Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 2, 1921, p. 6

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thr qrobqtojn hruld novkmbbr find 1981 notes and comments sololkr hhitijkk on fainm in on lurid have met their uinmial obligations to tho hoard rtmark ubly welt durum the uvnt jour hccunlinif to a hliiu mi nt mnilo bj lbo hoard of soldier soltlvmont tohvj tin ro uhk tliio b some 1 07i bott cm in the wa ot pn month tllllgii at liu i i or thkcsmtnf ml j 11 tins within llltl rami mn1i 107 liiauk fi fluhomoulxamliiik dm mimlior of idmllh iaill4ll ii io allh hi ii in onlniu won i f7 the m mi aahnncfn mknvilxb bmliianf father point alr 1ol1trai i vlttiks placet on clio mime fouling in lb in tin lie r willi rt mini to jmjiiix ill niwit and political ffiftimnt w irj to chronic le tho ruain events or n campaign record nontimufonn gne nccqtint of inretingtt and oilier- evente thrttr- tnrff- taken- place locally without rcgnrd to pnrt personally no claim the hitme privilege as nny other uittzon and to vote as wo please ah ad vinco notice of meetings all apr peal for votes or statements of policy of thetanou8 partieti ramo properly under the head of adver tising and will be inserted at our usual rates for bui h service soubtiates one is apt to wondor wliexe all the irreligion is going to i end perhaps things are not so bad as some people are prone to believe they are the very fact that there is recognition that things are not what they ought to be may be a good sign that men are giving more real attention to re ligion and the cbnroh than they used to do i mean getting more down to the root of lbings for the men of past generations certainly used to quote the scriptures morel than is done today and they were possibly more devout in their at tendance at church than are menl to day but a good many things i were done in ye olden time as matter of custom and because was accounted the proper thing to sot an example men are cer tainly discussing religious matters more- frankl today than they ever did and that is a hopeful sign even if more liberal giving to the church is not any indication don t despair if parents wish tbeir children to form good reading habits they pubt first form sucb habits them selves and there is no betterl way to do this than to bring iito the iicjisehold a penodioal that willbe of interest to every mem ber of it that will sopply the bestl reading for old and young am onj the periodicals of this desenp tion the tooth s companion tf unique not only does it aim tc entertain and inform boyb and girls in heir teens as its name euttgents but there is not a page in it that parents can pass over with indifference the 62lrsues of idas will be crowded with serial atones short stones editorials poetry facts and fun subscribe now and rccctxe 1 tho youth b c 6b m r tj all the remaiuing issues 1931 8 the companion home calendar for 1922 all for 260 4 or include mrcall s maga xine the monthly authonty on fashions both- poblica toons only 300 tilk yodth s companion common wealthave st paul st boston mass mew snbeonpnons receiv ed at this ofdpe acton mrs ae nlcklin left on toes- day for the nortbweav she will bpend the winter with hor laught ers mrs mocallum at baskatoool and mrs selwood at calgary mr king cooper of guelph made fnendsbere a pleasant call on toeaday mr cooper and bis son idoyd both occupy good positions tnth the partridge bobber co mr w v collier and family are preparing to remove shortly to boston mass chief cooney raceiveavwarrant on monday for the arrest of an acton foreigner who was alleged j to be mixed up in a whiskey at kitchener a day or so previous ly the man however had left town mr and mrs w b mullm acton arnounoe the engagement of their jounger daughter elm both bcsale bell to mr neil a maobachorn or preatnnt only son of mr and mrs archibald maoeacbem mount fprest the marriage will takeplaoe quietly in november free press milton the annual meeting of the flat ton county children aid so ciety wit he held on tharnday evening- nov 8rd at eight o clock at lhe gordon home report of the years work wi be gico everyone interested in child wnl fare is cordially invited to be present according to the hamilton spectator of toetda george mann formerl manager here of the uotel megibbon but for the past osople of jean or so chief clerk at the royal cohnaugfat hotel hamilton has jnt been pioiiibted to the oartion of as btstant manager of itn nhnvt named jiotcl mr mann m boa at acton twenty jears agohf entcrrd the hotel business- and three yctrrs ago he joined the staff of the united hotels limited reformer t d hume i able to be npj bow after being confined to his bed tor abottt three weeks by an attack of rheumatism bra kin bex waa taken ill about the sains time with sciatica ueia still m bed with little if any algn of invr electrical work i mil now pioiiarcxl to ilo nil kinln of ilinittitnl himnnnk m tn looi bellit burglar anil lh iilimih niktnlled t w allen shoe repairing alt kinds ol shoe repairing done neatly strong and promptlj x a bajlantines upntr fkotsry corser or kiss u oiavoa st mmr o t r stu itlerl it bw unclwt sh ii ur am n 0 10 u ij p c- v hi rsj the wizards wand father point lighthouse fochome station and keeper 9 hoose kacr at tb cndla pacific bound with a heavy freight of human b ila ln the st lawrence ports whn v fatter point it s httla qnahec cap attjag out into tb st law- raietf wbers it b stffl an ooeaa it i here that the immigrant from european countries during the sum mer moatha gets his first human touch with canada and ntmi father point would not appeal to the ordinary tourist or holiday mak er it is off um beaten toack sad oaly reached by car fromrimobikt its clurm is merely that of hmv dreds of other french canadian v0 lages which are mora accessible the fresh breexes blow from off the st lawames ai they do upon counties other fishing villages along the rivet shora this piaca ia a haven tor the urea the brain taxed the over- worked and neurotic is its medita tive calm and brooding hnstl the great interest in the little hamlet la for those wbo go down to the sea la ships near the extremity ef the point a modern lighthouse ha been erected which each wgntflashei its warning light across twenty mde giant foghorn when fog enshroud the light upon the hilf stands a wireless station whicn receives advice of every vessel entering the gulf before it proceeds 1 up the river a coastguard and fifs- saving station complete tfr- tions for the preservation and man upon the water bat greateit interest centres btj the eureka the sturdy tftth aw ernment pilot boat whkn leaves its pier on the point to take out a rtvat muds tor all vessels gobur up t quebec or montreal when the wire- less report is received of the ap proach of a vessel all eyes are turned nverward and glasses and tele- scopes focussed upon the speck on tne horiwwi following it as it takes ahape ojtr the rim of the sea larger and larger looms up what rns out to be a giant pi nt agar about half a mile away or m pilot boat leave its pier and steams to meet its mammoth sitter tho pilot is however not the only man to go on board there it the in- specter of immigration the colon isation agent of the canadian pa cific and tha representatives of the passenger department of the asms company all having the sama object the steamship passengers preparing them for deharrstion and facilitating the actual landing and so it is s goodly little number tha ipuft boat takes out on its abort voyage it takes the speedy tittle craft bat short time to reach the big liner iw merely drifting with the tide and waiting its arrival and with a deft little swing she glides grscefuly 1 alongside ue incongruity of the pair forcibly suggesting another luterpre- tattoo of dignity and impudence all the whfle the passengers are crowding the decks and hanging in a dense mass over the side eagerly watching wondering and apprais ing tits rope udder is dropped from the ttoer nd swings out from the ids at each heave of tits vessel- the pilot seises it and climbs up hand ever hand to be followed by the otb ers who are to make the trip with the newcomers up tils river re marks and light banter are inter- ire bi much waving of fluttering of usnaker- ichlefs and fits cheeriest of spirits ipravaus then the uttis boat pulls away the- titan of the seas appears to recede and in the echo of sonata and cheers the pilot boat turns her nose tp the shore and face and figures become obscure blurt e lc n skevalltaa rblrd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes liitomaticaily screened and loaded wuaatrspscifio- a never faffing remedy far appendicitis indigestion stoma disorders appendicitis and kidney stones axe often caused by gau stones and mislead people until those bad sttarrs of gau stone colic appear not one in ton gall stomr sufferers know what is the trouble harlattb spedfle will relieve without pain or operation for sale at all drag stores cr a j jesrtttiew jrnggigt stationer fl oataxlo jw suutlatt at co atll oavvsanl st c tswwa owt georgetown flour feed mills we carry a full line of feed bran shorts scratch peed for hens blatchford s egg mash it makes hens lay chops boiled oats pastry and bread flour porridge oats and grahm floor bailed hay and straw btniolirord u calf meal stock foods eta sucfceat irioew pajd for oata bihan im wcbessey phone 195 georgetown wesell farm eouipment oomhuaftwi 8s- real se thats why the gflben asne whta l thafs why we are proud to sell sbtoavsta- st vjtiazsrz- r amtam rstse a trnjosylo the cflson spreader k g vsi blattasnthmm van hi titlmllimsnteboli fwwbrirwiw tavoonq viyt it im mmm ar na pit o h kwdova it ha bam aid l 81 t f- tiki had it b frva tnm bi mriiu h u ptu thomase hewson moctj oriui coal wood beleot lump for bomeatio and threshing purposes smithing and gtuinel coal in fact i carry everythingto 1e found in an upto date coal and wood xard john mcdonald georgetown ioone 18 when ou need a hhavc tliovitfel auto strop safctj itnxnr the wisard b wnncl it intrihl ies 1111 if irt nml ikh mid iohh ire into hie carl niorinng toilet mn ih kniw ilex ij tint tic m if mnlium i hii i 1 iiik ifv toc ko i k tl c 111 irffrt in fil hi uni i tl i nioi i inn i tut 11 so in hi i u uh r ilull m h conx in to lnj nifd let iib drill nntrul the tnv tilth lnl uiik niror works no tihmgapnrt for sharkninu shying or u wim sinjlo but big reductions on ladies coats and dresses for this weekend efftti l v hourigan oeorhtown interior decorating decorate tomhomet for tbe winter months for the remaindor of the season i can give big reductions on all wall papers i handle a full line mid ran uhow jou nam plea estunulos given f required fainting papering gnumftg olazing etc e bludd box 109 olenwilliams bell telephone c ring 5 at your service hc bailey electrician btootrto wirhtm mmd klae- tnw order toft tn the bamesa shop wul prompllr sttended to deering farm machinery iaterbkuonal vrotors omaollme enctaieb empire mlllrint miujitne pmdeuet 2 ran of mrafem jum mrtrad which e n olfcrm miecul pne ph r thos l hewsoii nerval ont j h ianel altriisweck roomed house with all convent otkes 8 antes land- will bej sold reasonable on cosj terms t session immedlati also other i roprrtiea tor sale j h lane phone 178 gergfltowni junk wffnteb i am paying the iliihieet cash price tor all kinds nt junk also hides ana poaltry m freeman teet0bceboxtu p l hto browns bakery have jou tried brown a bread yet if not try a loaf and bo convinced that it is tht loaf you are looking for every loaf id wrapped for delivery before leaving baiter the only sanitary way to deliver browns sanitary bakery open to public inspection phone 202 a hirschorn brook block georgetown r j hyndfe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 203 georgetown geomxrown creamery cream wanted bring us your cream all accounts for ice must be paid at the creamery at once those concerned note eggs and fowl wanted for cash georgetown creamery co m saxe manager heaters itowd foundry co are now preparod to receive orders for badges l for tmmodiate delivery visit r h- thompson cos hardware store where bur demonstrators wjjl point out the many ad vantages of these ranges and heater see the new patent s phon floe and new t po of grates in ranges tireleaterr aro speoially designed to give a greater bent radiation and darabirityiand are made entirely of oaflt iron this is demonstration week the foundry jb gnarantee goes with every range and beater 00 can have one placed in joor home for so days trial estirely free georgetown foundry company bole mfcs halton summit ranges and r t neuters bo you want insurance if you do i mi prepared to give yon insurance in any of the following firstclass companies vw british american british crown em ployers xiability london mutual eco taomical mutual waterloo guardian cale3onianfllartford western conti nental dominion rfand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w w roe seobutrrovn a satisfactory store the sale epidemio has corrupted the clothing baainosn coats suits and trousers are marked double their worth and then reduced to half if some advertisers were compelled to oatab lish the truth of their statements it would rnm them sikoe it would force them to be honest honest values it is easy to distinguish between our honest valaes and these false values tbats what has made our business grow peo pie buy at this store beoinse thev know they get the most for their money hero and oertain of satisfaction the success of a storo depends upon what it does j- not on what it prdmisea to do phone 154 a j blackburn the house ot quality big reductions in all meats -at- ingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 jmbuck btjtoheh alwaja bhy m oswae stok ef tju birtpnmnu tar rrk u4 ball ma wtdaa a aaua at ta lowest possible prices canada pood board ltcntt no 92108 get the best h hot chocolate coffee bovnl cocoa tea tomato soup served at- madges candy shop main street phone 214 do you find yourself unable to sleep well are yon irritated by trifles do small troubles look big to you do yon start at sudden tktise are you unable to concentrate lone on any one thins if so there s something vrvorigj with your nervous system these are danger signal dr miles nervine r tl 20 will soothe the irritated and ver strained nerves jasfone or two doses helps nature to restore them to theirnormal function guaranteed ft sals brton sry i v houbxsait 4 js

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