we would advise yoo to do so at onoe ae there wre only a limited number to be sold the plan of hall will open on fn day morning at 10 0 clock at mat thew a drag btore ttokete may also be obtained from mr mat thews personals why pay more shoe polish 2 in 1 or ndggett any color 10c per tin h j fox georgetown mccallum s direct supply stores of brampton are getting a great reception wherever they open they did a large business id georgetown last thursday and they are going to be here friday of this week at the co operative store until tbey open permanent ly it a meeting in the interests of the halton people s political as sociatioo will bo held in milton on tuesday nov isthatfipm tbe meeting will be addressed by tho hon t a crearer hon e c drnry mr j j morrison and the candidate mr j f ford everyone welcome god save the king u- bptt ukt by an amendment to tbe motor vehicle act a copy of which has been received no motor vehicle can carry a lamp on a pivot or other device which can be re vol v ed to cast a beam of light in any direction at the will of an occupant of the vehicle an exception is made in the case of municipal fire department equipment r tkt wednesday felix pathe picture chapter s of the avenging arrow pathe comedy friday one hour before dawn starring h b warner comedy seven bald patea fox news saturday matinee and night the invisible power a goldwyn picture starring house petorb comedy the riot with jimmy aubrey pathe news thanksgiving day matinee and night humoreaque story by fanny hurst a picture that is al together on usual chmtie cora edy movie mad prices mat inee 11 and 16c- night 16 and 27c barnhills l i i i and iiaiionh bargain 31 orr tire special 30x3 12 motor cat tires only 1182 barpjhills norval meeting of the national liberal and conservative association will he held in tbe town hall georgetown on thursday nov 3rd at 8 oclock m prominent speakers will be present to address the meeting dont forget to visit the exchange meat market this week in the exchange hotel block near c t r- station we handle nothing but government inspected meat and our prices are right all in sympathy with this association invited to be present if you had j ust one mouth to move a mountain and tt was a large mountain would you work fast this is our work 500 head of western cattle lo be moved in thirty days our prices will astound you gel our prices and you will be a mover only 30 days lo do ttft friday of this week and each successive friday until we open permanently in georgetown we willbein the cooperative slore with two truck loads of choice meats lard butter etc we have engaged half of this store in case weather conditions would be against us selling on the street we will be on hand at 9 o clock shai harp mecauums direct supply stores ltd a couultr hmiui catr mr a m miller provincial bee re tar y of tbe canadian red croas society and 44ibb holland bead of the nursing and emergency de partment are coming next tuea day to givi information and anb wer qnoatiodb concerning com momty health centres h cli in clod en public health nurses clinics etc tom subject shonld be of interest to every citizen of georgetown ail of whom men nnd women especially red cross 1 ot war days are invited to attend this open mooting or iho ijoohi council of women st the council chamber tncwlaj november 8th 8pm as stvdtj barmtrad oeork tl omnson cunningham the bright little t rer j ear old wm r mr and mr w c cunnin- bnm geonetown pnaitod awa rtx thesirk children a host ital tor imto on sunday last the funer tl took place on turndaj afternoon from the home of bisfenu when the remain were interred 1 greenwood cemetery tbe nei ins was condnoted by rev m cameron and rev r maonamara of st john a eh n rob went toron to the pall bearers were geo macqamara robert conninghsm clifford thompson and fred campbell mr and mrs cunning ham have tbe sympathy of man fnends in tbeir sad bereavement a box social and concert will be held by 8 8 no is terra cotta on friday nov lun good time is assured at who at tend mit we hereto deaden dm arewe ptem of tka oomtdty or are not t k tike prolecttve tiet tr e whole owoftom andthegreat big necessary iktnr a that everyroter m thu etmmtrffrom the ymtom to hahfax knows thotthu a rnet the m deadmg whem he or ae rota m tat great c thb vital teaooln the comtog ele in fact the only issne b tbe tanfe and to ever clear thmltfog canadian it should be readily apparent that a pro tective fiscal policy is absolutely essential to stability p o and development every important country in the world npholda protection as an essnntial eco nomic principle even great britain so long tbe stronghold of free trade- has now adopted laws that constitate pro- tectkillefthemomesectivekmd in fret tbe p pobcy among most nations is towards rsismg their tariff watts not lower ing them in the face of these tacts it would be suicidal for canada to do exactly tbe reverseiand discard the fiscal system which has been responsible for its progre during the past forty three years free trade would mean death to can adian industry it would also result in the immediate dosing down of canadian plants of foreign firms witb consequent advmtional on there are today 650 american factories alone in canada similar proposed ventures would ba aban doned new capital would refuse to4qlff arthur mriqhen to a country lacking adequate protection and present industrial en would be promptly strangled by foreign umup the preservation of the home market by a reasonable protective tariff is vital to both aty dweller mod agrarian afike now as never before hobs capital is urgently needed for the de of canadas enormous resources which will result in a lessening of unemployment and an in- 4 cr population more work and more w will produce an enlarged home market for products of bom city and farm and the exodus of c men and women and tbe douara they earn wid be precluded the united states baa s bar trade door in tbe face of canadian farmera by adopting the fordney bih and the farmer is consequently now even more dependent upon tbe borne market than in the past yet crerar asks you to destroy that home market by voting for free trade kings pobcy tf ba has oaa will result in the destruction of the tariff r square for reasonable i ks for an enrervrdetmmg m ek win 1 viosial prosperity depends upon national prosperity t and canadas very eadstrmca bang upas your vote for all to ftvn w imlmtry pcrityfor am indt- muamn vntlaatim ww tbe national liberal sad con rvbtrr party publicity mammoth house georgetown following afe a few of the many bargains offered for thursday bargain day dress goods 1 tr go all 1 ll h r 1 s in ir n y rue 1 1 00 i ih iuh hllin iiw or i ginghams 4 a n c ihkorl ent f hi h h j til 4 1 tlk jwr 1 i 1 t i0e flannelette m u 1 1 ill el it 0t i iot t i silled ft 11 1 ik jwi y i 2u 1 shirting rianm lett l 1 1 t u i 1 1 urtj ukll 11 ii 1 1 l 1 we military fltnih 1 2jc f 20c 200 itnittiik varna auhii ilene hw 1u h t k r r shetl mdll h4 bl ulnd flom into grey jjeoehr njer nh or lb onrtavin nets ho marqlntietuj net ior j 1 40 fjfien j t cr y 1 42 miulriuj mualin pec d 42 m ulnui mimlin per yd tcc ot a ooe 4fc 7co be towelling i men towelling iff i he u a hcc eimona cloth wool r idenlown fit 00 fi r wrn iwrelle iter jd 2 2c 4k fr sidebosurd oovera auttorled 1 atternn with nl and torchoon ijiue 7io i 00 a 1 ar night gowns jjqdieh nftjnwjok niffht dn been 1 to ror hjje fboo for wh tc flanndtotte ladras wesor jjivuer coternll airons lriuiioh knitted cornel oovcya tnmpcl 1 i 60 400 49a mcbean co georgetown also a good line of groceries in stock geo o grainger proprietor tor saxe ford truck rood rann nir c apply herld office found one rooslcr owiler cm hnv same by prou tip pmprrty and paying expf i app y lo j- 3 rk lol 12 sth e tt tue ng i hone 99 r 14 to let double house on church s six oomn a ech applyjo wnu h w kcatif servant wasted oxfords for bale short ik rm five ram lambn alu a few ewe lamba a i el g blr or rcnilra n jamea slark esuues g phone 99rh 2l for sale f ve or ten acrea bard wood butl r would irade for cows g r cornel i 7 8th 1 nc etin i p wanted th advert ser wodd a ke vhtktfm t lew ng o da at bet i ooie applr bt x u aerakl oftce up lost flal ttrey purse conta n g tevei d i m ash and war bond couponit relun j 1 o box 83 eteard caoh 01 1 t pio for sale ery f ne tow and ci p k 10 daj enah nude p nnd murilotk ohboy theyre ft is free h one of these dandy express wagons will be given away absolutely free t all this week lo each purchaser of 1 5 00 worth or over of goods in cash these w 1 wagons are substantially made of hardwood throughout see them in our window ift i ft ft ft ft ft d brill co ft r cor mill and main sta gebrgtwn ft ft phone 167 ft ft ft ft ft ftft ftftftftftftftftftftft ftftftftftftftftft famous fleury no 21 plows fitted with skimmer and two narrow extra deep shares 2300 cockshutt double furrow walking and riding plows and a full stock of shares for all makes of fleury cockshutt plows always in stock j n oneill fe son distributors of dodgo brothers auid stndebsiber motor gsurs for georgetown acton buxton ufl j i vv

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